path: root/version.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-09-13[win32] pass down name, company and website from version.txt through buildset...Martijn Kaijser
2014-08-28[release] bump to 14.0 alpha4Martijn Kaijser
2014-08-10[win32] create executable ProductName/CompanyName properties from version.txtMartijn Kaijser
2014-08-10[configure] use central version.txt file to store Kodi name, and add it to Gu...Martijn Kaijser
2014-08-01[release] bump to 14.0 alpha3Martijn Kaijser
2014-07-30[release] bump to 14.0 alpha2Martijn Kaijser
2014-06-30[configure] use central file to store xbmc version infowsnipex