path: root/addons/metadata.tvdb.com/tvdb.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-01-04[metadata.tvdb.com] added imdb url nfo support (version 1.2.4)vdrfan
2011-12-10sync: tvdb with addons repotheuni
2010-09-27[metadata.tvdb.com] Fixed season thumbs and image language fall backnadasb
2010-06-20fixed: XML-ese the & and bump version of tvdb scraperjmarshallnz
2010-06-20fixed: tvdb.com scraper wasn't creating the XML we were expecting in CreateSe...jmarshallnz
2010-06-15changed: Move cachepersistence flag to the extension description (i.e. to CSc...jmarshallnz
2010-06-08changed: Move scraper settings into the same framework as all other addons, a...jmarshallnz
2010-05-23changed: move scraper language to addon definition xmlspiff_
2010-05-23sync in-trunk scrapers with scrapers-gitspiff_
2010-05-04changed: remove unnecessary attributesspiff_
2010-04-28changed: paint the (system) addons bikeshed (moves - id's to come)jmarshallnz