path: root/addons/xbmc.python/addon.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-09-29[python] bump for leiaronie
2018-08-02[schemas] Point screensaver extension points to the script schemaenen92
2016-01-14make addon authors same as the rest "Team KodiMartijn Kaijser
2015-12-07bump python for kodi k***ronie
2015-09-01[guilib] Add randomize tag for fadelabelsBigNoid
2015-08-18[python] add multiselect dialogThomas Amland
2015-08-01[python] add 'mediatype' info label and remove implicit setsThomas Amland
2015-07-08[guilib] fadelabel not reading scroll tagMatthias Kortstiege
2015-03-02[python] expose VideoInfoTag and MusicInfoTag of listitemsThomas Amland
2015-03-02[ADDONS] Context Menu Addons SystemFice
2014-08-22[python] add Monitor.waitForAbortThomas Amland
2014-08-13[python] add setSubtitles method for ListItemThomas Amland
2014-08-12[addons] Rebrand to Team-KodiMartijn Kaijser
2014-07-14[python] Monitor: add onCleanStarted/onCleanFinished callbacks.anaconda
2014-06-02[python] bump python API after 647269ae62fdae2fd4279781f315a8495428af9cMartijn Kaijser
2014-05-27[python] bump API after 5c08c682a7aaec202488ab68f5eba796fe443a45Martijn Kaijser
2013-12-15Add setArt() for python listitemsBl4ck09
2013-11-01[python] set python API backwards comaptible version to minimal Frodo versionMartijn Kaijser
2013-11-01[python] bump API version after b1a867653afe37080918bc4bf8109a694f6bb9a2Martijn Kaijser
2013-09-22bump addon dependencies to reflect changes done so farMartijn Kaijser
2012-12-08[addons] change current version number to x.y.z and add abi backwards fallbac...Martijn Kaijser
2012-08-10changed: bump python API to v2.1spiff
2011-04-28addon version bumps for eden.theuni
2010-05-27added: CPluginSource class for all pluginsource addonsalcoheca
2010-05-25changed: Bring plugins into the cpluff fold.jmarshallnz
2010-05-24changed: get rid of the content types added earlier, favouring extension poin...jmarshallnz
2010-05-21changed: Move scripts to cpluffjmarshallnz