path: root/lib/win32/sqlite/libsqlite_win32/libsqlite_win32.vcproj
diff options
authortheuni <theuni-nospam-@xbmc.org>2011-01-24 16:05:21 -0500
committertheuni <theuni-nospam-@xbmc.org>2011-01-24 16:05:21 -0500
commitc51b1189e3d5353e842991f5859ddcea0f73e426 (patch)
treeef2cb8a6184699aa614f3655dca4ce661cdc108e /lib/win32/sqlite/libsqlite_win32/libsqlite_win32.vcproj
parentbe61ebdc9e897fe40c6f371111724de79ddee8d5 (diff)
Merged cptspiff's code-reshuffle branch.
Squashed commit due to build breakage during code-reshuffle history. Conflicts: xbmc/Util.cpp xbmc/cdrip/CDDARipper.cpp xbmc/filesystem/Directory.cpp xbmc/filesystem/File.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/win32/sqlite/libsqlite_win32/libsqlite_win32.vcproj')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/win32/sqlite/libsqlite_win32/libsqlite_win32.vcproj b/lib/win32/sqlite/libsqlite_win32/libsqlite_win32.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd56ceb156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/win32/sqlite/libsqlite_win32/libsqlite_win32.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
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+ Name="libsqlite"
+ ProjectGUID="{9E74DF3B-9343-4689-B0EC-4451617F9489}"
+ RootNamespace="libsqlite"
+ Keyword="Win32Proj"
+ TargetFrameworkVersion="131072"
+ >
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+ Name="Win32"
+ />
+ </Platforms>
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+ </ToolFiles>
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+ Name="Debug|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)libs\$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)\"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)objs\$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)\"
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+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ Optimization="0"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;SQLITE_THREADSAFE;TEMP_STORE=2"
+ MinimalRebuild="true"
+ BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+ RuntimeLibrary="1"
+ UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="4"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
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+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+ OutputFile="$(OutDir)/libSQLite3_win32d.lib"
+ />
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+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="Release|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)libs\$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)\"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)objs\$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)\"
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+ InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC71.vsprops"
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+ >
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+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ RuntimeLibrary="0"
+ UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+ OutputFile="$(OutDir)/libSQLite3_win32.lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
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+ </Configurations>
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+ </References>
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+ Filter="cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
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+ RelativePath="..\sqlite3.c"
+ >
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+ >
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+ RelativePath="..\sqlite3.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\sqlite3ext.h"
+ >
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+ </Filter>
+ </Files>
+ <Globals>
+ </Globals>