path: root/lib/libmodplug/src/load_mtm.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libmodplug/src/load_mtm.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libmodplug/src/load_mtm.cpp b/lib/libmodplug/src/load_mtm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f0299e23..0000000000
--- a/lib/libmodplug/src/load_mtm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
- * This source code is public domain.
- *
- * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <olivierl@jps.net>
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "sndfile.h"
-//#pragma warning(disable:4244)
-// MTM file support (import only)
-#pragma pack(1)
-typedef struct tagMTMSAMPLE
- char samplename[22]; // changed from CHAR
- DWORD length;
- DWORD reppos;
- DWORD repend;
- CHAR finetune;
- BYTE volume;
- BYTE attribute;
-typedef struct tagMTMHEADER
- char id[4]; // MTM file marker + version // changed from CHAR
- char songname[20]; // ASCIIZ songname // changed from CHAR
- WORD numtracks; // number of tracks saved
- BYTE lastpattern; // last pattern number saved
- BYTE lastorder; // last order number to play (songlength-1)
- WORD commentsize; // length of comment field
- BYTE numsamples; // number of samples saved
- BYTE attribute; // attribute byte (unused)
- BYTE beatspertrack;
- BYTE numchannels; // number of channels used
- BYTE panpos[32]; // voice pan positions
-#pragma pack()
-BOOL CSoundFile::ReadMTM(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
- MTMHEADER *pmh = (MTMHEADER *)lpStream;
- DWORD dwMemPos = 66;
- if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x100)) return FALSE;
- if ((strncmp(pmh->id, "MTM", 3)) || (pmh->numchannels > 32)
- || (pmh->numsamples >= MAX_SAMPLES) || (!pmh->numsamples)
- || (!pmh->numtracks) || (!pmh->numchannels)
- || (!pmh->lastpattern) || (pmh->lastpattern > MAX_PATTERNS))
- return FALSE;
- strncpy(m_szNames[0], pmh->songname, 20);
- m_szNames[0][20] = 0;
- if (dwMemPos + 37*pmh->numsamples + 128 + 192*pmh->numtracks
- + 64 * (pmh->lastpattern+1) + pmh->commentsize >= dwMemLength)
- return FALSE;
- m_nType = MOD_TYPE_MTM;
- m_nSamples = pmh->numsamples;
- m_nChannels = pmh->numchannels;
- // Reading instruments
- for (UINT i=1; i<=m_nSamples; i++)
- {
- MTMSAMPLE *pms = (MTMSAMPLE *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
- strncpy(m_szNames[i], pms->samplename, 22);
- m_szNames[i][22] = 0;
- Ins[i].nVolume = pms->volume << 2;
- Ins[i].nGlobalVol = 64;
- DWORD len = pms->length;
- if ((len > 4) && (len <= MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH))
- {
- Ins[i].nLength = len;
- Ins[i].nLoopStart = pms->reppos;
- Ins[i].nLoopEnd = pms->repend;
- if (Ins[i].nLoopEnd > Ins[i].nLength)
- Ins[i].nLoopEnd = Ins[i].nLength;
- if (Ins[i].nLoopStart + 4 >= Ins[i].nLoopEnd)
- Ins[i].nLoopStart = Ins[i].nLoopEnd = 0;
- if (Ins[i].nLoopEnd) Ins[i].uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
- Ins[i].nFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune(pms->finetune);
- if (pms->attribute & 0x01)
- {
- Ins[i].uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
- Ins[i].nLength >>= 1;
- Ins[i].nLoopStart >>= 1;
- Ins[i].nLoopEnd >>= 1;
- }
- Ins[i].nPan = 128;
- }
- dwMemPos += 37;
- }
- // Setting Channel Pan Position
- for (UINT ich=0; ich<m_nChannels; ich++)
- {
- ChnSettings[ich].nPan = ((pmh->panpos[ich] & 0x0F) << 4) + 8;
- ChnSettings[ich].nVolume = 64;
- }
- // Reading pattern order
- memcpy(Order, lpStream + dwMemPos, pmh->lastorder+1);
- dwMemPos += 128;
- // Reading Patterns
- LPCBYTE pTracks = lpStream + dwMemPos;
- dwMemPos += 192 * pmh->numtracks;
- LPWORD pSeq = (LPWORD)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
- for (UINT pat=0; pat<=pmh->lastpattern; pat++)
- {
- PatternSize[pat] = 64;
- if ((Patterns[pat] = AllocatePattern(64, m_nChannels)) == NULL) break;
- for (UINT n=0; n<32; n++) if ((pSeq[n]) && (pSeq[n] <= pmh->numtracks) && (n < m_nChannels))
- {
- LPCBYTE p = pTracks + 192 * (pSeq[n]-1);
- MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[pat] + n;
- for (UINT i=0; i<64; i++, m+=m_nChannels, p+=3)
- {
- if (p[0] & 0xFC) m->note = (p[0] >> 2) + 37;
- m->instr = ((p[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (p[1] >> 4);
- UINT cmd = p[1] & 0x0F;
- UINT param = p[2];
- if (cmd == 0x0A)
- {
- if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; else param &= 0x0F;
- }
- m->command = cmd;
- m->param = param;
- if ((cmd) || (param)) ConvertModCommand(m);
- }
- }
- pSeq += 32;
- }
- dwMemPos += 64*(pmh->lastpattern+1);
- if ((pmh->commentsize) && (dwMemPos + pmh->commentsize < dwMemLength))
- {
- UINT n = pmh->commentsize;
- m_lpszSongComments = new char[n+1];
- if (m_lpszSongComments)
- {
- memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+dwMemPos, n);
- m_lpszSongComments[n] = 0;
- for (UINT i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- if (!m_lpszSongComments[i])
- {
- m_lpszSongComments[i] = ((i+1) % 40) ? 0x20 : 0x0D;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dwMemPos += pmh->commentsize;
- // Reading Samples
- for (UINT ismp=1; ismp<=m_nSamples; ismp++)
- {
- if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) break;
- dwMemPos += ReadSample(&Ins[ismp], (Ins[ismp].uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_PCM16U : RS_PCM8U,
- (LPSTR)(lpStream + dwMemPos), dwMemLength - dwMemPos);
- }
- m_nMinPeriod = 64;
- m_nMaxPeriod = 32767;
- return TRUE;