path: root/lib/UnrarXLib/rs.cpp
diff options
authortheuni <theuni-nospam-@xbmc.org>2011-01-24 16:05:21 -0500
committertheuni <theuni-nospam-@xbmc.org>2011-01-24 16:05:21 -0500
commitc51b1189e3d5353e842991f5859ddcea0f73e426 (patch)
treeef2cb8a6184699aa614f3655dca4ce661cdc108e /lib/UnrarXLib/rs.cpp
parentbe61ebdc9e897fe40c6f371111724de79ddee8d5 (diff)
Merged cptspiff's code-reshuffle branch.
Squashed commit due to build breakage during code-reshuffle history. Conflicts: xbmc/Util.cpp xbmc/cdrip/CDDARipper.cpp xbmc/filesystem/Directory.cpp xbmc/filesystem/File.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/UnrarXLib/rs.cpp')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/UnrarXLib/rs.cpp b/lib/UnrarXLib/rs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eed7a28f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/UnrarXLib/rs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#include "rar.hpp"
+#define Clean(D,S) {for (int I=0;I<(S);I++) (D)[I]=0;}
+RSCoder::RSCoder(int ParSize)
+ RSCoder::ParSize=ParSize;
+ FirstBlockDone=false;
+ gfInit();
+ pnInit();
+void RSCoder::gfInit()
+ for (int I=0,J=1;I<MAXPAR;I++)
+ {
+ gfLog[J]=I;
+ gfExp[I]=J;
+ if ((J<<=1)&256)
+ J^=285;
+ }
+ for (int I=MAXPAR;I<MAXPOL;I++)
+ gfExp[I]=gfExp[I-MAXPAR];
+inline int RSCoder::gfMult(int a,int b)
+ return(a==0 || b == 0 ? 0:gfExp[gfLog[a]+gfLog[b]]);
+void RSCoder::pnInit()
+ int p1[MAXPAR+1],p2[MAXPAR+1];
+ Clean(p2,ParSize);
+ p2[0]=1;
+ for (int I=1;I<=ParSize;I++)
+ {
+ Clean(p1,ParSize);
+ p1[0]=gfExp[I];
+ p1[1]=1;
+ pnMult(p1,p2,GXPol);
+ for (int J=0;J<ParSize;J++)
+ p2[J]=GXPol[J];
+ }
+void RSCoder::pnMult(int *p1,int *p2,int *r)
+ Clean(r,ParSize);
+ for (int I=0;I<ParSize;I++)
+ if (p1[I]!=0)
+ for(int J=0;J<ParSize-I;J++)
+ r[I+J]^=gfMult(p1[I],p2[J]);
+void RSCoder::Encode(byte *Data,int DataSize,byte *DestData)
+ int ShiftReg[MAXPAR+1];
+ Clean(ShiftReg,ParSize+1);
+ for (int I=0;I<DataSize;I++)
+ {
+ int D=Data[I]^ShiftReg[ParSize-1];
+ for (int J=ParSize-1;J>0;J--)
+ ShiftReg[J]=ShiftReg[J-1]^gfMult(GXPol[J],D);
+ ShiftReg[0]=gfMult(GXPol[0],D);
+ }
+ for (int I=0;I<ParSize;I++)
+ DestData[I]=ShiftReg[ParSize-I-1];
+bool RSCoder::Decode(byte *Data,int DataSize,int *EraLoc,int EraSize)
+ int SynData[MAXPOL];
+ bool AllZeroes=true;
+ for (int I=0;I<ParSize;I++)
+ {
+ int Sum=Data[0],J=1,Exp=gfExp[I+1];
+ for (;J+8<=DataSize;J+=8)
+ {
+ Sum=Data[J]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+1]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+2]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+3]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+4]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+5]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+6]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ Sum=Data[J+7]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ }
+ for (;J<DataSize;J++)
+ Sum=Data[J]^gfMult(Exp,Sum);
+ if ((SynData[I]=Sum)!=0)
+ AllZeroes=false;
+ }
+ if (AllZeroes)
+ return(true);
+ if (!FirstBlockDone)
+ {
+ FirstBlockDone=true;
+ Clean(PolB,ParSize+1);
+ PolB[0]=1;
+ for (int EraPos=0;EraPos<EraSize;EraPos++)
+ for (int I=ParSize,M=gfExp[DataSize-EraLoc[EraPos]-1];I>0;I--)
+ PolB[I]^=gfMult(M,PolB[I-1]);
+ ErrCount=0;
+ for (int Root=MAXPAR-DataSize;Root<MAXPAR+1;Root++)
+ {
+ int Sum=0;
+ for (int B=0;B<ParSize+1;B++)
+ Sum^=gfMult(gfExp[(B*Root)%MAXPAR],PolB[B]);
+ if (Sum==0)
+ {
+ Dn[ErrCount]=0;
+ for (int I=1;I<ParSize+1;I+=2)
+ Dn[ErrCount]^= gfMult(PolB[I],gfExp[Root*(I-1)%MAXPAR]);
+ ErrorLocs[ErrCount++]=MAXPAR-Root;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int PolD[MAXPOL];
+ pnMult(PolB,SynData,PolD);
+ if ((ErrCount<=ParSize) && ErrCount>0)
+ for (int I=0;I<ErrCount;I++)
+ {
+ int Loc=ErrorLocs[I],DLoc=MAXPAR-Loc,N=0;
+ for (int J=0;J<ParSize;J++)
+ N^=gfMult(PolD[J],gfExp[DLoc*J%MAXPAR]);
+ int DataPos=DataSize-Loc-1;
+ if (DataPos>=0 && DataPos<DataSize)
+ Data[DataPos]^=gfMult(N,gfExp[MAXPAR-gfLog[Dn[I]]]);
+ }
+ return(ErrCount<=ParSize);