diff options
authorenen92 <92enen@gmail.com>2022-01-17 09:34:41 +0000
committerenen92 <92enen@gmail.com>2022-01-17 15:11:12 +0000
commitfdb59b38a93a9f651e858a0ee2ab4b9f3399f8ba (patch)
parent7b899104dedc9b1d8dfcec92af383e0cfaab878c (diff)
[Subtitles] Avoid passing copies of the overlay style
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.cpp b/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.cpp
index ff29def290..2ed41ffbdf 100644
--- a/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.cpp
@@ -225,18 +225,18 @@ ASS_Image* CDVDSubtitlesLibass::RenderImage(
if (!m_renderer || !m_track)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} - ASS renderer/ASS track not initialized.", __FUNCTION__);
- return NULL;
+ return nullptr;
if (!subStyle)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} - The subtitle overlay style is not set.", __FUNCTION__);
- return NULL;
+ return nullptr;
if (updateStyle || m_currentDefaultStyleId == ASS_NO_ID)
- ApplyStyle(*subStyle.get(), opts);
+ ApplyStyle(subStyle, opts);
m_drawWithinBlackBars = subStyle->drawWithinBlackBars;
@@ -266,18 +266,25 @@ ASS_Image* CDVDSubtitlesLibass::RenderImage(
return ass_render_frame(m_renderer, m_track, DVD_TIME_TO_MSEC(pts), changes);
-void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
+void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(const std::shared_ptr<struct KODI::SUBTITLES::style>& subStyle,
+ renderOpts opts)
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} - Start setting up the LibAss style", __FUNCTION__);
- ConfigureFont((m_subtitleType == NATIVE && subStyle.assOverrideFont), subStyle.fontName);
+ if (!subStyle)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} - The subtitle overlay style is not set.", __FUNCTION__);
+ return;
+ }
+ ConfigureFont((m_subtitleType == NATIVE && subStyle->assOverrideFont), subStyle->fontName);
// ASS_Style is a POD struct need to be initialized with {}
ASS_Style defaultStyle{};
ASS_Style* style = nullptr;
if (m_subtitleType == ADAPTED ||
- (m_subtitleType == NATIVE && subStyle.assOverrideStyles != OverrideStyles::DISABLED))
+ (m_subtitleType == NATIVE && subStyle->assOverrideStyles != OverrideStyles::DISABLED))
m_currentDefaultStyleId = m_defaultKodiStyleId;
@@ -296,8 +303,8 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
double scale = 1.0;
int playResY;
if (m_subtitleType == NATIVE &&
- (subStyle.assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES ||
- subStyle.assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES_POSITIONS))
+ (subStyle->assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES ||
+ subStyle->assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES_POSITIONS))
// With styles overridden the PlayResY will be changed to 288
playResY = 288;
@@ -309,13 +316,13 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
// It is mandatory set the FontName, the text is case sensitive
- style->FontName = strdup(subStyle.fontName.c_str());
+ style->FontName = strdup(subStyle->fontName.c_str());
- if (m_subtitleType != NATIVE || subStyle.assOverrideStyles != OverrideStyles::POSITIONS)
+ if (m_subtitleType != NATIVE || subStyle->assOverrideStyles != OverrideStyles::POSITIONS)
// Configure the font properties
// FIXME: The font size need to be scaled to be shown in right PT size
- style->FontSize = (subStyle.fontSize / 720) * playResY;
+ style->FontSize = (subStyle->fontSize / 720) * playResY;
// Modifies the width/height of the font (1 = 100%)
style->ScaleX = 1.0;
style->ScaleY = 1.0;
@@ -328,14 +335,14 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
style->Encoding = ASS_FONT_ENCODING_AUTO;
bool isFontBold =
- (subStyle.fontStyle == FontStyle::BOLD || subStyle.fontStyle == FontStyle::BOLD_ITALIC);
- bool isFontItalic =
- (subStyle.fontStyle == FontStyle::ITALIC || subStyle.fontStyle == FontStyle::BOLD_ITALIC);
+ (subStyle->fontStyle == FontStyle::BOLD || subStyle->fontStyle == FontStyle::BOLD_ITALIC);
+ bool isFontItalic = (subStyle->fontStyle == FontStyle::ITALIC ||
+ subStyle->fontStyle == FontStyle::BOLD_ITALIC);
style->Bold = isFontBold * -1;
style->Italic = isFontItalic * -1;
// Compute the font color, depending on the opacity
- COLOR::Color subColor = ConvColor(subStyle.fontColor, subStyle.fontOpacity);
+ COLOR::Color subColor = ConvColor(subStyle->fontColor, subStyle->fontOpacity);
// Set default subtitles color
style->PrimaryColour = subColor;
// Set SecondaryColour may be used to prevent an onscreen collision
@@ -343,13 +350,13 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
// Configure the effects
double lineSpacing = 0.0;
- if (subStyle.borderStyle == BorderStyle::OUTLINE ||
- subStyle.borderStyle == BorderStyle::OUTLINE_NO_SHADOW)
+ if (subStyle->borderStyle == BorderStyle::OUTLINE ||
+ subStyle->borderStyle == BorderStyle::OUTLINE_NO_SHADOW)
style->BorderStyle = ASS_BORDER_STYLE_OUTLINE;
- style->Outline = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle.fontBorderSize) * scale;
- style->OutlineColour = ConvColor(subStyle.fontBorderColor, subStyle.fontOpacity);
- if (subStyle.borderStyle == BorderStyle::OUTLINE_NO_SHADOW)
+ style->Outline = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle->fontBorderSize) * scale;
+ style->OutlineColour = ConvColor(subStyle->fontBorderColor, subStyle->fontOpacity);
+ if (subStyle->borderStyle == BorderStyle::OUTLINE_NO_SHADOW)
style->BackColour = ConvColor(COLOR::NONE, 0); // Set the shadow color
style->Shadow = 0; // Set the shadow size
@@ -357,37 +364,37 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
style->BackColour =
- ConvColor(subStyle.shadowColor, subStyle.shadowOpacity); // Set the shadow color
- style->Shadow = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle.shadowSize) * scale; // Set the shadow size
+ ConvColor(subStyle->shadowColor, subStyle->shadowOpacity); // Set the shadow color
+ style->Shadow = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle->shadowSize) * scale; // Set the shadow size
- else if (subStyle.borderStyle == BorderStyle::BOX)
+ else if (subStyle->borderStyle == BorderStyle::BOX)
// This BorderStyle not support outline color/size
style->BorderStyle = ASS_BORDER_STYLE_BOX;
style->Outline = 4 * scale; // Space between the text and the box edges
style->OutlineColour =
- ConvColor(subStyle.backgroundColor,
- subStyle.backgroundOpacity); // Set the background border color
+ ConvColor(subStyle->backgroundColor,
+ subStyle->backgroundOpacity); // Set the background border color
style->BackColour =
- ConvColor(subStyle.shadowColor, subStyle.shadowOpacity); // Set the box shadow color
- style->Shadow = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle.shadowSize) * scale; // Set the box shadow size
+ ConvColor(subStyle->shadowColor, subStyle->shadowOpacity); // Set the box shadow color
+ style->Shadow = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle->shadowSize) * scale; // Set the box shadow size
// By default a box overlaps the other, then we increase a bit the line spacing
lineSpacing = 6.0;
- else if (subStyle.borderStyle == BorderStyle::SQUARE_BOX)
+ else if (subStyle->borderStyle == BorderStyle::SQUARE_BOX)
// This BorderStyle not support shadow color/size
- style->Outline = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle.fontBorderSize) * scale;
- style->OutlineColour = ConvColor(subStyle.fontBorderColor, subStyle.fontOpacity);
- style->BackColour = ConvColor(subStyle.backgroundColor, subStyle.backgroundOpacity);
+ style->Outline = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle->fontBorderSize) * scale;
+ style->OutlineColour = ConvColor(subStyle->fontBorderColor, subStyle->fontOpacity);
+ style->BackColour = ConvColor(subStyle->backgroundColor, subStyle->backgroundOpacity);
style->Shadow = 4 * scale; // Space between the text and the box edges
ass_set_line_spacing(m_renderer, lineSpacing);
- style->Blur = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle.blur);
+ style->Blur = (10.00 / 100 * subStyle->blur);
double marginLR = 20;
if (opts.horizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment::DISABLED)
@@ -405,21 +412,21 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
if (opts.usePosition)
style->MarginV = 0;
- style->MarginV = static_cast<int>(subStyle.marginVertical * scale);
+ style->MarginV = static_cast<int>(subStyle->marginVertical * scale);
// Set the vertical alignment
- if (subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_LEFT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_CENTER ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_RIGHT)
+ if (subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_LEFT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_CENTER ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_RIGHT)
style->Alignment = VALIGN_TOP;
- else if (subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_LEFT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_CENTER ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_RIGHT)
+ else if (subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_LEFT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_CENTER ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_RIGHT)
style->Alignment = VALIGN_CENTER;
- else if (subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_LEFT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_CENTER ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_RIGHT)
+ else if (subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_LEFT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_CENTER ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_RIGHT)
style->Alignment = VALIGN_SUB;
// Set the horizontal alignment, giving priority to horizontalFontAlign property when set
@@ -429,17 +436,17 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
style->Alignment |= HALIGN_CENTER;
else if (opts.horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment::RIGHT)
style->Alignment |= HALIGN_RIGHT;
- else if (subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_LEFT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_LEFT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_LEFT)
+ else if (subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_LEFT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_LEFT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_LEFT)
style->Alignment |= HALIGN_LEFT;
- else if (subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_CENTER ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_CENTER ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_CENTER)
+ else if (subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_CENTER ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_CENTER ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_CENTER)
style->Alignment |= HALIGN_CENTER;
- else if (subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_RIGHT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_RIGHT ||
- subStyle.alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_RIGHT)
+ else if (subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::TOP_RIGHT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::MIDDLE_RIGHT ||
+ subStyle->alignment == FontAlignment::SUB_RIGHT)
style->Alignment |= HALIGN_RIGHT;
@@ -450,27 +457,34 @@ void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ApplyStyle(style subStyle, renderOpts opts)
-void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ConfigureAssOverride(const style& subStyle, ASS_Style* style)
+void CDVDSubtitlesLibass::ConfigureAssOverride(
+ const std::shared_ptr<struct KODI::SUBTITLES::style>& subStyle, ASS_Style* style)
+ if (!subStyle)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} - The subtitle overlay style is not set.", __FUNCTION__);
+ return;
+ }
// Default behaviour, disable ASS embedded styles override (if has been changed)
if (style)
// Manage override cases with ASS embedded styles
- if (subStyle.assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES)
+ if (subStyle->assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES)
- else if (subStyle.assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES_POSITIONS)
+ else if (subStyle->assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::STYLES_POSITIONS)
- else if (subStyle.assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::POSITIONS)
+ else if (subStyle->assOverrideStyles == OverrideStyles::POSITIONS)
diff --git a/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.h b/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.h
index 49e62c11a2..5df4a8cffd 100644
--- a/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.h
+++ b/xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDSubtitles/DVDSubtitlesLibass.h
@@ -144,9 +144,11 @@ protected:
- void ConfigureAssOverride(const KODI::SUBTITLES::style& subStyle, ASS_Style* style);
+ void ConfigureAssOverride(const std::shared_ptr<struct KODI::SUBTITLES::style>& subStyle,
+ ASS_Style* style);
void ConfigureFont(bool overrideFont, std::string fontName);
- void ApplyStyle(KODI::SUBTITLES::style subStyle, KODI::SUBTITLES::renderOpts opts);
+ void ApplyStyle(const std::shared_ptr<struct KODI::SUBTITLES::style>& subStyle,
+ KODI::SUBTITLES::renderOpts opts);
ASS_Library* m_library = nullptr;
ASS_Track* m_track = nullptr;