path: root/src/Ssb/Feed.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ssb/Feed.hs')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Feed.hs b/src/Ssb/Feed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e96c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Feed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Ssb.Feed where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity
+ , sequence
+ , hash
+ )
+import Control.Monad.Fail
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON
+ , ToJSON
+ )
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Sign as NaclSign
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.Aeson as Aeson (object, (.=))
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft
+ , mapRight
+ )
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( getPOSIXTime )
+import Numeric.Natural
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Ssb.Aux
+import Ssb.Identity
+import Turtle
+type Time = Int
+newtype FeedID = FeedID PublicKey
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show)
+formatFeedID :: FeedID -> Text
+formatFeedID = formatPublicKey . extractFeedID
+extractFeedID :: FeedID -> PublicKey
+extractFeedID (FeedID pubKey) = pubKey
+parseFeedID :: Text -> Either Text FeedID
+parseFeedID arg = FeedID <$> parsePublicKey arg
+instance FromJSON FeedID where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "FeedID" $ \v -> case parseFeedID v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON FeedID where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatFeedID arg
+newtype MessageID = MessageID ByteString
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+newMessageID :: ByteString -> MessageID
+newMessageID buf = MessageID (SHA256.hash buf)
+extractMessageID :: MessageID -> ByteString
+extractMessageID (MessageID buf) = buf
+-- | return the Humand Readable form.
+-- Format of '%[base64 messageId].sha256', the '.sha256' is appended for
+-- forward compatibility, and is currently assumed.
+formatMessageID :: MessageID -> Text
+formatMessageID (MessageID buf) = "%" <> toS (Base64.encode buf) <> ".sha256"
+-- | TODO: make safe
+parseMessageID :: Text -> Either Text MessageID
+parseMessageID arg = decode $ T.dropEnd constLen $ T.drop 1 arg
+ where
+ constLen = T.length ".sha256"
+ decode :: Text -> Either Text MessageID
+ decode = mapRight MessageID . mapLeft toS . Base64.decode . toS
+instance FromJSON MessageID where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "MessageID" $ \v -> case parseMessageID v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON MessageID where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatMessageID arg
+data HashType = SHA256
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+formatHashType :: HashType -> Text
+formatHashType SHA256 = "sha256"
+parseHashType :: Text -> Either Text HashType
+parseHashType "sha256" = Right SHA256
+parseHashType _ = Left "unknown hash"
+instance FromJSON HashType where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "HashType" $ \v -> case parseHashType v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON HashType where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatHashType arg
+data Signature = Signature ByteString
+ deriving (Generic,Eq,Show)
+extractSignature :: Signature -> ByteString
+extractSignature (Signature buf) = buf
+formatSignature :: Signature -> Text
+formatSignature (Signature buf) = toS (Base64.encode buf) <> ".sig.ed25519"
+parseSignature :: Text -> Either Text Signature
+parseSignature txt = decode $ T.dropEnd constLen txt
+ where
+ constLen = T.length ".sig.ed25519"
+ decode :: Text -> Either Text Signature
+ decode = mapRight Signature . mapLeft toS . Base64.decode . toS
+instance FromJSON Signature where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withText "Signature" $ \v -> case parseSignature v of
+ Left err -> fail $ toS err
+ Right a -> return a
+instance ToJSON Signature where
+ toJSON arg = Aeson.String $ formatSignature arg
+data Message a = Message
+ { previous :: Maybe MessageID
+ , author :: FeedID
+ , sequence :: Natural
+ , timestamp :: Time
+ , hash :: HashType
+ , content :: a
+ , signature :: Maybe Signature
+ } deriving (Generic,Eq,Show)
+instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Message a)
+instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Message a)
+newtype MessageNoSig a = MessageNoSig (Message a)
+ deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
+instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (MessageNoSig a) where
+ toJSON (MessageNoSig msg) = object [
+ "previous" .= previous msg
+ , "author" .= author msg
+ , "timestamp" .= timestamp msg
+ , "sequence" .= sequence msg
+ , "content" .= content msg
+ , "hash" .= hash msg
+ ]
+data Feed a = Feed Identity [VerifiableMessage a]
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+empty id = Feed id []
+instance Foldable Feed where
+ foldMap f (Feed id msgs) = foldMap f (content . vmMessage <$> msgs)
+data Feeds a = Feeds (Map FeedID (Feed a))
+emptyFeeds :: ToJSON a => Feeds a
+emptyFeeds = (Feeds Map.empty)
+lookup :: ToJSON a => FeedID -> Feeds a -> Maybe (Feed a)
+lookup id (Feeds m) = Map.lookup id m
+insert :: ToJSON a => Feed a -> Feeds a -> Feeds a
+insert feed (Feeds m) = Feeds (Map.insert (id feed) feed m)
+ where
+ id (Feed id _) = FeedID (publicKey id)
+-- | Message Verification
+-- Legacy verification of a Message requires keeping track of the JSON value
+-- ordering. Haskell's underlying JSON serialization mechanisms cannot be
+-- relied on to preserve this.
+-- There are two values which use this funny encoding, the message reference
+-- -and- the signature.
+-- | VerifiableMessage keeps track of the original JSON payload for signature
+-- verification.
+data VerifiableMessage a = VerifiableMessage
+ { vmMessage :: Message a
+ , vmMessageID :: MessageID
+ , vmSignature :: Signature
+ , vmSignedPayload :: ByteString
+ } deriving (Generic,Eq,Show)
+-- TODO: verify message on creation in newVerifiableMessage
+withSignature :: Signature -> ByteString -> ByteString
+withSignature signature buf = (dropEnd (BS.length endTxt) buf) <> sigTxt
+ where
+ dropEnd num = BS.reverse . (BS.drop num) . BS.reverse
+ sigTxt =
+ ",\n \"signature\": "
+ <> "\""
+ <> toS (formatSignature signature)
+ <> "\""
+ <> endTxt
+ endTxt = "\n}"
+-- | TODO: implement stricter version of withoutSignature
+withoutSignature :: ByteString -> ByteString
+withoutSignature buf =
+ appendToEnd "\n}"
+ $ BS.reverse
+ $ BS.drop (BS.length signaturePattern)
+ $ snd
+ $ BS.breakSubstring (BS.reverse signaturePattern) (BS.reverse buf)
+ where
+ appendToEnd = \x y -> BS.append y x
+ signaturePattern = ",\n \"signature\":"
+ :: ByteString -> Message a -> IO (Either Text (VerifiableMessage a))
+newVerifiableMessage origJSONPayload msg = do
+ signedPayload <- encodeForSigning False origJSONPayload
+ return $ do
+ signature' <- withErr "expected message signature" $ signature msg
+ signedPayload' <- signedPayload
+ return $ VerifiableMessage { vmMessage = msg
+ , vmMessageID = newMessageID signedPayload'
+ , vmSignature = signature'
+ , vmSignedPayload = signedPayload'
+ }
+ :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> IO (Either Text (VerifiableMessage a))
+decodeJSONVerifiableMessage buf =
+ either (return . Left) (newVerifiableMessage buf) (decodeJSON buf)
+encodeJSONVerifiableMessage :: VerifiableMessage a -> ByteString
+encodeJSONVerifiableMessage = vmSignedPayload
+atMayFeed :: Int -> Feed a -> Maybe (VerifiableMessage a)
+atMayFeed i (Feed _ msgs) = atMay msgs i
+-- | append verifies and appends the Message to the Feed, returning an error if
+-- verification fails.
+append :: ToJSON a => Feed a -> VerifiableMessage a -> Either Text (Feed a)
+append (Feed id msgs) msg = do
+ if (verify id msg)
+ then (return (Feed id (msgs ++ [msg])))
+ else (error "verification failed")
+appendContent :: ToJSON a => Feed a -> a -> IO (Either Text (Feed a))
+appendContent (Feed id msgs) content = do
+ timestamp <- (1000 *) <$> getPOSIXTime
+ let msg = Message { previous = vmMessageID <$> atMay msgs (length msgs - 1)
+ , author = FeedID (publicKey id)
+ , sequence = fromIntegral (length msgs) + 1
+ , timestamp = round timestamp
+ , hash = SHA256
+ , content = content
+ , signature = Nothing
+ }
+ vMsg <- signMessage id msg
+ return $ (\x -> Feed id (msgs ++ [x])) <$> vMsg
+ :: ToJSON a => Identity -> Message a -> IO (Either Text (VerifiableMessage a))
+signMessage id msg = do
+ buf' <- encodeForSigning True $ encodeJSON (MessageNoSig msg)
+ let args = do
+ key <- withErr "private key required for signing" $ privateKey id
+ key' <-
+ withErr "could not decode private key"
+ $ Nacl.decode
+ . extractPrivateKey
+ $ key
+ buf'' <- buf'
+ return (key', buf'')
+ case args of
+ Right (key, buf) -> do
+ let signature = Signature (NaclSign.signDetached key buf)
+ vMsg <- newVerifiableMessage (withSignature signature buf)
+ msg { signature = Just signature }
+ return $ do
+ vMsg' <- vMsg
+ if (verify id vMsg')
+ then (return vMsg')
+ else (error "signing failed verification")
+ Left err -> return $ error err
+verify :: ToJSON a => Identity -> VerifiableMessage a -> Bool
+verify id msg = do
+ let args = do
+ key <- withErr "could not decode public key"
+ $ Nacl.decode (extractPublicKey (publicKey id))
+ let sig = extractSignature $ vmSignature msg
+ let buf = withoutSignature $ vmSignedPayload msg
+ return (key, sig, buf)
+ case args of
+ Right (key, sig, buf) -> NaclSign.signVerifyDetached key sig buf
+ Left err -> False
+{-# NOINLINE v8Input #-}
+v8Input :: TMVar ByteString
+v8Input = unsafePerformIO newEmptyTMVarIO
+{-# NOINLINE v8Output #-}
+v8Output :: TMVar ByteString
+v8Output = unsafePerformIO newEmptyTMVarIO
+{-# NOINLINE isV8EncoderEnabled #-}
+isV8EncoderEnabled :: TMVar Bool
+isV8EncoderEnabled = unsafePerformIO newEmptyTMVarIO
+initV8Encoder :: Text -> IO ()
+initV8Encoder cmd = do
+ atomically $ putTMVar isV8EncoderEnabled True
+ forkIO $ command cmd v8Input v8Output
+ return ()
+encodeForSigning :: Bool -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ByteString)
+encodeForSigning contentOrder arg = do
+ isEnabled <- atomically $ isEmptyTMVar isV8EncoderEnabled
+ if not isEnabled
+ then
+ return (error "external V8 byte string encoder not initialized")
+ else do
+ atomically $ putTMVar v8Input (cmd <> toS arg)
+ ret <- atomically $ takeTMVar v8Output
+ let ret' = Base64.decode (toS ret)
+ return $ mapLeft toS ret'
+ where
+ cmd = if contentOrder
+ then "y"
+ else "n"