path: root/tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-10-05[macOS] Drop legacy SDL windowingenen92
2023-06-24[macOS] Default to nativewindowingMiguel Borges de Freitas
2023-03-20[cmake][webos] Reduce footprint of WINDOWSYSTEMenen92
2023-03-18depends/cmakebuildsys: set core_platform_name for weboswsnipex
2022-07-29[cmake] disable CMAKE_DEPENDS_USE_COMPILER for osx makefile generatorfuzzard
work around failure on jenkins OSX build/guilib/CMakeFiles/guilib.dir/compiler_depend.make:28830: *** multiple target patterns. Stop. make[2]: *** [build/guilib/CMakeFiles/guilib.dir/all] Error 2 Issue is due to the generated compiler_depend.make file on subsequent runs generating the following code that is incorrect. This generated output is provided by the compiler. The below snippet is a clip of the failed make target that causes the failure. appears to be inserting symbols into what should be header filenames. build/guilib/CMakeFiles/guilib.dir/TextureGL.cpp.o: ../xbmc/guilib/TextureGL.cpp \ /Applications/Xcode12.4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.og21custom_flag_formatterENS_14default_deleteIS5_EEEEEENS_4hashIcEELb1EEEE5firstEv$ build/guilib/std::__1::__unordered_map_equal<char, \ build/guilib/std::__1::__hash_value_type<char, \ build/guilib/std::__1::unique_ptr<spdlog::custom_flag_formatter, \ build/guilib/std::__1::default_delete<spdlog::custom_flag_formatter> \ build/guilib/> \ build/guilib/>, \ build/guilib/std::__1::equal_to<char>, \ build/guilib/true> \ build/guilib/>__compressed_pair_elem<std::__1::__unordered_map_equal<char, \ build/guilib/std::__1::__hash_value_type<char, \ build/guilib/std::__1::unique_ptr<spdlog::custom_flag_formatter, \ build/guilib/std::__1::default_delete<spdlog::custom_flag_formatter> \ build/guilib/> \ build/guilib/>, \ build/guilib/std::__1::equal_to<char>, \ build/guilib/true>, \ build/guilib/1, \ build/guilib/true>__unordered_map_equal<char, \ build/guilib/std::__1::__hash_value_type<char, \ build/guilib/std::__1::unique_ptr<spdlog::custom_flag_formatter, \ build/guilib/std::__1::default_delete<spdlog::custom_flag_formatter> \ build/guilib/> \ build/guilib/>, \ build/guilib/std::__1::equal_to<char>, \ build/guilib/true>equal_to<char>binary_function<char, \ build/guilib/char, \ build/guilib/bool>_ZNKSt3__18equal_toIcEclERKcS3__ZNKSt3__121__unordered_map_equalIcNS_17__hash_value_typeIcNS_10unique_ptrIN6spdlog21custom_flag_formatterENS_14default_deleteIS4_EE$ /Applications/Xcode12.4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint16_t.h \
2022-06-25[cmakebuildsys] disable xcode legacy buildsystemfuzzard
2022-06-02[tools/depends] cmakebuildsys allow ninja Generator to used/createdfuzzard
use the following to create a Ninja based build project make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys GEN=Ninja This implements the single config ninja generator (ie fixed BUILD_TYPE) in cmake
2022-04-12[OSX] native windowing implementationfuzzard
2022-03-21[cmake] update + build crossguid all platformsfuzzard
crossguid hasnt been updated in a long time (~2015 was our previous hash) crossguid now natively uses cmake, so remove our cmakelists file first patch is to get around a failure due to unused function on apple platforms. a second patch is introduced due to a build failure with the default -Werror used Build crossguid in core cmake project for all platforms by default. Remove from windows the bundled download of crossguid lib rework usage of debug_postfix in SETUP_BUILD_VARS macro
2021-06-14[tools/depends][native] Update cmake to 3.20.3fuzzard
Updates cmake to 3.20.3 Set buildsystem for xcode generated projects to use the legacy build system to stay inline with existing behaviour. Cmake 3.19+ when used with xcode 12+ will try to default to the "new" xcode build system
2019-10-03[cmakebuildsys\ios] generator option (GEN) + docsfuzzard
Xcode is now the only supported cmake generator for ios. make build no longer available for ios, removed from docs updated jenkins buildsteps for ios to use xcodebuild macos/tvos docs for cmakebuildsys updated for use with xcodebuild Cleanup of cmake and darwin/support scripts to use existing default variables from xcode project instead of defining additional.
2019-10-03[cmakebuildsys] Add build_dir option + Docsfuzzard
Allow supplying BUILD_DIR option to cmakebuildsys to define build location. Default will fall back to <source>/build if not supplied.
2018-02-11[depends] add --with-platform=(aml|gbm|mir|wayland)Rechi
2017-08-16[depends] Integrate WaylandPhilipp Kerling
2017-02-25[depends] install depends build for debug and release into their own ↵wsnipex
respective dirs
2016-12-21[autotools/buildsteps/depends] Update pathsh.udo
2016-11-23[cmake] don't rebuild ffmpeg and crossguid when building from dependswsnipex
both libs where already built during depends stage
2016-11-23[depends] pass build type (debug|release) to targetswsnipex
2016-08-07[autotools][cmake] XBMCROOT -> CORE_SOURCE_DIRh.udo
2016-07-11[depends/cmakebuildsys] Pass Configuration to the buildChristian Fetzer
2016-05-04[jenkins/cmake] Adapt addon installationChristian Fetzer
CMake builds out of tree, hence we need to install the addons to build/addons so that they can be packaged together. Since they are built before Kodi, don't fail the build when the build directory exists.
2016-03-06[jenkins] Optionally build with CMakeChristian Fetzer
- Add CMAKE_BUILD variable that defines if CMake should be used to build the main application. - Use variable to build with CMake (GNU Makefile Generator) on supported platforms: android, ios, osx, linux, rbpi.