path: root/lib/libmodplug/src/load_med.cpp
diff options
authorRainer Hochecker <fernetmenta@online.de>2015-01-07 11:31:14 +0100
committerRainer Hochecker <fernetmenta@online.de>2015-03-19 16:04:23 +0100
commit0f6a8829e0894a145362ca9c2bc90ddf9781577a (patch)
tree524a796c4f570d330e5e0895276db23bc9ebc36a /lib/libmodplug/src/load_med.cpp
parent0333bf47a7fb9160a598c8ea32afd21f1947d6d9 (diff)
paplayer: drop obsolete codecs from lib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libmodplug/src/load_med.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 924 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libmodplug/src/load_med.cpp b/lib/libmodplug/src/load_med.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0caebee30e..0000000000
--- a/lib/libmodplug/src/load_med.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
- * This source code is public domain.
- *
- * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <olivierl@jps.net>,
- * Adam Goode <adam@evdebs.org> (endian and char fixes for PPC)
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "sndfile.h"
-//#define MED_LOG
-#ifdef MED_LOG
-extern void Log(LPCSTR s, ...);
-// OctaMed MED file support (import only)
-// flags
-#define MMD_FLAG_FILTERON 0x1
-#define MMD_FLAG_JUMP8TH 0x4
-#define MMD_FLAG_INSTRSATT 0x8 // instruments are attached (this is a module)
-#define MMD_FLAG_VOLHEX 0x10
-#define MMD_FLAG_STSLIDE 0x20 // SoundTracker mode for slides
-#define MMD_FLAG_8CHANNEL 0x40 // OctaMED 8 channel song
-#define MMD_FLAG_SLOWHQ 0x80 // HQ slows playing speed (V2-V4 compatibility)
-// flags2
-#define MMD_FLAG2_BMASK 0x1F
-#define MMD_FLAG2_BPM 0x20
-#define MMD_FLAG2_MIX 0x80 // uses Mixing (V7+)
-// flags3:
-#define MMD_FLAG3_STEREO 0x1 // mixing in Stereo mode
-#define MMD_FLAG3_FREEPAN 0x2 // free panning
-#define MMD_FLAG3_GM 0x4 // module designed for GM/XG compatibility
-// generic MMD tags
-#define MMDTAG_END 0
-#define MMDTAG_PTR 0x80000000 // data needs relocation
-#define MMDTAG_MUSTKNOW 0x40000000 // loader must fail if this isn't recognized
-#define MMDTAG_MUSTWARN 0x20000000 // loader must warn if this isn't recognized
-// ExpData tags
-// # of effect groups, including the global group (will
-// override settings in MMDSong struct), default = 1
-#define MMDTAG_TRK_NAME (MMDTAG_PTR|1) // trackinfo tags
-#define MMDTAG_TRK_NAMELEN 2 // namelen includes zero term.
-// effectinfo tags
-#define MMDTAG_FX_GROUPNAME (MMDTAG_PTR|5) // the Global Effects group shouldn't have name saved!
-#define MMDTAG_FX_GRPNAMELEN 6 // namelen includes zero term.
-#pragma pack(1)
-typedef struct tagMEDMODULEHEADER
- DWORD id; // MMD1-MMD3
- DWORD modlen; // Size of file
- DWORD song; // Position in file for this song
- WORD psecnum;
- WORD pseq;
- DWORD blockarr; // Position in file for blocks
- DWORD mmdflags;
- DWORD smplarr; // Position in file for samples
- DWORD reserved;
- DWORD expdata; // Absolute offset in file for ExpData (0 if not present)
- DWORD reserved2;
- WORD pstate;
- WORD pblock;
- WORD pline;
- WORD pseqnum;
- WORD actplayline;
- BYTE counter;
- BYTE extra_songs; // # of songs - 1
-typedef struct tagMMD0SAMPLE
- WORD rep, replen;
- BYTE midich;
- BYTE midipreset;
- BYTE svol;
- signed char strans;
-// Sample header is immediately followed by sample data...
-typedef struct tagMMDSAMPLEHEADER
- DWORD length; // length of *one* *unpacked* channel in *bytes*
- WORD type;
- // if non-negative
- // bits 0-3 reserved for multi-octave instruments, not supported on the PC
- // 0x10: 16 bit (otherwise 8 bit)
- // 0x20: Stereo (otherwise mono)
- // 0x40: Uses DeltaCode
- // 0x80: Packed data
- // -1: Synth
- // -2: Hybrid
- // if type indicates packed data, these fields follow, otherwise we go right to the data
- WORD packtype; // Only 1 = ADPCM is supported
- WORD subtype; // Packing subtype
- // ADPCM subtype
- // 1: g723_40
- // 2: g721
- // 3: g723_24
- BYTE commonflags; // flags common to all packtypes (none defined so far)
- BYTE packerflags; // flags for the specific packtype
- ULONG leftchlen; // packed length of left channel in bytes
- ULONG rightchlen; // packed length of right channel in bytes (ONLY PRESENT IN STEREO SAMPLES)
- BYTE SampleData[1]; // Sample Data
-// MMD0/MMD1 song header
-typedef struct tagMMD0SONGHEADER
- MMD0SAMPLE sample[63];
- WORD numblocks; // # of blocks
- WORD songlen; // # of entries used in playseq
- BYTE playseq[256]; // Play sequence
- WORD deftempo; // BPM tempo
- signed char playtransp; // Play transpose
- BYTE flags; // 0x10: Hex Volumes | 0x20: ST/NT/PT Slides | 0x40: 8 Channels song
- BYTE flags2; // [b4-b0]+1: Tempo LPB, 0x20: tempo mode, 0x80: mix_conv=on
- BYTE tempo2; // tempo TPL
- BYTE trkvol[16]; // track volumes
- BYTE mastervol; // master volume
- BYTE numsamples; // # of samples (max=63)
-// MMD2/MMD3 song header
-typedef struct tagMMD2SONGHEADER
- MMD0SAMPLE sample[63];
- WORD numblocks; // # of blocks
- WORD numsections; // # of sections
- DWORD playseqtable; // filepos of play sequence
- DWORD sectiontable; // filepos of sections table (WORD array)
- DWORD trackvols; // filepos of tracks volume (BYTE array)
- WORD numtracks; // # of tracks (max 64)
- WORD numpseqs; // # of play sequences
- DWORD trackpans; // filepos of tracks pan values (BYTE array)
- LONG flags3; // 0x1:stereo_mix, 0x2:free_panning, 0x4:GM/XG compatibility
- WORD voladj; // vol_adjust (set to 100 if 0)
- WORD channels; // # of channels (4 if =0)
- BYTE mix_echotype; // 1:normal,2:xecho
- BYTE mix_echodepth; // 1..6
- WORD mix_echolen; // > 0
- signed char mix_stereosep; // -4..4
- BYTE pad0[223];
- WORD deftempo; // BPM tempo
- signed char playtransp; // play transpose
- BYTE flags; // 0x1:filteron, 0x2:jumpingon, 0x4:jump8th, 0x8:instr_attached, 0x10:hex_vol, 0x20:PT_slides, 0x40:8ch_conv,0x80:hq slows playing speed
- BYTE flags2; // 0x80:mix_conv=on, [b4-b0]+1:tempo LPB, 0x20:tempo_mode
- BYTE tempo2; // tempo TPL
- BYTE pad1[16];
- BYTE mastervol; // master volume
- BYTE numsamples; // # of samples (max 63)
-// For MMD0 the note information is held in 3 bytes, byte0, byte1, byte2. For reference we
-// number the bits in each byte 0..7, where 0 is the low bit.
-// The note is held as bits 5..0 of byte0
-// The instrument is encoded in 6 bits, bits 7 and 6 of byte0 and bits 7,6,5,4 of byte1
-// The command number is bits 3,2,1,0 of byte1, command data is in byte2:
-// For command 0, byte2 represents the second data byte, otherwise byte2
-// represents the first data byte.
-typedef struct tagMMD0BLOCK
- BYTE numtracks;
- BYTE lines; // File value is 1 less than actual, so 0 -> 1 line
-} MMD0BLOCK; // BYTE data[lines+1][tracks][3];
-// For MMD1,MMD2,MMD3 the note information is carried in 4 bytes, byte0, byte1,
-// byte2 and byte3
-// The note is held as byte0 (values above 0x84 are ignored)
-// The instrument is held as byte1
-// The command number is held as byte2, command data is in byte3
-// For commands 0 and 0x19 byte3 represents the second data byte,
-// otherwise byte2 represents the first data byte.
-typedef struct tagMMD1BLOCK
- WORD numtracks; // Number of tracks, may be > 64, but then that data is skipped.
- WORD lines; // Stored value is 1 less than actual, so 0 -> 1 line
- DWORD info; // Offset of BlockInfo (if 0, no block_info is present)
-typedef struct tagMMD1BLOCKINFO
- DWORD hlmask; // Unimplemented - ignore
- DWORD blockname; // file offset of block name
- DWORD blocknamelen; // length of block name (including term. 0)
- DWORD pagetable; // file offset of command page table
- DWORD cmdexttable; // file offset of command extension table
- DWORD reserved[4]; // future expansion
-// A set of play sequences is stored as an array of ULONG files offsets
-// Each offset points to the play sequence itself.
-typedef struct tagMMD2PLAYSEQ
- CHAR name[32];
- DWORD command_offs; // filepos of command table
- DWORD reserved;
- WORD length;
- WORD seq[512]; // skip if > 0x8000
-// A command table contains commands that effect a particular play sequence
-// entry. The only commands read in are STOP or POSJUMP, all others are ignored
-// POSJUMP is presumed to have extra bytes containing a WORD for the position
-typedef struct tagMMDCOMMAND
- WORD offset; // Offset within current sequence entry
- BYTE cmdnumber; // STOP (537) or POSJUMP (538) (others skipped)
- BYTE extra_count;
- BYTE extra_bytes[4];// [extra_count];
-} MMDCOMMAND; // Last entry has offset == 0xFFFF, cmd_number == 0 and 0 extrabytes
-typedef struct tagMMD0EXP
- DWORD nextmod; // File offset of next Hdr
- DWORD exp_smp; // Pointer to extra instrument data
- WORD s_ext_entries; // Number of extra instrument entries
- WORD s_ext_entrsz; // Size of extra instrument data
- DWORD annotxt;
- DWORD annolen;
- DWORD iinfo; // Instrument names
- WORD i_ext_entries;
- WORD i_ext_entrsz;
- DWORD jumpmask;
- DWORD rgbtable;
- BYTE channelsplit[4]; // Only used if 8ch_conv (extra channel for every nonzero entry)
- DWORD n_info;
- DWORD songname; // Song name
- DWORD songnamelen;
- DWORD dumps;
- DWORD mmdinfo;
- DWORD mmdrexx;
- DWORD mmdcmd3x;
- DWORD trackinfo_ofs; // ptr to song->numtracks ptrs to tag lists
- DWORD effectinfo_ofs; // ptr to group ptrs
- DWORD tag_end;
-#pragma pack()
-static void MedConvert(MODCOMMAND *p, const MMD0SONGHEADER *pmsh)
- const BYTE bpmvals[9] = { 179,164,152,141,131,123,116,110,104};
- UINT command = p->command;
- UINT param = p->param;
- switch(command)
- {
- case 0x00: if (param) command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; else command = 0; break;
- case 0x01: command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; break;
- case 0x02: command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; break;
- case 0x03: command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break;
- case 0x04: command = CMD_VIBRATO; break;
- case 0x05: command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; break;
- case 0x06: command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; break;
- case 0x07: command = CMD_TREMOLO; break;
- case 0x0A: if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (!param) command = 0; break;
- case 0x0B: command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; break;
- case 0x0C: command = CMD_VOLUME;
- if (pmsh->flags & MMD_FLAG_VOLHEX)
- {
- if (param < 0x80)
- {
- param = (param+1) / 2;
- } else command = 0;
- } else
- {
- if (param <= 0x99)
- {
- param = (param >> 4)*10+((param & 0x0F) % 10);
- if (param > 64) param = 64;
- } else command = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 0x09: command = (param < 0x20) ? CMD_SPEED : CMD_TEMPO; break;
- case 0x0D: if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (!param) command = 0; break;
- case 0x0F: // Set Tempo / Special
- // F.00 = Pattern Break
- if (!param) command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; else
- // F.01 - F.F0: Set tempo/speed
- if (param <= 0xF0)
- {
- if (pmsh->flags & MMD_FLAG_8CHANNEL)
- {
- param = (param > 10) ? 99 : bpmvals[param-1];
- } else
- // F.01 - F.0A: Set Speed
- if (param <= 0x0A)
- {
- command = CMD_SPEED;
- } else
- // Old tempo
- if (!(pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BPM))
- {
- param = _muldiv(param, 5*715909, 2*474326);
- }
- // F.0B - F.F0: Set Tempo (assumes LPB=4)
- if (param > 0x0A)
- {
- command = CMD_TEMPO;
- if (param < 0x21) param = 0x21;
- if (param > 240) param = 240;
- }
- } else
- switch(param)
- {
- // F.F1: Retrig 2x
- case 0xF1:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0x93;
- break;
- // F.F2: Note Delay 2x
- case 0xF2:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0xD3;
- break;
- // F.F3: Retrig 3x
- case 0xF3:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0x92;
- break;
- // F.F4: Note Delay 1/3
- case 0xF4:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0xD2;
- break;
- // F.F5: Note Delay 2/3
- case 0xF5:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0xD4;
- break;
- // F.F8: Filter Off
- case 0xF8:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0x00;
- break;
- // F.F9: Filter On
- case 0xF9:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0x01;
- break;
- // F.FD: Very fast tone-portamento
- case 0xFD:
- param = 0xFF;
- break;
- // F.FE: End Song
- case 0xFE:
- command = CMD_SPEED;
- param = 0;
- break;
- // F.FF: Note Cut
- case 0xFF:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = 0xC0;
- break;
- default:
-#ifdef MED_LOG
- Log("Unknown Fxx command: cmd=0x%02X param=0x%02X\n", command, param);
- param = command = 0;
- }
- break;
- // 11.0x: Fine Slide Up
- case 0x11:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0x10;
- break;
- // 12.0x: Fine Slide Down
- case 0x12:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0x20;
- break;
- // 14.xx: Vibrato
- case 0x14:
- command = CMD_VIBRATO;
- break;
- // 15.xx: FineTune
- case 0x15:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param &= 0x0F;
- param |= 0x50;
- break;
- // 16.xx: Pattern Loop
- case 0x16:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0x60;
- break;
- // 18.xx: Note Cut
- case 0x18:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0xC0;
- break;
- // 19.xx: Sample Offset
- case 0x19:
- command = CMD_OFFSET;
- break;
- // 1A.0x: Fine Volume Up
- case 0x1A:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0xA0;
- break;
- // 1B.0x: Fine Volume Down
- case 0x1B:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0xB0;
- break;
- // 1D.xx: Pattern Break
- case 0x1D:
- break;
- // 1E.0x: Pattern Delay
- case 0x1E:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0xE0;
- break;
- // 1F.xy: Retrig
- case 0x1F:
- command = CMD_RETRIG;
- param &= 0x0F;
- break;
- // 2E.xx: set panning
- case 0x2E:
- command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
- param = ((param + 0x10) & 0xFF) >> 1;
- if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
- param |= 0x80;
- break;
- default:
-#ifdef MED_LOG
- // 0x2E ?
- Log("Unknown command: cmd=0x%02X param=0x%02X\n", command, param);
- command = param = 0;
- }
- p->command = command;
- p->param = param;
-BOOL CSoundFile::ReadMed(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
- const MEDMODULEHEADER *pmmh;
- const MMD0SONGHEADER *pmsh;
- const MMD2SONGHEADER *pmsh2;
- const MMD0EXP *pmex;
- DWORD dwBlockArr, dwSmplArr, dwExpData, wNumBlocks;
- LPDWORD pdwTable;
- CHAR version;
- UINT deftempo;
- int playtransp = 0;
- if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x200)) return FALSE;
- pmmh = (MEDMODULEHEADER *)lpStream;
- if (((pmmh->id & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0x444D4D) || (!pmmh->song)) return FALSE;
- // Check for 'MMDx'
- DWORD dwSong = bswapBE32(pmmh->song);
- if ((dwSong >= dwMemLength) || (dwSong + sizeof(MMD0SONGHEADER) >= dwMemLength)) return FALSE;
- version = (signed char)((pmmh->id >> 24) & 0xFF);
- if ((version < '0') || (version > '3')) return FALSE;
-#ifdef MED_LOG
- Log("\nLoading MMD%c module (flags=0x%02X)...\n", version, bswapBE32(pmmh->mmdflags));
- Log(" modlen = %d\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->modlen));
- Log(" song = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->song));
- Log(" psecnum = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->psecnum));
- Log(" pseq = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pseq));
- Log(" blockarr = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->blockarr));
- Log(" mmdflags = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->mmdflags));
- Log(" smplarr = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->smplarr));
- Log(" reserved = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->reserved));
- Log(" expdata = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->expdata));
- Log(" reserved2= 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->reserved2));
- Log(" pstate = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pstate));
- Log(" pblock = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pblock));
- Log(" pline = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pline));
- Log(" pseqnum = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pseqnum));
- Log(" actplayline=%d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->actplayline));
- Log(" counter = %d\n", pmmh->counter);
- Log(" extra_songs = %d\n", pmmh->extra_songs);
- Log("\n");
- m_nType = MOD_TYPE_MED;
- m_nSongPreAmp = 0x20;
- dwBlockArr = bswapBE32(pmmh->blockarr);
- dwSmplArr = bswapBE32(pmmh->smplarr);
- dwExpData = bswapBE32(pmmh->expdata);
- if ((dwExpData) && (dwExpData+sizeof(MMD0EXP) < dwMemLength))
- pmex = (MMD0EXP *)(lpStream+dwExpData);
- else
- pmex = NULL;
- pmsh = (MMD0SONGHEADER *)(lpStream + dwSong);
- pmsh2 = (MMD2SONGHEADER *)pmsh;
-#ifdef MED_LOG
- if (version < '2')
- {
- Log("MMD0 Header:\n");
- Log(" numblocks = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh->numblocks));
- Log(" songlen = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh->songlen));
- Log(" playseq = ");
- for (UINT idbg1=0; idbg1<16; idbg1++) Log("%2d, ", pmsh->playseq[idbg1]);
- Log("...\n");
- Log(" deftempo = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo));
- Log(" playtransp = %d\n", (signed char)pmsh->playtransp);
- Log(" flags(1,2) = 0x%02X, 0x%02X\n", pmsh->flags, pmsh->flags2);
- Log(" tempo2 = %d\n", pmsh->tempo2);
- Log(" trkvol = ");
- for (UINT idbg2=0; idbg2<16; idbg2++) Log("0x%02X, ", pmsh->trkvol[idbg2]);
- Log("...\n");
- Log(" mastervol = 0x%02X\n", pmsh->mastervol);
- Log(" numsamples = %d\n", pmsh->numsamples);
- } else
- {
- Log("MMD2 Header:\n");
- Log(" numblocks = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numblocks));
- Log(" numsections= %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numsections));
- Log(" playseqptr = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->playseqtable));
- Log(" sectionptr = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->sectiontable));
- Log(" trackvols = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->trackvols));
- Log(" numtracks = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numtracks));
- Log(" numpseqs = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numpseqs));
- Log(" trackpans = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->trackpans));
- Log(" flags3 = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->flags3));
- Log(" voladj = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->voladj));
- Log(" channels = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->channels));
- Log(" echotype = %d\n", pmsh2->mix_echotype);
- Log(" echodepth = %d\n", pmsh2->mix_echodepth);
- Log(" echolen = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->mix_echolen));
- Log(" stereosep = %d\n", (signed char)pmsh2->mix_stereosep);
- Log(" deftempo = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->deftempo));
- Log(" playtransp = %d\n", (signed char)pmsh2->playtransp);
- Log(" flags(1,2) = 0x%02X, 0x%02X\n", pmsh2->flags, pmsh2->flags2);
- Log(" tempo2 = %d\n", pmsh2->tempo2);
- Log(" mastervol = 0x%02X\n", pmsh2->mastervol);
- Log(" numsamples = %d\n", pmsh->numsamples);
- }
- Log("\n");
- wNumBlocks = bswapBE16(pmsh->numblocks);
- m_nChannels = 4;
- m_nSamples = pmsh->numsamples;
- if (m_nSamples > 63) m_nSamples = 63;
- // Tempo
- m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
- deftempo = bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo);
- if (!deftempo) deftempo = 125;
- if (pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BPM)
- {
- UINT tempo_tpl = (pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BMASK) + 1;
- if (!tempo_tpl) tempo_tpl = 4;
- deftempo *= tempo_tpl;
- deftempo /= 4;
- #ifdef MED_LOG
- Log("newtempo: %3d bpm (bpm=%3d lpb=%2d)\n", deftempo, bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo), (pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BMASK)+1);
- #endif
- } else
- {
- deftempo = _muldiv(deftempo, 5*715909, 2*474326);
- #ifdef MED_LOG
- Log("oldtempo: %3d bpm (bpm=%3d)\n", deftempo, bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo));
- #endif
- }
- // Speed
- m_nDefaultSpeed = pmsh->tempo2;
- if (!m_nDefaultSpeed) m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
- if (deftempo < 0x21) deftempo = 0x21;
- if (deftempo > 255)
- {
- while ((m_nDefaultSpeed > 3) && (deftempo > 260))
- {
- deftempo = (deftempo * (m_nDefaultSpeed - 1)) / m_nDefaultSpeed;
- m_nDefaultSpeed--;
- }
- if (deftempo > 255) deftempo = 255;
- }
- m_nDefaultTempo = deftempo;
- // Reading Samples
- for (UINT iSHdr=0; iSHdr<m_nSamples; iSHdr++)
- {
- MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[iSHdr+1];
- pins->nLoopStart = bswapBE16(pmsh->sample[iSHdr].rep) << 1;
- pins->nLoopEnd = pins->nLoopStart + (bswapBE16(pmsh->sample[iSHdr].replen) << 1);
- pins->nVolume = (pmsh->sample[iSHdr].svol << 2);
- pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
- if (pins->nVolume > 256) pins->nVolume = 256;
- pins->RelativeTone = -12 * pmsh->sample[iSHdr].strans;
- pins->nPan = 128;
- if (pins->nLoopEnd) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
- }
- // Common Flags
- if (!(pmsh->flags & 0x20)) m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_FASTVOLSLIDES;
- // Reading play sequence
- if (version < '2')
- {
- UINT nbo = pmsh->songlen >> 8;
- if (nbo >= MAX_ORDERS) nbo = MAX_ORDERS-1;
- if (!nbo) nbo = 1;
- memcpy(Order, pmsh->playseq, nbo);
- playtransp = pmsh->playtransp;
- } else
- {
- UINT nOrders, nSections;
- UINT nTrks = bswapBE16(pmsh2->numtracks);
- if ((nTrks >= 4) && (nTrks <= 32)) m_nChannels = nTrks;
- DWORD playseqtable = bswapBE32(pmsh2->playseqtable);
- UINT numplayseqs = bswapBE16(pmsh2->numpseqs);
- if (!numplayseqs) numplayseqs = 1;
- nOrders = 0;
- nSections = bswapBE16(pmsh2->numsections);
- DWORD sectiontable = bswapBE32(pmsh2->sectiontable);
- if ((!nSections) || (!sectiontable) || (sectiontable >= dwMemLength-2)) nSections = 1;
- nOrders = 0;
- for (UINT iSection=0; iSection<nSections; iSection++)
- {
- UINT nplayseq = 0;
- if ((sectiontable) && (sectiontable < dwMemLength-2))
- {
- nplayseq = lpStream[sectiontable+1];
- sectiontable += 2; // WORDs
- } else
- {
- nSections = 0;
- }
- UINT pseq = 0;
- if ((playseqtable) && (playseqtable + nplayseq*4 < dwMemLength))
- {
- pseq = bswapBE32(((LPDWORD)(lpStream+playseqtable))[nplayseq]);
- }
- if ((pseq) && (pseq < dwMemLength - sizeof(MMD2PLAYSEQ)))
- {
- MMD2PLAYSEQ *pmps = (MMD2PLAYSEQ *)(lpStream + pseq);
- if (!m_szNames[0][0]) memcpy(m_szNames[0], pmps->name, 31);
- UINT n = bswapBE16(pmps->length);
- if (pseq+n <= dwMemLength)
- {
- for (UINT i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- UINT seqval = pmps->seq[i] >> 8;
- if ((seqval < wNumBlocks) && (nOrders < MAX_ORDERS-1))
- {
- Order[nOrders++] = seqval;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- playtransp = pmsh2->playtransp;
- while (nOrders < MAX_ORDERS) Order[nOrders++] = 0xFF;
- }
- // Reading Expansion structure
- if (pmex)
- {
- // Channel Split
- if ((m_nChannels == 4) && (pmsh->flags & 0x40))
- {
- for (UINT i8ch=0; i8ch<4; i8ch++)
- {
- if (pmex->channelsplit[i8ch]) m_nChannels++;
- }
- }
- // Song Comments
- uint32_t annotxt = bswapBE32(pmex->annotxt);
- uint32_t annolen = bswapBE32(pmex->annolen);
- if ((annotxt) && (annolen) && (annotxt + annolen > annotxt) // overflow checks.
- && (annotxt+annolen <= dwMemLength))
- {
- m_lpszSongComments = new char[annolen+1];
- memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+annotxt, annolen);
- m_lpszSongComments[annolen] = 0;
- }
- // Song Name
- uint32_t songname = bswapBE32(pmex->songname);
- uint32_t songnamelen = bswapBE32(pmex->songnamelen);
- if ((songname) && (songnamelen) && (songname+songnamelen > songname)
- && (songname+songnamelen <= dwMemLength))
- {
- if (songnamelen > 31) songnamelen = 31;
- memcpy(m_szNames[0], lpStream+songname, songnamelen);
- m_szNames[0][31] = '\0';
- }
- // Sample Names
- DWORD smpinfoex = bswapBE32(pmex->iinfo);
- if (smpinfoex)
- {
- DWORD iinfoptr = bswapBE32(pmex->iinfo);
- UINT ientries = bswapBE16(pmex->i_ext_entries);
- UINT ientrysz = bswapBE16(pmex->i_ext_entrsz);
- if ((iinfoptr) && (ientrysz < 256) &&
- (ientries*ientrysz < dwMemLength) &&
- (iinfoptr < dwMemLength - (ientries*ientrysz)))
- {
- LPCSTR psznames = (LPCSTR)(lpStream + iinfoptr);
- UINT maxnamelen = ientrysz;
- // copy a max of 32 bytes.
- if (maxnamelen > 32) maxnamelen = 32;
- for (UINT i=0; i<ientries; i++) if (i < m_nSamples)
- {
- lstrcpyn(m_szNames[i+1], psznames + i*ientrysz, maxnamelen);
- m_szNames[i+1][31] = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- // Track Names
- DWORD trackinfo_ofs = bswapBE32(pmex->trackinfo_ofs);
- if ((trackinfo_ofs) && (trackinfo_ofs + m_nChannels * 4 < dwMemLength))
- {
- DWORD *ptrktags = (DWORD *)(lpStream + trackinfo_ofs);
- for (UINT i=0; i<m_nChannels; i++)
- {
- DWORD trknameofs = 0, trknamelen = 0;
- DWORD trktagofs = bswapBE32(ptrktags[i]);
- if (trktagofs)
- {
- while (trktagofs+8 < dwMemLength)
- {
- DWORD ntag = bswapBE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream + trktagofs));
- if (ntag == MMDTAG_END) break;
- DWORD tagdata = bswapBE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream + trktagofs + 4));
- switch(ntag)
- {
- case MMDTAG_TRK_NAMELEN: trknamelen = tagdata; break;
- case MMDTAG_TRK_NAME: trknameofs = tagdata; break;
- }
- trktagofs += 8;
- }
- if (trknamelen > MAX_CHANNELNAME) trknamelen = MAX_CHANNELNAME;
- if ((trknameofs) && (trknameofs + trknamelen < dwMemLength))
- {
- lstrcpyn(ChnSettings[i].szName, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+trknameofs), MAX_CHANNELNAME);
- ChnSettings[i].szName[MAX_CHANNELNAME-1] = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Reading samples
- if (dwSmplArr > dwMemLength - 4*m_nSamples) return TRUE;
- pdwTable = (LPDWORD)(lpStream + dwSmplArr);
- for (UINT iSmp=0; iSmp<m_nSamples; iSmp++) if (pdwTable[iSmp])
- {
- UINT dwPos = bswapBE32(pdwTable[iSmp]);
- if ((dwPos >= dwMemLength) || (dwPos + sizeof(MMDSAMPLEHEADER) >= dwMemLength)) continue;
- MMDSAMPLEHEADER *psdh = (MMDSAMPLEHEADER *)(lpStream + dwPos);
- UINT len = bswapBE32(psdh->length);
- #ifdef MED_LOG
- Log("SampleData %d: stype=0x%02X len=%d\n", iSmp, bswapBE16(psdh->type), len);
- #endif
- if ((len > MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH) || (dwPos + len + 6 > dwMemLength)) len = 0;
- UINT flags = RS_PCM8S, stype = bswapBE16(psdh->type);
- LPSTR psdata = (LPSTR)(lpStream + dwPos + 6);
- if (stype & 0x80)
- {
- psdata += (stype & 0x20) ? 14 : 6;
- } else
- {
- if (stype & 0x10)
- {
- Ins[iSmp+1].uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
- len /= 2;
- flags = (stype & 0x20) ? RS_STPCM16M : RS_PCM16M;
- } else
- {
- flags = (stype & 0x20) ? RS_STPCM8S : RS_PCM8S;
- }
- if (stype & 0x20) len /= 2;
- }
- Ins[iSmp+1].nLength = len;
- ReadSample(&Ins[iSmp+1], flags, psdata, dwMemLength - dwPos - 6);
- }
- // Reading patterns (blocks)
- if (wNumBlocks > MAX_PATTERNS) wNumBlocks = MAX_PATTERNS;
- if ((!dwBlockArr) || (dwBlockArr > dwMemLength - 4*wNumBlocks)) return TRUE;
- pdwTable = (LPDWORD)(lpStream + dwBlockArr);
- playtransp += (version == '3') ? 24 : 48;
- for (UINT iBlk=0; iBlk<wNumBlocks; iBlk++)
- {
- UINT dwPos = bswapBE32(pdwTable[iBlk]);
- if ((!dwPos) || (dwPos >= dwMemLength) || (dwPos >= dwMemLength - 8)) continue;
- UINT lines = 64, tracks = 4;
- if (version == '0')
- {
- const MMD0BLOCK *pmb = (const MMD0BLOCK *)(lpStream + dwPos);
- lines = pmb->lines + 1;
- tracks = pmb->numtracks;
- if (!tracks) tracks = m_nChannels;
- if ((Patterns[iBlk] = AllocatePattern(lines, m_nChannels)) == NULL) continue;
- PatternSize[iBlk] = lines;
- MODCOMMAND *p = Patterns[iBlk];
- LPBYTE s = (LPBYTE)(lpStream + dwPos + 2);
- UINT maxlen = tracks*lines*3;
- if (maxlen + dwPos > dwMemLength - 2) break;
- for (UINT y=0; y<lines; y++)
- {
- for (UINT x=0; x<tracks; x++, s+=3) if (x < m_nChannels)
- {
- BYTE note = s[0] & 0x3F;
- BYTE instr = s[1] >> 4;
- if (s[0] & 0x80) instr |= 0x10;
- if (s[0] & 0x40) instr |= 0x20;
- if ((note) && (note <= 132)) p->note = note + playtransp;
- p->instr = instr;
- p->command = s[1] & 0x0F;
- p->param = s[2];
- // if (!iBlk) Log("%02X.%02X.%02X | ", s[0], s[1], s[2]);
- MedConvert(p, pmsh);
- p++;
- }
- //if (!iBlk) Log("\n");
- }
- } else
- {
- MMD1BLOCK *pmb = (MMD1BLOCK *)(lpStream + dwPos);
- #ifdef MED_LOG
- Log("MMD1BLOCK: lines=%2d, tracks=%2d, offset=0x%04X\n",
- bswapBE16(pmb->lines), bswapBE16(pmb->numtracks), bswapBE32(pmb->info));
- #endif
- BYTE *pcmdext = NULL;
- lines = (pmb->lines >> 8) + 1;
- tracks = pmb->numtracks >> 8;
- if (!tracks) tracks = m_nChannels;
- if ((Patterns[iBlk] = AllocatePattern(lines, m_nChannels)) == NULL) continue;
- PatternSize[iBlk] = (WORD)lines;
- DWORD dwBlockInfo = bswapBE32(pmb->info);
- if ((dwBlockInfo) && (dwBlockInfo < dwMemLength - sizeof(MMD1BLOCKINFO)))
- {
- pbi = (MMD1BLOCKINFO *)(lpStream + dwBlockInfo);
- #ifdef MED_LOG
- Log(" BLOCKINFO: blockname=0x%04X namelen=%d pagetable=0x%04X &cmdexttable=0x%04X\n",
- bswapBE32(pbi->blockname), bswapBE32(pbi->blocknamelen), bswapBE32(pbi->pagetable), bswapBE32(pbi->cmdexttable));
- #endif
- if ((pbi->blockname) && (pbi->blocknamelen))
- {
- DWORD nameofs = bswapBE32(pbi->blockname);
- UINT namelen = bswapBE32(pbi->blocknamelen);
- if ((nameofs < dwMemLength) && (nameofs+namelen < dwMemLength))
- {
- SetPatternName(iBlk, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+nameofs));
- }
- }
- if (pbi->cmdexttable)
- {
- DWORD cmdexttable = bswapBE32(pbi->cmdexttable);
- if (cmdexttable < dwMemLength - 4)
- {
- cmdexttable = bswapBE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream + cmdexttable));
- if ((cmdexttable) && (cmdexttable <= dwMemLength - lines*tracks))
- {
- pcmdext = (BYTE *)(lpStream + cmdexttable);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- MODCOMMAND *p = Patterns[iBlk];
- LPBYTE s = (LPBYTE)(lpStream + dwPos + 8);
- UINT maxlen = tracks*lines*4;
- if (maxlen + dwPos > dwMemLength - 8) break;
- for (UINT y=0; y<lines; y++)
- {
- for (UINT x=0; x<tracks; x++, s+=4) if (x < m_nChannels)
- {
- BYTE note = s[0];
- if ((note) && (note <= 132))
- {
- int rnote = note + playtransp;
- if (rnote < 1) rnote = 1;
- if (rnote > 120) rnote = 120;
- p->note = (BYTE)rnote;
- }
- p->instr = s[1];
- p->command = s[2];
- p->param = s[3];
- if (pcmdext) p->vol = pcmdext[x];
- MedConvert(p, pmsh);
- p++;
- }
- if (pcmdext) pcmdext += tracks;
- }
- }
- }
- // Setup channel pan positions
- for (UINT iCh=0; iCh<m_nChannels; iCh++)
- {
- ChnSettings[iCh].nPan = (((iCh&3) == 1) || ((iCh&3) == 2)) ? 0xC0 : 0x40;
- ChnSettings[iCh].nVolume = 64;
- }
- return TRUE;