path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-03[windows] update Effects11 to April 26, 2019Rechi
2019-09-21fixed: make archive files work via UPnPrustyx
2019-08-08[osx] convert objc code to ARC but leave UPnP's wrapper of autorelease pool a...Andrey Filipenkov
2019-07-17[addons] remove cpluff completeAlwin Esch
2018-11-02[cpluff] rename functions to not conflict with mariadb-connectorRechi
2018-08-25[libUPnP] fix device discovery on windowsRechi
2018-08-25[libUPnP] refresh patchRechi
2018-07-16link with libbluray instead of loading it dynamicRechi
2018-07-16move libbluray filesystem callbacks to seperate classRechi
2018-06-12[lib] pragma once positionh.udo
2018-06-07[c-pluff] kill another implicit function declaration warningroot
2018-04-26[cleanup][windows] remove files unused since 383c3dd71dRechi
2018-03-23[cpluff] add windows changesRechi
2018-03-21[cpluff] link with cpluff instead of loading it dynamicRechi
2018-02-20[c-pluff] Add patches folder for reference and keep track of changesh.udo
2018-02-20[c-pluff] Update to 0.1.4h.udo
2018-02-13fixed: build of neptune on freebsdArne Morten Kvarving
2018-01-24A mass change from xbmc.org to kodi.tv.Stig-Ørjan Smelror
2018-01-03[libUPnP][platinum] add patch for 75dca8cRechi
2018-01-03[libUPnP][platinum] fix format-security warningRechi
2018-01-02[libUPnP][platinum] update to 1.2.0Rechi
2018-01-02[libUPnP][neptune] update to 1.2.3Rechi
2018-01-02[libUPnP] replace Makefile.in patch with CMakeLists.txt patchRechi
2018-01-02[libUPnP][platnium] fix patch context and line numbers after 1e9620cRechi
2018-01-02[libUPnP] remove xbmc change from patchRechi
2018-01-02[libUPnP] fix patch numberRechi
2017-11-02[win10] add uwp to cmakeDale Stammen
2017-11-02libUPnP: added patch fileAnton Fedchin
2017-11-02[win10] uwp fixes libUPnPDale Stammen
2017-07-15Merge pull request #12488 from ace20022/disc_namesAndreas Zelend
2017-07-13[MediaManager][bluray] Add check for Blu-ray discs.ace20022
2017-07-11Bump gtest to 1.8.0h.udo
2017-07-07[bluray] Use bd_open_files. This makes BD-J menus from Blu-rays using a proto...ace20022
2017-07-07[bluray] Use bd_open_stream for Blu-ray image files. This makes BD-J menus fr...ace20022
2017-06-29[modernize][libUPnP] Prefer 'override' usageh.udo
2017-06-22Merge pull request #12328 from Rechi/mingwlibsRechi
2017-06-21[cmake] move HAVE_LIBBLURAY ifdef condition to cmakeRechi
2017-06-21[cleanup] remove autotools leftoverRechi
2017-06-15[bluray] Set up the player, i.e, its registers, before opening a Blu-ray disc...ace20022
2017-05-18platinum: Add patch file for "Fix upnp:lastPlaybackPosition parsing"Justin Maggard
2017-05-17platinum: Fix upnp:lastPlaybackPosition parsingJustin Maggard
2017-05-09[c-pluff] Fix implicit declaration compiler warningsChris Mayo
2017-04-07[cleanup] remove UnrarXLibStefan Saraev
2017-03-28changed: build the exif code in main libraryStefan Saraev
2017-03-16[bluray] Add sound effect retrieval. Currently it's not processed any further.ace20022
2017-03-01Add the patch file for libupnpPär Björklund
2017-03-01Switch libupnp to unicode as wellPär Björklund
2017-03-01Move to using unicode win32 api methodsPär Björklund
2017-01-13[platinum] add patch for 80f22d1Rechi
2017-01-13[win][platinum] Changed GWL_USERDATA to GWLP_USERDATA and updated pointer castPär Björklund