path: root/addons/skin.confluence/media/flagging
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-01-22added: [Confluence] audio codec flagging images for DTS-HD MA/HRAAnssi Hannula
2010-09-13Fixed: [Confluence] removed unused image jezz_x
2010-07-11added: Image for "576" video res flag (sorry jezz_x ;))althekiller
2010-06-21Added : [Confluence] Audio codec flagging image for WAVpackjezz_x
2010-06-15Changes: [Confluence] Improved the divx and file name flag reading and added ...jezz_x
2010-06-14Changed: [Confluence] filename reading flagging now checks the path too (usef...jezz_x
2010-04-28changed: paint the (system) addons bikeshed (moves - id's to come)jmarshallnz