path: root/addons/screensaver.rsxs.plasma
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-10-07[lang] update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2013-09-21English spelling corrections for /addons/readmanr
2013-07-30[lang] update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2013-07-17[lang] update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2013-07-10[lang] update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2013-06-21[lang] update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2012-12-30[lang] update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2012-12-18[lang] update of internal addon language files for RC2alanwww1
2012-12-06[lang] update of internal addon language files for beta3alanwww1
2012-12-01[lang] update of internal addon language files for beta2alanwww1
2012-11-18replace several addon iconsronie
2012-11-09[lang] November update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2012-10-29[lang] October update of internal addon language filesalanwww1
2012-09-23[lang] September update of internal addons language filesalanwww1
2012-03-20updated: Romanian translations for core, Confluence and internal addons. Pick...alanwww1
2012-01-06updated: Bulgarian translation (addon.xml files)NEOhidra
2011-01-17updated: ticket #11075 - spanish translation. thanks to poxitronspiff
2010-11-20updated: More Swedish translationsblittan
2010-09-14updated: dutch translation. thanks to stijn segersspiff_
2010-08-05updated: XBMC builtin add-ons Chinese translation.taxigps
2010-08-04updated: ticket #9815 - XBMC builtin add-ons Portuguese translation. thanks t...spiff_
2010-08-02updated: ticket #ticket 9809 - French translation for Add-ons. thanks to will...spiff_
2010-07-29added: ticket #9769 - default addons korean translation. thanks to kimp93spiff_
2010-07-28added Polish translations to screensavers and visualisations. Thanks to Kolabor!nadasb
2010-07-27added: Finnish translations of builtin and bundled screensaversanssih
2010-06-16added: ticket #9413 - Trunk addon.xml files, added Hungarian translations. th...spiff_
2010-05-31Changed: Fluffed up the summary metadata of the addons to be less technical (...jezz_x
2010-05-27cleanup: Updated the addon metadata to match the schemajmarshallnz
2010-05-20Updated : addon.xml for addons to contain their meta data and removed descrip...jezz_x
2010-05-07fixed: [osx] addon library names were incorrectjmarshallnz
2010-05-07changed: support visualizations via cpluffalcoheca
2010-05-05added: screensaver cpluff filesalcoheca
2010-05-04added: ticket #9142 - Dutch translation for addons. thanks to sebakspiff_
2010-04-28Fixed : Made the default system addons icons show in addon browser (some nee...jezz_x
2010-04-28fixed: typos FTWjmarshallnz
2010-04-28changed: paint the (system) addons bikeshed (id changes)jmarshallnz
2010-04-28changed: paint the (system) addons bikeshed (moves - id's to come)jmarshallnz