path: root/addons/skin.estuary/xml/DialogSeekBar.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-07-03[PVR] New GUI info bool: PVR.IsPlayingActiveRecordingJames Hutchinson
2019-03-21[guilib][guiinfo][video][Estuary] Feature: Seek dialog: Add EDL and chapter m...Kai Sommerfeld
2019-02-11[estuary] Fix visual glitch when PVR info dialog activated from PVR channels ...Kai Sommerfeld
2019-01-15[Estuary] fix undefined font referencesronie
2019-01-01[Estuary] display seekbar on showtime actionronie
2018-11-04[Estuary] If avail, display RDS info line in PVR channel OSD.Kai Sommerfeld
2018-10-28[PVR][Estuary] Add GUI for Radio Data System (RDS).Kai Sommerfeld
2018-09-12[PVR][guiinfo][Estuary] Video OSD: Fix fallback to channel logo not working i...Kai Sommerfeld
2018-08-31Show EPG image on the Dialog Seek Bar during video playback and MyPVRChannels...Mario Franco
2018-08-25[estuary] PVR timeshift GUI v2. Skin changes.Kai Sommerfeld
2018-07-16[lang] Uniformize "not available" string usageh.udo
2018-03-15[PVR] PVRGUIInfo: Fixed PVR.EpgEventDuration, PVR.EpgEvent(Elapsed|Remaining|...Kai Sommerfeld
2018-03-12[PVR][guiinfo] GUIDialogSeekBar: Introduced control 402 for eog event seek pe...Kai Sommerfeld
2018-03-12[PVR][guiinfo] New GUI label: PVR.TimeshiftOffset.Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-19[PVR][guiinfo][skin] Rename info labels: PVR.Time => PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime,...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-19[PVR][guiinfo][skin] Get rid of PVR API functions GetBufferTime(Start|End) an...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-11[Estuary] Seekbar for PVR radio now is aligned with PVR Live TV, not 'normal'...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-11[Estuary] Rework PVR seekbar.Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-09[PVR][Estuary] seek bar: Hide info if player process info gets opened.Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-09[Music][Estuary] seek bar: Move audio info for music to lower right, like it ...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-09[PVR][Estuary] seek bar: Increase height for pvr epg event plot area (now has...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-09[PVR][Estuary] seek bar: Hide video/audio info if player controls get activat...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-09[PVR][Estuary] seek bar: Fix next(title|starttime|endtime) colors and content.Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-03[estuary] Seekbar: Fix position of "currently recording" control for PVR radi...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-12-01[PVR][guiinfo][builtins][estuary][estouchy] Move recording control and info f...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-10-30[Estuary] Syncphil65
2017-09-07Implement FullscreenGame windowGarrett Brown
2017-08-05Game OSD: Show seek dialog when game OSD is openGarrett Brown
2017-07-05Game OSDGarrett Brown
2017-06-20Merge pull request #12322 from ksooo/pvr-estuary-reintroduce-channelnumberKai Sommerfeld
2017-06-19[Estuary] DialogSeekBar: Reintroduce channel number display, like we had with...Kai Sommerfeld
2017-06-15[Estuary] Remove show title and episodename from to live tv seek bar dialog.Kai Sommerfeld
2017-05-03[estuary] Fix channel osd recording indicator visibility.Kai Sommerfeld
2017-02-25[estuary] hide seekbar when pvr osd channels is visibleronie
2017-02-25[estuary] re-add PVRChannelNumberInput to fullscreenvideoronie
2017-02-24[estuary] sync pt2phil65
2017-02-23[estuary] sync pt. 1phil65
2017-01-17[PVR] Rework fullscreen window direct channel number input - skin changesKai Sommerfeld
2016-12-13[estuary] rm deprecated infobool: isempty->string.isemptyBigNoid
2016-12-07[estuary] syncphil65
2016-11-28[estuary] syncphil65
2016-11-23[estuary] 2nd editionphil65