path: root/src/Ssb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ssb')
14 files changed, 3167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Aux.hs b/src/Ssb/Aux.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be61b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Aux.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+module Ssb.Aux where
+import Protolude
+import Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS (toStrict)
+import Data.Default
+import Data.Serialize as Serialize
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft
+ , mapRight
+ )
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.IO ( hFlush
+ , hGetLine
+ , hSetBinaryMode
+ )
+import System.Process
+-- | Convertible describes instances where types can be easily converted.
+class Convertible a b where
+ convert :: a -> b
+-- | decodeJSON deserializes the JSON bytestring.
+-- It is a reimplementation Aeson's eitherDecodeStrict which returns Text
+-- instead of String.
+decodeJSON :: (FromJSON a) => ByteString -> Either Text a
+decodeJSON = mapLeft toS . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict
+encodeJSON :: (ToJSON a) => a -> ByteString
+encodeJSON = BS.toStrict . Aeson.encode
+encodeByteString :: Serialize.Serialize a => a -> ByteString
+encodeByteString = Serialize.encode
+decodeByteString :: Serialize.Serialize a => ByteString -> Either Text a
+decodeByteString a = mapLeft toS $ Serialize.decode a
+withErr :: Text -> Maybe a -> Either Text a
+withErr = maybeToRight
+error :: Text -> Either Text a
+error = Left
+maybeWord8 :: Int -> Either Text Word8
+maybeWord8 arg = if arg >= min && arg <= max
+ then return $ fromIntegral arg
+ else Left "out of bounds"
+ where
+ min = fromIntegral (minBound :: Word8)
+ max = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word8)
+-- | TODO: kill command forked by forkCommand
+command :: Text -> TMVar ByteString -> TMVar ByteString -> IO ()
+command cmd input output = do
+ (hIn, hOut, hErr, hProc) <- runInteractiveCommand (toS cmd)
+ hSetBinaryMode hIn False
+ hSetBinaryMode hOut False
+ hSetBinaryMode hErr False
+ let loop = do
+ v <- atomically $ takeTMVar input
+ hPutStr hIn (toS v :: [Char])
+ hFlush hIn
+ v' <- hGetLine hOut
+ atomically $ putTMVar output (toS v')
+ loop
+ loop
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Discovery.hs b/src/Ssb/Discovery.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..352020e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Discovery.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- | This module implements local discovery of Scuttlebutt peers.
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/#discovery
+module Ssb.Discovery where
+import Protolude
+import Ssb.Network
+import Ssb.Identity
+-- | default Scuttlebutt Server Port
+defaultPort :: Port
+defaultPort = "8008"
+-- | Advertisement messages are emitted on the local network for discovery of
+-- peers.
+data Advertisement = Advertisement
+ { ipAddress :: Host
+ , port :: Port
+ , publicKey :: PublicKey
+ } deriving (Eq)
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Feed.hs b/src/Ssb/Feed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e96c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Feed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Ssb.Feed where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity
+ , sequence
+ , hash
+ )
+import Control.Monad.Fail
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON
+ , ToJSON
+ )
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Sign as NaclSign
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.Aeson as Aeson (object, (.=))
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft
+ , mapRight
+ )
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( getPOSIXTime )
+import Numeric.Natural
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Ssb.Aux
+import Ssb.Identity
+import Turtle
+type Time = Int
+newtype FeedID = FeedID PublicKey
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show)
+formatFeedID :: FeedID -> Text
+formatFeedID = formatPublicKey . extractFeedID
+extractFeedID :: FeedID -> PublicKey
+extractFeedID (FeedID pubKey) = pubKey
+parseFeedID :: Text -> Either Text FeedID
+parseFeedID arg = FeedID <$> parsePublicKey arg
+instance FromJSON FeedID where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "FeedID" $ \v -> case parseFeedID v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON FeedID where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatFeedID arg
+newtype MessageID = MessageID ByteString
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+newMessageID :: ByteString -> MessageID
+newMessageID buf = MessageID (SHA256.hash buf)
+extractMessageID :: MessageID -> ByteString
+extractMessageID (MessageID buf) = buf
+-- | return the Humand Readable form.
+-- Format of '%[base64 messageId].sha256', the '.sha256' is appended for
+-- forward compatibility, and is currently assumed.
+formatMessageID :: MessageID -> Text
+formatMessageID (MessageID buf) = "%" <> toS (Base64.encode buf) <> ".sha256"
+-- | TODO: make safe
+parseMessageID :: Text -> Either Text MessageID
+parseMessageID arg = decode $ T.dropEnd constLen $ T.drop 1 arg
+ where
+ constLen = T.length ".sha256"
+ decode :: Text -> Either Text MessageID
+ decode = mapRight MessageID . mapLeft toS . Base64.decode . toS
+instance FromJSON MessageID where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "MessageID" $ \v -> case parseMessageID v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON MessageID where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatMessageID arg
+data HashType = SHA256
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+formatHashType :: HashType -> Text
+formatHashType SHA256 = "sha256"
+parseHashType :: Text -> Either Text HashType
+parseHashType "sha256" = Right SHA256
+parseHashType _ = Left "unknown hash"
+instance FromJSON HashType where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "HashType" $ \v -> case parseHashType v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON HashType where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatHashType arg
+data Signature = Signature ByteString
+ deriving (Generic,Eq,Show)
+extractSignature :: Signature -> ByteString
+extractSignature (Signature buf) = buf
+formatSignature :: Signature -> Text
+formatSignature (Signature buf) = toS (Base64.encode buf) <> ".sig.ed25519"
+parseSignature :: Text -> Either Text Signature
+parseSignature txt = decode $ T.dropEnd constLen txt
+ where
+ constLen = T.length ".sig.ed25519"
+ decode :: Text -> Either Text Signature
+ decode = mapRight Signature . mapLeft toS . Base64.decode . toS
+instance FromJSON Signature where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "Signature" $ \v -> case parseSignature v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON Signature where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatSignature arg
+data Message a = Message
+ { previous :: Maybe MessageID
+ , author :: FeedID
+ , sequence :: Natural
+ , timestamp :: Time
+ , hash :: HashType
+ , content :: a
+ , signature :: Maybe Signature
+ } deriving (Generic,Eq,Show)
+instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Message a)
+instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Message a)
+newtype MessageNoSig a = MessageNoSig (Message a)
+ deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
+instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (MessageNoSig a) where
+ toJSON (MessageNoSig msg) = object [
+ "previous" .= previous msg
+ , "author" .= author msg
+ , "timestamp" .= timestamp msg
+ , "sequence" .= sequence msg
+ , "content" .= content msg
+ , "hash" .= hash msg
+ ]
+data Feed a = Feed Identity [VerifiableMessage a]
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+empty id = Feed id []
+instance Foldable Feed where
+ foldMap f (Feed id msgs) = foldMap f (content . vmMessage <$> msgs)
+data Feeds a = Feeds (Map FeedID (Feed a))
+emptyFeeds :: ToJSON a => Feeds a
+emptyFeeds = (Feeds Map.empty)
+lookup :: ToJSON a => FeedID -> Feeds a -> Maybe (Feed a)
+lookup id (Feeds m) = Map.lookup id m
+insert :: ToJSON a => Feed a -> Feeds a -> Feeds a
+insert feed (Feeds m) = Feeds (Map.insert (id feed) feed m)
+ where
+ id (Feed id _) = FeedID (publicKey id)
+-- | Message Verification
+-- Legacy verification of a Message requires keeping track of the JSON value
+-- ordering. Haskell's underlying JSON serialization mechanisms cannot be
+-- relied on to preserve this.
+-- There are two values which use this funny encoding, the message reference
+-- -and- the signature.
+-- | VerifiableMessage keeps track of the original JSON payload for signature
+-- verification.
+data VerifiableMessage a = VerifiableMessage
+ { vmMessage :: Message a
+ , vmMessageID :: MessageID
+ , vmSignature :: Signature
+ , vmSignedPayload :: ByteString
+ } deriving (Generic,Eq,Show)
+-- TODO: verify message on creation in newVerifiableMessage
+withSignature :: Signature -> ByteString -> ByteString
+withSignature signature buf = (dropEnd (BS.length endTxt) buf) <> sigTxt
+ where
+ dropEnd num = BS.reverse . (BS.drop num) . BS.reverse
+ sigTxt =
+ ",\n \"signature\": "
+ <> "\""
+ <> toS (formatSignature signature)
+ <> "\""
+ <> endTxt
+ endTxt = "\n}"
+-- | TODO: implement stricter version of withoutSignature
+withoutSignature :: ByteString -> ByteString
+withoutSignature buf =
+ appendToEnd "\n}"
+ $ BS.reverse
+ $ BS.drop (BS.length signaturePattern)
+ $ snd
+ $ BS.breakSubstring (BS.reverse signaturePattern) (BS.reverse buf)
+ where
+ appendToEnd = \x y -> BS.append y x
+ signaturePattern = ",\n \"signature\":"
+ :: ByteString -> Message a -> IO (Either Text (VerifiableMessage a))
+newVerifiableMessage origJSONPayload msg = do
+ signedPayload <- encodeForSigning False origJSONPayload
+ return $ do
+ signature' <- withErr "expected message signature" $ signature msg
+ signedPayload' <- signedPayload
+ return $ VerifiableMessage { vmMessage = msg
+ , vmMessageID = newMessageID signedPayload'
+ , vmSignature = signature'
+ , vmSignedPayload = signedPayload'
+ }
+ :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> IO (Either Text (VerifiableMessage a))
+decodeJSONVerifiableMessage buf =
+ either (return . Left) (newVerifiableMessage buf) (decodeJSON buf)
+encodeJSONVerifiableMessage :: VerifiableMessage a -> ByteString
+encodeJSONVerifiableMessage = vmSignedPayload
+atMayFeed :: Int -> Feed a -> Maybe (VerifiableMessage a)
+atMayFeed i (Feed _ msgs) = atMay msgs i
+-- | append verifies and appends the Message to the Feed, returning an error if
+-- verification fails.
+append :: ToJSON a => Feed a -> VerifiableMessage a -> Either Text (Feed a)
+append (Feed id msgs) msg = do
+ if (verify id msg)
+ then (return (Feed id (msgs ++ [msg])))
+ else (error "verification failed")
+appendContent :: ToJSON a => Feed a -> a -> IO (Either Text (Feed a))
+appendContent (Feed id msgs) content = do
+ timestamp <- (1000 *) <$> getPOSIXTime
+ let msg = Message { previous = vmMessageID <$> atMay msgs (length msgs - 1)
+ , author = FeedID (publicKey id)
+ , sequence = fromIntegral (length msgs) + 1
+ , timestamp = round timestamp
+ , hash = SHA256
+ , content = content
+ , signature = Nothing
+ }
+ vMsg <- signMessage id msg
+ return $ (\x -> Feed id (msgs ++ [x])) <$> vMsg
+ :: ToJSON a => Identity -> Message a -> IO (Either Text (VerifiableMessage a))
+signMessage id msg = do
+ buf' <- encodeForSigning True $ encodeJSON (MessageNoSig msg)
+ let args = do
+ key <- withErr "private key required for signing" $ privateKey id
+ key' <-
+ withErr "could not decode private key"
+ $ Nacl.decode
+ . extractPrivateKey
+ $ key
+ buf'' <- buf'
+ return (key', buf'')
+ case args of
+ Right (key, buf) -> do
+ let signature = Signature (NaclSign.signDetached key buf)
+ vMsg <- newVerifiableMessage (withSignature signature buf)
+ msg { signature = Just signature }
+ return $ do
+ vMsg' <- vMsg
+ if (verify id vMsg')
+ then (return vMsg')
+ else (error "signing failed verification")
+ Left err -> return $ error err
+verify :: ToJSON a => Identity -> VerifiableMessage a -> Bool
+verify id msg = do
+ let args = do
+ key <- withErr "could not decode public key"
+ $ Nacl.decode (extractPublicKey (publicKey id))
+ let sig = extractSignature $ vmSignature msg
+ let buf = withoutSignature $ vmSignedPayload msg
+ return (key, sig, buf)
+ case args of
+ Right (key, sig, buf) -> NaclSign.signVerifyDetached key sig buf
+ Left err -> False
+{-# NOINLINE v8Input #-}
+v8Input :: TMVar ByteString
+v8Input = unsafePerformIO newEmptyTMVarIO
+{-# NOINLINE v8Output #-}
+v8Output :: TMVar ByteString
+v8Output = unsafePerformIO newEmptyTMVarIO
+{-# NOINLINE isV8EncoderEnabled #-}
+isV8EncoderEnabled :: TMVar Bool
+isV8EncoderEnabled = unsafePerformIO newEmptyTMVarIO
+initV8Encoder :: Text -> IO ()
+initV8Encoder cmd = do
+ atomically $ putTMVar isV8EncoderEnabled True
+ forkIO $ command cmd v8Input v8Output
+ return ()
+encodeForSigning :: Bool -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ByteString)
+encodeForSigning contentOrder arg = do
+ isEnabled <- atomically $ isEmptyTMVar isV8EncoderEnabled
+ if not isEnabled
+ then
+ return (error "external V8 byte string encoder not initialized")
+ else do
+ atomically $ putTMVar v8Input (cmd <> toS arg)
+ ret <- atomically $ takeTMVar v8Output
+ let ret' = Base64.decode (toS ret)
+ return $ mapLeft toS ret'
+ where
+ cmd = if contentOrder
+ then "y"
+ else "n"
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Identity.hs b/src/Ssb/Identity.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3fa4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Identity.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+module Ssb.Identity where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import Control.Monad.Fail
+import Data.Aeson hiding ( encode )
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Sign as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl
+import Data.Serialize ( Serialize )
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft )
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+newtype PrivateKey = PrivateKey ByteString
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show)
+extractPrivateKey :: PrivateKey -> ByteString
+extractPrivateKey (PrivateKey a) = a
+instance Serialize PrivateKey
+formatPrivateKey :: PrivateKey -> Text
+formatPrivateKey (PrivateKey buf) = "@" <> pubKey <> ".ed25519"
+ where pubKey = toS $ Base64.encode buf
+parsePrivateKey :: Text -> Either Text PrivateKey
+parsePrivateKey arg = decode $ T.dropEnd constLen $ T.drop 1 arg
+ where
+ constLen = T.length ".ed25519"
+ decode = fmap PrivateKey . mapLeft toS . Base64.decode . toS
+instance FromJSON PrivateKey where
+ parseJSON = withText "PrivateKey" $ \v -> case parsePrivateKey v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON PrivateKey where
+ toJSON arg = String $ formatPrivateKey arg
+newtype PublicKey = PublicKey ByteString
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show)
+extractPublicKey :: PublicKey -> ByteString
+extractPublicKey (PublicKey a) = a
+instance Serialize PublicKey
+formatPublicKey :: PublicKey -> Text
+formatPublicKey (PublicKey buf) = "@" <> pubKey <> ".ed25519"
+ where pubKey = toS $ Base64.encode buf
+parsePublicKey :: Text -> Either Text PublicKey
+parsePublicKey arg = decode $ T.dropEnd constLen $ T.drop 1 arg
+ where
+ constLen = T.length ".ed25519"
+ decode = fmap PublicKey . mapLeft toS . Base64.decode . toS
+instance FromJSON PublicKey where
+ parseJSON = withText "PublicKey" $ \v -> case parsePublicKey v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON PublicKey where
+ toJSON arg = String $ formatPublicKey arg
+-- | Identity represents a user or agent on the scuttlebutt network. Each of
+-- these entities own their own append-only message feed.
+data Identity = Identity
+ { privateKey :: Maybe PrivateKey
+ , publicKey :: PublicKey
+ } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance FromJSON Identity
+instance ToJSON Identity
+newIdentity :: IO Identity
+newIdentity = do
+ (secret, public) <- Nacl.newKeypair
+ return Identity { privateKey = Just $ PrivateKey $ Nacl.encode secret
+ , publicKey = PublicKey $ Nacl.encode public
+ }
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Network.hs b/src/Ssb/Network.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62d82b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Network.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+-- | This module defines common networking types used in the codebase.
+module Ssb.Network where
+import Protolude
+type Host = Text
+type Port = Text
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75078ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt Peers
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/#peer-connections
+module Ssb.Peer where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import Control.Arrow ((***))
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Ssb.Identity
+import Ssb.Network
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.SecretHandshake as SH
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.RPC as RPC
+-- | TODO: Is there a standard way to re-export types?
+type NetworkIdentifier = SH.NetworkIdentifier
+-- | mainNet is the default Network where one will find most scuttlebutt
+-- traffic.
+mainNet :: NetworkIdentifier
+mainNet = Base64.decodeLenient "1KHLiKZvAvjbY1ziZEHMXawbCEIM6qwjCDm3VYRan/s="
+-- TODO: Perfect MultiAddress implementation
+data MultiAddress = MultiAddress
+ { protocol :: Text
+ , host :: Host
+ , port :: Port
+ , key :: PublicKey
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+id :: MultiAddress -> Identity
+id ma = Identity Nothing (key ma)
+parseMultiAddress :: Text -> Either Text MultiAddress
+parseMultiAddress txt = do
+ let (protocol, postProtocol) = split ":" txt
+ let (addressPort, postAddress) = split "~" postProtocol
+ let (address, port) = splitOnEnd ":" addressPort
+ let (hashType, key) = split ":" postAddress
+ return MultiAddress
+ { protocol = protocol
+ , host = address
+ , port = port
+ , key = PublicKey $ Base64.decodeLenient $ toS key
+ }
+ where
+ split c arg = (identity *** Text.drop 1) $ Text.breakOn c arg
+ splitOnEnd c arg = (Text.dropEnd 1 *** identity) $ Text.breakOnEnd c arg
+-- Example string "net:some.ho.st:8008~shs:SomeActuallyValidPubKey="
+formatMultiAddress :: MultiAddress -> Text
+formatMultiAddress addr =
+ protocol addr <> ":"
+ <> host addr <> ":" <> port addr
+ <> "~shs:"
+ <> formatPublicKey (key addr)
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d804e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Box Stream.
+-- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide
+module Ssb.Peer.BoxStream where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft
+ , mapRight
+ )
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
+import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as Serialize
+import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP
+import Ssb.Aux
+import qualified Ssb.Identity as SSB
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.SecretHandshake as SH
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Auth as NaclAuth
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.ScalarMult
+ as Nacl
+import Pipes
+import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
+-- | HeaderLength is the length of a Box Stream header in bytes
+headerLength :: Int
+headerLength = 34
+-- | MaxBodyLength is the maximum Box Stream body length in bytes
+maxBodyLength :: Int
+maxBodyLength = 4096
+data Header = Header
+ { bodyLength :: Word16
+ , authTag :: AuthTag
+ } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance Serialize.Serialize Header
+-- | GoodBye is the message signalling the end of the Box Stream
+goodByeHeader :: Header
+goodByeHeader = Header
+ { bodyLength = 0
+ , authTag = AuthTag $ BS.pack $ replicate authTagLength 0
+ }
+newHeader :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Either Text Header
+newHeader authTag body = do
+ let bodyLength = BS.length body
+ if bodyLength >= maxLength
+ then Left "body size too big"
+ else return $ Header { bodyLength = fromIntegral bodyLength
+ , authTag = AuthTag authTag
+ }
+ where maxLength = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)
+data Message = Message
+ { header :: Header
+ , body :: ByteString
+ }
+encryptMessage :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text ByteString
+encryptMessage key nonce buf = do
+ let (authTag, ebody) = Nacl.secretboxDetached key bodyNonce buf
+ header <- newHeader authTag ebody
+ let eheader = Nacl.secretbox key headerNonce $ Serialize.encode header
+ return $ eheader <> ebody
+ where
+ headerNonce = nonce
+ bodyNonce = increment nonce
+-- | A breakdown of the message alignment would be nice
+-- | Problem is the body size is variable
+-- | TODO: deduplicate
+-- | TODO: safe take, safe tail
+-- TODO: handle goodbye
+-- TODO: Properly describe the function w/ Nonce update
+-- The decryption / update functions should return the nonce after
+-- evaluation. This increases the difficulty for describing in the language.
+-- Current work around is to model the behaviour outside the function.
+decryptHeader :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text Header
+decryptHeader key nonce buf = do
+ let eheader = BS.take headerLength buf
+ headerBuf <- withErr (errHeader eheader)
+ $ Nacl.secretboxOpen key nonce eheader
+ decodeByteString headerBuf :: Either Text Header
+ where errHeader h = "could not decrypt header: " <> (show h :: Text)
+decryptMessage :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text ByteString
+decryptMessage key nonce buf = do
+ header <- decryptHeader key nonce buf
+ let rest = BS.drop headerLength buf
+ ebody <- withErr "message body is smaller than messages body length"
+ $ takeMay (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header) rest
+ withErr (errBody ebody) $ Nacl.secretboxOpenDetached
+ key
+ (increment nonce)
+ (extractAuthTag $ authTag header)
+ ebody
+ where errBody b = "could not decrypt body: " <> (show b :: Text)
+goodBye :: ConnState -> ByteString
+goodBye state = Nacl.secretbox (key state) (nonce state) $ encodeByteString goodByeHeader
+-- | clientToServerKey is the key for client to server stream encryption.
+clientToServerKey :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Key
+clientToServerKey sharedSecrets = do
+ secretB <- withErr errMissingB $ SH.secretB sharedSecrets
+ let layer1 = SHA256.hash $ SHA256.hash
+ ( SH.network sharedSecrets
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretab sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretaB sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretAb sharedSecrets)
+ )
+ let layer2 = SHA256.hash $ layer1 <> SSB.extractPublicKey secretB
+ maybeToRight errKey $ Nacl.decode layer2
+ where
+ errMissingB = "missing shared secret B"
+ errKey = "badly formatted sodium secret box key"
+-- | serverToClientKey is the key for server to client stream encryption.
+serverToClientKey :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Key
+serverToClientKey sharedSecrets = do
+ secretA <- withErr errMissingA $ SH.secretA sharedSecrets
+ let layer1 = SHA256.hash
+ (SHA256.hash
+ ( SH.network sharedSecrets
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretab sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretaB sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretAb sharedSecrets)
+ )
+ )
+ let layer2 = SHA256.hash (layer1 <> SSB.extractPublicKey secretA)
+ maybeToRight errKey $ Nacl.decode layer2
+ where
+ errMissingA = "missing shared secret A"
+ errKey = "badly formatted sodium secret box key"
+clientToServerNonce :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Nonce
+clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets = do
+ secretb <- withErr errMissing $ SH.secretb sharedSecrets
+ key <- withErr errBadNet $ Nacl.decode $ SH.network sharedSecrets
+ let auth = NaclAuth.auth key (SSB.extractPublicKey secretb)
+ let noncebuf = BS.take 24 $ Nacl.encode auth
+ withErr errMsg $ Nacl.decode noncebuf
+ where
+ errBadNet = "badly formatted network id"
+ errMissing = "missing shared secret a"
+ errMsg = "badly formatted sodium nonce"
+serverToClientNonce :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Nonce
+serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets = do
+ a <- withErr errMissing $ SH.secreta sharedSecrets
+ key <- withErr errBadNet $ Nacl.decode $ SH.network sharedSecrets
+ let auth = NaclAuth.auth key (SSB.extractPublicKey a)
+ let noncebuf = BS.take 24 $ Nacl.encode auth
+ withErr errMsg $ Nacl.decode noncebuf
+ where
+ errMissing = "missing shared secret a"
+ errBadNet = "badly formatted network id"
+ errHMAC = "badly formatted HMAC"
+ errMsg = "badly formatted sodium nonce"
+-- The documentation's Client / Server key and nonce terminology is replaced
+-- with local/remote fields to simplify implmenentation.
+data ConnState = ConnState {
+ key :: Nacl.Key
+ , nonce :: Nacl.Nonce
+ , remoteKey :: Nacl.Key
+ , remoteNonce :: Nacl.Nonce
+ , buffer :: ByteString
+ , socket :: TCP.Socket
+ }
+newtype Conn = Conn ((TMVar ConnState),(TMVar ConnState))
+inc :: (Word64, Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64, Word64)
+inc (w1, w2, w3) | w3 /= maxBound = (w1, w2, w3 + 1)
+ | w2 /= maxBound = (w1, w2 + 1, 0)
+ | w1 /= maxBound = (w1 + 1, 0, 0)
+ | otherwise = (0, 0, 0)
+-- TODO : finish me
+increment :: Nacl.Nonce -> Nacl.Nonce
+increment arg =
+ fromMaybe undefined
+ $ Nacl.decode
+ $ Serialize.encode w1'
+ <> Serialize.encode w2'
+ <> Serialize.encode w3'
+ where
+ noncebuf = Nacl.encode arg
+ (b1, e3) = BS.splitAt 16 noncebuf
+ (e1, e2) = BS.splitAt 8 b1
+ w3 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e3 :: Word64
+ w2 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e2 :: Word64
+ w1 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e1 :: Word64
+ (w1', w2', w3') = inc (w1, w2, w3)
+-- | TODO: update me for handling multiple encryptions
+newConnState :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text ConnState
+newConnState socket sharedSecrets =
+ ConnState
+ <$> clientToServerKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> serverToClientKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> Right ""
+ <*> Right socket
+newServerConnState :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text ConnState
+newServerConnState socket sharedSecrets =
+ ConnState
+ <$> serverToClientKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> clientToServerKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> Right ""
+ <*> Right socket
+-- TODO: Fix underlying network functions
+-- Send never seems to fail.
+send :: ConnState -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ())
+send state buf = runExceptT (TCP.send (socket state) buf)
+read :: ConnState -> Int -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
+read state 0 = return Nothing
+read state bytes = do
+ buf <- TCP.recv (socket state) bytes
+ case buf of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just buf ->
+ if BS.length buf == bytes
+ then return $ Just buf
+ else fmap (buf <>) <$> read state (bytes - BS.length buf)
+-- TODO: Keep connection terminology tied to peer and local.
+-- Using network terminology such as 'server' can be confusing in other when
+-- functions are used in other contexts.
+connectClient :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> IO (Either Text Conn)
+connectClient socket sharedSecrets = do
+ let state = newConnState socket sharedSecrets
+ case state of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right state -> do
+ rstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ wstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ return . return $ Conn (rstate, wstate)
+connectServer :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> IO (Either Text Conn)
+connectServer socket sharedSecrets = do
+ let state = newServerConnState socket sharedSecrets
+ case state of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right state -> do
+ rstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ wstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ return . return $ Conn (rstate, wstate)
+disconnect :: ConnState -> IO (Either Text ())
+disconnect connState = send connState $ goodBye connState
+-- TODO: Find out how to avoid these stair cases
+ :: ConnState -> Int -> IO (ConnState, Either Text (Maybe ByteString))
+readStream' connState bytes = if BS.length (buffer connState) >= bytes
+ then do
+ let (buf, rem) = BS.splitAt bytes (buffer connState)
+ let connState' = connState { buffer = rem }
+ return (connState', Right (Just buf))
+ else do
+ buf <- withErr errNoHeader <$> read connState headerLength
+ let header' = buf >>= decryptHeader key' nonce'
+ if header' == Right goodByeHeader
+ -- TODO: Error if not enough bytes available
+ then return (connState, return Nothing)
+ else do
+ let bodyLength' = bodyLength <$> (buf >>= decryptHeader key' nonce')
+ case bodyLength' of
+ Left err -> return $ (connState, Left err)
+ Right bodyLength' -> do
+ ePayload <- (withErr errNoBody)
+ <$> read connState (fromIntegral bodyLength')
+ case ePayload of
+ Left err -> return $ (connState, Left err)
+ Right payload ->
+ case
+ decryptMessage key'
+ nonce'
+ (fromRight undefined buf <> payload)
+ of
+ Left err -> return (connState, Left err)
+ Right payload -> readStream'
+ (updateNonce . appendBuffer payload $ connState)
+ bytes
+ where
+ errNoHeader = "could not read header"
+ errNoBody = "could not read body"
+ key' = remoteKey connState
+ nonce' = remoteNonce connState
+ updateNonce connState =
+ connState { remoteNonce = (increment . increment) (remoteNonce connState) }
+ appendBuffer buf connState = connState { buffer = buffer connState <> buf }
+readStream :: Conn -> Int -> IO (Either Text (Maybe ByteString))
+readStream (Conn (mVar, _)) bytes = do
+ state <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar
+ (state', ret) <- readStream' state bytes
+ atomically $ putTMVar mVar state'
+ return ret
+sendStream' :: ConnState -> ByteString -> IO (ConnState, Either Text ())
+sendStream' connState msg = do
+ let eMsg = encryptMessage key' nonce' msg
+ case eMsg of
+ Left err -> return (connState, Left err)
+ Right buf -> do
+ ret <- send connState buf
+ return (updateNonce connState, ret)
+ where
+ key' = key connState
+ nonce' = nonce connState
+ updateNonce connState =
+ connState { nonce = (increment . increment) (nonce connState) }
+sendStream :: Conn -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ())
+sendStream (Conn (_, mVar)) buf = do
+ state <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar
+ (state', ret) <- sendStream' state buf
+ atomically $ putTMVar mVar state'
+ return ret
+-- | authTagLength is the AuthTag size in bytes
+authTagLength = 16
+newtype AuthTag = AuthTag ByteString
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance Serialize.Serialize AuthTag where
+ get = AuthTag <$> Serialize.getByteString authTagLength
+ put (AuthTag buf) = Serialize.putByteString buf
+extractAuthTag :: AuthTag -> ByteString
+extractAuthTag (AuthTag buf) = buf
+-- | Aux functions
+takeMay :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
+takeMay l arg = if BS.length arg <= l then return $ BS.take l arg else Nothing
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a4c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+-- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide
+module Ssb.Peer.RPC where
+import Protolude
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Monad.Fail
+import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON
+ , ToJSON
+ )
+import Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
+ ( toStrict )
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Default
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft
+ , mapRight
+ )
+import Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Serialize as Serialize
+import Ssb.Aux
+import qualified Ssb.Identity as Ssb
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.BoxStream as BoxStream
+data BodyType = Binary | UTF8String | JSON | UnknownBodyType
+ deriving (Bounded,Eq,Show)
+instance Convertible Word8 BodyType where
+ convert v = case v .&. 3 of
+ 0 -> Binary
+ 1 -> UTF8String
+ 2 -> JSON
+ v -> UnknownBodyType
+instance Convertible BodyType Word8 where
+ convert Binary = 0
+ convert UTF8String = 1
+ convert JSON = 2
+ convert UnknownBodyType = 3
+data Flags = Flags
+ { unused1 :: Bool
+ , unused2 :: Bool
+ , unused3 :: Bool
+ , unused4 :: Bool
+ , isStream :: Bool
+ , isEndOrError :: Bool
+ , bodyType :: BodyType
+ } deriving (Eq,Show)
+instance Convertible Flags Word8 where
+ convert arg =
+ set (unused1 arg) 7
+ $ set (unused2 arg) 6
+ $ set (unused3 arg) 5
+ $ set (unused4 arg) 4
+ $ set (isStream arg) 3
+ $ set (isEndOrError arg) 2
+ $ convert (bodyType arg)
+ where
+ set True pos arg = setBit arg pos
+ set False _ arg = arg
+instance Convertible Word8 Flags where
+ convert w = Flags { unused1 = testBit w 7
+ , unused2 = testBit w 6
+ , unused3 = testBit w 5
+ , unused4 = testBit w 4
+ , isStream = testBit w 3
+ , isEndOrError = testBit w 2
+ , bodyType = convert w
+ }
+instance Default Flags where
+ def = convert (zeroBits :: Word8)
+instance Serialize.Serialize Flags where
+ get = convert <$> getWord8
+ put = putWord8 . convert
+-- | ProcedureType defines the type of remote call.
+data ProcedureType = Async | Source | Duplex
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show)
+instance FromJSON ProcedureType where
+ parseJSON = withText "ProcedureType" $ \v -> case v of
+ "async" -> return Async
+ "source" -> return Source
+ "duplex" -> return Duplex
+ otherwise -> fail $ "unknown value '" <> toS v <> "'"
+instance ToJSON ProcedureType where
+ toJSON Async = "async"
+ toJSON Source = "source"
+ toJSON Duplex = "duplex"
+-- | HeaderLength is the length of the RPC header in bytes
+headerLength :: Int
+headerLength = 9
+-- | bodySizeLength is the length of the bodySize parameter in the RPC header.
+bodySizeLength :: Int
+bodySizeLength = 4
+-- | requestNumberLength is the length of the requestNumberLength parameter in
+-- the RPC header.
+requestNumberLength :: Int
+requestNumberLength = 4
+-- | Header is the first part of a RPC message used for stream control and communication.
+data Header = Header
+ { flags :: Flags
+ , bodyLength :: Word32
+ , requestNumber :: Int32
+ } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance Serialize.Serialize Header
+-- | GoodByeHeader is the RPC message header signalling the end of the RPC
+-- stream.
+goodByeHeader :: Header
+goodByeHeader = Header (convert (zeroBits :: Word8)) 0 0
+newHeader :: Flags -> Int32 -> ByteString -> Either Text Header
+newHeader flags reqNum body = do
+ let bodyLength = fromIntegral $ BS.length body
+ return Header { flags = flags
+ , bodyLength = bodyLength
+ , requestNumber = reqNum
+ }
+-- | MessagePayload describes and contains the contents of an RPC message.
+data MessagePayload = BinaryPayload ByteString | TextPayload ByteString | JSONPayload ByteString
+ deriving (Generic,Show)
+-- | Message is a single message in the RPC stream
+data Message = Message
+ { header :: Header
+ , body :: MessagePayload
+ } deriving (Generic,Show)
+instance Serialize.Serialize Message where
+ get = do
+ header <- Serialize.get
+ buf <- Serialize.getByteString (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header)
+ let typ = bodyType . flags $ header
+ payload <- case typ of
+ Binary -> return $ BinaryPayload buf
+ UTF8String -> return $ TextPayload buf
+ JSON -> return $ JSONPayload buf
+ UnknownBodyType -> fail "unknown body type"
+ return $ Message header payload
+ put msg = do
+ Serialize.put (header msg)
+ case body msg of
+ BinaryPayload buf -> Serialize.putByteString buf
+ JSONPayload buf -> Serialize.putByteString buf
+ TextPayload buf -> Serialize.putByteString buf
+-- | newJSONMessage is a convenience function to create a RPC message with a
+-- JSON payload.
+newJSONMessage :: ToJSON a => Int32 -> a -> Either Text Message
+newJSONMessage reqNum payload = do
+ let buf = BS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode payload
+ len <- maybeWord8 $ BS.length buf
+ header' <- newHeader (def { bodyType = JSON }) reqNum buf
+ return $ Message { header = header', body = JSONPayload buf }
+-- | newJSONMessage is a convenience function to decode a RPC JSON message.
+decodeJSONMessage :: FromJSON a => Message -> Either Text a
+decodeJSONMessage msg = case body msg of
+ JSONPayload buf -> decodeJSON buf
+ _ -> error "unexpected body type"
+isRequest :: Int32 -> Message -> Bool
+isRequest nextReqNum msg = do
+ let reqNum = requestNumber . header $ msg
+ nextReqNum == reqNum
+-- | Request is the message representing a RPC call.
+data Request a = Request
+ { name :: [Text]
+ , typ :: ProcedureType
+ , args :: a
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Request a) where
+ parseJSON = withObject "Request"
+ $ \v -> Request <$> v .: "name" <*> v .:? "type" .!= Async <*> v .: "args"
+instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Request a) where
+ toJSON arg =
+ object ["name" .= name arg, "type" .= typ arg, "args" .= args arg]
+data Direction = Incoming | Outgoing
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+data StreamStatus =
+ -- | Open the stream is active.
+ Open
+ -- | The (Async) stream is awaiting a response.
+ | AwaitingResponse
+ -- | The stream is closed and waiting for its peer to do the same.
+ | AwaitingCloseRecv
+ -- | The stream is closed.
+ | Closed
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+data Stream = Stream {
+ streamID :: Int32
+ , streamType :: ProcedureType
+ , conn :: ConnState
+ , direction :: Direction
+ , status :: StreamStatus
+ , peer :: Ssb.PublicKey
+ }
+formatStream :: Stream -> Text
+formatStream stream =
+ (show $ streamID stream :: Text)
+ <> "\t"
+ <> show (streamType stream)
+ <> "\t"
+ <> show (direction stream)
+ <> "\t"
+ <> show (status stream)
+ :: (a -> MessagePayload -> IO (Either Text a))
+ -> a
+ -> Stream
+ -> IO (Either Text a)
+foldStream fn acc stream = do
+ msg <- readStream stream
+ case msg of
+ (Just msg') -> do
+ acc' <- fn acc msg'
+ either (return . error) (\v -> foldStream fn v stream) acc'
+ Nothing -> return . return $ acc
+ :: (FromJSON b)
+ => (a -> b -> IO (Either Text a))
+ -> a
+ -> Stream
+ -> IO (Either Text a)
+foldJSONStream fn acc stream = do
+ msg <- readStreamJSON stream
+ case msg of
+ (Right (Just msg')) -> do
+ acc' <- fn acc msg'
+ either (return . error) (\v -> foldJSONStream fn v stream) acc'
+ (Right Nothing) -> return . return $ acc
+ (Left err ) -> return $ error err
+data ConnState = ConnState {
+ connPeer :: Ssb.PublicKey
+ , boxConn :: BoxStream.Conn
+ , streamsIn :: TMVar (Map Int32 (Stream, TChan (Maybe Message)))
+ , streamsOut :: TMVar (Map Int32 (Stream, TChan (Maybe Message)))
+ , nextIncomingReqNum :: TMVar Int32
+ , nextOutgoingReqNum :: TMVar Int32
+ , lock :: TMVar Bool
+ }
+-- | Endpoint identifies which Remote Procedure Call to make.
+data Endpoint = Endpoint [Text] ProcedureType
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+formatEndpoint :: Endpoint -> Text
+formatEndpoint (Endpoint paths typ) =
+ Text.intercalate "." paths <> ":" <> show typ
+-- | HandlerFunc's are used to serve Remove Procedure Calls.
+type HandlerFunc = Aeson.Value -> Stream -> IO (Either Text ())
+-- | notFoundHandlerFunc is tells the peer the Endpoint does not exist.
+notFoundHandlerFunc :: Endpoint -> HandlerFunc
+notFoundHandlerFunc endpoint _ _ = return
+ (Left $ "endpoint not found '" <> endpoint' <> "'")
+ where endpoint' = formatEndpoint endpoint
+-- | Handler can serve Remote Procedure Requests.
+class Handler h where
+ endpoints
+ :: h
+ -> [Endpoint]
+ -- | Serve calls an incoming Remote Procedure Call.
+ serve
+ :: h
+ -> Endpoint
+ -> HandlerFunc
+ -- TODO: Maybe add 'conn' to notifyConnect
+ -- | notifyConnect tells the handler when a peer has connected.
+ notifyConnect
+ :: h
+ -> Ssb.PublicKey
+ -> IO (Either Text ())
+ -- | notifyDisconnect tells the handler when a peer has disconnected.
+ notifyDisconnect
+ :: h
+ -> Ssb.PublicKey
+ -> IO (Either Text ())
+-- | Router serves Remote Procedure Calls with a set of handlers.
+data Router = Router {
+ endpointHandlers :: Map Endpoint HandlerFunc
+ , connectCallbacks :: [Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ())]
+ , disconnectCallbacks :: [Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ())]
+ } deriving (Generic)
+instance Default Router
+instance Handler Router where
+ endpoints demuxer = Map.keys (endpointHandlers demuxer)
+ serve demuxer endpoint = case Map.lookup endpoint endpointHandlers' of
+ Nothing -> (notFoundHandlerFunc endpoint)
+ Just handler -> handler
+ where endpointHandlers' = endpointHandlers demuxer
+ notifyConnect demuxer id = do
+ errs <- fmap lefts . sequence $ (\f -> f id) <$> connectCallbacks demuxer
+ if Protolude.null errs
+ then return . return $ ()
+ else return $ Left $ Text.intercalate ", " errs
+ notifyDisconnect demuxer id = do
+ errs <- fmap lefts . sequence $ (\f -> f id) <$> connectCallbacks demuxer
+ if Protolude.null errs
+ then return . return $ ()
+ else return $ Left $ Text.intercalate ", " errs
+-- | with adds a handler to the Router.
+with :: Handler h => Router -> h -> Router
+with demuxer handler = Router
+ { endpointHandlers = Map.union (endpointHandlers demuxer) $ Map.fromList
+ ((\e -> (e, serve handler e)) <$> endpoints handler)
+ , connectCallbacks = connectCallbacks demuxer <> [notifyConnect handler]
+ , disconnectCallbacks = disconnectCallbacks demuxer
+ <> [notifyDisconnect handler]
+ }
+-- | withM is a convenience function for using 'with' in monads.
+withM :: (MonadIO m, Handler h) => m Router -> m h -> m Router
+withM demuxer handler = with <$> demuxer <*> handler
+logMsg :: ConnState -> Text -> IO ()
+logMsg conn msg = do
+ _ <- atomically $ takeTMVar (lock conn)
+ print msg
+ atomically $ putTMVar (lock conn) True
+logDebug :: ConnState -> Text -> IO ()
+logDebug _ _ = return ()
+-- logDebug = logMsg
+-- | spawnConnection handles safely forking and closing RPC connections.
+ :: Stream
+ -> IO (Either Text ())
+ -> IO ()
+spawnConnection stream action = do
+ forkFinally
+ (do
+ res <- action
+ either (closeStreamWithError stream) (\_ -> closeStream stream) res
+ )
+ (\_ -> void (closeStream stream))
+ return ()
+-- | connect creates a Remote Procdure Call stream connection over the give Box
+-- Stream.
+ :: Handler h
+ => BoxStream.Conn
+ -> h
+ -> Ssb.PublicKey
+ -> (ConnState -> IO ())
+ -> IO (Either Text ())
+connect boxConn handler peer client = do
+ streamsIn <- newTMVarIO Map.empty
+ streamsOut <- newTMVarIO Map.empty
+ nextIncomingReqNum <- newTMVarIO 1
+ nextOutgoingReqNum <- newTMVarIO 1
+ lock <- newTMVarIO True
+ let conn = ConnState { connPeer = peer
+ , boxConn = boxConn
+ , streamsIn = streamsIn
+ , streamsOut = streamsOut
+ , nextIncomingReqNum = nextIncomingReqNum
+ , nextOutgoingReqNum = nextOutgoingReqNum
+ , lock = lock
+ }
+ forkIO $
+ -- make RPC calls on the peer
+ client conn
+ print "entering service loop"
+ ret <- serviceLoop conn
+ print "out of service loop"
+ _ <- notifyDisconnect handler (connPeer conn)
+ print "disconnecting"
+ disconnect conn
+ print "disconnected"
+ return ret
+ where
+ serviceLoop conn = do
+ msg <- readMessage conn
+ case msg of
+ Left err -> return $ error ("connection error: " <> err)
+ Right msg -> if header msg == goodByeHeader
+ then return . return $ ()
+ else do
+ ok <- handleMessage handler conn msg
+ if ok then serviceLoop conn else return . return $ ()
+-- TODO: Handle stream closing within demux loop
+-- The handleMessage loop is responsible for the lifetime of a stream
+-- connection. It detects and creates requests, it should therefor handle
+-- close requests.
+-- The stream type matters when closing a stream. Async do not require a
+-- specific close message.
+-- TODO: Handle closing of Async streams
+-- TODO: Properly handle Error message
+-- TODO: Refactor or reallocate helper functions
+-- These functions were added in a rush to get request handling working. A
+-- better place could probably be found for them to improve code clarity.
+-- | isEndOfStream checks whether the message is the last of the stream.
+isEndOfStream = isEndOrError . flags . header
+-- | checks if the message is a response to an Async request.
+isAsyncResponse = not . isStream . flags . header
+-- | streamTable gets which lookup table to use for connections for the given
+-- stream. There are seperate ones for incoming and outgoing RPC streams.
+streamTable stream = case direction stream of
+ Incoming -> streamsIn (conn stream)
+ Outgoing -> streamsOut (conn stream)
+streamStatus :: Stream -> STM StreamStatus
+streamStatus stream = do
+ table <- readTMVar $ streamTable stream
+ return
+ $ fromMaybe Closed (status . fst <$> Map.lookup (streamID stream) table)
+-- | manageStreamConn manages stream connection changes when writing messages
+-- to a stream.
+-- TODO: beware of entering a deadlock in manageStreamConn
+-- TODO: request stuff should be moved here
+manageStreamConn :: Stream -> Message -> IO (Either Text ())
+manageStreamConn stream msg = do
+ table <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ streamTable stream
+ res <- writeMessage (conn stream) msg
+ let table' = if
+ | isLeft res -> closeStream table stream
+ | (not . isStream . flags . header $ msg) -> Map.adjust
+ (updateStreamStatus AwaitingResponse)
+ (streamID stream)
+ table
+ |
+-- TODO: confirm status of stream before closing it
+-- This happy path is not production ready
+ (isEndOrError . flags . header $ msg) -> Map.adjust
+ (updateStreamStatus AwaitingCloseRecv)
+ (streamID stream)
+ table
+ | otherwise -> table
+ when (isLeft res) $ do
+ let (_, c) = fromMaybe undefined $ Map.lookup (streamID stream) table
+ -- TODO: Find better way of closing channels on write error
+ atomically $ forM_ [1 .. 30] (\_ -> writeTChan c Nothing)
+ atomically $ putTMVar (streamTable stream) table'
+ return res
+ where
+ updateStreamStatus status (s, c) = (s { status = status }, c)
+ closeStream table tream = case direction stream of
+ Incoming -> Map.adjust (updateStreamStatus Closed) (streamID stream) table
+ Outgoing -> Map.delete (streamID stream) table
+-- TODO: Log important information for incoming messages
+handleMessage :: Handler h => h -> ConnState -> Message -> IO Bool
+handleMessage handler conn msg = do
+ nextReqNum <- atomically $ readTMVar (nextIncomingReqNum conn)
+ if
+ | (header msg) == goodByeHeader -> return False
+ | (isRequest nextReqNum msg) -> serveRequest handler conn msg
+ | (isEndOfStream msg) -> internalCloseStream conn msg
+ | (isAsyncResponse msg) -> do
+ demux conn msg
+ internalCloseStream conn msg
+ | otherwise -> demux conn msg
+ where
+ internalCloseStream conn msg = do
+ let flags = def { isStream = True, isEndOrError = True }
+ let requestNumber' = (requestNumber . header $ msg)
+ let mVarTable =
+ if requestNumber' > 0 then streamsIn conn else streamsOut conn
+ table <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVarTable
+ let streamID' = abs requestNumber'
+ let (stream, chan) = fromMaybe undefined $ Map.lookup streamID' table
+ newStatus <- case status stream of
+ Open -> do
+ let msg = fromRight undefined $ newCloseNotification streamID'
+ _ <- writeMessage conn msg
+ return AwaitingCloseRecv
+ AwaitingCloseRecv -> do
+ atomically $ writeTChan chan Nothing
+ return Closed
+ AwaitingResponse -> do
+ atomically $ writeTChan chan Nothing
+ return Closed
+ Closed -> do
+ logMsg conn
+ $ "received end of stream for already closed stream: "
+ <> (show streamID' :: Text)
+ return Closed
+ atomically $ putTMVar mVarTable $ case direction stream of
+ Incoming -> Map.adjust (updateStreamStatus newStatus) streamID' table
+ -- TODO: properly handle close of outgoing Duplex streams
+ Outgoing -> Map.delete streamID' table
+ return True
+ where updateStreamStatus status (s, c) = (s { status = status }, c)
+ serveRequest handler conn msg = do
+ let req = decodeJSONMessage msg
+ case req of
+ Left err -> do
+ logMsg conn $ "could not decode request: " <> err
+ return False
+ Right req -> do
+ let stream = Stream { streamID = requestNumber . header $ msg
+ , streamType = typ req
+ , conn = conn
+ , direction = Incoming
+ , status = Open
+ , peer = connPeer conn
+ }
+ chan <- newTChanIO
+ err <- atomically $ do
+ reqNum <- takeTMVar (nextIncomingReqNum conn)
+ table <- takeTMVar (streamsIn conn)
+ if Map.size table == (maxBound :: Int)
+ then return $ Left errTooManyRequests
+ else do
+ let (reqNum', table') = if streamID stream == reqNum
+ then (reqNum + 1, (Map.insert reqNum (stream, chan) table))
+ else (reqNum, table)
+ putTMVar (nextIncomingReqNum conn) reqNum'
+ putTMVar (streamsIn conn) table'
+ return . return $ ()
+ case err of
+ Left msg -> do
+ print msg
+ return False
+ Right _ -> do
+ -- Serving a request call, how do we close it nicely?
+ let endpoint = Endpoint (name req) (typ req)
+ spawnConnection stream $ (serve handler) endpoint (args req) stream
+ return True
+ where errTooManyRequests = "connection limit reached, dropping request"
+ demux conn msg = do
+ let reqNum = requestNumber . header $ msg
+ let table = if reqNum > 0 then streamsIn conn else streamsOut conn
+ let streamID' = abs reqNum
+ table' <- atomically $ readTMVar table
+ case Map.lookup streamID' table' of
+ Nothing -> do
+ logDebug conn
+ $ "message dropped due to missing stream: "
+ <> (show msg :: Text)
+ return ()
+ Just (_, chan) -> atomically $ writeTChan chan (Just msg)
+ return True
+-- | disconnect is a hacked version, it rudely disconnects all connections in
+-- order to unlock streams stuck on their reading their channels.
+-- Look into closing streams elegantly.
+-- TODO: Ensure disconnect prevents new incoming and outgoing connections
+disconnect :: ConnState -> IO ()
+disconnect conn = do
+ table <- atomically $ takeTMVar (streamsIn conn)
+ forM_ table
+ $ \(_, c) -> atomically $ forM_ [1 .. 30] (\_ -> writeTChan c Nothing)
+ let table' = Map.map (\(s, c) -> (s { status = Closed }, c)) table
+ atomically $ putTMVar (streamsIn conn) table'
+ table <- atomically $ takeTMVar (streamsOut conn)
+ forM_ table
+ $ \(_, c) -> atomically $ forM_ [1 .. 30] (\_ -> writeTChan c Nothing)
+ let table' = Map.map (\(s, c) -> (s { status = Closed }, c)) table
+ atomically $ putTMVar (streamsOut conn) table'
+ _ <- writeMessage conn $ Message goodByeHeader (BinaryPayload "")
+ return ()
+-- | readBoxStream reads the given number of bytes from the Box Stream.
+readBoxStream :: BoxStream.Conn -> Int -> IO (Either Text ByteString)
+readBoxStream conn bytes = do
+ mbuf <- BoxStream.readStream conn bytes
+ let buf = join $ (maybeToRight errUnexpectedClose) <$> mbuf
+ return buf
+ where errUnexpectedClose = "rpc.readConn: unexpected end of box stream"
+-- | readMessage reads a single message from the RPC connection.
+readMessage :: ConnState -> IO (Either Text Message)
+readMessage conn = do
+ headerBuf <- readBoxStream (boxConn conn) headerLength
+ header <- (return $ headerBuf >>= decode)
+ case header of
+ Left err -> return $ Left $ "RPC.readMessage header: " <> err
+ Right header -> do
+ bodyBuf <- readBoxStream (boxConn conn) (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header)
+ let ret = liftA2 (<>) headerBuf bodyBuf >>= decode
+ logDebug conn
+ $ "readMessage ("
+ <> (Ssb.formatPublicKey $ connPeer conn)
+ <> ")"
+ <> (show ret)
+ return $ ret
+ where
+ decode :: Serialize a => ByteString -> Either Text a
+ decode = mapLeft toS . Serialize.decode
+writeMessage :: ConnState -> Message -> IO (Either Text ())
+writeMessage conn msg = do
+ logDebug conn
+ $ "writeMessage ("
+ <> (Ssb.formatPublicKey $ connPeer conn)
+ <> ")"
+ <> (show msg)
+ BoxStream.sendStream (boxConn conn) $ Serialize.encode msg
+-- | request makes a Remote Procedure Call on the peer.
+ :: ToJSON a
+ => ConnState
+ -> Request a
+ -> (Stream -> IO (Either Text b))
+ -> IO (Either Text b)
+request conn req session = do
+ reqNum <- atomically $ takeTMVar (nextOutgoingReqNum conn)
+ let msg = newJSONMessage reqNum req
+ case msg of
+ Left err -> do
+ atomically $ putTMVar (nextOutgoingReqNum conn) reqNum
+ return $ Left err
+ Right msg -> do
+ let nextReqNum = reqNum + 1
+ atomically $ putTMVar (nextOutgoingReqNum conn) nextReqNum
+ -- TODO: Fix late night update
+ let flags' = flags . header $ msg
+ let
+ msg' = msg
+ { header = (header msg) { flags = flags'
+ { isStream = typ req /= Async
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let stream = Stream { streamID = reqNum
+ , streamType = (typ req)
+ , conn = conn
+ , direction = Outgoing
+ , status = Open
+ , peer = connPeer conn
+ }
+ atomically $ do
+ streams <- takeTMVar (streamsOut conn)
+ chan <- newTChan
+ putTMVar (streamsOut conn) $ Map.insert reqNum (stream, chan) streams
+ _ <- writeMessage' stream msg'
+ result <- session stream
+ if streamType stream == Async
+ then return . return $ ()
+ else either (closeStreamWithError stream)
+ (\x -> closeStream stream)
+ result
+ return result
+ where writeMessage' = manageStreamConn
+-- | requestAsync is the Async version of request.
+ :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON b) => ConnState -> Request a -> IO (Either Text b)
+requestAsync conn req = do
+ resp <- request conn req readStreamJSON
+ return $ resp >>= withErr "not response received"
+-- TODO: Use CloseNotification to signal close of stream.
+-- How is the JSON encoding done?
+data CloseNotification = CloseNotification ()
+newCloseNotification :: Int32 -> Either Text Message
+newCloseNotification streamID = do
+ let payload = JSONPayload "true"
+ let requestNumer = -1 * streamID
+ header <- newHeader
+ (def { isEndOrError = True, isStream = True, bodyType = JSON })
+ requestNumer
+ "true"
+ return $ Message header payload
+-- | closeStream politely shuts down an RPC stream.
+-- TODO: closeStream needs to be more adaptive. It only accounts for
+-- real streams.
+closeStream :: Stream -> IO (Either Text ())
+closeStream stream = case (status stream, streamType stream) of
+ (_ , Async) -> return . return $ ()
+ (Open, _ ) -> either (return . Left) (manageStreamConn stream)
+ $ newCloseNotification (streamID stream)
+ (Closed, _) -> return . return $ ()
+ (_ , _) -> return $ Left "could not close stream"
+-- ErrorNotification is the format used to communicate a stream error between peers.
+data ErrorNotification = ErrorNotification {
+ message :: Text
+ , stack :: Maybe Text
+ }
+instance FromJSON ErrorNotification where
+ parseJSON = withObject "Error"
+ $ \v -> ErrorNotification <$> v .: "message" <*> v .: "stack"
+instance ToJSON ErrorNotification where
+ toJSON arg = object
+ [ "name" .= ("error" :: Text)
+ , "message" .= message arg
+ , "stack" .= stack arg
+ ]
+-- TODO: deduplicate closeStreamWithError and closeStream code
+-- TODO: Verify close operation on error
+-- Does the remote end send an 'true' message to confirm? Or is the
+-- connection simply dropped.
+closeStreamWithError' :: Stream -> Text -> IO (Either Text ())
+closeStreamWithError' stream err = do
+ if streamType stream == Duplex || direction stream == Incoming
+ then do
+ let msg = ErrorNotification err Nothing
+ let flags = def { isStream = True, isEndOrError = True }
+ err <- writeStream stream
+ flags
+ (JSONPayload $ BS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode msg)
+ either
+ (\err ->
+ logMsg (conn stream) $ "could not notify remote of error: " <> err
+ )
+ return
+ err
+ else logMsg (conn stream) $ "closing stream with error: " <> err
+ atomically $ do
+ let table = streamTable stream
+ value <- takeTMVar table
+ putTMVar table $ Map.delete (streamID stream) value
+ return . return $ ()
+ where
+ streamTable stream = case direction stream of
+ Incoming -> streamsIn $ conn stream
+ Outgoing -> streamsOut $ conn stream
+-- TODO: Merge newCloseErrorNotification with newCloseNotification It has
+-- proven difficult to use the ToJSON typeclass as an argument.
+newCloseErrorNotification :: Int32 -> Text -> Either Text Message
+newCloseErrorNotification streamID msg = do
+ let payload = JSONPayload $ BS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode msg
+ let requestNumer = -1 * streamID
+ header <- newHeader
+ (def { isEndOrError = True, isStream = True, bodyType = JSON })
+ requestNumer
+ "true"
+ return $ Message header payload
+closeStreamWithError :: Stream -> Text -> IO (Either Text ())
+closeStreamWithError stream err = case streamType stream of
+ Async -> return . return $ ()
+ otherwise ->
+ either (return . Left) (manageStreamConn stream)
+ $ newCloseErrorNotification (streamID stream) err
+-- TODO: Properly translate RPC errors
+-- TODO: Close stream within lock to avoid race conditions
+readStream :: Stream -> IO (Maybe MessagePayload)
+readStream stream = do
+ let table = streamTable stream
+ table' <- atomically $ readTMVar table
+ let result = Map.lookup (streamID stream) table'
+ msg <- case result of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (stream', chan') -> if status stream' == Closed
+ then atomically $ join <$> tryReadTChan chan'
+ else atomically $ readTChan chan'
+ table'' <- atomically $ takeTMVar table
+ let table''' = case msg of
+ Nothing -> Map.delete (streamID stream) table'
+ Just _ -> table''
+ atomically $ putTMVar table table'''
+ return (body <$> msg)
+-- | readStreamJSON reads a single JSON message from the RPC stream.
+readStreamJSON :: FromJSON a => Stream -> IO (Either Text (Maybe a))
+readStreamJSON stream = do
+ resp <- readStream stream
+ case resp of
+ (Just (JSONPayload buf)) -> return (Just <$> decodeJSON buf)
+ (Just otherwise ) -> return (errPayload resp)
+ Nothing -> return . return $ Nothing
+ where
+ errPayload payload =
+ error ("expected JSONPayload but got " <> (show payload :: Text))
+ errEOS = error "end of stream"
+writeStream :: Stream -> Flags -> MessagePayload -> IO (Either Text ())
+writeStream stream flags payload = do
+ status <- atomically $ streamStatus stream
+ if status /= Open
+ then return $ Left "stream closed"
+ else do
+ let msgID = case direction stream of
+ Incoming -> -1 * streamID stream
+ Outgoing -> streamID stream
+ let flags' = flags { isStream = not $ (streamType stream) == Async }
+ let header' = case payload of
+ (BinaryPayload p) ->
+ newHeader (flags' { bodyType = Binary }) msgID p
+ (TextPayload p) ->
+ newHeader (flags' { bodyType = UTF8String }) msgID p
+ (JSONPayload p) -> newHeader (flags' { bodyType = JSON }) msgID p
+ case header' of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right header' -> do
+ let msg = Message header' payload
+ writeMessage' stream msg
+ where writeMessage' = manageStreamConn
+-- | writeStreamJSON writes a single JSON message to the RPC stream.
+writeStreamJSON :: ToJSON a => Stream -> a -> IO (Either Text ())
+writeStreamJSON stream msg = do
+ let buf = Aeson.encode msg
+ writeStream stream def (JSONPayload $ BS.toStrict buf)
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/Gossip.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/Gossip.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b97e4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/Gossip.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Remote Procedure Call for
+-- CreateHistoryStream.
+-- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide
+module Ssb.Peer.RPC.Gossip where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON
+ , ToJSON
+ )
+import Data.Default
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Ssb.Aux
+import qualified Ssb.Feed as Feed
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.RPC as RPC
+-- | TODO: Comment
+-- | TODO: Naming
+-- | TODO: Keyed Message support
+-- | TODO: Proper Request default values setting
+data Request = Request
+ { id :: Feed.FeedID
+ , sequence :: Maybe Int
+ , limit :: Maybe Int
+ , live :: Maybe Bool
+ , old :: Maybe Bool
+ , keys :: Bool
+ } deriving (Generic,Show)
+newRequest :: Feed.FeedID -> Request
+newRequest id = Request { id = id
+ , sequence = Nothing
+ , limit = Nothing
+ , live = Just False
+ , old = Just False
+ , keys = True
+ }
+instance FromJSON Request
+instance ToJSON Request where
+ toJSON = Aeson.genericToJSON (Aeson.defaultOptions {Aeson.omitNothingFields = True})
+-- TODO: reduce friction for introducing RPC requests
+createHistoryStreamRequest :: Request -> RPC.Request [Request]
+createHistoryStreamRequest req = RPC.Request
+ { RPC.name = ["createHistoryStream"]
+ , RPC.typ = RPC.Source
+ , RPC.args = [req]
+ }
+ :: FromJSON b
+ => RPC.ConnState
+ -> Request
+ -> a
+ -> (a -> Feed.VerifiableMessage b -> IO (Either Text a))
+ -> IO (Either Text a)
+createHistoryStream conn req init cmd = RPC.request
+ conn
+ (createHistoryStreamRequest req)
+ (RPC.foldStream cmd' init)
+ where
+ cmd' a payload = case payload of
+ RPC.JSONPayload buf -> do
+ msg <- Feed.decodeJSONVerifiableMessage buf
+ either (return . error) (cmd a) msg
+ v@otherwise -> return $ error "expected JSON but got something else"
+data KeyedMessage a = KeyedMessage
+ { key :: Feed.MessageID
+ , timestamp :: Int
+ , value :: Feed.Message a
+ } deriving (Generic,Show)
+instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (KeyedMessage a)
+instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (KeyedMessage a)
+-- :: RPC.ConnState
+-- -> Request
+-- -> (KeyedMessage -> IO (Either Text a))
+-- -> IO (Either Text a)
+--createHistoryStream conn req =
+-- RPC.request conn (createHistoryStreamRequest req)
+newtype Gossiper a = Gossiper (TMVar (Feed.Feeds a))
+newGossiper :: ToJSON a => IO (Gossiper a)
+newGossiper = do
+ mVar <- newTMVarIO Feed.emptyFeeds
+ return $ Gossiper mVar
+addFeed :: ToJSON a => Gossiper a -> Feed.Feed a -> IO ()
+addFeed (Gossiper (mFeeds)) feed = do
+ atomically $ do
+ feeds <- takeTMVar mFeeds
+ putTMVar mFeeds (Feed.insert feed feeds)
+writeFeed :: ToJSON a => RPC.Stream -> Feed.Feed a -> IO (Either Text ())
+writeFeed stream (Feed.Feed _ msgs) = do
+ return <$> forM_
+ msgs
+ (\msg -> do
+ let msg' = Feed.encodeJSONVerifiableMessage msg
+ err <- RPC.writeStream stream def (RPC.JSONPayload msg')
+ either (\err -> print err) (\_ -> return ()) err
+ )
+instance ToJSON a => RPC.Handler (Gossiper a) where
+ endpoints h = [RPC.Endpoint ["createHistoryStream"] RPC.Source]
+ serve (Gossiper mFeeds) (RPC.Endpoint ["createHistoryStream"] RPC.Source) arg stream
+ = do
+ feeds <- atomically $ readTMVar mFeeds
+ let req = decodeJSON (encodeJSON arg) :: Either Text [Request]
+ case req of
+ Left err -> do
+ return . return $ ()
+ Right [] -> return . return $ ()
+ Right [arg] -> do
+ case Feed.lookup (id arg) feeds of
+ Just feed -> writeFeed stream feed
+ Nothing -> return . return $ ()
+ notifyConnect _ _ = return . return $ ()
+ notifyDisconnect _ _ = return . return $ ()
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/Room.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/Room.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bc956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/Room.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Remote Procedure Call for
+-- Rooms.
+-- For more information kindly refer [WHERE]
+-- TODO: Documentation for SSB-Room
+module Ssb.Peer.RPC.Room where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Default
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime
+ , getCurrentTime
+ )
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Ssb.Aux
+import qualified Ssb.Identity as Ssb
+import qualified Ssb.Pub as Ssb
+import Ssb.Network
+import qualified Ssb.Feed as Feed
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.RPC as RPC
+seed :: Text
+data Invite = Invite
+ { host :: Host
+ , port :: Port
+ , key :: Ssb.PublicKey
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+formatInvite :: Invite -> Text
+formatInvite arg =
+ "net:"
+ <> host arg
+ <> ":"
+ <> port arg
+ <> "~shs"
+ <> ":"
+ <> formatPublicKey' arg
+ <> ":"
+ <> seed
+ where
+ formatPublicKey' arg =
+ Text.dropEnd 8 $ Text.drop 1 $ Ssb.formatPublicKey $ key arg
+-- TODO: Seriously, figure out how to use duplicate field names
+data Room = Room {
+ endpoints :: TMVar (Map Ssb.PublicKey (RPC.ConnState, [Tunnel]))
+ , notifyChange :: TChan Bool
+ , roomName :: Text
+ , roomDesc :: Text
+ , tunnels :: TMVar (Map Tunnel [ThreadId])
+ }
+newRoom :: Text -> Text -> IO Room
+newRoom name desc = do
+ endpoints <- newTMVarIO Map.empty
+ notifier <- newBroadcastTChanIO
+ tunnels <- newTMVarIO Map.empty
+ return $ Room endpoints notifier name desc tunnels
+getEndpoints :: Room -> IO [Ssb.PublicKey]
+getEndpoints h = do
+ let mVar = endpoints h
+ Map.keys <$> atomically (readTMVar mVar)
+lookUpPeer :: Room -> Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Maybe RPC.ConnState)
+lookUpPeer h peer = do
+ endpoints' <- atomically $ readTMVar (endpoints h)
+ return $ fst <$> Map.lookup peer endpoints'
+errConnLimitReached = "peer limit reached"
+registerPeer :: Room -> RPC.Stream -> IO (Either Text ())
+registerPeer h stream = do
+ let mVar = endpoints h
+ atomically $ do
+ endpoints' <- takeTMVar mVar
+ if Map.size endpoints' == (maxBound :: Int)
+ then return $ Left errConnLimitReached
+ else do
+ putTMVar mVar
+ $ Map.insert (RPC.peer stream) (RPC.conn stream, []) endpoints'
+ writeTChan (notifyChange h) True
+ return $ Right ()
+unregisterPeer :: Room -> Ssb.PublicKey -> IO ()
+unregisterPeer h peer = do
+ let mVar = endpoints h
+ atomically $ do
+ endpoints' <- takeTMVar mVar
+ putTMVar mVar $ Map.delete peer endpoints'
+ writeTChan (notifyChange h) True
+data IsRoomResponse = IsRoomResponse {
+ name :: Text
+ , description :: Text
+ } deriving (Generic, Show)
+instance Aeson.FromJSON IsRoomResponse
+instance Aeson.ToJSON IsRoomResponse
+newIsRoomResponse :: Room -> IsRoomResponse
+newIsRoomResponse l = IsRoomResponse (roomName l) (roomDesc l)
+announceRequest :: RPC.Request [Text]
+announceRequest =
+ RPC.Request { name = ["tunnel", "announce"], typ = RPC.Async, args = [] }
+announce :: RPC.ConnState -> IO (Either Text ())
+announce conn = RPC.requestAsync conn announceRequest
+data ConnectRequest = ConnectRequest {
+ target :: Ssb.PublicKey
+ , portal :: Ssb.PublicKey
+ } deriving (Generic, Show)
+instance Aeson.FromJSON ConnectRequest
+instance Aeson.ToJSON ConnectRequest
+leaveRequest :: RPC.Request [Text]
+leaveRequest =
+ RPC.Request { name = ["tunnel", "leave"], typ = RPC.Async, args = [] }
+leave :: RPC.ConnState -> IO (Either Text ())
+leave conn = RPC.requestAsync conn leaveRequest
+pingRequest :: RPC.Request [Text]
+pingRequest =
+ RPC.Request { name = ["tunnel", "ping"], typ = RPC.Async, args = [] }
+ping :: RPC.ConnState -> IO (Either Text UTCTime)
+ping conn = RPC.requestAsync conn pingRequest
+-- | fork creates a new thread, incrementing the counter in the given mVar.
+fork mVar action = do
+ fork' <- newEmptyTMVarIO
+ atomically $ do
+ forks <- takeTMVar mVar
+ putTMVar mVar $ fork' : forks
+ forkFinally
+ action
+ (\_ -> do
+ print "exiting fork"
+ atomically $ putTMVar fork' ()
+ )
+-- | wait returns when all forks have completed.
+waitForkGroup mVar threads = do
+ cs <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar
+ case cs of
+ [] -> return ()
+ m : ms -> do
+ atomically $ putTMVar mVar ms
+ atomically $ takeTMVar m
+ forM_ threads killThread
+ waitForkGroup mVar []
+forwardMessages :: RPC.Stream -> RPC.Stream -> IO (Either Text ())
+forwardMessages s1 s2 = do
+ mMsg <- RPC.readStream s1
+ case mMsg of
+ Nothing -> return $ Right ()
+ Just msg -> do
+ res <- RPC.writeStream s2 def msg
+ case res of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right _ -> forwardMessages s1 s2
+type Tunnel = (Ssb.PublicKey, Ssb.PublicKey)
+newTunnel arg1 arg2 =
+ -- the tunnel's entries need to be ordered to make pairs unique
+ if arg1 < arg2 then (arg1, arg2) else (arg2, arg1)
+createTunnel :: Room -> (RPC.Stream, RPC.Stream) -> IO (Either Text ())
+createTunnel room (stream1, stream2) = do
+ let peer1 = RPC.connPeer $ RPC.conn stream1
+ let peer2 = RPC.connPeer $ RPC.conn stream2
+ --print
+ -- $ "creating tunnel for "
+ -- <> Ssb.formatPublicKey peer1
+ -- <> " <-> "
+ -- <> Ssb.formatPublicKey peer2
+ let tunnel = newTunnel peer1 peer2
+ exists <- atomically $ do
+ tunnels' <- readTMVar (tunnels room)
+ return $ Map.member tunnel tunnels'
+ if exists
+ then return $ Left "only one tunnel allowed"
+ else do
+ waiter <- newTMVarIO []
+ thread1 <- fork waiter $ forwardMessages stream1 stream2
+ thread2 <- fork waiter $ forwardMessages stream2 stream1
+ let threads = [thread1, thread2]
+ atomically $ do
+ endpoints' <- takeTMVar (endpoints room)
+ let endpoints'' = Map.adjust (addTunnel tunnel) (fst tunnel) endpoints'
+ let endpoints''' =
+ Map.adjust (addTunnel tunnel) (snd tunnel) endpoints''
+ putTMVar (endpoints room) endpoints'''
+ tunnels' <- takeTMVar (tunnels room)
+ let tunnels'' = Map.insert tunnel threads tunnels'
+ putTMVar (tunnels room) tunnels''
+ waitForkGroup waiter threads
+ atomically $ do
+ endpoints' <- takeTMVar (endpoints room)
+ let endpoints'' =
+ Map.adjust (removeTunnel tunnel) (fst tunnel) endpoints'
+ let endpoints''' =
+ Map.adjust (removeTunnel tunnel) (snd tunnel) endpoints''
+ putTMVar (endpoints room) endpoints'''
+ tunnels' <- takeTMVar (tunnels room)
+ putTMVar (tunnels room) $ Map.delete tunnel tunnels'
+ return . return $ ()
+ where
+ addTunnel arg (conn, tunnels) = (conn, tunnels ++ [arg])
+ removeTunnel arg (conn, tunnels) = (conn, filter (arg /=) tunnels)
+connect :: Room -> RPC.Stream -> ConnectRequest -> IO (Either Text ())
+connect room stream req = do
+ let tunnel = newTunnel (RPC.connPeer $ RPC.conn $ stream) (target req)
+ tunnels' <- atomically $ readTMVar (tunnels room)
+ mPeer <- lookUpPeer room (target req)
+ let peerConn = do
+ bool (return ()) errSelfNotAllowed (fst tunnel == snd tunnel)
+ bool (return ()) errOnlyUniqueTunnel (Map.member tunnel tunnels')
+ maybeToRight errPeerNotAvailable mPeer
+ case peerConn of
+ Left err -> do
+ print $ "errorr! " <> err
+ return $ Left err
+ Right conn -> RPC.request conn (rpcRequest req)
+ $ \peerStream -> createTunnel room (stream, peerStream)
+ where
+ errOnlyUniqueTunnel = Left $ "only unique tunnels are allowed"
+ errPeerNotAvailable = "peer is not connected" :: Text
+ errSelfNotAllowed = Left $ "connecting to self not allowed"
+ rpcRequest arg =
+ RPC.Request { name = ["tunnel", "connect"], typ = RPC.Duplex, args = [arg] }
+leave' :: Room -> Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ())
+leave' room peer = do
+ endpoints' <- atomically $ readTMVar (endpoints room)
+ tunnels' <- atomically $ readTMVar (tunnels room)
+ let etunnels = fromMaybe mempty $ snd <$> Map.lookup peer endpoints'
+ forM_ etunnels $ \tunnel -> do
+ let threads = fromMaybe mempty $ Map.lookup tunnel tunnels'
+ forM_ threads killThread
+ unregisterPeer room peer
+ return . return $ ()
+instance RPC.Handler Room where
+ endpoints _ =
+ [ RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "announce"] RPC.Async
+ , RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "connect"] RPC.Duplex
+ , RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "endpoints"] RPC.Async
+ , RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "leave"] RPC.Async
+ , RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "isRoom"] RPC.Async
+ , RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "ping"] RPC.Async
+ ]
+ -- The announce and leave endpoints are defined by the server's JS, but
+ -- never called by the client. The official (NodeJS) project uses
+ -- disconnect notifications from the SSB-server.
+ --
+ serve h (RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "announce"] _) args stream =
+ registerPeer h stream
+ -- should decode request
+ serve h (RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "connect"] RPC.Duplex) args stream = do
+ let args' =
+ decodeJSON (toS $ Aeson.encode args) :: Either
+ Text
+ [ConnectRequest]
+ case args' of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right [connReq] -> connect h stream connReq
+ otherwise -> return $ Left "bad target argument"
+ serve h (RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "endpoints"] _) _ stream = do
+ err <- registerPeer h stream
+ case err of
+ Left msg -> return $ Left msg
+ Right _ -> do
+ change <- atomically $ dupTChan $ notifyChange h
+ while $ do
+ endpoints' <- getEndpoints h
+ let resp = filter (/= RPC.peer stream) endpoints'
+ res <- RPC.writeStreamJSON stream resp
+ if isLeft res then return False else atomically $ readTChan change
+ return $ Right ()
+ where
+ while f = do
+ continue <- f
+ if continue then (while f) else return False
+ serve room (RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "leave"] _) _ stream =
+ leave' room (RPC.peer stream)
+ serve room (RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "isRoom"] _) _ stream =
+ RPC.writeStreamJSON stream (newIsRoomResponse room)
+ serve room (RPC.Endpoint ["tunnel", "ping"] _) _ stream = do
+ resp <- getCurrentTime
+ RPC.writeStreamJSON stream resp
+ serve room endpoint@otherwise arg stream = (RPC.notFoundHandlerFunc endpoint) arg stream
+ notifyConnect _ _ = return . return $ ()
+ notifyDisconnect room peer = do
+ _ <- leave' room peer
+ return . return $ ()
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/WhoAmI.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/WhoAmI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be979fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/RPC/WhoAmI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Remote Procedure Call for
+-- Ping.
+-- For more information kindly refer [WHERE]
+-- TODO: Update above documentation
+module Ssb.Peer.RPC.WhoAmI where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import Data.Aeson as Aeson (FromJSON,ToJSON)
+import qualified Ssb.Identity as Ssb
+import qualified Ssb.Feed as Feed
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.RPC as RPC
+whoAmIRequest :: RPC.Request [Text]
+whoAmIRequest = RPC.Request {
+ name = ["whoami"]
+ , typ = RPC.Async
+ , args = []
+ }
+newtype WhoAmIResponse = WhoAmIResponse
+ { id :: Feed.FeedID
+ } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance FromJSON WhoAmIResponse
+instance ToJSON WhoAmIResponse
+ :: RPC.ConnState
+ -> IO (Either Text WhoAmIResponse)
+whoAmI conn = RPC.requestAsync conn whoAmIRequest
+newtype Handler = Handler ()
+newHandler :: Handler
+newHandler = Handler ()
+instance RPC.Handler Handler where
+ endpoints h = [RPC.Endpoint ["whoami"] RPC.Async]
+ serve (Handler ssbID) (RPC.Endpoint ["whoami"] RPC.Async) _ stream =
+ RPC.writeStreamJSON stream (WhoAmIResponse $ Feed.FeedID (RPC.peer stream))
+ notifyConnect _ _ = return . return $ ()
+ notifyDisconnect _ _ = return . return $ ()
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4245542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Secret Handshake.
+-- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide
+-- | TODO: Take care of possible import loop
+-- | TODO: Optimize handling of PublicKey (extractPublicKey)
+module Ssb.Peer.SecretHandshake where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.Default
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.ScalarMult
+ as ScalarMult
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Auth as Auth
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Box as Box
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as SecretBox
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Sign as Sign
+import Ssb.Network
+import Ssb.Identity
+import qualified Sodium
+-- | ChallengeLength is the length of a challenge message in bytes
+challengeLength :: Int
+challengeLength = 64
+-- | ClientAuthLength is the length of a clientAuth message in bytes
+clientAuthLength :: Int
+clientAuthLength = 16 + 32 + 64
+-- | ServerAcceptLength is the length of a serverAccept message in bytes
+serverAcceptLength :: Int
+serverAcceptLength = 16 + 64
+-- | MACLength is the length of a MAC in bytes
+macLength :: Int
+macLength = 16
+-- | NetworkIdentifier defines which of the possible networks is being used.
+-- Most traffic is on MainNet, and others may be used for testing purposes.
+type NetworkIdentifier = ByteString
+type SharedSecret = ScalarMult.GroupElement
+-- | SharedSecrets are the result of Scuttlebutt's handshake
+-- TODO: make shared secrets readable and showable
+data SharedSecrets = SharedSecrets
+ { network :: NetworkIdentifier
+ , secreta :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , secretA :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , secretb :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , secretB :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , secretab :: SharedSecret
+ , secretaB :: SharedSecret
+ , secretAb :: SharedSecret
+ , serverHMAC :: Auth.Authenticator
+ }
+-- | ConnStatus defines the progress of the handshake.
+data ConnStatus =
+ StartingHandshake
+ | AwaitingClientHello
+ | AwaitingServerHello
+ | AwaitingClientAuthentication
+ | AwaitingServerAccept
+ | HandshakeComplete
+ deriving Show
+-- | Message sent between Scuttlebutt peers.
+-- TODO: Add encoding and processing of remaining messages
+data Message =
+ ClientHello Auth.Authenticator -- | Client's HMAC
+ PublicKey -- | Client's Ephemeral Public Key
+ NetworkIdentifier
+ | ServerHello Auth.Authenticator -- | Server's HMAC
+ PublicKey -- | Server's Ephemeral Public Key
+ NetworkIdentifier
+ -- TODO: Can this be renamed?
+ | ClientAuthMessage ByteString -- | Detached Signature A
+ PublicKey -- | Client long term Public Key
+ | ServerAccept ByteString -- | Detached Signature B
+-- | ConnState holds important details during the connection process.
+-- TODO: define a getter method for fields. Is it possible to get the field
+-- name for the error message?
+data ConnState = ConnState
+ { connState :: ConnStatus
+ , networkID :: NetworkIdentifier
+ , clientPrivateKey :: Maybe PrivateKey
+ , clientPublicKey :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , clientEphemeralPrivKey :: Maybe PrivateKey
+ , clientEphemeralPubKey :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , clientHMAC :: Maybe Auth.Authenticator
+ , serverPrivateKey :: Maybe PrivateKey
+ , serverPublicKey :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , serverEphemeralPrivKey :: Maybe PrivateKey
+ , serverEphemeralPubKey :: Maybe PublicKey
+ , serverHMAC :: Maybe Auth.Authenticator
+ , sharedSecretab :: Maybe SharedSecret
+ , sharedSecretaB :: Maybe SharedSecret
+ , sharedSecretAb :: Maybe SharedSecret
+ , detachedSignatureA :: Maybe ByteString
+ , detachedSignatureB :: Maybe ByteString
+ }
+-- | TODO: confirm use of default
+instance Default ConnState where
+ def = ConnState { connState = StartingHandshake
+ , networkID = ""
+ , clientPrivateKey = def
+ , clientPublicKey = def
+ , clientEphemeralPrivKey = def
+ , clientEphemeralPubKey = def
+ , clientHMAC = def
+ , serverPrivateKey = def
+ , serverPublicKey = def
+ , serverEphemeralPrivKey = def
+ , serverEphemeralPubKey = def
+ , serverHMAC = def
+ , sharedSecretab = def
+ , sharedSecretaB = def
+ , sharedSecretAb = def
+ , detachedSignatureA = def
+ , detachedSignatureB = def
+ }
+must :: Text -> Maybe a -> Either Text a
+must field = maybeToEither ("missing " <> field)
+-- | Create the state for initiating a Handshake given the Scuttlebutt User's key pair.
+ :: NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Identity
+ -> PublicKey
+ -> IO ConnState
+newClientConnState network clientID serverPubKey = do
+ let clientPrivKey = Ssb.Identity.privateKey clientID
+ let clientPubKey = Ssb.Identity.publicKey clientID
+ (ephPrivKey, ephPubKey) <- Box.newKeypair
+ return $ def { connState = StartingHandshake
+ , networkID = network
+ , clientPrivateKey = clientPrivKey
+ , clientPublicKey = Just clientPubKey
+ , clientEphemeralPrivKey = Just $ PrivateKey (Nacl.encode ephPrivKey)
+ , clientEphemeralPubKey = Just $ PublicKey (Nacl.encode ephPubKey)
+ , serverPublicKey = Just serverPubKey
+ }
+-- | Create the state for initiating a Handshake given the Scuttlebutt User's key pair.
+ :: NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Identity
+ -> IO ConnState
+newServerConnState network serverID = do
+ let serverPrivKey = Ssb.Identity.privateKey serverID
+ let serverPubKey = Ssb.Identity.publicKey serverID
+ (ephPrivKey, ephPubKey) <- Box.newKeypair
+ return $ def { connState = AwaitingClientHello
+ , networkID = network
+ , serverEphemeralPrivKey = Just $ PrivateKey (Nacl.encode ephPrivKey)
+ , serverEphemeralPubKey = Just $ PublicKey (Nacl.encode ephPubKey)
+ , serverPrivateKey = serverPrivKey
+ , serverPublicKey = Just serverPubKey
+ }
+-- | Create shared secrets given the Handshake's final connection state.
+newSharedSecrets :: ConnState -> Either Text SharedSecrets
+newSharedSecrets state = do
+ ssab <- must "secret key ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ ssaB <- must "secret key aB" $ sharedSecretaB state
+ ssAb <- must "secret key Ab" $ sharedSecretAb state
+ serverHMAC' <- must "secret HMAC" $ serverHMAC (state :: ConnState)
+ return $ SharedSecrets { network = networkID state
+ , secreta = clientEphemeralPubKey state
+ , secretA = clientPublicKey state
+ , secretb = serverEphemeralPubKey state
+ , secretB = serverPublicKey state
+ , secretab = ssab
+ , secretaB = ssaB
+ , secretAb = ssAb
+ , serverHMAC = serverHMAC'
+ }
+newClientAuthMessage :: ConnState -> Either Text Message
+newClientAuthMessage state = do
+ let network = networkID state
+ cliLTPrivKey <- must "client Private Key" $ clientPrivateKey state
+ cliLTPubKey <- must "client Public Key" $ clientPublicKey state
+ srvLTPubKey <- must "server Public Key" $ serverPublicKey state
+ cliEphPrivKey <- must "client Private Key" $ clientEphemeralPrivKey state
+ srvEphPubKey <- must "server Ephemeral Public Key"
+ $ serverEphemeralPubKey state
+ ssab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ detachedSignatureA <- newDetachedSignatureA network
+ srvLTPubKey
+ ssab
+ cliLTPrivKey
+ return $ ClientAuthMessage detachedSignatureA
+ cliLTPubKey
+newClientHello :: ConnState -> Either Text Message
+newClientHello state = do
+ cliEphPubKey <- maybeToEither noKeyMsg $ clientEphemeralPubKey state
+ key <- maybeToEither badNetMsg $ Nacl.decode (networkID state)
+ let auth = Auth.auth key (extractPublicKey cliEphPubKey)
+ return $ ClientHello auth cliEphPubKey (networkID state)
+ where
+ badNetMsg = "badly formatted Network Identifier"
+ noKeyMsg = "clientEphemeralKey required"
+decodeClientHello :: ConnState -> ByteString -> Either Text Message
+decodeClientHello state buf = do
+ let network = networkID state
+ let (hmacbuf, cliEphPubKey) = BS.splitAt 32 buf
+ key <- maybeToEither badNetMsg $ Nacl.decode network
+ auth <- maybeToEither badHMACMsg $ Nacl.decode hmacbuf
+ let msg = cliEphPubKey
+ if Auth.verify key auth msg
+ then Right $ ClientHello auth (PublicKey cliEphPubKey) network
+ else Left badVerificationMsg
+ where
+ badNetMsg = "badly formatted Network Identifier"
+ badHMACMsg = "badly formatted server HMAC"
+ badPubKeyMsg = "badly formatted server Public Key"
+ badVerificationMsg = "verification failed"
+-- TODO: check if its possible to change the function depending on the return type.
+newServerHello :: ConnState -> Either Text Message
+newServerHello state = do
+ srvEphPubKey <- maybeToEither noKeyMsg $ serverEphemeralPubKey state
+ key <- maybeToEither badNetMsg $ Nacl.decode (networkID state)
+ let auth = Auth.auth key (extractPublicKey srvEphPubKey)
+ return $ ServerHello auth srvEphPubKey (networkID state)
+ where
+ badNetMsg = "badly formatted Network Identifier"
+ noKeyMsg = "clientEphemeralKey required"
+decodeServerHello :: ConnState -> ByteString -> Either Text Message
+decodeServerHello state buf = do
+ let network = networkID state
+ let (hmacbuf, srvEphPubKey) = BS.splitAt 32 buf
+ key <- maybeToEither badNetMsg $ Nacl.decode network
+ auth <- maybeToEither badHMACMsg $ Nacl.decode hmacbuf
+ let msg = srvEphPubKey
+ if Auth.verify key auth msg
+ then Right $ ServerHello auth (PublicKey srvEphPubKey) network
+ else Left badVerificationMsg
+ where
+ badNetMsg = "badly formatted Network Identifier"
+ badHMACMsg = "badly formatted server HMAC"
+ badPubKeyMsg = "badly formatted server Public Key"
+ badVerificationMsg = "verification failed"
+decodeClientAuthMessage :: ConnState -> ByteString -> Either Text Message
+decodeClientAuthMessage state buf = do
+ let network = networkID state
+ serverPublicKey <- must "serverPublicKey" $ serverPublicKey state
+ sharedSecretab <- must "sharedSecretab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ sharedSecretaB <- must "sharedSecretaB" $ sharedSecretaB state
+ key <-
+ naclDecode "key"
+ $ SHA256.hash
+ $ network
+ <> Nacl.encode sharedSecretab
+ <> Nacl.encode sharedSecretaB
+ let nonce = Nacl.zero
+ msg3 <- maybeToEither "could not open secret box"
+ $ SecretBox.secretboxOpen key nonce buf
+ -- TODO: Make the client auth message length a constant
+ msg3 <- if (BS.length msg3 == 96)
+ then (return msg3)
+ else (Left badMessageLength)
+ let detachedSignatureA = BS.take 64 msg3
+ clientLongTermPubKey <- naclDecode "client Long Term Public Key"
+ $ BS.drop 64 msg3
+ let msg =
+ (network :: ByteString)
+ <> (extractPublicKey serverPublicKey)
+ <> SHA256.hash (Nacl.encode sharedSecretab)
+ if Sign.signVerifyDetached
+ clientLongTermPubKey
+ detachedSignatureA
+ msg
+ then Right state {connState = HandshakeComplete}
+ else Left "client verification failed"
+ return $ ClientAuthMessage
+ detachedSignatureA
+ (PublicKey $ Nacl.encode clientLongTermPubKey)
+ where
+ badMessageLength = "unexpected length of Client Authentication Message"
+ naclDecode msg = maybeToEither msg . Nacl.decode
+newServerAccept :: ConnState -> Either Text Message
+newServerAccept state = do
+ detachedSignatureB' <- maybeToEither noSigB (detachedSignatureB state)
+ return $ ServerAccept detachedSignatureB'
+ where
+ noSigB = "detachedSignatureB required"
+decodeServerAccept :: ConnState -> ByteString -> Either Text Message
+decodeServerAccept state buf = do
+ let network = networkID state
+ sharedSecretab <- must "sharedSecretab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ sharedSecretaB <- must "sharedSecretaB" $ sharedSecretaB state
+ sharedSecretAb <- must "sharedSecretAb" $ sharedSecretAb state
+ key <-
+ naclDecode "key"
+ $ SHA256.hash
+ $ network
+ <> Nacl.encode sharedSecretab
+ <> Nacl.encode sharedSecretaB
+ <> Nacl.encode sharedSecretAb
+ let nonce = Nacl.zero
+ detachedSignatureB <- secretBoxOpen key nonce buf
+ return $ ServerAccept detachedSignatureB
+ where
+ naclDecode msg =
+ maybeToEither ("could not decode " <> msg :: Text) . Nacl.decode
+ secretBoxOpen key nonce msg =
+ maybeToEither "could not open secret box"
+ $ SecretBox.secretboxOpen key nonce msg
+-- | generate a signature used in the Client Authentication
+ :: NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Ssb.Identity.PublicKey
+ -> SharedSecret
+ -> PrivateKey
+ -> Either Text ByteString
+newDetachedSignatureA network serverLongTermPubKey sharedSecretab clientLongTermPrivKey
+ = do
+ clientLongTermPrivKey' <- maybeToEither badCliKeyMsg
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPrivateKey clientLongTermPrivKey
+ let secretChecksum = SHA256.hash $ Nacl.encode sharedSecretab
+ let msg =
+ (network :: ByteString)
+ <> extractPublicKey serverLongTermPubKey
+ <> (secretChecksum :: ByteString)
+ return $ Sign.signDetached clientLongTermPrivKey' msg
+ where
+ badSrvKeyMsg = "badly encoded long term server public key"
+ badCliKeyMsg = "badly encoded long term client private key"
+calcSharedSecretab :: PrivateKey -> PublicKey -> Either Text SharedSecret
+calcSharedSecretab cliEphPrivKey srvEphPubKey = do
+ cliEphPrivKey' <- maybeToEither "badly formatted client ephemeral private key"
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPrivateKey cliEphPrivKey
+ srvEphPubKey' <- maybeToEither "badly formatted server ephemeral public key"
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPublicKey srvEphPubKey
+ return $ ScalarMult.mult cliEphPrivKey' srvEphPubKey'
+-- | generate a signature used in the Server acknowledgement
+ :: NetworkIdentifier
+ -> ByteString
+ -> PublicKey
+ -> SharedSecret
+ -> PrivateKey
+ -> Either Text ByteString
+newDetachedSignatureB network detachedSignatureA clientPublicKey sharedSecretab serverPrivateKey = do
+ key <- naclDecode badPrivkey $ extractPrivateKey serverPrivateKey
+ let msg =
+ (network :: ByteString)
+ <> detachedSignatureA
+ <> (extractPublicKey clientPublicKey)
+ <> SHA256.hash (Nacl.encode sharedSecretab)
+ return $ Sign.signDetached key msg
+ where
+ badPrivkey = "badly formatted private key"
+ naclDecode msg = maybeToEither msg . Nacl.decode
+-- | Server Longterm PK should be converted to curve25519
+-- Does not look like a problem given the Golang code
+-- TODO: Implement type conversion here
+clientCalcSharedSecretaB :: PrivateKey -> PublicKey -> Either Text SharedSecret
+clientCalcSharedSecretaB clientEphemeralSK serverLongtermPK = do
+ cliEphPrivKey' <- maybeToEither "badly formatted client ephemeral private key"
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPrivateKey clientEphemeralSK
+ srvLTPubKey' <- maybeToEither "badly formatted server long term public key"
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPublicKey serverLongtermPK
+ curvePublicKey <-
+ maybeToEither "badly formatted curve25519"
+ $ Nacl.decode . Nacl.encode $ Sodium.publicKeyToCurve25519 srvLTPubKey'
+ return $ ScalarMult.mult cliEphPrivKey' curvePublicKey
+serverCalcSharedSecretaB :: PrivateKey -> PublicKey -> Either Text SharedSecret
+serverCalcSharedSecretaB serverLongtermSK clientEphemeralPK = do
+ srvLTPrivKey' <- maybeToEither "badly formatted server long term private key"
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPrivateKey serverLongtermSK
+ cliEphPubKey' <- maybeToEither "badly formatted client ephemeral public key"
+ $ Nacl.decode $ extractPublicKey clientEphemeralPK
+ curvePrivKey <-
+ maybeToEither "badly formatted curve25519"
+ $ Nacl.decode . Nacl.encode $ Sodium.secretKeyToCurve25519 srvLTPrivKey'
+ return $ ScalarMult.mult curvePrivKey cliEphPubKey'
+calcSharedSecretAb :: PrivateKey -> PublicKey -> Either Text SharedSecret
+calcSharedSecretAb clientLongTermPrivKey serverEphemeralPubKey = do
+ cliLTPrivKey' <- naclDecode "badly formatted client long term private key"
+ $ extractPrivateKey clientLongTermPrivKey
+ curveSecretKey <-
+ naclDecode "badly formatted curve25519"
+ . Nacl.encode
+ $ Sodium.secretKeyToCurve25519 cliLTPrivKey'
+ srvEphPubKey' <- naclDecode "badly formatted server ephemeral public key"
+ $ extractPublicKey serverEphemeralPubKey
+ return $ ScalarMult.mult curveSecretKey srvEphPubKey'
+ where naclDecode msg = maybeToEither msg . Nacl.decode
+ :: PrivateKey
+ -> PublicKey
+ -> Either Text SharedSecret
+serverCalcSharedSecretAb serverEphemeralPrivKey clientLongTermPubKey = do
+ srvEphPrivKey' <- naclDecode "here bad formatted server long term private key"
+ $ extractPrivateKey serverEphemeralPrivKey
+ cliLTPubKey' <- naclDecode "badly formatted client long term public key"
+ $ extractPublicKey clientLongTermPubKey
+ curvePublicKey <-
+ naclDecode "badly formatted curve25519"
+ . Nacl.encode
+ $ Sodium.publicKeyToCurve25519 cliLTPubKey'
+ return $ ScalarMult.mult srvEphPrivKey' curvePublicKey
+ where
+ naclDecode msg = maybeToEither msg . Nacl.decode
+-- | encode and serialize the message in preparation to send to peer.
+encode :: ConnState -> Message -> Either Text ByteString
+encode state msg = case msg of
+ ClientHello auth pubKey network -> do
+ cliEphPubKey <- maybeToEither noKeyMsg $ clientEphemeralPubKey state
+ return $ Nacl.encode auth <> extractPublicKey cliEphPubKey
+ where
+ noKeyMsg = "clientEphemeralKey required"
+ ServerHello auth pubKey network -> do
+ return $ Nacl.encode auth <> extractPublicKey pubKey
+ where
+ noKeyMsg = "clientEphemeralKey required"
+ ClientAuthMessage dSigA cliLTPubKey -> do
+ let network = networkID state
+ ssab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ ssaB <- must "shared secret aB" $ sharedSecretaB state
+ key <-
+ maybeToEither badKeyMsg
+ $ Nacl.decode
+ $ SHA256.hash
+ $ network
+ <> Nacl.encode ssab
+ <> Nacl.encode ssaB
+ let nonce = Nacl.zero
+ let msg = dSigA <> extractPublicKey cliLTPubKey
+ return $ SecretBox.secretbox key nonce msg
+ where badKeyMsg = "clientEphemeralKey required"
+ ServerAccept detachedSignatureB -> do
+ let network = networkID state
+ ssab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ ssaB <- must "shared secret aB" $ sharedSecretaB state
+ ssAb <- must "shared secret Ab" $ sharedSecretAb state
+ key <-
+ maybeToEither badKeyMsg
+ $ Nacl.decode
+ $ SHA256.hash
+ $ ((network :: ByteString)
+ <> Nacl.encode ssab
+ <> Nacl.encode ssaB
+ <> Nacl.encode ssAb)
+ let nonce = Nacl.zero
+ let msg = detachedSignatureB
+ return $ SecretBox.secretbox key nonce msg
+ where badKeyMsg = "clientEphemeralKey required"
+-- | update the connection state and return any reponse message for the peer.
+-- TODO: Process secretAb
+process :: ConnState -> Message -> IO (Either Text (ConnState, Maybe Message))
+process state (ClientHello hmac cliEphPubKey network) = do
+ stateUpdate <- return $ do
+ srvLTPrivKey <- must "server Private Key"
+ $ serverPrivateKey state
+ srvEphPrivKey <- must "server ephemeral Private Key"
+ $ serverEphemeralPrivKey state
+ ssab <- calcSharedSecretab srvEphPrivKey cliEphPubKey
+ -- TODO: srvLTPubKey should be curved Process sk_to_curve25519
+ ssaB <- serverCalcSharedSecretaB srvLTPrivKey cliEphPubKey
+ return $ state { connState = AwaitingClientAuthentication
+ , clientEphemeralPubKey = Just cliEphPubKey
+ , serverHMAC = Just hmac
+ , sharedSecretab = Just ssab
+ , sharedSecretaB = Just ssaB
+ }
+ return $ stateUpdate >>= \state' -> case newServerHello state' of
+ Right msg' -> return $ (state', Just msg')
+ Left err -> Left err
+process state (ServerHello hmac ephPubKey network) = do
+ stateUpdate <- return $ do
+ cliLTPrivKey <- must "client Private Key" $ clientPrivateKey state
+ cliEphPrivKey <- must "ephemeral client Private Key"
+ $ clientEphemeralPrivKey state
+ srvLTPubKey <- must "server Public Key" $ serverPublicKey state
+ ssab <- calcSharedSecretab cliEphPrivKey ephPubKey
+ ssaB <- clientCalcSharedSecretaB cliEphPrivKey srvLTPubKey
+ ssAb <- calcSharedSecretAb cliLTPrivKey ephPubKey
+ return $ state { connState = AwaitingServerAccept
+ , serverHMAC = Just hmac
+ , serverEphemeralPubKey = Just ephPubKey
+ , sharedSecretab = Just ssab
+ , sharedSecretaB = Just ssaB
+ , sharedSecretAb = Just ssAb
+ }
+ return $ stateUpdate >>= \state' -> case newClientAuthMessage state' of
+ Right msg' -> return $ (state', Just msg')
+ Left err -> Left err
+process state (ClientAuthMessage detachedSignatureA clientLongTermPubKey) = do
+ stateUpdate <- return $ do
+ let network = networkID state
+ srvPrivKey <- must "server private key"
+ $ serverPrivateKey state
+ srvEphPrivKey <- must "server Long Term ephemeral private key"
+ $ serverEphemeralPrivKey state
+ sharedSecretAb <- serverCalcSharedSecretAb srvEphPrivKey clientLongTermPubKey
+ sharedSecretab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ detachedSignatureB <- newDetachedSignatureB
+ network
+ detachedSignatureA
+ clientLongTermPubKey
+ sharedSecretab
+ srvPrivKey
+ return $ state { connState = HandshakeComplete
+ , detachedSignatureA = Just detachedSignatureA
+ , detachedSignatureB = Just detachedSignatureB
+ , clientPublicKey = Just clientLongTermPubKey
+ , sharedSecretAb = Just sharedSecretAb
+ }
+ return $ stateUpdate >>= \state' -> case newServerAccept state' of
+ Right msg' -> return $ (state', Just msg')
+ Left err -> Left err
+process state (ServerAccept dSigB) = do
+ stateUpdate <- return $ do
+ let network = networkID state
+ cliLTPrivKey <- must "client private key" $ clientPrivateKey state
+ cliLTPubKey <- must "client public key" $ clientPublicKey state
+ srvLTPubKey <- must "server public key" $ serverPublicKey state
+ ssab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ detachedSignatureA <- newDetachedSignatureA network
+ srvLTPubKey
+ ssab
+ cliLTPrivKey
+ keyBuf <- must "server Public Key" $ serverPublicKey state
+ key <- maybeToEither "badly formatted public key" $ Nacl.decode $ extractPublicKey keyBuf
+ let msg = network <> detachedSignatureA <> extractPublicKey cliLTPubKey <> SHA256.hash (Nacl.encode ssab)
+ if Sign.signVerifyDetached key dSigB msg
+ then Right state {connState = HandshakeComplete}
+ else Left "server verification failed"
+ return $ case stateUpdate of
+ Right state' -> return (state', Nothing)
+ Left err -> Left err
+-- TODO: Investigate a better way to separate network from handshake logic
+type ReadFn = Int -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
+type SendFn = ByteString -> IO ()
+-- | readMsg decodes the next expected message from the byte stream.
+readMsg :: ConnState -> ReadFn -> IO (Either Text Message)
+readMsg state read = case connState state of
+ AwaitingClientHello -> do
+ mbuf <- read' challengeLength
+ return $ do
+ buf <- mbuf
+ decodeClientHello state buf
+ AwaitingServerHello -> do
+ mbuf <- read' challengeLength
+ return $ do
+ buf <- mbuf
+ decodeServerHello state buf
+ AwaitingClientAuthentication -> do
+ mbuf <- read' 112
+ return $ do
+ buf <- mbuf
+ decodeClientAuthMessage state buf
+ AwaitingServerAccept -> do
+ mbuf <- read' serverAcceptLength
+ return $ do
+ buf <- mbuf
+ decodeServerAccept state buf
+ _ -> return $ Left "unknown state"
+ where read' len = maybeToEither "connection broken" <$> read len
+-- TODO: use Either instead
+sendMsg :: SendFn -> ConnState -> Message -> IO ()
+sendMsg send state msg = do
+ case encode state msg of
+ Left err -> die err
+ Right buf -> send buf
+-- | startHandshake initializes the connection with the Scuttlebutt peer
+-- returning the new shared secrets upon completion.
+ :: SendFn
+ -> ReadFn
+ -> NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Identity
+ -> PublicKey
+ -> IO (Either Text SharedSecrets)
+startHandshake send recv network clientID srvPubKey = do
+ state <- newClientConnState network clientID srvPubKey
+ let clientHello = fromRight undefined (newClientHello state)
+ let state' = state { connState = AwaitingServerHello }
+ finalState <- loop state' recv (Just clientHello)
+ return $ finalState >>= newSharedSecrets
+ where
+ loop :: ConnState -> ReadFn -> Maybe Message -> IO (Either Text ConnState)
+ loop state _ Nothing = return . return $ state
+ loop state recv (Just msg) = do
+ sendMsg send state msg
+ case connState state of
+ HandshakeComplete -> return . return $ state
+ _ -> do
+ resp <- readMsg state recv
+ case resp of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right msg -> do
+ res <- process state msg
+ case res of
+ Left err -> return $ Left ("handshake error while connecting to peer: " <> err)
+ Right (state', msg') ->
+ loop state' recv msg'
+ :: SendFn
+ -> ReadFn
+ -> NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Identity
+ -> IO (Either Text SharedSecrets)
+welcomeHandshake send recv network serverID = do
+ state <- newServerConnState network serverID
+ finalState <- loop state
+ return $ finalState >>= newSharedSecrets
+ where
+ loop :: ConnState -> IO (Either Text ConnState)
+ loop state = do
+ msg <- readMsg state recv
+ case msg of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right msg -> do
+ res <- process state msg
+ case res of
+ Left err -> return $ Left $ "handshake failed: " <> err
+ Right (state', msg') ->
+ case msg' of
+ Nothing -> return $ Right state'
+ Just msg'' -> do
+ sendMsg send state' msg''
+ case connState state' of
+ HandshakeComplete -> return $ Right state'
+ _ -> loop state'
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/TCP.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/TCP.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e3f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/TCP.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+-- | This module implements basic TCP connectivity for Scuttlebutt.
+module Ssb.Peer.TCP where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
+import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP
+import Ssb.Aux
+import qualified Ssb.Identity as Ssb
+import Ssb.Network
+import Ssb.Peer
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.BoxStream as BoxStream
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.SecretHandshake as SH
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.RPC as RPC
+ :: Host
+ -> Port
+ -> NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Ssb.Identity
+ -> Ssb.Identity
+ -> (BoxStream.Conn -> IO ())
+ -> IO (Either Text ())
+connectBoxStream host port networkID id peer cmd =
+ TCP.connect (toS host) (toS port) $ \(socket, addr) -> do
+ res <- SH.startHandshake (TCP.send socket)
+ (TCP.recv socket)
+ networkID
+ id
+ (Ssb.publicKey peer)
+ case res of
+ Left err -> return $ Left ("client handshake error: " <> err)
+ Right sharedSecrets -> do
+ conn <- BoxStream.connectServer socket sharedSecrets
+ case conn of
+ Left err -> return (Left err)
+ Right conn -> return <$> cmd conn
+ :: Host
+ -> Port
+ -> NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Ssb.Identity
+ -> (BoxStream.Conn -> Ssb.Identity -> IO ())
+ -> IO ()
+serveBoxStream host port networkID id cmd =
+ TCP.serve (TCP.Host $ toS host) (toS port) $ \(socket, remoteAddr) -> do
+ res <- SH.welcomeHandshake (TCP.send socket)
+ (TCP.recv socket)
+ networkID
+ id
+ case res of
+ Left err -> print $ "client handshake error: " <> err
+ Right sharedSecrets -> do
+ let peerID = (fromMaybe undefined $ SH.secretA sharedSecrets)
+ conn <- BoxStream.connectServer socket sharedSecrets
+ case conn of
+ Left err -> print $ "client error: " <> err
+ Right conn -> cmd conn (Ssb.Identity Nothing peerID)
+ :: RPC.Handler a
+ => a
+ -> Host
+ -> Port
+ -> NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Ssb.Identity
+ -> Ssb.Identity
+ -> (RPC.ConnState -> IO ())
+ -> IO (Either Text ())
+connectRPC handler host port networkID id peer cmd =
+ TCP.connect (toS host) (toS port) $ \(socket, addr) -> do
+ res <- SH.startHandshake (TCP.send socket)
+ (TCP.recv socket)
+ networkID
+ id
+ (Ssb.publicKey peer)
+ case res of
+ Left err -> return $ error ("client handshake error: " <> err)
+ Right sharedSecrets -> do
+ conn <- BoxStream.connectClient socket sharedSecrets
+ case conn of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right conn -> RPC.connect conn handler (Ssb.publicKey peer) cmd
+ :: RPC.Handler a
+ => a
+ -> Host
+ -> Port
+ -> NetworkIdentifier
+ -> Ssb.Identity
+ -> IO ()
+serveRPC handler host port networkID id =
+ serveBoxStream host port networkID id $ \conn peer -> do
+ res <- RPC.connect conn handler (Ssb.publicKey peer) (\_ -> return ())
+ case res of
+ Left err -> print $ "RPC error serving client: " <> err
+ Right _ -> return ()
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Pub.hs b/src/Ssb/Pub.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed5410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Pub.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+-- | This module defines SSB pubs used as a gathering point for peers not sharing a local
+-- network.
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/#pubs
+module Ssb.Pub where
+import Protolude
+import Control.Arrow ((***))
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import Ssb.Identity
+import Ssb.Network
+data Invite = Invite
+ {
+ } deriving (Eq)
+data PubAddress = PubAddress
+ { host :: Host
+ , port :: Port
+ , key :: PublicKey
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Create a Pub Address from the given text.
+-- Example string "net:some.ho.st:8008~shs:SomeActuallyValidPubKey="
+parsePub :: Text -> Either Text PubAddress
+parsePub txt = do
+ let (protocol, postProtocol) = split ":" txt
+ let (addressPort, postAddress) = split "~" postProtocol
+ let (address, port) = splitOnEnd ":" addressPort
+ let (hashType, key) = split ":" postAddress
+ return PubAddress
+ { host = address
+ , port = port
+ , key = PublicKey $ Base64.decodeLenient $ toS key
+ }
+ where
+ split c arg = (identity *** Text.drop 1) $ Text.breakOn c arg
+ splitOnEnd c arg = (Text.dropEnd 1 *** identity) $ Text.breakOnEnd c arg
+-- TODO: Complete formatPub
+formatPub :: PubAddress -> Text
+formatPub pub = undefined
+newtype PubMessage = PubMessage PubAddress
+ deriving (Eq, Show)