path: root/project/cmake/treedata/common
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-12-21[cmake] Move to root folder: Move filesh.udo
2016-12-14[addons] remove api1 from cmake partsAlwin Esch
2016-12-14[addons] remove not needed binary and api1 folder from sourceAlwin Esch
2016-12-14[addon] bye, bye libXBMC_addon.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-14[retroplayer] rework to new code style without shared libAlwin Esch
2016-12-14[addon] bye, bye libKODI_guilib.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-13[addon] bye, bye libKODI_audioengine.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-13[addon] bye, bye libXBMC_codec.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-13Merge pull request #11154 from AlwinEsch/remove-shared-addon-lib-peripheralAlwin Esch
2016-12-13[peripheral] bye, bye libKODI_peripheral.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-13[adsp] bye, bye libKODI_adsp.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-12Merge pull request #11145 from notspiff/fix_mhdMartijn Kaijser
2016-12-12fix compile without microhttpdnotspiff
2016-12-11[inputstream] bye, bye libKODI_inputstream.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-10[pvr] bye, bye libXBMC_pvr.cppAlwin Esch
2016-12-01[retroplayer] MyGames windowGarrett Brown
2016-12-01[retroplayer] RetroPlayer coreGarrett Brown
2016-12-01[retroplayer] Game add-onsGarrett Brown
2016-12-01[retroplayer] Game info tagsGarrett Brown
2016-12-01[retroplayer] Keyboard playersGarrett Brown
2016-12-01[retroplayer] Game settingsGarrett Brown
2016-11-12[controller dialog] Fix skipping buttons due to acceleratomers, buggy trigger...Garrett Brown
2016-11-08Show controller dialog if the user connects an unmapped controllerGarrett Brown
2016-09-09[cmake] do not compile dacp if ENABLE_AIRTUNES=OFFStefan Saraev
2016-09-09[cmake] do not compile cdrip if ENABLE_OPTICAL=OFFStefan Saraev
2016-09-07[cmake] Respect ENABLE_UPNP optionChristian Fetzer
2016-09-06Revert "[addons] move ./xbmc/addons/binary/interfaces one down and remove bin...Pär Björklund
2016-09-06[addons] move ./xbmc/addons/binary/interfaces one down and remove binary folderAlwin Esch
2016-05-20Revert "[addon] add API level 2 on kodi side - Part 1"Alwin Esch
2016-05-20Revert "[addon] add API level 3 on kodi side for future development - Part 1"Alwin Esch
2016-05-18[addon] add API level 3 on kodi side for future development - Part 1Alwin Esch
2016-05-18[addon] add API level 2 on kodi side - Part 1Alwin Esch
2016-03-11[cmake] Controller inputChristian Fetzer
2016-03-09[addon] Move add-on library parts to independent folders (code rework)Alwin Esch
2016-03-06[cmake] Sync InputStream project filesChristian Fetzer
2016-03-06[cmake] Add CMake files for library.kodi.audioengineChristian Fetzer
2016-02-29[cmake] VideoPlayer: add process platform overrideswsnipex
2016-02-13[cmake] remove squish dependencyStefan Saraev
2016-02-12[cmake] Add treedataChristian Fetzer