diff options
authorJim Carroll <thecarrolls@jiminger.com>2011-07-15 11:20:10 -0400
committerJim Carroll <thecarrolls@jiminger.com>2011-07-15 13:48:37 -0400
commita51927c31fc3e30d11f25c052a28a710e951dbdf (patch)
parent8c0d7e0cd50cd469e545bb171b0316237a5b6887 (diff)
Fix for locking the predicate change in the set method.
Thanks to @FernetMenta for pointing out the issue with setting the without holding the lock predicate. It's possible that the predicate is changed between the check and the wait() in the Wait* call. This fixes that problem.
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/threads/Event.cpp b/xbmc/threads/Event.cpp
index adaa490678..d658cc463b 100644
--- a/xbmc/threads/Event.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/threads/Event.cpp
@@ -58,8 +58,16 @@ void CEvent::removeGroup(XbmcThreads::CEventGroup* group)
// CEvent::groupListMutex -> CEventGroup::mutex -> CEvent::mutex
void CEvent::Set()
- // no locking necessary
- signaled = true;
+ // Originally I had this without locking. Thanks to FernetMenta who
+ // pointed out that this creates a race condition between setting
+ // checking the signal and calling wait() on the Wait call in the
+ // CEvent class. This now perfectly matches the boost example here:
+ // http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/thread/synchronization.html#thread.synchronization.condvar_ref
+ {
+ CSingleLock slock(mutex);
+ signaled = true;
+ }
CSingleLock l(groupListMutex);