path: root/addons/xbmc.json
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-04-10Merge pull request #4514 from joethefox/jsonrpc_subtitle_addontypeTrent Nelson
2014-03-31Merge pull request #4486 from Montellese/jsonrpc_screensaver_notificationsjmarshallnz
2014-03-02settings: fix conflict of <minimum> and <maximum> for CSettingListmontellese
2014-02-27json-rpc: add PVR.GetTimers, PVR.GetTimerDetails, PVR.GetRecordings and PVR.G...Lars Op den Kamp
2014-02-03jsonrpc: fix mixup of "rating" and "parentalrating" for PVR broadcastsmontellese
2014-02-02jsonrpc: bump API version to 6.13.4montellese
2014-01-04[JSON-RPC] bump version to 6.13.1Jonathan Marshall
2013-11-11jsonrpc: add support for reading and writing settingsmontellese
2013-11-04jsonrpc: add VideoLibrary.SetMovieSetDetailsmontellese
2013-11-03jsonrpc: add support for multiple items to Playlist.Add/Insertmontellese
2013-11-03jsonrpc: add VideoLibrary.SetSeasonDetailsmontellese
2013-11-02Bump JsonRPC api versionFranz Koch
2013-10-31Bump JSON-RPC version to 6.7.0groth-its
2013-10-02fix broken dependencies for addonsMartijn Kaijser
2013-09-22bump addon dependencies to reflect changes done so farMartijn Kaijser
2012-12-08[addons] change current version number to x.y.z and add abi backwards fallbac...Martijn Kaijser
2012-11-30jsonrpc: bump version to 6.0.0montellese
2012-11-13[xbmc.json] bump version to 5.0montellese
2012-02-26release: bump xbmc.jsontheuni
2011-04-28follow-up previous commit. webinterfaces now require xbmc.jsontheuni