diff options
authorKai Sommerfeld <3226626+ksooo@users.noreply.github.com>2024-08-10 10:42:26 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-08-10 10:42:26 +0200
commit8f95e6b338d42c45b72fd048792fa90795f78241 (patch)
parent43a9ba4b2085ce4e0f8ade08a69bd9f057e9b363 (diff)
parentd493d2279f6e6c824c9e1ed215b6b91ef9162f47 (diff)
Merge pull request #25590 from ksooo/pvr-fix-clientid-persist
[PVR] Fix major design flaw to use std::hash value as persistent client UID
7 files changed, 219 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.cpp b/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.cpp
index 34c303b965..695efd3290 100644
--- a/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.cpp
@@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ std::string IAddonInstanceHandler::ID() const
return m_addon ? m_addon->ID() : "";
+AddonInstanceId IAddonInstanceHandler::InstanceID() const
+ return m_instanceId;
std::string IAddonInstanceHandler::Name() const
return m_addon ? m_addon->Name() : "";
diff --git a/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.h b/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.h
index 27ba95b2be..d3b40e03d4 100644
--- a/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.h
+++ b/xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonInstanceHandler.h
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ public:
const std::string& UniqueWorkID() { return m_uniqueWorkID; }
std::string ID() const;
+ AddonInstanceId InstanceID() const;
std::string Name() const;
std::string Author() const;
std::string Icon() const;
diff --git a/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.cpp b/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.cpp
index c84b658e3c..fb8bb87394 100644
--- a/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.cpp
@@ -9,8 +9,12 @@
#include "PVRDatabase.h"
#include "ServiceBroker.h"
+#include "addons/AddonManager.h"
+#include "addons/addoninfo/AddonInfo.h"
+#include "addons/addoninfo/AddonType.h"
#include "dbwrappers/dataset.h"
#include "pvr/addons/PVRClient.h"
+#include "pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.h"
#include "pvr/channels/PVRChannel.h"
#include "pvr/channels/PVRChannelGroupFactory.h"
#include "pvr/channels/PVRChannelGroupMember.h"
@@ -29,6 +33,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
@@ -191,12 +196,12 @@ void CPVRDatabase::CreateTables()
CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGPVR, "Creating table 'clients'");
- m_pDS->exec(
- "CREATE TABLE clients ("
- "idClient integer primary key, "
- "iPriority integer"
- ")"
- );
+ m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE clients ("
+ "idClient integer primary key, "
+ "iPriority integer, "
+ "sAddonID TEXT, "
+ "iInstanceID integer"
+ ")");
CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGPVR, "Creating table 'timers'");
@@ -376,6 +381,14 @@ void CPVRDatabase::UpdateTables(int iVersion)
m_pDS->exec("ALTER TABLE channels ADD sDateTimeAdded varchar(20)");
m_pDS->exec("UPDATE channels SET sDateTimeAdded = ''");
+ if (iVersion < 46)
+ {
+ m_pDS->exec("ALTER TABLE clients ADD sAddonID TEXT");
+ m_pDS->exec("ALTER TABLE clients ADD iInstanceID integer");
+ FixupClientIDs();
+ }
/********** Client methods **********/
@@ -397,10 +410,10 @@ bool CPVRDatabase::Persist(const CPVRClient& client)
std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_critSection);
- const std::string strQuery = PrepareSQL("REPLACE INTO clients (idClient, iPriority) VALUES (%i, %i);",
- client.GetID(), client.GetPriority());
- return ExecuteQuery(strQuery);
+ const std::string sql{PrepareSQL(
+ "REPLACE INTO clients (idClient, iPriority, sAddonID, iInstanceID) VALUES (%i, %i, '%s', %i)",
+ client.GetID(), client.GetPriority(), client.ID().c_str(), client.InstanceID())};
+ return ExecuteQuery(sql);
bool CPVRDatabase::Delete(const CPVRClient& client)
@@ -436,6 +449,113 @@ int CPVRDatabase::GetPriority(const CPVRClient& client) const
return atoi(strValue.c_str());
+void CPVRDatabase::FixupClientIDs()
+ // Get enabled and disabled PVR client addon infos
+ std::vector<ADDON::AddonInfoPtr> addonInfos;
+ CServiceBroker::GetAddonMgr().GetAddonInfos(addonInfos, false, ADDON::AddonType::PVRDLL);
+ std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, ADDON::AddonInstanceId, std::string>> clientInfos;
+ for (const auto& addonInfo : addonInfos)
+ {
+ const std::vector<ADDON::AddonInstanceId> instanceIds{addonInfo->GetKnownInstanceIds()};
+ for (const auto instanceId : instanceIds)
+ {
+ clientInfos.emplace_back(addonInfo->ID(), instanceId, addonInfo->Name());
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& [addonID, instanceID, addonName] : clientInfos)
+ {
+ // Entry with legacy client id present in clients or channels table?
+ const CPVRClientUID uid{addonID, instanceID};
+ int legacyID{uid.GetLegacyUID()};
+ std::string sql{PrepareSQL("idClient = %i", legacyID)};
+ int id{GetSingleValueInt("clients", "idClient", sql)};
+ if (id == legacyID)
+ {
+ // Add addon id and instance id to existing clients table entry.
+ sql = PrepareSQL("UPDATE clients SET sAddonID = '%s', iInstanceID = %i WHERE idClient = %i",
+ addonID.c_str(), instanceID, legacyID);
+ ExecuteQuery(sql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql = PrepareSQL("iClientId = %i", legacyID);
+ id = GetSingleValueInt("channels", "iClientId", sql);
+ if (id == legacyID)
+ {
+ // Create a new entry with the legacy client id in clients table.
+ sql = PrepareSQL("REPLACE INTO clients (idClient, iPriority, sAddonID, iInstanceID) VALUES "
+ "(%i, %i, '%s', %i)",
+ legacyID, 0, addonID.c_str(), instanceID);
+ ExecuteQuery(sql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The legacy id was not found in channels table. This happens if the std::hash
+ // implementation changed (for example after a Kodi update), which according to std::hash
+ // documentation can happen: "Hash functions are only required to produce the same result
+ // for the same input within a single execution of a program"
+ // We can only fix some of the ids in this case: We can try to find the legacy id via the
+ // addon's name in the providers table. This is not guaranteed to always work (theoretically
+ // addon name might have changed) and cannot work if providers table contains more than one
+ // entry for the same multi-instance addon.
+ sql = PrepareSQL("SELECT iClientId FROM providers WHERE iType = 1 AND sName = '%s'",
+ addonName.c_str());
+ if (ResultQuery(sql))
+ {
+ if (m_pDS->num_rows() != 1)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to fixup client id {} for addon '{}', instance {}!",
+ legacyID, addonID.c_str(), instanceID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There is exactly one provider with the addon name in question.
+ // Its client id is the legacy id we're looking for!
+ try
+ {
+ legacyID = m_pDS->fv("iClientId").get_asInt();
+ sql = PrepareSQL(
+ "REPLACE INTO clients (idClient, iPriority, sAddonID, iInstanceID) VALUES "
+ "(%i, %i, '%s', %i)",
+ legacyID, 0, addonID.c_str(), instanceID);
+ ExecuteQuery(sql);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGERROR, "Couldn't obtain providers for addon '{}'.", addonID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int CPVRDatabase::GetClientID(const std::string& addonID, unsigned int instanceID)
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_critSection);
+ // Client id already present in clients table?
+ std::string sql{PrepareSQL("sAddonID = '%s' AND iInstanceID = %i", addonID.c_str(), instanceID)};
+ const std::string idString{GetSingleValue("clients", "idClient", sql)};
+ if (!idString.empty())
+ return std::atoi(idString.c_str());
+ // Create a new entry with a new client id in clients table.
+ sql = PrepareSQL("INSERT INTO clients (iPriority, sAddonID, iInstanceID) VALUES (%i, '%s', %i)",
+ 0, addonID.c_str(), instanceID);
+ if (ExecuteQuery(sql))
+ return static_cast<int>(m_pDS->lastinsertid());
+ return -1;
/********** Channel provider methods **********/
bool CPVRDatabase::DeleteProviders()
diff --git a/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.h b/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.h
index 509360d5b6..69272b5503 100644
--- a/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.h
+++ b/xbmc/pvr/PVRDatabase.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace PVR
* @brief Get the minimal database version that is required to operate correctly.
* @return The minimal database version.
- int GetSchemaVersion() const override { return 45; }
+ int GetSchemaVersion() const override { return 46; }
* @brief Get the default sqlite database filename.
@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ namespace PVR
int GetPriority(const CPVRClient& client) const;
+ /*!
+ * @brief Get the numeric client ID for given addon ID and instance ID from the database.
+ * @param addonID The addon ID.
+ * @param instanceID The instance ID.
+ * @return The client ID on success, -1 otherwise.
+ */
+ int GetClientID(const std::string& addonID, unsigned int instanceID);
/*! @name Channel methods */
@@ -327,6 +335,8 @@ namespace PVR
bool RemoveChannelsFromGroup(const CPVRChannelGroup& group);
+ void FixupClientIDs();
mutable CCriticalSection m_critSection;
diff --git a/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.cpp b/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.cpp
index 87883851ea..72b5cbed02 100644
--- a/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.cpp
@@ -8,26 +8,68 @@
#include "PVRClientUID.h"
+#include "pvr/PVRDatabase.h"
+#include "utils/log.h"
#include <functional>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
using namespace PVR;
+using ClientUIDParts = std::pair<std::string, ADDON::AddonInstanceId>;
+static std::map<ClientUIDParts, int> s_idMap;
+} // unnamed namespace
int CPVRClientUID::GetUID() const
if (!m_uidCreated)
- std::hash<std::string> hasher;
+ const auto it = s_idMap.find({m_addonID, m_instanceID});
+ if (it != s_idMap.cend())
+ {
+ // Cache hit
+ m_uid = (*it).second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Cache miss. Read from db and cache.
+ CPVRDatabase db;
+ if (!db.Open())
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGERROR, "Unable to open TV database!");
+ return -1;
+ }
- // Note: For database backwards compatibility reasons the hash of the first instance
- // must be calculated just from the addonId, not from addonId and instanceId.
- m_uid = static_cast<int>(hasher(
- (m_instanceID > ADDON::ADDON_FIRST_INSTANCE_ID ? std::to_string(m_instanceID) + "@" : "") +
- m_addonID));
- if (m_uid < 0)
- m_uid = -m_uid;
+ m_uid = db.GetClientID(m_addonID, m_instanceID);
+ if (m_uid == -1)
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGERROR, "Unable to get client id from TV database!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ s_idMap.insert({{m_addonID, m_instanceID}, m_uid});
+ }
m_uidCreated = true;
return m_uid;
+int CPVRClientUID::GetLegacyUID() const
+ // Note: For database backwards compatibility reasons the hash of the first instance
+ // must be calculated just from the addonId, not from addonId and instanceId.
+ std::string prefix;
+ prefix = std::to_string(m_instanceID) + "@";
+ std::hash<std::string> hasher;
+ int uid{static_cast<int>(hasher(prefix + m_addonID))};
+ if (uid < 0)
+ uid = -uid;
+ return uid;
diff --git a/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.h b/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.h
index 5b5d1c0507..d3acec2dcf 100644
--- a/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.h
+++ b/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClientUID.h
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ public:
int GetUID() const;
+ /*!
+ * @brief Return the numeric legacy UID (compatibility/migration purposes only).
+ * @return The numeric legacy UID.
+ */
+ int GetLegacyUID() const;
CPVRClientUID() = delete;
diff --git a/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClients.cpp b/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClients.cpp
index 46cf2f510a..9308a62a66 100644
--- a/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClients.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/pvr/addons/PVRClients.cpp
@@ -126,9 +126,17 @@ void CPVRClients::UpdateClients(
instanceEnabled = client->IsEnabled();
if (instanceEnabled)
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGINFO, "Creating PVR client: addonId={}, instanceId={}, clientId={}",
+ addon->ID(), instanceId, clientId);
+ }
else if (isKnownClient)
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGINFO, "Destroying PVR client: addonId={}, instanceId={}, clientId={}",
+ addon->ID(), instanceId, clientId);
+ }
else if (IsCreatedClient(clientId))
@@ -140,9 +148,17 @@ void CPVRClients::UpdateClients(
if (instanceEnabled)
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGINFO, "Recreating PVR client: addonId={}, instanceId={}, clientId={}",
+ addon->ID(), instanceId, clientId);
clientsToReCreate.emplace_back(clientId, addon->Name());
+ }
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGINFO, "Destroying PVR client: addonId={}, instanceId={}, clientId={}",
+ addon->ID(), instanceId, clientId);
+ }