path: root/lib/jsoncpp/src
diff options
authormontellese <montellese@xbmc.org>2011-06-03 16:25:07 +0200
committermontellese <montellese@xbmc.org>2011-06-03 16:25:07 +0200
commit3565ad579e9b80f4be57db901d3fe44d9bfac87d (patch)
tree23b7218b1aacdbd6e3299a614ce8073ae93cc86f /lib/jsoncpp/src
parent648af1e56953eb1c9aeeebfc5826c6a828d4ebbb (diff)
parentfee62a4d040f6eb3e44e703f2f80846a6aaa57ea (diff)
replace jsoncpp with yajl (thanks topfs2)
* topfs2/remove_jsoncpp: (21 commits) Fix. Added explicit typecast to platform int to quench warnings for variant use in jsonrpc [win32] replace jsoncpp with yajl Removed jsoncpp Added pragma and license to IClient.h Removed the dependency of jsoncpp in CVariant Switched to use CVariant instead of jsoncpp values in JSON-RPC Added yajl writer for Variant Added yajl parser for Variant Added c_str and have size of variant work with strings Added check for libyajl to configure Added CVariant::type which returns the type of the current variant (easier than multiple isFoo queries) Switched Variant to use double internally, still accepts floats Added swap method to CVariant Moved to use explicit type in CVariant instead of isFoo Added operator== to CVariant Added array and map iterators to CVariant Added CVariant constructor which takes a string pointer and length Added append to CVariant Added isMember to CVariant Removed debug in CVariant ... Conflicts: Makefile.in configure.in project/VS2010Express/XBMC.vcxproj xbmc/interfaces/json-rpc/AudioLibrary.cpp xbmc/interfaces/json-rpc/FileItemHandler.cpp xbmc/interfaces/json-rpc/FileItemHandler.h xbmc/interfaces/json-rpc/VideoLibrary.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/jsoncpp/src')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 6574 deletions
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/jsontestrunner/main.cpp b/lib/jsoncpp/src/jsontestrunner/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da3ede9ea..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/jsontestrunner/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-/* This executable is used for testing parser/writer using real JSON files.
- */
-#include <json/json.h>
-#include <algorithm> // sort
-#include <stdio.h>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1310
-# pragma warning( disable: 4996 ) // disable fopen deprecation warning
-static std::string
-readInputTestFile( const char *path )
- FILE *file = fopen( path, "rb" );
- if ( !file )
- return std::string("");
- fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
- long size = ftell( file );
- fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
- std::string text;
- char *buffer = new char[size+1];
- buffer[size] = 0;
- if ( fread( buffer, 1, size, file ) == (unsigned long)size )
- text = buffer;
- fclose( file );
- delete[] buffer;
- return text;
-static void
-printValueTree( FILE *fout, Json::Value &value, const std::string &path = "." )
- switch ( value.type() )
- {
- case Json::nullValue:
- fprintf( fout, "%s=null\n", path.c_str() );
- break;
- case Json::intValue:
- fprintf( fout, "%s=%s\n", path.c_str(), Json::valueToString( value.asLargestInt() ).c_str() );
- break;
- case Json::uintValue:
- fprintf( fout, "%s=%s\n", path.c_str(), Json::valueToString( value.asLargestUInt() ).c_str() );
- break;
- case Json::realValue:
- fprintf( fout, "%s=%.16g\n", path.c_str(), value.asDouble() );
- break;
- case Json::stringValue:
- fprintf( fout, "%s=\"%s\"\n", path.c_str(), value.asString().c_str() );
- break;
- case Json::booleanValue:
- fprintf( fout, "%s=%s\n", path.c_str(), value.asBool() ? "true" : "false" );
- break;
- case Json::arrayValue:
- {
- fprintf( fout, "%s=[]\n", path.c_str() );
- int size = value.size();
- for ( int index =0; index < size; ++index )
- {
- static char buffer[16];
- sprintf( buffer, "[%d]", index );
- printValueTree( fout, value[index], path + buffer );
- }
- }
- break;
- case Json::objectValue:
- {
- fprintf( fout, "%s={}\n", path.c_str() );
- Json::Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
- std::sort( members.begin(), members.end() );
- std::string suffix = *(path.end()-1) == '.' ? "" : ".";
- for ( Json::Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- it != members.end();
- ++it )
- {
- const std::string &name = *it;
- printValueTree( fout, value[name], path + suffix + name );
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-static int
-parseAndSaveValueTree( const std::string &input,
- const std::string &actual,
- const std::string &kind,
- Json::Value &root,
- const Json::Features &features,
- bool parseOnly )
- Json::Reader reader( features );
- bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( input, root );
- if ( !parsingSuccessful )
- {
- printf( "Failed to parse %s file: \n%s\n",
- kind.c_str(),
- reader.getFormatedErrorMessages().c_str() );
- return 1;
- }
- if ( !parseOnly )
- {
- FILE *factual = fopen( actual.c_str(), "wt" );
- if ( !factual )
- {
- printf( "Failed to create %s actual file.\n", kind.c_str() );
- return 2;
- }
- printValueTree( factual, root );
- fclose( factual );
- }
- return 0;
-static int
-rewriteValueTree( const std::string &rewritePath,
- const Json::Value &root,
- std::string &rewrite )
- //Json::FastWriter writer;
- //writer.enableYAMLCompatibility();
- Json::StyledWriter writer;
- rewrite = writer.write( root );
- FILE *fout = fopen( rewritePath.c_str(), "wt" );
- if ( !fout )
- {
- printf( "Failed to create rewrite file: %s\n", rewritePath.c_str() );
- return 2;
- }
- fprintf( fout, "%s\n", rewrite.c_str() );
- fclose( fout );
- return 0;
-static std::string
-removeSuffix( const std::string &path,
- const std::string &extension )
- if ( extension.length() >= path.length() )
- return std::string("");
- std::string suffix = path.substr( path.length() - extension.length() );
- if ( suffix != extension )
- return std::string("");
- return path.substr( 0, path.length() - extension.length() );
-static void
- // Print the configuration used to compile JsonCpp
-#if defined(JSON_NO_INT64)
- printf( "JSON_NO_INT64=1\n" );
- printf( "JSON_NO_INT64=0\n" );
-static int
-printUsage( const char *argv[] )
- printf( "Usage: %s [--strict] input-json-file", argv[0] );
- return 3;
-parseCommandLine( int argc, const char *argv[],
- Json::Features &features, std::string &path,
- bool &parseOnly )
- parseOnly = false;
- if ( argc < 2 )
- {
- return printUsage( argv );
- }
- int index = 1;
- if ( std::string(argv[1]) == "--json-checker" )
- {
- features = Json::Features::strictMode();
- parseOnly = true;
- ++index;
- }
- if ( std::string(argv[1]) == "--json-config" )
- {
- printConfig();
- return 3;
- }
- if ( index == argc || index + 1 < argc )
- {
- return printUsage( argv );
- }
- path = argv[index];
- return 0;
-int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
- std::string path;
- Json::Features features;
- bool parseOnly;
- int exitCode = parseCommandLine( argc, argv, features, path, parseOnly );
- if ( exitCode != 0 )
- {
- return exitCode;
- }
- try
- {
- std::string input = readInputTestFile( path.c_str() );
- if ( input.empty() )
- {
- printf( "Failed to read input or empty input: %s\n", path.c_str() );
- return 3;
- }
- std::string basePath = removeSuffix( argv[1], ".json" );
- if ( !parseOnly && basePath.empty() )
- {
- printf( "Bad input path. Path does not end with '.expected':\n%s\n", path.c_str() );
- return 3;
- }
- std::string actualPath = basePath + ".actual";
- std::string rewritePath = basePath + ".rewrite";
- std::string rewriteActualPath = basePath + ".actual-rewrite";
- Json::Value root;
- exitCode = parseAndSaveValueTree( input, actualPath, "input", root, features, parseOnly );
- if ( exitCode == 0 && !parseOnly )
- {
- std::string rewrite;
- exitCode = rewriteValueTree( rewritePath, root, rewrite );
- if ( exitCode == 0 )
- {
- Json::Value rewriteRoot;
- exitCode = parseAndSaveValueTree( rewrite, rewriteActualPath,
- "rewrite", rewriteRoot, features, parseOnly );
- }
- }
- }
- catch ( const std::exception &e )
- {
- printf( "Unhandled exception:\n%s\n", e.what() );
- exitCode = 1;
- }
- return exitCode;
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/jsontestrunner/sconscript b/lib/jsoncpp/src/jsontestrunner/sconscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e68e31533..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/jsontestrunner/sconscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Import( 'env_testing buildJSONTests' )
-buildJSONTests( env_testing, Split( """
- main.cpp
- """ ),
- 'jsontestrunner' )
-# For 'check' to work, 'libs' must be built first.
-env_testing.Depends('jsontestrunner', '#libs')
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/Makefile.in b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 4746eb2a05..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-SRCS=json_reader.cpp \
- json_value.cpp \
- json_writer.cpp \
-LIB= libjsoncpp.a
-include ../../../../Makefile.include
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_batchallocator.h b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_batchallocator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 173e2ed257..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_batchallocator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-namespace Json {
-/* Fast memory allocator.
- *
- * This memory allocator allocates memory for a batch of object (specified by
- * the page size, the number of object in each page).
- *
- * It does not allow the destruction of a single object. All the allocated objects
- * can be destroyed at once. The memory can be either released or reused for future
- * allocation.
- *
- * The in-place new operator must be used to construct the object using the pointer
- * returned by allocate.
- */
-template<typename AllocatedType
- ,const unsigned int objectPerAllocation>
-class BatchAllocator
- typedef AllocatedType Type;
- BatchAllocator( unsigned int objectsPerPage = 255 )
- : freeHead_( 0 )
- , objectsPerPage_( objectsPerPage )
- {
-// printf( "Size: %d => %s\n", sizeof(AllocatedType), typeid(AllocatedType).name() );
- assert( sizeof(AllocatedType) * objectPerAllocation >= sizeof(AllocatedType *) ); // We must be able to store a slist in the object free space.
- assert( objectsPerPage >= 16 );
- batches_ = allocateBatch( 0 ); // allocated a dummy page
- currentBatch_ = batches_;
- }
- ~BatchAllocator()
- {
- for ( BatchInfo *batch = batches_; batch; )
- {
- BatchInfo *nextBatch = batch->next_;
- free( batch );
- batch = nextBatch;
- }
- }
- /// allocate space for an array of objectPerAllocation object.
- /// @warning it is the responsability of the caller to call objects constructors.
- AllocatedType *allocate()
- {
- if ( freeHead_ ) // returns node from free list.
- {
- AllocatedType *object = freeHead_;
- freeHead_ = *(AllocatedType **)object;
- return object;
- }
- if ( currentBatch_->used_ == currentBatch_->end_ )
- {
- currentBatch_ = currentBatch_->next_;
- while ( currentBatch_ && currentBatch_->used_ == currentBatch_->end_ )
- currentBatch_ = currentBatch_->next_;
- if ( !currentBatch_ ) // no free batch found, allocate a new one
- {
- currentBatch_ = allocateBatch( objectsPerPage_ );
- currentBatch_->next_ = batches_; // insert at the head of the list
- batches_ = currentBatch_;
- }
- }
- AllocatedType *allocated = currentBatch_->used_;
- currentBatch_->used_ += objectPerAllocation;
- return allocated;
- }
- /// Release the object.
- /// @warning it is the responsability of the caller to actually destruct the object.
- void release( AllocatedType *object )
- {
- assert( object != 0 );
- *(AllocatedType **)object = freeHead_;
- freeHead_ = object;
- }
- struct BatchInfo
- {
- BatchInfo *next_;
- AllocatedType *used_;
- AllocatedType *end_;
- AllocatedType buffer_[objectPerAllocation];
- };
- // disabled copy constructor and assignement operator.
- BatchAllocator( const BatchAllocator & );
- void operator =( const BatchAllocator &);
- static BatchInfo *allocateBatch( unsigned int objectsPerPage )
- {
- const unsigned int mallocSize = sizeof(BatchInfo) - sizeof(AllocatedType)* objectPerAllocation
- + sizeof(AllocatedType) * objectPerAllocation * objectsPerPage;
- BatchInfo *batch = static_cast<BatchInfo*>( malloc( mallocSize ) );
- batch->next_ = 0;
- batch->used_ = batch->buffer_;
- batch->end_ = batch->buffer_ + objectsPerPage;
- return batch;
- }
- BatchInfo *batches_;
- BatchInfo *currentBatch_;
- /// Head of a single linked list within the allocated space of freeed object
- AllocatedType *freeHead_;
- unsigned int objectsPerPage_;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_internalarray.inl b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_internalarray.inl
deleted file mode 100644
index 66d838ec0b..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_internalarray.inl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-// included by json_value.cpp
-// everything is within Json namespace
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueInternalArray
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class DefaultValueArrayAllocator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-class DefaultValueArrayAllocator : public ValueArrayAllocator
-public: // overridden from ValueArrayAllocator
- virtual ~DefaultValueArrayAllocator()
- {
- }
- virtual ValueInternalArray *newArray()
- {
- return new ValueInternalArray();
- }
- virtual ValueInternalArray *newArrayCopy( const ValueInternalArray &other )
- {
- return new ValueInternalArray( other );
- }
- virtual void destructArray( ValueInternalArray *array )
- {
- delete array;
- }
- virtual void reallocateArrayPageIndex( Value **&indexes,
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex &indexCount,
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex minNewIndexCount )
- {
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex newIndexCount = (indexCount*3)/2 + 1;
- if ( minNewIndexCount > newIndexCount )
- newIndexCount = minNewIndexCount;
- void *newIndexes = realloc( indexes, sizeof(Value*) * newIndexCount );
- if ( !newIndexes )
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- indexCount = newIndexCount;
- indexes = static_cast<Value **>( newIndexes );
- }
- virtual void releaseArrayPageIndex( Value **indexes,
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex indexCount )
- {
- if ( indexes )
- free( indexes );
- }
- virtual Value *allocateArrayPage()
- {
- return static_cast<Value *>( malloc( sizeof(Value) * ValueInternalArray::itemsPerPage ) );
- }
- virtual void releaseArrayPage( Value *value )
- {
- if ( value )
- free( value );
- }
-/// @todo make this thread-safe (lock when accessign batch allocator)
-class DefaultValueArrayAllocator : public ValueArrayAllocator
-public: // overridden from ValueArrayAllocator
- virtual ~DefaultValueArrayAllocator()
- {
- }
- virtual ValueInternalArray *newArray()
- {
- ValueInternalArray *array = arraysAllocator_.allocate();
- new (array) ValueInternalArray(); // placement new
- return array;
- }
- virtual ValueInternalArray *newArrayCopy( const ValueInternalArray &other )
- {
- ValueInternalArray *array = arraysAllocator_.allocate();
- new (array) ValueInternalArray( other ); // placement new
- return array;
- }
- virtual void destructArray( ValueInternalArray *array )
- {
- if ( array )
- {
- array->~ValueInternalArray();
- arraysAllocator_.release( array );
- }
- }
- virtual void reallocateArrayPageIndex( Value **&indexes,
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex &indexCount,
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex minNewIndexCount )
- {
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex newIndexCount = (indexCount*3)/2 + 1;
- if ( minNewIndexCount > newIndexCount )
- newIndexCount = minNewIndexCount;
- void *newIndexes = realloc( indexes, sizeof(Value*) * newIndexCount );
- if ( !newIndexes )
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- indexCount = newIndexCount;
- indexes = static_cast<Value **>( newIndexes );
- }
- virtual void releaseArrayPageIndex( Value **indexes,
- ValueInternalArray::PageIndex indexCount )
- {
- if ( indexes )
- free( indexes );
- }
- virtual Value *allocateArrayPage()
- {
- return static_cast<Value *>( pagesAllocator_.allocate() );
- }
- virtual void releaseArrayPage( Value *value )
- {
- if ( value )
- pagesAllocator_.release( value );
- }
- BatchAllocator<ValueInternalArray,1> arraysAllocator_;
- BatchAllocator<Value,ValueInternalArray::itemsPerPage> pagesAllocator_;
-static ValueArrayAllocator *&arrayAllocator()
- static DefaultValueArrayAllocator defaultAllocator;
- static ValueArrayAllocator *arrayAllocator = &defaultAllocator;
- return arrayAllocator;
-static struct DummyArrayAllocatorInitializer {
- DummyArrayAllocatorInitializer()
- {
- arrayAllocator(); // ensure arrayAllocator() statics are initialized before main().
- }
-} dummyArrayAllocatorInitializer;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueInternalArray
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueInternalArray::equals( const IteratorState &x,
- const IteratorState &other )
- return x.array_ == other.array_
- && x.currentItemIndex_ == other.currentItemIndex_
- && x.currentPageIndex_ == other.currentPageIndex_;
-ValueInternalArray::increment( IteratorState &it )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( it.array_ &&
- (it.currentPageIndex_ - it.array_->pages_)*itemsPerPage + it.currentItemIndex_
- != it.array_->size_,
- "ValueInternalArray::increment(): moving iterator beyond end" );
- ++(it.currentItemIndex_);
- if ( it.currentItemIndex_ == itemsPerPage )
- {
- it.currentItemIndex_ = 0;
- ++(it.currentPageIndex_);
- }
-ValueInternalArray::decrement( IteratorState &it )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( it.array_ && it.currentPageIndex_ == it.array_->pages_
- && it.currentItemIndex_ == 0,
- "ValueInternalArray::decrement(): moving iterator beyond end" );
- if ( it.currentItemIndex_ == 0 )
- {
- it.currentItemIndex_ = itemsPerPage-1;
- --(it.currentPageIndex_);
- }
- else
- {
- --(it.currentItemIndex_);
- }
-Value &
-ValueInternalArray::unsafeDereference( const IteratorState &it )
- return (*(it.currentPageIndex_))[it.currentItemIndex_];
-Value &
-ValueInternalArray::dereference( const IteratorState &it )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( it.array_ &&
- (it.currentPageIndex_ - it.array_->pages_)*itemsPerPage + it.currentItemIndex_
- < it.array_->size_,
- "ValueInternalArray::dereference(): dereferencing invalid iterator" );
- return unsafeDereference( it );
-ValueInternalArray::makeBeginIterator( IteratorState &it ) const
- it.array_ = const_cast<ValueInternalArray *>( this );
- it.currentItemIndex_ = 0;
- it.currentPageIndex_ = pages_;
-ValueInternalArray::makeIterator( IteratorState &it, ArrayIndex index ) const
- it.array_ = const_cast<ValueInternalArray *>( this );
- it.currentItemIndex_ = index % itemsPerPage;
- it.currentPageIndex_ = pages_ + index / itemsPerPage;
-ValueInternalArray::makeEndIterator( IteratorState &it ) const
- makeIterator( it, size_ );
- : pages_( 0 )
- , size_( 0 )
- , pageCount_( 0 )
-ValueInternalArray::ValueInternalArray( const ValueInternalArray &other )
- : pages_( 0 )
- , pageCount_( 0 )
- , size_( other.size_ )
- PageIndex minNewPages = other.size_ / itemsPerPage;
- arrayAllocator()->reallocateArrayPageIndex( pages_, pageCount_, minNewPages );
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( pageCount_ >= minNewPages,
- "ValueInternalArray::reserve(): bad reallocation" );
- IteratorState itOther;
- other.makeBeginIterator( itOther );
- Value *value;
- for ( ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size_; ++index, increment(itOther) )
- {
- if ( index % itemsPerPage == 0 )
- {
- PageIndex pageIndex = index / itemsPerPage;
- value = arrayAllocator()->allocateArrayPage();
- pages_[pageIndex] = value;
- }
- new (value) Value( dereference( itOther ) );
- }
-ValueInternalArray &
-ValueInternalArray::operator =( const ValueInternalArray &other )
- ValueInternalArray temp( other );
- swap( temp );
- return *this;
- // destroy all constructed items
- IteratorState it;
- IteratorState itEnd;
- makeBeginIterator( it);
- makeEndIterator( itEnd );
- for ( ; !equals(it,itEnd); increment(it) )
- {
- Value *value = &dereference(it);
- value->~Value();
- }
- // release all pages
- PageIndex lastPageIndex = size_ / itemsPerPage;
- for ( PageIndex pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < lastPageIndex; ++pageIndex )
- arrayAllocator()->releaseArrayPage( pages_[pageIndex] );
- // release pages index
- arrayAllocator()->releaseArrayPageIndex( pages_, pageCount_ );
-ValueInternalArray::swap( ValueInternalArray &other )
- Value **tempPages = pages_;
- pages_ = other.pages_;
- other.pages_ = tempPages;
- ArrayIndex tempSize = size_;
- size_ = other.size_;
- other.size_ = tempSize;
- PageIndex tempPageCount = pageCount_;
- pageCount_ = other.pageCount_;
- other.pageCount_ = tempPageCount;
- ValueInternalArray dummy;
- swap( dummy );
-ValueInternalArray::resize( ArrayIndex newSize )
- if ( newSize == 0 )
- clear();
- else if ( newSize < size_ )
- {
- IteratorState it;
- IteratorState itEnd;
- makeIterator( it, newSize );
- makeIterator( itEnd, size_ );
- for ( ; !equals(it,itEnd); increment(it) )
- {
- Value *value = &dereference(it);
- value->~Value();
- }
- PageIndex pageIndex = (newSize + itemsPerPage - 1) / itemsPerPage;
- PageIndex lastPageIndex = size_ / itemsPerPage;
- for ( ; pageIndex < lastPageIndex; ++pageIndex )
- arrayAllocator()->releaseArrayPage( pages_[pageIndex] );
- size_ = newSize;
- }
- else if ( newSize > size_ )
- resolveReference( newSize );
-ValueInternalArray::makeIndexValid( ArrayIndex index )
- // Need to enlarge page index ?
- if ( index >= pageCount_ * itemsPerPage )
- {
- PageIndex minNewPages = (index + 1) / itemsPerPage;
- arrayAllocator()->reallocateArrayPageIndex( pages_, pageCount_, minNewPages );
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( pageCount_ >= minNewPages, "ValueInternalArray::reserve(): bad reallocation" );
- }
- // Need to allocate new pages ?
- ArrayIndex nextPageIndex =
- (size_ % itemsPerPage) != 0 ? size_ - (size_%itemsPerPage) + itemsPerPage
- : size_;
- if ( nextPageIndex <= index )
- {
- PageIndex pageIndex = nextPageIndex / itemsPerPage;
- PageIndex pageToAllocate = (index - nextPageIndex) / itemsPerPage + 1;
- for ( ; pageToAllocate-- > 0; ++pageIndex )
- pages_[pageIndex] = arrayAllocator()->allocateArrayPage();
- }
- // Initialize all new entries
- IteratorState it;
- IteratorState itEnd;
- makeIterator( it, size_ );
- size_ = index + 1;
- makeIterator( itEnd, size_ );
- for ( ; !equals(it,itEnd); increment(it) )
- {
- Value *value = &dereference(it);
- new (value) Value(); // Construct a default value using placement new
- }
-Value &
-ValueInternalArray::resolveReference( ArrayIndex index )
- if ( index >= size_ )
- makeIndexValid( index );
- return pages_[index/itemsPerPage][index%itemsPerPage];
-Value *
-ValueInternalArray::find( ArrayIndex index ) const
- if ( index >= size_ )
- return 0;
- return &(pages_[index/itemsPerPage][index%itemsPerPage]);
-ValueInternalArray::size() const
- return size_;
-ValueInternalArray::distance( const IteratorState &x, const IteratorState &y )
- return indexOf(y) - indexOf(x);
-ValueInternalArray::indexOf( const IteratorState &iterator )
- if ( !iterator.array_ )
- return ArrayIndex(-1);
- return ArrayIndex(
- (iterator.currentPageIndex_ - iterator.array_->pages_) * itemsPerPage
- + iterator.currentItemIndex_ );
-ValueInternalArray::compare( const ValueInternalArray &other ) const
- int sizeDiff( size_ - other.size_ );
- if ( sizeDiff != 0 )
- return sizeDiff;
- for ( ArrayIndex index =0; index < size_; ++index )
- {
- int diff = pages_[index/itemsPerPage][index%itemsPerPage].compare(
- other.pages_[index/itemsPerPage][index%itemsPerPage] );
- if ( diff != 0 )
- return diff;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_internalmap.inl b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_internalmap.inl
deleted file mode 100644
index d0dd62adae..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_internalmap.inl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-// included by json_value.cpp
-// everything is within Json namespace
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueInternalMap
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-/** \internal MUST be safely initialized using memset( this, 0, sizeof(ValueInternalLink) );
- * This optimization is used by the fast allocator.
- */
- : previous_( 0 )
- , next_( 0 )
- for ( int index =0; index < itemPerLink; ++index )
- {
- if ( !items_[index].isItemAvailable() )
- {
- if ( !items_[index].isMemberNameStatic() )
- free( keys_[index] );
- }
- else
- break;
- }
-class DefaultValueMapAllocator : public ValueMapAllocator
-public: // overridden from ValueMapAllocator
- virtual ValueInternalMap *newMap()
- {
- return new ValueInternalMap();
- }
- virtual ValueInternalMap *newMapCopy( const ValueInternalMap &other )
- {
- return new ValueInternalMap( other );
- }
- virtual void destructMap( ValueInternalMap *map )
- {
- delete map;
- }
- virtual ValueInternalLink *allocateMapBuckets( unsigned int size )
- {
- return new ValueInternalLink[size];
- }
- virtual void releaseMapBuckets( ValueInternalLink *links )
- {
- delete [] links;
- }
- virtual ValueInternalLink *allocateMapLink()
- {
- return new ValueInternalLink();
- }
- virtual void releaseMapLink( ValueInternalLink *link )
- {
- delete link;
- }
-/// @todo make this thread-safe (lock when accessign batch allocator)
-class DefaultValueMapAllocator : public ValueMapAllocator
-public: // overridden from ValueMapAllocator
- virtual ValueInternalMap *newMap()
- {
- ValueInternalMap *map = mapsAllocator_.allocate();
- new (map) ValueInternalMap(); // placement new
- return map;
- }
- virtual ValueInternalMap *newMapCopy( const ValueInternalMap &other )
- {
- ValueInternalMap *map = mapsAllocator_.allocate();
- new (map) ValueInternalMap( other ); // placement new
- return map;
- }
- virtual void destructMap( ValueInternalMap *map )
- {
- if ( map )
- {
- map->~ValueInternalMap();
- mapsAllocator_.release( map );
- }
- }
- virtual ValueInternalLink *allocateMapBuckets( unsigned int size )
- {
- return new ValueInternalLink[size];
- }
- virtual void releaseMapBuckets( ValueInternalLink *links )
- {
- delete [] links;
- }
- virtual ValueInternalLink *allocateMapLink()
- {
- ValueInternalLink *link = linksAllocator_.allocate();
- memset( link, 0, sizeof(ValueInternalLink) );
- return link;
- }
- virtual void releaseMapLink( ValueInternalLink *link )
- {
- link->~ValueInternalLink();
- linksAllocator_.release( link );
- }
- BatchAllocator<ValueInternalMap,1> mapsAllocator_;
- BatchAllocator<ValueInternalLink,1> linksAllocator_;
-static ValueMapAllocator *&mapAllocator()
- static DefaultValueMapAllocator defaultAllocator;
- static ValueMapAllocator *mapAllocator = &defaultAllocator;
- return mapAllocator;
-static struct DummyMapAllocatorInitializer {
- DummyMapAllocatorInitializer()
- {
- mapAllocator(); // ensure mapAllocator() statics are initialized before main().
- }
-} dummyMapAllocatorInitializer;
-// h(K) = value * K >> w ; with w = 32 & K prime w.r.t. 2^32.
-use linked list hash map.
-buckets array is a container.
-linked list element contains 6 key/values. (memory = (16+4) * 6 + 4 = 124)
-value have extra state: valid, available, deleted
- : buckets_( 0 )
- , tailLink_( 0 )
- , bucketsSize_( 0 )
- , itemCount_( 0 )
-ValueInternalMap::ValueInternalMap( const ValueInternalMap &other )
- : buckets_( 0 )
- , tailLink_( 0 )
- , bucketsSize_( 0 )
- , itemCount_( 0 )
- reserve( other.itemCount_ );
- IteratorState it;
- IteratorState itEnd;
- other.makeBeginIterator( it );
- other.makeEndIterator( itEnd );
- for ( ; !equals(it,itEnd); increment(it) )
- {
- bool isStatic;
- const char *memberName = key( it, isStatic );
- const Value &aValue = value( it );
- resolveReference(memberName, isStatic) = aValue;
- }
-ValueInternalMap &
-ValueInternalMap::operator =( const ValueInternalMap &other )
- ValueInternalMap dummy( other );
- swap( dummy );
- return *this;
- if ( buckets_ )
- {
- for ( BucketIndex bucketIndex =0; bucketIndex < bucketsSize_; ++bucketIndex )
- {
- ValueInternalLink *link = buckets_[bucketIndex].next_;
- while ( link )
- {
- ValueInternalLink *linkToRelease = link;
- link = link->next_;
- mapAllocator()->releaseMapLink( linkToRelease );
- }
- }
- mapAllocator()->releaseMapBuckets( buckets_ );
- }
-ValueInternalMap::swap( ValueInternalMap &other )
- ValueInternalLink *tempBuckets = buckets_;
- buckets_ = other.buckets_;
- other.buckets_ = tempBuckets;
- ValueInternalLink *tempTailLink = tailLink_;
- tailLink_ = other.tailLink_;
- other.tailLink_ = tempTailLink;
- BucketIndex tempBucketsSize = bucketsSize_;
- bucketsSize_ = other.bucketsSize_;
- other.bucketsSize_ = tempBucketsSize;
- BucketIndex tempItemCount = itemCount_;
- itemCount_ = other.itemCount_;
- other.itemCount_ = tempItemCount;
- ValueInternalMap dummy;
- swap( dummy );
-ValueInternalMap::size() const
- return itemCount_;
-ValueInternalMap::reserveDelta( BucketIndex growth )
- return reserve( itemCount_ + growth );
-ValueInternalMap::reserve( BucketIndex newItemCount )
- if ( !buckets_ && newItemCount > 0 )
- {
- buckets_ = mapAllocator()->allocateMapBuckets( 1 );
- bucketsSize_ = 1;
- tailLink_ = &buckets_[0];
- }
-// BucketIndex idealBucketCount = (newItemCount + ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink) / ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink;
- return true;
-const Value *
-ValueInternalMap::find( const char *key ) const
- if ( !bucketsSize_ )
- return 0;
- HashKey hashedKey = hash( key );
- BucketIndex bucketIndex = hashedKey % bucketsSize_;
- for ( const ValueInternalLink *current = &buckets_[bucketIndex];
- current != 0;
- current = current->next_ )
- {
- for ( BucketIndex index=0; index < ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink; ++index )
- {
- if ( current->items_[index].isItemAvailable() )
- return 0;
- if ( strcmp( key, current->keys_[index] ) == 0 )
- return &current->items_[index];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Value *
-ValueInternalMap::find( const char *key )
- const ValueInternalMap *constThis = this;
- return const_cast<Value *>( constThis->find( key ) );
-Value &
-ValueInternalMap::resolveReference( const char *key,
- bool isStatic )
- HashKey hashedKey = hash( key );
- if ( bucketsSize_ )
- {
- BucketIndex bucketIndex = hashedKey % bucketsSize_;
- ValueInternalLink **previous = 0;
- BucketIndex index;
- for ( ValueInternalLink *current = &buckets_[bucketIndex];
- current != 0;
- previous = &current->next_, current = current->next_ )
- {
- for ( index=0; index < ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink; ++index )
- {
- if ( current->items_[index].isItemAvailable() )
- return setNewItem( key, isStatic, current, index );
- if ( strcmp( key, current->keys_[index] ) == 0 )
- return current->items_[index];
- }
- }
- }
- reserveDelta( 1 );
- return unsafeAdd( key, isStatic, hashedKey );
-ValueInternalMap::remove( const char *key )
- HashKey hashedKey = hash( key );
- if ( !bucketsSize_ )
- return;
- BucketIndex bucketIndex = hashedKey % bucketsSize_;
- for ( ValueInternalLink *link = &buckets_[bucketIndex];
- link != 0;
- link = link->next_ )
- {
- BucketIndex index;
- for ( index =0; index < ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink; ++index )
- {
- if ( link->items_[index].isItemAvailable() )
- return;
- if ( strcmp( key, link->keys_[index] ) == 0 )
- {
- doActualRemove( link, index, bucketIndex );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-ValueInternalMap::doActualRemove( ValueInternalLink *link,
- BucketIndex index,
- BucketIndex bucketIndex )
- // find last item of the bucket and swap it with the 'removed' one.
- // set removed items flags to 'available'.
- // if last page only contains 'available' items, then desallocate it (it's empty)
- ValueInternalLink *&lastLink = getLastLinkInBucket( index );
- BucketIndex lastItemIndex = 1; // a link can never be empty, so start at 1
- for ( ;
- lastItemIndex < ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink;
- ++lastItemIndex ) // may be optimized with dicotomic search
- {
- if ( lastLink->items_[lastItemIndex].isItemAvailable() )
- break;
- }
- BucketIndex lastUsedIndex = lastItemIndex - 1;
- Value *valueToDelete = &link->items_[index];
- Value *valueToPreserve = &lastLink->items_[lastUsedIndex];
- if ( valueToDelete != valueToPreserve )
- valueToDelete->swap( *valueToPreserve );
- if ( lastUsedIndex == 0 ) // page is now empty
- { // remove it from bucket linked list and delete it.
- ValueInternalLink *linkPreviousToLast = lastLink->previous_;
- if ( linkPreviousToLast != 0 ) // can not deleted bucket link.
- {
- mapAllocator()->releaseMapLink( lastLink );
- linkPreviousToLast->next_ = 0;
- lastLink = linkPreviousToLast;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Value dummy;
- valueToPreserve->swap( dummy ); // restore deleted to default Value.
- valueToPreserve->setItemUsed( false );
- }
- --itemCount_;
-ValueInternalLink *&
-ValueInternalMap::getLastLinkInBucket( BucketIndex bucketIndex )
- if ( bucketIndex == bucketsSize_ - 1 )
- return tailLink_;
- ValueInternalLink *&previous = buckets_[bucketIndex+1].previous_;
- if ( !previous )
- previous = &buckets_[bucketIndex];
- return previous;
-Value &
-ValueInternalMap::setNewItem( const char *key,
- bool isStatic,
- ValueInternalLink *link,
- BucketIndex index )
- char *duplicatedKey = makeMemberName( key );
- ++itemCount_;
- link->keys_[index] = duplicatedKey;
- link->items_[index].setItemUsed();
- link->items_[index].setMemberNameIsStatic( isStatic );
- return link->items_[index]; // items already default constructed.
-Value &
-ValueInternalMap::unsafeAdd( const char *key,
- bool isStatic,
- HashKey hashedKey )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( bucketsSize_ > 0, "ValueInternalMap::unsafeAdd(): internal logic error." );
- BucketIndex bucketIndex = hashedKey % bucketsSize_;
- ValueInternalLink *&previousLink = getLastLinkInBucket( bucketIndex );
- ValueInternalLink *link = previousLink;
- BucketIndex index;
- for ( index =0; index < ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink; ++index )
- {
- if ( link->items_[index].isItemAvailable() )
- break;
- }
- if ( index == ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink ) // need to add a new page
- {
- ValueInternalLink *newLink = mapAllocator()->allocateMapLink();
- index = 0;
- link->next_ = newLink;
- previousLink = newLink;
- link = newLink;
- }
- return setNewItem( key, isStatic, link, index );
-ValueInternalMap::hash( const char *key ) const
- HashKey hash = 0;
- while ( *key )
- hash += *key++ * 37;
- return hash;
-ValueInternalMap::compare( const ValueInternalMap &other ) const
- int sizeDiff( itemCount_ - other.itemCount_ );
- if ( sizeDiff != 0 )
- return sizeDiff;
- // Strict order guaranty is required. Compare all keys FIRST, then compare values.
- IteratorState it;
- IteratorState itEnd;
- makeBeginIterator( it );
- makeEndIterator( itEnd );
- for ( ; !equals(it,itEnd); increment(it) )
- {
- if ( !other.find( key( it ) ) )
- return 1;
- }
- // All keys are equals, let's compare values
- makeBeginIterator( it );
- for ( ; !equals(it,itEnd); increment(it) )
- {
- const Value *otherValue = other.find( key( it ) );
- int valueDiff = value(it).compare( *otherValue );
- if ( valueDiff != 0 )
- return valueDiff;
- }
- return 0;
-ValueInternalMap::makeBeginIterator( IteratorState &it ) const
- it.map_ = const_cast<ValueInternalMap *>( this );
- it.bucketIndex_ = 0;
- it.itemIndex_ = 0;
- it.link_ = buckets_;
-ValueInternalMap::makeEndIterator( IteratorState &it ) const
- it.map_ = const_cast<ValueInternalMap *>( this );
- it.bucketIndex_ = bucketsSize_;
- it.itemIndex_ = 0;
- it.link_ = 0;
-ValueInternalMap::equals( const IteratorState &x, const IteratorState &other )
- return x.map_ == other.map_
- && x.bucketIndex_ == other.bucketIndex_
- && x.link_ == other.link_
- && x.itemIndex_ == other.itemIndex_;
-ValueInternalMap::incrementBucket( IteratorState &iterator )
- ++iterator.bucketIndex_;
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.bucketIndex_ <= iterator.map_->bucketsSize_,
- "ValueInternalMap::increment(): attempting to iterate beyond end." );
- if ( iterator.bucketIndex_ == iterator.map_->bucketsSize_ )
- iterator.link_ = 0;
- else
- iterator.link_ = &(iterator.map_->buckets_[iterator.bucketIndex_]);
- iterator.itemIndex_ = 0;
-ValueInternalMap::increment( IteratorState &iterator )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.map_, "Attempting to iterator using invalid iterator." );
- ++iterator.itemIndex_;
- if ( iterator.itemIndex_ == ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink )
- {
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.link_ != 0,
- "ValueInternalMap::increment(): attempting to iterate beyond end." );
- iterator.link_ = iterator.link_->next_;
- if ( iterator.link_ == 0 )
- incrementBucket( iterator );
- }
- else if ( iterator.link_->items_[iterator.itemIndex_].isItemAvailable() )
- {
- incrementBucket( iterator );
- }
-ValueInternalMap::decrement( IteratorState &iterator )
- if ( iterator.itemIndex_ == 0 )
- {
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.map_, "Attempting to iterate using invalid iterator." );
- if ( iterator.link_ == &iterator.map_->buckets_[iterator.bucketIndex_] )
- {
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.bucketIndex_ > 0, "Attempting to iterate beyond beginning." );
- --(iterator.bucketIndex_);
- }
- iterator.link_ = iterator.link_->previous_;
- iterator.itemIndex_ = ValueInternalLink::itemPerLink - 1;
- }
-const char *
-ValueInternalMap::key( const IteratorState &iterator )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.link_, "Attempting to iterate using invalid iterator." );
- return iterator.link_->keys_[iterator.itemIndex_];
-const char *
-ValueInternalMap::key( const IteratorState &iterator, bool &isStatic )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.link_, "Attempting to iterate using invalid iterator." );
- isStatic = iterator.link_->items_[iterator.itemIndex_].isMemberNameStatic();
- return iterator.link_->keys_[iterator.itemIndex_];
-Value &
-ValueInternalMap::value( const IteratorState &iterator )
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( iterator.link_, "Attempting to iterate using invalid iterator." );
- return iterator.link_->items_[iterator.itemIndex_];
-ValueInternalMap::distance( const IteratorState &x, const IteratorState &y )
- int offset = 0;
- IteratorState it = x;
- while ( !equals( it, y ) )
- increment( it );
- return offset;
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 60dc4c9199..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-#include <json/reader.h>
-#include <json/value.h>
-#include "json_tool.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
-namespace Json {
-// Implementation of class Features
-// ////////////////////////////////
- : allowComments_( true )
- , strictRoot_( false )
- return Features();
- Features features;
- features.allowComments_ = false;
- features.strictRoot_ = true;
- return features;
-// Implementation of class Reader
-// ////////////////////////////////
-static inline bool
-in( Reader::Char c, Reader::Char c1, Reader::Char c2, Reader::Char c3, Reader::Char c4 )
- return c == c1 || c == c2 || c == c3 || c == c4;
-static inline bool
-in( Reader::Char c, Reader::Char c1, Reader::Char c2, Reader::Char c3, Reader::Char c4, Reader::Char c5 )
- return c == c1 || c == c2 || c == c3 || c == c4 || c == c5;
-static bool
-containsNewLine( Reader::Location begin,
- Reader::Location end )
- for ( ;begin < end; ++begin )
- if ( *begin == '\n' || *begin == '\r' )
- return true;
- return false;
-// Class Reader
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : features_( Features::all() )
-Reader::Reader( const Features &features )
- : features_( features )
-Reader::parse( const std::string &document,
- Value &root,
- bool collectComments )
- document_ = document;
- const char *begin = document_.c_str();
- const char *end = begin + document_.length();
- return parse( begin, end, root, collectComments );
-Reader::parse( std::istream& sin,
- Value &root,
- bool collectComments )
- //std::istream_iterator<char> begin(sin);
- //std::istream_iterator<char> end;
- // Those would allow streamed input from a file, if parse() were a
- // template function.
- // Since std::string is reference-counted, this at least does not
- // create an extra copy.
- std::string doc;
- std::getline(sin, doc, (char)EOF);
- return parse( doc, root, collectComments );
-Reader::parse( const char *beginDoc, const char *endDoc,
- Value &root,
- bool collectComments )
- if ( !features_.allowComments_ )
- {
- collectComments = false;
- }
- begin_ = beginDoc;
- end_ = endDoc;
- collectComments_ = collectComments;
- current_ = begin_;
- lastValueEnd_ = 0;
- lastValue_ = 0;
- commentsBefore_ = "";
- errors_.clear();
- while ( !nodes_.empty() )
- nodes_.pop();
- nodes_.push( &root );
- bool successful = readValue();
- Token token;
- skipCommentTokens( token );
- if ( collectComments_ && !commentsBefore_.empty() )
- root.setComment( commentsBefore_, commentAfter );
- if ( features_.strictRoot_ )
- {
- if ( !root.isArray() && !root.isObject() )
- {
- // Set error location to start of doc, ideally should be first token found in doc
- token.type_ = tokenError;
- token.start_ = beginDoc;
- token.end_ = endDoc;
- addError( "A valid JSON document must be either an array or an object value.",
- token );
- return false;
- }
- }
- return successful;
- Token token;
- skipCommentTokens( token );
- bool successful = true;
- if ( collectComments_ && !commentsBefore_.empty() )
- {
- currentValue().setComment( commentsBefore_, commentBefore );
- commentsBefore_ = "";
- }
- switch ( token.type_ )
- {
- case tokenObjectBegin:
- successful = readObject( token );
- break;
- case tokenArrayBegin:
- successful = readArray( token );
- break;
- case tokenNumber:
- successful = decodeNumber( token );
- break;
- case tokenString:
- successful = decodeString( token );
- break;
- case tokenTrue:
- currentValue() = true;
- break;
- case tokenFalse:
- currentValue() = false;
- break;
- case tokenNull:
- currentValue() = Value();
- break;
- default:
- return addError( "Syntax error: value, object or array expected.", token );
- }
- if ( collectComments_ )
- {
- lastValueEnd_ = current_;
- lastValue_ = &currentValue();
- }
- return successful;
-Reader::skipCommentTokens( Token &token )
- if ( features_.allowComments_ )
- {
- do
- {
- readToken( token );
- }
- while ( token.type_ == tokenComment );
- }
- else
- {
- readToken( token );
- }
-Reader::expectToken( TokenType type, Token &token, const char *message )
- readToken( token );
- if ( token.type_ != type )
- return addError( message, token );
- return true;
-Reader::readToken( Token &token )
- skipSpaces();
- token.start_ = current_;
- Char c = getNextChar();
- bool ok = true;
- switch ( c )
- {
- case '{':
- token.type_ = tokenObjectBegin;
- break;
- case '}':
- token.type_ = tokenObjectEnd;
- break;
- case '[':
- token.type_ = tokenArrayBegin;
- break;
- case ']':
- token.type_ = tokenArrayEnd;
- break;
- case '"':
- token.type_ = tokenString;
- ok = readString();
- break;
- case '/':
- token.type_ = tokenComment;
- ok = readComment();
- break;
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- case '-':
- token.type_ = tokenNumber;
- readNumber();
- break;
- case 't':
- token.type_ = tokenTrue;
- ok = match( "rue", 3 );
- break;
- case 'f':
- token.type_ = tokenFalse;
- ok = match( "alse", 4 );
- break;
- case 'n':
- token.type_ = tokenNull;
- ok = match( "ull", 3 );
- break;
- case ',':
- token.type_ = tokenArraySeparator;
- break;
- case ':':
- token.type_ = tokenMemberSeparator;
- break;
- case 0:
- token.type_ = tokenEndOfStream;
- break;
- default:
- ok = false;
- break;
- }
- if ( !ok )
- token.type_ = tokenError;
- token.end_ = current_;
- return true;
- while ( current_ != end_ )
- {
- Char c = *current_;
- if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
- ++current_;
- else
- break;
- }
-Reader::match( Location pattern,
- int patternLength )
- if ( end_ - current_ < patternLength )
- return false;
- int index = patternLength;
- while ( index-- )
- if ( current_[index] != pattern[index] )
- return false;
- current_ += patternLength;
- return true;
- Location commentBegin = current_ - 1;
- Char c = getNextChar();
- bool successful = false;
- if ( c == '*' )
- successful = readCStyleComment();
- else if ( c == '/' )
- successful = readCppStyleComment();
- if ( !successful )
- return false;
- if ( collectComments_ )
- {
- CommentPlacement placement = commentBefore;
- if ( lastValueEnd_ && !containsNewLine( lastValueEnd_, commentBegin ) )
- {
- if ( c != '*' || !containsNewLine( commentBegin, current_ ) )
- placement = commentAfterOnSameLine;
- }
- addComment( commentBegin, current_, placement );
- }
- return true;
-Reader::addComment( Location begin,
- Location end,
- CommentPlacement placement )
- assert( collectComments_ );
- if ( placement == commentAfterOnSameLine )
- {
- assert( lastValue_ != 0 );
- lastValue_->setComment( std::string( begin, end ), placement );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !commentsBefore_.empty() )
- commentsBefore_ += "\n";
- commentsBefore_ += std::string( begin, end );
- }
- while ( current_ != end_ )
- {
- Char c = getNextChar();
- if ( c == '*' && *current_ == '/' )
- break;
- }
- return getNextChar() == '/';
- while ( current_ != end_ )
- {
- Char c = getNextChar();
- if ( c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
- break;
- }
- return true;
- while ( current_ != end_ )
- {
- if ( !(*current_ >= '0' && *current_ <= '9') &&
- !in( *current_, '.', 'e', 'E', '+', '-' ) )
- break;
- ++current_;
- }
- Char c = 0;
- while ( current_ != end_ )
- {
- c = getNextChar();
- if ( c == '\\' )
- getNextChar();
- else if ( c == '"' )
- break;
- }
- return c == '"';
-Reader::readObject( Token &tokenStart )
- Token tokenName;
- std::string name;
- currentValue() = Value( objectValue );
- while ( readToken( tokenName ) )
- {
- bool initialTokenOk = true;
- while ( tokenName.type_ == tokenComment && initialTokenOk )
- initialTokenOk = readToken( tokenName );
- if ( !initialTokenOk )
- break;
- if ( tokenName.type_ == tokenObjectEnd && name.empty() ) // empty object
- return true;
- if ( tokenName.type_ != tokenString )
- break;
- name = "";
- if ( !decodeString( tokenName, name ) )
- return recoverFromError( tokenObjectEnd );
- Token colon;
- if ( !readToken( colon ) || colon.type_ != tokenMemberSeparator )
- {
- return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing ':' after object member name",
- colon,
- tokenObjectEnd );
- }
- Value &value = currentValue()[ name ];
- nodes_.push( &value );
- bool ok = readValue();
- nodes_.pop();
- if ( !ok ) // error already set
- return recoverFromError( tokenObjectEnd );
- Token comma;
- if ( !readToken( comma )
- || ( comma.type_ != tokenObjectEnd &&
- comma.type_ != tokenArraySeparator &&
- comma.type_ != tokenComment ) )
- {
- return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing ',' or '}' in object declaration",
- comma,
- tokenObjectEnd );
- }
- bool finalizeTokenOk = true;
- while ( comma.type_ == tokenComment &&
- finalizeTokenOk )
- finalizeTokenOk = readToken( comma );
- if ( comma.type_ == tokenObjectEnd )
- return true;
- }
- return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing '}' or object member name",
- tokenName,
- tokenObjectEnd );
-Reader::readArray( Token &tokenStart )
- currentValue() = Value( arrayValue );
- skipSpaces();
- if ( *current_ == ']' ) // empty array
- {
- Token endArray;
- readToken( endArray );
- return true;
- }
- int index = 0;
- while ( true )
- {
- Value &value = currentValue()[ index++ ];
- nodes_.push( &value );
- bool ok = readValue();
- nodes_.pop();
- if ( !ok ) // error already set
- return recoverFromError( tokenArrayEnd );
- Token token;
- // Accept Comment after last item in the array.
- ok = readToken( token );
- while ( token.type_ == tokenComment && ok )
- {
- ok = readToken( token );
- }
- bool badTokenType = ( token.type_ == tokenArraySeparator &&
- token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd );
- if ( !ok || badTokenType )
- {
- return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing ',' or ']' in array declaration",
- token,
- tokenArrayEnd );
- }
- if ( token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd )
- break;
- }
- return true;
-Reader::decodeNumber( Token &token )
- bool isDouble = false;
- for ( Location inspect = token.start_; inspect != token.end_; ++inspect )
- {
- isDouble = isDouble
- || in( *inspect, '.', 'e', 'E', '+' )
- || ( *inspect == '-' && inspect != token.start_ );
- }
- if ( isDouble )
- return decodeDouble( token );
- // Attempts to parse the number as an integer. If the number is
- // larger than the maximum supported value of an integer then
- // we decode the number as a double.
- Location current = token.start_;
- bool isNegative = *current == '-';
- if ( isNegative )
- ++current;
- Value::LargestUInt maxIntegerValue = isNegative ? Value::LargestUInt(-Value::minLargestInt)
- : Value::maxLargestUInt;
- Value::LargestUInt threshold = maxIntegerValue / 10;
- Value::UInt lastDigitThreshold = Value::UInt( maxIntegerValue % 10 );
- assert( lastDigitThreshold >=0 && lastDigitThreshold <= 9 );
- Value::LargestUInt value = 0;
- while ( current < token.end_ )
- {
- Char c = *current++;
- if ( c < '0' || c > '9' )
- return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_, token.end_ ) + "' is not a number.", token );
- Value::UInt digit(c - '0');
- if ( value >= threshold )
- {
- // If the current digit is not the last one, or if it is
- // greater than the last digit of the maximum integer value,
- // the parse the number as a double.
- if ( current != token.end_ || digit > lastDigitThreshold )
- {
- return decodeDouble( token );
- }
- }
- value = value * 10 + digit;
- }
- if ( isNegative )
- currentValue() = -Value::LargestInt( value );
- else if ( value <= Value::LargestUInt(Value::maxInt) )
- currentValue() = Value::LargestInt( value );
- else
- currentValue() = value;
- return true;
-Reader::decodeDouble( Token &token )
- double value = 0;
- const int bufferSize = 32;
- int count;
- int length = int(token.end_ - token.start_);
- if ( length <= bufferSize )
- {
- Char buffer[bufferSize];
- memcpy( buffer, token.start_, length );
- buffer[length] = 0;
- count = sscanf( buffer, "%lf", &value );
- }
- else
- {
- std::string buffer( token.start_, token.end_ );
- count = sscanf( buffer.c_str(), "%lf", &value );
- }
- if ( count != 1 )
- return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_, token.end_ ) + "' is not a number.", token );
- currentValue() = value;
- return true;
-Reader::decodeString( Token &token )
- std::string decoded;
- if ( !decodeString( token, decoded ) )
- return false;
- currentValue() = decoded;
- return true;
-Reader::decodeString( Token &token, std::string &decoded )
- decoded.reserve( token.end_ - token.start_ - 2 );
- Location current = token.start_ + 1; // skip '"'
- Location end = token.end_ - 1; // do not include '"'
- while ( current != end )
- {
- Char c = *current++;
- if ( c == '"' )
- break;
- else if ( c == '\\' )
- {
- if ( current == end )
- return addError( "Empty escape sequence in string", token, current );
- Char escape = *current++;
- switch ( escape )
- {
- case '"': decoded += '"'; break;
- case '/': decoded += '/'; break;
- case '\\': decoded += '\\'; break;
- case 'b': decoded += '\b'; break;
- case 'f': decoded += '\f'; break;
- case 'n': decoded += '\n'; break;
- case 'r': decoded += '\r'; break;
- case 't': decoded += '\t'; break;
- case 'u':
- {
- unsigned int unicode;
- if ( !decodeUnicodeCodePoint( token, current, end, unicode ) )
- return false;
- decoded += codePointToUTF8(unicode);
- }
- break;
- default:
- return addError( "Bad escape sequence in string", token, current );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- decoded += c;
- }
- }
- return true;
-Reader::decodeUnicodeCodePoint( Token &token,
- Location &current,
- Location end,
- unsigned int &unicode )
- if ( !decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence( token, current, end, unicode ) )
- return false;
- if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDBFF)
- {
- // surrogate pairs
- if (end - current < 6)
- return addError( "additional six characters expected to parse unicode surrogate pair.", token, current );
- unsigned int surrogatePair;
- if (*(current++) == '\\' && *(current++)== 'u')
- {
- if (decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence( token, current, end, surrogatePair ))
- {
- unicode = 0x10000 + ((unicode & 0x3FF) << 10) + (surrogatePair & 0x3FF);
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- return addError( "expecting another \\u token to begin the second half of a unicode surrogate pair", token, current );
- }
- return true;
-Reader::decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence( Token &token,
- Location &current,
- Location end,
- unsigned int &unicode )
- if ( end - current < 4 )
- return addError( "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: four digits expected.", token, current );
- unicode = 0;
- for ( int index =0; index < 4; ++index )
- {
- Char c = *current++;
- unicode *= 16;
- if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
- unicode += c - '0';
- else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
- unicode += c - 'a' + 10;
- else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
- unicode += c - 'A' + 10;
- else
- return addError( "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: hexadecimal digit expected.", token, current );
- }
- return true;
-Reader::addError( const std::string &message,
- Token &token,
- Location extra )
- ErrorInfo info;
- info.token_ = token;
- info.message_ = message;
- info.extra_ = extra;
- errors_.push_back( info );
- return false;
-Reader::recoverFromError( TokenType skipUntilToken )
- int errorCount = int(errors_.size());
- Token skip;
- while ( true )
- {
- if ( !readToken(skip) )
- errors_.resize( errorCount ); // discard errors caused by recovery
- if ( skip.type_ == skipUntilToken || skip.type_ == tokenEndOfStream )
- break;
- }
- errors_.resize( errorCount );
- return false;
-Reader::addErrorAndRecover( const std::string &message,
- Token &token,
- TokenType skipUntilToken )
- addError( message, token );
- return recoverFromError( skipUntilToken );
-Value &
- return *(nodes_.top());
- if ( current_ == end_ )
- return 0;
- return *current_++;
-Reader::getLocationLineAndColumn( Location location,
- int &line,
- int &column ) const
- Location current = begin_;
- Location lastLineStart = current;
- line = 0;
- while ( current < location && current != end_ )
- {
- Char c = *current++;
- if ( c == '\r' )
- {
- if ( *current == '\n' )
- ++current;
- lastLineStart = current;
- ++line;
- }
- else if ( c == '\n' )
- {
- lastLineStart = current;
- ++line;
- }
- }
- // column & line start at 1
- column = int(location - lastLineStart) + 1;
- ++line;
-Reader::getLocationLineAndColumn( Location location ) const
- int line, column;
- getLocationLineAndColumn( location, line, column );
- char buffer[18+16+16+1];
- sprintf( buffer, "Line %d, Column %d", line, column );
- return buffer;
-Reader::getFormatedErrorMessages() const
- std::string formattedMessage;
- for ( Errors::const_iterator itError = errors_.begin();
- itError != errors_.end();
- ++itError )
- {
- const ErrorInfo &error = *itError;
- formattedMessage += "* " + getLocationLineAndColumn( error.token_.start_ ) + "\n";
- formattedMessage += " " + error.message_ + "\n";
- if ( error.extra_ )
- formattedMessage += "See " + getLocationLineAndColumn( error.extra_ ) + " for detail.\n";
- }
- return formattedMessage;
-std::istream& operator>>( std::istream &sin, Value &root )
- Json::Reader reader;
- bool ok = reader.parse(sin, root, true);
- //JSON_ASSERT( ok );
- if (!ok) throw std::runtime_error(reader.getFormatedErrorMessages());
- return sin;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 658031bbba..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-/* This header provides common string manipulation support, such as UTF-8,
- * portable conversion from/to string...
- *
- * It is an internal header that must not be exposed.
- */
-namespace Json {
-/// Converts a unicode code-point to UTF-8.
-static inline std::string
-codePointToUTF8(unsigned int cp)
- std::string result;
- // based on description from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
- if (cp <= 0x7f)
- {
- result.resize(1);
- result[0] = static_cast<char>(cp);
- }
- else if (cp <= 0x7FF)
- {
- result.resize(2);
- result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
- result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xC0 | (0x1f & (cp >> 6)));
- }
- else if (cp <= 0xFFFF)
- {
- result.resize(3);
- result[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
- result[1] = 0x80 | static_cast<char>((0x3f & (cp >> 6)));
- result[0] = 0xE0 | static_cast<char>((0xf & (cp >> 12)));
- }
- else if (cp <= 0x10FFFF)
- {
- result.resize(4);
- result[3] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
- result[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 6)));
- result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 12)));
- result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xF0 | (0x7 & (cp >> 18)));
- }
- return result;
-/// Returns true if ch is a control character (in range [0,32[).
-static inline bool
-isControlCharacter(char ch)
- return ch > 0 && ch <= 0x1F;
-enum {
- /// Constant that specify the size of the buffer that must be passed to uintToString.
- uintToStringBufferSize = 3*sizeof(LargestUInt)+1
-// Defines a char buffer for use with uintToString().
-typedef char UIntToStringBuffer[uintToStringBufferSize];
-/** Converts an unsigned integer to string.
- * @param value Unsigned interger to convert to string
- * @param current Input/Output string buffer.
- * Must have at least uintToStringBufferSize chars free.
- */
-static inline void
-uintToString( LargestUInt value,
- char *&current )
- *--current = 0;
- do
- {
- *--current = char(value % 10) + '0';
- value /= 10;
- }
- while ( value != 0 );
-} // namespace Json {
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 218c127553..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1840 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-#include <iostream>
-#include <json/value.h>
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-# include <cpptl/conststring.h>
-#include <cstddef> // size_t
-# include "json_batchallocator.h"
-#define JSON_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE assert( false )
-#define JSON_ASSERT( condition ) assert( condition ); // @todo <= change this into an exception throw
-#define JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( condition, message ) if (!( condition )) throw std::runtime_error( message );
-namespace Json {
-const Value Value::null;
-const Int Value::minInt = Int( ~(UInt(-1)/2) );
-const Int Value::maxInt = Int( UInt(-1)/2 );
-const UInt Value::maxUInt = UInt(-1);
-const Int64 Value::minInt64 = Int64( ~(UInt64(-1)/2) );
-const Int64 Value::maxInt64 = Int64( UInt64(-1)/2 );
-const UInt64 Value::maxUInt64 = UInt64(-1);
-const LargestInt Value::minLargestInt = LargestInt( ~(LargestUInt(-1)/2) );
-const LargestInt Value::maxLargestInt = LargestInt( LargestUInt(-1)/2 );
-const LargestUInt Value::maxLargestUInt = LargestUInt(-1);
-/// Unknown size marker
-enum { unknown = (unsigned)-1 };
-/** Duplicates the specified string value.
- * @param value Pointer to the string to duplicate. Must be zero-terminated if
- * length is "unknown".
- * @param length Length of the value. if equals to unknown, then it will be
- * computed using strlen(value).
- * @return Pointer on the duplicate instance of string.
- */
-static inline char *
-duplicateStringValue( const char *value,
- unsigned int length = unknown )
- if ( length == unknown )
- length = (unsigned int)strlen(value);
- char *newString = static_cast<char *>( malloc( length + 1 ) );
- memcpy( newString, value, length );
- newString[length] = 0;
- return newString;
-/** Free the string duplicated by duplicateStringValue().
- */
-static inline void
-releaseStringValue( char *value )
- if ( value )
- free( value );
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// ValueInternals...
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-# include "json_internalarray.inl"
-# include "json_internalmap.inl"
-# include "json_valueiterator.inl"
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::CommentInfo
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : comment_( 0 )
- if ( comment_ )
- releaseStringValue( comment_ );
-Value::CommentInfo::setComment( const char *text )
- if ( comment_ )
- releaseStringValue( comment_ );
- JSON_ASSERT( text );
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( text[0]=='\0' || text[0]=='/', "Comments must start with /");
- // It seems that /**/ style comments are acceptable as well.
- comment_ = duplicateStringValue( text );
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::CZString
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Notes: index_ indicates if the string was allocated when
-// a string is stored.
-Value::CZString::CZString( ArrayIndex index )
- : cstr_( 0 )
- , index_( index )
-Value::CZString::CZString( const char *cstr, DuplicationPolicy allocate )
- : cstr_( allocate == duplicate ? duplicateStringValue(cstr)
- : cstr )
- , index_( allocate )
-Value::CZString::CZString( const CZString &other )
-: cstr_( other.index_ != noDuplication && other.cstr_ != 0
- ? duplicateStringValue( other.cstr_ )
- : other.cstr_ )
- , index_( other.cstr_ ? (other.index_ == noDuplication ? noDuplication : duplicate)
- : other.index_ )
- if ( cstr_ && index_ == duplicate )
- releaseStringValue( const_cast<char *>( cstr_ ) );
-Value::CZString::swap( CZString &other )
- std::swap( cstr_, other.cstr_ );
- std::swap( index_, other.index_ );
-Value::CZString &
-Value::CZString::operator =( const CZString &other )
- CZString temp( other );
- swap( temp );
- return *this;
-Value::CZString::operator<( const CZString &other ) const
- if ( cstr_ )
- return strcmp( cstr_, other.cstr_ ) < 0;
- return index_ < other.index_;
-Value::CZString::operator==( const CZString &other ) const
- if ( cstr_ )
- return strcmp( cstr_, other.cstr_ ) == 0;
- return index_ == other.index_;
-Value::CZString::index() const
- return index_;
-const char *
-Value::CZString::c_str() const
- return cstr_;
-Value::CZString::isStaticString() const
- return index_ == noDuplication;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::Value
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-/*! \internal Default constructor initialization must be equivalent to:
- * memset( this, 0, sizeof(Value) )
- * This optimization is used in ValueInternalMap fast allocator.
- */
-Value::Value( ValueType type )
- : type_( type )
- , allocated_( 0 )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- switch ( type )
- {
- case nullValue:
- break;
- case intValue:
- case uintValue:
- value_.int_ = 0;
- break;
- case realValue:
- value_.real_ = 0.0;
- break;
- case stringValue:
- value_.string_ = 0;
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- value_.map_ = new ObjectValues();
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- value_.array_ = arrayAllocator()->newArray();
- break;
- case objectValue:
- value_.map_ = mapAllocator()->newMap();
- break;
- case booleanValue:
- value_.bool_ = false;
- break;
- default:
- }
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::Value( UInt value )
- : type_( uintValue )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.uint_ = value;
-Value::Value( Int value )
- : type_( intValue )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.int_ = value;
-#endif // if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::Value( Int64 value )
- : type_( intValue )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.int_ = value;
-Value::Value( UInt64 value )
- : type_( uintValue )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.uint_ = value;
-Value::Value( double value )
- : type_( realValue )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.real_ = value;
-Value::Value( const char *value )
- : type_( stringValue )
- , allocated_( true )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.string_ = duplicateStringValue( value );
-Value::Value( const char *beginValue,
- const char *endValue )
- : type_( stringValue )
- , allocated_( true )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.string_ = duplicateStringValue( beginValue,
- (unsigned int)(endValue - beginValue) );
-Value::Value( const std::string &value )
- : type_( stringValue )
- , allocated_( true )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.string_ = duplicateStringValue( value.c_str(),
- (unsigned int)value.length() );
-Value::Value( const StaticString &value )
- : type_( stringValue )
- , allocated_( false )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.string_ = const_cast<char *>( value.c_str() );
-Value::Value( const CppTL::ConstString &value )
- : type_( stringValue )
- , allocated_( true )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.string_ = duplicateStringValue( value, value.length() );
-# endif
-Value::Value( bool value )
- : type_( booleanValue )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- value_.bool_ = value;
-Value::Value( const Value &other )
- : type_( other.type_ )
- , comments_( 0 )
- , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- case intValue:
- case uintValue:
- case realValue:
- case booleanValue:
- value_ = other.value_;
- break;
- case stringValue:
- if ( other.value_.string_ )
- {
- value_.string_ = duplicateStringValue( other.value_.string_ );
- allocated_ = true;
- }
- else
- value_.string_ = 0;
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- value_.map_ = new ObjectValues( *other.value_.map_ );
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- value_.array_ = arrayAllocator()->newArrayCopy( *other.value_.array_ );
- break;
- case objectValue:
- value_.map_ = mapAllocator()->newMapCopy( *other.value_.map_ );
- break;
- default:
- }
- if ( other.comments_ )
- {
- comments_ = new CommentInfo[numberOfCommentPlacement];
- for ( int comment =0; comment < numberOfCommentPlacement; ++comment )
- {
- const CommentInfo &otherComment = other.comments_[comment];
- if ( otherComment.comment_ )
- comments_[comment].setComment( otherComment.comment_ );
- }
- }
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- case intValue:
- case uintValue:
- case realValue:
- case booleanValue:
- break;
- case stringValue:
- if ( allocated_ )
- releaseStringValue( value_.string_ );
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- delete value_.map_;
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- arrayAllocator()->destructArray( value_.array_ );
- break;
- case objectValue:
- mapAllocator()->destructMap( value_.map_ );
- break;
- default:
- }
- if ( comments_ )
- delete[] comments_;
-Value &
-Value::operator=( const Value &other )
- Value temp( other );
- swap( temp );
- return *this;
-Value::swap( Value &other )
- ValueType temp = type_;
- type_ = other.type_;
- other.type_ = temp;
- std::swap( value_, other.value_ );
- int temp2 = allocated_;
- allocated_ = other.allocated_;
- other.allocated_ = temp2;
-Value::type() const
- return type_;
-Value::compare( const Value &other )
- /*
- int typeDelta = other.type_ - type_;
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return other.type_ == type_;
- case intValue:
- if ( other.type_.isNumeric()
- case uintValue:
- case realValue:
- case booleanValue:
- break;
- case stringValue,
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- delete value_.array_;
- break;
- case objectValue:
- delete value_.map_;
- default:
- }
- */
- return 0; // unreachable
-Value::operator <( const Value &other ) const
- int typeDelta = type_ - other.type_;
- if ( typeDelta )
- return typeDelta < 0 ? true : false;
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return false;
- case intValue:
- return value_.int_ < other.value_.int_;
- case uintValue:
- return value_.uint_ < other.value_.uint_;
- case realValue:
- return value_.real_ < other.value_.real_;
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ < other.value_.bool_;
- case stringValue:
- return ( value_.string_ == 0 && other.value_.string_ )
- || ( other.value_.string_
- && value_.string_
- && strcmp( value_.string_, other.value_.string_ ) < 0 );
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- {
- int delta = int( value_.map_->size() - other.value_.map_->size() );
- if ( delta )
- return delta < 0;
- return (*value_.map_) < (*other.value_.map_);
- }
- case arrayValue:
- return value_.array_->compare( *(other.value_.array_) ) < 0;
- case objectValue:
- return value_.map_->compare( *(other.value_.map_) ) < 0;
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable
-Value::operator <=( const Value &other ) const
- return !(other > *this);
-Value::operator >=( const Value &other ) const
- return !(*this < other);
-Value::operator >( const Value &other ) const
- return other < *this;
-Value::operator ==( const Value &other ) const
- //if ( type_ != other.type_ )
- // GCC 2.95.3 says:
- // attempt to take address of bit-field structure member `Json::Value::type_'
- // Beats me, but a temp solves the problem.
- int temp = other.type_;
- if ( type_ != temp )
- return false;
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return true;
- case intValue:
- return value_.int_ == other.value_.int_;
- case uintValue:
- return value_.uint_ == other.value_.uint_;
- case realValue:
- return value_.real_ == other.value_.real_;
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ == other.value_.bool_;
- case stringValue:
- return ( value_.string_ == other.value_.string_ )
- || ( other.value_.string_
- && value_.string_
- && strcmp( value_.string_, other.value_.string_ ) == 0 );
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- return value_.map_->size() == other.value_.map_->size()
- && (*value_.map_) == (*other.value_.map_);
- case arrayValue:
- return value_.array_->compare( *(other.value_.array_) ) == 0;
- case objectValue:
- return value_.map_->compare( *(other.value_.map_) ) == 0;
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable
-Value::operator !=( const Value &other ) const
- return !( *this == other );
-const char *
-Value::asCString() const
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == stringValue );
- return value_.string_;
-Value::asString() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return "";
- case stringValue:
- return value_.string_ ? value_.string_ : "";
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? "true" : "false";
- case intValue:
- case uintValue:
- case realValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to string" );
- default:
- }
- return ""; // unreachable
-Value::asConstString() const
- return CppTL::ConstString( asString().c_str() );
-# endif
-Value::asInt() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return 0;
- case intValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.int_ >= minInt && value_.int_ <= maxInt, "unsigned integer out of signed int range" );
- return Int(value_.int_);
- case uintValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.uint_ <= UInt(maxInt), "unsigned integer out of signed int range" );
- return Int(value_.uint_);
- case realValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= minInt && value_.real_ <= maxInt, "Real out of signed integer range" );
- return Int( value_.real_ );
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
- case stringValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to int" );
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::asUInt() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return 0;
- case intValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.int_ >= 0, "Negative integer can not be converted to unsigned integer" );
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.int_ <= maxUInt, "signed integer out of UInt range" );
- return UInt(value_.int_);
- case uintValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.uint_ <= maxUInt, "unsigned integer out of UInt range" );
- return UInt(value_.uint_);
- case realValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= 0 && value_.real_ <= maxUInt, "Real out of unsigned integer range" );
- return UInt( value_.real_ );
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
- case stringValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to uint" );
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable;
-# if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::asInt64() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return 0;
- case intValue:
- return value_.int_;
- case uintValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.uint_ <= UInt64(maxInt64), "unsigned integer out of Int64 range" );
- return value_.uint_;
- case realValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= minInt64 && value_.real_ <= maxInt64, "Real out of Int64 range" );
- return Int( value_.real_ );
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
- case stringValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to Int64" );
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::asUInt64() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return 0;
- case intValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.int_ >= 0, "Negative integer can not be converted to UInt64" );
- return value_.int_;
- case uintValue:
- return value_.uint_;
- case realValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= 0 && value_.real_ <= maxUInt64, "Real out of UInt64 range" );
- return UInt( value_.real_ );
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
- case stringValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to UInt64" );
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable;
-# endif // if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::asLargestInt() const
-#if defined(JSON_NO_INT64)
- return asInt();
- return asInt64();
-Value::asLargestUInt() const
-#if defined(JSON_NO_INT64)
- return asUInt();
- return asUInt64();
-Value::asDouble() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return 0.0;
- case intValue:
- return static_cast<double>( value_.int_ );
- case uintValue:
- return static_cast<double>( value_.uint_ );
-#else // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
- return static_cast<double>( Int(value_.uint_/2) ) * 2 + Int(value_.uint_ & 1);
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
- case realValue:
- return value_.real_;
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- case stringValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to double" );
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::asFloat() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return 0.0f;
- case intValue:
- return static_cast<float>( value_.int_ );
- case uintValue:
- return static_cast<float>( value_.uint_ );
-#else // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
- return static_cast<float>( Int(value_.uint_/2) ) * 2 + Int(value_.uint_ & 1);
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
- case realValue:
- return static_cast<float>( value_.real_ );
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_ ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
- case stringValue:
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to float" );
- default:
- }
- return 0.0f; // unreachable;
-Value::asBool() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return false;
- case intValue:
- case uintValue:
- return value_.int_ != 0;
- case realValue:
- return value_.real_ != 0.0;
- case booleanValue:
- return value_.bool_;
- case stringValue:
- return value_.string_ && value_.string_[0] != 0;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- return value_.map_->size() != 0;
- default:
- }
- return false; // unreachable;
-Value::isConvertibleTo( ValueType other ) const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- return true;
- case intValue:
- return ( other == nullValue && value_.int_ == 0 )
- || other == intValue
- || ( other == uintValue && value_.int_ >= 0 )
- || other == realValue
- || other == stringValue
- || other == booleanValue;
- case uintValue:
- return ( other == nullValue && value_.uint_ == 0 )
- || ( other == intValue && value_.uint_ <= (unsigned)maxInt )
- || other == uintValue
- || other == realValue
- || other == stringValue
- || other == booleanValue;
- case realValue:
- return ( other == nullValue && value_.real_ == 0.0 )
- || ( other == intValue && value_.real_ >= minInt && value_.real_ <= maxInt )
- || ( other == uintValue && value_.real_ >= 0 && value_.real_ <= maxUInt )
- || other == realValue
- || other == stringValue
- || other == booleanValue;
- case booleanValue:
- return ( other == nullValue && value_.bool_ == false )
- || other == intValue
- || other == uintValue
- || other == realValue
- || other == stringValue
- || other == booleanValue;
- case stringValue:
- return other == stringValue
- || ( other == nullValue && (!value_.string_ || value_.string_[0] == 0) );
- case arrayValue:
- return other == arrayValue
- || ( other == nullValue && value_.map_->size() == 0 );
- case objectValue:
- return other == objectValue
- || ( other == nullValue && value_.map_->size() == 0 );
- default:
- }
- return false; // unreachable;
-/// Number of values in array or object
-Value::size() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case nullValue:
- case intValue:
- case uintValue:
- case realValue:
- case booleanValue:
- case stringValue:
- return 0;
- case arrayValue: // size of the array is highest index + 1
- if ( !value_.map_->empty() )
- {
- ObjectValues::const_iterator itLast = value_.map_->end();
- --itLast;
- return (*itLast).first.index()+1;
- }
- return 0;
- case objectValue:
- return ArrayIndex( value_.map_->size() );
- case arrayValue:
- return Int( value_.array_->size() );
- case objectValue:
- return Int( value_.map_->size() );
- default:
- }
- return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::empty() const
- if ( isNull() || isArray() || isObject() )
- return size() == 0u;
- else
- return false;
-Value::operator!() const
- return isNull();
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue || type_ == objectValue );
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- value_.map_->clear();
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- value_.array_->clear();
- break;
- case objectValue:
- value_.map_->clear();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-Value::resize( ArrayIndex newSize )
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- *this = Value( arrayValue );
- ArrayIndex oldSize = size();
- if ( newSize == 0 )
- clear();
- else if ( newSize > oldSize )
- (*this)[ newSize - 1 ];
- else
- {
- for ( ArrayIndex index = newSize; index < oldSize; ++index )
- {
- value_.map_->erase( index );
- }
- assert( size() == newSize );
- }
- value_.array_->resize( newSize );
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( ArrayIndex index )
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- *this = Value( arrayValue );
- CZString key( index );
- ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound( key );
- if ( it != value_.map_->end() && (*it).first == key )
- return (*it).second;
- ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue( key, null );
- it = value_.map_->insert( it, defaultValue );
- return (*it).second;
- return value_.array_->resolveReference( index );
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( int index )
- JSON_ASSERT( index >= 0 );
- return (*this)[ ArrayIndex(index) ];
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( ArrayIndex index ) const
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- return null;
- CZString key( index );
- ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->find( key );
- if ( it == value_.map_->end() )
- return null;
- return (*it).second;
- Value *value = value_.array_->find( index );
- return value ? *value : null;
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( int index ) const
- JSON_ASSERT( index >= 0 );
- return (*this)[ ArrayIndex(index) ];
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const char *key )
- return resolveReference( key, false );
-Value &
-Value::resolveReference( const char *key,
- bool isStatic )
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- *this = Value( objectValue );
- CZString actualKey( key, isStatic ? CZString::noDuplication
- : CZString::duplicateOnCopy );
- ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound( actualKey );
- if ( it != value_.map_->end() && (*it).first == actualKey )
- return (*it).second;
- ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue( actualKey, null );
- it = value_.map_->insert( it, defaultValue );
- Value &value = (*it).second;
- return value;
- return value_.map_->resolveReference( key, isStatic );
-Value::get( ArrayIndex index,
- const Value &defaultValue ) const
- const Value *value = &((*this)[index]);
- return value == &null ? defaultValue : *value;
-Value::isValidIndex( ArrayIndex index ) const
- return index < size();
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( const char *key ) const
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- return null;
- CZString actualKey( key, CZString::noDuplication );
- ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->find( actualKey );
- if ( it == value_.map_->end() )
- return null;
- return (*it).second;
- const Value *value = value_.map_->find( key );
- return value ? *value : null;
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const std::string &key )
- return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( const std::string &key ) const
- return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const StaticString &key )
- return resolveReference( key, true );
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const CppTL::ConstString &key )
- return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( const CppTL::ConstString &key ) const
- return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-# endif
-Value &
-Value::append( const Value &value )
- return (*this)[size()] = value;
-Value::get( const char *key,
- const Value &defaultValue ) const
- const Value *value = &((*this)[key]);
- return value == &null ? defaultValue : *value;
-Value::get( const std::string &key,
- const Value &defaultValue ) const
- return get( key.c_str(), defaultValue );
-Value::removeMember( const char* key )
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- return null;
- CZString actualKey( key, CZString::noDuplication );
- ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->find( actualKey );
- if ( it == value_.map_->end() )
- return null;
- Value old(it->second);
- value_.map_->erase(it);
- return old;
- Value *value = value_.map_->find( key );
- if (value){
- Value old(*value);
- value_.map_.remove( key );
- return old;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
-Value::removeMember( const std::string &key )
- return removeMember( key.c_str() );
-Value::get( const CppTL::ConstString &key,
- const Value &defaultValue ) const
- return get( key.c_str(), defaultValue );
-# endif
-Value::isMember( const char *key ) const
- const Value *value = &((*this)[key]);
- return value != &null;
-Value::isMember( const std::string &key ) const
- return isMember( key.c_str() );
-Value::isMember( const CppTL::ConstString &key ) const
- return isMember( key.c_str() );
-Value::getMemberNames() const
- JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue );
- if ( type_ == nullValue )
- return Value::Members();
- Members members;
- members.reserve( value_.map_->size() );
- ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->begin();
- ObjectValues::const_iterator itEnd = value_.map_->end();
- for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
- members.push_back( std::string( (*it).first.c_str() ) );
- ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
- ValueInternalMap::IteratorState itEnd;
- value_.map_->makeBeginIterator( it );
- value_.map_->makeEndIterator( itEnd );
- for ( ; !ValueInternalMap::equals( it, itEnd ); ValueInternalMap::increment(it) )
- members.push_back( std::string( ValueInternalMap::key( it ) ) );
- return members;
-//# ifdef JSON_USE_CPPTL
-//Value::enumMemberNames() const
-// if ( type_ == objectValue )
-// {
-// return CppTL::Enum::any( CppTL::Enum::transform(
-// CppTL::Enum::keys( *(value_.map_), CppTL::Type<const CZString &>() ),
-// MemberNamesTransform() ) );
-// }
-// return EnumMemberNames();
-//Value::enumValues() const
-// if ( type_ == objectValue || type_ == arrayValue )
-// return CppTL::Enum::anyValues( *(value_.map_),
-// CppTL::Type<const Value &>() );
-// return EnumValues();
-//# endif
-Value::isNull() const
- return type_ == nullValue;
-Value::isBool() const
- return type_ == booleanValue;
-Value::isInt() const
- return type_ == intValue;
-Value::isUInt() const
- return type_ == uintValue;
-Value::isIntegral() const
- return type_ == intValue
- || type_ == uintValue
- || type_ == booleanValue;
-Value::isDouble() const
- return type_ == realValue;
-Value::isNumeric() const
- return isIntegral() || isDouble();
-Value::isString() const
- return type_ == stringValue;
-Value::isArray() const
- return type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue;
-Value::isObject() const
- return type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue;
-Value::setComment( const char *comment,
- CommentPlacement placement )
- if ( !comments_ )
- comments_ = new CommentInfo[numberOfCommentPlacement];
- comments_[placement].setComment( comment );
-Value::setComment( const std::string &comment,
- CommentPlacement placement )
- setComment( comment.c_str(), placement );
-Value::hasComment( CommentPlacement placement ) const
- return comments_ != 0 && comments_[placement].comment_ != 0;
-Value::getComment( CommentPlacement placement ) const
- if ( hasComment(placement) )
- return comments_[placement].comment_;
- return "";
-Value::toStyledString() const
- StyledWriter writer;
- return writer.write( *this );
-Value::begin() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case arrayValue:
- if ( value_.array_ )
- {
- ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
- value_.array_->makeBeginIterator( it );
- return const_iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- {
- ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
- value_.map_->makeBeginIterator( it );
- return const_iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- return const_iterator( value_.map_->begin() );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return const_iterator();
-Value::end() const
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case arrayValue:
- if ( value_.array_ )
- {
- ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
- value_.array_->makeEndIterator( it );
- return const_iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- {
- ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
- value_.map_->makeEndIterator( it );
- return const_iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- return const_iterator( value_.map_->end() );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return const_iterator();
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case arrayValue:
- if ( value_.array_ )
- {
- ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
- value_.array_->makeBeginIterator( it );
- return iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- {
- ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
- value_.map_->makeBeginIterator( it );
- return iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- return iterator( value_.map_->begin() );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return iterator();
- switch ( type_ )
- {
- case arrayValue:
- if ( value_.array_ )
- {
- ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
- value_.array_->makeEndIterator( it );
- return iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- {
- ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
- value_.map_->makeEndIterator( it );
- return iterator( it );
- }
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- case objectValue:
- if ( value_.map_ )
- return iterator( value_.map_->end() );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return iterator();
-// class PathArgument
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : kind_( kindNone )
-PathArgument::PathArgument( ArrayIndex index )
- : index_( index )
- , kind_( kindIndex )
-PathArgument::PathArgument( const char *key )
- : key_( key )
- , kind_( kindKey )
-PathArgument::PathArgument( const std::string &key )
- : key_( key.c_str() )
- , kind_( kindKey )
-// class Path
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Path::Path( const std::string &path,
- const PathArgument &a1,
- const PathArgument &a2,
- const PathArgument &a3,
- const PathArgument &a4,
- const PathArgument &a5 )
- InArgs in;
- in.push_back( &a1 );
- in.push_back( &a2 );
- in.push_back( &a3 );
- in.push_back( &a4 );
- in.push_back( &a5 );
- makePath( path, in );
-Path::makePath( const std::string &path,
- const InArgs &in )
- const char *current = path.c_str();
- const char *end = current + path.length();
- InArgs::const_iterator itInArg = in.begin();
- while ( current != end )
- {
- if ( *current == '[' )
- {
- ++current;
- if ( *current == '%' )
- addPathInArg( path, in, itInArg, PathArgument::kindIndex );
- else
- {
- ArrayIndex index = 0;
- for ( ; current != end && *current >= '0' && *current <= '9'; ++current )
- index = index * 10 + ArrayIndex(*current - '0');
- args_.push_back( index );
- }
- if ( current == end || *current++ != ']' )
- invalidPath( path, int(current - path.c_str()) );
- }
- else if ( *current == '%' )
- {
- addPathInArg( path, in, itInArg, PathArgument::kindKey );
- ++current;
- }
- else if ( *current == '.' )
- {
- ++current;
- }
- else
- {
- const char *beginName = current;
- while ( current != end && !strchr( "[.", *current ) )
- ++current;
- args_.push_back( std::string( beginName, current ) );
- }
- }
-Path::addPathInArg( const std::string &path,
- const InArgs &in,
- InArgs::const_iterator &itInArg,
- PathArgument::Kind kind )
- if ( itInArg == in.end() )
- {
- // Error: missing argument %d
- }
- else if ( (*itInArg)->kind_ != kind )
- {
- // Error: bad argument type
- }
- else
- {
- args_.push_back( **itInArg );
- }
-Path::invalidPath( const std::string &path,
- int location )
- // Error: invalid path.
-const Value &
-Path::resolve( const Value &root ) const
- const Value *node = &root;
- for ( Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it )
- {
- const PathArgument &arg = *it;
- if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex )
- {
- if ( !node->isArray() || node->isValidIndex( arg.index_ ) )
- {
- // Error: unable to resolve path (array value expected at position...
- }
- node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
- }
- else if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey )
- {
- if ( !node->isObject() )
- {
- // Error: unable to resolve path (object value expected at position...)
- }
- node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
- if ( node == &Value::null )
- {
- // Error: unable to resolve path (object has no member named '' at position...)
- }
- }
- }
- return *node;
-Path::resolve( const Value &root,
- const Value &defaultValue ) const
- const Value *node = &root;
- for ( Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it )
- {
- const PathArgument &arg = *it;
- if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex )
- {
- if ( !node->isArray() || node->isValidIndex( arg.index_ ) )
- return defaultValue;
- node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
- }
- else if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey )
- {
- if ( !node->isObject() )
- return defaultValue;
- node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
- if ( node == &Value::null )
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- return *node;
-Value &
-Path::make( Value &root ) const
- Value *node = &root;
- for ( Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it )
- {
- const PathArgument &arg = *it;
- if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex )
- {
- if ( !node->isArray() )
- {
- // Error: node is not an array at position ...
- }
- node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
- }
- else if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey )
- {
- if ( !node->isObject() )
- {
- // Error: node is not an object at position...
- }
- node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
- }
- }
- return *node;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7c8d2079..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-// included by json_value.cpp
-// everything is within Json namespace
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueIteratorBase
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : current_()
- , isNull_( true )
- : isArray_( true )
- , isNull_( true )
- iterator_.array_ = ValueInternalArray::IteratorState();
-ValueIteratorBase::ValueIteratorBase( const Value::ObjectValues::iterator &current )
- : current_( current )
- , isNull_( false )
-ValueIteratorBase::ValueIteratorBase( const ValueInternalArray::IteratorState &state )
- : isArray_( true )
- iterator_.array_ = state;
-ValueIteratorBase::ValueIteratorBase( const ValueInternalMap::IteratorState &state )
- : isArray_( false )
- iterator_.map_ = state;
-Value &
-ValueIteratorBase::deref() const
- return current_->second;
- if ( isArray_ )
- return ValueInternalArray::dereference( iterator_.array_ );
- return ValueInternalMap::value( iterator_.map_ );
- ++current_;
- if ( isArray_ )
- ValueInternalArray::increment( iterator_.array_ );
- ValueInternalMap::increment( iterator_.map_ );
- --current_;
- if ( isArray_ )
- ValueInternalArray::decrement( iterator_.array_ );
- ValueInternalMap::decrement( iterator_.map_ );
-ValueIteratorBase::computeDistance( const SelfType &other ) const
- return current_ - other.current_;
-# else
- // Iterator for null value are initialized using the default
- // constructor, which initialize current_ to the default
- // std::map::iterator. As begin() and end() are two instance
- // of the default std::map::iterator, they can not be compared.
- // To allow this, we handle this comparison specifically.
- if ( isNull_ && other.isNull_ )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- // Usage of std::distance is not portable (does not compile with Sun Studio 12 RogueWave STL,
- // which is the one used by default).
- // Using a portable hand-made version for non random iterator instead:
- // return difference_type( std::distance( current_, other.current_ ) );
- difference_type myDistance = 0;
- for ( Value::ObjectValues::iterator it = current_; it != other.current_; ++it )
- {
- ++myDistance;
- }
- return myDistance;
-# endif
- if ( isArray_ )
- return ValueInternalArray::distance( iterator_.array_, other.iterator_.array_ );
- return ValueInternalMap::distance( iterator_.map_, other.iterator_.map_ );
-ValueIteratorBase::isEqual( const SelfType &other ) const
- if ( isNull_ )
- {
- return other.isNull_;
- }
- return current_ == other.current_;
- if ( isArray_ )
- return ValueInternalArray::equals( iterator_.array_, other.iterator_.array_ );
- return ValueInternalMap::equals( iterator_.map_, other.iterator_.map_ );
-ValueIteratorBase::copy( const SelfType &other )
- current_ = other.current_;
- if ( isArray_ )
- iterator_.array_ = other.iterator_.array_;
- iterator_.map_ = other.iterator_.map_;
-ValueIteratorBase::key() const
- const Value::CZString czstring = (*current_).first;
- if ( czstring.c_str() )
- {
- if ( czstring.isStaticString() )
- return Value( StaticString( czstring.c_str() ) );
- return Value( czstring.c_str() );
- }
- return Value( czstring.index() );
- if ( isArray_ )
- return Value( ValueInternalArray::indexOf( iterator_.array_ ) );
- bool isStatic;
- const char *memberName = ValueInternalMap::key( iterator_.map_, isStatic );
- if ( isStatic )
- return Value( StaticString( memberName ) );
- return Value( memberName );
-ValueIteratorBase::index() const
- const Value::CZString czstring = (*current_).first;
- if ( !czstring.c_str() )
- return czstring.index();
- return Value::UInt( -1 );
- if ( isArray_ )
- return Value::UInt( ValueInternalArray::indexOf( iterator_.array_ ) );
- return Value::UInt( -1 );
-const char *
-ValueIteratorBase::memberName() const
- const char *name = (*current_).first.c_str();
- return name ? name : "";
- if ( !isArray_ )
- return ValueInternalMap::key( iterator_.map_ );
- return "";
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueConstIterator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator( const Value::ObjectValues::iterator &current )
- : ValueIteratorBase( current )
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator( const ValueInternalArray::IteratorState &state )
- : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator( const ValueInternalMap::IteratorState &state )
- : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueConstIterator &
-ValueConstIterator::operator =( const ValueIteratorBase &other )
- copy( other );
- return *this;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueIterator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const Value::ObjectValues::iterator &current )
- : ValueIteratorBase( current )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueInternalArray::IteratorState &state )
- : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueInternalMap::IteratorState &state )
- : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueConstIterator &other )
- : ValueIteratorBase( other )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueIterator &other )
- : ValueIteratorBase( other )
-ValueIterator &
-ValueIterator::operator =( const SelfType &other )
- copy( other );
- return *this;
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f101cbcfb5..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#include "json_tool.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
-namespace Json {
-static bool containsControlCharacter( const char* str )
- while ( *str )
- {
- if ( isControlCharacter( *(str++) ) )
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-std::string valueToString( LargestInt value )
- UIntToStringBuffer buffer;
- char *current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
- bool isNegative = value < 0;
- if ( isNegative )
- value = -value;
- uintToString( LargestUInt(value), current );
- if ( isNegative )
- *--current = '-';
- assert( current >= buffer );
- return current;
-std::string valueToString( LargestUInt value )
- UIntToStringBuffer buffer;
- char *current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
- uintToString( value, current );
- assert( current >= buffer );
- return current;
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-std::string valueToString( Int value )
- return valueToString( LargestInt(value) );
-std::string valueToString( UInt value )
- return valueToString( LargestUInt(value) );
-#endif // # if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-std::string valueToString( double value )
- char buffer[32];
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__STDC_SECURE_LIB__) // Use secure version with visual studio 2005 to avoid warning.
- sprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%#.16g", value);
- sprintf(buffer, "%#.16g", value);
- char* ch = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
- if (*ch != '0') return buffer; // nothing to truncate, so save time
- while(ch > buffer && *ch == '0'){
- --ch;
- }
- char* last_nonzero = ch;
- while(ch >= buffer){
- switch(*ch){
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- --ch;
- continue;
- case '.':
- // Truncate zeroes to save bytes in output, but keep one.
- *(last_nonzero+2) = '\0';
- return buffer;
- default:
- return buffer;
- }
- }
- return buffer;
-std::string valueToString( bool value )
- return value ? "true" : "false";
-std::string valueToQuotedString( const char *value )
- // Not sure how to handle unicode...
- if (strpbrk(value, "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t") == NULL && !containsControlCharacter( value ))
- return std::string("\"") + value + "\"";
- // We have to walk value and escape any special characters.
- // Appending to std::string is not efficient, but this should be rare.
- // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.)
- std::string::size_type maxsize = strlen(value)*2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL
- std::string result;
- result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs
- result += "\"";
- for (const char* c=value; *c != 0; ++c)
- {
- switch(*c)
- {
- case '\"':
- result += "\\\"";
- break;
- case '\\':
- result += "\\\\";
- break;
- case '\b':
- result += "\\b";
- break;
- case '\f':
- result += "\\f";
- break;
- case '\n':
- result += "\\n";
- break;
- case '\r':
- result += "\\r";
- break;
- case '\t':
- result += "\\t";
- break;
- //case '/':
- // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare
- // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it.
- // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.
- // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </
- // sequence.
- // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this
- // sequence from occurring.
- default:
- if ( isControlCharacter( *c ) )
- {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(*c);
- result += oss.str();
- }
- else
- {
- result += *c;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- result += "\"";
- return result;
-// Class Writer
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Class FastWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : yamlCompatiblityEnabled_( false )
- yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ = true;
-FastWriter::write( const Value &root )
- document_ = "";
- writeValue( root );
- document_ += "\n";
- return document_;
-FastWriter::writeValue( const Value &value )
- switch ( value.type() )
- {
- case nullValue:
- document_ += "null";
- break;
- case intValue:
- document_ += valueToString( value.asLargestInt() );
- break;
- case uintValue:
- document_ += valueToString( value.asLargestUInt() );
- break;
- case realValue:
- document_ += valueToString( value.asDouble() );
- break;
- case stringValue:
- document_ += valueToQuotedString( value.asCString() );
- break;
- case booleanValue:
- document_ += valueToString( value.asBool() );
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- {
- document_ += "[";
- int size = value.size();
- for ( int index =0; index < size; ++index )
- {
- if ( index > 0 )
- document_ += ",";
- writeValue( value[index] );
- }
- document_ += "]";
- }
- break;
- case objectValue:
- {
- Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
- document_ += "{";
- for ( Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- it != members.end();
- ++it )
- {
- const std::string &name = *it;
- if ( it != members.begin() )
- document_ += ",";
- document_ += valueToQuotedString( name.c_str() );
- document_ += yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ ? ": "
- : ":";
- writeValue( value[name] );
- }
- document_ += "}";
- }
- break;
- }
-// Class StyledWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : rightMargin_( 74 )
- , indentSize_( 3 )
-StyledWriter::write( const Value &root )
- document_ = "";
- addChildValues_ = false;
- indentString_ = "";
- writeCommentBeforeValue( root );
- writeValue( root );
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( root );
- document_ += "\n";
- return document_;
-StyledWriter::writeValue( const Value &value )
- switch ( value.type() )
- {
- case nullValue:
- pushValue( "null" );
- break;
- case intValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asLargestInt() ) );
- break;
- case uintValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asLargestUInt() ) );
- break;
- case realValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asDouble() ) );
- break;
- case stringValue:
- pushValue( valueToQuotedString( value.asCString() ) );
- break;
- case booleanValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asBool() ) );
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- writeArrayValue( value);
- break;
- case objectValue:
- {
- Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
- if ( members.empty() )
- pushValue( "{}" );
- else
- {
- writeWithIndent( "{" );
- indent();
- Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- while ( true )
- {
- const std::string &name = *it;
- const Value &childValue = value[name];
- writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
- writeWithIndent( valueToQuotedString( name.c_str() ) );
- document_ += " : ";
- writeValue( childValue );
- if ( ++it == members.end() )
- {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- break;
- }
- document_ += ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent( "}" );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-StyledWriter::writeArrayValue( const Value &value )
- unsigned size = value.size();
- if ( size == 0 )
- pushValue( "[]" );
- else
- {
- bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray( value );
- if ( isArrayMultiLine )
- {
- writeWithIndent( "[" );
- indent();
- bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
- unsigned index =0;
- while ( true )
- {
- const Value &childValue = value[index];
- writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
- if ( hasChildValue )
- writeWithIndent( childValues_[index] );
- else
- {
- writeIndent();
- writeValue( childValue );
- }
- if ( ++index == size )
- {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- break;
- }
- document_ += ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent( "]" );
- }
- else // output on a single line
- {
- assert( childValues_.size() == size );
- document_ += "[ ";
- for ( unsigned index =0; index < size; ++index )
- {
- if ( index > 0 )
- document_ += ", ";
- document_ += childValues_[index];
- }
- document_ += " ]";
- }
- }
-StyledWriter::isMultineArray( const Value &value )
- int size = value.size();
- bool isMultiLine = size*3 >= rightMargin_ ;
- childValues_.clear();
- for ( int index =0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index )
- {
- const Value &childValue = value[index];
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine ||
- ( (childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
- childValue.size() > 0 );
- }
- if ( !isMultiLine ) // check if line length > max line length
- {
- childValues_.reserve( size );
- addChildValues_ = true;
- int lineLength = 4 + (size-1)*2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
- for ( int index =0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index )
- {
- writeValue( value[index] );
- lineLength += int( childValues_[index].length() );
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine && hasCommentForValue( value[index] );
- }
- addChildValues_ = false;
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
- }
- return isMultiLine;
-StyledWriter::pushValue( const std::string &value )
- if ( addChildValues_ )
- childValues_.push_back( value );
- else
- document_ += value;
- if ( !document_.empty() )
- {
- char last = document_[document_.length()-1];
- if ( last == ' ' ) // already indented
- return;
- if ( last != '\n' ) // Comments may add new-line
- document_ += '\n';
- }
- document_ += indentString_;
-StyledWriter::writeWithIndent( const std::string &value )
- writeIndent();
- document_ += value;
- indentString_ += std::string( indentSize_, ' ' );
- assert( int(indentString_.size()) >= indentSize_ );
- indentString_.resize( indentString_.size() - indentSize_ );
-StyledWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue( const Value &root )
- if ( !root.hasComment( commentBefore ) )
- return;
- document_ += normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentBefore ) );
- document_ += "\n";
-StyledWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( const Value &root )
- if ( root.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) )
- document_ += " " + normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) );
- if ( root.hasComment( commentAfter ) )
- {
- document_ += "\n";
- document_ += normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfter ) );
- document_ += "\n";
- }
-StyledWriter::hasCommentForValue( const Value &value )
- return value.hasComment( commentBefore )
- || value.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine )
- || value.hasComment( commentAfter );
-StyledWriter::normalizeEOL( const std::string &text )
- std::string normalized;
- normalized.reserve( text.length() );
- const char *begin = text.c_str();
- const char *end = begin + text.length();
- const char *current = begin;
- while ( current != end )
- {
- char c = *current++;
- if ( c == '\r' ) // mac or dos EOL
- {
- if ( *current == '\n' ) // convert dos EOL
- ++current;
- normalized += '\n';
- }
- else // handle unix EOL & other char
- normalized += c;
- }
- return normalized;
-// Class StyledStreamWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-StyledStreamWriter::StyledStreamWriter( std::string indentation )
- : document_(NULL)
- , rightMargin_( 74 )
- , indentation_( indentation )
-StyledStreamWriter::write( std::ostream &out, const Value &root )
- document_ = &out;
- addChildValues_ = false;
- indentString_ = "";
- writeCommentBeforeValue( root );
- writeValue( root );
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( root );
- *document_ << "\n";
- document_ = NULL; // Forget the stream, for safety.
-StyledStreamWriter::writeValue( const Value &value )
- switch ( value.type() )
- {
- case nullValue:
- pushValue( "null" );
- break;
- case intValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asLargestInt() ) );
- break;
- case uintValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asLargestUInt() ) );
- break;
- case realValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asDouble() ) );
- break;
- case stringValue:
- pushValue( valueToQuotedString( value.asCString() ) );
- break;
- case booleanValue:
- pushValue( valueToString( value.asBool() ) );
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- writeArrayValue( value);
- break;
- case objectValue:
- {
- Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
- if ( members.empty() )
- pushValue( "{}" );
- else
- {
- writeWithIndent( "{" );
- indent();
- Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- while ( true )
- {
- const std::string &name = *it;
- const Value &childValue = value[name];
- writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
- writeWithIndent( valueToQuotedString( name.c_str() ) );
- *document_ << " : ";
- writeValue( childValue );
- if ( ++it == members.end() )
- {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- break;
- }
- *document_ << ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent( "}" );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-StyledStreamWriter::writeArrayValue( const Value &value )
- unsigned size = value.size();
- if ( size == 0 )
- pushValue( "[]" );
- else
- {
- bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray( value );
- if ( isArrayMultiLine )
- {
- writeWithIndent( "[" );
- indent();
- bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
- unsigned index =0;
- while ( true )
- {
- const Value &childValue = value[index];
- writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
- if ( hasChildValue )
- writeWithIndent( childValues_[index] );
- else
- {
- writeIndent();
- writeValue( childValue );
- }
- if ( ++index == size )
- {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- break;
- }
- *document_ << ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent( "]" );
- }
- else // output on a single line
- {
- assert( childValues_.size() == size );
- *document_ << "[ ";
- for ( unsigned index =0; index < size; ++index )
- {
- if ( index > 0 )
- *document_ << ", ";
- *document_ << childValues_[index];
- }
- *document_ << " ]";
- }
- }
-StyledStreamWriter::isMultineArray( const Value &value )
- int size = value.size();
- bool isMultiLine = size*3 >= rightMargin_ ;
- childValues_.clear();
- for ( int index =0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index )
- {
- const Value &childValue = value[index];
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine ||
- ( (childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
- childValue.size() > 0 );
- }
- if ( !isMultiLine ) // check if line length > max line length
- {
- childValues_.reserve( size );
- addChildValues_ = true;
- int lineLength = 4 + (size-1)*2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
- for ( int index =0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index )
- {
- writeValue( value[index] );
- lineLength += int( childValues_[index].length() );
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine && hasCommentForValue( value[index] );
- }
- addChildValues_ = false;
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
- }
- return isMultiLine;
-StyledStreamWriter::pushValue( const std::string &value )
- if ( addChildValues_ )
- childValues_.push_back( value );
- else
- *document_ << value;
- /*
- Some comments in this method would have been nice. ;-)
- if ( !document_.empty() )
- {
- char last = document_[document_.length()-1];
- if ( last == ' ' ) // already indented
- return;
- if ( last != '\n' ) // Comments may add new-line
- *document_ << '\n';
- }
- */
- *document_ << '\n' << indentString_;
-StyledStreamWriter::writeWithIndent( const std::string &value )
- writeIndent();
- *document_ << value;
- indentString_ += indentation_;
- assert( indentString_.size() >= indentation_.size() );
- indentString_.resize( indentString_.size() - indentation_.size() );
-StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue( const Value &root )
- if ( !root.hasComment( commentBefore ) )
- return;
- *document_ << normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentBefore ) );
- *document_ << "\n";
-StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( const Value &root )
- if ( root.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) )
- *document_ << " " + normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) );
- if ( root.hasComment( commentAfter ) )
- {
- *document_ << "\n";
- *document_ << normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfter ) );
- *document_ << "\n";
- }
-StyledStreamWriter::hasCommentForValue( const Value &value )
- return value.hasComment( commentBefore )
- || value.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine )
- || value.hasComment( commentAfter );
-StyledStreamWriter::normalizeEOL( const std::string &text )
- std::string normalized;
- normalized.reserve( text.length() );
- const char *begin = text.c_str();
- const char *end = begin + text.length();
- const char *current = begin;
- while ( current != end )
- {
- char c = *current++;
- if ( c == '\r' ) // mac or dos EOL
- {
- if ( *current == '\n' ) // convert dos EOL
- ++current;
- normalized += '\n';
- }
- else // handle unix EOL & other char
- normalized += c;
- }
- return normalized;
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &sout, const Value &root )
- Json::StyledStreamWriter writer;
- writer.write(sout, root);
- return sout;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/sconscript b/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/sconscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e7c6c8a07..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/sconscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Import( 'env buildLibrary' )
-buildLibrary( env, Split( """
- json_reader.cpp
- json_value.cpp
- json_writer.cpp
- """ ),
- 'json' )
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/jsontest.cpp b/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/jsontest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e7b21699..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/jsontest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 // Prevents deprecation warning with MSVC
-#include "jsontest.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-// Used to install a report hook that prevent dialog on assertion and error.
-# include <crtdbg.h>
-#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-// Used to prevent dialog on memory fault.
-// Limits headers included by Windows.h
-# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# define NOSERVICE
-# define NOMCX
-# define NOIME
-# define NOSOUND
-# define NOCOMM
-# define NORPC
-# define NOGDI
-# define NOUSER
-# define NODRIVERS
-# define NOLOGERROR
-# define NOPROFILER
-# define NOMEMMGR
-# define NOLFILEIO
-# define NOOPENFILE
-# define NORESOURCE
-# define NOATOM
-# define NOLANGUAGE
-# define NOLSTRING
-# define NODBCS
-# define NOCOLOR
-# define NOGDIOBJ
-# define NODRAWTEXT
-# define NOBITMAP
-# define NOMETAFILE
-# define NOMSG
-# define NOWH
-# define NOMENUS
-# define NOSCROLL
-# define NOICONS
-# define NOMB
-# define NOMDI
-# define NOCTLMGR
-# include <windows.h>
-#endif // if defined(_WIN32)
-namespace JsonTest {
-// class TestResult
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : predicateId_( 1 )
- , lastUsedPredicateId_( 0 )
- , messageTarget_( 0 )
- // The root predicate has id 0
- rootPredicateNode_.id_ = 0;
- rootPredicateNode_.next_ = 0;
- predicateStackTail_ = &rootPredicateNode_;
-TestResult::setTestName( const std::string &name )
- name_ = name;
-TestResult &
-TestResult::addFailure( const char *file, unsigned int line,
- const char *expr )
- /// Walks the PredicateContext stack adding them to failures_ if not already added.
- unsigned int nestingLevel = 0;
- PredicateContext *lastNode = rootPredicateNode_.next_;
- for ( ; lastNode != 0; lastNode = lastNode->next_ )
- {
- if ( lastNode->id_ > lastUsedPredicateId_ ) // new PredicateContext
- {
- lastUsedPredicateId_ = lastNode->id_;
- addFailureInfo( lastNode->file_, lastNode->line_, lastNode->expr_,
- nestingLevel );
- // Link the PredicateContext to the failure for message target when
- // popping the PredicateContext.
- lastNode->failure_ = &( failures_.back() );
- }
- ++nestingLevel;
- }
- // Adds the failed assertion
- addFailureInfo( file, line, expr, nestingLevel );
- messageTarget_ = &( failures_.back() );
- return *this;
-TestResult::addFailureInfo( const char *file, unsigned int line,
- const char *expr, unsigned int nestingLevel )
- Failure failure;
- failure.file_ = file;
- failure.line_ = line;
- if ( expr )
- {
- failure.expr_ = expr;
- }
- failure.nestingLevel_ = nestingLevel;
- failures_.push_back( failure );
-TestResult &
- PredicateContext *lastNode = &rootPredicateNode_;
- while ( lastNode->next_ != 0 && lastNode->next_->next_ != 0 )
- {
- lastNode = lastNode->next_;
- }
- // Set message target to popped failure
- PredicateContext *tail = lastNode->next_;
- if ( tail != 0 && tail->failure_ != 0 )
- {
- messageTarget_ = tail->failure_;
- }
- // Remove tail from list
- predicateStackTail_ = lastNode;
- lastNode->next_ = 0;
- return *this;
-TestResult::failed() const
- return !failures_.empty();
-unsigned int
-TestResult::getAssertionNestingLevel() const
- unsigned int level = 0;
- const PredicateContext *lastNode = &rootPredicateNode_;
- while ( lastNode->next_ != 0 )
- {
- lastNode = lastNode->next_;
- ++level;
- }
- return level;
-TestResult::printFailure( bool printTestName ) const
- if ( failures_.empty() )
- {
- return;
- }
- if ( printTestName )
- {
- printf( "* Detail of %s test failure:\n", name_.c_str() );
- }
- // Print in reverse to display the callstack in the right order
- Failures::const_iterator itEnd = failures_.end();
- for ( Failures::const_iterator it = failures_.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
- {
- const Failure &failure = *it;
- std::string indent( failure.nestingLevel_ * 2, ' ' );
- if ( failure.file_ )
- {
- printf( "%s%s(%d): ", indent.c_str(), failure.file_, failure.line_ );
- }
- if ( !failure.expr_.empty() )
- {
- printf( "%s\n", failure.expr_.c_str() );
- }
- else if ( failure.file_ )
- {
- printf( "\n" );
- }
- if ( !failure.message_.empty() )
- {
- std::string reindented = indentText( failure.message_, indent + " " );
- printf( "%s\n", reindented.c_str() );
- }
- }
-TestResult::indentText( const std::string &text,
- const std::string &indent )
- std::string reindented;
- std::string::size_type lastIndex = 0;
- while ( lastIndex < text.size() )
- {
- std::string::size_type nextIndex = text.find( '\n', lastIndex );
- if ( nextIndex == std::string::npos )
- {
- nextIndex = text.size() - 1;
- }
- reindented += indent;
- reindented += text.substr( lastIndex, nextIndex - lastIndex + 1 );
- lastIndex = nextIndex + 1;
- }
- return reindented;
-TestResult &
-TestResult::addToLastFailure( const std::string &message )
- if ( messageTarget_ != 0 )
- {
- messageTarget_->message_ += message;
- }
- return *this;
-TestResult &
-TestResult::operator << ( bool value )
- return addToLastFailure( value ? "true" : "false" );
-TestResult &
-TestResult::operator << ( int value )
- char buffer[32];
- sprintf( buffer, "%d", value );
- return addToLastFailure( buffer );
-TestResult &
-TestResult::operator << ( unsigned int value )
- char buffer[32];
- sprintf( buffer, "%u", value );
- return addToLastFailure( buffer );
-TestResult &
-TestResult::operator << ( double value )
- char buffer[32];
- sprintf( buffer, "%16g", value );
- return addToLastFailure( buffer );
-TestResult &
-TestResult::operator << ( const char *value )
- return addToLastFailure( value ? value
- : "<NULL>" );
-TestResult &
-TestResult::operator << ( const std::string &value )
- return addToLastFailure( value );
-// class TestCase
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : result_( 0 )
-TestCase::run( TestResult &result )
- result_ = &result;
- runTestCase();
-// class Runner
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Runner &
-Runner::add( TestCaseFactory factory )
- tests_.push_back( factory );
- return *this;
-unsigned int
-Runner::testCount() const
- return static_cast<unsigned int>( tests_.size() );
-Runner::testNameAt( unsigned int index ) const
- TestCase *test = tests_[index]();
- std::string name = test->testName();
- delete test;
- return name;
-Runner::runTestAt( unsigned int index, TestResult &result ) const
- TestCase *test = tests_[index]();
- result.setTestName( test->testName() );
- printf( "Testing %s: ", test->testName() );
- fflush( stdout );
- try
- {
-#endif // if JSON_USE_EXCEPTION
- test->run( result );
- }
- catch ( const std::exception &e )
- {
- result.addFailure( __FILE__, __LINE__,
- "Unexpected exception caugth:" ) << e.what();
- }
-#endif // if JSON_USE_EXCEPTION
- delete test;
- const char *status = result.failed() ? "FAILED"
- : "OK";
- printf( "%s\n", status );
- fflush( stdout );
-Runner::runAllTest( bool printSummary ) const
- unsigned int count = testCount();
- std::deque<TestResult> failures;
- for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < count; ++index )
- {
- TestResult result;
- runTestAt( index, result );
- if ( result.failed() )
- {
- failures.push_back( result );
- }
- }
- if ( failures.empty() )
- {
- if ( printSummary )
- {
- printf( "All %d tests passed\n", count );
- }
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < failures.size(); ++index )
- {
- TestResult &result = failures[index];
- result.printFailure( count > 1 );
- }
- if ( printSummary )
- {
- unsigned int failedCount = static_cast<unsigned int>( failures.size() );
- unsigned int passedCount = count - failedCount;
- printf( "%d/%d tests passed (%d failure(s))\n", passedCount, count, failedCount );
- }
- return false;
- }
-Runner::testIndex( const std::string &testName,
- unsigned int &indexOut ) const
- unsigned int count = testCount();
- for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < count; ++index )
- {
- if ( testNameAt(index) == testName )
- {
- indexOut = index;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-Runner::listTests() const
- unsigned int count = testCount();
- for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < count; ++index )
- {
- printf( "%s\n", testNameAt( index ).c_str() );
- }
-Runner::runCommandLine( int argc, const char *argv[] ) const
- typedef std::deque<std::string> TestNames;
- Runner subrunner;
- for ( int index = 1; index < argc; ++index )
- {
- std::string opt = argv[index];
- if ( opt == "--list-tests" )
- {
- listTests();
- return 0;
- }
- else if ( opt == "--test-auto" )
- {
- preventDialogOnCrash();
- }
- else if ( opt == "--test" )
- {
- ++index;
- if ( index < argc )
- {
- unsigned int testNameIndex;
- if ( testIndex( argv[index], testNameIndex ) )
- {
- subrunner.add( tests_[testNameIndex] );
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "Test '%s' does not exist!\n", argv[index] );
- return 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printUsage( argv[0] );
- return 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printUsage( argv[0] );
- return 2;
- }
- }
- bool succeeded;
- if ( subrunner.testCount() > 0 )
- {
- succeeded = subrunner.runAllTest( subrunner.testCount() > 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- succeeded = runAllTest( true );
- }
- return succeeded ? 0
- : 1;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-// Hook MSVCRT assertions to prevent dialog from appearing
-static int
-msvcrtSilentReportHook( int reportType, char *message, int *returnValue )
- // The default CRT handling of error and assertion is to display
- // an error dialog to the user.
- // Instead, when an error or an assertion occurs, we force the
- // application to terminate using abort() after display
- // the message on stderr.
- if ( reportType == _CRT_ERROR ||
- reportType == _CRT_ASSERT )
- {
- // calling abort() cause the ReportHook to be called
- // The following is used to detect this case and let's the
- // error handler fallback on its default behaviour (
- // display a warning message)
- static volatile bool isAborting = false;
- if ( isAborting )
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- isAborting = true;
- fprintf( stderr, "CRT Error/Assert:\n%s\n", message );
- fflush( stderr );
- abort();
- }
- // Let's other reportType (_CRT_WARNING) be handled as they would by default
- return FALSE;
-#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
- // Install a hook to prevent MSVCRT error and assertion from
- // popping a dialog.
- _CrtSetReportHook( &msvcrtSilentReportHook );
-#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
- // @todo investiguate this handler (for buffer overflow)
- // _set_security_error_handler
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- // Prevents the system from popping a dialog for debugging if the
- // application fails due to invalid memory access.
-#endif // if defined(_WIN32)
-Runner::printUsage( const char *appName )
- printf(
- "Usage: %s [options]\n"
- "\n"
- "If --test is not specified, then all the test cases be run.\n"
- "\n"
- "Valid options:\n"
- "--list-tests: print the name of all test cases on the standard\n"
- " output and exit.\n"
- "--test TESTNAME: executes the test case with the specified name.\n"
- " May be repeated.\n"
- "--test-auto: prevent dialog prompting for debugging on crash.\n"
- , appName );
-// Assertion functions
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-TestResult &
-checkStringEqual( TestResult &result,
- const std::string &expected, const std::string &actual,
- const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *expr )
- if ( expected != actual )
- {
- result.addFailure( file, line, expr );
- result << "Expected: '" << expected << "'\n";
- result << "Actual : '" << actual << "'";
- }
- return result;
-} // namespace JsonTest
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/jsontest.h b/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/jsontest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d072382e1..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/jsontest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-# include <json/config.h>
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <deque>
-# include <string>
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Mini Unit Testing framework
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-/** \brief Unit testing framework.
- * \warning: all assertions are non-aborting, test case execution will continue
- * even if an assertion namespace.
- * This constraint is for portability: the framework needs to compile
- * on Visual Studio 6 and must not require exception usage.
- */
-namespace JsonTest {
- class Failure
- {
- public:
- const char *file_;
- unsigned int line_;
- std::string expr_;
- std::string message_;
- unsigned int nestingLevel_;
- };
- /// Context used to create the assertion callstack on failure.
- /// Must be a POD to allow inline initialisation without stepping
- /// into the debugger.
- struct PredicateContext
- {
- typedef unsigned int Id;
- Id id_;
- const char *file_;
- unsigned int line_;
- const char *expr_;
- PredicateContext *next_;
- /// Related Failure, set when the PredicateContext is converted
- /// into a Failure.
- Failure *failure_;
- };
- class TestResult
- {
- public:
- TestResult();
- /// \internal Implementation detail for assertion macros
- /// Not encapsulated to prevent step into when debugging failed assertions
- /// Incremented by one on assertion predicate entry, decreased by one
- /// by addPredicateContext().
- PredicateContext::Id predicateId_;
- /// \internal Implementation detail for predicate macros
- PredicateContext *predicateStackTail_;
- void setTestName( const std::string &name );
- /// Adds an assertion failure.
- TestResult &addFailure( const char *file, unsigned int line,
- const char *expr = 0 );
- /// Removes the last PredicateContext added to the predicate stack
- /// chained list.
- /// Next messages will be targed at the PredicateContext that was removed.
- TestResult &popPredicateContext();
- bool failed() const;
- void printFailure( bool printTestName ) const;
- TestResult &operator << ( bool value );
- TestResult &operator << ( int value );
- TestResult &operator << ( unsigned int value );
- TestResult &operator << ( double value );
- TestResult &operator << ( const char *value );
- TestResult &operator << ( const std::string &value );
- private:
- TestResult &addToLastFailure( const std::string &message );
- unsigned int getAssertionNestingLevel() const;
- /// Adds a failure or a predicate context
- void addFailureInfo( const char *file, unsigned int line,
- const char *expr, unsigned int nestingLevel );
- static std::string indentText( const std::string &text,
- const std::string &indent );
- typedef std::deque<Failure> Failures;
- Failures failures_;
- std::string name_;
- PredicateContext rootPredicateNode_;
- PredicateContext::Id lastUsedPredicateId_;
- /// Failure which is the target of the messages added using operator <<
- Failure *messageTarget_;
- };
- class TestCase
- {
- public:
- TestCase();
- virtual ~TestCase();
- void run( TestResult &result );
- virtual const char *testName() const = 0;
- protected:
- TestResult *result_;
- private:
- virtual void runTestCase() = 0;
- };
- /// Function pointer type for TestCase factory
- typedef TestCase *(*TestCaseFactory)();
- class Runner
- {
- public:
- Runner();
- /// Adds a test to the suite
- Runner &add( TestCaseFactory factory );
- /// Runs test as specified on the command-line
- /// If no command-line arguments are provided, run all tests.
- /// If --list-tests is provided, then print the list of all test cases
- /// If --test <testname> is provided, then run test testname.
- int runCommandLine( int argc, const char *argv[] ) const;
- /// Runs all the test cases
- bool runAllTest( bool printSummary ) const;
- /// Returns the number of test case in the suite
- unsigned int testCount() const;
- /// Returns the name of the test case at the specified index
- std::string testNameAt( unsigned int index ) const;
- /// Runs the test case at the specified index using the specified TestResult
- void runTestAt( unsigned int index, TestResult &result ) const;
- static void printUsage( const char *appName );
- private: // prevents copy construction and assignment
- Runner( const Runner &other );
- Runner &operator =( const Runner &other );
- private:
- void listTests() const;
- bool testIndex( const std::string &testName, unsigned int &index ) const;
- static void preventDialogOnCrash();
- private:
- typedef std::deque<TestCaseFactory> Factories;
- Factories tests_;
- };
- template<typename T>
- TestResult &
- checkEqual( TestResult &result, const T &expected, const T &actual,
- const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *expr )
- {
- if ( expected != actual )
- {
- result.addFailure( file, line, expr );
- result << "Expected: " << expected << "\n";
- result << "Actual : " << actual;
- }
- return result;
- }
- TestResult &
- checkStringEqual( TestResult &result,
- const std::string &expected, const std::string &actual,
- const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *expr );
-} // namespace JsonTest
-/// \brief Asserts that the given expression is true.
-/// JSONTEST_ASSERT( x == y ) << "x=" << x << ", y=" << y;
-/// JSONTEST_ASSERT( x == y );
-#define JSONTEST_ASSERT( expr ) \
- if ( expr ) \
- { \
- } \
- else \
- result_->addFailure( __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr )
-/// \brief Asserts that the given predicate is true.
-/// The predicate may do other assertions and be a member function of the fixture.
-#define JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( expr ) \
- { \
- JsonTest::PredicateContext _minitest_Context = { \
- result_->predicateId_, __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr }; \
- result_->predicateStackTail_->next_ = &_minitest_Context; \
- result_->predicateId_ += 1; \
- result_->predicateStackTail_ = &_minitest_Context; \
- (expr); \
- result_->popPredicateContext(); \
- } \
- *result_
-/// \brief Asserts that two values are equals.
-#define JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( expected, actual ) \
- JsonTest::checkEqual( *result_, expected, actual, \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, \
- #expected " == " #actual )
-/// \brief Asserts that two values are equals.
-#define JSONTEST_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL( expected, actual ) \
- JsonTest::checkStringEqual( *result_, \
- std::string(expected), std::string(actual), \
- #expected " == " #actual )
-/// \brief Begin a fixture test case.
-#define JSONTEST_FIXTURE( FixtureType, name ) \
- class Test##FixtureType##name : public FixtureType \
- { \
- public: \
- static JsonTest::TestCase *factory() \
- { \
- return new Test##FixtureType##name(); \
- } \
- public: /* overidden from TestCase */ \
- virtual const char *testName() const \
- { \
- return #FixtureType "/" #name; \
- } \
- virtual void runTestCase(); \
- }; \
- \
- void Test##FixtureType##name::runTestCase()
-#define JSONTEST_FIXTURE_FACTORY( FixtureType, name ) \
- &Test##FixtureType##name::factory
-#define JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, FixtureType, name ) \
- (runner).add( JSONTEST_FIXTURE_FACTORY( FixtureType, name ) )
-#endif // ifndef JSONTEST_H_INCLUDED
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/main.cpp b/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index de64200ce7..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
-#include <json/json.h>
-#include "jsontest.h"
-// TODO:
-// - boolean value returns that they are integral. Should not be.
-// - unsigned integer in integer range are not considered to be valid integer. Should check range.
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Json Library test cases
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-struct ValueTest : JsonTest::TestCase
- Json::Value null_;
- Json::Value emptyArray_;
- Json::Value emptyObject_;
- Json::Value integer_;
- Json::Value unsignedInteger_;
- Json::Value smallUnsignedInteger_;
- Json::Value real_;
- Json::Value float_;
- Json::Value array1_;
- Json::Value object1_;
- Json::Value emptyString_;
- Json::Value string1_;
- Json::Value string_;
- Json::Value true_;
- Json::Value false_;
- ValueTest()
- : emptyArray_( Json::arrayValue )
- , emptyObject_( Json::objectValue )
- , integer_( 123456789 )
- , smallUnsignedInteger_( Json::Value::UInt( Json::Value::maxInt ) )
- , unsignedInteger_( 34567890u )
- , real_( 1234.56789 )
- , float_( 0.00390625f )
- , emptyString_( "" )
- , string1_( "a" )
- , string_( "sometext with space" )
- , true_( true )
- , false_( false )
- {
- array1_.append( 1234 );
- object1_["id"] = 1234;
- }
- struct IsCheck
- {
- /// Initialize all checks to \c false by default.
- IsCheck();
- bool isObject_;
- bool isArray_;
- bool isBool_;
- bool isDouble_;
- bool isInt_;
- bool isUInt_;
- bool isIntegral_;
- bool isNumeric_;
- bool isString_;
- bool isNull_;
- };
- void checkConstMemberCount( const Json::Value &value, unsigned int expectedCount );
- void checkMemberCount( Json::Value &value, unsigned int expectedCount );
- void checkIs( const Json::Value &value, const IsCheck &check );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, size )
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(emptyArray_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(emptyObject_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(array1_, 1) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(object1_, 1) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(null_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(integer_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(real_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(emptyString_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(string_, 0) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkMemberCount(true_, 0) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isObject )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isObject_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( emptyObject_, checks ) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( object1_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isArray )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isArray_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( emptyArray_, checks ) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( array1_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isNull )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isNull_ = true;
- checks.isObject_ = true;
- checks.isArray_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( null_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isString )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isString_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( emptyString_, checks ) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( string_, checks ) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( string1_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isBool )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isBool_ = true;
- checks.isIntegral_ = true;
- checks.isNumeric_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( false_, checks ) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( true_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isDouble )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isDouble_ = true;
- checks.isNumeric_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( real_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isInt )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isInt_ = true;
- checks.isNumeric_ = true;
- checks.isIntegral_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( integer_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, isUInt )
- IsCheck checks;
- checks.isUInt_ = true;
- checks.isNumeric_ = true;
- checks.isIntegral_ = true;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( unsignedInteger_, checks ) );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkIs( smallUnsignedInteger_, checks ) );
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, accessArray )
- const unsigned int index0 = 0;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT( Json::Value(1234) == array1_[index0] ) << "Json::Value::operator[ArrayIndex]";
- JSONTEST_ASSERT( Json::Value(1234) == array1_[0] ) << "Json::Value::operator[int]";
- const Json::Value &constArray = array1_;
- JSONTEST_ASSERT( Json::Value(1234) == constArray[index0] ) << "Json::Value::operator[ArrayIndex] const";
- JSONTEST_ASSERT( Json::Value(1234) == constArray[0] ) << "Json::Value::operator[int] const";
-JSONTEST_FIXTURE( ValueTest, asFloat )
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0.00390625f, float_.asFloat() ) << "Json::Value::asFloat()";
-ValueTest::checkConstMemberCount( const Json::Value &value, unsigned int expectedCount )
- unsigned int count = 0;
- Json::Value::const_iterator itEnd = value.end();
- for ( Json::Value::const_iterator it = value.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
- {
- ++count;
- }
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( expectedCount, count ) << "Json::Value::const_iterator";
-ValueTest::checkMemberCount( Json::Value &value, unsigned int expectedCount )
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( expectedCount, value.size() );
- unsigned int count = 0;
- Json::Value::iterator itEnd = value.end();
- for ( Json::Value::iterator it = value.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
- {
- ++count;
- }
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( expectedCount, count ) << "Json::Value::iterator";
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_PRED( checkConstMemberCount(value, expectedCount) );
- : isObject_( false )
- , isArray_( false )
- , isBool_( false )
- , isDouble_( false )
- , isInt_( false )
- , isUInt_( false )
- , isIntegral_( false )
- , isNumeric_( false )
- , isString_( false )
- , isNull_( false )
-ValueTest::checkIs( const Json::Value &value, const IsCheck &check )
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isObject_, value.isObject() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isArray_, value.isArray() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isBool_, value.isBool() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isDouble_, value.isDouble() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isInt_, value.isInt() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isUInt_, value.isUInt() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isIntegral_, value.isIntegral() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isNumeric_, value.isNumeric() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isString_, value.isString() );
- JSONTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( check.isNull_, value.isNull() );
-int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
- JsonTest::Runner runner;
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, size );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isObject );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isArray );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isBool );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isInt );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isUInt );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isDouble );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isString );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isNull );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, isNull );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, accessArray );
- JSONTEST_REGISTER_FIXTURE( runner, ValueTest, asFloat );
- return runner.runCommandLine( argc, argv );
diff --git a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/sconscript b/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/sconscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 915fd01c0a..0000000000
--- a/lib/jsoncpp/src/test_lib_json/sconscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Import( 'env_testing buildUnitTests' )
-buildUnitTests( env_testing, Split( """
- main.cpp
- jsontest.cpp
- """ ),
- 'test_lib_json' )
-# For 'check' to work, 'libs' must be built first.
-env_testing.Depends('test_lib_json', '#libs')