diff options
authorJim Carroll <thecarrolls@jiminger.com>2013-12-15 14:00:49 -0500
committerJim Carroll <thecarrolls@jiminger.com>2013-12-24 20:11:24 -0500
commit121e096ed98a779b19a50b4f280185a435657f34 (patch)
parent6a935ddc2be899366b2b110c84a67d66302cb501 (diff)
[fix] Make the Dictionary a template and handle String as a typedef of std::string. Apply the use to the ListItem to handle #14546. Fixes #14546
18 files changed, 140 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/Dictionary.h b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/Dictionary.h
index 021c30b744..74eb97ad52 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/Dictionary.h
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/Dictionary.h
@@ -34,5 +34,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
* native api handles these calls by converting the string to the
* appropriate types.
- typedef std::map<String,String> Dictionary;
+ template<class T> class Dictionary : public std::map<String,T> {};
+ typedef Dictionary<String> Properties;
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.cpp b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.cpp
index f19574f0e3..0e2f1844c6 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.cpp
@@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
- void ListItem::setArt(const Dictionary& dictionary)
+ void ListItem::setArt(const Properties& dictionary)
if (!item) return;
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
+ for (Properties::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
CStdString artName = it->first;
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
void ListItem::setProperty(const char * key, const String& value)
- CStdString lowerKey = key;
+ String lowerKey = key;
if (lowerKey == "startoffset")
{ // special case for start offset - don't actually store in a property,
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
String ListItem::getProperty(const char* key)
- CStdString lowerKey = key;
+ String lowerKey = key;
CStdString value;
if (lowerKey == "startoffset")
@@ -261,17 +261,19 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
return item->GetPath();
- void ListItem::setInfo(const char* type, const Dictionary& infoLabels)
+ void ListItem::setInfo(const char* type, const InfoLabelDict& infoLabels) throw (WrongTypeException)
if (strcmpi(type, "video") == 0)
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = infoLabels.begin(); it != infoLabels.end(); ++it)
+ for (InfoLabelDict::const_iterator it = infoLabels.begin(); it != infoLabels.end(); ++it)
- CStdString key = it->first;
+ String key = it->first;
- const CStdString value(it->second.c_str());
+ const InfoLabelValue& alt = it->second;
+ const String value(alt.which() == first ? alt.former() : emptyString);
if (key == "year")
item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_iYear = strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
@@ -299,45 +301,41 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
if (overlay >= 0 && overlay <= 8)
-// TODO: This is a dynamic type for the value where a list is expected as the
-// Dictionary value.
-// else if (key == "cast" || key == "castandrole")
-// {
-// if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(value, &PyList_Type)) continue;
-// item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_cast.clear();
-// for (int i = 0; i < PyList_Size(value); i++)
-// {
-// PyObject *pTuple = NULL;
-// pTuple = PyList_GetItem(value, i);
-// if (pTuple == NULL) continue;
-// PyObject *pActor = NULL;
-// PyObject *pRole = NULL;
-// if (PyObject_TypeCheck(pTuple, &PyTuple_Type))
-// {
-// if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pTuple, (char*)"O|O", &pActor, &pRole)) continue;
-// }
-// else
-// pActor = pTuple;
-// SActorInfo info;
-// if (!PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(info.strName, pActor, 1)) continue;
-// if (pRole != NULL)
-// PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(info.strRole, pRole, 1);
-// item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_cast.push_back(info);
-// }
-// }
-// else if (strcmpi(PyString_AsString(key), "artist") == 0)
-// {
-// if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(value, &PyList_Type)) continue;
-// self->item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_artist.clear();
-// for (int i = 0; i < PyList_Size(value); i++)
-// {
-// PyObject *pActor = PyList_GetItem(value, i);
-// if (pActor == NULL) continue;
-// String actor;
-// if (!PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(actor, pActor, 1)) continue;
-// self->item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_artist.push_back(actor);
-// }
-// }
+ else if (key == "cast" || key == "castandrole")
+ {
+ if (alt.which() != second)
+ throw WrongTypeException("When using \"cast\" or \"castandrole\" you need to supply a list of tuples for the value in the dictionary");
+ item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_cast.clear();
+ const std::vector<InfoLabelStringOrTuple>& listValue = alt.later();
+ for (std::vector<InfoLabelStringOrTuple>::const_iterator viter = listValue.begin(); viter != listValue.end(); ++viter)
+ {
+ const InfoLabelStringOrTuple& castEntry = *viter;
+ // castEntry can be a string meaning it's the actor or it can be a tuple meaning it's the
+ // actor and the role.
+ const String& actor = castEntry.which() == first ? castEntry.former() : castEntry.later().first();
+ SActorInfo info;
+ info.strName = actor;
+ if (castEntry.which() == second)
+ info.strRole = (const String&)(castEntry.later().second());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key == "artist")
+ {
+ if (alt.which() != second)
+ throw WrongTypeException("When using \"artist\" you need to supply a list of strings for the value in the dictionary");
+ item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_artist.clear();
+ const std::vector<InfoLabelStringOrTuple>& listValue = alt.later();
+ for (std::vector<InfoLabelStringOrTuple>::const_iterator viter = listValue.begin(); viter != listValue.end(); ++viter)
+ {
+ const InfoLabelStringOrTuple& castEntry = *viter;
+ const String& actor = castEntry.which() == first ? castEntry.former() : castEntry.later().first();
+ item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_artist.push_back(actor);
+ }
+ }
else if (key == "genre")
item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_genre = StringUtils::Split(value, g_advancedSettings.m_videoItemSeparator);
else if (key == "director")
@@ -400,28 +398,29 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
else if (strcmpi(type, "music") == 0)
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = infoLabels.begin(); it != infoLabels.end(); ++it)
+ for (InfoLabelDict::const_iterator it = infoLabels.begin(); it != infoLabels.end(); ++it)
- CStdString key = it->first;
+ String key = it->first;
- const CStdString value(it->second.c_str());
+ const InfoLabelValue& alt = it->second;
+ const String value(alt.which() == first ? alt.former() : emptyString);
// TODO: add the rest of the infolabels
if (key == "tracknumber")
- item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetTrackNumber(strtol(value, NULL, 10));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetTrackNumber(strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10));
else if (key == "count")
- item->m_iprogramCount = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
+ item->m_iprogramCount = strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "size")
- item->m_dwSize = (int64_t)strtoll(value, NULL, 10);
+ item->m_dwSize = (int64_t)strtoll(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "duration")
- item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetDuration(strtol(value, NULL, 10));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetDuration(strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10));
else if (key == "year")
- item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetYear(strtol(value, NULL, 10));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetYear(strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10));
else if (key == "listeners")
- item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetListeners(strtol(value, NULL, 10));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetListeners(strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10));
else if (key == "playcount")
- item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetPlayCount(strtol(value, NULL, 10));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetPlayCount(strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10));
else if (key == "genre")
else if (key == "album")
@@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
else if (key == "title")
else if (key == "rating")
- item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetRating(*value);
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetRating(value[0]);
else if (key == "lyrics")
else if (key == "lastplayed")
@@ -450,12 +449,13 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
else if (key == "date")
- if (strlen(value) == 10)
+ if (strlen(value.c_str()) == 10)
int year = atoi(value.substr(value.size() - 4).c_str());
int month = atoi(value.substr(3, 4).c_str());
int day = atoi(value.substr(0, 2).c_str());
- item->m_dateTime.SetDate(year, month, day); }
+ item->m_dateTime.SetDate(year, month, day);
+ }
CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"NEWADDON Unknown Music Info Key \"%s\"", key.c_str());
@@ -467,23 +467,25 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
else if (strcmpi(type,"pictures") == 0)
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = infoLabels.begin(); it != infoLabels.end(); ++it)
+ for (InfoLabelDict::const_iterator it = infoLabels.begin(); it != infoLabels.end(); ++it)
- CStdString key = it->first;
+ String key = it->first;
- const CStdString value(it->second.c_str());
+ const InfoLabelValue& alt = it->second;
+ const String value(alt.which() == first ? alt.former() : emptyString);
if (key == "count")
- item->m_iprogramCount = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
+ item->m_iprogramCount = strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "size")
- item->m_dwSize = (int64_t)strtoll(value, NULL, 10);
+ item->m_dwSize = (int64_t)strtoll(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "title")
item->m_strTitle = value;
else if (key == "picturepath")
else if (key == "date")
- if (strlen(value) == 10)
+ if (strlen(value.c_str()) == 10)
int year = atoi(value.substr(value.size() - 4).c_str());
int month = atoi(value.substr(3, 4).c_str());
@@ -493,37 +495,37 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
- const CStdString& exifkey = key;
+ const String& exifkey = key;
if (!StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(exifkey, "exif:") || exifkey.length() < 6) continue;
- int info = CPictureInfoTag::TranslateString(exifkey.substr(5));
+ int info = CPictureInfoTag::TranslateString(StringUtils::Mid(exifkey,5));
item->GetPictureInfoTag()->SetInfo(info, value);
} // end ListItem::setInfo
- void ListItem::addStreamInfo(const char* cType, const Dictionary& dictionary)
+ void ListItem::addStreamInfo(const char* cType, const Properties& dictionary)
if (strcmpi(cType, "video") == 0)
CStreamDetailVideo* video = new CStreamDetailVideo;
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
+ for (Properties::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
const String& key = it->first;
- const CStdString value(it->second.c_str());
+ const String value(it->second.c_str());
if (key == "codec")
video->m_strCodec = value;
else if (key == "aspect")
- video->m_fAspect = (float)atof(value);
+ video->m_fAspect = (float)atof(value.c_str());
else if (key == "width")
- video->m_iWidth = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
+ video->m_iWidth = strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "height")
- video->m_iHeight = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
+ video->m_iHeight = strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "duration")
- video->m_iDuration = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
+ video->m_iDuration = strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 10);
else if (key == "stereomode")
video->m_strStereoMode = value;
@@ -532,7 +534,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
else if (strcmpi(cType, "audio") == 0)
CStreamDetailAudio* audio = new CStreamDetailAudio;
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
+ for (Properties::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
const String& key = it->first;
const String& value = it->second;
@@ -549,7 +551,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
else if (strcmpi(cType, "subtitle") == 0)
CStreamDetailSubtitle* subtitle = new CStreamDetailSubtitle;
- for (Dictionary::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
+ for (Properties::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it)
const String& key = it->first;
const String& value = it->second;
@@ -574,7 +576,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
std::string uAction = tuple.second();
- CStdString property;
+ String property;
property = StringUtils::Format("contextmenulabel(%i)", itemCount);
item->SetProperty(property, uText);
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.h b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.h
index 40fa95ceb9..388ee3d503 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.h
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/ListItem.h
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
#include "cores/playercorefactory/PlayerCoreFactory.h"
#include "AddonClass.h"
+#include "Tuple.h"
#include "Dictionary.h"
+#include "Alternative.h"
#include "CallbackHandler.h"
#include "ListItem.h"
#include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h"
@@ -42,6 +44,17 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
+ // This is a type that represents either a String or a String Tuple
+ typedef Alternative<String,Tuple<String, String> > InfoLabelStringOrTuple;
+ // This type is either a String or a list of InfoLabelStringOrTuple types
+ typedef Alternative<String, std::vector<InfoLabelStringOrTuple> > InfoLabelValue;
+ // The type contains the dictionary values for the ListItem::setInfo call.
+ // The values in the dictionary can be either a String, or a list of items.
+ // If it's a list of items then the items can be either a String or a Tuple.
+ typedef Dictionary<InfoLabelValue> InfoLabelDict;
class ListItem : public AddonClass
@@ -141,7 +154,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
* example:
* - self.list.getSelectedItem().setArt({ 'poster': 'poster.png', 'banner' : 'banner.png' })
- void setArt(const Dictionary& dictionary);
+ void setArt(const Properties& dictionary);
* select(selected) -- Sets the listitem's selected status.\n
@@ -234,7 +247,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
* example:\n
* - self.list.getSelectedItem().setInfo('video', { 'Genre': 'Comedy' })n\n
- void setInfo(const char* type, const Dictionary& infoLabels);
+ void setInfo(const char* type, const InfoLabelDict& infoLabels) throw (WrongTypeException);
* addStreamInfo(type, values) -- Add a stream with details.\n
@@ -258,7 +271,7 @@ namespace XBMCAddon
* example:
* - self.list.getSelectedItem().addStreamInfo('video', { 'Codec': 'h264', 'Width' : 1280 })
- void addStreamInfo(const char* cType, const Dictionary& dictionary);
+ void addStreamInfo(const char* cType, const Properties& dictionary);
* addContextMenuItems([(label, action,)*], replaceItems) -- Adds item(s) to the context menu for media lists.\n
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/PythonSwig.cpp.template b/xbmc/interfaces/python/PythonSwig.cpp.template
index 9e1d66cd1b..828d5fc031 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/PythonSwig.cpp.template
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/PythonSwig.cpp.template
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Helper.setup(this,classes,
'int': '${result} = Py_BuildValue((char*)"i", ${api});',
'double': '${result} = PyFloat_FromDouble(${api});',
'float': '${result} = Py_BuildValue((char*)"f", ${api});',
- 'String' : new File('typemaps/python.string.outtm'),
+ 'std::string' : new File('typemaps/python.string.outtm'),
'p.q(const).char' : '${result} = PyString_FromString(${api});',
(Pattern.compile('''(p.){0,1}XbmcCommons::Buffer''')) : new File('typemaps/python.buffer.outtm'),
(Pattern.compile('''boost::shared_ptr<\\(.*\\)>''')) : new File('typemaps/python.boost_shared_ptr.outtm'),
@@ -82,16 +82,13 @@ Helper.setup(this,classes,
* call.
- 'String' : 'if (${slarg}) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(${api},${slarg},false,"${api}","${method.@name}");',
+ 'std::string' : 'if (${slarg}) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(${api},${slarg},false,"${api}","${method.@name}");',
(Pattern.compile('''(p.){0,1}std::vector<\\(.*\\)>''')) : new File('typemaps/python.vector.intm'),
(Pattern.compile('''(p.){0,1}Tuple(3){0,1}<\\(.*\\)>''')) : new File('typemaps/python.Tuple.intm'),
(Pattern.compile('''(p.){0,1}Alternative<\\(.*\\)>''')) : new File('typemaps/python.Alternative.intm'),
- // I shouldn't need both of these but my parser doesn't resolve namespaces within
- // parameter declarations. TODO: Maybe I should fix this.
- 'r.q(const).Dictionary' : new File('typemaps/python.dict.intm'),
- 'r.q(const).XBMCAddon::Dictionary' : new File('typemaps/python.dict.intm'),
(Pattern.compile('''(r.){0,1}XbmcCommons::Buffer''')) : new File('typemaps/python.buffer.intm'),
(Pattern.compile('''(p.){0,1}std::map<\\(.*\\)>''')) : new File('typemaps/python.map.intm'),
+ (Pattern.compile('''(r.){0,1}XBMCAddon::Dictionary<\\(.*\\)>''')) : new File('typemaps/python.dict.intm'),
'bool' : '${api} = (PyInt_AsLong(${slarg}) == 0L ? false : true);',
'long' : '${api} = PyInt_AsLong(${slarg});',
'unsigned long' : '${api} = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(${slarg});',
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.intm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.intm
index 0a3c34a101..1ccffadcda 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.intm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.intm
@@ -20,16 +20,13 @@
- type = swigTypeParser.SwigType_resolve_all_typedefs(type)
- matcher = type =~ /Alternative<\((.*)\)>/
- vectype = '(' + matcher[0][1] + ')'
- boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(type)
+ boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(ltype)
String accessor = ispointer ? '->' : '.'
int seq = sequence.increment()
altAccess = [ 'former', 'later' ]
altSwitch = [ 'first', 'second' ]
- List types = swigTypeParser.SwigType_parmlist(vectype)
+ List types = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(ltype)
// we need to check the parameter type and see if it matches
@@ -38,10 +35,7 @@
${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(types[0]))} entry0_${seq};
${helper.getInConversion(types[0], 'entry0' + '_' + seq, 'pyentry' + '_' + seq, method,
- [ 'type' : vectype,
- 'ltype' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(types[0]),
- 'sequence' : sequence
- ])}
+ [ 'sequence' : sequence ])}
${api}${accessor}${altAccess[0]}() = entry0_${seq};
catch (XBMCAddon::WrongTypeException wte)
@@ -50,10 +44,7 @@
${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(types[1]))} entry1_${seq};
${helper.getInConversion(types[1], 'entry1' + '_' + seq, 'pyentry' + '_' + seq, method,
- [ 'type' : vectype,
- 'ltype' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(types[1]),
- 'sequence' : sequence
- ])}
+ [ 'sequence' : sequence ])}
${api}${accessor}${altAccess[1]}() = entry1_${seq};
catch (XBMCAddon::WrongTypeException wte2)
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.outtm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.outtm
index 8c7b80b4cf..20cef34183 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.outtm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Alternative.outtm
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
- matcher = type =~ /Alternative<\((.*)\)>/
- vectype = '(' + matcher[0][1] + ')'
+ List types = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(type)
boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(type)
int seq = sequence.increment()
String accessor = ispointer ? '->' : '.'
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@
if (<%if (ispointer) { %>${api} != NULL && <%}%>pos != XBMCAddon::none)
{ <%
- swigTypeParser.SwigType_parmlist(vectype).eachWithIndex { curType, entryIndex ->
+ types.eachWithIndex { curType, entryIndex ->
if (pos == XBMCAddon::${altSwitch[entryIndex]})
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.intm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.intm
index 01e1fb7584..d164893346 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.intm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.intm
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
-matcher = ltype =~ /Tuple<\((.*)\)>/
- vectype = '(' + matcher[0][1] + ')'
+ List types = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(ltype)
boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(type)
String accessor = ispointer ? '->' : '.'
int seq = sequence.increment()
@@ -30,24 +29,17 @@ matcher = ltype =~ /Tuple<\((.*)\)>/
bool isTuple = PyObject_TypeCheck(${slarg},&PyTuple_Type);
if (!isTuple && !PyObject_TypeCheck(${slarg},&PyList_Type))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "the parameter \"${api}\" must be either a Tuple or a List.");
- return NULL; // short circuit the rest of this python method
- }
+ throw WrongTypeException("The parameter \"${api}\" must be either a Tuple or a List.");
int vecSize = (isTuple ? PyTuple_Size(${slarg}) : PyList_Size(${slarg}));
- swigTypeParser.SwigType_parmlist(vectype).eachWithIndex { curType, entryIndex ->
+ types.eachWithIndex { curType, entryIndex ->
if (vecSize > ${entryIndex})
PyObject *pyentry${entryIndex}_${seq} = NULL;
pyentry${entryIndex}_${seq} = (isTuple ? PyTuple_GetItem(${slarg}, ${entryIndex}) : PyList_GetItem(${slarg}, ${entryIndex}));
${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(curType))} entry${entryIndex}_${seq};
- ${helper.getInConversion(curType, 'entry' + entryIndex + '_' + seq, 'pyentry' + entryIndex + '_' + seq, method,
- [ 'type' : vectype,
- 'ltype' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(curType),
- 'sequence' : sequence
- ])}
+ ${helper.getInConversion(curType, 'entry' + entryIndex + '_' + seq, 'pyentry' + entryIndex + '_' + seq, method,[ 'sequence' : sequence ])}
${api}${accessor}${tupleAccess[entryIndex]}() = entry${entryIndex}_${seq};
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.outtm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.outtm
index 2e5f41a5f0..135505972b 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.outtm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.Tuple.outtm
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
- matcher = type =~ /Tuple<\((.*)\)>/
- vectype = '(' + matcher[0][1] + ')'
+ List types = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(type)
boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(type)
int seq = sequence.increment()
String accessor = ispointer ? '->' : '.'
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@
<% } // this ends the if (ispointer)
%> {
PyObject* pyentry${seq}; <%
- swigTypeParser.SwigType_parmlist(vectype).eachWithIndex { curType, entryIndex ->
+ types.eachWithIndex { curType, entryIndex ->
if (vecSize > ${entryIndex})
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.boost_shared_ptr.outtm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.boost_shared_ptr.outtm
index f625e16b5f..0e01849bd6 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.boost_shared_ptr.outtm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.boost_shared_ptr.outtm
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
- matcher = type =~ /shared_ptr<\((.*)\)>/
- itype = matcher[0][1]
+ itype = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(type)[0]
pointertype = swigTypeParser.SwigType_makepointer(itype)
int seq = sequence.increment()
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.dict.intm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.dict.intm
index 99716c6b85..e9a65605bc 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.dict.intm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.dict.intm
@@ -19,15 +19,19 @@
+ List templateArgs = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(ltype)
+ valtype = templateArgs[0]
PyObject *pykey, *pyvalue;
Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
while(PyDict_Next(${slarg}, &pos, &pykey, &pyvalue))
- CStdString key;
- CStdString value;
+ std::string key;
- PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(value,pyvalue,true,"${api}","${method.@name}");
+ ${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(valtype))} value;
+ ${helper.getInConversion(valtype, 'value', 'pyvalue' ,method)}
${api}[key] = value;
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.map.intm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.map.intm
index 1a1ad805fc..3e13677272 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.map.intm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.map.intm
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
- matcher = ltype =~ /std::map<\((.*),(.*)\)>/
- keytype = matcher[0][1]
- valtype = matcher[0][2]
+ List templateArgs = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(ltype)
+ keytype = templateArgs[0]
+ valtype = templateArgs[1]
@@ -32,14 +32,8 @@
${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(keytype))} key;
${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(valtype))} value;
- ${helper.getInConversion(keytype, 'key', 'pykey', method,
- [ 'type' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(keytype),
- 'ltype' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(keytype))
- ])}
- ${helper.getInConversion(valtype, 'value', 'pyvalue' ,method,
- [ 'type' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(valtype),
- 'ltype' : swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(swigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(valtype))
- ])}
+ ${helper.getInConversion(keytype, 'key', 'pykey', method)}
+ ${helper.getInConversion(valtype, 'value', 'pyvalue' ,method)}
${api}[key] = value;
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.intm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.intm
index 4086e52551..4181b7b92a 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.intm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.intm
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
- matcher = ltype =~ /std::vector<\((.*)\)>/
- vectype = matcher[0][1]
+ List templateArgs = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(ltype)
+ vectype = templateArgs[0]
boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(type)
String accessor = ispointer ? '->' : '.'
int seq = sequence.increment()
@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@
bool isTuple = PyObject_TypeCheck(${slarg},&PyTuple_Type);
if (!isTuple && !PyObject_TypeCheck(${slarg},&PyList_Type))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "the parameter \"${api}\" must be either a Tuple or a List.");
- return NULL; // short circuit the rest of this python method
- }
+ throw WrongTypeException("The parameter \"${api}\" must be either a Tuple or a List.");
<% if (ispointer) print("${api} = new std::vector<${swigTypeParser.SwigType_str(vectype)}>();") %>
PyObject *pyentry${seq} = NULL;
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.outtm b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.outtm
index d147b61649..a841283485 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.outtm
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/python.vector.outtm
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
- matcher = type =~ /std::vector<\((.*)\)>/
- vectype = matcher[0][1]
+ List templateArgs = swigTypeParser.SwigType_templateparmlist(type)
+ vectype = templateArgs[0]
boolean ispointer = swigTypeParser.SwigType_ispointer(type)
String accessor = ispointer ? '->' : '.'
seq = sequence.increment()
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmc.i b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmc.i
index 7a0e27f3c2..9628e2e57d 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmc.i
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmc.i
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ using namespace xbmc;
%feature("python:coerceToUnicode") XBMCAddon::xbmc::getLocalizedString "true"
+%include "interfaces/legacy/AddonString.h"
%include "interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmc.h"
%feature("director") Player;
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcaddon.i b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcaddon.i
index 23135b090b..f42169a869 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcaddon.i
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcaddon.i
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ using namespace xbmcaddon;
%feature("knownbasetypes") XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon "AddonClass"
%include "interfaces/legacy/swighelper.h"
+%include "interfaces/legacy/AddonString.h"
%feature("python:coerceToUnicode") XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon::getLocalizedString "true"
%include "interfaces/legacy/Addon.h"
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcgui.i b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcgui.i
index b8e8fbc909..1a6f91d9e6 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcgui.i
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcgui.i
@@ -44,11 +44,14 @@ using namespace xbmcgui;
%feature("knownbasetypes") XBMCAddon::xbmcgui "AddonClass,AddonCallback"
%include "interfaces/legacy/swighelper.h"
+%include "interfaces/legacy/AddonString.h"
%include "interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmcgui.h"
%include "interfaces/legacy/Exception.h"
+%include "interfaces/legacy/Dictionary.h"
%include "interfaces/legacy/ListItem.h"
%feature("python:coerceToUnicode") XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlButton::getLabel "true"
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcplugin.i b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcplugin.i
index 37a0d86933..32a144d91d 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcplugin.i
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcplugin.i
@@ -35,5 +35,6 @@ using namespace xbmcplugin;
%feature("knownapitypes") XBMCAddon::xbmcplugin "XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ListItem"
%include "interfaces/legacy/swighelper.h"
+%include "interfaces/legacy/AddonString.h"
%include "interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmcplugin.h"
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcvfs.i b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcvfs.i
index ac09158cf1..78a010ca38 100644
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcvfs.i
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/swig/AddonModuleXbmcvfs.i
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ using namespace xbmcvfs;
%include "interfaces/legacy/swighelper.h"
+%include "interfaces/legacy/AddonString.h"
%include "interfaces/legacy/File.h"
%rename ("st_atime") XBMCAddon::xbmcvfs::Stat::atime;