diff options
authorfuzzard <fuzzard@users.noreply.github.com>2024-05-09 08:29:22 +1000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-05-09 08:29:22 +1000
commit06dd31e86630c2a370ada4f5e9defbbc15a1249e (patch)
parent4b17fe69fc4b767d8979e7617dedd40675554a7d (diff)
parent3363c962fffeeb346bbe428335706a96003edd47 (diff)
Merge pull request #25144 from fuzzard/cmake_effects11
[Cmake] Move effects11 library to external library usage
30 files changed, 139 insertions, 21235 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindEffects11.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindEffects11.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f4e4afaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/modules/FindEffects11.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# FindEffects11
+# -------
+# Finds the Effects11 library
+# This will define the following target:
+# windows::Effects11 - The Effects11 library
+if(NOT TARGET windows::Effects11)
+ include(cmake/scripts/common/ModuleHelpers.cmake)
+ macro(buildEffects11)
+ set(patches "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/depends/target/${MODULE_LC}/01-win-debugpostfix.patch")
+ generate_patchcommand("${patches}")
+ # Effects 11 cant be built using /permissive-
+ # strip and manually set the rest of the build flags
+ string(REPLACE "/permissive-" "" EFFECTS_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} )
+ # Make INCLUDE_DIR match cmake config output
+ string(APPEND EFFECTS11_INCLUDE_DIR "/Effects11")
+ endmacro()
+ set(MODULE_LC effects11)
+ find_package(effects11 CONFIG QUIET
+ buildEffects11()
+ else()
+ get_target_property(_EFFECTS_CONFIGURATIONS Microsoft::Effects11 IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS)
+ foreach(_effects_config IN LISTS _EFFECTS_CONFIGURATIONS)
+ # Some non standard config (eg None on Debian)
+ # Just set to RELEASE var so select_library_configurations can continue to work its magic
+ string(TOUPPER ${_effects_config} _effects_config_UPPER)
+ if((NOT ${_effects_config_UPPER} STREQUAL "RELEASE") AND
+ (NOT ${_effects_config_UPPER} STREQUAL "DEBUG"))
+ get_target_property(EFFECTS11_LIBRARY_RELEASE Microsoft::Effects11 IMPORTED_LOCATION_${_effects_config_UPPER})
+ else()
+ get_target_property(EFFECTS11_LIBRARY_${_effects_config_UPPER} Microsoft::Effects11 IMPORTED_LOCATION_${_effects_config_UPPER})
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ get_target_property(EFFECTS11_INCLUDE_DIR Microsoft::Effects11 INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
+ set(EFFECTS11_VERSION ${effects11_VERSION})
+ endif()
+ include(SelectLibraryConfigurations)
+ select_library_configurations(EFFECTS11)
+ include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(Effects11
+ if(Effects11_FOUND)
+ if(TARGET Microsoft::Effects11 AND NOT TARGET effects11)
+ add_library(windows::Effects11 ALIAS Microsoft::Effects11)
+ else()
+ add_library(windows::Effects11 UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
+ set_target_properties(windows::Effects11 PROPERTIES
+ set_target_properties(windows::Effects11 PROPERTIES
+ endif()
+ set_target_properties(windows::Effects11 PROPERTIES
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(TARGET effects11)
+ add_dependencies(windows::Effects11 effects11)
+ endif()
+ # Add internal build target when a Multi Config Generator is used
+ # We cant add a dependency based off a generator expression for targeted build types,
+ # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/19467
+ # therefore if the find heuristics only find the library, we add the internal build
+ # target to the project to allow user to manually trigger for any build type they need
+ # in case only a specific build type is actually available (eg Release found, Debug Required)
+ # This is mainly targeted for windows who required different runtime libs for different
+ # types, and they arent compatible
+ if(_multiconfig_generator)
+ if(NOT TARGET effects11)
+ buildEffects11()
+ set_target_properties(effects11 PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE)
+ endif()
+ add_dependencies(build_internal_depends effects11)
+ endif()
+ set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY INTERNAL_DEPS_PROP windows::Effects11)
+ else()
+ if(Effects11_FIND_REQUIRED)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find or build Effects11 library.")
+ endif()
+ endif()
diff --git a/cmake/platform/windows/windows.cmake b/cmake/platform/windows/windows.cmake
index 9c11474e97..0c13ed68e1 100644
--- a/cmake/platform/windows/windows.cmake
+++ b/cmake/platform/windows/windows.cmake
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+set(PLATFORM_REQUIRED_DEPS Detours Effects11)
diff --git a/cmake/platform/windowsstore/windowsstore.cmake b/cmake/platform/windowsstore/windowsstore.cmake
index 1e5bb81d5c..e2c12bb5ac 100644
--- a/cmake/platform/windowsstore/windowsstore.cmake
+++ b/cmake/platform/windowsstore/windowsstore.cmake
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/cmake/scripts/common/Macros.cmake b/cmake/scripts/common/Macros.cmake
index 967010bc54..db9d2e8433 100644
--- a/cmake/scripts/common/Macros.cmake
+++ b/cmake/scripts/common/Macros.cmake
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ function(core_add_library name)
add_precompiled_header(${name} pch.h ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/platform/win32/pch.cpp PCH_TARGET kodi)
- target_link_libraries(${name} PUBLIC effects11)
diff --git a/cmake/treedata/windows/externals.txt b/cmake/treedata/windows/externals.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 989677e6c9..0000000000
--- a/cmake/treedata/windows/externals.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-lib/win32/Effects11 Effects11
diff --git a/cmake/treedata/windowsstore/externals.txt b/cmake/treedata/windowsstore/externals.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 989677e6c9..0000000000
--- a/cmake/treedata/windowsstore/externals.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-lib/win32/Effects11 Effects11
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectBinaryFormat.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectBinaryFormat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 55ccf60d00..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectBinaryFormat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,676 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectBinaryFormat.h
-// Direct3D11 Effects Binary Format
-// This is the binary file interface shared between the Effects
-// compiler and runtime.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-// Version Control
-#define D3DX11_FXL_VERSION(_Major,_Minor) (('F' << 24) | ('X' << 16) | ((_Major) << 8) | (_Minor))
-struct EVersionTag
- const char* m_pName;
- DWORD m_Version;
- uint32_t m_Tag;
-// versions must be listed in ascending order
-static const EVersionTag g_EffectVersions[] =
- { "fx_4_0", D3DX11_FXL_VERSION(4,0), 0xFEFF1001 },
- { "fx_4_1", D3DX11_FXL_VERSION(4,1), 0xFEFF1011 },
- { "fx_5_0", D3DX11_FXL_VERSION(5,0), 0xFEFF2001 },
-// Reflection & Type structures
-// Enumeration of the possible left-hand side values of an assignment,
-// divided up categorically by the type of block they may appear in
-enum ELhsType : int
- ELHS_Invalid,
- // Pass block assignment types
- ELHS_PixelShaderBlock, // SBlock *pValue points to the block to apply
- ELHS_VertexShaderBlock,
- ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock,
- ELHS_RenderTargetView,
- ELHS_DepthStencilView,
- ELHS_RasterizerBlock,
- ELHS_DepthStencilBlock,
- ELHS_BlendBlock,
- ELHS_GenerateMips, // This is really a call to D3D::GenerateMips
- // Various SAssignment.Value.*
- ELHS_DS_StencilRef, // SAssignment.Value.pdValue
- ELHS_B_BlendFactor, // D3D11_BLEND_CONFIG.BlendFactor, points to a float4
- ELHS_B_SampleMask, // D3D11_BLEND_CONFIG.SampleMask
- ELHS_GeometryShaderSO, // When setting SO assignments, GeometryShaderSO precedes the actual GeometryShader assn
- ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock,
- ELHS_HullShaderBlock,
- ELHS_DomainShaderBlock,
- // Rasterizer
- ELHS_FillMode = 0x20000,
- ELHS_CullMode,
- ELHS_FrontCC,
- ELHS_DepthBias,
- ELHS_DepthBiasClamp,
- ELHS_SlopeScaledDepthBias,
- ELHS_DepthClipEnable,
- ELHS_ScissorEnable,
- ELHS_MultisampleEnable,
- ELHS_AntialiasedLineEnable,
- // Sampler
- ELHS_Filter = 0x30000,
- ELHS_AddressU,
- ELHS_AddressV,
- ELHS_AddressW,
- ELHS_MipLODBias,
- ELHS_MaxAnisotropy,
- ELHS_ComparisonFunc,
- ELHS_BorderColor,
- ELHS_Texture,
- // DepthStencil
- ELHS_DepthEnable = 0x40000,
- ELHS_DepthWriteMask,
- ELHS_DepthFunc,
- ELHS_StencilEnable,
- ELHS_StencilReadMask,
- ELHS_StencilWriteMask,
- ELHS_FrontFaceStencilFailOp,
- ELHS_FrontFaceStencilDepthFailOp,
- ELHS_FrontFaceStencilPassOp,
- ELHS_FrontFaceStencilFunc,
- ELHS_BackFaceStencilFailOp,
- ELHS_BackFaceStencilDepthFailOp,
- ELHS_BackFaceStencilPassOp,
- ELHS_BackFaceStencilFunc,
- // BlendState
- ELHS_AlphaToCoverage = 0x50000,
- ELHS_BlendEnable,
- ELHS_SrcBlend,
- ELHS_DestBlend,
- ELHS_BlendOp,
- ELHS_SrcBlendAlpha,
- ELHS_DestBlendAlpha,
- ELHS_BlendOpAlpha,
- ELHS_RenderTargetWriteMask,
-enum EBlockType
- EBT_Invalid,
- EBT_DepthStencil,
- EBT_Blend,
- EBT_Rasterizer,
- EBT_Sampler,
- EBT_Pass
-enum EVarType
- EVT_Invalid,
- EVT_Numeric,
- EVT_Object,
- EVT_Struct,
- EVT_Interface,
- EVT_Count,
-enum EScalarType
- EST_Invalid,
- EST_Float,
- EST_Int,
- EST_UInt,
- EST_Bool,
- EST_Count
-enum ENumericLayout
- ENL_Invalid,
- ENL_Scalar,
- ENL_Vector,
- ENL_Matrix,
- ENL_Count
-enum EObjectType
- EOT_Invalid,
- EOT_String,
- EOT_Blend,
- EOT_DepthStencil,
- EOT_Rasterizer,
- EOT_PixelShader,
- EOT_VertexShader,
- EOT_GeometryShader, // Regular geometry shader
- EOT_GeometryShaderSO, // Geometry shader with a attached StreamOut decl
- EOT_Texture,
- EOT_Texture1D,
- EOT_Texture1DArray,
- EOT_Texture2D,
- EOT_Texture2DArray,
- EOT_Texture2DMS,
- EOT_Texture2DMSArray,
- EOT_Texture3D,
- EOT_TextureCube,
- EOT_ConstantBuffer,
- EOT_RenderTargetView,
- EOT_DepthStencilView,
- EOT_Sampler,
- EOT_Buffer,
- EOT_TextureCubeArray,
- EOT_Count,
- EOT_PixelShader5,
- EOT_VertexShader5,
- EOT_GeometryShader5,
- EOT_ComputeShader5,
- EOT_HullShader5,
- EOT_DomainShader5,
- EOT_RWTexture1D,
- EOT_RWTexture1DArray,
- EOT_RWTexture2D,
- EOT_RWTexture2DArray,
- EOT_RWTexture3D,
- EOT_RWBuffer,
- EOT_ByteAddressBuffer,
- EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer,
- EOT_StructuredBuffer,
- EOT_RWStructuredBuffer,
- EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc,
- EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume,
- EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer,
- EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer,
-inline bool IsObjectTypeHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType,
- EObjectType TargetObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && (InObjType == TargetObjType);
-inline bool IsSamplerHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && (InObjType == EOT_Sampler);
-inline bool IsStateBlockObjectHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && ((InObjType == EOT_Blend) || (InObjType == EOT_DepthStencil) || (InObjType == EOT_Rasterizer) || IsSamplerHelper(InVarType, InObjType));
-inline bool IsShaderHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && ((InObjType == EOT_VertexShader) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_VertexShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_HullShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_DomainShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_ComputeShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_GeometryShader) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_GeometryShaderSO) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_GeometryShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_PixelShader) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_PixelShader5));
-inline bool IsShader5Helper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && ((InObjType == EOT_VertexShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_HullShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_DomainShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_ComputeShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_GeometryShader5) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_PixelShader5));
-inline bool IsInterfaceHelper(EVarType InVarType, EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Interface);
-inline bool IsShaderResourceHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && ((InObjType == EOT_Texture) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture1D) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture1DArray) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture2D) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture2DArray) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture2DMS) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture2DMSArray) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Texture3D) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_TextureCube) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_TextureCubeArray) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_Buffer) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_StructuredBuffer) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_ByteAddressBuffer));
-inline bool IsUnorderedAccessViewHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) &&
- ((InObjType == EOT_RWTexture1D) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWTexture1DArray) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWTexture2D) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWTexture2DArray) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWTexture3D) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWBuffer) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWStructuredBuffer) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer) ||
- (InObjType == EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer));
-inline bool IsRenderTargetViewHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && (InObjType == EOT_RenderTargetView);
-inline bool IsDepthStencilViewHelper(EVarType InVarType,
- EObjectType InObjType)
- return (InVarType == EVT_Object) && (InObjType == EOT_DepthStencilView);
-inline bool IsObjectAssignmentHelper(ELhsType LhsType)
- switch(LhsType)
- {
- case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_HullShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_DepthStencilView:
- case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_DepthStencilBlock:
- case ELHS_RasterizerBlock:
- case ELHS_BlendBlock:
- case ELHS_Texture:
- case ELHS_RenderTargetView:
- case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock:
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// Effect file format structures /////////////////////////////////////////////
-// File format:
-// File header (SBinaryHeader Header)
-// Unstructured data block (uint8_t[Header.cbUnstructured))
-// Structured data block
-// ConstantBuffer (SBinaryConstantBuffer CB) * Header.Effect.cCBs
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Variable data (SBinaryNumericVariable Var) * (CB.cVariables)
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Object variables (SBinaryObjectVariable Var) * (Header.cObjectVariables) *this structure is variable sized
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Interface variables (SBinaryInterfaceVariable Var) * (Header.cInterfaceVariables) *this structure is variable sized
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Groups (SBinaryGroup Group) * Header.cGroups
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Techniques (SBinaryTechnique Technique) * Group.cTechniques
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Pass (SBinaryPass Pass) * Technique.cPasses
-// uint32_t NumAnnotations
-// Annotation data (SBinaryAnnotation) * (NumAnnotations) *this structure is variable sized
-// Pass assignments (SBinaryAssignment) * Pass.cAssignments
-struct SBinaryHeader
- struct SVarCounts
- {
- uint32_t cCBs;
- uint32_t cNumericVariables;
- uint32_t cObjectVariables;
- };
- uint32_t Tag; // should be equal to c_EffectFileTag
- // this is used to identify ASCII vs Binary files
- SVarCounts Effect;
- SVarCounts Pool;
- uint32_t cTechniques;
- uint32_t cbUnstructured;
- uint32_t cStrings;
- uint32_t cShaderResources;
- uint32_t cDepthStencilBlocks;
- uint32_t cBlendStateBlocks;
- uint32_t cRasterizerStateBlocks;
- uint32_t cSamplers;
- uint32_t cRenderTargetViews;
- uint32_t cDepthStencilViews;
- uint32_t cTotalShaders;
- uint32_t cInlineShaders; // of the aforementioned shaders, the number that are defined inline within pass blocks
- inline bool RequiresPool() const
- {
- return (Pool.cCBs != 0) ||
- (Pool.cNumericVariables != 0) ||
- (Pool.cObjectVariables != 0);
- }
-struct SBinaryHeader5 : public SBinaryHeader
- uint32_t cGroups;
- uint32_t cUnorderedAccessViews;
- uint32_t cInterfaceVariables;
- uint32_t cInterfaceVariableElements;
- uint32_t cClassInstanceElements;
-// Constant buffer definition
-struct SBinaryConstantBuffer
- // private flags
- static const uint32_t c_IsTBuffer = (1 << 0);
- static const uint32_t c_IsSingle = (1 << 1);
- uint32_t oName; // Offset to constant buffer name
- uint32_t Size; // Size, in bytes
- uint32_t Flags;
- uint32_t cVariables; // # of variables inside this buffer
- uint32_t ExplicitBindPoint; // Defined if the effect file specifies a bind point using the register keyword
- // otherwise, -1
-struct SBinaryAnnotation
- uint32_t oName; // Offset to variable name
- uint32_t oType; // Offset to type information (SBinaryType)
- // For numeric annotations:
- // uint32_t oDefaultValue; // Offset to default initializer value
- //
- // For string annotations:
- // uint32_t oStringOffsets[Elements]; // Elements comes from the type data at oType
-struct SBinaryNumericVariable
- uint32_t oName; // Offset to variable name
- uint32_t oType; // Offset to type information (SBinaryType)
- uint32_t oSemantic; // Offset to semantic information
- uint32_t Offset; // Offset in parent constant buffer
- uint32_t oDefaultValue; // Offset to default initializer value
- uint32_t Flags; // Explicit bind point
-struct SBinaryInterfaceVariable
- uint32_t oName; // Offset to variable name
- uint32_t oType; // Offset to type information (SBinaryType)
- uint32_t oDefaultValue; // Offset to default initializer array (SBinaryInterfaceInitializer[Elements])
- uint32_t Flags;
-struct SBinaryInterfaceInitializer
- uint32_t oInstanceName;
- uint32_t ArrayIndex;
-struct SBinaryObjectVariable
- uint32_t oName; // Offset to variable name
- uint32_t oType; // Offset to type information (SBinaryType)
- uint32_t oSemantic; // Offset to semantic information
- uint32_t ExplicitBindPoint; // Used when a variable has been explicitly bound (register(XX)). -1 if not
- // Initializer data:
- //
- // The type structure pointed to by oType gives you Elements,
- // VarType (must be EVT_Object), and ObjectType
- //
- // For ObjectType == EOT_Blend, EOT_DepthStencil, EOT_Rasterizer, EOT_Sampler
- // struct
- // {
- // uint32_t cAssignments;
- // SBinaryAssignment Assignments[cAssignments];
- // } Blocks[Elements]
- //
- // For EObjectType == EOT_Texture*, EOT_Buffer
- // <nothing>
- //
- // For EObjectType == EOT_*Shader, EOT_String
- // uint32_t oData[Elements]; // offsets to a shader data block or a nullptr-terminated string
- //
- // For EObjectType == EOT_GeometryShaderSO
- // SBinaryGSSOInitializer[Elements]
- //
- // For EObjectType == EOT_*Shader5
- // SBinaryShaderData5[Elements]
-struct SBinaryGSSOInitializer
- uint32_t oShader; // Offset to shader bytecode data block
- uint32_t oSODecl; // Offset to StreamOutput decl string
-struct SBinaryShaderData5
- uint32_t oShader; // Offset to shader bytecode data block
- uint32_t oSODecls[4]; // Offset to StreamOutput decl strings
- uint32_t cSODecls; // Count of valid oSODecls entries.
- uint32_t RasterizedStream; // Which stream is used for rasterization
- uint32_t cInterfaceBindings; // Count of interface bindings.
- uint32_t oInterfaceBindings; // Offset to SBinaryInterfaceInitializer[cInterfaceBindings].
-struct SBinaryType
- uint32_t oTypeName; // Offset to friendly type name ("float4", "VS_OUTPUT")
- EVarType VarType; // Numeric, Object, or Struct
- uint32_t Elements; // # of array elements (0 for non-arrays)
- uint32_t TotalSize; // Size in bytes; not necessarily Stride * Elements for arrays
- // because of possible gap left in final register
- uint32_t Stride; // If an array, this is the spacing between elements.
- // For unpacked arrays, always divisible by 16-bytes (1 register).
- // No support for packed arrays
- uint32_t PackedSize; // Size, in bytes, of this data typed when fully packed
- struct SBinaryMember
- {
- uint32_t oName; // Offset to structure member name ("m_pFoo")
- uint32_t oSemantic; // Offset to semantic ("POSITION0")
- uint32_t Offset; // Offset, in bytes, relative to start of parent structure
- uint32_t oType; // Offset to member's type descriptor
- };
- // the data that follows depends on the VarType:
- // Numeric: SType::SNumericType
- // Object: EObjectType
- // Struct:
- // struct
- // {
- // uint32_t cMembers;
- // SBinaryMembers Members[cMembers];
- // } MemberInfo
- // struct
- // {
- // uint32_t oBaseClassType; // Offset to type information (SBinaryType)
- // uint32_t cInterfaces;
- // uint32_t oInterfaceTypes[cInterfaces];
- // } SBinaryTypeInheritance
- // Interface: (nothing)
-struct SBinaryNumericType
- ENumericLayout NumericLayout : 3; // scalar (1x1), vector (1xN), matrix (NxN)
- EScalarType ScalarType : 5; // float32, int32, int8, etc.
- uint32_t Rows : 3; // 1 <= Rows <= 4
- uint32_t Columns : 3; // 1 <= Columns <= 4
- uint32_t IsColumnMajor : 1; // applies only to matrices
- uint32_t IsPackedArray : 1; // if this is an array, indicates whether elements should be greedily packed
-struct SBinaryTypeInheritance
- uint32_t oBaseClass; // Offset to base class type info or 0 if no base class.
- uint32_t cInterfaces;
- // Followed by uint32_t[cInterfaces] with offsets to the type
- // info of each interface.
-struct SBinaryGroup
- uint32_t oName;
- uint32_t cTechniques;
-struct SBinaryTechnique
- uint32_t oName;
- uint32_t cPasses;
-struct SBinaryPass
- uint32_t oName;
- uint32_t cAssignments;
-enum ECompilerAssignmentType
- ECAT_Invalid, // Assignment-specific data (always in the unstructured blob)
- ECAT_Constant, // -N SConstant structures
- ECAT_Variable, // -nullptr terminated string with variable name ("foo")
- ECAT_ConstIndex, // -SConstantIndex structure
- ECAT_VariableIndex, // -SVariableIndex structure
- ECAT_ExpressionIndex, // -SIndexedObjectExpression structure
- ECAT_Expression, // -Data block containing FXLVM code
- ECAT_InlineShader, // -Data block containing shader
- ECAT_InlineShader5, // -Data block containing shader with extended 5.0 data (SBinaryShaderData5)
-struct SBinaryAssignment
- uint32_t iState; // index into g_lvGeneral
- uint32_t Index; // the particular index to assign to (see g_lvGeneral to find the # of valid indices)
- ECompilerAssignmentType AssignmentType;
- uint32_t oInitializer; // Offset of assignment-specific data
- struct SConstantIndex
- {
- uint32_t oArrayName;
- uint32_t Index;
- };
- struct SVariableIndex
- {
- uint32_t oArrayName;
- uint32_t oIndexVarName;
- };
- struct SIndexedObjectExpression
- {
- uint32_t oArrayName;
- uint32_t oCode;
- };
- struct SInlineShader
- {
- uint32_t oShader;
- uint32_t oSODecl;
- };
-struct SBinaryConstant
- EScalarType Type;
- union
- {
- BOOL bValue;
- INT iValue;
- float fValue;
- };
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryHeader) == 76, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryHeader::SVarCounts) == 12, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryHeader5) == 96, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryConstantBuffer) == 20, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryAnnotation) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryNumericVariable) == 24, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryInterfaceVariable) == 16, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryInterfaceInitializer) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryObjectVariable) == 16, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryGSSOInitializer) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryShaderData5) == 36, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryType) == 24, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryType::SBinaryMember) == 16, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryNumericType) == 4, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryTypeInheritance) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryGroup) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryTechnique) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryPass) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryAssignment) == 16, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryAssignment::SConstantIndex) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryAssignment::SVariableIndex) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryAssignment::SIndexedObjectExpression) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-static_assert( sizeof(SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader) == 8, "FX11 binary size mismatch" );
-} // end namespace D3DX11Effects
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectStateBase11.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectStateBase11.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd117a50b..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectStateBase11.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectStateBase11.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects States Header
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-// Effect HLSL states and late resolve lists
-struct RValue
- const char *m_pName;
- uint32_t m_Value;
-#define RVALUE_END() { nullptr, 0U }
-#define RVALUE_ENTRY(prefix, x) { #x, (uint32_t)prefix##x }
-enum ELhsType : int;
-struct LValue
- const char *m_pName; // name of the LHS side of expression
- EBlockType m_BlockType; // type of block it can appear in
- D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE m_Type; // data type allows
- uint32_t m_Cols; // number of [m_Type]'s required (1 for a scalar, 4 for a vector)
- uint32_t m_Indices; // max index allowable (if LHS is an array; otherwise this is 1)
- bool m_VectorScalar; // can be both vector and scalar (setting as a scalar sets all m_Indices values simultaneously)
- const RValue *m_pRValue; // pointer to table of allowable RHS "late resolve" values
- ELhsType m_LhsType; // ELHS_* enum value that corresponds to this entry
- uint32_t m_Offset; // offset into the given block type where this value should be written
- uint32_t m_Stride; // for vectors, byte stride between two consecutive values. if 0, m_Type's size is used
-#define LVALUE_END() { nullptr, D3D_SVT_UINT, 0, 0, 0, nullptr }
-extern const LValue g_lvGeneral[];
-extern const uint32_t g_lvGeneralCount;
-} // end namespace D3DX11Effects
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectStates11.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectStates11.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a5fd1e7612..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/EffectStates11.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectStates11.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects States Header
-// This file defines properties of states which can appear in
-// state blocks and pass blocks.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#include "EffectStateBase11.h"
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-// Effect HLSL late resolve lists (state values)
-static const RValue g_rvNULL[] =
- { "nullptr", 0 },
-static const RValue g_rvBOOL[] =
- { "false", 0 },
- { "true", 1 },
-static const RValue g_rvDEPTH_WRITE_MASK[] =
-static const RValue g_rvFILL[] =
- { "SOLID", D3D11_FILL_SOLID },
-static const RValue g_rvFILTER[] =
-static const RValue g_rvBLEND[] =
- { "ZERO", D3D11_BLEND_ZERO },
- { "ONE", D3D11_BLEND_ONE },
-static const RValue g_rvTADDRESS[] =
-static const RValue g_rvCULL[] =
- { "NONE", D3D11_CULL_NONE },
- { "FRONT", D3D11_CULL_FRONT },
- { "BACK", D3D11_CULL_BACK },
-static const RValue g_rvCMP[] =
-static const RValue g_rvSTENCILOP[] =
-static const RValue g_rvBLENDOP[] =
- { "ADD", D3D11_BLEND_OP_ADD },
- { "MIN", D3D11_BLEND_OP_MIN },
- { "MAX", D3D11_BLEND_OP_MAX },
-// Effect HLSL states
-#define strideof( s, m ) offsetof_fx(s,m[1]) - offsetof_fx(s,m[0])
-const LValue g_lvGeneral[] =
- // RObjects
- { "RasterizerState", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_RASTERIZER, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_RasterizerBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock), 0 },
- { "DepthStencilState", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCIL, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_DepthStencilBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock), 0 },
- { "BlendState", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_BLEND, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_BlendBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pBlendBlock), 0 },
- { "RenderTargetView", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_RENDERTARGETVIEW, 1, 8, false, nullptr, ELHS_RenderTargetView, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pRenderTargetViews), 0 },
- { "DepthStencilView", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW, 1, 8, false, nullptr, ELHS_DepthStencilView, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pDepthStencilView), 0 },
- { "GenerateMips", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_TEXTURE, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_GenerateMips, 0, 0 },
- // Shaders
- { "VertexShader", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_VERTEXSHADER, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_VertexShaderBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock), 0 },
- { "PixelShader", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_PIXELSHADER, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_PixelShaderBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock), 0 },
- { "GeometryShader", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_GEOMETRYSHADER, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock), 0 },
- // RObject config assignments
- { "DS_StencilRef", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_DS_StencilRef, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.StencilRef), 0 },
- { "AB_BlendFactor", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 4, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_B_BlendFactor, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.BlendFactor), 0 },
- { "AB_SampleMask", EBT_Pass, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_B_SampleMask, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.SampleMask), 0 },
- { "FillMode", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvFILL, ELHS_FillMode, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.FillMode), 0 },
- { "CullMode", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvCULL, ELHS_CullMode, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.CullMode), 0 },
- { "FrontCounterClockwise", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_FrontCC, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.FrontCounterClockwise), 0 },
- { "DepthBias", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_DepthBias, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.DepthBias), 0 },
- { "DepthBiasClamp", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_DepthBiasClamp, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.DepthBiasClamp), 0 },
- { "SlopeScaledDepthBias", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_SlopeScaledDepthBias, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.SlopeScaledDepthBias), 0 },
- { "DepthClipEnable", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_DepthClipEnable, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.DepthClipEnable), 0 },
- { "ScissorEnable", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_ScissorEnable, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.ScissorEnable), 0 },
- { "MultisampleEnable", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_MultisampleEnable, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.MultisampleEnable), 0 },
- { "AntialiasedLineEnable", EBT_Rasterizer, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_AntialiasedLineEnable, offsetof_fx(SRasterizerBlock, BackingStore.AntialiasedLineEnable), 0 },
- { "DepthEnable", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_DepthEnable, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.DepthEnable), 0 },
- { "DepthWriteMask", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvDEPTH_WRITE_MASK, ELHS_DepthWriteMask, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.DepthWriteMask), 0 },
- { "DepthFunc", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvCMP, ELHS_DepthFunc, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.DepthFunc), 0 },
- { "StencilEnable", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_StencilEnable, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.StencilEnable), 0 },
- { "StencilReadMask", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT8, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_StencilReadMask, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.StencilReadMask), 0 },
- { "StencilWriteMask", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT8, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_StencilWriteMask, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.StencilWriteMask), 0 },
- { "FrontFaceStencilFail", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvSTENCILOP, ELHS_FrontFaceStencilFailOp, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilFailOp), 0 },
- { "FrontFaceStencilDepthFail", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvSTENCILOP, ELHS_FrontFaceStencilDepthFailOp,offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilDepthFailOp), 0 },
- { "FrontFaceStencilPass", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvSTENCILOP, ELHS_FrontFaceStencilPassOp, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilPassOp), 0 },
- { "FrontFaceStencilFunc", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvCMP, ELHS_FrontFaceStencilFunc, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilFunc), 0 },
- { "BackFaceStencilFail", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvSTENCILOP, ELHS_BackFaceStencilFailOp, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.BackFace.StencilFailOp), 0 },
- { "BackFaceStencilDepthFail", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvSTENCILOP, ELHS_BackFaceStencilDepthFailOp,offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.BackFace.StencilDepthFailOp), 0 },
- { "BackFaceStencilPass", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvSTENCILOP, ELHS_BackFaceStencilPassOp, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.BackFace.StencilPassOp), 0 },
- { "BackFaceStencilFunc", EBT_DepthStencil, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvCMP, ELHS_BackFaceStencilFunc, offsetof_fx(SDepthStencilBlock, BackingStore.BackFace.StencilFunc), 0 },
- { "AlphaToCoverageEnable", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 1, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_AlphaToCoverage, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.AlphaToCoverageEnable), 0 },
- { "BlendEnable", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_BOOL, 1, 8, false, g_rvBOOL, ELHS_BlendEnable, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].BlendEnable), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "SrcBlend", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 8, true, g_rvBLEND, ELHS_SrcBlend, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].SrcBlend), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "DestBlend", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 8, true, g_rvBLEND, ELHS_DestBlend, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].DestBlend), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "BlendOp", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 8, true, g_rvBLENDOP, ELHS_BlendOp, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].BlendOp), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "SrcBlendAlpha", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 8, true, g_rvBLEND, ELHS_SrcBlendAlpha, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].SrcBlendAlpha), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "DestBlendAlpha", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 8, true, g_rvBLEND, ELHS_DestBlendAlpha, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].DestBlendAlpha), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "BlendOpAlpha", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 8, true, g_rvBLENDOP, ELHS_BlendOpAlpha, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].BlendOpAlpha), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "RenderTargetWriteMask", EBT_Blend, D3D_SVT_UINT8, 1, 8, false, nullptr, ELHS_RenderTargetWriteMask, offsetof_fx(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget[0].RenderTargetWriteMask), strideof(SBlendBlock, BackingStore.RenderTarget) },
- { "Filter", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvFILTER, ELHS_Filter, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.Filter), 0 },
- { "AddressU", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvTADDRESS, ELHS_AddressU, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.AddressU), 0 },
- { "AddressV", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvTADDRESS, ELHS_AddressV, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.AddressV), 0 },
- { "AddressW", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvTADDRESS, ELHS_AddressW, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.AddressW), 0 },
- { "MipLODBias", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_MipLODBias, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MipLODBias), 0 },
- { "MaxAnisotropy", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_MaxAnisotropy, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy), 0 },
- { "ComparisonFunc", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_UINT, 1, 1, false, g_rvCMP, ELHS_ComparisonFunc, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc), 0 },
- { "BorderColor", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 4, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_BorderColor, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.BorderColor), 0 },
- { "MinLOD", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_MinLOD, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MinLOD), 0 },
- { "MaxLOD", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_FLOAT, 1, 1, false, nullptr, ELHS_MaxLOD, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MaxLOD), 0 },
- { "Texture", EBT_Sampler, D3D_SVT_TEXTURE, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_Texture, offsetof_fx(SSamplerBlock, BackingStore.pTexture), 0 },
- // D3D11
- { "HullShader", EBT_Pass, D3D11_SVT_HULLSHADER, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_HullShaderBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock), 0 },
- { "DomainShader", EBT_Pass, D3D11_SVT_DOMAINSHADER, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_DomainShaderBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock), 0 },
- { "ComputeShader", EBT_Pass, D3D11_SVT_COMPUTESHADER, 1, 1, false, g_rvNULL, ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock, offsetof_fx(SPassBlock, BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock), 0 },
-#define NUM_STATES (sizeof(g_lvGeneral) / sizeof(LValue))
-const uint32_t g_lvGeneralCount = NUM_STATES;
-} // end namespace D3DX11Effects
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/SOParser.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/SOParser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 412ea15e91..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/Binary/SOParser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-// File: SOParser.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects Stream Out Decl Parser
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-// CSOParser
-class CSOParser
- CEffectVector<D3D11_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY> m_vDecls; // Set of parsed decl entries
- D3D11_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY m_newEntry; // Currently parsing entry
- LPSTR m_SemanticString[D3D11_SO_BUFFER_SLOT_COUNT]; // Copy of strings
- static const size_t MAX_ERROR_SIZE = 254;
- char m_pError[ MAX_ERROR_SIZE + 1 ]; // Error buffer
- CSOParser() noexcept :
- m_newEntry{},
- m_SemanticString{},
- m_pError{}
- {
- }
- ~CSOParser()
- {
- for( size_t Stream = 0; Stream < D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT; ++Stream )
- {
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_SemanticString[Stream] );
- }
- }
- // Parse a single string, assuming stream 0
- HRESULT Parse( _In_z_ LPCSTR pString )
- {
- m_vDecls.Clear();
- return Parse( 0, pString );
- }
- // Parse all 4 streams
- HRESULT Parse( _In_z_ LPSTR pStreams[D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT] )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- m_vDecls.Clear();
- for( uint32_t iDecl=0; iDecl < D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT; ++iDecl )
- {
- hr = Parse( iDecl, pStreams[iDecl] );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- char str[16];
- sprintf_s( str, 16, " in stream %u.", iDecl );
- str[15] = 0;
- strcat_s( m_pError, MAX_ERROR_SIZE, str );
- return hr;
- }
- }
- return hr;
- }
- // Return resulting declarations
- {
- return &m_vDecls[0];
- }
- char* GetErrorString()
- {
- return m_pError;
- }
- uint32_t GetDeclCount() const
- {
- return m_vDecls.GetSize();
- }
- // Return resulting buffer strides
- void GetStrides( uint32_t strides[4] )
- {
- size_t len = GetDeclCount();
- strides[0] = strides[1] = strides[2] = strides[3] = 0;
- for( size_t i=0; i < len; i++ )
- {
- strides[m_vDecls[i].OutputSlot] += m_vDecls[i].ComponentCount * sizeof(float);
- }
- }
- // Parse a single string "[<slot> :] <semantic>[<index>][.<mask>]; [[<slot> :] <semantic>[<index>][.<mask>][;]]"
- HRESULT Parse( _In_ uint32_t Stream, _In_z_ LPCSTR pString )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- m_pError[0] = 0;
- if( pString == nullptr )
- return S_OK;
- uint32_t len = (uint32_t)strlen( pString );
- if( len == 0 )
- return S_OK;
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_SemanticString[Stream] );
- VN( m_SemanticString[Stream] = new char[len + 1] );
- strcpy_s( m_SemanticString[Stream], len + 1, pString );
- LPSTR pSemantic = m_SemanticString[Stream];
- while( true )
- {
- // Each decl entry is delimited by a semi-colon
- LPSTR pSemi = strchr( pSemantic, ';' );
- // strip leading and trailing spaces
- LPSTR pEnd;
- if( pSemi != nullptr )
- {
- *pSemi = '\0';
- pEnd = pSemi - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- pEnd = pSemantic + strlen( pSemantic );
- }
- while( isspace( (unsigned char)*pSemantic ) )
- pSemantic++;
- while( pEnd > pSemantic && isspace( (unsigned char)*pEnd ) )
- {
- *pEnd = '\0';
- pEnd--;
- }
- if( *pSemantic != '\0' )
- {
- VH( AddSemantic( pSemantic ) );
- m_newEntry.Stream = Stream;
- VH( m_vDecls.Add( m_newEntry ) );
- }
- if( pSemi == nullptr )
- break;
- pSemantic = pSemi + 1;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- // Parse a single decl "[<slot> :] <semantic>[<index>][.<mask>]"
- HRESULT AddSemantic( _Inout_z_ LPSTR pSemantic )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert( pSemantic );
- ZeroMemory( &m_newEntry, sizeof(m_newEntry) );
- VH( ConsumeOutputSlot( &pSemantic ) );
- VH( ConsumeRegisterMask( pSemantic ) );
- VH( ConsumeSemanticIndex( pSemantic ) );
- // pSenantic now contains only the SemanticName (all other fields were consumed)
- if( strcmp( "$SKIP", pSemantic ) != 0 )
- {
- m_newEntry.SemanticName = pSemantic;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- // Parse optional mask "[.<mask>]"
- HRESULT ConsumeRegisterMask( _Inout_z_ LPSTR pSemantic )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- const char *pFullMask1 = "xyzw";
- const char *pFullMask2 = "rgba";
- size_t stringLength;
- size_t startComponent = 0;
- assert( pSemantic );
- pSemantic = strchr( pSemantic, '.' );
- if( pSemantic == nullptr )
- {
- m_newEntry.ComponentCount = 4;
- return S_OK;
- }
- *pSemantic = '\0';
- pSemantic++;
- stringLength = strlen( pSemantic );
- p = strstr(pFullMask1, pSemantic );
- if( p )
- {
- startComponent = (uint32_t)( p - pFullMask1 );
- }
- else
- {
- p = strstr( pFullMask2, pSemantic );
- if( p )
- startComponent = (uint32_t)( p - pFullMask2 );
- else
- {
- sprintf_s( m_pError, MAX_ERROR_SIZE, "ID3D11Effect::ParseSODecl - invalid mask declaration '%s'", pSemantic );
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- }
- if( stringLength == 0 )
- stringLength = 4;
- m_newEntry.StartComponent = (uint8_t)startComponent;
- m_newEntry.ComponentCount = (uint8_t)stringLength;
- return hr;
- }
- // Parse optional output slot "[<slot> :]"
- HRESULT ConsumeOutputSlot( _Inout_z_ LPSTR* ppSemantic )
- {
- assert( ppSemantic && *ppSemantic );
- _Analysis_assume_( ppSemantic && *ppSemantic );
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- LPSTR pColon = strchr( *ppSemantic, ':' );
- if( pColon == nullptr )
- return S_OK;
- if( pColon == *ppSemantic )
- {
- strcpy_s( m_pError, MAX_ERROR_SIZE,
- "ID3D11Effect::ParseSODecl - Invalid output slot" );
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- *pColon = '\0';
- int outputSlot = atoi( *ppSemantic );
- if( outputSlot < 0 || outputSlot > 255 )
- {
- strcpy_s( m_pError, MAX_ERROR_SIZE,
- "ID3D11Effect::ParseSODecl - Invalid output slot" );
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- m_newEntry.OutputSlot = (uint8_t)outputSlot;
- while( *ppSemantic < pColon )
- {
- if( !isdigit( (unsigned char)**ppSemantic ) )
- {
- sprintf_s( m_pError, MAX_ERROR_SIZE, "ID3D11Effect::ParseSODecl - Non-digit '%c' in output slot", **ppSemantic );
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- (*ppSemantic)++;
- }
- // skip the colon (which is now '\0')
- (*ppSemantic)++;
- while( isspace( (unsigned char)**ppSemantic ) )
- (*ppSemantic)++;
- return hr;
- }
- // Parse optional index "[<index>]"
- HRESULT ConsumeSemanticIndex( _Inout_z_ LPSTR pSemantic )
- {
- assert( pSemantic );
- uint32_t uLen = (uint32_t)strlen( pSemantic );
- // Grab semantic index
- while( uLen > 0 && isdigit( (unsigned char)pSemantic[uLen - 1] ) )
- uLen--;
- if( isdigit( (unsigned char)pSemantic[uLen] ) )
- {
- m_newEntry.SemanticIndex = atoi( pSemantic + uLen );
- pSemantic[uLen] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- m_newEntry.SemanticIndex = 0;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
-} // end namespace D3DX11Effects
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/win32/Effects11/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ea61fe7b5..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-set(SOURCES d3dxGlobal.cpp
- EffectAPI.cpp
- EffectLoad.cpp
- EffectNonRuntime.cpp
- EffectReflection.cpp
- EffectRuntime.cpp)
-add_library(effects11 STATIC ${SOURCES})
-target_compile_options(effects11 PRIVATE "/permissive")
- target_compile_definitions(effects11 PRIVATE
- WIN32
- _LIB
- _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00
- )
-target_compile_definitions(effects11 PRIVATE
- WIN32
- _LIB
-add_precompiled_header(effects11 pchfx.h d3dxGlobal.cpp)
-set_target_properties(effects11 PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
-set(core_DEPENDS effects11 ${core_DEPENDS} CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
- set_target_properties(effects11 PROPERTIES STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS "/ignore:4264")
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/Effect.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/Effect.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c350f02deb..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/Effect.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1276 +0,0 @@
-// File: Effect.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects Header for ID3DX11Effect Implementation
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#include "EffectBinaryFormat.h"
-#include "IUnknownImp.h"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-extern void __cdecl D3DXDebugPrintf(UINT lvl, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ LPCSTR szFormat, ...);
-#define DPF D3DXDebugPrintf
-#define DPF
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable : 4481)
-// VS 2010 considers 'override' to be a extension, but it's part of C++11 as of VS 2012
-using namespace D3DX11Core;
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-// Forward defines
-struct SBaseBlock;
-struct SShaderBlock;
-struct SPassBlock;
-struct SClassInstance;
-struct SInterface;
-struct SShaderResource;
-struct SUnorderedAccessView;
-struct SRenderTargetView;
-struct SDepthStencilView;
-struct SSamplerBlock;
-struct SDepthStencilBlock;
-struct SBlendBlock;
-struct SRasterizerBlock;
-struct SString;
-struct SD3DShaderVTable;
-struct SClassInstanceGlobalVariable;
-struct SAssignment;
-struct SVariable;
-struct SGlobalVariable;
-struct SAnnotation;
-struct SConstantBuffer;
-class CEffect;
-class CEffectLoader;
-enum ELhsType : int;
-// Allows the use of 32-bit and 64-bit timers depending on platform type
-typedef size_t Timer;
-// Reflection & Type structures
-// CEffectMatrix is used internally instead of float arrays
-struct CEffectMatrix
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- float _11, _12, _13, _14;
- float _21, _22, _23, _24;
- float _31, _32, _33, _34;
- float _41, _42, _43, _44;
- };
- float m[4][4];
- };
-struct CEffectVector4
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- float w;
-union UDataPointer
- void *pGeneric;
- uint8_t *pNumeric;
- float *pNumericFloat;
- uint32_t *pNumericDword;
- int *pNumericInt;
- BOOL *pNumericBool;
- SString *pString;
- SShaderBlock *pShader;
- SBaseBlock *pBlock;
- SBlendBlock *pBlend;
- SDepthStencilBlock *pDepthStencil;
- SRasterizerBlock *pRasterizer;
- SInterface *pInterface;
- SShaderResource *pShaderResource;
- SUnorderedAccessView *pUnorderedAccessView;
- SRenderTargetView *pRenderTargetView;
- SDepthStencilView *pDepthStencilView;
- SSamplerBlock *pSampler;
- CEffectVector4 *pVector;
- CEffectMatrix *pMatrix;
- UINT_PTR Offset;
-enum EMemberDataType
- MDT_ClassInstance,
- MDT_BlendState,
- MDT_DepthStencilState,
- MDT_RasterizerState,
- MDT_SamplerState,
- MDT_Buffer,
- MDT_ShaderResourceView,
-struct SMemberDataPointer
- EMemberDataType Type;
- union
- {
- IUnknown *pGeneric;
- ID3D11ClassInstance *pD3DClassInstance;
- ID3D11BlendState *pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState;
- ID3D11DepthStencilState *pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState;
- ID3D11RasterizerState *pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState;
- ID3D11SamplerState *pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState;
- ID3D11Buffer *pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer;
- ID3D11ShaderResourceView*pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer;
- } Data;
-struct SType : public ID3DX11EffectType
- static const UINT_PTR c_InvalidIndex = (uint32_t) -1;
- static const uint32_t c_ScalarSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
- // packing rule constants
- static const uint32_t c_ScalarsPerRegister = 4;
- static const uint32_t c_RegisterSize = c_ScalarsPerRegister * c_ScalarSize; // must be a power of 2!!
- EVarType VarType; // numeric, object, struct
- uint32_t Elements; // # of array elements (0 for non-arrays)
- char *pTypeName; // friendly name of the type: "VS_OUTPUT", "float4", etc.
- // *Size and stride values are always 0 for object types
- // *Annotations adhere to packing rules (even though they do not reside in constant buffers)
- // for consistency's sake
- //
- // Packing rules:
- // *Structures and array elements are always register aligned
- // *Single-row values (or, for column major matrices, single-column) are greedily
- // packed unless doing so would span a register boundary, in which case they are
- // register aligned
- uint32_t TotalSize; // Total size of this data type in a constant buffer from
- // start to finish (padding in between elements is included,
- // but padding at the end is not since that would require
- // knowledge of the following data type).
- uint32_t Stride; // Number of bytes to advance between elements.
- // Typically a multiple of 16 for arrays, vectors, matrices.
- // For scalars and small vectors/matrices, this can be 4 or 8.
- uint32_t PackedSize; // Size, in bytes, of this data typed when fully packed
- union
- {
- SBinaryNumericType NumericType;
- EObjectType ObjectType; // not all values of EObjectType are valid here (e.g. constant buffer)
- struct
- {
- SVariable *pMembers; // array of type instances describing structure members
- uint32_t Members;
- BOOL ImplementsInterface; // true if this type implements an interface
- BOOL HasSuperClass; // true if this type has a parent class
- } StructType;
- void* InterfaceType; // nothing for interfaces
- };
- SType() noexcept :
- VarType(EVT_Invalid),
- Elements(0),
- pTypeName(nullptr),
- TotalSize(0),
- Stride(0),
- PackedSize(0),
- StructType{}
- {
- static_assert(sizeof(NumericType) <= sizeof(StructType), "SType union issue");
- static_assert(sizeof(ObjectType) <= sizeof(StructType), "SType union issue");
- static_assert(sizeof(InterfaceType) <= sizeof(StructType), "SType union issue");
- }
- bool IsEqual(SType *pOtherType) const;
- bool IsObjectType(EObjectType ObjType) const
- {
- return IsObjectTypeHelper(VarType, ObjectType, ObjType);
- }
- bool IsShader() const
- {
- return IsShaderHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool BelongsInConstantBuffer() const
- {
- return (VarType == EVT_Numeric) || (VarType == EVT_Struct);
- }
- bool IsStateBlockObject() const
- {
- return IsStateBlockObjectHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool IsClassInstance() const
- {
- return (VarType == EVT_Struct) && StructType.ImplementsInterface;
- }
- bool IsInterface() const
- {
- return IsInterfaceHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool IsShaderResource() const
- {
- return IsShaderResourceHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool IsUnorderedAccessView() const
- {
- return IsUnorderedAccessViewHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool IsSampler() const
- {
- return IsSamplerHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool IsRenderTargetView() const
- {
- return IsRenderTargetViewHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- bool IsDepthStencilView() const
- {
- return IsDepthStencilViewHelper(VarType, ObjectType);
- }
- uint32_t GetTotalUnpackedSize(_In_ bool IsSingleElement) const;
- uint32_t GetTotalPackedSize(_In_ bool IsSingleElement) const;
- HRESULT GetDescHelper(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc, _In_ bool IsSingleElement) const;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return true; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc) override { return GetDescHelper(pDesc, false); }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberName)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberSemantic)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SType, ID3DX11EffectType, IUnknown);
-// Represents a type structure for a single element.
-// It seems pretty trivial, but it has a different virtual table which enables
-// us to accurately represent a type that consists of a single element
-struct SSingleElementType : public ID3DX11EffectType
- SType *pType;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return true; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc) override { return ((SType*)pType)->GetDescHelper(pDesc, true); }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByIndex)(uint32_t Index) override { return ((SType*)pType)->GetMemberTypeByIndex(Index); }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByName)(LPCSTR Name) override { return ((SType*)pType)->GetMemberTypeByName(Name); }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeBySemantic)(LPCSTR Semantic) override { return ((SType*)pType)->GetMemberTypeBySemantic(Semantic); }
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberName)(uint32_t Index) override { return ((SType*)pType)->GetMemberName(Index); }
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberSemantic)(uint32_t Index) override { return ((SType*)pType)->GetMemberSemantic(Index); }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SSingleElementType, ID3DX11EffectType, IUnknown);
- SSingleElementType() noexcept :
- pType(nullptr)
- {
- }
-// Block definitions
-void * GetBlockByIndex(EVarType VarType, EObjectType ObjectType, void *pBaseBlock, uint32_t Index);
-struct SBaseBlock
- EBlockType BlockType;
- bool IsUserManaged:1;
- uint32_t AssignmentCount;
- SAssignment *pAssignments;
- SBaseBlock() noexcept;
- bool ApplyAssignments(CEffect *pEffect);
- inline SSamplerBlock *AsSampler() const
- {
- assert( BlockType == EBT_Sampler );
- return (SSamplerBlock*) this;
- }
- inline SDepthStencilBlock *AsDepthStencil() const
- {
- assert( BlockType == EBT_DepthStencil );
- return (SDepthStencilBlock*) this;
- }
- inline SBlendBlock *AsBlend() const
- {
- assert( BlockType == EBT_Blend );
- return (SBlendBlock*) this;
- }
- inline SRasterizerBlock *AsRasterizer() const
- {
- assert( BlockType == EBT_Rasterizer );
- return (SRasterizerBlock*) this;
- }
- inline SPassBlock *AsPass() const
- {
- assert( BlockType == EBT_Pass );
- return (SPassBlock*) this;
- }
-struct STechnique : public ID3DX11EffectTechnique
- char *pName;
- uint32_t PassCount;
- SPassBlock *pPasses;
- uint32_t AnnotationCount;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations;
- bool InitiallyValid;
- bool HasDependencies;
- STechnique() noexcept;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_TECHNIQUE_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectPass*, GetPassByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectPass*, GetPassByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD(ComputeStateBlockMask)(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask) override;
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(STechnique, ID3DX11EffectTechnique, IUnknown);
-struct SGroup : public ID3DX11EffectGroup
- char *pName;
- uint32_t TechniqueCount;
- STechnique *pTechniques;
- uint32_t AnnotationCount;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations;
- bool InitiallyValid;
- bool HasDependencies;
- SGroup() noexcept;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_GROUP_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SGroup, ID3DX11EffectGroup, IUnknown);
-struct SPassBlock : SBaseBlock, public ID3DX11EffectPass
- struct
- {
- ID3D11BlendState* pBlendState;
- FLOAT BlendFactor[4];
- uint32_t SampleMask;
- ID3D11DepthStencilState *pDepthStencilState;
- uint32_t StencilRef;
- union
- {
- char *pEntryDesc;
- } GSSODesc;
- // Pass assignments can write directly into these
- SBlendBlock *pBlendBlock;
- SDepthStencilBlock *pDepthStencilBlock;
- SRasterizerBlock *pRasterizerBlock;
- uint32_t RenderTargetViewCount;
- SRenderTargetView *pRenderTargetViews[D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT];
- SDepthStencilView *pDepthStencilView;
- SShaderBlock *pVertexShaderBlock;
- SShaderBlock *pPixelShaderBlock;
- SShaderBlock *pGeometryShaderBlock;
- SShaderBlock *pComputeShaderBlock;
- SShaderBlock *pDomainShaderBlock;
- SShaderBlock *pHullShaderBlock;
- } BackingStore;
- char *pName;
- uint32_t AnnotationCount;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations;
- CEffect *pEffect;
- bool InitiallyValid; // validity of all state objects and shaders in pass upon BindToDevice
- bool HasDependencies; // if pass expressions or pass state blocks have dependencies on variables (if true, IsValid != InitiallyValid possibly)
- SPassBlock() noexcept;
- void ApplyPassAssignments();
- bool CheckShaderDependencies( _In_ const SShaderBlock* pBlock );
- bool CheckDependencies();
- template<EObjectType EShaderType>
- HRESULT GetShaderDescHelper(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc);
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD(Apply)(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext) override;
- STDMETHOD(ComputeStateBlockMask)(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask) override;
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SPassBlock, ID3DX11EffectPass, IUnknown);
-struct SDepthStencilBlock : SBaseBlock
- ID3D11DepthStencilState *pDSObject;
- D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC BackingStore;
- bool IsValid;
- SDepthStencilBlock() noexcept;
-struct SBlendBlock : SBaseBlock
- ID3D11BlendState *pBlendObject;
- D3D11_BLEND_DESC BackingStore;
- bool IsValid;
- SBlendBlock() noexcept;
-struct SRasterizerBlock : SBaseBlock
- ID3D11RasterizerState *pRasterizerObject;
- D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC BackingStore;
- bool IsValid;
- SRasterizerBlock() noexcept;
-struct SSamplerBlock : SBaseBlock
- ID3D11SamplerState *pD3DObject;
- struct
- {
- D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC SamplerDesc;
- // Sampler "TEXTURE" assignments can write directly into this
- SShaderResource *pTexture;
- } BackingStore;
- SSamplerBlock() noexcept;
-struct SInterface
- SClassInstanceGlobalVariable* pClassInstance;
- SInterface() noexcept :
- pClassInstance(nullptr)
- {
- }
-struct SShaderResource
- ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pShaderResource;
- SShaderResource() noexcept :
- pShaderResource(nullptr)
- {
- }
-struct SUnorderedAccessView
- ID3D11UnorderedAccessView *pUnorderedAccessView;
- SUnorderedAccessView() noexcept :
- pUnorderedAccessView(nullptr)
- {
- }
-struct SRenderTargetView
- ID3D11RenderTargetView *pRenderTargetView;
- SRenderTargetView() noexcept :
- pRenderTargetView(nullptr)
- {
- }
-struct SDepthStencilView
- ID3D11DepthStencilView *pDepthStencilView;
- SDepthStencilView() noexcept :
- pDepthStencilView(nullptr)
- {
- }
-template<class T, class D3DTYPE> struct SShaderDependency
- uint32_t StartIndex;
- uint32_t Count;
- T *ppFXPointers; // Array of ptrs to FX objects (CBs, SShaderResources, etc)
- D3DTYPE *ppD3DObjects; // Array of ptrs to matching D3D objects
- SShaderDependency() noexcept :
- StartIndex(0),
- Count(0),
- ppFXPointers(nullptr),
- ppD3DObjects(nullptr)
- {
- }
-typedef SShaderDependency<SConstantBuffer*, ID3D11Buffer*> SShaderCBDependency;
-typedef SShaderDependency<SSamplerBlock*, ID3D11SamplerState*> SShaderSamplerDependency;
-typedef SShaderDependency<SShaderResource*, ID3D11ShaderResourceView*> SShaderResourceDependency;
-typedef SShaderDependency<SUnorderedAccessView*, ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*> SUnorderedAccessViewDependency;
-typedef SShaderDependency<SInterface*, ID3D11ClassInstance*> SInterfaceDependency;
-// Shader VTables are used to eliminate branching in ApplyShaderBlock.
-// The effect owns one D3DShaderVTables for each shader stage
-struct SD3DShaderVTable
- void ( __stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*pSetShader)(ID3D11DeviceChild* pShader, ID3D11ClassInstance*const* ppClassInstances, uint32_t NumClassInstances);
- void ( __stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*pSetConstantBuffers)(uint32_t StartConstantSlot, uint32_t NumBuffers, ID3D11Buffer *const *pBuffers);
- void ( __stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*pSetSamplers)(uint32_t Offset, uint32_t NumSamplers, ID3D11SamplerState*const* pSamplers);
- void ( __stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*pSetShaderResources)(uint32_t Offset, uint32_t NumResources, ID3D11ShaderResourceView *const *pResources);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall ID3D11Device::*pCreateShader)(const void *pShaderBlob, size_t ShaderBlobSize, ID3D11ClassLinkage* pClassLinkage, ID3D11DeviceChild **ppShader);
-struct SShaderBlock
- enum ESigType
- {
- ST_Input,
- ST_Output,
- ST_PatchConstant,
- };
- struct SInterfaceParameter
- {
- char *pName;
- uint32_t Index;
- };
- // this data is classified as reflection-only and will all be discarded at runtime
- struct SReflectionData
- {
- uint8_t *pBytecode;
- uint32_t BytecodeLength;
- char *pStreamOutDecls[4]; // set with ConstructGSWithSO
- uint32_t RasterizedStream; // set with ConstructGSWithSO
- BOOL IsNullGS;
- ID3D11ShaderReflection *pReflection;
- uint32_t InterfaceParameterCount; // set with BindInterfaces (used for function interface parameters)
- SInterfaceParameter *pInterfaceParameters; // set with BindInterfaces (used for function interface parameters)
- };
- bool IsValid;
- SD3DShaderVTable *pVT;
- // This value is nullptr if the shader is nullptr or was never initialized
- SReflectionData *pReflectionData;
- ID3D11DeviceChild *pD3DObject;
- uint32_t CBDepCount;
- SShaderCBDependency *pCBDeps;
- uint32_t SampDepCount;
- SShaderSamplerDependency *pSampDeps;
- uint32_t InterfaceDepCount;
- SInterfaceDependency *pInterfaceDeps;
- uint32_t ResourceDepCount;
- SShaderResourceDependency *pResourceDeps;
- uint32_t UAVDepCount;
- SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pUAVDeps;
- uint32_t TBufferDepCount;
- SConstantBuffer **ppTbufDeps;
- ID3DBlob *pInputSignatureBlob; // The input signature is separated from the bytecode because it
- // is always available, even after Optimize() has been called.
- SShaderBlock(SD3DShaderVTable *pVirtualTable = nullptr) noexcept;
- EObjectType GetShaderType();
- HRESULT OnDeviceBind();
- // Public API helpers
- HRESULT ComputeStateBlockMask(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask);
- HRESULT GetShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc, _In_ bool IsInline);
- HRESULT GetVertexShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS);
- HRESULT GetGeometryShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS);
- HRESULT GetPixelShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS);
- HRESULT GetHullShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11HullShader **ppHS);
- HRESULT GetDomainShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS);
- HRESULT GetComputeShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS);
- HRESULT GetSignatureElementDesc(_In_ ESigType SigType, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc);
-struct SString
- char *pString;
- SString() noexcept :
- pString(nullptr)
- {
- }
-// Global Variable & Annotation structure/interface definitions
-// This is a general structure that can describe
-// annotations, variables, and structure members
-struct SVariable
- // For annotations/variables/variable members:
- // 1) If numeric, pointer to data (for variables: points into backing store,
- // for annotations, points into reflection heap)
- // OR
- // 2) If object, pointer to the block. If object array, subsequent array elements are found in
- // contiguous blocks; the Nth block is found by ((<SpecificBlockType> *) pBlock) + N
- // (this is because variables that are arrays of objects have their blocks allocated contiguously)
- //
- // For structure members:
- // Offset of this member (in bytes) from parent structure (structure members must be numeric/struct)
- UDataPointer Data;
- union
- {
- uint32_t MemberDataOffsetPlus4; // 4 added so that 0 == nullptr can represent "unused"
- SMemberDataPointer *pMemberData;
- };
- SType *pType;
- char *pName;
- char *pSemantic;
- uint32_t ExplicitBindPoint;
- SVariable() noexcept :
- Data{},
- pMemberData(nullptr),
- pType(nullptr),
- pName(nullptr),
- pSemantic(nullptr),
- ExplicitBindPoint(uint32_t(-1))
- {
- }
-// Template definitions for all of the various ID3DX11EffectVariable specializations
-#include "EffectVariable.inl"
-// ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable (SAnonymousShader implementation)
-struct SAnonymousShader : public TUncastableVariable<ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable>, public ID3DX11EffectType
- SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock;
- SAnonymousShader(_In_opt_ SShaderBlock *pBlock = nullptr) noexcept;
- // ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable interface
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetType)() override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetElement)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)() override;
- // other casts are handled by TUncastableVariable
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable*, AsShader)() override;
- STDMETHOD(SetRawValue)(_In_reads_bytes_(Count) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetRawValue)(_Out_writes_bytes_(Count) void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetShaderDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11HullShader **ppHS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetInputSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetOutputSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- // ID3DX11EffectType interface
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberName)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberSemantic)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SAnonymousShader, ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-// ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer (SConstantBuffer implementation)
-struct SConstantBuffer : public TUncastableVariable<ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer>, public ID3DX11EffectType
- ID3D11Buffer *pD3DObject;
- SShaderResource TBuffer; // nullptr iff IsTbuffer == false
- uint8_t *pBackingStore;
- uint32_t Size; // in bytes
- char *pName;
- uint32_t AnnotationCount;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations;
- uint32_t VariableCount; // # of variables contained in this cbuffer
- SGlobalVariable *pVariables; // array of size [VariableCount], points into effect's contiguous variable list
- uint32_t ExplicitBindPoint; // Used when a CB has been explicitly bound (register(bXX)). -1 if not
- bool IsDirty:1; // Set when any member is updated; cleared on CB apply
- bool IsTBuffer:1; // true iff TBuffer.pShaderResource != nullptr
- bool IsUserManaged:1; // Set if you don't want effects to update this buffer
- bool IsEffectOptimized:1;// Set if the effect has been optimized
- bool IsUsedByExpression:1;// Set if used by any expressions
- bool IsUserPacked:1; // Set if the elements have user-specified offsets
- bool IsSingle:1; // Set to true if you want to share this CB with cloned Effects
- bool IsNonUpdatable:1; // Set to true if you want to share this CB with cloned Effects
- union
- {
- // These are used to store the original ID3D11Buffer* for use in UndoSetConstantBuffer
- uint32_t MemberDataOffsetPlus4; // 4 added so that 0 == nullptr can represent "unused"
- SMemberDataPointer *pMemberData;
- };
- CEffect *pEffect;
- SConstantBuffer() noexcept :
- pD3DObject(nullptr),
- TBuffer{},
- pBackingStore(nullptr),
- Size(0),
- pName(nullptr),
- AnnotationCount(0),
- pAnnotations(nullptr),
- VariableCount(0),
- pVariables(nullptr),
- ExplicitBindPoint(uint32_t(-1)),
- IsDirty(false),
- IsTBuffer(false),
- IsUserManaged(false),
- IsEffectOptimized(false),
- IsUsedByExpression(false),
- IsUserPacked(false),
- IsSingle(false),
- IsNonUpdatable(false),
- pMemberData(nullptr),
- pEffect(nullptr)
- {
- }
- bool ClonedSingle() const;
- // ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer interface
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetType)() override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetElement)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)() override;
- // other casts are handled by TUncastableVariable
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, AsConstantBuffer)() override;
- STDMETHOD(SetRawValue)(_In_reads_bytes_(Count) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetRawValue)(_Out_writes_bytes_(Count) void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetConstantBuffer)(_In_ ID3D11Buffer *pConstantBuffer) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetConstantBuffer)(_Outptr_ ID3D11Buffer **ppConstantBuffer) override;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetConstantBuffer)() override;
- STDMETHOD(SetTextureBuffer)(_In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pTextureBuffer) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetTextureBuffer)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppTextureBuffer) override;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetTextureBuffer)() override;
- // ID3DX11EffectType interface
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberName)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberSemantic)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SConstantBuffer, ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-// Assignments
-enum ERuntimeAssignmentType
- ERAT_Invalid,
- // [Destination] refers to the destination location, which is always the backing store of the pass/state block.
- // [Source] refers to the current source of data, always coming from either a constant buffer's
- // backing store (for numeric assignments), an object variable's block array, or an anonymous (unowned) block
- // Numeric variables:
- ERAT_Constant, // Source is unused.
- // No dependencies; this assignment can be safely removed after load.
- ERAT_NumericVariable, // Source points to the CB's backing store where the value lives.
- // 1 dependency: the variable itself.
- ERAT_NumericConstIndex, // Source points to the CB's backing store where the value lives, offset by N.
- // 1 dependency: the variable array being indexed.
- ERAT_NumericVariableIndex, // Source points to the last used element of the variable in the CB's backing store.
- // 2 dependencies: the index variable followed by the array variable.
- // Object variables:
- ERAT_ObjectInlineShader, // An anonymous, immutable shader block pointer is copied to the destination immediately.
- // No dependencies; this assignment can be safely removed after load.
- ERAT_ObjectVariable, // A pointer to the block owned by the object variable is copied to the destination immediately.
- // No dependencies; this assignment can be safely removed after load.
- ERAT_ObjectConstIndex, // A pointer to the Nth block owned by an object variable is copied to the destination immediately.
- // No dependencies; this assignment can be safely removed after load.
- ERAT_ObjectVariableIndex, // Source points to the first block owned by an object variable array
- // (the offset from this, N, is taken from another variable).
- // 1 dependency: the variable being used to index the array.
-struct SAssignment
- struct SDependency
- {
- SGlobalVariable *pVariable;
- SDependency() noexcept :
- pVariable(nullptr)
- {
- }
- };
- ELhsType LhsType; // PS, VS, DepthStencil etc.
- // The value of SAssignment.AssignmentType determines how the other fields behave
- // (DependencyCount, pDependencies, Destination, and Source)
- ERuntimeAssignmentType AssignmentType;
- Timer LastRecomputedTime;
- // see comments in ERuntimeAssignmentType for how dependencies and data pointers are handled
- uint32_t DependencyCount;
- SDependency *pDependencies;
- UDataPointer Destination; // This value never changes after load, and always refers to the backing store
- UDataPointer Source; // This value, on the other hand, can change if variable- or expression- driven
- uint32_t DataSize : 16; // Size of the data element to be copied in bytes (if numeric) or
- // stride of the block type (if object)
- uint32_t MaxElements : 16; // Max allowable index (needed because we don't store object arrays as dependencies,
- // and therefore have no way of getting their Element count)
- bool IsObjectAssignment() // True for Shader and RObject assignments (the type that appear in pass blocks)
- {
- return IsObjectAssignmentHelper(LhsType);
- }
- SAssignment() noexcept :
- LhsType(ELHS_Invalid),
- AssignmentType(ERAT_Invalid),
- LastRecomputedTime(0),
- DependencyCount(0),
- pDependencies(nullptr),
- Destination{0},
- Source{0},
- DataSize(0),
- MaxElements(0)
- {
- }
-// Private effect heaps
-// Used to efficiently reallocate data
-// 1) For every piece of data that needs reallocation, move it to its new location
-// and add an entry into the table
-// 2) For everyone that references one of these data blocks, do a quick table lookup
-// to find the old pointer and then replace it with the new one
-struct SPointerMapping
- void *pOld;
- void *pNew;
- static bool AreMappingsEqual(const SPointerMapping &pMap1, const SPointerMapping &pMap2)
- {
- return (pMap1.pOld == pMap2.pOld);
- }
- uint32_t Hash()
- {
- // hash the pointer itself
- // (using the pointer as a hash would be very bad)
- return ComputeHash((uint8_t*)&pOld, sizeof(pOld));
- }
-typedef CEffectHashTableWithPrivateHeap<SPointerMapping, SPointerMapping::AreMappingsEqual> CPointerMappingTable;
-// Assist adding data to a block of memory
-class CEffectHeap
- uint8_t *m_pData;
- uint32_t m_dwBufferSize;
- uint32_t m_dwSize;
- template <bool bCopyData>
- HRESULT AddDataInternal(_In_reads_bytes_(dwSize) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t dwSize, _Outptr_ void **ppPointer);
- HRESULT ReserveMemory(uint32_t dwSize);
- uint32_t GetSize();
- uint8_t* GetDataStart() { return m_pData; }
- // AddData and AddString append existing data to the buffer - they change m_dwSize. Users are
- // not expected to modify the data pointed to by the return pointer
- HRESULT AddString(_In_z_ const char *pString, _Outptr_result_z_ char **ppPointer);
- HRESULT AddData(_In_reads_(dwSize) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t dwSize, _Outptr_ void **ppPointer);
- // Allocate behaves like a standard new - it will allocate memory, move m_dwSize. The caller is
- // expected to use the returned pointer
- void* Allocate(uint32_t dwSize);
- // Move data from the general heap and optional free memory
- HRESULT MoveData(_Inout_updates_bytes_(size) void **ppData, _In_ uint32_t size);
- HRESULT MoveString(_Inout_updates_z_(1) char **ppStringData);
- HRESULT MoveInterfaceParameters(_In_ uint32_t InterfaceCount, _Inout_updates_(1) SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces);
- HRESULT MoveEmptyDataBlock(_Inout_updates_(1) void **ppData, _In_ uint32_t size);
- bool IsInHeap(_In_ void *pData) const
- {
- return (pData >= m_pData && pData < (m_pData + m_dwBufferSize));
- }
- CEffectHeap() noexcept;
- ~CEffectHeap();
-class CEffectReflection
- // Single memory block support
- CEffectHeap m_Heap;
-class CEffect : public ID3DX11Effect
- friend struct SBaseBlock;
- friend struct SPassBlock;
- friend class CEffectLoader;
- friend struct SConstantBuffer;
- friend struct TSamplerVariable<TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable>>;
- friend struct TSamplerVariable<TVariable<TMember<ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable>>>;
- uint32_t m_RefCount;
- uint32_t m_Flags;
- // Private heap - all pointers should point into here
- CEffectHeap m_Heap;
- // Reflection object
- CEffectReflection *m_pReflection;
- // global variables in the effect (aka parameters)
- uint32_t m_VariableCount;
- SGlobalVariable *m_pVariables;
- // anonymous shader variables (one for every inline shader assignment)
- uint32_t m_AnonymousShaderCount;
- SAnonymousShader *m_pAnonymousShaders;
- // techniques within this effect (the actual data is located in each group)
- uint32_t m_TechniqueCount;
- // groups within this effect
- uint32_t m_GroupCount;
- SGroup *m_pGroups;
- SGroup *m_pNullGroup;
- uint32_t m_ShaderBlockCount;
- SShaderBlock *m_pShaderBlocks;
- uint32_t m_DepthStencilBlockCount;
- SDepthStencilBlock *m_pDepthStencilBlocks;
- uint32_t m_BlendBlockCount;
- SBlendBlock *m_pBlendBlocks;
- uint32_t m_RasterizerBlockCount;
- SRasterizerBlock *m_pRasterizerBlocks;
- uint32_t m_SamplerBlockCount;
- SSamplerBlock *m_pSamplerBlocks;
- uint32_t m_MemberDataCount;
- SMemberDataPointer *m_pMemberDataBlocks;
- uint32_t m_InterfaceCount;
- SInterface *m_pInterfaces;
- uint32_t m_CBCount;
- SConstantBuffer *m_pCBs;
- uint32_t m_StringCount;
- SString *m_pStrings;
- uint32_t m_ShaderResourceCount;
- SShaderResource *m_pShaderResources;
- uint32_t m_UnorderedAccessViewCount;
- SUnorderedAccessView *m_pUnorderedAccessViews;
- uint32_t m_RenderTargetViewCount;
- SRenderTargetView *m_pRenderTargetViews;
- uint32_t m_DepthStencilViewCount;
- SDepthStencilView *m_pDepthStencilViews;
- Timer m_LocalTimer;
- // temporary index variable for assignment evaluation
- uint32_t m_FXLIndex;
- ID3D11Device *m_pDevice;
- ID3D11DeviceContext *m_pContext;
- ID3D11ClassLinkage *m_pClassLinkage;
- // Master lists of reflection interfaces
- CEffectVectorOwner<SSingleElementType> m_pTypeInterfaces;
- CEffectVectorOwner<SMember> m_pMemberInterfaces;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // String & Type pooling
- typedef SType *LPSRUNTIMETYPE;
- static bool AreTypesEqual(const LPSRUNTIMETYPE &pType1, const LPSRUNTIMETYPE &pType2) { return (pType1->IsEqual(pType2)); }
- static bool AreStringsEqual(const LPCSTR &pStr1, const LPCSTR &pStr2) { return strcmp(pStr1, pStr2) == 0; }
- typedef CEffectHashTableWithPrivateHeap<SType *, AreTypesEqual> CTypeHashTable;
- typedef CEffectHashTableWithPrivateHeap<LPCSTR, AreStringsEqual> CStringHashTable;
- // These are used to pool types & type-related strings
- // until Optimize() is called
- CTypeHashTable *m_pTypePool;
- CStringHashTable *m_pStringPool;
- CDataBlockStore *m_pPooledHeap;
- // After Optimize() is called, the type/string pools should be deleted and all
- // remaining data should be migrated into the optimized type heap
- CEffectHeap *m_pOptimizedTypeHeap;
- // Pools a string or type and modifies the pointer
- void AddStringToPool(const char **ppString);
- void AddTypeToPool(SType **ppType);
- HRESULT OptimizeTypes(_Inout_ CPointerMappingTable *pMappingTable, _In_ bool Cloning = false);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Runtime (performance critical)
- void ApplyShaderBlock(_In_ SShaderBlock *pBlock);
- bool ApplyRenderStateBlock(_In_ SBaseBlock *pBlock);
- bool ApplySamplerBlock(_In_ SSamplerBlock *pBlock);
- void ApplyPassBlock(_Inout_ SPassBlock *pBlock);
- bool EvaluateAssignment(_Inout_ SAssignment *pAssignment);
- bool ValidateShaderBlock(_Inout_ SShaderBlock* pBlock );
- bool ValidatePassBlock(_Inout_ SPassBlock* pBlock );
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Non-runtime functions (not performance critical)
- SGlobalVariable *FindLocalVariableByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR pVarName); // Looks in the current effect only
- SGlobalVariable *FindVariableByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR pVarName);
- SVariable *FindVariableByNameWithParsing(_In_z_ LPCSTR pVarName);
- SConstantBuffer *FindCB(_In_z_ LPCSTR pName);
- void ReplaceCBReference(_In_ SConstantBuffer *pOldBufferBlock, _In_ ID3D11Buffer *pNewBuffer); // Used by user-managed CBs
- void ReplaceSamplerReference(_In_ SSamplerBlock *pOldSamplerBlock, _In_ ID3D11SamplerState *pNewSampler);
- void AddRefAllForCloning( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource );
- HRESULT CopyMemberInterfaces( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource );
- HRESULT CopyStringPool( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable& mappingTable );
- HRESULT CopyTypePool( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableTypes, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableStrings );
- HRESULT CopyOptimizedTypePool( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableTypes );
- HRESULT RecreateCBs();
- HRESULT FixupMemberInterface( _Inout_ SMember* pMember, _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableStrings );
- void ValidateIndex(_In_ uint32_t Elements);
- void IncrementTimer();
- void HandleLocalTimerRollover();
- friend struct SConstantBuffer;
- CEffect( uint32_t Flags = 0 ) noexcept;
- virtual ~CEffect();
- void ReleaseShaderRefection();
- // Initialize must be called after the effect is created
- HRESULT LoadEffect(_In_reads_bytes_(cbEffectBuffer) const void *pEffectBuffer, _In_ uint32_t cbEffectBuffer);
- // Once the effect is fully loaded, call BindToDevice to attach it to a device
- HRESULT BindToDevice(_In_ ID3D11Device *pDevice, _In_z_ LPCSTR srcName );
- Timer GetCurrentTime() const { return m_LocalTimer; }
- bool IsReflectionData(void *pData) const { return m_pReflection->m_Heap.IsInHeap(pData); }
- bool IsRuntimeData(void *pData) const { return m_Heap.IsInHeap(pData); }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Public interface
- // IUnknown
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, _COM_Outptr_ LPVOID *ppv) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override;
- // ID3DX11Effect
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return true; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDevice)(_Outptr_ ID3D11Device** ppDevice) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetConstantBufferByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetConstantBufferByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetVariableByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetVariableByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetVariableBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectGroup*, GetGroupByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectGroup*, GetGroupByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3D11ClassLinkage*, GetClassLinkage)() override;
- STDMETHOD(CloneEffect)(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect** ppClonedEffect) override;
- STDMETHOD(Optimize)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsOptimized)() override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // New reflection helpers
- ID3DX11EffectType * CreatePooledSingleElementTypeInterface(_In_ SType *pType);
- ID3DX11EffectVariable * CreatePooledVariableMemberInterface(_In_ TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity,
- _In_ const SVariable *pMember,
- _In_ const UDataPointer Data, _In_ bool IsSingleElement, _In_ uint32_t Index);
-#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectAPI.cpp b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectAPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8e222ac5..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectAPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectAPI.cpp
-// Effect API entry point
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#include "pchfx.h"
-#include <memory>
-using namespace D3DX11Effects;
-struct handle_closer { void operator()(HANDLE h) { if (h) CloseHandle(h); } };
-typedef std::unique_ptr<void, handle_closer> ScopedHandle;
-inline HANDLE safe_handle( HANDLE h ) { return (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? nullptr : h; }
-static HRESULT LoadBinaryFromFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR pFileName, _Inout_ std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>& data, _Out_ uint32_t& size )
- // open the file
-#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8)
- ScopedHandle hFile( safe_handle( CreateFile2( pFileName,
- nullptr ) ) );
- ScopedHandle hFile( safe_handle( CreateFileW( pFileName,
- nullptr,
- nullptr ) ) );
- if ( !hFile )
- {
- return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
- }
- // Get the file size
- if ( !GetFileInformationByHandleEx( hFile.get(), FileStandardInfo, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo) ) )
- {
- return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
- }
- // File is too big for 32-bit allocation or contains no data, so reject read
- if ( !fileInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart || fileInfo.EndOfFile.HighPart > 0 )
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // create enough space for the file data
- data.reset( new uint8_t[ fileInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart ] );
- if (!data)
- {
- }
- // read the data in
- DWORD BytesRead = 0;
- if (!ReadFile( hFile.get(),
- data.get(),
- fileInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart,
- &BytesRead,
- nullptr
- ))
- {
- return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
- }
- if (BytesRead < fileInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- size = BytesRead;
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT WINAPI D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory(LPCVOID pData, SIZE_T DataLength, UINT FXFlags,
- ID3D11Device *pDevice, ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect, LPCSTR srcName )
- if ( !pData || !DataLength || !pDevice || !ppEffect )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- if ( DataLength > UINT32_MAX )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // Note that pData must point to a compiled effect, not HLSL
- VN( *ppEffect = new CEffect( FXFlags & D3DX11_EFFECT_RUNTIME_VALID_FLAGS) );
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->LoadEffect(pData, static_cast<uint32_t>(DataLength) ) );
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->BindToDevice(pDevice, (srcName) ? srcName : "D3DX11Effect" ) );
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(*ppEffect);
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT WINAPI D3DX11CreateEffectFromFile( LPCWSTR pFileName, UINT FXFlags, ID3D11Device *pDevice, ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect )
- if ( !pFileName || !pDevice || !ppEffect )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> fileData;
- uint32_t size;
- HRESULT hr = LoadBinaryFromFile( pFileName, fileData, size );
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- hr = S_OK;
- // Note that pData must point to a compiled effect, not HLSL
- VN( *ppEffect = new CEffect( FXFlags & D3DX11_EFFECT_RUNTIME_VALID_FLAGS) );
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->LoadEffect( fileData.get(), size ) );
- // Create debug object name from input filename
- CHAR strFileA[MAX_PATH];
- int result = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, pFileName, -1, strFileA, MAX_PATH, nullptr, FALSE );
- if ( !result )
- {
- DPF(0, "Failed to load effect file due to WC to MB conversion failure: %ls", pFileName);
- hr = E_FAIL;
- goto lExit;
- }
- const CHAR* pstrName = strrchr( strFileA, '\\' );
- if (!pstrName)
- {
- pstrName = strFileA;
- }
- else
- {
- pstrName++;
- }
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->BindToDevice(pDevice, pstrName) );
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(*ppEffect);
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT D3DX11CompileEffectFromMemory( LPCVOID pData, SIZE_T DataLength, LPCSTR srcName,
- const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *pDefines, ID3DInclude *pInclude, UINT HLSLFlags, UINT FXFlags,
- ID3D11Device *pDevice, ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect, ID3DBlob **ppErrors )
- if ( !pData || !DataLength || !pDevice || !ppEffect )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- {
- DPF(0, "Effect pools (i.e. D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_CHILD_EFFECT) not supported" );
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
- ID3DBlob *blob = nullptr;
- HRESULT hr = D3DCompile( pData, DataLength, srcName, pDefines, pInclude, "", "fx_5_0", HLSLFlags, FXFlags, &blob, ppErrors );
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- DPF(0, "D3DCompile of fx_5_0 profile failed: %08X", hr );
- return hr;
- }
- hr = S_OK;
- VN( *ppEffect = new CEffect( FXFlags & D3DX11_EFFECT_RUNTIME_VALID_FLAGS ) );
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->LoadEffect(blob->GetBufferPointer(), static_cast<uint32_t>( blob->GetBufferSize() ) ) );
- SAFE_RELEASE( blob );
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->BindToDevice(pDevice, (srcName) ? srcName : "D3DX11Effect" ) );
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(*ppEffect);
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT D3DX11CompileEffectFromFile( LPCWSTR pFileName,
- const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *pDefines, ID3DInclude *pInclude, UINT HLSLFlags, UINT FXFlags,
- ID3D11Device *pDevice, ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect, ID3DBlob **ppErrors )
- if ( !pFileName || !pDevice || !ppEffect )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- {
- DPF(0, "Effect pools (i.e. D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_CHILD_EFFECT) not supported" );
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
- ID3DBlob *blob = nullptr;
- HRESULT hr = D3DCompileFromFile( pFileName, pDefines, pInclude, "", "fx_5_0", HLSLFlags, FXFlags, &blob, ppErrors );
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- DPF(0, "D3DCompileFromFile of fx_5_0 profile failed %08X: %ls", hr, pFileName );
- return hr;
- }
-#else // D3D_COMPILER_VERSION < 46
- std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> fileData;
- uint32_t size;
- HRESULT hr = LoadBinaryFromFile( pFileName, fileData, size );
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- DPF(0, "Failed to load effect file %08X: %ls", hr, pFileName);
- return hr;
- }
- // Create debug object name from input filename
- CHAR strFileA[MAX_PATH];
- int result = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, pFileName, -1, strFileA, MAX_PATH, nullptr, FALSE );
- if ( !result )
- {
- DPF(0, "Failed to load effect file due to WC to MB conversion failure: %ls", pFileName);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- const CHAR* pstrName = strrchr( strFileA, '\\' );
- if (!pstrName)
- {
- pstrName = strFileA;
- }
- else
- {
- pstrName++;
- }
- hr = D3DCompile( fileData.get(), size, pstrName, pDefines, pInclude, "", "fx_5_0", HLSLFlags, FXFlags, &blob, ppErrors );
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- DPF(0, "D3DCompile of fx_5_0 profile failed: %08X", hr );
- return hr;
- }
- if ( blob->GetBufferSize() > UINT32_MAX)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( blob );
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- hr = S_OK;
- VN( *ppEffect = new CEffect( FXFlags & D3DX11_EFFECT_RUNTIME_VALID_FLAGS ) );
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->LoadEffect(blob->GetBufferPointer(), static_cast<uint32_t>( blob->GetBufferSize() ) ) );
- SAFE_RELEASE( blob );
- // Create debug object name from input filename
- CHAR strFileA[MAX_PATH];
- int result = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, pFileName, -1, strFileA, MAX_PATH, nullptr, FALSE );
- if ( !result )
- {
- DPF(0, "Failed to load effect file due to WC to MB conversion failure: %ls", pFileName);
- hr = E_FAIL;
- goto lExit;
- }
- const CHAR* pstrName = strrchr( strFileA, '\\' );
- if (!pstrName)
- {
- pstrName = strFileA;
- }
- else
- {
- pstrName++;
- }
- VH( ((CEffect*)(*ppEffect))->BindToDevice(pDevice, pstrName) );
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(*ppEffect);
- }
- return hr;
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectLoad.cpp b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectLoad.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 40dfe0c019..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectLoad.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4030 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectLoad.cpp
-// Direct3D Effects file loading code
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#include "pchfx.h"
-#include "EffectStates11.h"
-#define PRIVATENEW new(m_BulkHeap)
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-static LPCSTR g_szEffectLoadArea = "D3D11EffectLoader";
-SRasterizerBlock g_NullRasterizer;
-SDepthStencilBlock g_NullDepthStencil;
-SBlendBlock g_NullBlend;
-SShaderResource g_NullTexture;
-SInterface g_NullInterface;
-SUnorderedAccessView g_NullUnorderedAccessView;
-SRenderTargetView g_NullRenderTargetView;
-SDepthStencilView g_NullDepthStencilView;
-// these VTables must be setup in the proper order:
-// 1) SetShader
-// 2) SetConstantBuffers
-// 3) SetSamplers
-// 4) SetShaderResources
-// 5) CreateShader
-SD3DShaderVTable g_vtPS = {
- (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetShader,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetConstantBuffers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetSamplers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetShaderResources,
- (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreatePixelShader
-SD3DShaderVTable g_vtVS = {
- (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetShader,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetConstantBuffers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetSamplers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetShaderResources,
- (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateVertexShader
-SD3DShaderVTable g_vtGS = {
- (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetShader,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetConstantBuffers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetSamplers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetShaderResources,
- (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateGeometryShader
-SD3DShaderVTable g_vtHS = {
- (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetShader,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetConstantBuffers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetSamplers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetShaderResources,
- (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateHullShader
-SD3DShaderVTable g_vtDS = {
- (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetShader,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetConstantBuffers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetSamplers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetShaderResources,
- (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateDomainShader
-SD3DShaderVTable g_vtCS = {
- (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetShader,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetConstantBuffers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetSamplers,
- &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetShaderResources,
- (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateComputeShader
-SShaderBlock g_NullVS(&g_vtVS);
-SShaderBlock g_NullGS(&g_vtGS);
-SShaderBlock g_NullPS(&g_vtPS);
-SShaderBlock g_NullHS(&g_vtHS);
-SShaderBlock g_NullDS(&g_vtDS);
-SShaderBlock g_NullCS(&g_vtCS);
-D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(EObjectType ObjectType)
- switch (ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_String:
- return D3D_SVT_STRING;
- case EOT_Blend:
- return D3D_SVT_BLEND;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- case EOT_RenderTargetView:
- case EOT_DepthStencilView:
- case EOT_Texture:
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- return D3D_SVT_TEXTURE;
- case EOT_Buffer:
- return D3D_SVT_BUFFER;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- return D3D_SVT_SAMPLER;
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- return D3D_SVT_RWBUFFER;
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- return D3D_SVT_VOID;
-inline HRESULT VerifyPointer(uint32_t oBase, uint32_t dwSize, uint32_t dwMaxSize)
- uint32_t dwAdd = oBase + dwSize;
- if (dwAdd < oBase || dwAdd > dwMaxSize)
- return E_FAIL;
- return S_OK;
-// EffectHeap
-// A simple class which assists in adding data to a block of memory
-CEffectHeap::CEffectHeap() noexcept :
- m_pData(nullptr),
- m_dwBufferSize(0),
- m_dwSize(0)
-uint32_t CEffectHeap::GetSize()
- return m_dwSize;
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::ReserveMemory(uint32_t dwSize)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert(!m_pData);
- assert(dwSize == AlignToPowerOf2(dwSize, c_DataAlignment));
- m_dwBufferSize = dwSize;
- VN( m_pData = new uint8_t[m_dwBufferSize] );
- // make sure that we have machine word alignment
- assert(m_pData == AlignToPowerOf2(m_pData, c_DataAlignment));
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::AddString(const char *pString, char **ppPointer)
- size_t size = strlen(pString) + 1;
- assert( size <= 0xffffffff );
- return AddData(pString, (uint32_t)size, (void**) ppPointer);
-// This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size
-template <bool bCopyData>
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::AddDataInternal(_In_reads_bytes_(dwSize) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t dwSize, _Outptr_ void **ppPointer)
- CCheckedDword chkFinalSize( m_dwSize );
- uint32_t finalSize;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- chkFinalSize += dwSize;
- chkFinalSize += c_DataAlignment; // account for alignment
- VHD( chkFinalSize.GetValue(&finalSize), "Overflow while adding data to Effect heap." );
- // align original value
- finalSize = AlignToPowerOf2(finalSize - c_DataAlignment, c_DataAlignment);
- VBD( finalSize <= m_dwBufferSize, "Overflow adding data to Effect heap." );
- *ppPointer = m_pData + m_dwSize;
- assert(*ppPointer == AlignToPowerOf2(*ppPointer, c_DataAlignment));
- if( bCopyData )
- {
- memcpy(*ppPointer, pData, dwSize);
- }
- m_dwSize = finalSize;
- if (FAILED(hr))
- *ppPointer = nullptr;
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::AddData(const void *pData, uint32_t dwSize, void **ppPointer)
- return AddDataInternal<true>( pData, dwSize, ppPointer );
-// Moves a string from the general heap to the private heap and modifies the pointer to
-// point to the new memory block.
-// The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given string pointer.
-// This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveString(char **ppString)
- char *pNewPointer;
- if (*ppString == nullptr)
- return S_OK;
- hr = AddString(*ppString, &pNewPointer);
- if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
- *ppString = pNewPointer;
- return hr;
-// Allocates space but does not move data
-// The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given string pointer.
-// This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveEmptyDataBlock(void **ppData, uint32_t size)
- void *pNewPointer;
- hr = AddDataInternal<false>(*ppData, size, &pNewPointer);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- *ppData = pNewPointer;
- if (size == 0)
- {
- // To help catch bugs, set zero-byte blocks to null. There's no real reason to do this
- *ppData = nullptr;
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Moves an array of SInterfaceParameters from the general heap to the private heap and modifies the pointer to
-// point to the new memory block.
-// The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given string pointer.
-// This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveInterfaceParameters(uint32_t InterfaceCount, SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces)
- SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter *pNewPointer;
- if (*ppInterfaces == nullptr)
- return S_OK;
- VBD( InterfaceCount <= D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES, "Internal loading error: InterfaceCount > D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES." );
- VH( AddData(*ppInterfaces, InterfaceCount * sizeof(SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter), (void**)&pNewPointer) );
- for( size_t i=0; i < InterfaceCount; i++ )
- {
- VH( MoveString( &pNewPointer[i].pName ) );
- }
- *ppInterfaces = pNewPointer;
- return hr;
-// Moves data from the general heap to the private heap and modifies the pointer to
-// point to the new memory block
-// The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given pointer.
-// This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size
-HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveData(void **ppData, uint32_t size)
- void *pNewPointer;
- hr = AddData(*ppData, size, &pNewPointer);
- if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
- {
- *ppData = pNewPointer;
- if (size == 0)
- {
- // To help catch bugs, set zero-byte blocks to null. There's no real reason to do this
- *ppData = nullptr;
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Load API
-HRESULT CEffect::LoadEffect(const void *pEffectBuffer, uint32_t cbEffectBuffer)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectLoader loader;
- if (!pEffectBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: pEffectBuffer is nullptr.", g_szEffectLoadArea);
- }
- VH( loader.LoadEffect(this, pEffectBuffer, cbEffectBuffer) );
- if( FAILED( hr ) )
- {
- // Release here because m_pShaderBlocks may still be in loader.m_BulkHeap if loading failed before we reallocated the memory
- ReleaseShaderRefection();
- }
- return hr;
-// CEffectLoader
-// A helper class which loads an effect
-CEffectLoader::CEffectLoader() noexcept :
- m_pData(nullptr),
- m_pHeader(nullptr),
- m_Version(0),
- m_pEffect(nullptr),
- m_pReflection(nullptr),
- m_dwBufferSize(0),
- m_pOldVars(nullptr),
- m_pOldShaders(nullptr),
- m_pOldDS(nullptr),
- m_pOldAB(nullptr),
- m_pOldRS(nullptr),
- m_pOldCBs(nullptr),
- m_pOldSamplers(nullptr),
- m_OldInterfaceCount(0),
- m_pOldInterfaces(nullptr),
- m_pOldShaderResources(nullptr),
- m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews(nullptr),
- m_pOldRenderTargetViews(nullptr),
- m_pOldDepthStencilViews(nullptr),
- m_pOldStrings(nullptr),
- m_pOldMemberDataBlocks(nullptr),
- m_pvOldMemberInterfaces(nullptr),
- m_pOldGroups(nullptr),
- m_EffectMemory(0),
- m_ReflectionMemory(0)
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::GetUnstructuredDataBlock(uint32_t offset, uint32_t *pdwSize, void **ppData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t *pBlockSize;
- VH( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(offset, sizeof(*pBlockSize), (void**) &pBlockSize ) );
- *pdwSize = *pBlockSize;
- VH( m_msUnstructured.Read(ppData, *pdwSize) );
- return hr;
-// position in buffer is lost on error
-// This function should be used in 1:1 conjunction with CEffectHeap::MoveString;
-// that is, any string added to the reflection heap with this function
-// must be relocated with MoveString at some point later on.
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::GetStringAndAddToReflection(uint32_t offset, char **ppString)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- LPCSTR pName;
- size_t oldPos;
- if (offset == 0)
- {
- *ppString = nullptr;
- goto lExit;
- }
- oldPos = m_msUnstructured.GetPosition();
- VH( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(offset, &pName) );
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2( (uint32_t)strlen(pName) + 1, c_DataAlignment);
- *ppString = const_cast<char*>(pName);
- m_msUnstructured.Seek(oldPos);
- return hr;
-// position in buffer is lost on error
-// This function should be used in 1:1 conjunction with CEffectHeap::MoveInterfaceParameters;
-// that is, any array of parameters added to the reflection heap with this function
-// must be relocated with MoveInterfaceParameters at some point later on.
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( uint32_t InterfaceCount, uint32_t offset, SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SBinaryInterfaceInitializer* pInterfaceInitializer;
- size_t oldPos;
- if (offset == 0)
- {
- *ppInterfaces = nullptr;
- goto lExit;
- }
- oldPos = m_msUnstructured.GetPosition();
- VBD( InterfaceCount <= D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES, "Internal loading error: InterfaceCount > D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES." );
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(InterfaceCount * sizeof(SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter), c_DataAlignment);
- assert( ppInterfaces != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( ppInterfaces != 0 );
- (*ppInterfaces) = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter[InterfaceCount];
- VN( *ppInterfaces );
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(offset, sizeof(SBinaryInterfaceInitializer) * InterfaceCount, (void**)&pInterfaceInitializer),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer." );
- for( size_t i=0; i < InterfaceCount; i++ )
- {
- (*ppInterfaces)[i].Index = pInterfaceInitializer[i].ArrayIndex;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(pInterfaceInitializer[i].oInstanceName, const_cast<LPCSTR*>(&(*ppInterfaces)[i].pName)),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer." );
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2( (uint32_t)strlen((*ppInterfaces)[i].pName) + 1, c_DataAlignment);
- }
- m_msUnstructured.Seek(oldPos);
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupCBPointer(_Inout_ SConstantBuffer **ppCB)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- size_t index = (SConstantBuffer*)*ppCB - m_pOldCBs;
- assert( index * sizeof(SConstantBuffer) == ((size_t)(SConstantBuffer*)*ppCB - (size_t)m_pOldCBs) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_CBCount, "Internal loading error: invalid constant buffer index." );
- *ppCB = (SConstantBuffer*)(m_pEffect->m_pCBs + index);
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupShaderPointer(_Inout_ SShaderBlock **ppShaderBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppShaderBlock != &g_NullVS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullGS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullPS &&
- *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullHS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullDS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullCS &&
- *ppShaderBlock != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppShaderBlock - m_pOldShaders;
- assert( index * sizeof(SShaderBlock) == ((size_t)*ppShaderBlock - (size_t)m_pOldShaders) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid shader index." );
- *ppShaderBlock = m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupDSPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilBlock **ppDSBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppDSBlock != &g_NullDepthStencil && *ppDSBlock != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppDSBlock - m_pOldDS;
- assert( index * sizeof(SDepthStencilBlock) == ((size_t)*ppDSBlock - (size_t)m_pOldDS) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid depth-stencil state index." );
- *ppDSBlock = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupABPointer(_Inout_ SBlendBlock **ppABBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppABBlock != &g_NullBlend && *ppABBlock != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppABBlock - m_pOldAB;
- assert( index * sizeof(SBlendBlock) == ((size_t)*ppABBlock - (size_t)m_pOldAB) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid blend state index." );
- *ppABBlock = m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupRSPointer(_Inout_ SRasterizerBlock **ppRSBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppRSBlock != &g_NullRasterizer && *ppRSBlock != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppRSBlock - m_pOldRS;
- assert( index * sizeof(SRasterizerBlock) == ((size_t)*ppRSBlock - (size_t)m_pOldRS) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid rasterizer state index." );
- *ppRSBlock = m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupSamplerPointer(_Inout_ SSamplerBlock **ppSampler)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- size_t index = *ppSampler - m_pOldSamplers;
- assert( index * sizeof(SSamplerBlock) == ((size_t)*ppSampler - (size_t)m_pOldSamplers) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid sampler index." );
- *ppSampler = m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks + index;
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupInterfacePointer(_Inout_ SInterface **ppInterface, _In_ bool CheckBackgroundInterfaces)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppInterface != &g_NullInterface && *ppInterface != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppInterface - m_pOldInterfaces;
- if(index < m_OldInterfaceCount)
- {
- assert( index * sizeof(SInterface) == ((size_t)*ppInterface - (size_t)m_pOldInterfaces) );
- *ppInterface = m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces + index;
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( CheckBackgroundInterfaces, "Internal loading error: invalid interface pointer." );
- for( index=0; index < m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(); index++ )
- {
- if( *ppInterface == m_BackgroundInterfaces[ (uint32_t)index ] )
- {
- // The interfaces m_BackgroundInterfaces were concatenated to the original ones in m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces
- *ppInterface = m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces + (m_OldInterfaceCount + index);
- break;
- }
- }
- VBD( index < m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(), "Internal loading error: invalid interface pointer." );
- }
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupShaderResourcePointer(_Inout_ SShaderResource **ppResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppResource != &g_NullTexture && *ppResource != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppResource - m_pOldShaderResources;
- assert( index * sizeof(SShaderResource) == ((size_t)*ppResource - (size_t)m_pOldShaderResources) );
- // could be a TBuffer or a texture; better check first
- if (index < m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount)
- {
- *ppResource = m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources + index;
- }
- else
- {
- // if this is a TBuffer, then the shader resource pointer
- // actually points into a SConstantBuffer's TBuffer field
- index = (SConstantBuffer*)*ppResource - (SConstantBuffer*)&m_pOldCBs->TBuffer;
- assert( index * sizeof(SConstantBuffer) == ((size_t)(SConstantBuffer*)*ppResource - (size_t)(SConstantBuffer*)&m_pOldCBs->TBuffer) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_CBCount, "Internal loading error: invalid SRV index." );
- *ppResource = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[index].TBuffer;
- }
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(_Inout_ SUnorderedAccessView **ppUnorderedAccessView)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppUnorderedAccessView != &g_NullUnorderedAccessView && *ppUnorderedAccessView != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppUnorderedAccessView - m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews;
- assert( index * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView) == ((size_t)*ppUnorderedAccessView - (size_t)m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount, "Internal loading error: invalid UAV index." );
- *ppUnorderedAccessView = m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupRenderTargetViewPointer(_Inout_ SRenderTargetView **ppRenderTargetView)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppRenderTargetView != &g_NullRenderTargetView && *ppRenderTargetView != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppRenderTargetView - m_pOldRenderTargetViews;
- assert( index * sizeof(SRenderTargetView) == ((size_t)*ppRenderTargetView - (size_t)m_pOldRenderTargetViews) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount, "Internal loading error: invalid RTV index." );
- *ppRenderTargetView = m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupDepthStencilViewPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilView **ppDepthStencilView)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (*ppDepthStencilView != &g_NullDepthStencilView && *ppDepthStencilView != nullptr)
- {
- size_t index = *ppDepthStencilView - m_pOldDepthStencilViews;
- assert( index * sizeof(SDepthStencilView) == ((size_t)*ppDepthStencilView - (size_t)m_pOldDepthStencilViews) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount, "Internal loading error: invalid DSV index." );
- *ppDepthStencilView = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews + index;
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupStringPointer(_Inout_ SString **ppString)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- size_t index = *ppString - m_pOldStrings;
- assert( index * sizeof(SString) == ((size_t)*ppString - (size_t)m_pOldStrings) );
- VBD(index < m_pEffect->m_StringCount, "Internal loading error: invalid string index." );
- *ppString = m_pEffect->m_pStrings + index;
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupMemberDataPointer(_Inout_ SMemberDataPointer **ppMemberData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- size_t index = *ppMemberData - m_pOldMemberDataBlocks;
- assert( index * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) == ((size_t)*ppMemberData - (size_t)m_pOldMemberDataBlocks) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount, "Internal loading error: invalid member block index." );
- *ppMemberData = m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + index;
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupVariablePointer(_Inout_ SGlobalVariable **ppVar)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- size_t index = *ppVar - m_pOldVars;
- if( index < m_pEffect->m_VariableCount )
- {
- assert( index * sizeof(SGlobalVariable) == ((size_t)*ppVar - (size_t)m_pOldVars) );
- *ppVar = m_pEffect->m_pVariables + index;
- }
- else if( m_pvOldMemberInterfaces )
- {
- // When cloning, m_pvOldMemberInterfaces may be non-nullptr, and *ppVar may point to a variable in it.
- const size_t Members = m_pvOldMemberInterfaces->GetSize();
- for( index=0; index < Members; index++ )
- {
- if( (ID3DX11EffectVariable*)(*m_pvOldMemberInterfaces)[ (uint32_t)index] == (ID3DX11EffectVariable*)*ppVar )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- VBD( index < Members, "Internal loading error: invalid member pointer." );
- *ppVar = (SGlobalVariable*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[ (uint32_t)index];
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupGroupPointer(_Inout_ SGroup **ppGroup)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if( *ppGroup != nullptr )
- {
- size_t index = *ppGroup - m_pOldGroups;
- assert( index * sizeof(SGroup) == ((size_t)*ppGroup - (size_t)m_pOldGroups) );
- VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_GroupCount, "Internal loading error: invalid group index." );
- *ppGroup = m_pEffect->m_pGroups + index;
- }
- return hr;
-static HRESULT GetEffectVersion( _In_ uint32_t effectFileTag, _Out_ DWORD* pVersion )
- assert( pVersion != nullptr );
- if( !pVersion )
- return E_FAIL;
- for( size_t i = 0; i < _countof(g_EffectVersions); i++ )
- {
- if( g_EffectVersions[i].m_Tag == effectFileTag )
- {
- *pVersion = g_EffectVersions[i].m_Version;
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- return E_FAIL;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadEffect(CEffect *pEffect, const void *pEffectBuffer, uint32_t cbEffectBuffer)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i, varSize, cMemberDataBlocks;
- CCheckedDword chkVariables = 0;
- // Used for cloning
- m_pvOldMemberInterfaces = nullptr;
- m_BulkHeap.EnableAlignment();
- assert(pEffect && pEffectBuffer);
- m_pEffect = pEffect;
- m_EffectMemory = m_ReflectionMemory = 0;
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pReflection = new CEffectReflection() );
- m_pReflection = m_pEffect->m_pReflection;
- // Begin effect load
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pTypePool = new CEffect::CTypeHashTable );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pStringPool = new CEffect::CStringHashTable );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap = new CDataBlockStore );
- m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap->EnableAlignment();
- m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->SetPrivateHeap(m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap);
- m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->SetPrivateHeap(m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap);
- VH( m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->AutoGrow() );
- VH( m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->AutoGrow() );
- // Load from blob
- m_pData = (uint8_t*)pEffectBuffer;
- m_dwBufferSize = cbEffectBuffer;
- VH( m_msStructured.SetData(m_pData, m_dwBufferSize) );
- // At this point, we assume that the blob is valid
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &m_pHeader, sizeof(*m_pHeader)), "pEffectBuffer is too small." );
- // Verify the version
- if( FAILED( hr = GetEffectVersion( m_pHeader->Tag, &m_Version ) ) )
- {
- DPF(0, "Effect version is unrecognized. This runtime supports fx_5_0 to %s.", g_EffectVersions[_countof(g_EffectVersions)-1].m_pName );
- VH( hr );
- }
- if( m_pHeader->RequiresPool() || m_pHeader->Pool.cObjectVariables > 0 || m_pHeader->Pool.cNumericVariables > 0 )
- {
- DPF(0, "Effect11 does not support EffectPools." );
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- // Get shader block count
- VBD( m_pHeader->cInlineShaders <= m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Invalid Effect header: cInlineShaders > cTotalShaders." );
- // Make sure the counts for the Effect don't overflow
- chkVariables = m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables;
- chkVariables *= sizeof(SGlobalVariable);
- VH( chkVariables.GetValue(&varSize) );
- // Make sure the counts for the SMemberDataPointers don't overflow
- chkVariables = m_pHeader->cClassInstanceElements;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->cSamplers;
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs; // Buffer (for CBuffers and TBuffers)
- chkVariables += m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs; // SRV (for TBuffers)
- VHD( chkVariables.GetValue(&cMemberDataBlocks), "Overflow: too many Effect variables." );
- // Allocate effect resources
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pCBs = PRIVATENEW SConstantBuffer[m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks = PRIVATENEW SDepthStencilBlock[m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks = PRIVATENEW SRasterizerBlock[m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks = PRIVATENEW SBlendBlock[m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks = PRIVATENEW SSamplerBlock[m_pHeader->cSamplers] );
- // we allocate raw bytes for variables because they are polymorphic types that need to be placement new'ed
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pVariables = (SGlobalVariable *)PRIVATENEW uint8_t[varSize] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders = PRIVATENEW SAnonymousShader[m_pHeader->cInlineShaders] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pGroups = PRIVATENEW SGroup[m_pHeader->cGroups] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock[m_pHeader->cTotalShaders] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pStrings = PRIVATENEW SString[m_pHeader->cStrings] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources = PRIVATENEW SShaderResource[m_pHeader->cShaderResources] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews = PRIVATENEW SUnorderedAccessView[m_pHeader->cUnorderedAccessViews] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces = PRIVATENEW SInterface[m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariableElements] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks = PRIVATENEW SMemberDataPointer[cMemberDataBlocks] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews = PRIVATENEW SRenderTargetView[m_pHeader->cRenderTargetViews] );
- VN( m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews = PRIVATENEW SDepthStencilView[m_pHeader->cDepthStencilViews] );
- uint32_t oStructured = m_pHeader->cbUnstructured + sizeof(SBinaryHeader5);
- VHD( m_msStructured.Seek(oStructured), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: Missing structured data block." );
- VH( m_msUnstructured.SetData(m_pData + sizeof(SBinaryHeader5), oStructured - sizeof(SBinaryHeader5)) );
- VH( LoadCBs() );
- VH( LoadObjectVariables() );
- VH( LoadInterfaceVariables() );
- VH( LoadGroups() );
- // Build shader dependencies
- for (i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; i++)
- {
- VH( BuildShaderBlock(&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i]) );
- }
- for( size_t iGroup=0; iGroup<m_pHeader->cGroups; iGroup++ )
- {
- SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[iGroup];
- pGroup->HasDependencies = false;
- for( size_t iTechnique=0; iTechnique < pGroup->TechniqueCount; iTechnique++ )
- {
- STechnique* pTech = &pGroup->pTechniques[iTechnique];
- pTech->HasDependencies = false;
- for( size_t iPass=0; iPass < pTech->PassCount; iPass++ )
- {
- SPassBlock *pPass = &pTech->pPasses[iPass];
- pTech->HasDependencies |= pPass->CheckDependencies();
- }
- pGroup->HasDependencies |= pTech->HasDependencies;
- }
- }
- VH( InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings() );
- VH( ReallocateReflectionData() );
- VH( ReallocateEffectData() );
- VB( m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetSize() == m_ReflectionMemory );
- // Verify that all of the various block/variable types were loaded
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_VariableCount == (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables), "Internal loading error: mismatched variable count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount == m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Internal loading error: mismatched shader block count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount == m_pHeader->cInlineShaders, "Internal loading error: mismatched anonymous variable count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount == m_pHeader->cShaderResources, "Internal loading error: mismatched SRV count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount == m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariableElements + m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(), "Internal loading error: mismatched interface count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount == m_pHeader->cUnorderedAccessViews, "Internal loading error: mismatched UAV count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount == cMemberDataBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched member data block count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount == m_pHeader->cRenderTargetViews, "Internal loading error: mismatched RTV count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount == m_pHeader->cDepthStencilViews, "Internal loading error: mismatched DSV count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount == m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched depth-stencil state count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount == m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched blend state count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount == m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched rasterizer state count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount == m_pHeader->cSamplers, "Internal loading error: mismatched sampler count." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_StringCount == m_pHeader->cStrings, "Internal loading error: mismatched string count." );
- // Uncomment if you really need this information
- // DPF(0, "Effect heap size: %d, reflection heap size: %d, allocations avoided: %d", m_EffectMemory, m_ReflectionMemory, m_BulkHeap.m_cAllocations);
- return hr;
-// position in buffer is lost on error
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadStringAndAddToPool(char **ppString, uint32_t dwOffset)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- char *pName;
- uint32_t hash;
- size_t oldPos;
- CEffect::CStringHashTable::CIterator iter;
- uint32_t len;
- if (dwOffset == 0)
- {
- *ppString = nullptr;
- goto lExit;
- }
- oldPos = m_msUnstructured.GetPosition();
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(dwOffset, (LPCSTR *) &pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string." );
- len = (uint32_t)strlen(pName);
- hash = ComputeHash((uint8_t *)pName, len);
- if (FAILED(m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->FindValueWithHash(pName, hash, &iter)))
- {
- assert( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap != 0 );
- VN( (*ppString) = new(*m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap) char[len + 1] );
- memcpy(*ppString, pName, len + 1);
- VHD( m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->AddValueWithHash(*ppString, hash), "Internal loading error: failed to add string to pool." );
- }
- else
- {
- *ppString = const_cast<LPSTR>(iter.GetData());
- }
- m_msUnstructured.Seek(oldPos);
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadTypeAndAddToPool(SType **ppType, uint32_t dwOffset)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SBinaryType *psType;
- SBinaryNumericType *pNumericType;
- EObjectType *pObjectType;
- uint32_t cMembers, iMember, cInterfaces;
- uint32_t oBaseClassType;
- SType temporaryType;
- CEffect::CTypeHashTable::CIterator iter;
- uint8_t *pHashBuffer;
- uint32_t hash;
- SVariable *pTempMembers = nullptr;
- m_HashBuffer.Empty();
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(dwOffset, sizeof(SBinaryType), (void**) &psType), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read type." );
- VHD( LoadStringAndAddToPool(&temporaryType.pTypeName, psType->oTypeName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read type name." );
- temporaryType.VarType = psType->VarType;
- temporaryType.Elements = psType->Elements;
- temporaryType.TotalSize = psType->TotalSize;
- temporaryType.Stride = psType->Stride;
- temporaryType.PackedSize = psType->PackedSize;
- // sanity check elements, size, stride, etc.
- uint32_t cElements = std::max<uint32_t>(1, temporaryType.Elements);
- VBD( cElements * temporaryType.Stride == AlignToPowerOf2(temporaryType.TotalSize, SType::c_RegisterSize), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type size." );
- VBD( temporaryType.Stride % SType::c_RegisterSize == 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type stride." );
- VBD( temporaryType.PackedSize <= temporaryType.TotalSize && temporaryType.PackedSize % cElements == 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type packed size." );
- switch(temporaryType.VarType)
- {
- case EVT_Object:
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &pObjectType, sizeof(uint32_t)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object type." );
- temporaryType.ObjectType = *pObjectType;
- VBD( temporaryType.VarType > EVT_Invalid && temporaryType.VarType < EVT_Count, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid object type." );
- VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) +
- sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType)) );
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.ObjectType, sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType));
- break;
- case EVT_Interface:
- temporaryType.InterfaceType = nullptr;
- VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) +
- sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType)) );
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.ObjectType, sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType));
- break;
- case EVT_Numeric:
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &pNumericType, sizeof(SBinaryNumericType)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read numeric type." );
- temporaryType.NumericType = *pNumericType;
- VBD( temporaryType.NumericType.Rows >= 1 && temporaryType.NumericType.Rows <= 4 &&
- temporaryType.NumericType.Columns >= 1 && temporaryType.NumericType.Columns <= 4 &&
- temporaryType.NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Invalid && temporaryType.NumericType.NumericLayout < ENL_Count &&
- temporaryType.NumericType.ScalarType > EST_Invalid && temporaryType.NumericType.ScalarType < EST_Count,
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid numeric type.");
- if (temporaryType.NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Matrix)
- {
- VBD( temporaryType.NumericType.IsColumnMajor == false, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: only matricies can be column major." );
- }
- VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) +
- sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.NumericType)) );
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.NumericType, sizeof(temporaryType.NumericType));
- break;
- case EVT_Struct:
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read(&cMembers), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read struct." );
- temporaryType.StructType.Members = cMembers;
- VN( pTempMembers = new SVariable[cMembers] );
- temporaryType.StructType.pMembers = pTempMembers;
- // read up all of the member descriptors at once
- SBinaryType::SBinaryMember *psMember;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &psMember, cMembers * sizeof(*psMember)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read struct members." );
- {
- // Determine if this type implements an interface
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read(&oBaseClassType), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read base class type." );
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read(&cInterfaces), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interfaces." );
- if( cInterfaces > 0 )
- {
- temporaryType.StructType.ImplementsInterface = 1;
- temporaryType.StructType.HasSuperClass = ( oBaseClassType > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- else if( oBaseClassType > 0 )
- {
- // Get parent type and copy its ImplementsInterface
- SType* pBaseClassType;
- VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pBaseClassType, oBaseClassType) );
- temporaryType.StructType.ImplementsInterface = pBaseClassType->StructType.ImplementsInterface;
- temporaryType.StructType.HasSuperClass = 1;
- }
- // Read (and ignore) the interface types
- uint32_t *poInterface;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &poInterface, cInterfaces * sizeof(poInterface)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface types." );
- }
- uint32_t totalSize;
- totalSize = 0;
- for (iMember=0; iMember<cMembers; iMember++)
- {
- SVariable *pMember;
- pMember = temporaryType.StructType.pMembers + iMember;
- VBD( psMember[iMember].Offset == totalSize ||
- psMember[iMember].Offset == AlignToPowerOf2(totalSize, SType::c_RegisterSize),
- "Internal loading error: invalid member offset." );
- pMember->Data.Offset = psMember[iMember].Offset;
- VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pMember->pType, psMember[iMember].oType) );
- VH( LoadStringAndAddToPool(&pMember->pName, psMember[iMember].oName) );
- VH( LoadStringAndAddToPool(&pMember->pSemantic, psMember[iMember].oSemantic) );
- totalSize = psMember[iMember].Offset + pMember->pType->TotalSize;
- }
- VBD( AlignToPowerOf2(totalSize, SType::c_RegisterSize) == temporaryType.Stride, "Internal loading error: invlid type size." );
- VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) +
- sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.StructType.Members) + cMembers * sizeof(SVariable)) );
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.StructType.Members, sizeof(temporaryType.StructType.Members));
- pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.StructType.Members);
- memcpy(pHashBuffer, temporaryType.StructType.pMembers, cMembers * sizeof(SVariable));
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid variable type." );
- }
- hash = ComputeHash(&m_HashBuffer[0], m_HashBuffer.GetSize());
- if (FAILED(m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->FindValueWithHash(&temporaryType, hash, &iter)))
- {
- assert( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap != nullptr );
- // allocate real member array, if necessary
- if (temporaryType.VarType == EVT_Struct)
- {
- VN( temporaryType.StructType.pMembers = new(*m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap) SVariable[temporaryType.StructType.Members] );
- memcpy(temporaryType.StructType.pMembers, pTempMembers, temporaryType.StructType.Members * sizeof(SVariable));
- }
- // allocate real type
- VN( (*ppType) = new(*m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap) SType );
- memcpy(*ppType, &temporaryType, sizeof(temporaryType));
- ZeroMemory(&temporaryType, sizeof(temporaryType));
- VH( m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->AddValueWithHash(*ppType, hash) );
- }
- else
- {
- *ppType = iter.GetData();
- }
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pTempMembers);
- return hr;
-// Numeric data in annotations are tightly packed (unlike in CBs which follow D3D11 packing rules). This unpacks them.
-uint32_t CEffectLoader::UnpackData(uint8_t *pDestData, uint8_t *pSrcData, uint32_t PackedDataSize, SType *pType, uint32_t *pBytesRead)
- uint32_t bytesRead = 0;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t elementsToCopy = std::max<uint32_t>(pType->Elements, 1);
- switch (pType->VarType)
- {
- case EVT_Struct:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++ i)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < pType->StructType.Members; ++ j)
- {
- uint32_t br;
- assert(PackedDataSize > bytesRead);
- VH( UnpackData(pDestData + pType->StructType.pMembers[j].Data.Offset,
- pSrcData + bytesRead, PackedDataSize - bytesRead,
- pType->StructType.pMembers[j].pType, &br) );
- bytesRead += br;
- }
- pDestData += pType->Stride;
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Numeric:
- if (pType->NumericType.IsPackedArray)
- {
- // No support for packed arrays
- assert(0);
- VHD(E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: packed arrays are not supported." );
- }
- else
- {
- uint32_t bytesToCopy;
- if (pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor)
- {
- uint32_t registers = pType->NumericType.Columns;
- uint32_t entries = pType->NumericType.Rows;
- bytesToCopy = entries * registers * SType::c_ScalarSize;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++ i)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < registers; ++ j)
- {
- for (size_t k = 0; k < entries; ++ k)
- {
- // type cast to an arbitrary scalar
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[k] = ((uint32_t*)pSrcData)[k * registers + j];
- }
- pDestData += SType::c_RegisterSize; // advance to next register
- }
- pSrcData += bytesToCopy;
- bytesRead += bytesToCopy;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- uint32_t registers = pType->NumericType.Rows;
- uint32_t entries = pType->NumericType.Columns;
- bytesToCopy = entries * SType::c_ScalarSize;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++ i)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < registers; ++ j)
- {
- memcpy(pDestData, pSrcData, bytesToCopy);
- pDestData += SType::c_RegisterSize; // advance to next register
- pSrcData += bytesToCopy;
- bytesRead += bytesToCopy;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- // shouldn't be called on non-struct/numeric types
- assert(0);
- VHD(E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: UnpackData should not be called on non-struct, non-numeric types." );
- }
- *pBytesRead = bytesRead;
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a numeric variable
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadNumericVariable(_In_ SConstantBuffer *pParentCB)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SBinaryNumericVariable *psVar;
- SGlobalVariable *pVar;
- SType *pType;
- void *pDefaultValue;
- // Read variable info
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psVar, sizeof(*psVar)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read numeric variable." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_VariableCount < (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables),
- "Internal loading error: invalid variable counts.");
- pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount];
- // Get type
- VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psVar->oType) );
- // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created
- VH( PlacementNewVariable(pVar, pType, false) );
- {
- pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = psVar->Offset;
- }
- else
- {
- pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = uint32_t(-1);
- }
- pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- pVar->pType = pType;
- pVar->pCB = pParentCB;
- pVar->Data.pGeneric = pParentCB->pBackingStore + psVar->Offset;
- VBD( psVar->Offset + pVar->pType->TotalSize <= pVar->pCB->Size, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid variable offset." );
- if (pType->VarType == EVT_Struct && pType->StructType.ImplementsInterface && !pParentCB->IsTBuffer)
- {
- pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) + 4;
- m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount += std::max<uint32_t>(pType->Elements,1);
- }
- // Get name & semantic
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psVar->oName, &pVar->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable name." );
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psVar->oSemantic, &pVar->pSemantic), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable semantic." );
- // Ensure the variable fits in the CBuffer and doesn't overflow
- VBD( pType->TotalSize + psVar->Offset <= pParentCB->Size &&
- pType->TotalSize + psVar->Offset >= pType->TotalSize, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: variable does not fit in CB." );
- ZeroMemory(pVar->Data.pGeneric, pType->TotalSize);
- // Get default value
- if (0 != psVar->oDefaultValue)
- {
- uint32_t bytesUnpacked;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psVar->oDefaultValue, pType->PackedSize, &pDefaultValue), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read default value." );
- VH( UnpackData((uint8_t*) pVar->Data.pGeneric, (uint8_t*) pDefaultValue, pType->PackedSize, pType, &bytesUnpacked) );
- VBD( bytesUnpacked == pType->PackedSize, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type packed size.");
- }
- // We need to use offsets until we fixup
- pVar->Data.Offset = psVar->Offset;
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pVar->AnnotationCount, &pVar->pAnnotations) );
- m_pEffect->m_VariableCount++;
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a constant buffer
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadCBs()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t iCB, iVar;
- for (iCB=0; iCB<m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs; iCB++)
- {
- SBinaryConstantBuffer *psCB;
- SConstantBuffer *pCB;
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psCB, sizeof(*psCB)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read CB." );
- pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[iCB];
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psCB->oName, &pCB->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read CB name." );
- pCB->IsTBuffer = (psCB->Flags & SBinaryConstantBuffer::c_IsTBuffer) != 0 ? true : false;
- pCB->IsSingle = (psCB->Flags & SBinaryConstantBuffer::c_IsSingle) != 0 ? true : false;
- pCB->Size = psCB->Size;
- pCB->ExplicitBindPoint = psCB->ExplicitBindPoint;
- VBD( pCB->Size == AlignToPowerOf2(pCB->Size, SType::c_RegisterSize), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: CB size not a power of 2." );
- VN( pCB->pBackingStore = PRIVATENEW uint8_t[pCB->Size] );
- pCB->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) + 4;
- m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount += 2;
- // point this CB to variables that it owns
- pCB->VariableCount = psCB->cVariables;
- if (pCB->VariableCount > 0)
- {
- pCB->pVariables = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount];
- }
- else
- {
- pCB->pVariables = nullptr;
- }
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pCB->AnnotationCount, &pCB->pAnnotations) );
- for (iVar=0; iVar<psCB->cVariables; iVar++)
- {
- VH( LoadNumericVariable(pCB) );
- }
- }
- m_pEffect->m_CBCount = m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs;
- return hr;
-// Used by LoadAssignment to initialize members on load
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::ExecuteConstantAssignment(const SBinaryConstant *pConstant, void *pLHS, D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE lhsType)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- switch(pConstant->Type)
- {
- case EST_UInt:
- case EST_Int:
- case EST_Bool:
- switch(lhsType)
- {
- case D3D_SVT_BOOL:
- case D3D_SVT_INT:
- case D3D_SVT_UINT:
- *(uint32_t*) pLHS = pConstant->iValue;
- break;
- case D3D_SVT_UINT8:
- *(uint8_t*) pLHS = (uint8_t) pConstant->iValue;
- break;
- case D3D_SVT_FLOAT:
- *(float*) pLHS = (float) pConstant->iValue;
- break;
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid left-hand assignment type." );
- }
- break;
- case EST_Float:
- switch(lhsType)
- {
- case D3D_SVT_BOOL:
- case D3D_SVT_INT:
- case D3D_SVT_UINT:
- *(uint32_t*) pLHS = (uint32_t) pConstant->fValue;
- break;
- case D3D_SVT_UINT8:
- *(uint8_t*) pLHS = (uint8_t) pConstant->fValue;
- break;
- case D3D_SVT_FLOAT:
- *(float*) pLHS = pConstant->fValue;
- break;
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid left-hand assignment type." );
- }
- break;
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid left-hand assignment type." );
- }
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a set of assignments
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadAssignments( uint32_t Assignments, SAssignment **ppAssignments,
- uint8_t *pBackingStore, uint32_t *pRTVAssignments, uint32_t *pFinalAssignments )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i, j;
- SBinaryAssignment *psAssignments;
- uint32_t finalAssignments = 0; // the number of assignments worth keeping
- uint32_t renderTargetViewAssns = 0; // Number of render target view assns, used by passes since SetRTV is a vararg call
- *pFinalAssignments = 0;
- if (pRTVAssignments)
- *pRTVAssignments = 0;
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psAssignments, sizeof(*psAssignments) * Assignments), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read assignments." );
- // allocate enough room to store all of the assignments (even though some may go unused)
- VN( (*ppAssignments) = PRIVATENEW SAssignment[Assignments] )
- //
- // In this loop, we read assignments 1-by-1, keeping some and discarding others.
- // We write to the "next" assignment which is given by &(*ppAssignments)[finalAssignments];
- // if an assignment is worth keeping, we increment finalAssignments.
- // This means that if you want to keep an assignment, you must be careful to initialize
- // all members of SAssignment because old values from preceding discarded assignments might remain.
- //
- for (i = 0; i < Assignments; ++ i)
- {
- SGlobalVariable *pVarArray, *pVarIndex, *pVar;
- const char *pGlobalVarName;
- SAssignment *pAssignment = &(*ppAssignments)[finalAssignments];
- uint8_t *pLHS;
- VBD( psAssignments[i].iState < NUM_STATES, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid assignment state." );
- VBD( psAssignments[i].Index < g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Indices, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid assignment index." );
- pAssignment->LhsType = g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_LhsType;
- // Count RenderTargetView assignments
- if (pAssignment->LhsType == ELHS_RenderTargetView)
- renderTargetViewAssns++;
- switch (g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type)
- {
- case D3D_SVT_UINT8:
- assert(g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Cols == 1); // uint8_t arrays not supported
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(uint8_t);
- // Store an offset for destination instead of a pointer so that it's easy to relocate it later
- break;
- case D3D_SVT_BOOL:
- case D3D_SVT_INT:
- case D3D_SVT_UINT:
- case D3D_SVT_FLOAT:
- pAssignment->DataSize = SType::c_ScalarSize * g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Cols;
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SRasterizerBlock);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SDepthStencilBlock);
- break;
- case D3D_SVT_BLEND:
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SBlendBlock);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SShaderBlock);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SShaderResource);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SRenderTargetView);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SDepthStencilView);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView);
- break;
- pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SInterface);
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid assignment type.");
- }
- uint32_t lhsStride;
- if( g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Stride > 0 )
- lhsStride = g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Stride;
- else
- lhsStride = pAssignment->DataSize;
- // Store only the destination offset so that the backing store pointers can be easily fixed up later
- pAssignment->Destination.Offset = g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Offset + lhsStride * psAssignments[i].Index;
- // As a result, you should use pLHS in this function instead of the destination pointer
- pLHS = pBackingStore + pAssignment->Destination.Offset;
- switch (psAssignments[i].AssignmentType)
- {
- case ECAT_Constant: // e.g. LHS = 1; or LHS = nullptr;
- uint32_t *pNumConstants;
- SBinaryConstant *pConstants;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(uint32_t), (void**) &pNumConstants), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read NumConstants." );
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void **)&pConstants, sizeof(SBinaryConstant) * (*pNumConstants)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read constants." );
- if(pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment())
- {
- // make sure this is a nullptr assignment
- VBD( *pNumConstants == 1 && (pConstants[0].Type == EST_Int || pConstants[0].Type == EST_UInt) && pConstants[0].iValue == 0,
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: non-nullptr constant assignment to object.");
- switch (pAssignment->LhsType)
- {
- case ELHS_DepthStencilBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullDepthStencil;
- break;
- case ELHS_BlendBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullBlend;
- break;
- case ELHS_RasterizerBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullRasterizer;
- break;
- case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullVS;
- break;
- case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullPS;
- break;
- case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullGS;
- break;
- case ELHS_HullShaderBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullHS;
- break;
- case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullDS;
- break;
- case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullCS;
- break;
- case ELHS_Texture:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullTexture;
- break;
- case ELHS_DepthStencilView:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullDepthStencilView;
- break;
- case ELHS_RenderTargetView:
- *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullRenderTargetView;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( *pNumConstants == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Cols, "Internal loading error: mismatch constant count." );
- for (j = 0; j < *pNumConstants; ++ j)
- {
- VH( ExecuteConstantAssignment(pConstants + j, pLHS, g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type) );
- pLHS += SType::c_ScalarSize; // arrays of constants will always be regular scalar sized, never byte-sized
- }
- }
- // Can get rid of this assignment
- break;
- case ECAT_Variable: // e.g. LHS = myVar;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable name." );
- VBD( pVar = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find variable name." );
- if (pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment())
- {
- VBD( pVar->pType->VarType == EVT_Object &&
- GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(pVar->pType->ObjectType) == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type,
- "Loading error: invalid variable type or object type." );
- // Write directly into the state block's backing store
- *((void **)pLHS) = pVar->Data.pGeneric;
- // Now we can get rid of this assignment
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( pVar->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer(), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: assignment type mismatch." );
- pAssignment->DependencyCount = 1;
- VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] );
- pAssignment->pDependencies->pVariable = pVar;
- // Store an offset for numeric values instead of a pointer so that it's easy to relocate it later
- pAssignment->Source.Offset = pVar->Data.Offset;
- pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_NumericVariable;
- // Can't get rid of this assignment
- ++ finalAssignments;
- }
- break;
- case ECAT_ConstIndex: // e.g. LHS = myGS[1]
- SBinaryAssignment::SConstantIndex *psConstIndex;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psConstIndex), (void**) &psConstIndex),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read assignment initializer." );
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psConstIndex->oArrayName, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read array name." );
- VBD( pVarArray = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find array name." );
- if (pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment())
- {
- VBD( psConstIndex->Index < pVarArray->pType->Elements, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: out of bounds array index." );
- VBD( pVarArray->pType->VarType == EVT_Object &&
- GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(pVarArray->pType->ObjectType) == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type,
- "Loading error: invalid variable type or object type." );
- // Write directly into the state block's backing store
- *((void **)pLHS) = GetBlockByIndex(pVarArray->pType->VarType, pVarArray->pType->ObjectType, pVarArray->Data.pGeneric, psConstIndex->Index);
- VBD( nullptr != *((void **)pLHS), "Internal loading error: invalid block." );
- // Now we can get rid of this assignment
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( pVarArray->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer(), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: assignment type mismatch." );
- pAssignment->DependencyCount = 1;
- VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] );
- pAssignment->pDependencies->pVariable = pVarArray;
- CCheckedDword chkDataLen = psConstIndex->Index;
- uint32_t dataLen;
- chkDataLen *= SType::c_ScalarSize;
- chkDataLen += pAssignment->DataSize;
- VHD( chkDataLen.GetValue(&dataLen), "Overflow: assignment size." );
- VBD( dataLen <= pVarArray->pType->TotalSize, "Internal loading error: assignment size mismatch" );
- pAssignment->Source.Offset = pVarArray->Data.Offset + psConstIndex->Index * SType::c_ScalarSize;
- // _NumericConstIndex is not used here because _NumericVariable
- // does the same stuff in a more general fashion with no perf hit.
- pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_NumericVariable;
- // Can't get rid of this assignment
- ++ finalAssignments;
- }
- break;
- case ECAT_VariableIndex: // e.g. LHS = myVar[numLights];
- SBinaryAssignment::SVariableIndex *psVarIndex;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psVarIndex), (void**) &psVarIndex),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read assignment initializer." );
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psVarIndex->oArrayName, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable name." );
- VBD( pVarArray = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find variable name." );
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psVarIndex->oIndexVarName, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read index variable name." );
- VBD( pVarIndex = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find index variable name." );
- // Only support integer indices
- VBD( pVarIndex->pType->VarType == EVT_Numeric && (pVarIndex->pType->NumericType.ScalarType == EST_Int || pVarIndex->pType->NumericType.ScalarType == EST_UInt),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid index variable type.");
- VBD( pVarArray->pType->Elements > 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: array variable is not an array." );
- pVarIndex->pCB->IsUsedByExpression = true;
- if (pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment())
- {
- VBD( pVarArray->pType->VarType == EVT_Object &&
- GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(pVarArray->pType->ObjectType) == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type,
- "Loading error: invalid variable type or object type." );
- // MaxElements is only 16-bits wide
- VBD( pVarArray->pType->Elements <= 0xFFFF, "Internal error: array size is too large." );
- pAssignment->MaxElements = pVarArray->pType->Elements;
- pAssignment->DependencyCount = 1;
- VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] );
- pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable = pVarIndex;
- // Point this assignment to the start of the variable's object array.
- // When this assignment is dirty, we write the value of this pointer plus
- // the index given by its one dependency directly into the destination
- pAssignment->Source = pVarArray->Data;
- pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_ObjectVariableIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( pVarArray->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer(), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: assignment type mismatch." );
- pAssignment->DependencyCount = 2;
- VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] );
- pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable = pVarIndex;
- pAssignment->pDependencies[1].pVariable = pVarArray;
- // When pVarIndex is updated, we update the source pointer.
- // When pVarArray is updated, we copy data from the source to the destination.
- pAssignment->Source.pGeneric = nullptr;
- pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_NumericVariableIndex;
- }
- // Can't get rid of this assignment
- ++ finalAssignments;
- break;
- case ECAT_ExpressionIndex:// e.g. LHS = myVar[a + b * c];
- case ECAT_Expression: // e.g. LHS = a + b * c;
- // we do not support FXLVM
- VHD( E_NOTIMPL, "FXLVM Expressions (complex assignments like myVar[i*2]) are not supported in Effects11." );
- break;
- case ECAT_InlineShader:
- case ECAT_InlineShader5:
- uint32_t cbShaderBin;
- uint8_t *pShaderBin;
- SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock;
- SAnonymousShader *pAnonShader;
- union
- {
- SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader *psInlineShader;
- SBinaryShaderData5 *psInlineShader5;
- };
- // Inline shader assignments must be object types
- assert(pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment());
- static_assert(offsetof(SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader, oShader) == offsetof(SBinaryShaderData5, oShader), "ECAT_InlineShader issue");
- static_assert(offsetof(SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader, oSODecl) == offsetof(SBinaryShaderData5, oSODecls), "ECAT_InlineShader5 issue");
- if( psAssignments[i].AssignmentType == ECAT_InlineShader )
- {
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psInlineShader), (void**) &psInlineShader),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader." );
- }
- else
- {
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psInlineShader5), (void**) &psInlineShader5),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader." );
- }
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount < m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Internal loading error: shader count is out incorrect." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount < m_pHeader->cInlineShaders, "Internal loading error: anonymous shader count is out incorrect." );
- pShaderBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount];
- pAnonShader = &m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders[m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount];
- pAnonShader->pShaderBlock = pShaderBlock;
- ++ m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount;
- ++ m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount;
- // Write directly into the state block's backing store
- *((void **)pLHS) = pShaderBlock;
- VHD( GetUnstructuredDataBlock(psInlineShader->oShader, &cbShaderBin, (void **) &pShaderBin), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader block." );
- if (cbShaderBin > 0)
- {
- VN( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock::SReflectionData );
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength = cbShaderBin;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode = (uint8_t*) pShaderBin;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0] =
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[1] =
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[2] =
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[3] = nullptr;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = 0;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->IsNullGS = FALSE;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection = nullptr;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = 0;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters = nullptr;
- }
- switch (pAssignment->LhsType)
- {
- case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtPS;
- VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: pixel shaders cannot have stream out decls." );
- break;
- case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS;
- if( psAssignments[i].AssignmentType == ECAT_InlineShader )
- {
- if (psInlineShader->oSODecl)
- {
- // This is a GS with SO
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineShader->oSODecl, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0]),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read SO decl." );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a GS with addressable stream out
- for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < psInlineShader5->cSODecls; ++iDecl )
- {
- if (psInlineShader5->oSODecls[iDecl])
- {
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineShader5->oSODecls[iDecl], &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl]),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read SO decl." );
- }
- }
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = psInlineShader5->RasterizedStream;
- }
- break;
- case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtVS;
- VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: vertex shaders cannot have stream out decls." );
- break;
- case ELHS_HullShaderBlock:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtHS;
- VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: hull shaders cannot have stream out decls." );
- break;
- case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtDS;
- VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: domain shaders cannot have stream out decls." );
- break;
- case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtCS;
- VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: compute shaders cannot have stream out decls." );
- break;
- case ELHS_GeometryShaderSO:
- assert(0); // Should never happen
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid shader type." );
- }
- if( psAssignments[i].AssignmentType == ECAT_InlineShader5 )
- {
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings;
- VH( GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings, psInlineShader5->oInterfaceBindings, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters ) );
- }
- // Now we can get rid of this assignment
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- *pFinalAssignments = finalAssignments;
- if (pRTVAssignments)
- *pRTVAssignments = renderTargetViewAssns;
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize an object variable
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadObjectVariables()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- size_t cBlocks = m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables;
- for (size_t iBlock=0; iBlock<cBlocks; iBlock++)
- {
- SBinaryObjectVariable *psBlock;
- SGlobalVariable *pVar;
- SType *pType;
- uint32_t elementsToRead;
- CCheckedDword chkElementsTotal;
- uint32_t elementsTotal;
- // Read variable info
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psBlock, sizeof(*psBlock)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object variable." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_VariableCount < (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables),
- "Internal loading error: variable count mismatch." );
- pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount];
- // Get type
- VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psBlock->oType) );
- // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created
- VH( PlacementNewVariable(pVar, pType, false) );
- pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- pVar->pType = pType;
- pVar->pCB = nullptr;
- pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = psBlock->ExplicitBindPoint;
- if( pType->IsStateBlockObject() )
- {
- pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) + 4;
- m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount += std::max<uint32_t>(pType->Elements,1);
- }
- // Get name
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psBlock->oName, &pVar->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object variable name." );
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psBlock->oSemantic, &pVar->pSemantic), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object variable semantic." );
- m_pEffect->m_VariableCount++;
- elementsToRead = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pType->Elements);
- chkElementsTotal = elementsToRead;
- if (pType->IsStateBlockObject())
- {
- // State blocks
- EBlockType blockType;
- uint32_t *maxBlockCount;
- uint32_t *currentBlockCount;
- switch (pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_Blend:
- pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks[m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount];
- maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks;
- currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount;
- blockType = EBT_Blend;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks[m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount];
- maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks;
- currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount;
- blockType = EBT_DepthStencil;
- break;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks[m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount];
- maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks;
- currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount;
- blockType = EBT_Rasterizer;
- break;
- default:
- VB(pType->IsSampler());
- pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks[m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount];
- maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cSamplers;
- currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount;
- blockType = EBT_Sampler;
- }
- chkElementsTotal += *currentBlockCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: vaiable elements." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= *maxBlockCount, "Internal loading error: element count overflow." );
- *currentBlockCount += elementsToRead;
- for (uint32_t iElement = 0; iElement < elementsToRead; ++ iElement)
- {
- SBaseBlock *pCurrentBlock;
- uint32_t cAssignments;
- pCurrentBlock = (SBaseBlock *) GetBlockByIndex(pVar->pType->VarType, pVar->pType->ObjectType, pVar->Data.pGeneric, iElement);
- VBD( nullptr != pCurrentBlock, "Internal loading error: find state block." );
- pCurrentBlock->BlockType = blockType;
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&cAssignments), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read state block assignments." );
- VH( LoadAssignments( cAssignments, &pCurrentBlock->pAssignments, (uint8_t*)pCurrentBlock, nullptr, &pCurrentBlock->AssignmentCount ) );
- }
- }
- else if (pType->IsShader())
- {
- // Shaders
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: shader block count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: shader count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pShader = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount];
- for (size_t iElement=0; iElement<elementsToRead; iElement++)
- {
- uint32_t cbShaderBin;
- void *pShaderBin;
- SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock;
- union
- {
- uint32_t *pOffset;
- SBinaryGSSOInitializer *psInlineGSSO4;
- SBinaryShaderData5 *psInlineShader5;
- };
- static_assert(offsetof(SBinaryGSSOInitializer, oShader) == 0, "Union issue");
- static_assert(offsetof(SBinaryShaderData5, oShader) == 0, "Union issue");
- pShaderBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount];
- m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount++;
- // Get shader binary
- switch (pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**)&pOffset, sizeof(*pOffset)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read shader block." );
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**)&psInlineGSSO4, sizeof(*psInlineGSSO4)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline GS with SO." );
- break;
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**)&psInlineShader5, sizeof(*psInlineShader5)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader." );
- break;
- default:
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- VHD( GetUnstructuredDataBlock(*pOffset, &cbShaderBin, &pShaderBin), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read shader byte code." );
- if (cbShaderBin > 0)
- {
- VN( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock::SReflectionData );
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength = cbShaderBin;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode = (uint8_t*) pShaderBin;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0] =
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[1] =
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[2] =
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[3] = nullptr;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = 0;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->IsNullGS = FALSE;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection = nullptr;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = 0;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters = nullptr;
- }
- switch (pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtPS;
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- // Get StreamOut decl
- //VH( m_msStructured.Read(&dwOffset) );
- if (cbShaderBin > 0)
- {
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineGSSO4->oSODecl, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0]),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read stream out decl." );
- }
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS;
- break;
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- // Get StreamOut decls
- if (cbShaderBin > 0)
- {
- for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < psInlineShader5->cSODecls; ++iDecl )
- {
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineShader5->oSODecls[iDecl], &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl]),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read stream out decls." );
- }
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = psInlineShader5->RasterizedStream;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings;
- VH( GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings, psInlineShader5->oInterfaceBindings, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters ) );
- }
- switch (pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtVS;
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS;
- break;
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtHS;
- break;
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtDS;
- break;
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtPS;
- break;
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtCS;
- break;
- default:
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS;
- break;
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtVS;
- break;
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid shader type." );
- }
- }
- }
- else if (pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- // Strings
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_StringCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: string object count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cStrings, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: string count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pString = &m_pEffect->m_pStrings[m_pEffect->m_StringCount];
- for (size_t iElement=0; iElement<elementsToRead; iElement++)
- {
- uint32_t dwOffset;
- SString *pString;
- pString = &m_pEffect->m_pStrings[m_pEffect->m_StringCount];
- m_pEffect->m_StringCount++;
- // Get string
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&dwOffset), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string offset." );
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(dwOffset, &pString->pString), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string." );
- }
- }
- else if (pType->IsShaderResource())
- {
- // Textures/buffers
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: SRV object count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cShaderResources, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: SRV count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pShaderResource = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources[m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount];
- m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount += elementsToRead;
- }
- else if (pType->IsUnorderedAccessView())
- {
- // UnorderedAccessViews
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: UAV object count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cUnorderedAccessViews, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: UAV count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pUnorderedAccessView = &m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews[m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount];
- m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount += elementsToRead;
- }
- else if (pType->IsRenderTargetView())
- {
- // RenderTargets
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: RTV object count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cRenderTargetViews, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: RTV count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pRenderTargetView = &m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews[m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount];
- m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount += elementsToRead;
- }
- else if (pType->IsDepthStencilView())
- {
- // DepthStencilViews
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: DSV object count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cDepthStencilViews, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: DSV count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pDepthStencilView = &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews[m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount];
- m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount += elementsToRead;
- }
- else
- {
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: DSV count mismatch." );
- }
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pVar->AnnotationCount, &pVar->pAnnotations) );
- }
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize an interface variable
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadInterfaceVariables()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t iBlock;
- uint32_t cBlocks;
- cBlocks = m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables;
- for (iBlock=0; iBlock<cBlocks; iBlock++)
- {
- SBinaryInterfaceVariable *psBlock;
- SGlobalVariable *pVar;
- SType *pType;
- uint32_t elementsToRead;
- CCheckedDword chkElementsTotal;
- uint32_t elementsTotal;
- void *pDefaultValue;
- // Read variable info
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psBlock, sizeof(*psBlock)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface block." );
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_VariableCount < (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables),
- "Internal loading error: variable count mismatch." );
- pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount];
- // Get type
- VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psBlock->oType) );
- // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created
- VH( PlacementNewVariable(pVar, pType, false) );
- pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- pVar->pType = pType;
- pVar->pCB = nullptr;
- pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = (uint32_t)-1;
- pVar->pSemantic = nullptr;
- // Get name
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psBlock->oName, &pVar->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface name." );
- m_pEffect->m_VariableCount++;
- elementsToRead = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pType->Elements);
- chkElementsTotal = elementsToRead;
- VBD( pType->IsInterface(), "Internal loading error: invlaid type for interface." );
- chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount;
- VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: interface count." );
- VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariableElements, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: interface count mismatch." );
- pVar->Data.pInterface = &m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces[m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount];
- m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount += elementsToRead;
- // Get default value
- if (0 != psBlock->oDefaultValue)
- {
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psBlock->oDefaultValue, elementsToRead * sizeof(SBinaryInterfaceInitializer), &pDefaultValue),
- "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer offset." );
- for( size_t i=0; i < elementsToRead; i++ )
- {
- SBinaryInterfaceInitializer* pInterfaceInit = &((SBinaryInterfaceInitializer*)pDefaultValue)[i];
- LPCSTR pClassInstanceName;
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(pInterfaceInit->oInstanceName, &pClassInstanceName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer." );
- SGlobalVariable *pCIVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pClassInstanceName);
- VBD( pCIVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find class instance for interface initializer." );
- VBD( pCIVariable->pType->IsClassInstance(), "Loading error: variable type mismatch for interface initializer." );
- if( pInterfaceInit->ArrayIndex == (uint32_t)-1 )
- {
- VBD( pCIVariable->pType->Elements == 0, "Loading error: array mismatch for interface initializer." );
- pVar->Data.pInterface[i].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pCIVariable;
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( pCIVariable->pType->Elements > 0, "Loading error: array mismatch for interface initializer." );
- VBD( pInterfaceInit->ArrayIndex < pCIVariable->pType->Elements, "Loading error: array index out of range." );
- SMember* pMember = (SMember*)pCIVariable->GetElement( pInterfaceInit->ArrayIndex );
- VBD( pMember->IsValid(), "Loading error: cannot find member by name." );
- VBD( pMember->pType->IsClassInstance(), "Loading error: member type mismatch for interface initializer." );
- pVar->Data.pInterface[i].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pMember;
- }
- }
- }
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pVar->AnnotationCount, &pVar->pAnnotations) );
- }
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a group (and contained techniques and passes)
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadGroups()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t TechniquesInEffect = 0;
- for( size_t iGroup=0; iGroup<m_pHeader->cGroups; iGroup++ )
- {
- SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[iGroup];
- SBinaryGroup *psGroup;
- // Read group info
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psGroup, sizeof(*psGroup)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read group." );
- pGroup->TechniqueCount = psGroup->cTechniques;
- VN( pGroup->pTechniques = PRIVATENEW STechnique[pGroup->TechniqueCount] );
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psGroup->oName, &pGroup->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read group name." );
- if( pGroup->pName == nullptr )
- {
- VBD( m_pEffect->m_pNullGroup == nullptr, "Internal loading error: multiple nullptr groups." );
- m_pEffect->m_pNullGroup = pGroup;
- }
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pGroup->AnnotationCount, &pGroup->pAnnotations) );
- for( size_t iTechnique=0; iTechnique < psGroup->cTechniques; iTechnique++ )
- {
- VH( LoadTechnique( &pGroup->pTechniques[iTechnique] ) );
- }
- TechniquesInEffect += psGroup->cTechniques;
- }
- VBD( TechniquesInEffect == m_pHeader->cTechniques, "Loading error: technique count mismatch." );
- m_pEffect->m_TechniqueCount = m_pHeader->cTechniques;
- m_pEffect->m_GroupCount = m_pHeader->cGroups;
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a technique (and contained passes)
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadTechnique( STechnique* pTech )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t iPass;
- SBinaryTechnique *psTech;
- // Read technique info
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psTech, sizeof(*psTech)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read technique." );
- pTech->PassCount = psTech->cPasses;
- VN( pTech->pPasses = PRIVATENEW SPassBlock[pTech->PassCount] );
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psTech->oName, &pTech->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read technique name." );
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pTech->AnnotationCount, &pTech->pAnnotations) );
- for (iPass=0; iPass<psTech->cPasses; iPass++)
- {
- SBinaryPass *psPass;
- SPassBlock *pPass = &pTech->pPasses[iPass];
- // Read pass info
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psPass, sizeof(SBinaryPass)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read pass." );
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psPass->oName, &pPass->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read pass name." );
- // Read annotations
- VH( LoadAnnotations(&pPass->AnnotationCount, &pPass->pAnnotations) );
- VH( LoadAssignments( psPass->cAssignments, &pPass->pAssignments, (uint8_t*)pPass, &pPass->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount, &pPass->AssignmentCount ) );
- VBD( pPass->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount <= D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: too many RTVs in pass." );
- // Initialize other pass information
- pPass->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- pPass->BlockType = EBT_Pass;
- }
- return hr;
-// Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a set of annotations
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadAnnotations(uint32_t *pcAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t cAnnotations, i, oData;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations = nullptr;
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&cAnnotations), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read anootation count." );
- if (cAnnotations)
- {
- uint32_t annotationsSize;
- CCheckedDword chkAnnotationsSize;
- chkAnnotationsSize = cAnnotations;
- chkAnnotationsSize *= sizeof(SAnnotation);
- VHD( chkAnnotationsSize.GetValue(&annotationsSize), "Overflow in annotations." );
- // we allocate raw bytes for annotations because they are polymorphic types that need to be placement new'ed
- VN( pAnnotations = (SAnnotation *) PRIVATENEW uint8_t[annotationsSize] );
- for (i=0; i<cAnnotations; i++)
- {
- SBinaryAnnotation *psAnnotation;
- SAnnotation *pAn = &pAnnotations[i];
- SType *pType;
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psAnnotation, sizeof(SBinaryAnnotation)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read annotation." );
- VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psAnnotation->oType) );
- // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created
- VH( PlacementNewVariable(pAn, pType, true) );
- pAn->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- pAn->pType = pType;
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psAnnotation->oName, &pAn->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read annotation name." );
- if (pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- uint32_t cElements = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pType->Elements);
- uint32_t j;
- VN( pAn->Data.pString = PRIVATENEW SString[cElements] );
- for (j = 0; j < cElements; ++ j)
- {
- // Read initializer offset
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&oData), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string." );
-#pragma warning( disable : 6011 )
- VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(oData, &pAn->Data.pString[j].pString), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string initializer." );
- }
- }
- else if (pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- void *pDefaultValue;
- uint32_t bytesUnpacked;
- // Read initializer offset
- VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&oData), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read annotation." );
- VBD( oData != 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid anotation offset." );
- VN( pAn->Data.pGeneric = PRIVATENEW uint8_t[pType->TotalSize] );
- ZeroMemory(pAn->Data.pGeneric, pType->TotalSize);
- VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(oData, pType->PackedSize, &pDefaultValue), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable default value." );
- VH( UnpackData((uint8_t*) pAn->Data.pGeneric, (uint8_t*) pDefaultValue, pType->PackedSize, pType, &bytesUnpacked) );
- VBD( bytesUnpacked == pType->PackedSize, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: packed sizes to not match." );
- }
- else
- {
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid annotation type." );
- }
- }
- }
- *pcAnnotations = cAnnotations;
- *ppAnnotations = pAnnotations;
- return hr;
-// Build shader block dependencies from shader metadata
-// Grabs shader resource dependency information from the bytecode of the shader
-// (cbuffer, tbuffer, texture, buffer, sampler, and UAV dependencies),
-// and sets up the given SShaderBlock to point to the dependencies within the effect
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::GrabShaderData(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectVector<SRange> vRanges[ER_Count], *pvRange;
- SRange *pRange = nullptr;
- CEffectVector<SConstantBuffer*> vTBuffers;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 1: iterate through the resource binding structures and build
- // an "optimized" list of all of the dependencies
- D3D11_SHADER_DESC ShaderDesc;
- hr = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetDesc( &ShaderDesc );
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- // Since we have the shader desc, let's find out if this is a nullptr GS
- if( D3D11_SHVER_GET_TYPE( ShaderDesc.Version ) == D3D11_SHVER_VERTEX_SHADER && pShaderBlock->GetShaderType() == EOT_GeometryShader )
- {
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->IsNullGS = true;
- }
- pShaderBlock->CBDepCount = pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount = pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount = pShaderBlock->SampDepCount = 0;
- pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount = pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount = 0;
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ShaderDesc.BoundResources; i++)
- {
- LPCSTR pName;
- uint32_t bindPoint, size;
- ERanges eRange = ER_CBuffer;
- SShaderResource *pShaderResource = nullptr;
- SUnorderedAccessView *pUnorderedAccessView = nullptr;
- SSamplerBlock *pSampler = nullptr;
- SConstantBuffer *pCB = nullptr;
- SVariable *pVariable = nullptr;
- bool isFX9TextureLoad = false;
- pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetResourceBindingDesc( i, &ResourceDesc );
- // HUGE ASSUMPTION: the bindpoints we read in the shader metadata are sorted;
- // i.e. bindpoints are steadily increasing
- // If this assumption is not met, then we will hit an assert below
- pName = ResourceDesc.Name;
- bindPoint = ResourceDesc.BindPoint;
- size = ResourceDesc.BindCount;
- switch( ResourceDesc.Type )
- {
- eRange = ER_CBuffer;
- pCB = m_pEffect->FindCB(pName);
- VBD( nullptr != pCB, "Loading error: cannot find cbuffer." );
- VBD( size == 1, "Loading error: cbuffer arrays are not supported." );
- break;
- eRange = ER_Texture;
- pCB = m_pEffect->FindCB(pName);
- VBD( nullptr != pCB, "Loading error: cannot find tbuffer." );
- VBD( false != pCB->IsTBuffer, "Loading error: cbuffer found where tbuffer is expected." );
- VBD( size == 1, "Loading error: tbuffer arrays are not supported." );
- pShaderResource = &pCB->TBuffer;
- break;
- {
- eRange = ER_Texture;
- pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByNameWithParsing(pName);
- VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find SRV variable." );
- uint32_t elements = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pVariable->pType->Elements);
- VBD( size <= elements, "Loading error: SRV array size mismatch." );
- if (pVariable->pType->IsShaderResource())
- {
- // this is just a straight texture assignment
- pShaderResource = pVariable->Data.pShaderResource;
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a FX9/HLSL9-style texture load instruction that specifies only a sampler
- VBD( pVariable->pType->IsSampler(), "Loading error: shader dependency is neither an SRV nor sampler.");
- isFX9TextureLoad = true;
- pSampler = pVariable->Data.pSampler;
- // validate that all samplers actually used (i.e. based on size, not elements) in this variable have a valid TEXTURE assignment
- for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j)
- {
- if (nullptr == pSampler[j].BackingStore.pTexture)
- {
- // print spew appropriately for samplers vs sampler arrays
- if (0 == pVariable->pType->Elements)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Sampler %s does not have a texture bound to it, even though the sampler is used in a DX9-style texture load instruction", g_szEffectLoadArea, pName);
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Sampler %s[%zu] does not have a texture bound to it, even though the sampler array is used in a DX9-style texture load instruction", g_szEffectLoadArea, pName, j);
- }
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- eRange = ER_UnorderedAccessView;
- pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByNameWithParsing(pName);
- VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find UAV variable." );
- VBD( size <= std::max<uint32_t>(1, pVariable->pType->Elements), "Loading error: UAV array index out of range." );
- VBD( pVariable->pType->IsUnorderedAccessView(), "Loading error: UAV variable expected." );
- pUnorderedAccessView = pVariable->Data.pUnorderedAccessView;
- break;
- eRange = ER_Sampler;
- pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByNameWithParsing(pName);
- VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find sampler variable." );
- VBD( size <= std::max<uint32_t>(1, pVariable->pType->Elements), "Loading error: sampler array index out of range." );
- VBD( pVariable->pType->IsSampler(), "Loading error: sampler variable expected." );
- pSampler = pVariable->Data.pSampler;
- break;
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: unexpected shader dependency type." );
- };
- //
- // Here's where the "optimized" part comes in; whenever there's
- // a resource dependency, see if it's located contiguous to
- // an existing resource dependency and merge them together
- // if possible
- //
- uint32_t rangeCount;
- pvRange = &vRanges[eRange];
- rangeCount = pvRange->GetSize();
- if ( rangeCount > 0 )
- {
- // Can we continue an existing range?
- pRange = &( (*pvRange)[rangeCount - 1] );
- // Make sure that bind points are strictly increasing,
- // otherwise this algorithm breaks and we'd get worse runtime performance
- assert(pRange->last <= bindPoint);
- if ( pRange->last != bindPoint )
- {
- if( eRange != ER_UnorderedAccessView )
- {
- // No we can't. Begin a new range by setting rangeCount to 0 and triggering the next IF
- rangeCount = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // UAVs will always be located in one range, as they are more expensive to set
- while(pRange->last < bindPoint)
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(&g_NullUnorderedAccessView), "Internal loading error: cannot add UAV to range." );
- pRange->last++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( rangeCount == 0 )
- {
- VN( pRange = pvRange->Add() );
- pRange->start = bindPoint;
- }
- pRange->last = bindPoint + size;
- switch( ResourceDesc.Type )
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pCB), "Internal loading error: cannot add cbuffer to range." );
- break;
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pShaderResource), "Internal loading error: cannot add tbuffer to range." );
- VHD( vTBuffers.Add( (SConstantBuffer*)pCB ), "Internal loading error: cannot add tbuffer to vector." );
- break;
- if (isFX9TextureLoad)
- {
- // grab all of the textures from each sampler
- for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j)
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pSampler[j].BackingStore.pTexture), "Internal loading error: cannot add SRV to range." );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // add the whole array
- for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j)
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pShaderResource + j), "Internal loading error: cannot add SRV to range." );
- }
- }
- break;
- // add the whole array
- for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j)
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pUnorderedAccessView + j), "Internal loading error: cannot add UAV to range." );
- }
- break;
- // add the whole array
- for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j)
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pSampler + j), "Internal loading error: cannot add sampler to range." );
- }
- break;
- default:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: unexpected shader dependency type." );
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 2: iterate through the interfaces and build
- // an "optimized" list of all of the dependencies
- uint32_t NumInterfaces = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetNumInterfaceSlots();
- uint32_t CurInterfaceParameter = 0;
- if( NumInterfaces > 0 )
- {
- assert( ShaderDesc.ConstantBuffers > 0 );
- for( uint32_t i=0; i < ShaderDesc.ConstantBuffers; i++ )
- {
- ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* pCB = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetConstantBufferByIndex(i);
- VN( pCB );
- VHD( pCB->GetDesc( &CBDesc ), "Internal loading error: cannot get CB desc." );
- if( CBDesc.Type != D3D11_CT_INTERFACE_POINTERS )
- {
- continue;
- }
- for( uint32_t iVar=0; iVar < CBDesc.Variables; iVar++ )
- {
- ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* pInterfaceVar = pCB->GetVariableByIndex( iVar );
- VN( pInterfaceVar );
- VHD( pInterfaceVar->GetDesc(&InterfaceDesc), "Internal load error: cannot get IV desc.");
- LPCSTR pName;
- uint32_t bindPoint, size;
- SGlobalVariable *pVariable = nullptr;
- SInterface *pInterface = nullptr;
- uint32_t VariableElements;
- pName = InterfaceDesc.Name;
- bindPoint = InterfaceDesc.StartOffset;
- size = InterfaceDesc.Size;
- if( bindPoint == (uint32_t)-1 )
- {
- continue;
- }
- assert( InterfaceDesc.uFlags & D3D11_SVF_INTERFACE_POINTER );
- if( InterfaceDesc.uFlags & D3D11_SVF_INTERFACE_PARAMETER )
- {
- // This interface pointer is a parameter to the shader
- if( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount == 0 )
- {
- // There may be no interface parameters in this shader if it was compiled but had no interfaced bound to it.
- // The shader cannot be set (correctly) in any pass.
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( CurInterfaceParameter < pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount,
- "Internal loading error: interface count mismatch.");
- SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter* pInterfaceInfo;
- pInterfaceInfo = &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters[CurInterfaceParameter];
- ++CurInterfaceParameter;
- SGlobalVariable *pParent = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pInterfaceInfo->pName);
- VBD( pParent != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find parent type." );
- if( pInterfaceInfo->Index == (uint32_t)-1 )
- {
- pVariable = pParent;
- VariableElements = pVariable->pType->Elements;
- }
- else
- {
- // We want a specific index of the variable (ex. "MyVar[2]")
- VBD( size == 1, "Loading error: interface array type mismatch." );
- pVariable = (SGlobalVariable*)pParent->GetElement( pInterfaceInfo->Index );
- VBD( pVariable->IsValid(), "Loading error: interface array index out of range." );
- VariableElements = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This interface pointer is a global interface used in the shader
- pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pName);
- VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find interface variable." );
- VariableElements = pVariable->pType->Elements;
- }
- VBD( size <= std::max<uint32_t>(1, VariableElements), "Loading error: interface array size mismatch." );
- if( pVariable->pType->IsInterface() )
- {
- pInterface = pVariable->Data.pInterface;
- }
- else if( pVariable->pType->IsClassInstance() )
- {
- // For class instances, we create background interfaces which point to the class instance. This is done so
- // the shader can always expect SInterface dependencies, rather than a mix of SInterfaces and class instances
- VN( pInterface = PRIVATENEW SInterface[size] );
- if( VariableElements == 0 )
- {
- assert( size == 1 );
- pInterface[0].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pVariable;
- m_BackgroundInterfaces.Add( &pInterface[0] );
- }
- else
- {
- // Fill each element of the SInstance array individually
- VBD( size == VariableElements, "Loading error: class instance array size mismatch." );
- for( uint32_t iElement=0; iElement < size; iElement++ )
- {
- SGlobalVariable *pElement = (SGlobalVariable*)pVariable->GetElement( iElement );
- VBD( pElement->IsValid(), "Internal loading error: class instance array index out of range." );
- pInterface[iElement].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pElement;
- m_BackgroundInterfaces.Add( &pInterface[iElement] );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Loading error: invalid interface initializer variable type.");
- }
- //
- // Here's where the "optimized" part comes in; whenever there's
- // a resource dependency, see if it's located contiguous to
- // an existing resource dependency and merge them together
- // if possible
- //
- uint32_t rangeCount;
- pvRange = &vRanges[ER_Interfaces];
- rangeCount = pvRange->GetSize();
- VBD( rangeCount <= 1, "Internal loading error: invalid range count." );
- if ( rangeCount == 0 )
- {
- VN( pRange = pvRange->Add() );
- pRange->start = pRange->last = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- pRange = &( (*pvRange)[0] );
- }
- if( bindPoint < pRange->last )
- {
- // add interfaces into the range that already exists
- VBD( bindPoint + size < pRange->last, "Internal loading error: range overlap." );
- for( uint32_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j )
- {
- pRange->vResources[j + bindPoint] = pInterface + j;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // add interfaces to the end of the range
- // add missing interface slots, if necessary
- while(pRange->last < bindPoint)
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(&g_NullInterface), "Internal loading error: cannot add nullptr interface to range." );
- pRange->last++;
- }
- assert( bindPoint == pRange->last );
- for( size_t j=0; j < size; ++ j )
- {
- VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pInterface + j), "Internal loading error: cannot at interface to range." );
- }
- pRange->last = bindPoint + size;
- }
- }
- // There is only one interface cbuffer
- break;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 3: allocate room in pShaderBlock for all of the dependency
- // pointers and then hook them up
- pShaderBlock->SampDepCount = vRanges[ ER_Sampler ].GetSize();
- pShaderBlock->CBDepCount = vRanges[ ER_CBuffer ].GetSize();
- pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount = vRanges[ ER_Interfaces ].GetSize();
- pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount = vRanges[ ER_Texture ].GetSize();
- pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount = vRanges[ ER_UnorderedAccessView ].GetSize();
- pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount = vTBuffers.GetSize();
- VN( pShaderBlock->pSampDeps = PRIVATENEW SShaderSamplerDependency[pShaderBlock->SampDepCount] );
- VN( pShaderBlock->pCBDeps = PRIVATENEW SShaderCBDependency[pShaderBlock->CBDepCount] );
- VN( pShaderBlock->pInterfaceDeps = PRIVATENEW SInterfaceDependency[pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount] );
- VN( pShaderBlock->pResourceDeps = PRIVATENEW SShaderResourceDependency[pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount] );
- VN( pShaderBlock->pUAVDeps = PRIVATENEW SUnorderedAccessViewDependency[pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount] );
- VN( pShaderBlock->ppTbufDeps = PRIVATENEW SConstantBuffer*[pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount] );
- for (size_t i=0; i<pShaderBlock->CBDepCount; ++i)
- {
- SShaderCBDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pCBDeps[i];
- pRange = &vRanges[ER_CBuffer][i];
- pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start;
- pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex;
- pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SConstantBuffer*[ pDep->Count ];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11Buffer*[ pDep->Count ];
- assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize());
- for (size_t j=0; j<pDep->Count; ++j)
- {
- pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SConstantBuffer *)pRange->vResources[j];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<pShaderBlock->SampDepCount; ++i)
- {
- SShaderSamplerDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pSampDeps[i];
- pRange = &vRanges[ER_Sampler][i];
- pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start;
- pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex;
- pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SSamplerBlock*[ pDep->Count ];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11SamplerState*[ pDep->Count ];
- assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize());
- for (size_t j=0; j<pDep->Count; ++j)
- {
- pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SSamplerBlock *) pRange->vResources[j];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount; ++i)
- {
- SInterfaceDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pInterfaceDeps[i];
- pRange = &vRanges[ER_Interfaces][i];
- pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start;
- pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex;
- pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SInterface*[ pDep->Count ];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11ClassInstance*[ pDep->Count ];
- assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize());
- for (size_t j=0; j<pDep->Count; ++j)
- {
- pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SInterface *) pRange->vResources[j];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount; ++i)
- {
- SShaderResourceDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pResourceDeps[i];
- pRange = &vRanges[ER_Texture][i];
- pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start;
- pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex;
- pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SShaderResource*[ pDep->Count ];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11ShaderResourceView*[ pDep->Count ];
- assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize());
- for (size_t j=0; j<pDep->Count; ++j)
- {
- pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SShaderResource *) pRange->vResources[j];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount; ++i)
- {
- SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pUAVDeps[i];
- pRange = &vRanges[ER_UnorderedAccessView][i];
- pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start;
- pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex;
- pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SUnorderedAccessView*[ pDep->Count ];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*[ pDep->Count ];
- assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize());
- for (size_t j=0; j<pDep->Count; ++j)
- {
- pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SUnorderedAccessView *) pRange->vResources[j];
- pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- if (pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount > 0)
- {
- memcpy(pShaderBlock->ppTbufDeps, &vTBuffers[0], pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*));
- }
- return hr;
-// Create shader reflection interface and grab dependency info
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::BuildShaderBlock(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // unused shader block? that's not right
- VBD( pShaderBlock->pVT != nullptr, "Internal loading error: nullptr shader vtable." );
- assert(pShaderBlock->pD3DObject == nullptr);
- if (nullptr == pShaderBlock->pReflectionData)
- {
- // File contains a shader variable without an assigned shader, or this is a null assignment.
- // Usually, this is called by one of these guys:
- // SetVertexShader( nullptr );
- // or
- // vertexshader g_VS = nullptr;
- return S_OK;
- }
- // Initialize the reflection interface
- VHD( D3DReflect( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode, pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength, IID_ID3D11ShaderReflection, (void**)&pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection ),
- "Internal loading error: cannot create shader reflection object." );
- // Get dependencies
- VH( GrabShaderData( pShaderBlock ) );
- // Grab input signatures for VS
- if( EOT_VertexShader == pShaderBlock->GetShaderType() )
- {
- assert( pShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob == nullptr );
- VHD( D3DGetBlobPart( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode, pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength,
- &pShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob ),
- "Internal loading error: cannot get input signature." );
- }
- return hr;
-// Code to relocate data to private heaps (reflection & runtime effect)
-// Important note about alignment: all reasonable chunks of data are
-// machine word aligned (that is, any piece of data moved as a whole is
-// aligned as a whole. This means that when computing m_ReflectionMemory
-// or m_EffectMemory, each addition is aligned. This also means
-// that, when later relocating that same memory, you must call MoveData
-// or MoveString on the same chunks that were aligned. This is
-// because: Align(a * b) != a * Align(b).
-// Reflection reallocation code
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::CalculateAnnotationSize(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation *pAnnotations)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i;
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cAnnotations * sizeof(SAnnotation), c_DataAlignment);
- for (i=0; i<cAnnotations; i++)
- {
- if (pAnnotations[i].pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pAnnotations[i].pType->TotalSize, c_DataAlignment);
- }
- else
- {
- VBD( pAnnotations[i].pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid annotation type." );
- uint32_t cElements = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pAnnotations[i].pType->Elements);
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cElements * sizeof(SString), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateAnnotationData(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations;
- VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveData((void**) ppAnnotations, cAnnotations * sizeof(SAnnotation)),
- "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation data." );
- pAnnotations = *ppAnnotations;
- for (i=0; i<cAnnotations; i++)
- {
- SAnnotation *pAn = &pAnnotations[i];
- pAn->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveString(&pAn->pName), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation name." );
- // Reallocate type later
- if (pAn->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveData( &pAn->Data.pGeneric, pAn->pType->TotalSize ), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation data." );
- }
- else if (pAnnotations[i].pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- uint32_t cElements = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pAn->pType->Elements);
- VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveData((void**) &pAn->Data.pString, cElements * sizeof(SString)), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation string." );
- for (size_t j = 0; j < cElements; ++ j)
- {
- VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveString(&pAn->Data.pString[j].pString), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation string element." );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid annotation type." );
- }
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings( uint32_t KnownSize )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t cbStrings;
- CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pReflection->m_Heap;
- // Get byte counts
- cbStrings = m_pEffect->m_StringCount * sizeof( SString );
- if( KnownSize )
- {
- m_ReflectionMemory = KnownSize;
- }
- else
- {
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbStrings, c_DataAlignment);
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_CBCount; i++)
- {
- VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].pAnnotations) );
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_VariableCount; i++)
- {
- VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pAnnotations) );
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_GroupCount; i++)
- {
- VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pAnnotations) );
- for (size_t j=0; j<m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount; j++)
- {
- VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pAnnotations) );
- for (size_t k=0; k<m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].PassCount; k++)
- {
- VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pAnnotations) );
- }
- }
- }
- // Calculate shader reflection data size
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; i++)
- {
- if (nullptr != m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData)
- {
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(sizeof(SShaderBlock::SReflectionData), c_DataAlignment);
- m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->BytecodeLength, c_DataAlignment);
- // stream out decl is handled as a string, and thus its size is already factored because of GetStringAndAddToReflection
- }
- }
- }
- VHD( pHeap->ReserveMemory(m_ReflectionMemory), "Internal loading error: failed to reserve reflection memory." );
- // Strings are handled separately because we are moving them to reflection
- m_pOldStrings = m_pEffect->m_pStrings;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pStrings, cbStrings), "Internal loading error: cannot move string data." );
- for(size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_StringCount; i++)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pStrings[i].pString), "Internal loading error: cannot move string pointer." );
- }
- return hr;
-// Move all reflection data to private heap
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateReflectionData( bool Cloning )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pReflection->m_Heap;
- for(size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_CBCount; i++)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move CB name." );
- VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].pAnnotations) );
- }
- for(size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_VariableCount; i++)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move variable name." );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pSemantic ), "Internal loading error: cannot move variable semantic." );
- VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pAnnotations) );
- }
- for(size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_GroupCount; i++)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move group name." );
- VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pAnnotations) );
- for(size_t j=0; j<m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount; j++)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move technique name." );
- VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pAnnotations) );
- for(size_t k=0; k<m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].PassCount; k++)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move pass name." );
- VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pAnnotations) );
- }
- }
- }
- if( !Cloning )
- {
- // When not cloning, every member in m_pMemberInterfaces is from a global variable, so we can take pName and pSemantic
- // from the parent variable, which were updated above
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i)
- {
- SMember* pMember = m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[i];
- SGlobalVariable* pTopLevelEntity = (SGlobalVariable*)pMember->pTopLevelEntity;
- VH( FixupVariablePointer( &pTopLevelEntity ) );
- pMember->pName = pTopLevelEntity->pName;
- pMember->pSemantic = pTopLevelEntity->pSemantic;
- }
- }
- // Move shader bytecode
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; i++)
- {
- if (nullptr != m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData)
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**)&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData, sizeof(SShaderBlock::SReflectionData)),
- "Internal loading error: cannot move shader reflection block." );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**)&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pBytecode, m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->BytecodeLength),
- "Internal loading error: cannot move shader bytecode.");
- for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT; ++iDecl )
- {
- VHD( pHeap->MoveString(&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl]), "Internal loading error: cannot move SO decl." );
- }
- VH( pHeap->MoveInterfaceParameters(m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount, &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters ) );
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Runtime effect reallocation code
-template<class T> HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateBlockAssignments(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks, T* pOldBlocks)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pEffect->m_Heap;
- for(size_t i=0; i<cBlocks; i++)
- {
- T *pBlock = &pBlocks[i];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pBlock->pAssignments, sizeof(SAssignment)*pBlock->AssignmentCount), "Internal loading error: cannot move assignment count." );
- for (size_t j=0; j<pBlock->AssignmentCount; j++)
- {
- SAssignment *pAssignment = &pBlock->pAssignments[j];
- uint32_t cbDeps;
- // When cloning, convert pointers back into offsets
- if( pOldBlocks )
- {
- T *pOldBlock = &pOldBlocks[i];
- pAssignment->Destination.Offset = (uint32_t)( (UINT_PTR)pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric - (UINT_PTR)pOldBlock ) ;
- }
- // Convert destination pointers from offset to real pointer
- pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric = (uint8_t*) pBlock + pAssignment->Destination.Offset;
- // Make sure the data pointer points into the backing store
- VBD( pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric >= &pBlock->BackingStore &&
- pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric < (uint8_t*) &pBlock->BackingStore + sizeof(pBlock->BackingStore),
- "Internal loading error: assignment destination out of range." );
- // Fixup dependencies
- cbDeps = pAssignment->DependencyCount * sizeof(SAssignment::SDependency);
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pAssignment->pDependencies, cbDeps), "Internal loading error: cannot move assignment dependencies." );
- SGlobalVariable *pOldVariable = nullptr;
- for(size_t iDep=0; iDep<pAssignment->DependencyCount; iDep++)
- {
- SAssignment::SDependency *pDep = &pAssignment->pDependencies[iDep];
- // We ignore all but the last variable because below, we only use the last dependency
- pOldVariable = pDep->pVariable;
- VH( FixupVariablePointer(&pDep->pVariable) );
- }
- // Fixup source pointers
- switch(pAssignment->LhsType)
- {
- case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_HullShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock:
- case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock:
- VH( FixupShaderPointer(&pAssignment->Source.pShader) );
- break;
- case ELHS_DepthStencilBlock:
- VH( FixupDSPointer((SDepthStencilBlock**)&pAssignment->Source.pBlock) );
- break;
- case ELHS_BlendBlock:
- VH( FixupABPointer((SBlendBlock**) &pAssignment->Source.pBlock) );
- break;
- case ELHS_RasterizerBlock:
- VH( FixupRSPointer((SRasterizerBlock**) &pAssignment->Source.pBlock) );
- break;
- case ELHS_Texture:
- VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer((SShaderResource**) &pAssignment->Source.pShaderResource) );
- break;
- default:
- // Non-object assignment (must have at least one dependency or it would have been pruned by now)
- assert( !pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment() && pAssignment->DependencyCount > 0 );
- // Numeric variables must be relocated before this function is called
- switch (pAssignment->AssignmentType)
- {
- case ERAT_NumericVariable:
- case ERAT_NumericVariableIndex:
- // the variable or variable array is always the last dependency in the chain
- SGlobalVariable *pVariable;
- pVariable = pAssignment->pDependencies[pAssignment->DependencyCount - 1].pVariable;
- assert( pVariable->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer() && nullptr != pVariable->pCB );
- // When cloning, convert pointers back into offsets
- if( pOldBlocks )
- {
- VBD( pOldVariable != nullptr, "Internal loading error: pOldVariable is nullptr." );
- pAssignment->Source.Offset = pAssignment->Source.pNumeric - pOldVariable->pCB->pBackingStore;
- }
- // Convert from offset to pointer
- pAssignment->Source.pNumeric = pVariable->pCB->pBackingStore + pAssignment->Source.Offset;
- break;
- default:
- // Shouldn't be able to get here
- assert(0);
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Loading error: invalid assignment type." );
- }
- break;
- case ELHS_Invalid:
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Loading error: invalid assignment type." );
- }
- assert(m_pEffect->m_LocalTimer > 0);
- m_pEffect->EvaluateAssignment(pAssignment);
- }
- }
- return hr;
-template<class T> uint32_t CEffectLoader::CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks)
- uint32_t dwSize = 0;
- for(size_t i=0; i<cBlocks; i++)
- {
- SBaseBlock *pBlock = &pBlocks[i];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pBlock->AssignmentCount * sizeof(SAssignment), c_DataAlignment);
- for (size_t j=0; j<pBlock->AssignmentCount; j++)
- {
- SAssignment *pAssignment = &pBlock->pAssignments[j];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pAssignment->DependencyCount * sizeof(SAssignment::SDependency), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- }
- return dwSize;
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateShaderBlocks()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pEffect->m_Heap;
- const char* pError = "Internal loading error: cannot move shader data.";
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; i++)
- {
- SShaderBlock *pShader = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i];
- // pShader->pReflection data and all of its members (bytecode, SO decl, etc.) are handled by ReallocateReflectionData()
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pCBDeps, pShader->CBDepCount * sizeof(SShaderCBDependency)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pSampDeps, pShader->SampDepCount * sizeof(SShaderSamplerDependency)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pInterfaceDeps, pShader->InterfaceDepCount * sizeof(SInterfaceDependency)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pResourceDeps, pShader->ResourceDepCount * sizeof(SShaderResourceDependency)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pUAVDeps, pShader->UAVDepCount * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessViewDependency)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->ppTbufDeps, pShader->TBufferDepCount * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*)), pError );
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->CBDepCount; j++)
- {
- SShaderCBDependency *pCBDeps = &pShader->pCBDeps[j];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pCBDeps->ppD3DObjects, pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11Buffer*)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pCBDeps->ppFXPointers, pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*)), pError );
- for (size_t k=0; k<pCBDeps->Count; k++)
- {
- VH( FixupCBPointer( &pCBDeps->ppFXPointers[k] ) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->SampDepCount; j++)
- {
- SShaderSamplerDependency *pSampDeps = &pShader->pSampDeps[j];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pSampDeps->ppD3DObjects, pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11SamplerState*)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pSampDeps->ppFXPointers, pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(SSamplerBlock*)), pError );
- for (size_t k=0; k<pSampDeps->Count; k++)
- {
- VH( FixupSamplerPointer(&pSampDeps->ppFXPointers[k]) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->InterfaceDepCount; j++)
- {
- SInterfaceDependency *pInterfaceDeps = &pShader->pInterfaceDeps[j];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pInterfaceDeps->ppD3DObjects, pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ClassInstance*)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pInterfaceDeps->ppFXPointers, pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(SInterface*)), pError );
- for (size_t k=0; k<pInterfaceDeps->Count; k++)
- {
- VH( FixupInterfacePointer(&pInterfaceDeps->ppFXPointers[k], true) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->ResourceDepCount; j++)
- {
- SShaderResourceDependency *pResourceDeps = &pShader->pResourceDeps[j];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pResourceDeps->ppD3DObjects, pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ShaderResourceView*)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pResourceDeps->ppFXPointers, pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(SShaderResource*)), pError );
- for (size_t k=0; k<pResourceDeps->Count; k++)
- {
- VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer(&pResourceDeps->ppFXPointers[k]) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->UAVDepCount; j++)
- {
- SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pUAVDeps = &pShader->pUAVDeps[j];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pUAVDeps->ppD3DObjects, pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*)), pError );
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pUAVDeps->ppFXPointers, pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView*)), pError );
- for (size_t k=0; k<pUAVDeps->Count; k++)
- {
- VH( FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(&pUAVDeps->ppFXPointers[k]) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->TBufferDepCount; j++)
- {
- VH( FixupCBPointer( &pShader->ppTbufDeps[j] ) );
- }
- }
- return hr;
-uint32_t CEffectLoader::CalculateShaderBlockSize()
- uint32_t dwSize = 0;
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; i++)
- {
- SShaderBlock *pShader = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->CBDepCount * sizeof(SShaderCBDependency), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->SampDepCount * sizeof(SShaderSamplerDependency), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->InterfaceDepCount * sizeof(SInterfaceDependency), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->ResourceDepCount * sizeof(SShaderResourceDependency), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->UAVDepCount * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessViewDependency), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->TBufferDepCount * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*), c_DataAlignment);
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->CBDepCount; j++)
- {
- SShaderCBDependency *pCBDeps = &pShader->pCBDeps[j];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11Buffer*), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->SampDepCount; j++)
- {
- SShaderSamplerDependency *pSampDeps = &pShader->pSampDeps[j];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11SamplerState*), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(SSamplerBlock*), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->InterfaceDepCount; j++)
- {
- SInterfaceDependency *pInterfaceDeps = &pShader->pInterfaceDeps[j];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ClassInstance*), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(SInterface*), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->ResourceDepCount; j++)
- {
- SShaderResourceDependency *pResourceDeps = &pShader->pResourceDeps[j];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ShaderResourceView*), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(SShaderResource*), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j<pShader->UAVDepCount; j++)
- {
- SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pUAVDeps = &pShader->pUAVDeps[j];
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*), c_DataAlignment);
- dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView*), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- }
- return dwSize;
-// Move all (non-reflection) effect data to private heap
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4616 6239 )
-HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateEffectData( bool Cloning )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pEffect->m_Heap;
- uint32_t cbCBs = sizeof(SConstantBuffer) * m_pEffect->m_CBCount;
- uint32_t cbVariables = sizeof(SGlobalVariable) * m_pEffect->m_VariableCount;
- uint32_t cbGroups = sizeof(STechnique) * m_pEffect->m_GroupCount;
- uint32_t cbShaders = sizeof(SShaderBlock) * m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount;
- uint32_t cbDS = sizeof(SDepthStencilBlock) * m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount;
- uint32_t cbAB = sizeof(SBlendBlock) * m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount;
- uint32_t cbRS = sizeof(SRasterizerBlock) * m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount;
- uint32_t cbSamplers = sizeof(SSamplerBlock) * m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount;
- uint32_t cbMemberDatas = sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) * m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount;
- uint32_t cbInterfaces = sizeof(SInterface) * m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount;
- uint32_t cbBackgroundInterfaces = sizeof(SInterface) * m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize();
- uint32_t cbShaderResources = sizeof(SShaderResource) * m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount;
- uint32_t cbUnorderedAccessViews = sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView) * m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount;
- uint32_t cbRenderTargetViews = sizeof(SRenderTargetView) * m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount;
- uint32_t cbDepthStencilViews = sizeof(SDepthStencilView) * m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount;
- uint32_t cbAnonymousShaders = sizeof(SAnonymousShader) * m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount;
- // Calculate memory needed
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbCBs, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbVariables, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbGroups, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbShaders, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbMemberDatas, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbInterfaces + cbBackgroundInterfaces, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbShaderResources, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbUnorderedAccessViews, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbRenderTargetViews, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbDepthStencilViews, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbDS, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbAB, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbRS, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbSamplers, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbAnonymousShaders, c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += CalculateShaderBlockSize();
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_CBCount; i++)
- {
- SConstantBuffer *pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i];
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pCB->Size, c_DataAlignment);
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_GroupCount; i++)
- {
- SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i];
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pGroup->TechniqueCount * sizeof(STechnique), c_DataAlignment);
- for (size_t j=0; j<pGroup->TechniqueCount; j++)
- {
- STechnique *pTech = &pGroup->pTechniques[j];
- m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pTech->PassCount * sizeof(SPassBlock), c_DataAlignment);
- m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(pTech->pPasses, pTech->PassCount);
- }
- };
- m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks, m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount);
- m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks, m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount);
- m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount);
- m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount);
- // Reserve memory
- VHD( pHeap->ReserveMemory(m_EffectMemory), "Internal loading error: cannot reserve effect memory." );
- // Move DataMemberPointer blocks
- m_pOldMemberDataBlocks = m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks, cbMemberDatas), "Internal loading error: cannot move member data blocks." );
- // Move CBs
- m_pOldCBs = m_pEffect->m_pCBs;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pCBs, cbCBs), "Internal loading error: cannot move CB count." );
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_CBCount; i++)
- {
- SConstantBuffer *pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i];
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pCB->pBackingStore, pCB->Size), "Internal loading error: cannot move CB backing store." );
- if( !Cloning )
- {
- // When creating the effect, MemberDataOffsetPlus4 is used, not pMemberData
- if( pCB->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 )
- {
- pCB->pMemberData = (SMemberDataPointer*)( (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + ( pCB->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 - 4 ) );
- }
- }
- else if (pCB->pMemberData)
- {
- // When cloning an effect, pMemberData points to valid data in the original effect
- VH( FixupMemberDataPointer( &pCB->pMemberData ) );
- }
- }
- // Move numeric variables; move all variable types
- m_pOldVars = m_pEffect->m_pVariables;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pVariables, cbVariables), "Internal loading error: cannot move variable count." );
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_VariableCount; i++)
- {
- SGlobalVariable *pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i];
- pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- if( Cloning && pVar->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- // Convert pointer back to offset
- // pVar->pCB refers to the old CB
- pVar->Data.Offset = (UINT_PTR)pVar->Data.pGeneric - (UINT_PTR)pVar->pCB->pBackingStore;
- }
- if (pVar->pCB)
- {
- VH( FixupCBPointer( &pVar->pCB ) );
- }
- if( !Cloning )
- {
- // When creating the effect, MemberDataOffsetPlus4 is used, not pMemberData
- if( pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 )
- {
- pVar->pMemberData = (SMemberDataPointer*)( (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + ( pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 - 4 ) );
- }
- }
- else if (pVar->pMemberData)
- {
- // When cloning an effect, pMemberData points to valid data in the original effect
- VH( FixupMemberDataPointer( &pVar->pMemberData ) );
- }
- if (pVar->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- // Convert from offsets to pointers
- pVar->Data.pGeneric = pVar->pCB->pBackingStore + pVar->Data.Offset;
- }
- }
- // Fixup each CB's array of child variable pointers
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_CBCount; i++)
- {
- SConstantBuffer *pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i];
- pCB->pEffect = m_pEffect;
- if (pCB->pVariables != nullptr)
- {
- VH( FixupVariablePointer(&pCB->pVariables) );
- }
- }
- // Move shaders
- m_pOldShaders = m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks, cbShaders), "Internal loading error: cannot move shader count." );
- // Move interfaces, combining global interfaces and those that were created during shader initialization
- m_pOldInterfaces = m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces;
- m_OldInterfaceCount = m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveEmptyDataBlock((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces, cbInterfaces + cbBackgroundInterfaces), "Internal loading error: cannot move shader." );
- memcpy( m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces, m_pOldInterfaces, cbInterfaces );
- for( size_t i=0; i < m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(); i++ )
- {
- assert( m_BackgroundInterfaces[i] != nullptr );
- uint8_t* pDst = (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces + ( m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount * sizeof(SInterface) );
- memcpy( pDst, m_BackgroundInterfaces[i], sizeof(SInterface) );
- m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount++;
- }
- m_pOldShaderResources = m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources, cbShaderResources), "Internal loading error: cannot move SRVs." );
- m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews = m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews, cbUnorderedAccessViews), "Internal loading error: cannot move UAVS." );
- m_pOldRenderTargetViews = m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews, cbRenderTargetViews), "Internal loading error: cannot move RTVs." );
- m_pOldDepthStencilViews = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews, cbDepthStencilViews), "Internal loading error: cannot move DSVs." );
- m_pOldDS = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks, cbDS), "Internal loading error: cannot move depth-stencil state blocks." );
- VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks, m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldDS : nullptr) );
- m_pOldAB = m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks, cbAB), "Internal loading error: cannot move blend state blocks." );
- VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks, m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldAB : nullptr) );
- m_pOldRS = m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks, cbRS), "Internal loading error: cannot move rasterizer state blocks." );
- VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldRS : nullptr) );
- m_pOldSamplers = m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks, cbSamplers), "Internal loading error: cannot move samplers." );
- VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldSamplers : nullptr) );
- // Fixup sampler backing stores
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount; ++i)
- {
- VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer(&m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks[i].BackingStore.pTexture) );
- }
- // Fixup each interface's class instance variable pointer
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount; i++)
- {
- SInterface *pInterface = &m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces[i];
- if (pInterface->pClassInstance != nullptr)
- {
- VH( FixupVariablePointer( (SGlobalVariable**)&pInterface->pClassInstance ) );
- }
- }
- // Fixup pointers for non-numeric variables
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_VariableCount; i++)
- {
- SGlobalVariable *pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i];
- if (pVar->pType->IsShader())
- {
- VH( FixupShaderPointer(&pVar->Data.pShader) );
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsShaderResource())
- {
- VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer(&pVar->Data.pShaderResource) );
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsUnorderedAccessView())
- {
- VH( FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(&pVar->Data.pUnorderedAccessView) );
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsInterface())
- {
- VH( FixupInterfacePointer(&pVar->Data.pInterface, false) );
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- if( !m_pEffect->IsOptimized() )
- {
- VH( FixupStringPointer(&pVar->Data.pString) );
- }
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsStateBlockObject())
- {
- switch(pVar->pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- VH( FixupDSPointer((SDepthStencilBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) );
- break;
- case EOT_Blend:
- VH( FixupABPointer((SBlendBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) );
- break;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- VH( FixupRSPointer((SRasterizerBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) );
- break;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- VB(pVar->pType->IsSampler());
- VH( FixupSamplerPointer((SSamplerBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) );
- break;
- default:
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->VarType == EVT_Struct || pVar->pType->VarType == EVT_Numeric)
- {
- if( pVar->pType->IsClassInstance() )
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- else
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsRenderTargetView())
- {
- VH( FixupRenderTargetViewPointer(&pVar->Data.pRenderTargetView) );
- }
- else if (pVar->pType->IsDepthStencilView())
- {
- VH( FixupDepthStencilViewPointer(&pVar->Data.pDepthStencilView) );
- }
- else
- {
- VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: Invalid variable type." );
- }
- }
- // Fixup created members
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i)
- {
- SMember* pMember = m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[i];
- SGlobalVariable** ppTopLevelEntity = (SGlobalVariable**)&pMember->pTopLevelEntity;
- VN( *ppTopLevelEntity );
- // This might be set to false later, for supporting textures inside classes
- const bool bGlobalMemberDataBlock = true;
- if( Cloning )
- {
- if( pMember->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer() )
- {
- assert( pMember->Data.pGeneric == nullptr || (*ppTopLevelEntity)->pEffect->m_Heap.IsInHeap(pMember->Data.pGeneric) );
- pMember->Data.Offset = (uint32_t)( (uint8_t*)pMember->Data.pGeneric - (uint8_t*)(*ppTopLevelEntity)->pCB->pBackingStore );
- }
- if( bGlobalMemberDataBlock && pMember->pMemberData )
- {
- pMember->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = (uint32_t)( (uint8_t*)pMember->pMemberData - (uint8_t*)(*ppTopLevelEntity)->pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks ) + 4;
- }
- }
- VH( FixupVariablePointer( ppTopLevelEntity ) );
- if (pMember->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- // Convert from offsets to pointers
- pMember->Data.pGeneric = (*ppTopLevelEntity)->pCB->pBackingStore + pMember->Data.Offset;
- }
- if( bGlobalMemberDataBlock && pMember->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 )
- {
- pMember->pMemberData = (SMemberDataPointer*)( (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + ( pMember->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 - 4 ) );
- }
- }
- // Fixup shader data
- VH( ReallocateShaderBlocks() );
- // Move groups, techniques, and passes
- m_pOldGroups = m_pEffect->m_pGroups;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pGroups, cbGroups), "Internal loading error: cannot move groups." );
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_GroupCount; i++)
- {
- SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i];
- uint32_t cbTechniques;
- cbTechniques = pGroup->TechniqueCount * sizeof(STechnique);
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pGroup->pTechniques, cbTechniques), "Internal loading error: cannot move techniques." );
- for (size_t j=0; j<pGroup->TechniqueCount; j++)
- {
- STechnique *pTech = &pGroup->pTechniques[j];
- uint32_t cbPass;
- cbPass = pTech->PassCount * sizeof(SPassBlock);
- SPassBlock* pOldPasses = Cloning ? pTech->pPasses : nullptr;
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pTech->pPasses, cbPass), "Internal loading error: cannot move passes." );
- for (size_t iPass = 0; iPass < pTech->PassCount; ++ iPass)
- {
- pTech->pPasses[iPass].pEffect = m_pEffect;
- // Fixup backing store pointers in passes
- VH( FixupABPointer((SBlendBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pBlendBlock) );
- VH( FixupDSPointer((SDepthStencilBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock) );
- VH( FixupRSPointer((SRasterizerBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock) );
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock) );
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock) );
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock) );
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock) );
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock) );
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock) );
- VH( FixupDepthStencilViewPointer( &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pDepthStencilView) );
- for (size_t iRT = 0; iRT < D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT; iRT++)
- {
- VH( FixupRenderTargetViewPointer( &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pRenderTargetViews[iRT] ) );
- }
- }
- VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments( pTech->pPasses, pTech->PassCount, pOldPasses ) );
- }
- }
- VH( FixupGroupPointer( &m_pEffect->m_pNullGroup ) );
- // Move anonymous shader variables
- VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void **) &m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders, cbAnonymousShaders), "Internal loading error: cannot move anonymous shaders." );
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount; ++i)
- {
- SAnonymousShader *pAnonymousShader = m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders + i;
- VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pAnonymousShader->pShaderBlock) );
- }
- VBD( pHeap->GetSize() == m_EffectMemory, "Loading error: effect size mismatch." );
- return hr;
-#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectLoad.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectLoad.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c125f8cff8..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectLoad.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectLoad.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects header for the FX file loader
-// A CEffectLoader is created at load time to facilitate loading
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-// Ranges are used for dependency checking during load
-enum ERanges
- ER_CBuffer = 0,
- ER_Texture, // Includes TBuffers
- ER_Sampler,
- ER_UnorderedAccessView,
- ER_Interfaces,
- ER_Count // This should be the size of the enum
-struct SRange
- uint32_t start;
- uint32_t last;
- CEffectVector<void *> vResources; // should be (last - start) in length, resource type depends on the range type
- SRange() noexcept :
- start(0),
- last(0)
- {
- }
-// Used during load to validate assignments
-D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(EObjectType ObjectType);
-// A class to facilitate loading an Effect. This class is a friend of CEffect.
-class CEffectLoader
- friend HRESULT CEffect::CloneEffect(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect** ppClonedEffect );
- // Load-time allocations that eventually get moved happen out of the TempHeap. This heap will grow as needed
- CDataBlockStore m_BulkHeap;
- uint8_t *m_pData;
- SBinaryHeader5 *m_pHeader;
- DWORD m_Version;
- CEffect *m_pEffect;
- CEffectReflection *m_pReflection;
- D3DX11Core::CMemoryStream m_msStructured;
- D3DX11Core::CMemoryStream m_msUnstructured;
- // used to avoid repeated hash buffer allocations in LoadTypeAndAddToPool
- CEffectVector<uint8_t> m_HashBuffer;
- uint32_t m_dwBufferSize; // Size of data buffer in bytes
- // List of SInterface blocks created to back class instances bound to shaders
- CEffectVector<SInterface*> m_BackgroundInterfaces;
- // Pointers to pre-reallocation data
- SGlobalVariable *m_pOldVars;
- SShaderBlock *m_pOldShaders;
- SDepthStencilBlock *m_pOldDS;
- SBlendBlock *m_pOldAB;
- SRasterizerBlock *m_pOldRS;
- SConstantBuffer *m_pOldCBs;
- SSamplerBlock *m_pOldSamplers;
- uint32_t m_OldInterfaceCount;
- SInterface *m_pOldInterfaces;
- SShaderResource *m_pOldShaderResources;
- SUnorderedAccessView *m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews;
- SRenderTargetView *m_pOldRenderTargetViews;
- SDepthStencilView *m_pOldDepthStencilViews;
- SString *m_pOldStrings;
- SMemberDataPointer *m_pOldMemberDataBlocks;
- CEffectVectorOwner<SMember> *m_pvOldMemberInterfaces;
- SGroup *m_pOldGroups;
- uint32_t m_EffectMemory; // Effect private heap
- uint32_t m_ReflectionMemory; // Reflection private heap
- // Loader helpers
- HRESULT LoadCBs();
- HRESULT LoadNumericVariable(_In_ SConstantBuffer *pParentCB);
- HRESULT LoadObjectVariables();
- HRESULT LoadInterfaceVariables();
- HRESULT LoadTypeAndAddToPool(_Outptr_ SType **ppType, _In_ uint32_t dwOffset);
- HRESULT LoadStringAndAddToPool(_Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ char **ppString, _In_ uint32_t dwOffset);
- HRESULT LoadAssignments( _In_ uint32_t Assignments, _Out_writes_(Assignments) SAssignment **pAssignments,
- _In_ uint8_t *pBackingStore, _Out_opt_ uint32_t *pRTVAssignments, _Out_opt_ uint32_t *pFinalAssignments );
- HRESULT LoadGroups();
- HRESULT LoadTechnique( STechnique* pTech );
- HRESULT LoadAnnotations(uint32_t *pcAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations);
- HRESULT ExecuteConstantAssignment(_In_ const SBinaryConstant *pConstant, _Out_writes_bytes_(4) void *pLHS, _In_ D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE lhsType);
- uint32_t UnpackData(uint8_t *pDestData, uint8_t *pSrcData, uint32_t PackedDataSize, SType *pType, uint32_t *pBytesRead);
- // Build shader blocks
- HRESULT ConvertRangesToBindings(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock, CEffectVector<SRange> *pvRanges );
- HRESULT GrabShaderData(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock);
- HRESULT BuildShaderBlock(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock);
- // Memory compactors
- HRESULT InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings( uint32_t KnownSize = 0 );
- HRESULT ReallocateReflectionData( bool Cloning = false );
- HRESULT ReallocateEffectData( bool Cloning = false );
- HRESULT ReallocateShaderBlocks();
- template<class T> HRESULT ReallocateBlockAssignments(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks, T* pOldBlocks = nullptr);
- HRESULT ReallocateAnnotationData(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations);
- HRESULT CalculateAnnotationSize(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation *pAnnotations);
- uint32_t CalculateShaderBlockSize();
- template<class T> uint32_t CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks);
- HRESULT FixupCBPointer(_Inout_ SConstantBuffer **ppCB);
- HRESULT FixupShaderPointer(_Inout_ SShaderBlock **ppShaderBlock);
- HRESULT FixupDSPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilBlock **ppDSBlock);
- HRESULT FixupABPointer(_Inout_ SBlendBlock **ppABBlock);
- HRESULT FixupRSPointer(_Inout_ SRasterizerBlock **ppRSBlock);
- HRESULT FixupInterfacePointer(_Inout_ SInterface **ppInterface, _In_ bool CheckBackgroundInterfaces);
- HRESULT FixupShaderResourcePointer(_Inout_ SShaderResource **ppResource);
- HRESULT FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(_Inout_ SUnorderedAccessView **ppResource);
- HRESULT FixupRenderTargetViewPointer(_Inout_ SRenderTargetView **ppRenderTargetView);
- HRESULT FixupDepthStencilViewPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilView **ppDepthStencilView);
- HRESULT FixupSamplerPointer(_Inout_ SSamplerBlock **ppSampler);
- HRESULT FixupVariablePointer(_Inout_ SGlobalVariable **ppVar);
- HRESULT FixupStringPointer(_Inout_ SString **ppString);
- HRESULT FixupMemberDataPointer(_Inout_ SMemberDataPointer **ppMemberData);
- HRESULT FixupGroupPointer(_Inout_ SGroup **ppGroup);
- // Methods to retrieve data from the unstructured block
- // (these do not make copies; they simply return pointers into the block)
- HRESULT GetStringAndAddToReflection(_In_ uint32_t offset, _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ char **ppPointer); // Returns a string from the file string block, updates m_EffectMemory
- HRESULT GetUnstructuredDataBlock(_In_ uint32_t offset, _Out_ uint32_t *pdwSize, _Outptr_result_buffer_(*pdwSize) void **ppData);
- // This function makes a copy of the array of SInterfaceParameters, but not a copy of the strings
- HRESULT GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( _In_ uint32_t InterfaceCount, _In_ uint32_t offset, _Outptr_result_buffer_all_maybenull_(InterfaceCount) SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces );
- CEffectLoader() noexcept;
- HRESULT LoadEffect(_In_ CEffect *pEffect, _In_reads_bytes_(cbEffectBuffer) const void *pEffectBuffer, _In_ uint32_t cbEffectBuffer);
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectNonRuntime.cpp b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectNonRuntime.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e6908c2d49..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectNonRuntime.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2988 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectNonRuntime.cpp
-// D3DX11 Effect low-frequency utility functions
-// These functions are not intended to be called regularly. They
-// are typically called when creating, cloning, or optimizing an
-// Effect, or reflecting a variable.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#include "pchfx.h"
-#include "SOParser.h"
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-extern SUnorderedAccessView g_NullUnorderedAccessView;
-SBaseBlock::SBaseBlock() noexcept :
- BlockType(EBT_Invalid),
- IsUserManaged(false),
- AssignmentCount(0),
- pAssignments(nullptr)
-SPassBlock::SPassBlock() noexcept :
- BackingStore{},
- pName(nullptr),
- AnnotationCount(0),
- pAnnotations(nullptr),
- pEffect(nullptr),
- InitiallyValid(true),
- HasDependencies(false)
-STechnique::STechnique() noexcept :
- pName(nullptr),
- PassCount(0),
- pPasses(nullptr),
- AnnotationCount(0),
- pAnnotations(nullptr),
- InitiallyValid( true ),
- HasDependencies( false )
-SGroup::SGroup() noexcept :
- pName(nullptr),
- TechniqueCount(0),
- pTechniques(nullptr),
- AnnotationCount(0),
- pAnnotations(nullptr),
- InitiallyValid( true ),
- HasDependencies( false )
-SDepthStencilBlock::SDepthStencilBlock() noexcept :
- pDSObject(nullptr),
- BackingStore{},
- IsValid(true)
- BackingStore.BackFace.StencilFailOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
- BackingStore.BackFace.StencilFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS;
- BackingStore.BackFace.StencilPassOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
- BackingStore.BackFace.StencilDepthFailOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
- BackingStore.DepthEnable = true;
- BackingStore.DepthFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_LESS;
- BackingStore.DepthWriteMask = D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK_ALL;
- BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilFailOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
- BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS;
- BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilPassOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
- BackingStore.FrontFace.StencilDepthFailOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
- BackingStore.StencilEnable = false;
- BackingStore.StencilReadMask = D3D11_DEFAULT_STENCIL_READ_MASK;
- BackingStore.StencilWriteMask = D3D11_DEFAULT_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK;
-SBlendBlock::SBlendBlock() noexcept :
- pBlendObject(nullptr),
- BackingStore{},
- IsValid(true)
- BackingStore.AlphaToCoverageEnable = false;
- BackingStore.IndependentBlendEnable = true;
- for( size_t i=0; i < D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT; i++ )
- {
- BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].SrcBlend = D3D11_BLEND_ONE;
- BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].DestBlend = D3D11_BLEND_ZERO;
- BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].BlendOp = D3D11_BLEND_OP_ADD;
- BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].SrcBlendAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_ONE;
- BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].DestBlendAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_ZERO;
- BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].BlendOpAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_OP_ADD;
- memset(&BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].RenderTargetWriteMask, 0x0F, sizeof(BackingStore.RenderTarget[i].RenderTargetWriteMask));
- }
-SRasterizerBlock::SRasterizerBlock() noexcept :
- pRasterizerObject(nullptr),
- BackingStore{},
- IsValid(true)
- BackingStore.AntialiasedLineEnable = false;
- BackingStore.CullMode = D3D11_CULL_BACK;
- BackingStore.DepthBias = D3D11_DEFAULT_DEPTH_BIAS;
- BackingStore.DepthBiasClamp = D3D11_DEFAULT_DEPTH_BIAS_CLAMP;
- BackingStore.FillMode = D3D11_FILL_SOLID;
- BackingStore.FrontCounterClockwise = false;
- BackingStore.MultisampleEnable = false;
- BackingStore.ScissorEnable = false;
- BackingStore.SlopeScaledDepthBias = D3D11_DEFAULT_SLOPE_SCALED_DEPTH_BIAS;
- BackingStore.DepthClipEnable = true;
-SSamplerBlock::SSamplerBlock() noexcept :
- pD3DObject(nullptr),
- BackingStore{}
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.AddressU = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.AddressV = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.AddressW = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = D3D11_DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR_COMPONENT;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = D3D11_DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR_COMPONENT;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = D3D11_DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR_COMPONENT;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = D3D11_DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR_COMPONENT;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_NEVER;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.Filter = D3D11_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = (UINT32) D3D11_DEFAULT_MAX_ANISOTROPY;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = D3D11_DEFAULT_MIP_LOD_BIAS;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
- BackingStore.SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
-SShaderBlock::SShaderBlock(SD3DShaderVTable *pVirtualTable) noexcept :
- IsValid(true),
- pVT(pVirtualTable),
- pReflectionData(nullptr),
- pD3DObject(nullptr),
- CBDepCount(0),
- pCBDeps(nullptr),
- SampDepCount(0),
- pSampDeps(nullptr),
- InterfaceDepCount(0),
- pInterfaceDeps(nullptr),
- ResourceDepCount(0),
- pResourceDeps(nullptr),
- UAVDepCount(0),
- pUAVDeps(nullptr),
- TBufferDepCount(0),
- ppTbufDeps(nullptr),
- pInputSignatureBlob(nullptr)
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::OnDeviceBind()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i, j;
- // Update all CB deps
- for (i=0; i<CBDepCount; i++)
- {
- assert(pCBDeps[i].Count);
- for (j=0; j<pCBDeps[i].Count; j++)
- {
- pCBDeps[i].ppD3DObjects[j] = pCBDeps[i].ppFXPointers[j]->pD3DObject;
- if ( !pCBDeps[i].ppD3DObjects[j] )
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- }
- // Update all sampler deps
- for (i=0; i<SampDepCount; i++)
- {
- assert(pSampDeps[i].Count);
- for (j=0; j<pSampDeps[i].Count; j++)
- {
- pSampDeps[i].ppD3DObjects[j] = pSampDeps[i].ppFXPointers[j]->pD3DObject;
- if ( !pSampDeps[i].ppD3DObjects[j] )
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- }
- // Texture deps will be set automatically on use since they are initially marked dirty.
- return hr;
-extern SD3DShaderVTable g_vtVS;
-extern SD3DShaderVTable g_vtGS;
-extern SD3DShaderVTable g_vtPS;
-extern SD3DShaderVTable g_vtHS;
-extern SD3DShaderVTable g_vtDS;
-extern SD3DShaderVTable g_vtCS;
-EObjectType SShaderBlock::GetShaderType()
- if (&g_vtVS == pVT)
- return EOT_VertexShader;
- else if (&g_vtGS == pVT)
- return EOT_GeometryShader;
- else if (&g_vtPS == pVT)
- return EOT_PixelShader;
- else if (&g_vtHS == pVT)
- return EOT_HullShader5;
- else if (&g_vtDS == pVT)
- return EOT_DomainShader5;
- else if (&g_vtCS == pVT)
- return EOT_ComputeShader5;
- return EOT_Invalid;
-#define _SET_BIT(bytes, x) (bytes[x / 8] |= (1 << (x % 8)))
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::ComputeStateBlockMask(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i, j;
- uint8_t *pSamplerMask = nullptr, *pShaderResourceMask = nullptr, *pConstantBufferMask = nullptr, *pUnorderedAccessViewMask = nullptr, *pInterfaceMask = nullptr;
- switch (GetShaderType())
- {
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- pStateBlockMask->VS = 1;
- pSamplerMask = pStateBlockMask->VSSamplers;
- pShaderResourceMask = pStateBlockMask->VSShaderResources;
- pConstantBufferMask = pStateBlockMask->VSConstantBuffers;
- pInterfaceMask = pStateBlockMask->VSInterfaces;
- pUnorderedAccessViewMask = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- pStateBlockMask->GS = 1;
- pSamplerMask = pStateBlockMask->GSSamplers;
- pShaderResourceMask = pStateBlockMask->GSShaderResources;
- pConstantBufferMask = pStateBlockMask->GSConstantBuffers;
- pInterfaceMask = pStateBlockMask->GSInterfaces;
- pUnorderedAccessViewMask = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- pStateBlockMask->PS = 1;
- pSamplerMask = pStateBlockMask->PSSamplers;
- pShaderResourceMask = pStateBlockMask->PSShaderResources;
- pConstantBufferMask = pStateBlockMask->PSConstantBuffers;
- pInterfaceMask = pStateBlockMask->PSInterfaces;
- pUnorderedAccessViewMask = &pStateBlockMask->PSUnorderedAccessViews;
- break;
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- pStateBlockMask->HS = 1;
- pSamplerMask = pStateBlockMask->HSSamplers;
- pShaderResourceMask = pStateBlockMask->HSShaderResources;
- pConstantBufferMask = pStateBlockMask->HSConstantBuffers;
- pInterfaceMask = pStateBlockMask->HSInterfaces;
- pUnorderedAccessViewMask = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- pStateBlockMask->DS = 1;
- pSamplerMask = pStateBlockMask->DSSamplers;
- pShaderResourceMask = pStateBlockMask->DSShaderResources;
- pConstantBufferMask = pStateBlockMask->DSConstantBuffers;
- pInterfaceMask = pStateBlockMask->DSInterfaces;
- pUnorderedAccessViewMask = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- pStateBlockMask->CS = 1;
- pSamplerMask = pStateBlockMask->CSSamplers;
- pShaderResourceMask = pStateBlockMask->CSShaderResources;
- pConstantBufferMask = pStateBlockMask->CSConstantBuffers;
- pInterfaceMask = pStateBlockMask->CSInterfaces;
- pUnorderedAccessViewMask = &pStateBlockMask->CSUnorderedAccessViews;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < SampDepCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < pSampDeps[i].Count; ++ j)
- {
- _SET_BIT(pSamplerMask, (pSampDeps[i].StartIndex + j));
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < InterfaceDepCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < pInterfaceDeps[i].Count; ++ j)
- {
- _SET_BIT(pInterfaceMask, (pInterfaceDeps[i].StartIndex + j));
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ResourceDepCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < pResourceDeps[i].Count; ++ j)
- {
- _SET_BIT(pShaderResourceMask, (pResourceDeps[i].StartIndex + j));
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < CBDepCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < pCBDeps[i].Count; ++ j)
- {
- _SET_BIT(pConstantBufferMask, (pCBDeps[i].StartIndex + j));
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < UAVDepCount; ++ i)
- {
- assert( pUnorderedAccessViewMask != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pUnorderedAccessViewMask != 0 );
- for (j = 0; j < pUAVDeps[i].Count; ++ j)
- {
- if( pUAVDeps[i].ppFXPointers[j] != &g_NullUnorderedAccessView )
- _SET_BIT(pUnorderedAccessViewMask, (pUAVDeps[i].StartIndex + j));
- }
- }
- return hr;
-#undef _SET_BIT
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc, _In_ bool IsInline)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- ZeroMemory(pDesc, sizeof(*pDesc));
- pDesc->pInputSignature = pInputSignatureBlob ? (const uint8_t*)pInputSignatureBlob->GetBufferPointer() : nullptr;
- pDesc->IsInline = IsInline;
- if (nullptr != pReflectionData)
- {
- // initialize these only if present; otherwise leave them nullptr or 0
- pDesc->pBytecode = pReflectionData->pBytecode;
- pDesc->BytecodeLength = pReflectionData->BytecodeLength;
- for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT; ++iDecl )
- {
- pDesc->SODecls[iDecl] = pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl];
- }
- pDesc->RasterizedStream = pReflectionData->RasterizedStream;
- // get # of input & output signature entries
- assert( pReflectionData->pReflection != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pReflectionData->pReflection != 0 );
- D3D11_SHADER_DESC ShaderDesc;
- hr = pReflectionData->pReflection->GetDesc( &ShaderDesc );
- if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
- {
- pDesc->NumInputSignatureEntries = ShaderDesc.InputParameters;
- pDesc->NumOutputSignatureEntries = ShaderDesc.OutputParameters;
- pDesc->NumPatchConstantSignatureEntries = ShaderDesc.PatchConstantParameters;
- }
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetVertexShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS)
- if (EOT_VertexShader == GetShaderType() ||
- EOT_VertexShader5 == GetShaderType())
- {
- assert( pD3DObject != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppVS = static_cast<ID3D11VertexShader *>( pD3DObject );
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- *ppVS = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader: This shader variable is not a vertex shader");
- }
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetGeometryShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS)
- if (EOT_GeometryShader == GetShaderType() ||
- EOT_GeometryShaderSO == GetShaderType() ||
- EOT_GeometryShader5 == GetShaderType())
- {
- assert( pD3DObject != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppGS = static_cast<ID3D11GeometryShader *>( pD3DObject );
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- *ppGS = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader: This shader variable is not a geometry shader");
- }
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetPixelShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS)
- if (EOT_PixelShader == GetShaderType() ||
- EOT_PixelShader5 == GetShaderType())
- {
- assert( pD3DObject != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppPS = static_cast<ID3D11PixelShader *>( pD3DObject );
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- *ppPS = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader: This shader variable is not a pixel shader");
- }
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetHullShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11HullShader **ppHS)
- if (EOT_HullShader5 == GetShaderType())
- {
- assert( pD3DObject != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppHS = static_cast<ID3D11HullShader *>( pD3DObject );
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- *ppHS = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetHullShader: This shader variable is not a hull shader");
- }
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetDomainShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS)
- if (EOT_DomainShader5 == GetShaderType())
- {
- assert( pD3DObject != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppDS = static_cast<ID3D11DomainShader *>( pD3DObject );
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- *ppDS = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetDomainShader: This shader variable is not a domain shader");
- }
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetComputeShader(_Outptr_ ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS)
- if (EOT_ComputeShader5 == GetShaderType())
- {
- assert( pD3DObject != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppCS = static_cast<ID3D11ComputeShader *>( pD3DObject );
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- *ppCS = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetComputeShader: This shader variable is not a compute shader");
- }
-HRESULT SShaderBlock::GetSignatureElementDesc(ESigType SigType, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- LPCSTR pFuncName = nullptr;
- switch( SigType )
- {
- case ST_Input:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc";
- break;
- case ST_Output:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc";
- break;
- case ST_PatchConstant:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc";
- break;
- default:
- assert( false );
- return E_FAIL;
- };
- if (nullptr != pReflectionData)
- {
- // get # of signature entries
- assert( pReflectionData->pReflection != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pReflectionData->pReflection != 0 );
- D3D11_SHADER_DESC ShaderDesc;
- VH( pReflectionData->pReflection->GetDesc( &ShaderDesc ) );
- if( pReflectionData->IsNullGS )
- {
- switch( SigType )
- {
- case ST_Input:
- // The input signature for a null-GS is the output signature of the previous VS
- SigType = ST_Output;
- break;
- case ST_PatchConstant:
- // GeometryShaders cannot have patch constant signatures
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- };
- }
- switch( SigType )
- {
- case ST_Input:
- if( Element >= ShaderDesc.InputParameters )
- {
- DPF( 0, "%s: Invalid Element index (%u) specified", pFuncName, Element );
- }
- VH( pReflectionData->pReflection->GetInputParameterDesc( Element, &ParamDesc ) );
- break;
- case ST_Output:
- if( Element >= ShaderDesc.OutputParameters )
- {
- DPF( 0, "%s: Invalid Element index (%u) specified", pFuncName, Element );
- }
- VH( pReflectionData->pReflection->GetOutputParameterDesc( Element, &ParamDesc ) );
- break;
- case ST_PatchConstant:
- if( Element >= ShaderDesc.PatchConstantParameters )
- {
- DPF( 0, "%s: Invalid Element index (%u) specified", pFuncName, Element );
- }
- VH( pReflectionData->pReflection->GetPatchConstantParameterDesc( Element, &ParamDesc ) );
- break;
- };
- pDesc->SemanticName = ParamDesc.SemanticName;
- pDesc->SystemValueType = ParamDesc.SystemValueType;
- // Pixel shaders need to be special-cased as they don't technically output SVs
- if( pDesc->SystemValueType == D3D_NAME_UNDEFINED && GetShaderType() == EOT_PixelShader && pDesc->SemanticName != 0 )
- {
- if( _stricmp(pDesc->SemanticName, "SV_TARGET") == 0 )
- {
- pDesc->SystemValueType = D3D_NAME_TARGET;
- }
- else if( _stricmp(pDesc->SemanticName, "SV_DEPTH") == 0 )
- {
- pDesc->SystemValueType = D3D_NAME_DEPTH;
- }
- else if( _stricmp(pDesc->SemanticName, "SV_COVERAGE") == 0 )
- {
- pDesc->SystemValueType = D3D_NAME_COVERAGE;
- }
- }
- pDesc->SemanticIndex = ParamDesc.SemanticIndex;
- pDesc->Register = ParamDesc.Register;
- pDesc->Mask = ParamDesc.Mask;
- pDesc->ComponentType = ParamDesc.ComponentType;
- pDesc->ReadWriteMask = ParamDesc.ReadWriteMask;
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get signatures; shader bytecode is not present", pFuncName);
- }
- return hr;
-void * GetBlockByIndex(EVarType VarType, EObjectType ObjectType, void *pBaseBlock, uint32_t Index)
- switch( VarType )
- {
- case EVT_Interface:
- return (SInterface *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EVT_Object:
- switch (ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_Blend:
- return (SBlendBlock *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- return (SDepthStencilBlock *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- return (SRasterizerBlock *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- return (SShaderBlock *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_String:
- return (SString *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- return (SSamplerBlock *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_Buffer:
- case EOT_Texture:
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- return (SShaderResource *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_DepthStencilView:
- return (SDepthStencilView *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_RenderTargetView:
- return (SRenderTargetView *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- return (SUnorderedAccessView *)pBaseBlock + Index;
- default:
- assert(0);
- return nullptr;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- return nullptr;
- }
-// CEffect
-CEffect::CEffect( uint32_t Flags ) noexcept :
- m_RefCount(1),
- m_Flags(Flags),
- m_pReflection(nullptr),
- m_VariableCount(0),
- m_pVariables(nullptr),
- m_AnonymousShaderCount(0),
- m_pAnonymousShaders(nullptr),
- m_TechniqueCount(0),
- m_GroupCount(0),
- m_pGroups(nullptr),
- m_pNullGroup(nullptr),
- m_ShaderBlockCount(0),
- m_pShaderBlocks(nullptr),
- m_DepthStencilBlockCount(0),
- m_pDepthStencilBlocks(nullptr),
- m_BlendBlockCount(0),
- m_pBlendBlocks(nullptr),
- m_RasterizerBlockCount(0),
- m_pRasterizerBlocks(nullptr),
- m_SamplerBlockCount(0),
- m_pSamplerBlocks(nullptr),
- m_MemberDataCount(0),
- m_pMemberDataBlocks(nullptr),
- m_InterfaceCount(0),
- m_pInterfaces(nullptr),
- m_CBCount(0),
- m_pCBs(nullptr),
- m_StringCount(0),
- m_pStrings(nullptr),
- m_ShaderResourceCount(0),
- m_pShaderResources(nullptr),
- m_UnorderedAccessViewCount(0),
- m_pUnorderedAccessViews(nullptr),
- m_RenderTargetViewCount(0),
- m_pRenderTargetViews(nullptr),
- m_DepthStencilViewCount(0),
- m_pDepthStencilViews(nullptr),
- m_LocalTimer(1),
- m_FXLIndex(0),
- m_pDevice(nullptr),
- m_pContext(nullptr),
- m_pClassLinkage(nullptr),
- m_pTypePool(nullptr),
- m_pStringPool(nullptr),
- m_pPooledHeap(nullptr),
- m_pOptimizedTypeHeap(nullptr)
-void CEffect::ReleaseShaderRefection()
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderBlockCount; ++ i )
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pInputSignatureBlob );
- if( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData )
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pReflection );
- }
- }
- ID3D11InfoQueue *pInfoQueue = nullptr;
- // Mute debug spew
- if (m_pDevice)
- {
- HRESULT hr = m_pDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11InfoQueue), (void**) &pInfoQueue);
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- pInfoQueue = nullptr;
- }
- if (pInfoQueue)
- {
- D3D11_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER filter = {};
- filter.DenyList.NumCategories = 1;
- filter.DenyList.pCategoryList = &messageCategory;
- pInfoQueue->PushStorageFilter(&filter);
- }
- if( nullptr != m_pDevice )
- {
- // if m_pDevice == nullptr, then we failed LoadEffect(), which means ReleaseShaderReflection was already called.
- // Release the shader reflection info, as it was not created on the private heap
- // This must be called before we delete m_pReflection
- ReleaseShaderRefection();
- }
- SAFE_DELETE( m_pReflection );
- SAFE_DELETE( m_pTypePool );
- SAFE_DELETE( m_pStringPool );
- SAFE_DELETE( m_pPooledHeap );
- SAFE_DELETE( m_pOptimizedTypeHeap );
- // this code assumes the effect has been loaded & relocated,
- // so check for that before freeing the resources
- if (nullptr != m_pDevice)
- {
- // Keep the following in line with AddRefAllForCloning
- assert(nullptr == m_pRasterizerBlocks || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pRasterizerBlocks));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RasterizerBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pRasterizerBlocks[i].pRasterizerObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pBlendBlocks || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pBlendBlocks));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_BlendBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pBlendBlocks[i].pBlendObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pDepthStencilBlocks || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pDepthStencilBlocks));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DepthStencilBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDepthStencilBlocks[i].pDSObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pSamplerBlocks || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pSamplerBlocks));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_SamplerBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pSamplerBlocks[i].pD3DObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pShaderResources || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pShaderResources));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderResourceCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pShaderResources[i].pShaderResource);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pUnorderedAccessViews || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pUnorderedAccessViews));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_UnorderedAccessViewCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pUnorderedAccessViews[i].pUnorderedAccessView);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pRenderTargetViews || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pRenderTargetViews));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RenderTargetViewCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pRenderTargetViews[i].pRenderTargetView);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pDepthStencilViews || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pDepthStencilViews));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DepthStencilViewCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDepthStencilViews[i].pDepthStencilView);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pMemberDataBlocks || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pMemberDataBlocks));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_MemberDataCount; ++ i)
- {
- switch( m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Type )
- {
- case MDT_ClassInstance:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DClassInstance);
- break;
- case MDT_BlendState:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState);
- break;
- case MDT_DepthStencilState:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState);
- break;
- case MDT_RasterizerState:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState);
- break;
- case MDT_SamplerState:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState);
- break;
- case MDT_Buffer:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer);
- break;
- case MDT_ShaderResourceView:
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer);
- break;
- default:
- assert( false );
- }
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pCBs || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pCBs));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CBCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pCBs[i].TBuffer.pShaderResource);
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pCBs[i].pD3DObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pShaderBlocks || m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pShaderBlocks));
- _Analysis_assume_( m_ShaderBlockCount == 0 || m_pShaderBlocks != 0 );
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pShaderBlocks[i].pD3DObject);
- }
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pDevice );
- }
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pClassLinkage );
- assert( m_pContext == nullptr );
- // Restore debug spew
- if (pInfoQueue)
- {
- pInfoQueue->PopStorageFilter();
- SAFE_RELEASE(pInfoQueue);
- }
-// AddRef all D3D object when cloning
-void CEffect::AddRefAllForCloning( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource )
-#ifdef NDEBUG
- // Keep the following in line with ~CEffect
- assert( m_pDevice != nullptr );
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderBlockCount; ++ i )
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pInputSignatureBlob );
- if( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData )
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pReflection );
- }
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pRasterizerBlocks || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pRasterizerBlocks));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_RasterizerBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pRasterizerBlocks[i].pRasterizerObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pBlendBlocks || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pBlendBlocks));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_BlendBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pBlendBlocks[i].pBlendObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pDepthStencilBlocks || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pDepthStencilBlocks));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_DepthStencilBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pDepthStencilBlocks[i].pDSObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pSamplerBlocks || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pSamplerBlocks));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_SamplerBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pSamplerBlocks[i].pD3DObject);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pShaderResources || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pShaderResources));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderResourceCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pShaderResources[i].pShaderResource);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pUnorderedAccessViews || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pUnorderedAccessViews));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_UnorderedAccessViewCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pUnorderedAccessViews[i].pUnorderedAccessView);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pRenderTargetViews || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pRenderTargetViews));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_RenderTargetViewCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pRenderTargetViews[i].pRenderTargetView);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pDepthStencilViews || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pDepthStencilViews));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_DepthStencilViewCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pDepthStencilViews[i].pDepthStencilView);
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pMemberDataBlocks || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pMemberDataBlocks));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_MemberDataCount; ++ i)
- {
- switch( m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Type )
- {
- case MDT_ClassInstance:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DClassInstance);
- break;
- case MDT_BlendState:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState);
- break;
- case MDT_DepthStencilState:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState);
- break;
- case MDT_RasterizerState:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState);
- break;
- case MDT_SamplerState:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState);
- break;
- case MDT_Buffer:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer);
- break;
- case MDT_ShaderResourceView:
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pMemberDataBlocks[i].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer);
- break;
- default:
- assert( false );
- }
- }
- // There's no need to AddRef CBs, since they are recreated
- if (m_pCBs)
- {
- assert(pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pCBs));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CBCount; ++i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pCBs[i].TBuffer.pShaderResource);
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pCBs[i].pD3DObject);
- }
- }
- assert(nullptr == m_pShaderBlocks || pEffectSource->m_Heap.IsInHeap(m_pShaderBlocks));
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_ADDREF(m_pShaderBlocks[i].pD3DObject);
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( m_pDevice );
- SAFE_ADDREF( m_pClassLinkage );
- assert( m_pContext == nullptr );
-HRESULT CEffect::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if(nullptr == ppv)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect::QueryInterface: nullptr parameter");
- goto EXIT;
- }
- *ppv = nullptr;
- if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown))
- {
- *ppv = (IUnknown *) this;
- }
- else if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ID3DX11Effect))
- {
- *ppv = (ID3DX11Effect *) this;
- }
- else
- {
- }
- AddRef();
- return hr;
-ULONG CEffect::AddRef()
- return ++ m_RefCount;
-ULONG CEffect::Release()
- if (-- m_RefCount > 0)
- {
- return m_RefCount;
- }
- else
- {
- delete this;
- }
- return 0;
-// In all shaders, replace pOldBufferBlock with pNewBuffer, if pOldBufferBlock is a dependency
-void CEffect::ReplaceCBReference(SConstantBuffer *pOldBufferBlock, ID3D11Buffer *pNewBuffer)
- for (size_t iShaderBlock=0; iShaderBlock<m_ShaderBlockCount; iShaderBlock++)
- {
- for (size_t iCBDep = 0; iCBDep < m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].CBDepCount; iCBDep++)
- {
- for (size_t iCB = 0; iCB < m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].pCBDeps[iCBDep].Count; iCB++)
- {
- if (m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].pCBDeps[iCBDep].ppFXPointers[iCB] == pOldBufferBlock)
- m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].pCBDeps[iCBDep].ppD3DObjects[iCB] = pNewBuffer;
- }
- }
- }
-// In all shaders, replace pOldSamplerBlock with pNewSampler, if pOldSamplerBlock is a dependency
-void CEffect::ReplaceSamplerReference(SSamplerBlock *pOldSamplerBlock, ID3D11SamplerState *pNewSampler)
- for (size_t iShaderBlock=0; iShaderBlock<m_ShaderBlockCount; iShaderBlock++)
- {
- for (size_t iSamplerDep = 0; iSamplerDep < m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].SampDepCount; iSamplerDep++)
- {
- for (size_t iSampler = 0; iSampler < m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].pSampDeps[iSamplerDep].Count; iSampler++)
- {
- if (m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].pSampDeps[iSamplerDep].ppFXPointers[iSampler] == pOldSamplerBlock)
- m_pShaderBlocks[iShaderBlock].pSampDeps[iSamplerDep].ppD3DObjects[iSampler] = pNewSampler;
- }
- }
- }
-// Call BindToDevice after the effect has been fully loaded.
-// BindToDevice will release all D3D11 objects and create new ones on the new device
-HRESULT CEffect::BindToDevice(ID3D11Device *pDevice, LPCSTR srcName)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // Set new device
- if (pDevice == nullptr)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: pDevice must point to a valid D3D11 device");
- }
- if (m_pDevice != nullptr)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Internal error, rebinding effects to a new device is not supported");
- }
- bool featureLevelGE11 = ( pDevice->GetFeatureLevel() >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 );
- pDevice->AddRef();
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDevice);
- m_pDevice = pDevice;
- VH( m_pDevice->CreateClassLinkage( &m_pClassLinkage ) );
- SetDebugObjectName(m_pClassLinkage,srcName);
- // Create all constant buffers
- SConstantBuffer *pCB = m_pCBs;
- SConstantBuffer *pCBLast = m_pCBs + m_CBCount;
- for(; pCB != pCBLast; pCB++)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(pCB->pD3DObject);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pCB->TBuffer.pShaderResource);
- // This is a CBuffer
- if (pCB->Size > 0)
- {
- if (pCB->IsTBuffer)
- {
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufDesc;
- // size is always register aligned
- bufDesc.ByteWidth = pCB->Size;
- bufDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
- bufDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
- bufDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
- bufDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
- VH( pDevice->CreateBuffer( &bufDesc, nullptr, &pCB->pD3DObject) );
- SetDebugObjectName(pCB->pD3DObject, srcName );
- viewDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT;
- viewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFER;
- viewDesc.Buffer.ElementOffset = 0;
- viewDesc.Buffer.ElementWidth = pCB->Size / SType::c_RegisterSize;
- VH( pDevice->CreateShaderResourceView( pCB->pD3DObject, &viewDesc, &pCB->TBuffer.pShaderResource) );
- SetDebugObjectName(pCB->TBuffer.pShaderResource, srcName );
- }
- else
- {
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufDesc;
- // size is always register aligned
- bufDesc.ByteWidth = pCB->Size;
- bufDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
- bufDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
- bufDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
- bufDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
- VH( pDevice->CreateBuffer( &bufDesc, nullptr, &pCB->pD3DObject) );
- SetDebugObjectName( pCB->pD3DObject, srcName );
- pCB->TBuffer.pShaderResource = nullptr;
- }
- pCB->IsDirty = true;
- }
- else
- {
- pCB->IsDirty = false;
- }
- }
- // Create all RasterizerStates
- SRasterizerBlock *pRB = m_pRasterizerBlocks;
- SRasterizerBlock *pRBLast = m_pRasterizerBlocks + m_RasterizerBlockCount;
- for(; pRB != pRBLast; pRB++)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(pRB->pRasterizerObject);
- if( SUCCEEDED( m_pDevice->CreateRasterizerState( &pRB->BackingStore, &pRB->pRasterizerObject) ) )
- {
- pRB->IsValid = true;
- SetDebugObjectName( pRB->pRasterizerObject, srcName );
- }
- else
- pRB->IsValid = false;
- }
- // Create all DepthStencils
- SDepthStencilBlock *pDS = m_pDepthStencilBlocks;
- SDepthStencilBlock *pDSLast = m_pDepthStencilBlocks + m_DepthStencilBlockCount;
- for(; pDS != pDSLast; pDS++)
- {
- if( SUCCEEDED( m_pDevice->CreateDepthStencilState( &pDS->BackingStore, &pDS->pDSObject) ) )
- {
- pDS->IsValid = true;
- SetDebugObjectName( pDS->pDSObject, srcName );
- }
- else
- pDS->IsValid = false;
- }
- // Create all BlendStates
- SBlendBlock *pBlend = m_pBlendBlocks;
- SBlendBlock *pBlendLast = m_pBlendBlocks + m_BlendBlockCount;
- for(; pBlend != pBlendLast; pBlend++)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(pBlend->pBlendObject);
- if( SUCCEEDED( m_pDevice->CreateBlendState( &pBlend->BackingStore, &pBlend->pBlendObject ) ) )
- {
- pBlend->IsValid = true;
- SetDebugObjectName( pBlend->pBlendObject, srcName );
- }
- else
- pBlend->IsValid = false;
- }
- // Create all Samplers
- SSamplerBlock *pSampler = m_pSamplerBlocks;
- SSamplerBlock *pSamplerLast = m_pSamplerBlocks + m_SamplerBlockCount;
- for(; pSampler != pSamplerLast; pSampler++)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(pSampler->pD3DObject);
- VH( m_pDevice->CreateSamplerState( &pSampler->BackingStore.SamplerDesc, &pSampler->pD3DObject) );
- SetDebugObjectName( pSampler->pD3DObject, srcName );
- }
- // Create all shaders
- ID3D11ClassLinkage* neededClassLinkage = featureLevelGE11 ? m_pClassLinkage : nullptr;
- SShaderBlock *pShader = m_pShaderBlocks;
- SShaderBlock *pShaderLast = m_pShaderBlocks + m_ShaderBlockCount;
- for(; pShader != pShaderLast; pShader++)
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE(pShader->pD3DObject);
- if (nullptr == pShader->pReflectionData)
- {
- // nullptr shader. It's one of these:
- // PixelShader ps;
- // or
- // SetPixelShader( nullptr );
- continue;
- }
- if (pShader->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0] || pShader->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[1] ||
- pShader->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[2] || pShader->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[3] )
- {
- // This is a geometry shader, process it's data
- CSOParser soParser;
- VH( soParser.Parse(pShader->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls) );
- uint32_t strides[4];
- soParser.GetStrides( strides );
- hr = m_pDevice->CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput(pShader->pReflectionData->pBytecode,
- pShader->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength,
- soParser.GetDeclArray(),
- soParser.GetDeclCount(),
- strides,
- featureLevelGE11 ? 4 : 1,
- pShader->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream,
- neededClassLinkage,
- reinterpret_cast<ID3D11GeometryShader**>(&pShader->pD3DObject) );
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- DPF(1, "ID3DX11Effect::Load - failed to create GeometryShader with StreamOutput decl: \"%s\"", soParser.GetErrorString() );
- pShader->IsValid = false;
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- SetDebugObjectName( pShader->pD3DObject, srcName );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a regular shader
- if( pShader->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream == D3D11_SO_NO_RASTERIZED_STREAM )
- pShader->IsValid = false;
- else
- {
- if( FAILED( (m_pDevice->*(pShader->pVT->pCreateShader))( (uint32_t *) pShader->pReflectionData->pBytecode, pShader->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength, neededClassLinkage, &pShader->pD3DObject) ) )
- {
- DPF(1, "ID3DX11Effect::Load - failed to create shader" );
- pShader->IsValid = false;
- }
- else
- {
- SetDebugObjectName( pShader->pD3DObject, srcName );
- }
- }
- }
- // Update all dependency pointers
- VH( pShader->OnDeviceBind() );
- }
- // Initialize the member data pointers for all variables
- uint32_t CurMemberData = 0;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- if( m_pVariables[i].pMemberData )
- {
- if( m_pVariables[i].pType->IsClassInstance() )
- {
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < std::max<size_t>(m_pVariables[i].pType->Elements,1); ++j)
- {
- assert( CurMemberData < m_MemberDataCount );
- ID3D11ClassInstance** ppCI = &(m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Data.pD3DClassInstance;
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Type = MDT_ClassInstance;
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Data.pD3DClassInstance = nullptr;
- if( m_pVariables[i].pType->TotalSize > 0 )
- {
- // ignore failures in GetClassInstance;
- m_pClassLinkage->GetClassInstance( m_pVariables[i].pName, j, ppCI );
- }
- else
- {
- // The HLSL compiler optimizes out zero-sized classes, so we have to create class instances from scratch
- if( FAILED( m_pClassLinkage->CreateClassInstance( m_pVariables[i].pType->pTypeName, 0, 0, 0, 0, ppCI ) ) )
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Out of memory while trying to create new class instance interface");
- }
- else
- {
- SetDebugObjectName( *ppCI, srcName );
- }
- }
- CurMemberData++;
- }
- }
- else if( m_pVariables[i].pType->IsStateBlockObject() )
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < std::max<size_t>(m_pVariables[i].pType->Elements,1); ++j)
- {
- switch( m_pVariables[i].pType->ObjectType )
- {
- case EOT_Blend:
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Type = MDT_BlendState;
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Type = MDT_RasterizerState;
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Type = MDT_DepthStencilState;
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState = nullptr;
- break;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Type = MDT_SamplerState;
- (m_pVariables[i].pMemberData + j)->Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState = nullptr;
- break;
- default:
- VB( false );
- }
- CurMemberData++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- VB( false );
- }
- }
- }
- for(pCB = m_pCBs; pCB != pCBLast; pCB++)
- {
- (pCB->pMemberData + 0)->Type = MDT_Buffer;
- (pCB->pMemberData + 0)->Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer = nullptr;
- CurMemberData++;
- (pCB->pMemberData + 1)->Type = MDT_ShaderResourceView;
- (pCB->pMemberData + 1)->Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer = nullptr;
- CurMemberData++;
- }
- // Determine which techniques and passes are known to be invalid
- for( size_t iGroup=0; iGroup < m_GroupCount; iGroup++ )
- {
- SGroup* pGroup = &m_pGroups[iGroup];
- pGroup->InitiallyValid = true;
- for( size_t iTech=0; iTech < pGroup->TechniqueCount; iTech++ )
- {
- STechnique* pTechnique = &pGroup->pTechniques[iTech];
- pTechnique->InitiallyValid = true;
- for( size_t iPass = 0; iPass < pTechnique->PassCount; iPass++ )
- {
- SPassBlock* pPass = &pTechnique->pPasses[iPass];
- pPass->InitiallyValid = true;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pBlendBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pBlendBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- if( pPass->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock != nullptr && !pPass->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock->IsValid )
- pPass->InitiallyValid = false;
- pTechnique->InitiallyValid &= pPass->InitiallyValid;
- }
- pGroup->InitiallyValid &= pTechnique->InitiallyValid;
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// FindVariableByName, plus an understanding of literal indices
-// This code handles A[i].
-// It does not handle anything else, like A.B, A[B[i]], A[B]
-SVariable * CEffect::FindVariableByNameWithParsing(_In_z_ LPCSTR pName)
- SGlobalVariable *pVariable;
- const uint32_t MAX_PARSABLE_NAME_LENGTH = 256;
- char pScratchString[MAX_PARSABLE_NAME_LENGTH];
- const char* pSource = pName;
- char* pDest = pScratchString;
- char* pEnd = pScratchString + MAX_PARSABLE_NAME_LENGTH;
- pVariable = nullptr;
- while( *pSource != 0 )
- {
- if( pDest == pEnd )
- {
- pVariable = FindLocalVariableByName(pName);
- if( pVariable == nullptr )
- {
- DPF( 0, "Name %s is too long to parse", pName );
- }
- return pVariable;
- }
- if( *pSource == '[' )
- {
- // parse previous variable name
- *pDest = 0;
- assert( pVariable == nullptr );
- pVariable = FindLocalVariableByName(pScratchString);
- if( pVariable == nullptr )
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- pDest = pScratchString;
- }
- else if( *pSource == ']' )
- {
- // parse integer
- *pDest = 0;
- uint32_t index = atoi(pScratchString);
- assert( pVariable != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pVariable != 0 );
- pVariable = (SGlobalVariable*)pVariable->GetElement(index);
- if( pVariable && !pVariable->IsValid() )
- {
- pVariable = nullptr;
- }
- return pVariable;
- }
- else
- {
- // add character
- *pDest = *pSource;
- pDest++;
- }
- pSource++;
- }
- if( pDest != pScratchString )
- {
- // parse the variable name (there was no [i])
- *pDest = 0;
- assert( pVariable == nullptr );
- pVariable = FindLocalVariableByName(pScratchString);
- }
- return pVariable;
-SGlobalVariable * CEffect::FindVariableByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR pName)
- SGlobalVariable *pVariable;
- pVariable = FindLocalVariableByName(pName);
- return pVariable;
-SGlobalVariable * CEffect::FindLocalVariableByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR pName)
- SGlobalVariable *pVariable, *pVariableEnd;
- pVariableEnd = m_pVariables + m_VariableCount;
- for (pVariable = m_pVariables; pVariable != pVariableEnd; pVariable++)
- {
- if (strcmp( pVariable->pName, pName) == 0)
- {
- return pVariable;
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
-// Checks to see if two types are equivalent (either at runtime
-// or during the type-pooling load process)
-// Major assumption: if both types are structures, then their
-// member types & names should already have been added to the pool,
-// in which case their member type & name pointers should be equal.
-// This is true because complex data types (structures) have all
-// sub-types translated before the containing type is translated,
-// which means that simple sub-types (numeric types) have already
-// been pooled.
-bool SType::IsEqual(SType *pOtherType) const
- if (VarType != pOtherType->VarType || Elements != pOtherType->Elements
- || strcmp(pTypeName, pOtherType->pTypeName) != 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- switch (VarType)
- {
- case EVT_Struct:
- {
- if (StructType.Members != pOtherType->StructType.Members)
- {
- return false;
- }
- assert(StructType.pMembers != nullptr && pOtherType->StructType.pMembers != nullptr);
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < StructType.Members; ++ i)
- {
- // names for types must exist (not true for semantics)
- assert(StructType.pMembers[i].pName != nullptr && pOtherType->StructType.pMembers[i].pName != nullptr);
- if (StructType.pMembers[i].pType != pOtherType->StructType.pMembers[i].pType ||
- StructType.pMembers[i].Data.Offset != pOtherType->StructType.pMembers[i].Data.Offset ||
- StructType.pMembers[i].pName != pOtherType->StructType.pMembers[i].pName ||
- StructType.pMembers[i].pSemantic != pOtherType->StructType.pMembers[i].pSemantic)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Object:
- {
- if (ObjectType != pOtherType->ObjectType)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Numeric:
- {
- if (NumericType.Rows != pOtherType->NumericType.Rows ||
- NumericType.Columns != pOtherType->NumericType.Columns ||
- NumericType.ScalarType != pOtherType->NumericType.ScalarType ||
- NumericType.NumericLayout != pOtherType->NumericType.NumericLayout ||
- NumericType.IsColumnMajor != pOtherType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor ||
- NumericType.IsPackedArray != pOtherType->NumericType.IsPackedArray)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Interface:
- {
- // VarType and pTypeName handled above
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- assert(0);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- assert(TotalSize == pOtherType->TotalSize && Stride == pOtherType->Stride && PackedSize == pOtherType->PackedSize);
- return true;
-uint32_t SType::GetTotalUnpackedSize(_In_ bool IsSingleElement) const
- if (VarType == EVT_Object)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else if (VarType == EVT_Interface)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else if (Elements > 0 && IsSingleElement)
- {
- assert( ( TotalSize == 0 && Stride == 0 ) ||
- ( (TotalSize > (Stride * (Elements - 1))) && (TotalSize <= (Stride * Elements)) ) );
- return TotalSize - Stride * (Elements - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- return TotalSize;
- }
-uint32_t SType::GetTotalPackedSize(_In_ bool IsSingleElement) const
- if (Elements > 0 && IsSingleElement)
- {
- assert(PackedSize % Elements == 0);
- return PackedSize / Elements;
- }
- else
- {
- return PackedSize;
- }
-SConstantBuffer *CEffect::FindCB(_In_z_ LPCSTR pName)
- uint32_t i;
- for (i=0; i<m_CBCount; i++)
- {
- if (!strcmp(m_pCBs[i].pName, pName))
- {
- return &m_pCBs[i];
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
-bool CEffect::IsOptimized()
- if ((m_Flags & D3DX11_EFFECT_OPTIMIZED) != 0)
- {
- assert(nullptr == m_pReflection);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(nullptr != m_pReflection);
- return false;
- }
-// Replace *ppType with the corresponding value in pMappingTable
-// pMappingTable table describes how to map old type pointers to new type pointers
-static HRESULT RemapType(_Inout_ SType **ppType, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable *pMappingTable)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping;
- CPointerMappingTable::CIterator iter;
- ptrMapping.pOld = *ppType;
- VH( pMappingTable->FindValueWithHash(ptrMapping, ptrMapping.Hash(), &iter) );
- *ppType = (SType *) iter.GetData().pNew;
- return hr;
-// Replace *ppString with the corresponding value in pMappingTable
-// pMappingTable table describes how to map old string pointers to new string pointers
-static HRESULT RemapString(_In_ char **ppString, _Inout_ CPointerMappingTable *pMappingTable)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping;
- CPointerMappingTable::CIterator iter;
- ptrMapping.pOld = *ppString;
- VH( pMappingTable->FindValueWithHash(ptrMapping, ptrMapping.Hash(), &iter) );
- *ppString = (char *) iter.GetData().pNew;
- return hr;
-// Used in cloning, copy m_pMemberInterfaces from pEffectSource to this
-HRESULT CEffect::CopyMemberInterfaces( _In_ CEffect* pEffectSource )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t Members = pEffectSource->m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize();
- m_pMemberInterfaces.AddRange(Members);
- uint32_t i=0; // after a failure, this holds the failing index
- for(; i < Members; i++ )
- {
- SMember* pOldMember = pEffectSource->m_pMemberInterfaces[i];
- if( pOldMember == nullptr )
- {
- // During Optimization, m_pMemberInterfaces[i] was set to nullptr because it was an annotation
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i] = nullptr;
- continue;
- }
- SMember *pNewMember;
- assert( pOldMember->pTopLevelEntity != nullptr );
- if (nullptr == (pNewMember = CreateNewMember((SType*)pOldMember->pType, false)))
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Out of memory while trying to create new member variable interface");
- VN( pNewMember );
- }
- pNewMember->pType = pOldMember->pType;
- pNewMember->pName = pOldMember->pName;
- pNewMember->pSemantic = pOldMember->pSemantic;
- pNewMember->Data.pGeneric = pOldMember->Data.pGeneric;
- pNewMember->IsSingleElement = pOldMember->IsSingleElement;
- pNewMember->pTopLevelEntity = pOldMember->pTopLevelEntity;
- pNewMember->pMemberData = pOldMember->pMemberData;
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i] = pNewMember;
- }
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- assert( i < Members );
- ZeroMemory( &m_pMemberInterfaces[i], sizeof(SMember) * ( Members - i ) );
- }
- return hr;
-// Used in cloning, copy the string pool from pEffectSource to this and build mappingTable
-// for use in RemapString
-HRESULT CEffect::CopyStringPool( CEffect* pEffectSource, CPointerMappingTable& mappingTable )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert( m_pPooledHeap != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( m_pPooledHeap != 0 );
- VN( m_pStringPool = new CEffect::CStringHashTable );
- m_pStringPool->SetPrivateHeap(m_pPooledHeap);
- VH( m_pStringPool->AutoGrow() );
- CStringHashTable::CIterator stringIter;
- // move strings over, build mapping table
- for (pEffectSource->m_pStringPool->GetFirstEntry(&stringIter); !pEffectSource->m_pStringPool->PastEnd(&stringIter); pEffectSource->m_pStringPool->GetNextEntry(&stringIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping;
- char *pString;
- const char* pOldString = stringIter.GetData();
- ptrMapping.pOld = (void*)pOldString;
- uint32_t len = (uint32_t)strlen(pOldString);
- uint32_t hash = ptrMapping.Hash();
- VN( pString = new(*m_pPooledHeap) char[len + 1] );
- ptrMapping.pNew = (void*)pString;
- memcpy(ptrMapping.pNew, ptrMapping.pOld, len + 1);
- VH( m_pStringPool->AddValueWithHash(pString, hash) );
- VH( mappingTable.AddValueWithHash(ptrMapping, hash) );
- }
- // Uncomment to print string mapping
- /*
- CPointerMappingTable::CIterator mapIter;
- for (mappingTable.GetFirstEntry(&mapIter); !mappingTable.PastEnd(&mapIter); mappingTable.GetNextEntry(&mapIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping = mapIter.GetData();
- DPF(0, "string: 0x%x : 0x%x %s", (UINT_PTR)ptrMapping.pOld, (UINT_PTR)ptrMapping.pNew, (char*)ptrMapping.pNew );
- }*/
- return hr;
-// Used in cloning, copy the unoptimized type pool from pEffectSource to this and build mappingTableTypes
-// for use in RemapType. mappingTableStrings is the mapping table previously filled when copying strings.
-HRESULT CEffect::CopyTypePool( CEffect* pEffectSource, CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableTypes, CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableStrings )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert( m_pPooledHeap != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( m_pPooledHeap != 0 );
- VN( m_pTypePool = new CEffect::CTypeHashTable );
- m_pTypePool->SetPrivateHeap(m_pPooledHeap);
- VH( m_pTypePool->AutoGrow() );
- CTypeHashTable::CIterator typeIter;
- CPointerMappingTable::CIterator mapIter;
- // first pass: move types over, build mapping table
- for (pEffectSource->m_pTypePool->GetFirstEntry(&typeIter); !pEffectSource->m_pTypePool->PastEnd(&typeIter); pEffectSource->m_pTypePool->GetNextEntry(&typeIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping;
- SType *pType;
- ptrMapping.pOld = typeIter.GetData();
- uint32_t hash = ptrMapping.Hash();
- VN( (ptrMapping.pNew) = new(*m_pPooledHeap) SType );
- memcpy(ptrMapping.pNew, ptrMapping.pOld, sizeof(SType));
- pType = (SType *) ptrMapping.pNew;
- // if this is a struct, move its members to the newly allocated space
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- SVariable* pOldMembers = pType->StructType.pMembers;
- VN( pType->StructType.pMembers = new(*m_pPooledHeap) SVariable[pType->StructType.Members] );
- memcpy(pType->StructType.pMembers, pOldMembers, pType->StructType.Members * sizeof(SVariable));
- }
- VH( m_pTypePool->AddValueWithHash(pType, hash) );
- VH( mappingTableTypes.AddValueWithHash(ptrMapping, hash) );
- }
- // second pass: fixup structure member & name pointers
- for (mappingTableTypes.GetFirstEntry(&mapIter); !mappingTableTypes.PastEnd(&mapIter); mappingTableTypes.GetNextEntry(&mapIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping = mapIter.GetData();
- // Uncomment to print type mapping
- //DPF(0, "type: 0x%x : 0x%x", (UINT_PTR)ptrMapping.pOld, (UINT_PTR)ptrMapping.pNew );
- SType *pType = (SType *) ptrMapping.pNew;
- if( pType->pTypeName )
- {
- VH( RemapString(&pType->pTypeName, &mappingTableStrings) );
- }
- // if this is a struct, fix up its members' pointers
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pType->StructType.Members; ++ i)
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pType, &mappingTableTypes) );
- if( pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pName )
- {
- VH( RemapString(&pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pName, &mappingTableStrings) );
- }
- if( pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pSemantic )
- {
- VH( RemapString(&pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pSemantic, &mappingTableStrings) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Used in cloning, copy the unoptimized type pool from pEffectSource to this and build mappingTableTypes
-// for use in RemapType. mappingTableStrings is the mapping table previously filled when copying strings.
-HRESULT CEffect::CopyOptimizedTypePool( CEffect* pEffectSource, CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableTypes )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectHeap* pOptimizedTypeHeap = nullptr;
- assert( pEffectSource->m_pOptimizedTypeHeap != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pEffectSource->m_pOptimizedTypeHeap != 0 );
- assert( m_pTypePool == 0 );
- assert( m_pStringPool == 0 );
- assert( m_pPooledHeap == 0 );
- VN( pOptimizedTypeHeap = new CEffectHeap );
- VH( pOptimizedTypeHeap->ReserveMemory( pEffectSource->m_pOptimizedTypeHeap->GetSize() ) );
- CPointerMappingTable::CIterator mapIter;
- // first pass: move types over, build mapping table
- uint8_t* pReadTypes = pEffectSource->m_pOptimizedTypeHeap->GetDataStart();
- while( pEffectSource->m_pOptimizedTypeHeap->IsInHeap( pReadTypes ) )
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping;
- SType *pType;
- uint32_t moveSize;
- ptrMapping.pOld = ptrMapping.pNew = pReadTypes;
- moveSize = sizeof(SType);
- VH( pOptimizedTypeHeap->MoveData(&ptrMapping.pNew, moveSize) );
- pReadTypes += moveSize;
- pType = (SType *) ptrMapping.pNew;
- // if this is a struct, move its members to the newly allocated space
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- moveSize = pType->StructType.Members * sizeof(SVariable);
- VH( pOptimizedTypeHeap->MoveData((void **)&pType->StructType.pMembers, moveSize) );
- pReadTypes += moveSize;
- }
- VH( mappingTableTypes.AddValueWithHash(ptrMapping, ptrMapping.Hash()) );
- }
- // second pass: fixup structure member & name pointers
- for (mappingTableTypes.GetFirstEntry(&mapIter); !mappingTableTypes.PastEnd(&mapIter); mappingTableTypes.GetNextEntry(&mapIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping = mapIter.GetData();
- // Uncomment to print type mapping
- //DPF(0, "type: 0x%x : 0x%x", (UINT_PTR)ptrMapping.pOld, (UINT_PTR)ptrMapping.pNew );
- SType *pType = (SType *) ptrMapping.pNew;
- // if this is a struct, fix up its members' pointers
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pType->StructType.Members; ++ i)
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pType, &mappingTableTypes) );
- }
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Used in cloning, create new ID3D11ConstantBuffers for each non-single CB
-HRESULT CEffect::RecreateCBs()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i; // after a failure, this holds the failing index
- for (i = 0; i < m_CBCount; ++ i)
- {
- SConstantBuffer* pCB = &m_pCBs[i];
- pCB->IsNonUpdatable = pCB->IsUserManaged || pCB->ClonedSingle();
- if( pCB->Size > 0 && !pCB->ClonedSingle() )
- {
- ID3D11Buffer** ppOriginalBuffer;
- ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppOriginalTBufferView;
- if( pCB->IsUserManaged )
- {
- ppOriginalBuffer = &pCB->pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer;
- ppOriginalTBufferView = &pCB->pMemberData[1].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer;
- }
- else
- {
- ppOriginalBuffer = &pCB->pD3DObject;
- ppOriginalTBufferView = &pCB->TBuffer.pShaderResource;
- }
- VN( *ppOriginalBuffer );
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufDesc;
- (*ppOriginalBuffer)->GetDesc( &bufDesc );
- ID3D11Buffer* pNewBuffer = nullptr;
- VH( m_pDevice->CreateBuffer( &bufDesc, nullptr, &pNewBuffer ) );
- SetDebugObjectName( pNewBuffer, "D3DX11Effect" );
- (*ppOriginalBuffer)->Release();
- (*ppOriginalBuffer) = pNewBuffer;
- pNewBuffer = nullptr;
- if( pCB->IsTBuffer )
- {
- VN( *ppOriginalTBufferView );
- (*ppOriginalTBufferView)->GetDesc( &viewDesc );
- ID3D11ShaderResourceView* pNewView = nullptr;
- VH( m_pDevice->CreateShaderResourceView( (*ppOriginalBuffer), &viewDesc, &pNewView) );
- SetDebugObjectName( pNewView, "D3DX11Effect" );
- (*ppOriginalTBufferView)->Release();
- (*ppOriginalTBufferView) = pNewView;
- pNewView = nullptr;
- }
- else
- {
- assert( *ppOriginalTBufferView == nullptr );
- ReplaceCBReference( pCB, (*ppOriginalBuffer) );
- }
- pCB->IsDirty = true;
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Move Name and Semantic strings using mappingTableStrings
-HRESULT CEffect::FixupMemberInterface( SMember* pMember, CEffect* pEffectSource, CPointerMappingTable& mappingTableStrings )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if( pMember->pName )
- {
- if( pEffectSource->m_pReflection && pEffectSource->m_pReflection->m_Heap.IsInHeap(pMember->pName) )
- {
- pMember->pName = (char*)((UINT_PTR)pMember->pName - (UINT_PTR)pEffectSource->m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetDataStart() + (UINT_PTR)m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetDataStart());
- }
- else
- {
- VH( RemapString(&pMember->pName, &mappingTableStrings) );
- }
- }
- if( pMember->pSemantic )
- {
- if( pEffectSource->m_pReflection && pEffectSource->m_pReflection->m_Heap.IsInHeap(pMember->pSemantic) )
- {
- pMember->pSemantic = (char*)((UINT_PTR)pMember->pSemantic - (UINT_PTR)pEffectSource->m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetDataStart() + (UINT_PTR)m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetDataStart());
- }
- else
- {
- VH( RemapString(&pMember->pSemantic, &mappingTableStrings) );
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Public API to create a copy of this effect
-HRESULT CEffect::CloneEffect(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect** ppClonedEffect )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CPointerMappingTable mappingTableTypes;
- CPointerMappingTable mappingTableStrings;
- CEffectLoader loader;
- CEffect* pNewEffect = nullptr;
- CDataBlockStore* pTempHeap = nullptr;
- VN( pNewEffect = new CEffect( m_Flags ) );
- {
- // The effect is cloned as if there was no original, so don't mark it as cloned
- pNewEffect->m_Flags &= ~(uint32_t)D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE;
- }
- else
- {
- pNewEffect->m_Flags |= D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE;
- }
- pNewEffect->m_VariableCount = m_VariableCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pVariables = m_pVariables;
- pNewEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount = m_AnonymousShaderCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders = m_pAnonymousShaders;
- pNewEffect->m_TechniqueCount = m_TechniqueCount;
- pNewEffect->m_GroupCount = m_GroupCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pGroups = m_pGroups;
- pNewEffect->m_pNullGroup = m_pNullGroup;
- pNewEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount = m_ShaderBlockCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pShaderBlocks = m_pShaderBlocks;
- pNewEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount = m_DepthStencilBlockCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks = m_pDepthStencilBlocks;
- pNewEffect->m_BlendBlockCount = m_BlendBlockCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pBlendBlocks = m_pBlendBlocks;
- pNewEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount = m_RasterizerBlockCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks = m_pRasterizerBlocks;
- pNewEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount = m_SamplerBlockCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks = m_pSamplerBlocks;
- pNewEffect->m_MemberDataCount = m_MemberDataCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks = m_pMemberDataBlocks;
- pNewEffect->m_InterfaceCount = m_InterfaceCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pInterfaces = m_pInterfaces;
- pNewEffect->m_CBCount = m_CBCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pCBs = m_pCBs;
- pNewEffect->m_StringCount = m_StringCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pStrings = m_pStrings;
- pNewEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount = m_ShaderResourceCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pShaderResources = m_pShaderResources;
- pNewEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount = m_UnorderedAccessViewCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews = m_pUnorderedAccessViews;
- pNewEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount = m_RenderTargetViewCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews = m_pRenderTargetViews;
- pNewEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount = m_DepthStencilViewCount;
- pNewEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews = m_pDepthStencilViews;
- pNewEffect->m_LocalTimer = m_LocalTimer;
- pNewEffect->m_FXLIndex = m_FXLIndex;
- pNewEffect->m_pDevice = m_pDevice;
- pNewEffect->m_pClassLinkage = m_pClassLinkage;
- pNewEffect->AddRefAllForCloning( this );
- // m_pMemberInterfaces is a vector of cbuffer members that were created when the user called GetMemberBy* or GetElement
- // or during Effect loading when an interface is initialized to a global class variable elment.
- VH( pNewEffect->CopyMemberInterfaces( this ) );
- loader.m_pvOldMemberInterfaces = &m_pMemberInterfaces;
- loader.m_pEffect = pNewEffect;
- loader.m_EffectMemory = loader.m_ReflectionMemory = 0;
- // Move data from current effect to new effect
- if( !IsOptimized() )
- {
- VN( pNewEffect->m_pReflection = new CEffectReflection() );
- loader.m_pReflection = pNewEffect->m_pReflection;
- // make sure strings are moved before ReallocateEffectData
- VH( loader.InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings( m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetSize() ) );
- }
- VH( loader.ReallocateEffectData( true ) );
- if( !IsOptimized() )
- {
- VH( loader.ReallocateReflectionData( true ) );
- }
- // Data structures for remapping type pointers and string pointers
- VN( pTempHeap = new CDataBlockStore );
- pTempHeap->EnableAlignment();
- mappingTableTypes.SetPrivateHeap(pTempHeap);
- mappingTableStrings.SetPrivateHeap(pTempHeap);
- VH( mappingTableTypes.AutoGrow() );
- VH( mappingTableStrings.AutoGrow() );
- if( !IsOptimized() )
- {
- // Let's re-create the type pool and string pool
- VN( pNewEffect->m_pPooledHeap = new CDataBlockStore );
- pNewEffect->m_pPooledHeap->EnableAlignment();
- VH( pNewEffect->CopyStringPool( this, mappingTableStrings ) );
- VH( pNewEffect->CopyTypePool( this, mappingTableTypes, mappingTableStrings ) );
- }
- else
- {
- // There's no string pool after optimizing. Let's re-create the type pool
- VH( pNewEffect->CopyOptimizedTypePool( this, mappingTableTypes ) );
- }
- // fixup this effect's variable's types
- VH( pNewEffect->OptimizeTypes(&mappingTableTypes, true) );
- VH( pNewEffect->RecreateCBs() );
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pNewEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i)
- {
- SMember* pMember = pNewEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[i];
- VH( pNewEffect->FixupMemberInterface( pMember, this, mappingTableStrings ) );
- }
- SAFE_DELETE( pTempHeap );
- if( FAILED( hr ) )
- {
- SAFE_DELETE( pNewEffect );
- }
- *ppClonedEffect = pNewEffect;
- return hr;
-// Move all type pointers using pMappingTable.
-// This is called after creating the optimized type pool or during cloning.
-HRESULT CEffect::OptimizeTypes(_Inout_ CPointerMappingTable *pMappingTable, _In_ bool Cloning)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // find all child types, point them to the new location
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pVariables[i].pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- uint32_t Members = m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize();
- for( size_t i=0; i < Members; i++ )
- {
- if( m_pMemberInterfaces[i] != nullptr )
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- }
- // when cloning, there may be annotations
- if( Cloning )
- {
- for (size_t iVar = 0; iVar < m_VariableCount; ++ iVar)
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < m_pVariables[iVar].AnnotationCount; ++ i )
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pVariables[iVar].pAnnotations[i].pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t iCB = 0; iCB < m_CBCount; ++ iCB)
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < m_pCBs[iCB].AnnotationCount; ++ i )
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pCBs[iCB].pAnnotations[i].pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- }
- for (size_t iGroup = 0; iGroup < m_GroupCount; ++ iGroup)
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < m_pGroups[iGroup].AnnotationCount; ++ i )
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pGroups[iGroup].pAnnotations[i].pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- for(size_t iTech = 0; iTech < m_pGroups[iGroup].TechniqueCount; ++ iTech )
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[iTech].AnnotationCount; ++ i )
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[iTech].pAnnotations[i].pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- for(size_t iPass = 0; iPass < m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[iTech].PassCount; ++ iPass )
- {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[iTech].pPasses[iPass].AnnotationCount; ++ i )
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[iTech].pPasses[iPass].pAnnotations[i].pType, pMappingTable) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// Public API to shed this effect of its reflection data
-HRESULT CEffect::Optimize()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- CEffectHeap *pOptimizedTypeHeap = nullptr;
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect::Optimize: Effect has already been Optimize()'ed");
- return S_OK;
- }
- // Delete annotations, names, semantics, and string data on variables
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- m_pVariables[i].AnnotationCount = 0;
- m_pVariables[i].pAnnotations = nullptr;
- m_pVariables[i].pName = nullptr;
- m_pVariables[i].pSemantic = nullptr;
- // 2) Point string variables to nullptr
- if (m_pVariables[i].pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- assert(nullptr != m_pVariables[i].Data.pString);
- m_pVariables[i].Data.pString = nullptr;
- }
- }
- // Delete annotations and names on CBs
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CBCount; ++ i)
- {
- m_pCBs[i].AnnotationCount = 0;
- m_pCBs[i].pAnnotations = nullptr;
- m_pCBs[i].pName = nullptr;
- m_pCBs[i].IsEffectOptimized = true;
- }
- // Delete annotations and names on techniques and passes
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_GroupCount; ++ i)
- {
- m_pGroups[i].AnnotationCount = 0;
- m_pGroups[i].pAnnotations = nullptr;
- m_pGroups[i].pName = nullptr;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < m_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount; ++ j)
- {
- m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].AnnotationCount = 0;
- m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pAnnotations = nullptr;
- m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pName = nullptr;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].PassCount; ++ k)
- {
- m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].AnnotationCount = 0;
- m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pAnnotations = nullptr;
- m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pName = nullptr;
- }
- }
- };
- // 2) Remove shader bytecode & stream out decls
- // (all are contained within pReflectionData)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ShaderBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- if( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData )
- {
- // pReflection was not created with PRIVATENEW
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pReflection );
- m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData = nullptr;
- }
- }
- uint32_t Members = m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize();
- for( size_t i=0; i < Members; i++ )
- {
- assert( m_pMemberInterfaces[i] != nullptr );
- if( IsReflectionData(m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pTopLevelEntity) )
- {
- assert( IsReflectionData(m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->Data.pGeneric) );
- // This is checked when cloning (so we don't clone Optimized-out member variables)
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i] = nullptr;
- }
- else
- {
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pName = nullptr;
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pSemantic = nullptr;
- }
- }
- // get rid of the name/type hash tables and string data,
- // then reallocate the type data and fix up this effect
- CPointerMappingTable mappingTable;
- CTypeHashTable::CIterator typeIter;
- CPointerMappingTable::CIterator mapIter;
- CCheckedDword chkSpaceNeeded = 0;
- uint32_t spaceNeeded;
- // first pass: compute needed space
- for (m_pTypePool->GetFirstEntry(&typeIter); !m_pTypePool->PastEnd(&typeIter); m_pTypePool->GetNextEntry(&typeIter))
- {
- SType *pType = typeIter.GetData();
- chkSpaceNeeded += AlignToPowerOf2(sizeof(SType), c_DataAlignment);
- // if this is a struct, allocate room for its members
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- chkSpaceNeeded += AlignToPowerOf2(pType->StructType.Members * sizeof(SVariable), c_DataAlignment);
- }
- }
- VH( chkSpaceNeeded.GetValue(&spaceNeeded) );
- assert(nullptr == m_pOptimizedTypeHeap);
- VN( pOptimizedTypeHeap = new CEffectHeap );
- VH( pOptimizedTypeHeap->ReserveMemory(spaceNeeded));
- // use the private heap that we're about to destroy as scratch space for the mapping table
- mappingTable.SetPrivateHeap(m_pPooledHeap);
- VH( mappingTable.AutoGrow() );
- // second pass: move types over, build mapping table
- for (m_pTypePool->GetFirstEntry(&typeIter); !m_pTypePool->PastEnd(&typeIter); m_pTypePool->GetNextEntry(&typeIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping;
- SType *pType;
- ptrMapping.pOld = ptrMapping.pNew = typeIter.GetData();
- VH( pOptimizedTypeHeap->MoveData(&ptrMapping.pNew, sizeof(SType)) );
- pType = (SType *) ptrMapping.pNew;
- // if this is a struct, move its members to the newly allocated space
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- VH( pOptimizedTypeHeap->MoveData((void **)&pType->StructType.pMembers, pType->StructType.Members * sizeof(SVariable)) );
- }
- VH( mappingTable.AddValueWithHash(ptrMapping, ptrMapping.Hash()) );
- }
- // third pass: fixup structure member & name pointers
- for (mappingTable.GetFirstEntry(&mapIter); !mappingTable.PastEnd(&mapIter); mappingTable.GetNextEntry(&mapIter))
- {
- SPointerMapping ptrMapping = mapIter.GetData();
- SType *pType = (SType *) ptrMapping.pNew;
- pType->pTypeName = nullptr;
- // if this is a struct, fix up its members' pointers
- if (EVT_Struct == pType->VarType)
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pType->StructType.Members; ++ i)
- {
- VH( RemapType((SType**)&pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pType, &mappingTable) );
- pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pName = nullptr;
- pType->StructType.pMembers[i].pSemantic = nullptr;
- }
- }
- }
- // fixup this effect's variable's types
- VH( OptimizeTypes(&mappingTable) );
- m_pOptimizedTypeHeap = pOptimizedTypeHeap;
- pOptimizedTypeHeap = nullptr;
- DPF(0, "Compiler string pool hash table statistics:");
- m_pTypePool->PrintHashTableStats();
- DPF(0, "Compiler type pool hash table statistics:");
- m_pStringPool->PrintHashTableStats();
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pTypePool);
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pStringPool);
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pPooledHeap);
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect::Optimize: %u bytes of reflection data freed.", m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetSize());
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pReflection);
- SAFE_DELETE(pOptimizedTypeHeap);
- return hr;
-SMember * CreateNewMember(_In_ SType *pType, _In_ bool IsAnnotation)
- switch (pType->VarType)
- {
- case EVT_Struct:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SNumericAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SNumericAnnotationMember;
- }
- else if (pType->StructType.ImplementsInterface)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SClassInstanceGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SClassInstanceGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SNumericGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SNumericGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Interface:
- assert(sizeof(SInterfaceGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SInterfaceGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EVT_Object:
- switch (pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_String:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SStringAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SStringAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SStringGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SStringGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- case EOT_Texture:
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- case EOT_Buffer:
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SShaderResourceGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SShaderResourceGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SUnorderedAccessViewGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SUnorderedAccessViewGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SShaderGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SShaderGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_Blend:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SBlendGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SBlendGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SRasterizerGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SRasterizerGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SDepthStencilGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SDepthStencilGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SSamplerGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SSamplerGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencilView:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SDepthStencilViewGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SDepthStencilViewGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- case EOT_RenderTargetView:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SRenderTargetViewGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SRenderTargetViewGlobalVariableMember;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal error: invalid object type." );
- return nullptr;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Numeric:
- switch (pType->NumericType.NumericLayout)
- {
- case ENL_Matrix:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SMatrixAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SMatrixAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SMatrixGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- assert(sizeof(SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- assert(sizeof(SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- if (pType->NumericType.Rows == 4 && pType->NumericType.Columns == 4)
- {
- if (pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor)
- {
- return (SMember*) new SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- else
- {
- return (SMember*) new SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return (SMember*) new SMatrixGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- }
- break;
- case ENL_Vector:
- switch (pType->NumericType.ScalarType)
- {
- case EST_Float:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatVectorAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SFloatVectorAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatVectorGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- assert(sizeof(SFloatVector4GlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- if (pType->NumericType.Columns == 4)
- {
- return (SMember*) new SFloatVector4GlobalVariableMember;
- }
- else
- {
- return (SMember*) new SFloatVectorGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EST_Bool:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolVectorAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SBoolVectorAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolVectorGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SBoolVectorGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- case EST_UInt:
- case EST_Int:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntVectorAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SIntVectorAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntVectorGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SIntVectorGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid vector type." );
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ENL_Scalar:
- switch (pType->NumericType.ScalarType)
- {
- case EST_Float:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatScalarAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SFloatScalarAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatScalarGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SFloatScalarGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- case EST_UInt:
- case EST_Int:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntScalarAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SIntScalarAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntScalarGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SIntScalarGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- case EST_Bool:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolScalarAnnotationMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SBoolScalarAnnotationMember;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolScalarGlobalVariableMember) == sizeof(SMember));
- return (SMember*) new SBoolScalarGlobalVariableMember;
- }
- break;
- default:
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid scalar type." );
- assert(0);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid numeric type." );
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid variable type." );
- break;
- }
- return nullptr;
-// Global variables are created in place because storage for them was allocated during LoadEffect
-HRESULT PlacementNewVariable(_In_ void *pVar, _In_ SType *pType, _In_ bool IsAnnotation)
- switch (pType->VarType)
- {
- case EVT_Struct:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SNumericAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SNumericAnnotation();
- }
- else if (pType->StructType.ImplementsInterface)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SClassInstanceGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SClassInstanceGlobalVariable;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SNumericGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SNumericGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Interface:
- assert(sizeof(SInterfaceGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SInterfaceGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EVT_Object:
- switch (pType->ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_String:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SStringAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SStringAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SStringGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SStringGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- case EOT_Texture:
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- case EOT_Buffer:
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SShaderResourceGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SShaderResourceGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SUnorderedAccessViewGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SUnorderedAccessViewGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SShaderGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SShaderGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_Blend:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SBlendGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SBlendGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SRasterizerGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SRasterizerGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SDepthStencilGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SDepthStencilGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SSamplerGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SSamplerGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_RenderTargetView:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SRenderTargetViewGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SRenderTargetViewGlobalVariable;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencilView:
- assert(!IsAnnotation);
- assert(sizeof(SDepthStencilViewGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SDepthStencilViewGlobalVariable;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid object type." );
- return E_FAIL;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case EVT_Numeric:
- switch (pType->NumericType.NumericLayout)
- {
- case ENL_Matrix:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SMatrixAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SMatrixAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SMatrixGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- assert(sizeof(SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- assert(sizeof(SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- if (pType->NumericType.Rows == 4 && pType->NumericType.Columns == 4)
- {
- if (pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor)
- {
- new(pVar) SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariable;
- }
- else
- {
- new(pVar) SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariable;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- new(pVar) SMatrixGlobalVariable;
- }
- }
- break;
- case ENL_Vector:
- switch (pType->NumericType.ScalarType)
- {
- case EST_Float:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatVectorAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SFloatVectorAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatVectorGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- assert(sizeof(SFloatVector4GlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- if (pType->NumericType.Columns == 4)
- {
- new(pVar) SFloatVector4GlobalVariable;
- }
- else
- {
- new(pVar) SFloatVectorGlobalVariable;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EST_Bool:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolVectorAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SBoolVectorAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolVectorGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SBoolVectorGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- case EST_UInt:
- case EST_Int:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntVectorAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SIntVectorAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntVectorGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SIntVectorGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ENL_Scalar:
- switch (pType->NumericType.ScalarType)
- {
- case EST_Float:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatScalarAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SFloatScalarAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SFloatScalarGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SFloatScalarGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- case EST_UInt:
- case EST_Int:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntScalarAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SIntScalarAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SIntScalarGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SIntScalarGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- case EST_Bool:
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolScalarAnnotation) == sizeof(SAnnotation));
- new(pVar) SBoolScalarAnnotation;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(sizeof(SBoolScalarGlobalVariable) == sizeof(SGlobalVariable));
- new(pVar) SBoolScalarGlobalVariable;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid scalar type." );
- return E_FAIL;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid numeric type." );
- return E_FAIL;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- DPF( 0, "Internal loading error: invalid variable type." );
- return E_FAIL;
- break;
- }
- return S_OK;
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectReflection.cpp b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectReflection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 48e7b67de4..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectReflection.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2183 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectReflection.cpp
-// Direct3D 11 Effects public reflection APIs
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#include "pchfx.h"
-namespace D3DX11Effects
-SEffectInvalidType g_InvalidType;
-SEffectInvalidScalarVariable g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-SEffectInvalidVectorVariable g_InvalidVectorVariable;
-SEffectInvalidMatrixVariable g_InvalidMatrixVariable;
-SEffectInvalidStringVariable g_InvalidStringVariable;
-SEffectInvalidClassInstanceVariable g_InvalidClassInstanceVariable;
-SEffectInvalidInterfaceVariable g_InvalidInterfaceVariable;
-SEffectInvalidShaderResourceVariable g_InvalidShaderResourceVariable;
-SEffectInvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable g_InvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
-SEffectInvalidRenderTargetViewVariable g_InvalidRenderTargetViewVariable;
-SEffectInvalidDepthStencilViewVariable g_InvalidDepthStencilViewVariable;
-SEffectInvalidConstantBuffer g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-SEffectInvalidShaderVariable g_InvalidShaderVariable;
-SEffectInvalidBlendVariable g_InvalidBlendVariable;
-SEffectInvalidDepthStencilVariable g_InvalidDepthStencilVariable;
-SEffectInvalidRasterizerVariable g_InvalidRasterizerVariable;
-SEffectInvalidSamplerVariable g_InvalidSamplerVariable;
-SEffectInvalidPass g_InvalidPass;
-SEffectInvalidTechnique g_InvalidTechnique;
-SEffectInvalidGroup g_InvalidGroup;
-// Helper routine implementations
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * NoParentCB()
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer: Variable does not have a parent constant buffer");
- // have to typecast because the type of g_InvalidScalarVariable has not been declared yet
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * GetAnnotationByIndexHelper(const char *pClassName, uint32_t Index, uint32_t AnnotationCount, SAnnotation *pAnnotations)
- if (Index >= AnnotationCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s::GetAnnotationByIndex: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pClassName, Index, AnnotationCount);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return pAnnotations + Index;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * GetAnnotationByNameHelper(const char *pClassName, LPCSTR Name, uint32_t AnnotationCount, SAnnotation *pAnnotations)
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < AnnotationCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (strcmp(pAnnotations[i].pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- return pAnnotations + i;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s::GetAnnotationByName: Annotation [%s] not found", pClassName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-// Effect routines to pool interfaces
-ID3DX11EffectType * CEffect::CreatePooledSingleElementTypeInterface(_In_ SType *pType)
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Cannot create new type interfaces since the effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pTypeInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i)
- {
- if (m_pTypeInterfaces[i]->pType == pType)
- {
- return (SSingleElementType*)m_pTypeInterfaces[i];
- }
- }
- SSingleElementType *pNewType;
- if (nullptr == (pNewType = new SSingleElementType))
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Out of memory while trying to create new type interface");
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- pNewType->pType = pType;
- m_pTypeInterfaces.Add(pNewType);
- return pNewType;
-// Create a member variable (via GetMemberBy* or GetElement)
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * CEffect::CreatePooledVariableMemberInterface(TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity,
- const SVariable *pMember,
- const UDataPointer Data, bool IsSingleElement, uint32_t Index)
- bool IsAnnotation;
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Cannot create new variable interfaces since the effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i)
- {
- if (m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pType == pMember->pType &&
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pName == pMember->pName &&
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->pSemantic == pMember->pSemantic &&
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->Data.pGeneric == Data.pGeneric &&
- m_pMemberInterfaces[i]->IsSingleElement == (uint32_t)IsSingleElement &&
- ((SMember*)m_pMemberInterfaces[i])->pTopLevelEntity == pTopLevelEntity)
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectVariable *) m_pMemberInterfaces[i];
- }
- }
- // is this annotation or runtime data?
- if( pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsReflectionData(pTopLevelEntity) )
- {
- assert( pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsReflectionData(Data.pGeneric) );
- IsAnnotation = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // if the heap is empty, we are still loading the Effect, and thus creating a member for a variable initializer
- // ex. Interface myInt = myClassArray[2];
- if( pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->m_Heap.GetSize() > 0 )
- {
- assert( pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsRuntimeData(pTopLevelEntity) );
- if (!pTopLevelEntity->pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- // strings are funny; their data is reflection data, so ignore those
- assert( pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsRuntimeData(Data.pGeneric) );
- }
- }
- IsAnnotation = false;
- }
- SMember *pNewMember;
- if (nullptr == (pNewMember = CreateNewMember((SType*)pMember->pType, IsAnnotation)))
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Out of memory while trying to create new member variable interface");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- pNewMember->pType = pMember->pType;
- pNewMember->pName = pMember->pName;
- pNewMember->pSemantic = pMember->pSemantic;
- pNewMember->Data.pGeneric = Data.pGeneric;
- pNewMember->IsSingleElement = IsSingleElement;
- pNewMember->pTopLevelEntity = pTopLevelEntity;
- if( IsSingleElement && pMember->pMemberData )
- {
- assert( !IsAnnotation );
- // This is an element of a global variable array
- pNewMember->pMemberData = pMember->pMemberData + Index;
- }
- if (FAILED(m_pMemberInterfaces.Add(pNewMember)))
- {
- SAFE_DELETE(pNewMember);
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Out of memory while trying to create new member variable interface");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectVariable *) pNewMember;
-// ID3DX11EffectType (SType, SSingleElementType implementations)
-static ID3DX11EffectType * GetTypeByIndexHelper(uint32_t Index, uint32_t VariableCount,
- SVariable *pVariables, uint32_t SizeOfVariableType)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex";
- if (Index >= VariableCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, VariableCount);
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- SVariable *pVariable = (SVariable *)((uint8_t *)pVariables + Index * SizeOfVariableType);
- if (nullptr == pVariable->pName)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member types; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectType *) pVariable->pType;
-static ID3DX11EffectType * GetTypeByNameHelper(LPCSTR Name, uint32_t VariableCount,
- SVariable *pVariables, uint32_t SizeOfVariableType)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName";
- if (nullptr == Name)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Name was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- uint32_t i;
- SVariable *pVariable;
- for (i = 0; i < VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- pVariable = (SVariable *)((uint8_t *)pVariables + i * SizeOfVariableType);
- if (nullptr == pVariable->pName)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member types; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- if (strcmp(pVariable->pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectType *) pVariable->pType;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Member type [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidType;
-static ID3DX11EffectType * GetTypeBySemanticHelper(LPCSTR Semantic, uint32_t VariableCount,
- SVariable *pVariables, uint32_t SizeOfVariableType)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic";
- if (nullptr == Semantic)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Semantic was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- uint32_t i;
- SVariable *pVariable;
- for (i = 0; i < VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- pVariable = (SVariable *)((uint8_t *)pVariables + i * SizeOfVariableType);
- if (nullptr == pVariable->pName)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member types; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- if (nullptr != pVariable->pSemantic &&
- _stricmp(pVariable->pSemantic, Semantic) == 0)
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectType *) pVariable->pType;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Member type with semantic [%s] not found", pFuncName, Semantic);
- return &g_InvalidType;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SType::GetMemberTypeByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- if (VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- return GetTypeByIndexHelper(Index, StructType.Members, StructType.pMembers, sizeof(SVariable));
-ID3DX11EffectType * SType::GetMemberTypeByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- if (VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- return GetTypeByNameHelper(Name, StructType.Members, StructType.pMembers, sizeof(SVariable));
-ID3DX11EffectType * SType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- if (VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return &g_InvalidType;
- }
- return GetTypeBySemanticHelper(Semantic, StructType.Members, StructType.pMembers, sizeof(SVariable));
-LPCSTR SType::GetMemberName(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberName";
- if (VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This interface does not refer to a structure", pFuncName);
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (Index >= StructType.Members)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, StructType.Members);
- return nullptr;
- }
- SVariable *pVariable = StructType.pMembers + Index;
- if (nullptr == pVariable->pName)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member names; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return nullptr;
- }
- return pVariable->pName;
-LPCSTR SType::GetMemberSemantic(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberSemantic";
- if (VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This interface does not refer to a structure", pFuncName);
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (Index >= StructType.Members)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, StructType.Members);
- return nullptr;
- }
- SVariable *pVariable = StructType.pMembers + Index;
- if (nullptr == pVariable->pName)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member semantics; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return nullptr;
- }
- return pVariable->pSemantic;
-HRESULT SType::GetDescHelper(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc, _In_ bool IsSingleElement) const
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetDesc";
- pDesc->TypeName = pTypeName;
- // intentionally return 0 so they know it's not a single element array
- pDesc->Elements = IsSingleElement ? 0 : Elements;
- pDesc->PackedSize = GetTotalPackedSize(IsSingleElement);
- pDesc->UnpackedSize = GetTotalUnpackedSize(IsSingleElement);
- pDesc->Stride = Stride;
- switch (VarType)
- {
- case EVT_Numeric:
- switch (NumericType.NumericLayout)
- {
- case ENL_Matrix:
- if (NumericType.IsColumnMajor)
- {
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_MATRIX_COLUMNS;
- }
- else
- {
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_MATRIX_ROWS;
- }
- break;
- case ENL_Vector:
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_VECTOR;
- break;
- case ENL_Scalar:
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_SCALAR;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- switch (NumericType.ScalarType)
- {
- case EST_Bool:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_BOOL;
- break;
- case EST_Int:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_INT;
- break;
- case EST_UInt:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_UINT;
- break;
- case EST_Float:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_FLOAT;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- pDesc->Rows = NumericType.Rows;
- pDesc->Columns = NumericType.Columns;
- pDesc->Members = 0;
- break;
- case EVT_Struct:
- pDesc->Rows = 0;
- pDesc->Columns = 0;
- pDesc->Members = StructType.Members;
- if( StructType.ImplementsInterface )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_STRUCT;
- }
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_VOID;
- break;
- case EVT_Interface:
- pDesc->Rows = 0;
- pDesc->Columns = 0;
- pDesc->Members = 0;
- break;
- case EVT_Object:
- pDesc->Rows = 0;
- pDesc->Columns = 0;
- pDesc->Members = 0;
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_OBJECT;
- switch (ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_String:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_STRING;
- break;
- case EOT_Blend:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_BLEND;
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencil:
- break;
- case EOT_Rasterizer:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_RASTERIZER;
- break;
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_PIXELSHADER;
- break;
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShaderSO:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- break;
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_HULLSHADER;
- break;
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- break;
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- break;
- case EOT_Texture:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_TEXTURE;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_TEXTURE1D;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- break;
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2D;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- break;
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2DMS;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- break;
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_TEXTURE3D;
- break;
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_TEXTURECUBE;
- break;
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- break;
- case EOT_Buffer:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_BUFFER;
- break;
- case EOT_Sampler:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_SAMPLER;
- break;
- case EOT_RenderTargetView:
- break;
- case EOT_DepthStencilView:
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1D;
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2D;
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE3D;
- break;
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_RWBUFFER;
- break;
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- break;
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- break;
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- break;
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- break;
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- break;
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable (SAnonymousShader implementation)
-SAnonymousShader::SAnonymousShader(_In_opt_ SShaderBlock *pBlock) noexcept :
- pShaderBlock(pBlock)
-bool SAnonymousShader::IsValid()
- return pShaderBlock && pShaderBlock->IsValid;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SAnonymousShader::GetType()
- return (ID3DX11EffectType *) this;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC *pDesc)
- pDesc->Annotations = 0;
- pDesc->Flags = 0;
- pDesc->Name = "$Anonymous";
- pDesc->Semantic = nullptr;
- pDesc->BufferOffset = 0;
- return S_OK;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SAnonymousShader::GetAnnotationByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex: Anonymous shaders cannot have annotations");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SAnonymousShader::GetAnnotationByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByName: Anonymous shaders cannot have annotations");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SAnonymousShader::GetMemberByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex: Variable is not a structure");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SAnonymousShader::GetMemberByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName: Variable is not a structure");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SAnonymousShader::GetMemberBySemantic(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic: Variable is not a structure");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SAnonymousShader::GetElement(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetElement: Anonymous shaders cannot have elements");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * SAnonymousShader::GetParentConstantBuffer()
- return NoParentCB();
-ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable * SAnonymousShader::AsShader()
- return (ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable *) this;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::SetRawValue(const void *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return ObjectSetRawValue();
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetRawValue(void *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return ObjectGetRawValue();
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
- if (0 != ShaderIndex) \
- { \
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index specified", pFuncName); \
- } \
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetShaderDesc(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc";
- hr = pShaderBlock->GetShaderDesc(pDesc, true);
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetVertexShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetVertexShader(ppVS) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetGeometryShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetGeometryShader(ppGS) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetPixelShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetPixelShader(ppPS) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetHullShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11HullShader **ppHS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetHullShader";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetHullShader(ppHS) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetDomainShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetDomainShader";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetDomainShader(ppDS) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetComputeShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetComputeShader";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetComputeShader(ppCS) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetInputSignatureElementDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetSignatureElementDesc(SShaderBlock::ST_Input, Element, pDesc) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetSignatureElementDesc(SShaderBlock::ST_Output, Element, pDesc) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc";
- VH( pShaderBlock->GetSignatureElementDesc(SShaderBlock::ST_PatchConstant, Element, pDesc) );
- return hr;
-HRESULT SAnonymousShader::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc)
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_OBJECT;
- switch (pShaderBlock->GetShaderType())
- {
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- pDesc->TypeName = "vertexshader";
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- pDesc->TypeName = "geometryshader";
- break;
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- pDesc->TypeName = "pixelshader";
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_PIXELSHADER;
- break;
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- pDesc->TypeName = "Hullshader";
- pDesc->Type = D3D_SVT_HULLSHADER;
- break;
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- pDesc->TypeName = "Domainshader";
- break;
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- pDesc->TypeName = "Computeshader";
- break;
- }
- pDesc->Elements = 0;
- pDesc->Members = 0;
- pDesc->Rows = 0;
- pDesc->Columns = 0;
- pDesc->PackedSize = 0;
- pDesc->UnpackedSize = 0;
- pDesc->Stride = 0;
- return S_OK;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SAnonymousShader::GetMemberTypeByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return &g_InvalidType;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SAnonymousShader::GetMemberTypeByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return &g_InvalidType;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SAnonymousShader::GetMemberTypeBySemantic(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return &g_InvalidType;
-LPCSTR SAnonymousShader::GetMemberName(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberName: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return nullptr;
-LPCSTR SAnonymousShader::GetMemberSemantic(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberSemantic: This interface does not refer to a structure");
- return nullptr;
-// ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer (SConstantBuffer implementation)
-bool SConstantBuffer::IsValid()
- return true;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SConstantBuffer::GetType()
- return (ID3DX11EffectType *) this;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC *pDesc)
- pDesc->Annotations = AnnotationCount;
- pDesc->Flags = 0;
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Semantic = nullptr;
- pDesc->BufferOffset = 0;
- if (ExplicitBindPoint != static_cast<uint32_t>(- 1))
- {
- pDesc->ExplicitBindPoint = ExplicitBindPoint;
- }
- else
- {
- pDesc->ExplicitBindPoint = 0;
- }
- return S_OK;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SConstantBuffer::GetAnnotationByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- return GetAnnotationByIndexHelper("ID3DX11EffectVariable", Index, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SConstantBuffer::GetAnnotationByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- return GetAnnotationByNameHelper("ID3DX11EffectVariable", Name, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SConstantBuffer::GetMemberByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- SGlobalVariable *pMember;
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- if (IsEffectOptimized)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex: Cannot get members; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!GetVariableByIndexHelper<SGlobalVariable>(Index, VariableCount, (SGlobalVariable*)pVariables,
- nullptr, &pMember, &dataPtr.pGeneric))
- {
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectVariable *) pMember;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SConstantBuffer::GetMemberByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- SGlobalVariable *pMember;
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- uint32_t index;
- if (IsEffectOptimized)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName: Cannot get members; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!GetVariableByNameHelper<SGlobalVariable>(Name, VariableCount, (SGlobalVariable*)pVariables,
- nullptr, &pMember, &dataPtr.pGeneric, &index))
- {
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectVariable *) pMember;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SConstantBuffer::GetMemberBySemantic(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- SGlobalVariable *pMember;
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- uint32_t index;
- if (IsEffectOptimized)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic: Cannot get members; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!GetVariableBySemanticHelper<SGlobalVariable>(Semantic, VariableCount, (SGlobalVariable*)pVariables,
- nullptr, &pMember, &dataPtr.pGeneric, &index))
- {
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectVariable *) pMember;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SConstantBuffer::GetElement(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetElement";
- DPF(0, "%s: This interface does not refer to an array", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * SConstantBuffer::GetParentConstantBuffer()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer";
- DPF(0, "%s: Constant buffers do not have parent constant buffers", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * SConstantBuffer::AsConstantBuffer()
- return (ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer *) this;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc)
- pDesc->TypeName = IsTBuffer ? "tbuffer" : "cbuffer";
- pDesc->Class = D3D_SVC_OBJECT;
- pDesc->Type = IsTBuffer ? D3D_SVT_TBUFFER : D3D_SVT_CBUFFER;
- pDesc->Elements = 0;
- pDesc->Members = VariableCount;
- pDesc->Rows = 0;
- pDesc->Columns = 0;
- uint32_t i;
- pDesc->PackedSize = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- pDesc->PackedSize += pVariables[i].pType->PackedSize;
- }
- pDesc->UnpackedSize = Size;
- assert(pDesc->UnpackedSize >= pDesc->PackedSize);
- pDesc->Stride = AlignToPowerOf2(pDesc->UnpackedSize, SType::c_RegisterSize);
- return S_OK;
-ID3DX11EffectType * SConstantBuffer::GetMemberTypeByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- return GetTypeByIndexHelper(Index, VariableCount, pVariables, sizeof (SGlobalVariable));
-ID3DX11EffectType * SConstantBuffer::GetMemberTypeByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- return GetTypeByNameHelper(Name, VariableCount, pVariables, sizeof (SGlobalVariable));
-ID3DX11EffectType * SConstantBuffer::GetMemberTypeBySemantic(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- return GetTypeBySemanticHelper(Semantic, VariableCount, pVariables, sizeof (SGlobalVariable));
-LPCSTR SConstantBuffer::GetMemberName(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberName";
- if (IsEffectOptimized)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member names; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (Index >= VariableCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, VariableCount);
- return nullptr;
- }
- return pVariables[Index].pName;
-LPCSTR SConstantBuffer::GetMemberSemantic(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberSemantic";
- if (IsEffectOptimized)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get member semantics; Effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (Index >= VariableCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, VariableCount);
- return nullptr;
- }
- return pVariables[Index].pSemantic;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::SetRawValue(const void *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::SetRawValue";
- if ((Offset + Count < Offset) ||
- (Count + (uint8_t*)pData < (uint8_t*)pData) ||
- ((Offset + Count) > Size))
- {
- // overflow of some kind
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- if (IsUsedByExpression)
- {
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- ((SGlobalVariable*)pVariables)[i].DirtyVariable();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- IsDirty = true;
- }
- memcpy(pBackingStore + Offset, pData, Count);
- return hr;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::GetRawValue(void *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetRawValue";
- if ((Offset + Count < Offset) ||
- (Count + (uint8_t*)pData < (uint8_t*)pData) ||
- ((Offset + Count) > Size))
- {
- // overflow of some kind
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- memcpy(pData, pBackingStore + Offset, Count);
- return hr;
-bool SConstantBuffer::ClonedSingle() const
- return IsSingle && ( pEffect->m_Flags & D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE );
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::SetConstantBuffer(_In_ ID3D11Buffer *pConstantBuffer)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::SetConstantBuffer";
- if (IsTBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This is a texture buffer; use SetTextureBuffer instead", pFuncName);
- }
- // Replace all references to the old shader block with this one
- pEffect->ReplaceCBReference(this, pConstantBuffer);
- if( !IsUserManaged )
- {
- // Save original cbuffer in case we UndoSet
- assert( pMemberData[0].Type == MDT_Buffer );
- VB( pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer == nullptr );
- pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer = pD3DObject;
- pD3DObject = nullptr;
- IsUserManaged = true;
- IsNonUpdatable = true;
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( pConstantBuffer );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pD3DObject );
- pD3DObject = pConstantBuffer;
- return hr;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::GetConstantBuffer(_Outptr_ ID3D11Buffer **ppConstantBuffer)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::GetConstantBuffer";
- VERIFYPARAMETER(ppConstantBuffer);
- if (IsTBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This is a texture buffer; use GetTextureBuffer instead", pFuncName);
- }
- assert( pD3DObject );
- _Analysis_assume_( pD3DObject );
- *ppConstantBuffer = pD3DObject;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppConstantBuffer);
- return hr;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::UndoSetConstantBuffer()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::UndoSetConstantBuffer";
- if (IsTBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This is a texture buffer; use UndoSetTextureBuffer instead", pFuncName);
- }
- if( !IsUserManaged )
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- // Replace all references to the old shader block with this one
- pEffect->ReplaceCBReference(this, pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer);
- // Revert to original cbuffer
- SAFE_RELEASE( pD3DObject );
- pD3DObject = pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer;
- pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer = nullptr;
- IsUserManaged = false;
- IsNonUpdatable = ClonedSingle();
- return hr;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::SetTextureBuffer(_In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pTextureBuffer)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::SetTextureBuffer";
- if (!IsTBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This is a constant buffer; use SetConstantBuffer instead", pFuncName);
- }
- if( !IsUserManaged )
- {
- // Save original cbuffer and tbuffer in case we UndoSet
- assert( pMemberData[0].Type == MDT_Buffer );
- VB( pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer == nullptr );
- pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer = pD3DObject;
- pD3DObject = nullptr;
- assert( pMemberData[1].Type == MDT_ShaderResourceView );
- VB( pMemberData[1].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer == nullptr );
- pMemberData[1].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer = TBuffer.pShaderResource;
- TBuffer.pShaderResource = nullptr;
- IsUserManaged = true;
- IsNonUpdatable = true;
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( pTextureBuffer );
- SAFE_RELEASE(pD3DObject); // won't be needing this anymore...
- SAFE_RELEASE( TBuffer.pShaderResource );
- TBuffer.pShaderResource = pTextureBuffer;
- return hr;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::GetTextureBuffer(_Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppTextureBuffer)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::GetTextureBuffer";
- VERIFYPARAMETER(ppTextureBuffer);
- if (!IsTBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This is a constant buffer; use GetConstantBuffer instead", pFuncName);
- }
- assert( TBuffer.pShaderResource );
- _Analysis_assume_( TBuffer.pShaderResource );
- *ppTextureBuffer = TBuffer.pShaderResource;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppTextureBuffer);
- return hr;
-HRESULT SConstantBuffer::UndoSetTextureBuffer()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::UndoSetTextureBuffer";
- if (!IsTBuffer)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This is a texture buffer; use UndoSetConstantBuffer instead", pFuncName);
- }
- if( !IsUserManaged )
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- // Revert to original cbuffer
- SAFE_RELEASE( pD3DObject );
- pD3DObject = pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer;
- pMemberData[0].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedConstantBuffer = nullptr;
- SAFE_RELEASE( TBuffer.pShaderResource );
- TBuffer.pShaderResource = pMemberData[1].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer;
- pMemberData[1].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedTextureBuffer = nullptr;
- IsUserManaged = false;
- IsNonUpdatable = ClonedSingle();
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectPass (CEffectPass implementation)
-bool SPassBlock::IsValid()
- if( HasDependencies )
- return pEffect->ValidatePassBlock( this );
- return InitiallyValid;
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_DESC *pDesc)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDesc";
- ZeroMemory(pDesc, sizeof(*pDesc));
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Annotations = AnnotationCount;
- SAssignment *pAssignment;
- SAssignment *pLastAssn;
- pEffect->IncrementTimer();
- pAssignment = pAssignments;
- pLastAssn = pAssignments + AssignmentCount;
- for(; pAssignment < pLastAssn; pAssignment++)
- {
- pEffect->EvaluateAssignment(pAssignment);
- }
- if( BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock && BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob )
- {
- // pInputSignatureBlob can be null if we're setting a nullptr VS "SetVertexShader( nullptr )"
- pDesc->pIAInputSignature = (uint8_t*)BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob->GetBufferPointer();
- pDesc->IAInputSignatureSize = BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob->GetBufferSize();
- }
- pDesc->StencilRef = BackingStore.StencilRef;
- pDesc->SampleMask = BackingStore.SampleMask;
- pDesc->BlendFactor[0] = BackingStore.BlendFactor[0];
- pDesc->BlendFactor[1] = BackingStore.BlendFactor[1];
- pDesc->BlendFactor[2] = BackingStore.BlendFactor[2];
- pDesc->BlendFactor[3] = BackingStore.BlendFactor[3];
- return hr;
-extern SShaderBlock g_NullVS;
-extern SShaderBlock g_NullGS;
-extern SShaderBlock g_NullPS;
-extern SShaderBlock g_NullHS;
-extern SShaderBlock g_NullDS;
-extern SShaderBlock g_NullCS;
-SAnonymousShader g_AnonymousNullVS(&g_NullVS);
-SAnonymousShader g_AnonymousNullGS(&g_NullGS);
-SAnonymousShader g_AnonymousNullPS(&g_NullPS);
-SAnonymousShader g_AnonymousNullHS(&g_NullHS);
-SAnonymousShader g_AnonymousNullDS(&g_NullDS);
-SAnonymousShader g_AnonymousNullCS(&g_NullCS);
-template<EObjectType EShaderType>
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetShaderDescHelper(D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i;
- LPCSTR pFuncName = nullptr;
- SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock = nullptr;
- ApplyPassAssignments();
-#ifdef _PREFAST_
-#pragma prefast(push)
-#pragma prefast(disable:__WARNING_UNUSED_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT, "pFuncName used in DPF")
- switch (EShaderType)
- {
- case EOT_VertexShader:
- case EOT_VertexShader5:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc";
- pShaderBlock = BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock;
- break;
- case EOT_PixelShader:
- case EOT_PixelShader5:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc";
- pShaderBlock = BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock;
- break;
- case EOT_GeometryShader:
- case EOT_GeometryShader5:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc";
- pShaderBlock = BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock;
- break;
- case EOT_HullShader5:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetHullShaderDesc";
- pShaderBlock = BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock;
- break;
- case EOT_DomainShader5:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDomainShaderDesc";
- pShaderBlock = BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock;
- break;
- case EOT_ComputeShader5:
- pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectPass::GetComputeShaderDesc";
- pShaderBlock = BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock;
- break;
-#ifdef _PREFAST_
-#pragma prefast(pop)
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- // in case of error (or in case the assignment doesn't exist), return something reasonable
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_InvalidShaderVariable;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- if (nullptr != pShaderBlock)
- {
- uint32_t elements, varCount, anonymousShaderCount;
- SGlobalVariable *pVariables;
- SAnonymousShader *pAnonymousShaders;
- if (pShaderBlock == &g_NullVS)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_AnonymousNullVS;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- else if (pShaderBlock == &g_NullGS)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_AnonymousNullGS;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- else if (pShaderBlock == &g_NullPS)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_AnonymousNullPS;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- else if (pShaderBlock == &g_NullHS)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_AnonymousNullHS;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- else if (pShaderBlock == &g_NullDS)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_AnonymousNullDS;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- else if (pShaderBlock == &g_NullCS)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = &g_AnonymousNullCS;
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- else
- {
- VB( pEffect->IsRuntimeData(pShaderBlock) );
- varCount = pEffect->m_VariableCount;
- pVariables = pEffect->m_pVariables;
- anonymousShaderCount = pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount;
- pAnonymousShaders = pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < varCount; ++ i)
- {
- elements = std::max<uint32_t>(1, pVariables[i].pType->Elements);
- // make sure the variable type matches, and don't forget about GeometryShaderSO's
- if (pVariables[i].pType->IsShader())
- {
- if (pShaderBlock >= pVariables[i].Data.pShader && pShaderBlock < pVariables[i].Data.pShader + elements)
- {
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = (ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable *)(pVariables + i);
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = (uint32_t)(UINT_PTR)(pShaderBlock - pVariables[i].Data.pShader);
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < anonymousShaderCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (pShaderBlock == pAnonymousShaders[i].pShaderBlock)
- {
- VB(EShaderType == pAnonymousShaders[i].pShaderBlock->GetShaderType())
- pDesc->pShaderVariable = (pAnonymousShaders + i);
- pDesc->ShaderIndex = 0;
- // we're done
- goto lExit;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Internal error; shader not found", pFuncName);
- VH( E_FAIL );
- }
- return hr;
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetVertexShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- return GetShaderDescHelper<EOT_VertexShader>(pDesc);
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetPixelShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- return GetShaderDescHelper<EOT_PixelShader>(pDesc);
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetGeometryShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- return GetShaderDescHelper<EOT_GeometryShader>(pDesc);
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetHullShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- return GetShaderDescHelper<EOT_HullShader5>(pDesc);
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetDomainShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- return GetShaderDescHelper<EOT_DomainShader5>(pDesc);
-HRESULT SPassBlock::GetComputeShaderDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- return GetShaderDescHelper<EOT_ComputeShader5>(pDesc);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SPassBlock::GetAnnotationByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- return GetAnnotationByIndexHelper("ID3DX11EffectPass", Index, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SPassBlock::GetAnnotationByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- return GetAnnotationByNameHelper("ID3DX11EffectPass", Name, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-HRESULT SPassBlock::Apply(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // Flags are unused, so should be 0
- assert( pEffect->m_pContext == nullptr );
- pEffect->m_pContext = pContext;
- pEffect->ApplyPassBlock(this);
- pEffect->m_pContext = nullptr;
- return hr;
-HRESULT SPassBlock::ComputeStateBlockMask(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // flags indicating whether the following shader types were caught by assignment checks or not
- bool bVS = false, bGS = false, bPS = false, bHS = false, bDS = false, bCS = false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < AssignmentCount; ++ i)
- {
- bool bShader = false;
- switch (pAssignments[i].LhsType)
- {
- case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock:
- bVS = true;
- bShader = true;
- break;
- case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock:
- bGS = true;
- bShader = true;
- break;
- case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock:
- bPS = true;
- bShader = true;
- break;
- case ELHS_HullShaderBlock:
- bHS = true;
- bShader = true;
- break;
- case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock:
- bDS = true;
- bShader = true;
- break;
- case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock:
- bCS = true;
- bShader = true;
- break;
- case ELHS_RasterizerBlock:
- pStateBlockMask->RSRasterizerState = 1;
- break;
- case ELHS_BlendBlock:
- pStateBlockMask->OMBlendState = 1;
- break;
- case ELHS_DepthStencilBlock:
- pStateBlockMask->OMDepthStencilState = 1;
- break;
- default:
- // ignore this assignment (must be a scalar/vector assignment associated with a state object)
- break;
- }
- if (bShader)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < pAssignments[i].MaxElements; ++ j)
- {
- // compute state block mask for the union of ALL shaders
- VH( pAssignments[i].Source.pShader[j].ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- }
- }
- // go over the state block objects in case there was no corresponding assignment
- if (nullptr != BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock)
- {
- pStateBlockMask->RSRasterizerState = 1;
- }
- if (nullptr != BackingStore.pBlendBlock)
- {
- pStateBlockMask->OMBlendState = 1;
- }
- if (nullptr != BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock)
- {
- pStateBlockMask->OMDepthStencilState = 1;
- }
- // go over the shaders only if an assignment didn't already catch them
- if (false == bVS && nullptr != BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock)
- {
- VH( BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock->ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- if (false == bGS && nullptr != BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock)
- {
- VH( BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock->ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- if (false == bPS && nullptr != BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock)
- {
- VH( BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock->ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- if (false == bHS && nullptr != BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock)
- {
- VH( BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock->ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- if (false == bDS && nullptr != BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock)
- {
- VH( BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock->ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- if (false == bCS && nullptr != BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock)
- {
- VH( BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock->ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectTechnique (STechnique implementation)
-bool STechnique::IsValid()
- if( HasDependencies )
- {
- for( size_t i = 0; i < PassCount; i++ )
- {
- if( !((SPassBlock*)pPasses)[i].IsValid() )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return InitiallyValid;
-HRESULT STechnique::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_TECHNIQUE_DESC *pDesc)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetDesc";
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Annotations = AnnotationCount;
- pDesc->Passes = PassCount;
- return hr;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * STechnique::GetAnnotationByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- return GetAnnotationByIndexHelper("ID3DX11EffectTechnique", Index, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * STechnique::GetAnnotationByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- return GetAnnotationByNameHelper("ID3DX11EffectTechnique", Name, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectPass * STechnique::GetPassByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetPassByIndex";
- if (Index >= PassCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid pass index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, PassCount);
- return &g_InvalidPass;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectPass *)(pPasses + Index);
-ID3DX11EffectPass * STechnique::GetPassByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetPassByName";
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < PassCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (nullptr != pPasses[i].pName &&
- strcmp(pPasses[i].pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == PassCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Pass [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidPass;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectPass *)(pPasses + i);
-HRESULT STechnique::ComputeStateBlockMask(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t i;
- _Analysis_assume_( PassCount == 0 || pPasses != 0 );
- for (i = 0; i < PassCount; ++ i)
- {
- VH( ((SPassBlock*)pPasses)[i].ComputeStateBlockMask(pStateBlockMask) );
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectGroup (SGroup implementation)
-bool SGroup::IsValid()
- if( HasDependencies )
- {
- for( size_t i = 0; i < TechniqueCount; i++ )
- {
- if( !((STechnique*)pTechniques)[i].IsValid() )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return InitiallyValid;
-HRESULT SGroup::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_GROUP_DESC *pDesc)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetDesc";
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Annotations = AnnotationCount;
- pDesc->Techniques = TechniqueCount;
- return hr;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SGroup::GetAnnotationByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- return GetAnnotationByIndexHelper("ID3DX11EffectGroup", Index, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * SGroup::GetAnnotationByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- return GetAnnotationByNameHelper("ID3DX11EffectGroup", Name, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectTechnique * SGroup::GetTechniqueByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetTechniqueByIndex";
- if (Index >= TechniqueCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid pass index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, TechniqueCount);
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectTechnique *)(pTechniques + Index);
-ID3DX11EffectTechnique * SGroup::GetTechniqueByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetTechniqueByName";
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < TechniqueCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (nullptr != pTechniques[i].pName &&
- strcmp(pTechniques[i].pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == TechniqueCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Technique [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectTechnique *)(pTechniques + i);
-// ID3DX11Effect Public Reflection APIs (CEffect)
-HRESULT CEffect::GetDevice(_Outptr_ ID3D11Device **ppDevice)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetDevice";
- m_pDevice->AddRef();
- *ppDevice = m_pDevice;
- return hr;
-HRESULT CEffect::GetDesc(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_DESC *pDesc)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetDesc";
- pDesc->ConstantBuffers = m_CBCount;
- pDesc->GlobalVariables = m_VariableCount;
- pDesc->Techniques = m_TechniqueCount;
- pDesc->Groups = m_GroupCount;
- pDesc->InterfaceVariables = m_InterfaceCount;
- return hr;
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * CEffect::GetConstantBufferByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetConstantBufferByIndex";
- if (Index < m_CBCount)
- {
- return m_pCBs + Index;
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid constant buffer index", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * CEffect::GetConstantBufferByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetConstantBufferByName";
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get constant buffer interfaces by name since the effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
- }
- if (nullptr == Name)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Name was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
- }
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_CBCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (strcmp(m_pCBs[i].pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- return m_pCBs + i;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Constant Buffer [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * CEffect::GetVariableByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableByIndex";
- if (Index < m_VariableCount)
- {
- return m_pVariables + Index;
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid variable index", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * CEffect::GetVariableByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableByName";
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get variable interfaces by name since the effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (nullptr == Name)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Name was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (strcmp(m_pVariables[i].pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- return m_pVariables + i;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Variable [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * CEffect::GetVariableBySemantic(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableBySemantic";
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Cannot get variable interfaces by semantic since the effect has been Optimize()'ed", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (nullptr == Semantic)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Semantic was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < m_VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (nullptr != m_pVariables[i].pSemantic &&
- _stricmp(m_pVariables[i].pSemantic, Semantic) == 0)
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectVariable *)(m_pVariables + i);
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Variable with semantic [%s] not found", pFuncName, Semantic);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-ID3DX11EffectTechnique * CEffect::GetTechniqueByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByIndex";
- if( Index < m_TechniqueCount )
- {
- for( size_t i=0; i < m_GroupCount; i++ )
- {
- if( Index < m_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount )
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectTechnique *)(m_pGroups[i].pTechniques + Index);
- }
- Index -= m_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount;
- }
- assert( false );
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid technique index (%u)", pFuncName, Index);
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
-ID3DX11EffectTechnique * CEffect::GetTechniqueByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByName";
- const size_t MAX_GROUP_TECHNIQUE_SIZE = 256;
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByName: Cannot get technique interfaces by name since the effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
- }
- if (nullptr == Name)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Name was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
- }
- if( FAILED( strcpy_s( NameCopy, MAX_GROUP_TECHNIQUE_SIZE, Name ) ) )
- {
- DPF( 0, "Group|Technique name has a length greater than %zu.", MAX_GROUP_TECHNIQUE_SIZE );
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
- }
- char* pDelimiter = strchr( NameCopy, '|' );
- if( pDelimiter == nullptr )
- {
- if ( m_pNullGroup == nullptr )
- {
- DPF( 0, "The effect contains no default group." );
- return &g_InvalidTechnique;
- }
- return m_pNullGroup->GetTechniqueByName( Name );
- }
- // separate group name and technique name
- *pDelimiter = 0;
- return GetGroupByName( NameCopy )->GetTechniqueByName( pDelimiter + 1 );
-ID3D11ClassLinkage * CEffect::GetClassLinkage()
- SAFE_ADDREF( m_pClassLinkage );
- return m_pClassLinkage;
-ID3DX11EffectGroup * CEffect::GetGroupByIndex(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByIndex";
- if( Index < m_GroupCount )
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectGroup *)(m_pGroups + Index);
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid group index (%u)", pFuncName, Index);
- return &g_InvalidGroup;
-ID3DX11EffectGroup * CEffect::GetGroupByName(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByName";
- if (IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByName: Cannot get group interfaces by name since the effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidGroup;
- }
- if (nullptr == Name || Name[0] == 0 )
- {
- return m_pNullGroup ? (ID3DX11EffectGroup *)m_pNullGroup : &g_InvalidGroup;
- }
- uint32_t i = 0;
- for (; i < m_GroupCount; ++ i)
- {
- if (nullptr != m_pGroups[i].pName &&
- strcmp(m_pGroups[i].pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == m_GroupCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Group [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return &g_InvalidGroup;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectGroup *)(m_pGroups + i);
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectRuntime.cpp b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectRuntime.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 90a4194794..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectRuntime.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectRuntime.cpp
-// Direct3D 11 Effect runtime routines (performance critical)
-// These functions are expected to be called at high frequency
-// (when applying a pass).
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#include "pchfx.h"
-namespace D3DX11Effects
- // D3D11_KEEP_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEWS == (uint32_t)-1
-bool SBaseBlock::ApplyAssignments(CEffect *pEffect)
- SAssignment *pAssignment = pAssignments;
- SAssignment *pLastAssn = pAssignments + AssignmentCount;
- bool bRecreate = false;
- for(; pAssignment < pLastAssn; pAssignment++)
- {
- bRecreate |= pEffect->EvaluateAssignment(pAssignment);
- }
- return bRecreate;
-void SPassBlock::ApplyPassAssignments()
- SAssignment *pAssignment = pAssignments;
- SAssignment *pLastAssn = pAssignments + AssignmentCount;
- pEffect->IncrementTimer();
- for(; pAssignment < pLastAssn; pAssignment++)
- {
- pEffect->EvaluateAssignment(pAssignment);
- }
-// Returns true if the shader uses global interfaces (since these interfaces can be updated through SetClassInstance)
-bool SPassBlock::CheckShaderDependencies( _In_ const SShaderBlock* pBlock )
- if( pBlock->InterfaceDepCount > 0 )
- {
- assert( pBlock->InterfaceDepCount == 1 );
- for( size_t i=0; i < pBlock->pInterfaceDeps[0].Count; i++ )
- {
- SInterface* pInterfaceDep = pBlock->pInterfaceDeps[0].ppFXPointers[i];
- if( pInterfaceDep > pEffect->m_pInterfaces && pInterfaceDep < (pEffect->m_pInterfaces + pEffect->m_InterfaceCount) )
- {
- // This is a global interface pointer (as opposed to an SInterface created in a BindInterface call
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-// Returns true if the pass (and sets HasDependencies) if the pass sets objects whose backing stores can be updated
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4616 6282)
-bool SPassBlock::CheckDependencies()
- if( HasDependencies )
- return true;
- for( size_t i=0; i < AssignmentCount; i++ )
- {
- if( pAssignments[i].DependencyCount > 0 )
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- if( BackingStore.pBlendBlock && BackingStore.pBlendBlock->AssignmentCount > 0 )
- {
- for( size_t i=0; i < BackingStore.pBlendBlock->AssignmentCount; i++ )
- {
- if( BackingStore.pBlendBlock->pAssignments[i].DependencyCount > 0 )
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- }
- if( BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock && BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->AssignmentCount > 0 )
- {
- for( size_t i=0; i < BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->AssignmentCount; i++ )
- {
- if( BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->pAssignments[i].DependencyCount > 0 )
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- }
- if( BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock && BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->AssignmentCount > 0 )
- {
- for( size_t i=0; i < BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->AssignmentCount; i++ )
- {
- if( BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->pAssignments[i].DependencyCount > 0 )
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- }
- if( BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock && CheckShaderDependencies( BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock ) )
- {
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- if( BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock && CheckShaderDependencies( BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock ) )
- {
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- if( BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock && CheckShaderDependencies( BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock ) )
- {
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- if( BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock && CheckShaderDependencies( BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock ) )
- {
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- if( BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock && CheckShaderDependencies( BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock ) )
- {
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- if( BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock && CheckShaderDependencies( BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock ) )
- {
- return HasDependencies = true;
- }
- return HasDependencies;
-#pragma warning(pop)
-// Update constant buffer contents if necessary
-inline void CheckAndUpdateCB_FX(ID3D11DeviceContext *pContext, SConstantBuffer *pCB)
- if (pCB->IsDirty && !pCB->IsNonUpdatable)
- {
- // CB out of date; rebuild it
- pContext->UpdateSubresource(pCB->pD3DObject, 0, nullptr, pCB->pBackingStore, pCB->Size, pCB->Size);
- pCB->IsDirty = false;
- }
-// Set the shader and dependent state (SRVs, samplers, UAVs, interfaces)
-void CEffect::ApplyShaderBlock(_In_ SShaderBlock *pBlock)
- SD3DShaderVTable *pVT = pBlock->pVT;
- // Apply constant buffers first (tbuffers are done later)
- SShaderCBDependency *pCBDep = pBlock->pCBDeps;
- SShaderCBDependency *pLastCBDep = pBlock->pCBDeps + pBlock->CBDepCount;
- for (; pCBDep<pLastCBDep; pCBDep++)
- {
- assert(pCBDep->ppFXPointers);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pCBDep->Count; ++ i)
- {
- CheckAndUpdateCB_FX(m_pContext, (SConstantBuffer*)pCBDep->ppFXPointers[i]);
- }
- (m_pContext->*(pVT->pSetConstantBuffers))(pCBDep->StartIndex, pCBDep->Count, pCBDep->ppD3DObjects);
- }
- // Next, apply samplers
- SShaderSamplerDependency *pSampDep = pBlock->pSampDeps;
- SShaderSamplerDependency *pLastSampDep = pBlock->pSampDeps + pBlock->SampDepCount;
- for (; pSampDep<pLastSampDep; pSampDep++)
- {
- assert(pSampDep->ppFXPointers);
- for (size_t i=0; i<pSampDep->Count; i++)
- {
- if ( ApplyRenderStateBlock(pSampDep->ppFXPointers[i]) )
- {
- // If the sampler was updated, its pointer will have changed
- pSampDep->ppD3DObjects[i] = pSampDep->ppFXPointers[i]->pD3DObject;
- }
- }
- (m_pContext->*(pVT->pSetSamplers))(pSampDep->StartIndex, pSampDep->Count, pSampDep->ppD3DObjects);
- }
- // Set the UAVs
- // UAV ranges were combined in EffectLoad. This code remains unchanged, however, so that ranges can be easily split
- assert( pBlock->UAVDepCount < 2 );
- if( pBlock->UAVDepCount > 0 )
- {
- SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pUAVDep = pBlock->pUAVDeps;
- assert(pUAVDep->ppFXPointers != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pUAVDep->ppFXPointers != 0);
- for (size_t i=0; i<pUAVDep->Count; i++)
- {
- pUAVDep->ppD3DObjects[i] = pUAVDep->ppFXPointers[i]->pUnorderedAccessView;
- }
- if( EOT_ComputeShader5 == pBlock->GetShaderType() )
- {
- m_pContext->CSSetUnorderedAccessViews( pUAVDep->StartIndex, pUAVDep->Count, pUAVDep->ppD3DObjects, g_pNegativeOnes );
- }
- else
- {
- // This call could be combined with the call to set render targets if both exist in the pass
- m_pContext->OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews( D3D11_KEEP_RENDER_TARGETS_AND_DEPTH_STENCIL, nullptr, nullptr, pUAVDep->StartIndex, pUAVDep->Count, pUAVDep->ppD3DObjects, g_pNegativeOnes );
- }
- }
- // TBuffers are funny:
- // We keep two references to them. One is in as a standard texture dep, and that gets used for all sets
- // The other is as a part of the TBufferDeps array, which tells us to rebuild the matching CBs.
- // These two refs could be rolled into one, but then we would have to predicate on each CB or each texture.
- SConstantBuffer **ppTB = pBlock->ppTbufDeps;
- SConstantBuffer **ppLastTB = ppTB + pBlock->TBufferDepCount;
- for (; ppTB<ppLastTB; ppTB++)
- {
- CheckAndUpdateCB_FX(m_pContext, (SConstantBuffer*)*ppTB);
- }
- // Set the textures
- SShaderResourceDependency *pResourceDep = pBlock->pResourceDeps;
- SShaderResourceDependency *pLastResourceDep = pBlock->pResourceDeps + pBlock->ResourceDepCount;
- for (; pResourceDep<pLastResourceDep; pResourceDep++)
- {
- assert(pResourceDep->ppFXPointers != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pResourceDep->ppFXPointers != 0);
- for (size_t i=0; i<pResourceDep->Count; i++)
- {
- pResourceDep->ppD3DObjects[i] = pResourceDep->ppFXPointers[i]->pShaderResource;
- }
- (m_pContext->*(pVT->pSetShaderResources))(pResourceDep->StartIndex, pResourceDep->Count, pResourceDep->ppD3DObjects);
- }
- // Update Interface dependencies
- uint32_t Interfaces = 0;
- ID3D11ClassInstance** ppClassInstances = nullptr;
- assert( pBlock->InterfaceDepCount < 2 );
- if( pBlock->InterfaceDepCount > 0 )
- {
- SInterfaceDependency *pInterfaceDep = pBlock->pInterfaceDeps;
- assert(pInterfaceDep->ppFXPointers);
- ppClassInstances = pInterfaceDep->ppD3DObjects;
- Interfaces = pInterfaceDep->Count;
- for (size_t i=0; i<pInterfaceDep->Count; i++)
- {
- assert(pInterfaceDep->ppFXPointers != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pInterfaceDep->ppFXPointers != 0);
- SClassInstanceGlobalVariable* pCI = pInterfaceDep->ppFXPointers[i]->pClassInstance;
- if( pCI )
- {
- assert( pCI->pMemberData != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pCI->pMemberData != 0 );
- pInterfaceDep->ppD3DObjects[i] = pCI->pMemberData->Data.pD3DClassInstance;
- }
- else
- {
- pInterfaceDep->ppD3DObjects[i] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- }
- // Now set the shader
- (m_pContext->*(pVT->pSetShader))(pBlock->pD3DObject, ppClassInstances, Interfaces);
-// Returns true if the block D3D data was recreated
-bool CEffect::ApplyRenderStateBlock(_In_ SBaseBlock *pBlock)
- if( pBlock->IsUserManaged )
- {
- return false;
- }
- bool bRecreate = pBlock->ApplyAssignments(this);
- if (bRecreate)
- {
- switch (pBlock->BlockType)
- {
- case EBT_Sampler:
- {
- SSamplerBlock *pSBlock = pBlock->AsSampler();
- assert(pSBlock->pD3DObject != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pSBlock->pD3DObject != 0);
- pSBlock->pD3DObject->Release();
- HRESULT hr = m_pDevice->CreateSamplerState( &pSBlock->BackingStore.SamplerDesc, &pSBlock->pD3DObject );
- if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
- {
- SetDebugObjectName(pSBlock->pD3DObject, "D3DX11Effect");
- }
- }
- break;
- case EBT_DepthStencil:
- {
- SDepthStencilBlock *pDSBlock = pBlock->AsDepthStencil();
- assert(nullptr != pDSBlock->pDSObject);
- SAFE_RELEASE( pDSBlock->pDSObject );
- if( SUCCEEDED( m_pDevice->CreateDepthStencilState( &pDSBlock->BackingStore, &pDSBlock->pDSObject ) ) )
- {
- pDSBlock->IsValid = true;
- SetDebugObjectName( pDSBlock->pDSObject, "D3DX11Effect" );
- }
- else
- pDSBlock->IsValid = false;
- }
- break;
- case EBT_Blend:
- {
- SBlendBlock *pBBlock = pBlock->AsBlend();
- assert(nullptr != pBBlock->pBlendObject);
- SAFE_RELEASE( pBBlock->pBlendObject );
- if( SUCCEEDED( m_pDevice->CreateBlendState( &pBBlock->BackingStore, &pBBlock->pBlendObject ) ) )
- {
- pBBlock->IsValid = true;
- SetDebugObjectName( pBBlock->pBlendObject, "D3DX11Effect" );
- }
- else
- pBBlock->IsValid = false;
- }
- break;
- case EBT_Rasterizer:
- {
- SRasterizerBlock *pRBlock = pBlock->AsRasterizer();
- assert(nullptr != pRBlock->pRasterizerObject);
- SAFE_RELEASE( pRBlock->pRasterizerObject );
- if( SUCCEEDED( m_pDevice->CreateRasterizerState( &pRBlock->BackingStore, &pRBlock->pRasterizerObject ) ) )
- {
- pRBlock->IsValid = true;
- SetDebugObjectName( pRBlock->pRasterizerObject, "D3DX11Effect" );
- }
- else
- pRBlock->IsValid = false;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- return bRecreate;
-void CEffect::ValidateIndex(_In_ uint32_t Elements)
- if (m_FXLIndex >= Elements)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11Effect: Overindexing variable array (size: %u, index: %u), using index = 0 instead", Elements, m_FXLIndex);
- m_FXLIndex = 0;
- }
-// Returns true if the assignment was changed
-bool CEffect::EvaluateAssignment(_Inout_ SAssignment *pAssignment)
- bool bNeedUpdate = false;
- SGlobalVariable *pVarDep0, *pVarDep1;
- switch (pAssignment->AssignmentType)
- {
- case ERAT_NumericVariable:
- assert(pAssignment->DependencyCount == 1);
- if (pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable->LastModifiedTime >= pAssignment->LastRecomputedTime)
- {
- memcpy(pAssignment->Destination.pNumeric, pAssignment->Source.pNumeric, pAssignment->DataSize);
- bNeedUpdate = true;
- }
- break;
- case ERAT_NumericVariableIndex:
- assert(pAssignment->DependencyCount == 2);
- pVarDep0 = pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable;
- pVarDep1 = pAssignment->pDependencies[1].pVariable;
- if (pVarDep0->LastModifiedTime >= pAssignment->LastRecomputedTime)
- {
- m_FXLIndex = *pVarDep0->Data.pNumericDword;
- ValidateIndex(pVarDep1->pType->Elements);
- // Array index variable is dirty, update the pointer
- pAssignment->Source.pNumeric = pVarDep1->Data.pNumeric + pVarDep1->pType->Stride * m_FXLIndex;
- // Copy the new data
- memcpy(pAssignment->Destination.pNumeric, pAssignment->Source.pNumeric, pAssignment->DataSize);
- bNeedUpdate = true;
- }
- else if (pVarDep1->LastModifiedTime >= pAssignment->LastRecomputedTime)
- {
- // Only the array variable is dirty, copy the new data
- memcpy(pAssignment->Destination.pNumeric, pAssignment->Source.pNumeric, pAssignment->DataSize);
- bNeedUpdate = true;
- }
- break;
- case ERAT_ObjectVariableIndex:
- assert(pAssignment->DependencyCount == 1);
- pVarDep0 = pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable;
- if (pVarDep0->LastModifiedTime >= pAssignment->LastRecomputedTime)
- {
- m_FXLIndex = *pVarDep0->Data.pNumericDword;
- ValidateIndex(pAssignment->MaxElements);
- // Array index variable is dirty, update the destination pointer
- *((void **)pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric) = pAssignment->Source.pNumeric +
- pAssignment->DataSize * m_FXLIndex;
- bNeedUpdate = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- //case ERAT_Constant: -- These are consumed and discarded
- //case ERAT_ObjectVariable: -- These are consumed and discarded
- //case ERAT_ObjectConstIndex: -- These are consumed and discarded
- //case ERAT_ObjectInlineShader: -- These are consumed and discarded
- //case ERAT_NumericConstIndex: -- ERAT_NumericVariable should be generated instead
- assert(0);
- break;
- }
- // Mark the assignment as not dirty
- pAssignment->LastRecomputedTime = m_LocalTimer;
- return bNeedUpdate;
-// Returns false if this shader has interface dependencies which are nullptr (SetShader will fail).
-bool CEffect::ValidateShaderBlock( _Inout_ SShaderBlock* pBlock )
- if( !pBlock->IsValid )
- return false;
- if( pBlock->InterfaceDepCount > 0 )
- {
- assert( pBlock->InterfaceDepCount == 1 );
- for( size_t i=0; i < pBlock->pInterfaceDeps[0].Count; i++ )
- {
- SInterface* pInterfaceDep = pBlock->pInterfaceDeps[0].ppFXPointers[i];
- assert( pInterfaceDep != 0 );
- _Analysis_assume_( pInterfaceDep != 0 );
- if( pInterfaceDep->pClassInstance == nullptr )
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Returns false if any state in the pass is invalid
-bool CEffect::ValidatePassBlock( _Inout_ SPassBlock* pBlock )
- pBlock->ApplyPassAssignments();
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock)
- {
- ApplyRenderStateBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock);
- pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendState = pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock->pBlendObject;
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock->IsValid )
- return false;
- }
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock )
- {
- ApplyRenderStateBlock( pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock );
- pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilState = pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->pDSObject;
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->IsValid )
- return false;
- }
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock )
- {
- ApplyRenderStateBlock( pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock );
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->IsValid )
- return false;
- }
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock && !ValidateShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock) )
- return false;
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock && !ValidateShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock) )
- return false;
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock )
- {
- if( !ValidateShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock) )
- return false;
- else if( pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock->UAVDepCount > 0 &&
- pBlock->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount > pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock->pUAVDeps[0].StartIndex )
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock && !ValidateShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock) )
- return false;
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock && !ValidateShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock) )
- return false;
- if( nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock && !ValidateShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock) )
- return false;
- return true;
-// Set all state defined in the pass
-void CEffect::ApplyPassBlock(_Inout_ SPassBlock *pBlock)
- pBlock->ApplyPassAssignments();
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock)
- {
- ApplyRenderStateBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock);
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid BlendState." );
- pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendState = pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendBlock->pBlendObject;
- m_pContext->OMSetBlendState(pBlock->BackingStore.pBlendState,
- pBlock->BackingStore.BlendFactor,
- pBlock->BackingStore.SampleMask);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock)
- {
- ApplyRenderStateBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock);
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid DepthStencilState." );
- pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilState = pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock->pDSObject;
- m_pContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilState,
- pBlock->BackingStore.StencilRef);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock)
- {
- ApplyRenderStateBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock);
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid RasterizerState." );
- m_pContext->RSSetState(pBlock->BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock->pRasterizerObject);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pRenderTargetViews[0])
- {
- // Grab all render targets
- assert(pBlock->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount <= D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT);
- _Analysis_assume_(D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT >= pBlock->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount);
- for (uint32_t i=0; i<pBlock->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount; i++)
- {
- pRTV[i] = pBlock->BackingStore.pRenderTargetViews[i]->pRenderTargetView;
- }
- // This call could be combined with the call to set PS UAVs if both exist in the pass
- m_pContext->OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews( pBlock->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount, pRTV, pBlock->BackingStore.pDepthStencilView->pDepthStencilView, 7, D3D11_KEEP_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEWS, nullptr, nullptr );
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock)
- {
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid vertex shader." );
- ApplyShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock)
- {
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid pixel shader." );
- ApplyShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock)
- {
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid geometry shader." );
- ApplyShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock)
- {
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid hull shader." );
- ApplyShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock)
- {
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid domain shader." );
- ApplyShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock);
- }
- if (nullptr != pBlock->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock)
- {
-#ifdef FXDEBUG
- if( !pBlock->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock->IsValid )
- DPF( 0, "Pass::Apply - warning: applying invalid compute shader." );
- ApplyShaderBlock(pBlock->BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock);
- }
-void CEffect::IncrementTimer()
- m_LocalTimer++;
-#if !defined(_M_X64) && !defined(_M_ARM64)
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (m_LocalTimer > g_TimerRolloverCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "Rolling over timer (current time: %zu, rollover cap: %u).", m_LocalTimer, g_TimerRolloverCount);
- if (m_LocalTimer >= 0x80000000) // check to see if we've exceeded ~2 billion
- {
- HandleLocalTimerRollover();
- m_LocalTimer = 1;
- }
-#endif // _M_X64
-// This function resets all timers, rendering all assignments dirty
-// This is clearly bad for performance, but should only happen every few billion ticks
-void CEffect::HandleLocalTimerRollover()
- uint32_t i, j, k;
- // step 1: update variables
- for (i = 0; i < m_VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- m_pVariables[i].LastModifiedTime = 0;
- }
- // step 2: update assignments on all blocks (pass, depth stencil, rasterizer, blend, sampler)
- for (uint32_t iGroup = 0; iGroup < m_GroupCount; ++ iGroup)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < m_pGroups[iGroup].TechniqueCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[i].PassCount; ++ j)
- {
- for (k = 0; k < m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[i].pPasses[j].AssignmentCount; ++ k)
- {
- m_pGroups[iGroup].pTechniques[i].pPasses[j].pAssignments[k].LastRecomputedTime = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m_DepthStencilBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < m_pDepthStencilBlocks[i].AssignmentCount; ++ j)
- {
- m_pDepthStencilBlocks[i].pAssignments[j].LastRecomputedTime = 0;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m_RasterizerBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < m_pRasterizerBlocks[i].AssignmentCount; ++ j)
- {
- m_pRasterizerBlocks[i].pAssignments[j].LastRecomputedTime = 0;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m_BlendBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < m_pBlendBlocks[i].AssignmentCount; ++ j)
- {
- m_pBlendBlocks[i].pAssignments[j].LastRecomputedTime = 0;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m_SamplerBlockCount; ++ i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < m_pSamplerBlocks[i].AssignmentCount; ++ j)
- {
- m_pSamplerBlocks[i].pAssignments[j].LastRecomputedTime = 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectVariable.inl b/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectVariable.inl
deleted file mode 100644
index d287e85f56..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/EffectVariable.inl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4964 +0,0 @@
-// File: EffectVariable.inl
-// Direct3D 11 Effects Variable reflection template
-// These templates define the many Effect variable types.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
-// Invalid variable forward defines
-struct SEffectInvalidScalarVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidVectorVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidMatrixVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidStringVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidClassInstanceVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidInterfaceVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidShaderResourceVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidRenderTargetViewVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidDepthStencilViewVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidConstantBuffer;
-struct SEffectInvalidShaderVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidBlendVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidDepthStencilVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidRasterizerVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidSamplerVariable;
-struct SEffectInvalidTechnique;
-struct SEffectInvalidPass;
-struct SEffectInvalidType;
-extern SEffectInvalidScalarVariable g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidVectorVariable g_InvalidVectorVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidMatrixVariable g_InvalidMatrixVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidStringVariable g_InvalidStringVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidClassInstanceVariable g_InvalidClassInstanceVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidInterfaceVariable g_InvalidInterfaceVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidShaderResourceVariable g_InvalidShaderResourceVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable g_InvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidRenderTargetViewVariable g_InvalidRenderTargetViewVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidDepthStencilViewVariable g_InvalidDepthStencilViewVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidConstantBuffer g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-extern SEffectInvalidShaderVariable g_InvalidShaderVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidBlendVariable g_InvalidBlendVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidDepthStencilVariable g_InvalidDepthStencilVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidRasterizerVariable g_InvalidRasterizerVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidSamplerVariable g_InvalidSamplerVariable;
-extern SEffectInvalidTechnique g_InvalidTechnique;
-extern SEffectInvalidPass g_InvalidPass;
-extern SEffectInvalidType g_InvalidType;
-enum ETemplateVarType
- ETVT_Bool,
- ETVT_Int,
- ETVT_Float,
- ETVT_bool
-// Invalid effect variable struct definitions
-struct SEffectInvalidType : public ID3DX11EffectType
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return false; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidType; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidType; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Semantic); return &g_InvalidType; }
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberName)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return nullptr; }
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberSemantic)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return nullptr; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidType, ID3DX11EffectType, IUnknown);
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TEffectInvalidVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return false; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetType)() override { return &g_InvalidType; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Semantic); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetElement)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)() override { return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable*, AsScalar)() override { return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable*, AsVector)() override { return &g_InvalidVectorVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable*, AsMatrix)() override { return &g_InvalidMatrixVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectStringVariable*, AsString)() override { return &g_InvalidStringVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable*, AsClassInstance)() override { return &g_InvalidClassInstanceVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable*, AsInterface)() override { return &g_InvalidInterfaceVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable*, AsShaderResource)() override { return &g_InvalidShaderResourceVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable*, AsUnorderedAccessView)() override { return &g_InvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable*, AsRenderTargetView)() override { return &g_InvalidRenderTargetViewVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable*, AsDepthStencilView)() override { return &g_InvalidDepthStencilViewVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, AsConstantBuffer)() override { return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable*, AsShader)() override { return &g_InvalidShaderVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable*, AsBlend)() override { return &g_InvalidBlendVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable*, AsDepthStencil)() override { return &g_InvalidDepthStencilVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable*, AsRasterizer)() override { return &g_InvalidRasterizerVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable*, AsSampler)() override { return &g_InvalidSamplerVariable; }
- STDMETHOD(SetRawValue)(_In_reads_bytes_(Count) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetRawValue)(_Out_writes_bytes_(Count) void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
-struct SEffectInvalidScalarVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(_In_ const float Value) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Value); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetFloat)(_Out_ float *pValue) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pValue); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetInt)(_In_ const int Value) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Value); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetInt)(_Out_ int *pValue) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pValue); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetIntArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetBool)(_In_ const bool Value) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Value); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetBool)(_Out_ bool *pValue) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pValue); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidScalarVariable, ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidVectorVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVector)(_In_reads_(4) const float *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; };
- STDMETHOD(SetIntVector)(_In_reads_(4) const int *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; };
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolVector)(_In_reads_(4) const bool *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; };
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVector)(_Out_writes_(4) float *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; };
- STDMETHOD(GetIntVector)(_Out_writes_(4) int *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; };
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolVector)(_Out_writes_(4) bool *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; };
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolVectorArray) (_In_reads_(4*Count) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetIntVectorArray) (_In_reads_(4*Count) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVectorArray)(_In_reads_(4*Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolVectorArray) (_Out_writes_(4*Count) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetIntVectorArray) (_Out_writes_(4*Count) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVectorArray)(_Out_writes_(4*Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidVectorVariable, ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidMatrixVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrix)(_In_reads_(16) const float *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrix)(_Out_writes_(16) float *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixArray)(_In_reads_(16*Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixArray)(_Out_writes_(16*Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixPointerArray)(_In_reads_(16*Count) const float **ppData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixPointerArray)(_Out_writes_(16*Count) float **ppData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTranspose)(_In_reads_(16) const float *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTranspose)(_Out_writes_(16) float *pData) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pData); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposeArray)(_In_reads_(16*Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposeArray)(_Out_writes_(16*Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(_In_reads_(16*Count) const float **ppData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(_Out_writes_(16*Count) float **ppData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidStringVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectStringVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetString)(_Outptr_result_z_ LPCSTR *ppString) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppString); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetStringArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) LPCSTR *ppStrings, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidStringVariable, ID3DX11EffectStringVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidClassInstanceVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetClassInstance)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ClassInstance **ppClassInstance) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppClassInstance); return E_FAIL; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidClassInstanceVariable, ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidInterfaceVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetClassInstance)(_In_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable *pEffectClassInstance) override
- { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pEffectClassInstance); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetClassInstance)(_Outptr_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable **ppEffectClassInstance) override
- { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppEffectClassInstance); return E_FAIL; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidInterfaceVariable, ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidShaderResourceVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetResource)(_In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetResource)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetResourceArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetResourceArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidShaderResourceVariable, ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetUnorderedAccessView)(_In_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView *pResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetUnorderedAccessView)(_Outptr_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetUnorderedAccessViewArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetUnorderedAccessViewArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidRenderTargetViewVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetRenderTarget)(_In_ ID3D11RenderTargetView *pResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetRenderTarget)(_Outptr_ ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetRenderTargetArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetRenderTargetArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidRenderTargetViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidDepthStencilViewVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable>
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencil)(_In_ ID3D11DepthStencilView *pResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencil)(_Outptr_ ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResource) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppResource); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencilArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencilArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidDepthStencilViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidConstantBuffer : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer>
- STDMETHOD(SetConstantBuffer)(_In_ ID3D11Buffer *pConstantBuffer) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pConstantBuffer); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetConstantBuffer)(_Outptr_ ID3D11Buffer **ppConstantBuffer) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppConstantBuffer); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetConstantBuffer)() override { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(SetTextureBuffer)(_In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pTextureBuffer) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pTextureBuffer); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetTextureBuffer)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppTextureBuffer) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppTextureBuffer); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetTextureBuffer)() override { return E_FAIL; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidConstantBuffer, ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidShaderVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetShaderDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS) override
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS) override
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS) override
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11HullShader **ppHS) override
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS) override
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS) override
- STDMETHOD(GetInputSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override
- STDMETHOD(GetOutputSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override
- STDMETHOD(GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidShaderVariable, ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidBlendVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetBlendState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11BlendState **ppState) override
- STDMETHOD(SetBlendState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11BlendState *pState) override
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetBlendState)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_BLEND_DESC *pDesc) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidBlendVariable, ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidDepthStencilVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencilState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11DepthStencilState **ppState) override
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencilState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11DepthStencilState *pState) override
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetDepthStencilState)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC *pDesc) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidDepthStencilVariable, ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidRasterizerVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetRasterizerState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11RasterizerState **ppState) override
- STDMETHOD(SetRasterizerState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11RasterizerState *pState) override
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetRasterizerState)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC *pDesc) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidRasterizerVariable, ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidSamplerVariable : public TEffectInvalidVariable<ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable>
- STDMETHOD(GetSampler)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11SamplerState **ppSampler) override
- STDMETHOD(SetSampler)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11SamplerState *pSampler) override
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetSampler)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC *pDesc) override
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidSamplerVariable, ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-struct SEffectInvalidPass : public ID3DX11EffectPass
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return false; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShaderDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD(Apply)(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext) override
- STDMETHOD(ComputeStateBlockMask)(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pStateBlockMask); return E_FAIL; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidPass, ID3DX11EffectPass, IUnknown);
-struct SEffectInvalidTechnique : public ID3DX11EffectTechnique
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return false; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_TECHNIQUE_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectPass*, GetPassByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidPass; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectPass*, GetPassByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidPass; }
- STDMETHOD(ComputeStateBlockMask)(_Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pStateBlockMask); return E_FAIL; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidTechnique, ID3DX11EffectTechnique, IUnknown);
-struct SEffectInvalidGroup : public ID3DX11EffectGroup
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return false; }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_GROUP_DESC *pDesc) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDesc); return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidScalarVariable; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Index); return &g_InvalidTechnique; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Name); return &g_InvalidTechnique; }
- IUNKNOWN_IMP(SEffectInvalidGroup, ID3DX11EffectGroup, IUnknown);
-// Helper routines
-// This is an annoying warning that pops up in retail builds because
-// the code that jumps to "lExit" is conditionally not compiled.
-// The only alternative is more #ifdefs in every function
-#pragma warning( disable : 4102 ) // 'label' : unreferenced label
-{ if (!(x)) { DPF(0, "%s: Parameter " #x " was nullptr.", pFuncName); \
- __BREAK_ON_FAIL; hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto lExit; } }
-static HRESULT AnnotationInvalidSetCall(LPCSTR pFuncName)
- DPF(0, "%s: Annotations are readonly", pFuncName);
-static HRESULT ObjectSetRawValue()
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::SetRawValue: Objects do not support ths call; please use the specific object accessors instead.");
-static HRESULT ObjectGetRawValue()
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetRawValue: Objects do not support ths call; please use the specific object accessors instead.");
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * NoParentCB();
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * GetAnnotationByIndexHelper(_In_z_ const char *pClassName, _In_ uint32_t Index,
- _In_ uint32_t AnnotationCount, _In_reads_(AnnotationCount) SAnnotation *pAnnotations);
-ID3DX11EffectVariable * GetAnnotationByNameHelper(_In_z_ const char *pClassName, _In_z_ LPCSTR Name,
- _In_ uint32_t AnnotationCount, _In_reads_(AnnotationCount) SAnnotation *pAnnotations);
-template<typename SVarType>
-bool GetVariableByIndexHelper(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ uint32_t VariableCount, _In_reads_(VariableCount) SVarType *pVariables,
- _In_opt_ uint8_t *pBaseAddress, _Outptr_ SVarType **ppMember, _Outptr_ void **ppDataPtr)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex";
- if (Index >= VariableCount)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, VariableCount);
- return false;
- }
- *ppMember = pVariables + Index;
- *ppDataPtr = pBaseAddress + (*ppMember)->Data.Offset;
- return true;
-template<typename SVarType>
-bool GetVariableByNameHelper(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name, _In_ uint32_t VariableCount, _In_reads_(VariableCount) SVarType *pVariables,
- _In_opt_ uint8_t *pBaseAddress, _Outptr_ SVarType **ppMember, _Outptr_ void **ppDataPtr, _Out_ uint32_t* pIndex)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName";
- if (nullptr == Name)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Name was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return false;
- }
- bool bHasSuper = false;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- *ppMember = pVariables + i;
- assert((*ppMember)->pName != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_((*ppMember)->pName != 0);
- if (strcmp((*ppMember)->pName, Name) == 0)
- {
- *ppDataPtr = pBaseAddress + (*ppMember)->Data.Offset;
- *pIndex = i;
- return true;
- }
- else if (i == 0 &&
- (*ppMember)->pName[0] == '$' &&
- strcmp((*ppMember)->pName, "$super") == 0)
- {
- bHasSuper = true;
- }
- }
- if (bHasSuper)
- {
- SVarType* pSuper = pVariables;
- return GetVariableByNameHelper<SVarType>(Name,
- pSuper->pType->StructType.Members,
- (SVarType*)pSuper->pType->StructType.pMembers,
- pBaseAddress + pSuper->Data.Offset,
- ppMember,
- ppDataPtr,
- pIndex);
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Variable [%s] not found", pFuncName, Name);
- return false;
-template<typename SVarType>
-bool GetVariableBySemanticHelper(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic, _In_ uint32_t VariableCount, _In_reads_(VariableCount) SVarType *pVariables,
- _In_opt_ uint8_t *pBaseAddress, _Outptr_ SVarType **ppMember, _Outptr_ void **ppDataPtr, _Out_ uint32_t* pIndex)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic";
- if (nullptr == Semantic)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Parameter Semantic was nullptr.", pFuncName);
- return false;
- }
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VariableCount; ++ i)
- {
- *ppMember = pVariables + i;
- if (nullptr != (*ppMember)->pSemantic &&
- _stricmp((*ppMember)->pSemantic, Semantic) == 0)
- {
- *ppDataPtr = pBaseAddress + (*ppMember)->Data.Offset;
- *pIndex = i;
- return true;
- }
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Variable with semantic [%s] not found", pFuncName, Semantic);
- return false;
-inline bool AreBoundsValid(_In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count, _In_ const void *pData, _In_ const SType *pType, _In_ uint32_t TotalUnpackedSize)
- if (Count == 0) return true;
- uint32_t singleElementSize = pType->GetTotalUnpackedSize(true);
- assert(singleElementSize <= pType->Stride);
- return ((Offset + Count >= Offset) &&
- ((Offset + Count) < ((uint32_t)-1) / pType->Stride) &&
- (Count * pType->Stride + (uint8_t*)pData >= (uint8_t*)pData) &&
- ((Offset + Count - 1) * pType->Stride + singleElementSize <= TotalUnpackedSize));
-// Note that the branches in this code is based on template parameters and will be compiled out
-template<ETemplateVarType SourceType, ETemplateVarType DestType, typename SRC_TYPE, bool ValidatePtr>
-__forceinline HRESULT CopyScalarValue(_In_ SRC_TYPE SrcValue, _Out_ void *pDest, _In_z_ const char *pFuncName)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (ValidatePtr)
- switch (SourceType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- *(int*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0) ? -1 : 0;
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- *(int*)pDest = SrcValue ? 1 : 0;
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- *(float*)pDest = SrcValue ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- *(bool*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0) ? true : false;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- *(int*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0) ? -1 : 0;
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- *(int*)pDest = (int) SrcValue;
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- *(float*)pDest = (float)(SrcValue);
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- *(bool*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0) ? true : false;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- *(int*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0.0f) ? -1 : 0;
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- *(int*)pDest = (int) (SrcValue);
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- *(float*)pDest = (float) SrcValue;
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- *(bool*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0.0f) ? true : false;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- *(int*)pDest = SrcValue ? -1 : 0;
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- *(int*)pDest = SrcValue ? 1 : 0;
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- *(float*)pDest = SrcValue ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- *(bool*)pDest = (SrcValue != 0) ? true : false;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- return hr;
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning( disable : 6103 )
-template<ETemplateVarType SourceType, ETemplateVarType DestType, typename SRC_TYPE, typename DEST_TYPE>
-inline HRESULT SetScalarArray(_In_reads_(Count) const SRC_TYPE *pSrcValues, _Out_writes_(Count) DEST_TYPE *pDestValues,
- _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count,
- _In_ const SType *pType, _In_ uint32_t TotalUnpackedSize, _In_z_ const char *pFuncName)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pSrcValues, pType, TotalUnpackedSize))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- uint32_t i, j, delta = pType->NumericType.IsPackedArray ? 1 : SType::c_ScalarsPerRegister;
- pDestValues += Offset * delta;
- for (i = 0, j = 0; j < Count; i += delta, ++ j)
- {
- // pDestValues[i] = (DEST_TYPE)pSrcValues[j];
- CopyScalarValue<SourceType, DestType, SRC_TYPE, false>(pSrcValues[j], &pDestValues[i], "SetScalarArray");
- }
- return hr;
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#pragma warning( disable : 6103 )
-template<ETemplateVarType SourceType, ETemplateVarType DestType, typename SRC_TYPE, typename DEST_TYPE>
-inline HRESULT GetScalarArray(_In_reads_(Count) SRC_TYPE *pSrcValues, _Out_writes_(Count) DEST_TYPE *pDestValues,
- _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count,
- _In_ const SType *pType, _In_ uint32_t TotalUnpackedSize, _In_z_ const char *pFuncName)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pDestValues, pType, TotalUnpackedSize))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- uint32_t i, j, delta = pType->NumericType.IsPackedArray ? 1 : SType::c_ScalarsPerRegister;
- pSrcValues += Offset * delta;
- for (i = 0, j = 0; j < Count; i += delta, ++ j)
- {
- // pDestValues[j] = (DEST_TYPE)pSrcValues[i];
- CopyScalarValue<SourceType, DestType, SRC_TYPE, false>(pSrcValues[i], &pDestValues[j], "GetScalarArray");
- }
- return hr;
-// TVariable - implements type casting and member/element retrieval
-// requires that IBaseInterface contain SVariable's fields and support ID3DX11EffectVariable
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override { return true; }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- {
- SVariable *pMember;
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity2 = GetTopLevelEntity();
- if (((ID3DX11Effect*)pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect)->IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex: Cannot get members; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (pType->VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex: Variable is not a structure");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!GetVariableByIndexHelper<SVariable>(Index, pType->StructType.Members, pType->StructType.pMembers,
- Data.pNumeric, &pMember, &dataPtr.pGeneric))
- {
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->CreatePooledVariableMemberInterface(pTopLevelEntity2, pMember, dataPtr, false, Index);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- {
- SVariable *pMember;
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- uint32_t index;
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity2 = GetTopLevelEntity();
- if (pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName: Cannot get members; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (pType->VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName: Variable is not a structure");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!GetVariableByNameHelper<SVariable>(Name, pType->StructType.Members, pType->StructType.pMembers,
- Data.pNumeric, &pMember, &dataPtr.pGeneric, &index))
- {
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->CreatePooledVariableMemberInterface(pTopLevelEntity2, pMember, dataPtr, false, index);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberBySemantic)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic)
- {
- SVariable *pMember;
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- uint32_t index;
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity2 = GetTopLevelEntity();
- if (pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic: Cannot get members; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (pType->VarType != EVT_Struct)
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic: Variable is not a structure");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!GetVariableBySemanticHelper<SVariable>(Semantic, pType->StructType.Members, pType->StructType.pMembers,
- Data.pNumeric, &pMember, &dataPtr.pGeneric, &index))
- {
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->CreatePooledVariableMemberInterface(pTopLevelEntity2, pMember, dataPtr, false, index);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetElement)(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetElement";
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity2 = GetTopLevelEntity();
- UDataPointer dataPtr;
- if (pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetElement: Cannot get element; effect has been Optimize()'ed");
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (!IsArray())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: This interface does not refer to an array", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (Index >= pType->Elements)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid element index (%u, total: %u)", pFuncName, Index, pType->Elements);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- if (pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- dataPtr.pGeneric = Data.pNumeric + pType->Stride * Index;
- }
- else
- {
- dataPtr.pGeneric = GetBlockByIndex(pType->VarType, pType->ObjectType, Data.pGeneric, Index);
- if (nullptr == dataPtr.pGeneric)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Internal error", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- }
- return pTopLevelEntity2->pEffect->CreatePooledVariableMemberInterface(pTopLevelEntity2, (SVariable *) this, dataPtr, true, Index);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable*, AsScalar)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsScalar";
- if (pType->VarType != EVT_Numeric ||
- pType->NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Scalar)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable*, AsVector)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsVector";
- if (pType->VarType != EVT_Numeric ||
- pType->NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Vector)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidVectorVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable*, AsMatrix)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsMatrix";
- if (pType->VarType != EVT_Numeric ||
- pType->NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Matrix)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidMatrixVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectStringVariable*, AsString)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsString";
- if (!pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidStringVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectStringVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable*, AsClassInstance)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsClassInstance";
- if (!pType->IsClassInstance() )
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidClassInstanceVariable;
- }
- else if( pMemberData == nullptr )
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Non-global class instance variables (members of structs or classes) and class instances "
- "inside tbuffers are not supported.", pFuncName );
- return &g_InvalidClassInstanceVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable*, AsInterface)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsInterface";
- if (!pType->IsInterface())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidInterfaceVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable*, AsShaderResource)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShaderResource";
- if (!pType->IsShaderResource())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidShaderResourceVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable*, AsUnorderedAccessView)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsUnorderedAccessView";
- if (!pType->IsUnorderedAccessView())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable*, AsRenderTargetView)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView";
- if (!pType->IsRenderTargetView())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidRenderTargetViewVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable*, AsDepthStencilView)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView";
- if (!pType->IsDepthStencilView())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidDepthStencilViewVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, AsConstantBuffer)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable*, AsShader)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShader";
- if (!pType->IsShader())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidShaderVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable*, AsBlend)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsBlend";
- if (!pType->IsObjectType(EOT_Blend))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidBlendVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable*, AsDepthStencil)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil";
- if (!pType->IsObjectType(EOT_DepthStencil))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidDepthStencilVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable*, AsRasterizer)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRasterizer";
- if (!pType->IsObjectType(EOT_Rasterizer))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidRasterizerVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable *) this;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable*, AsSampler)()
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsSampler";
- if (!pType->IsSampler())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidSamplerVariable;
- }
- return (ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable *) this;
- }
- // Numeric variables should override this
- STDMETHOD(SetRawValue)(_In_reads_bytes_(Count) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count)
- STDMETHOD(GetRawValue)(_Out_writes_(Count) void *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count)
-// TTopLevelVariable - functionality for annotations and global variables
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TTopLevelVariable : public SVariable, public IBaseInterface
- // Required to create member/element variable interfaces
- CEffect *pEffect;
- CEffect* GetEffect()
- {
- return pEffect;
- }
- TTopLevelVariable() noexcept :
- pEffect(nullptr)
- {
- }
- uint32_t GetTotalUnpackedSize()
- {
- return ((SType*)pType)->GetTotalUnpackedSize(false);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetType)()
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectType*)(SType*)pType;
- }
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> * GetTopLevelEntity()
- {
- return (TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *)this;
- }
- bool IsArray()
- {
- return (pType->Elements > 0);
- }
-// TMember - functionality for structure/array members of other variables
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TMember : public SVariable, public IBaseInterface
- // Indicates that this is a single element of a containing array
- uint32_t IsSingleElement : 1;
- // Required to create member/element variable interfaces
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> *pTopLevelEntity;
- TMember() noexcept :
- IsSingleElement(false),
- pTopLevelEntity(nullptr)
- {
- }
- CEffect* GetEffect()
- {
- return pTopLevelEntity->pEffect;
- }
- uint32_t GetTotalUnpackedSize()
- {
- return pType->GetTotalUnpackedSize(IsSingleElement);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetType)() override
- {
- if (IsSingleElement)
- {
- return pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->CreatePooledSingleElementTypeInterface( pType );
- }
- else
- {
- return (ID3DX11EffectType*) pType;
- }
- }
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC *pDesc) override
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc";
- VERIFYPARAMETER(pDesc != nullptr);
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Semantic = pSemantic;
- pDesc->Flags = 0;
- if (pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsReflectionData(pTopLevelEntity))
- {
- // Is part of an annotation
- assert(pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsReflectionData(Data.pGeneric));
- pDesc->Annotations = 0;
- pDesc->BufferOffset = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Is part of a global variable
- assert(pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsRuntimeData(pTopLevelEntity));
- if (!pTopLevelEntity->pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String))
- {
- // strings are funny; their data is reflection data, so ignore those
- assert(pTopLevelEntity->pEffect->IsRuntimeData(Data.pGeneric));
- }
- pDesc->Annotations = ((TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11Effect>*)pTopLevelEntity)->AnnotationCount;
- SConstantBuffer *pCB = ((TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11Effect>*)pTopLevelEntity)->pCB;
- if (pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- assert(pCB != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pCB != 0);
- UINT_PTR offset = Data.pNumeric - pCB->pBackingStore;
- assert(offset == (uint32_t)offset);
- pDesc->BufferOffset = (uint32_t)offset;
- assert(pDesc->BufferOffset >= 0 && pDesc->BufferOffset + GetTotalUnpackedSize() <= pCB->Size);
- }
- else
- {
- assert(pCB == nullptr);
- pDesc->BufferOffset = 0;
- }
- }
- return hr;
- }
- TTopLevelVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable> * GetTopLevelEntity()
- {
- return pTopLevelEntity;
- }
- bool IsArray()
- {
- return (pType->Elements > 0 && !IsSingleElement);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override
- { return pTopLevelEntity->GetAnnotationByIndex(Index); }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override
- { return pTopLevelEntity->GetAnnotationByName(Name); }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)() override
- { return pTopLevelEntity->GetParentConstantBuffer(); }
- // Annotations should never be able to go down this codepath
- void DirtyVariable()
- {
- // make sure to call the global variable's version of dirty variable
- ((TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable>*)pTopLevelEntity)->DirtyVariable();
- }
-// TAnnotation - functionality for top level annotations
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TAnnotation : public TVariable<TTopLevelVariable<IBaseInterface> >
- STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(_Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC *pDesc) override
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc";
- VERIFYPARAMETER(pDesc != nullptr);
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Semantic = pSemantic;
- pDesc->Annotations = 0;
- pDesc->BufferOffset = 0;
- pDesc->ExplicitBindPoint = 0;
- return hr;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex";
- DPF(0, "%s: Only variables may have annotations", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name) override
- {
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByName";
- DPF(0, "%s: Only variables may have annotations", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)() override
- { return NoParentCB(); }
- void DirtyVariable()
- {
- assert(0);
- }
-// TGlobalVariable - functionality for top level global variables
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TGlobalVariable : public TVariable<TTopLevelVariable<IBaseInterface> >
- Timer LastModifiedTime;
- // if numeric, pointer to the constant buffer where this variable lives
- SConstantBuffer *pCB;
- uint32_t AnnotationCount;
- SAnnotation *pAnnotations;
- TGlobalVariable() noexcept :
- LastModifiedTime(0),
- pCB(nullptr),
- AnnotationCount(0),
- pAnnotations(nullptr)
- {
- }
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc";
- VERIFYPARAMETER(pDesc != nullptr);
- pDesc->Name = pName;
- pDesc->Semantic = pSemantic;
- pDesc->Flags = 0;
- pDesc->Annotations = AnnotationCount;
- if (pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer())
- {
- assert(pCB != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pCB != 0);
- UINT_PTR offset = Data.pNumeric - pCB->pBackingStore;
- assert(offset == (uint32_t)offset);
- pDesc->BufferOffset = (uint32_t)offset;
- assert(pDesc->BufferOffset >= 0 && pDesc->BufferOffset + GetTotalUnpackedSize() <= pCB->Size );
- }
- else
- {
- assert(pCB == nullptr);
- pDesc->BufferOffset = 0;
- }
- if (ExplicitBindPoint != -1)
- {
- pDesc->ExplicitBindPoint = ExplicitBindPoint;
- }
- else
- {
- pDesc->ExplicitBindPoint = 0;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- // these are all well defined for global vars
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- {
- return GetAnnotationByIndexHelper("ID3DX11EffectVariable", Index, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(_In_z_ LPCSTR Name)
- {
- return GetAnnotationByNameHelper("ID3DX11EffectVariable", Name, AnnotationCount, pAnnotations);
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)()
- {
- if (nullptr != pCB)
- {
- assert(pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer());
- return (ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*)pCB;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(!pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer());
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
- }
- }
- inline void DirtyVariable()
- {
- assert(pCB != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pCB != 0);
- pCB->IsDirty = true;
- LastModifiedTime = pEffect->GetCurrentTime();
- }
-// TNumericVariable - implements raw set/get functionality
-// IMPORTANT NOTE: All of these numeric & object aspect classes MUST NOT
-// add data members to the base variable classes. Otherwise type sizes
-// will disagree between object & numeric variables and we cannot eaily
-// create arrays of global variables using SGlobalVariable
-// Requires that IBaseInterface have SVariable's members, GetTotalUnpackedSize() and DirtyVariable()
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-struct TNumericVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(SetRawValue)(_In_reads_bytes_(ByteCount) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t ByteOffset, _In_ uint32_t ByteCount) override
- {
- if (IsAnnotation)
- {
- return AnnotationInvalidSetCall("ID3DX11EffectVariable::SetRawValue");
- }
- else
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::SetRawValue";
- if ((ByteOffset + ByteCount < ByteOffset) ||
- (ByteCount + (uint8_t*)pData < (uint8_t*)pData) ||
- ((ByteOffset + ByteCount) > GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- // overflow of some kind
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- DirtyVariable();
- memcpy(Data.pNumeric + ByteOffset, pData, ByteCount);
- return hr;
- }
- }
- STDMETHOD(GetRawValue)(_Out_writes_bytes_(ByteCount) void *pData, _In_ uint32_t ByteOffset, _In_ uint32_t ByteCount) override
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetRawValue";
- if ((ByteOffset + ByteCount < ByteOffset) ||
- (ByteCount + (uint8_t*)pData < (uint8_t*)pData) ||
- ((ByteOffset + ByteCount) > GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- // overflow of some kind
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- memcpy(pData, Data.pNumeric + ByteOffset, ByteCount);
- return hr;
- }
-// ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable (TFloatScalarVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-struct TFloatScalarVariable : public TNumericVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>
- STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(_In_ const float Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloat)(_Out_ float *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetInt)(_In_ const int Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetInt)(_Out_ int *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBool)(_In_ const bool Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBool)(_Out_ bool *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetFloat(float Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Float, float, false>(Value, Data.pNumericFloat, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetFloat(float *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Float, float, true>(*Data.pNumericFloat, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetFloatArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Float, float, float>(pData, Data.pNumericFloat, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetFloatArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Float, float, float>(Data.pNumericFloat, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetInt(const int Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetInt";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Float, int, false>(Value, Data.pNumericFloat, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetInt(int *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Int, float, true>(*Data.pNumericFloat, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetInt");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetIntArray(const int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Float, int, float>(pData, Data.pNumericFloat, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetIntArray(int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Int, float, int>(Data.pNumericFloat, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetBool(const bool Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBool";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_bool, ETVT_Float, bool, false>(Value, Data.pNumericFloat, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetBool(bool *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Float, ETVT_bool, float, true>(*Data.pNumericFloat, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBool");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetBoolArray(const bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_bool, ETVT_Float, bool, float>(pData, Data.pNumericFloat, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TFloatScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetBoolArray(bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Float, ETVT_bool, float, bool>(Data.pNumericFloat, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray");
-// ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable (TIntScalarVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-struct TIntScalarVariable : public TNumericVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>
- STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(_In_ const float Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloat)(_Out_ float *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetInt)(_In_ const int Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetInt)(_Out_ int *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBool)(_In_ const bool Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBool)(_Out_ bool *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetFloat(float Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Int, float, false>(Value, Data.pNumericInt, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetFloat(float *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Float, int, true>(*Data.pNumericInt, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetFloatArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Int, float, int>(pData, Data.pNumericInt, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetFloatArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Float, int, float>(Data.pNumericInt, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetInt(const int Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetInt";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Int, int, false>(Value, Data.pNumericInt, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetInt(int *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Int, int, true>(*Data.pNumericInt, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetInt");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetIntArray(const int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Int, int, int>(pData, Data.pNumericInt, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetIntArray(int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Int, int, int>(Data.pNumericInt, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetBool(const bool Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBool";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_bool, ETVT_Int, bool, false>(Value, Data.pNumericInt, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetBool(bool *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Int, ETVT_bool, int, true>(*Data.pNumericInt, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBool");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetBoolArray(const bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_bool, ETVT_Int, bool, int>(pData, Data.pNumericInt, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TIntScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetBoolArray(bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Int, ETVT_bool, int, bool>(Data.pNumericInt, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray");
-// ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable (TBoolScalarVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-struct TBoolScalarVariable : public TNumericVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>
- STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(_In_ const float Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloat)(_Out_ float *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetInt)(_In_ const int Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetInt)(_Out_ int *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBool)(_In_ const bool Value) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBool)(_Out_ bool *pValue) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(_In_reads_(Count) const bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetFloat(float Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Bool, float, false>(Value, Data.pNumericBool, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetFloat(float *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Bool, ETVT_Float, BOOL, true>(*Data.pNumericBool, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetFloatArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_Float, ETVT_Bool, float, BOOL>(pData, Data.pNumericBool, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetFloatArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Bool, ETVT_Float, BOOL, float>(Data.pNumericBool, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetInt(const int Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetInt";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Bool, int, false>(Value, Data.pNumericBool, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetInt(int *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Bool, ETVT_Int, BOOL, true>(*Data.pNumericBool, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetInt");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetIntArray(const int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_Int, ETVT_Bool, int, BOOL>(pData, Data.pNumericBool, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetIntArray(int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Bool, ETVT_Int, BOOL, int>(Data.pNumericBool, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetBool(const bool Value)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBool";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_bool, ETVT_Bool, bool, false>(Value, Data.pNumericBool, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetBool(bool *pValue)
- return CopyScalarValue<ETVT_Bool, ETVT_bool, BOOL, true>(*Data.pNumericBool, pValue, "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBool");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetBoolArray(const bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return SetScalarArray<ETVT_bool, ETVT_Bool, bool, BOOL>(pData, Data.pNumericBool, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TBoolScalarVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetBoolArray(bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return GetScalarArray<ETVT_Bool, ETVT_bool, BOOL, bool>(Data.pNumericBool, pData, Offset, Count,
- pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray");
-// ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable (TVectorVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType >
-struct TVectorVariable : public TNumericVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolVector) (_In_reads_(4) const bool *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntVector) (_In_reads_(4) const int *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVector)(_In_reads_(4) const float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolVector) (_Out_writes_(4) bool *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntVector) (_Out_writes_(4) int *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVector)(_Out_writes_(4) float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolVectorArray) (_In_reads_(Count*4) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntVectorArray) (_In_reads_(Count*4) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVectorArray)(_In_reads_(Count*4) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolVectorArray) (_Out_writes_(Count*4) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntVectorArray) (_Out_writes_(Count*4) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVectorArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*4) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-// Note that branches in this code is based on template parameters and will be compiled out
-#pragma warning (push)
-#pragma warning (disable : 6101)
-template <ETemplateVarType DestType, ETemplateVarType SourceType>
-void __forceinline CopyDataWithTypeConversion(_Out_ void *pDest,
- _In_ const void *pSource,
- _In_ size_t dstVecSize, _In_ size_t srcVecSize,
- _In_ size_t elementCount, _In_ size_t vecCount)
- switch (SourceType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- memcpy(pDest, pSource, elementCount * SType::c_ScalarSize);
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((int*)pDest)[i] = ((bool*)pSource)[i] ? -1 : 0;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((float*)pDest)[i] = ((bool*)pSource)[i] ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((bool*)pDest)[i] = (((int*)pSource)[i] != 0) ? true : false;
- pDest = ((bool*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((int*)pDest)[i] = (((int*)pSource)[i] != 0) ? -1 : 0;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- memcpy(pDest, pSource, elementCount * SType::c_ScalarSize);
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((float*)pDest)[i] = (float)(((int*)pSource)[i]);
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((bool*)pDest)[i] = (((int*)pSource)[i] != 0) ? true : false;
- pDest = ((bool*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((int*)pDest)[i] = (((float*)pSource)[i] != 0.0f) ? -1 : 0;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((int*)pDest)[i] = (int)((float*)pSource)[i];
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- for (size_t i=0; i<vecCount; i++)
- {
- memcpy( pDest, pSource, elementCount * SType::c_ScalarSize);
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- ((bool*)pDest)[i] = (((float*)pSource)[i] != 0.0f) ? true : false;
- pDest = ((bool*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((float*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- switch (DestType)
- {
- case ETVT_Bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- reinterpret_cast<int*>(pDest)[i] = reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(pSource)[i] ? -1 : 0;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((bool*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Int:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- reinterpret_cast<int*>(pDest)[i] = reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(pSource)[i] ? -1 : 0;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((bool*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_Float:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
- reinterpret_cast<float*>(pDest)[i] = reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(pSource)[i] ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
- pDest = ((float*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((bool*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- case ETVT_bool:
- for (size_t j=0; j<vecCount; j++)
- {
- memcpy(pDest, pSource, elementCount);
- pDest = ((bool*) pDest) + dstVecSize;
- pSource = ((bool*) pSource) + srcVecSize;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
-#pragma warning (pop)
-// Float Vector
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType >::SetFloatVector(const float *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<BaseType, ETVT_Float>(Data.pVector, pData, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, pType->NumericType.Columns, 1);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::GetFloatVector(float *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<ETVT_Float, BaseType>(pData, Data.pVector, pType->NumericType.Columns, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, 1);
- return hr;
-// Int Vector
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType >::SetIntVector(const int *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVector";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<BaseType, ETVT_Int>(Data.pVector, pData, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, pType->NumericType.Columns, 1);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::GetIntVector(int *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector";
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<ETVT_Int, BaseType>(pData, Data.pVector, pType->NumericType.Columns, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, 1);
- return hr;
-// Bool Vector
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType >::SetBoolVector(const bool *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVector";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<BaseType, ETVT_bool>(Data.pVector, pData, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, pType->NumericType.Columns, 1);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::GetBoolVector(bool *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector";
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<ETVT_bool, BaseType>(pData, Data.pVector, pType->NumericType.Columns, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, 1);
- return hr;
-// Vector Arrays /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::SetFloatVectorArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- // ensure we don't write over the padding at the end of the vector array
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<BaseType, ETVT_Float>(Data.pVector + Offset, pData, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, pType->NumericType.Columns, std::max(std::min((int)Count, (int)pType->Elements - (int)Offset), 0));
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::GetFloatVectorArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray";
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- // ensure we don't read past the end of the vector array
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<ETVT_Float, BaseType>(pData, Data.pVector + Offset, pType->NumericType.Columns, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, std::max(std::min((int)Count, (int)pType->Elements - (int)Offset), 0));
- return hr;
-// int
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::SetIntVectorArray(const int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- // ensure we don't write over the padding at the end of the vector array
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<BaseType, ETVT_Int>(Data.pVector + Offset, pData, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, pType->NumericType.Columns, std::max(std::min((int)Count, (int)pType->Elements - (int)Offset), 0));
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::GetIntVectorArray(int *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- // ensure we don't read past the end of the vector array
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<ETVT_Int, BaseType>(pData, Data.pVector + Offset, pType->NumericType.Columns, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, std::max(std::min((int)Count, (int)pType->Elements - (int)Offset), 0));
- return hr;
-// bool
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::SetBoolVectorArray(const bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- // ensure we don't write over the padding at the end of the vector array
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<BaseType, ETVT_bool>(Data.pVector + Offset, pData, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, pType->NumericType.Columns, std::max(std::min((int)Count, (int)pType->Elements - (int)Offset), 0));
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation, ETemplateVarType BaseType>
-HRESULT TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation, BaseType>::GetBoolVectorArray(bool *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- // ensure we don't read past the end of the vector array
- CopyDataWithTypeConversion<ETVT_bool, BaseType>(pData, Data.pVector + Offset, pType->NumericType.Columns, 4, pType->NumericType.Columns, std::max(std::min((int)Count, (int)pType->Elements - (int)Offset), 0));
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectVector4Variable (TVectorVariable implementation) [OPTIMIZED]
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TVector4Variable : public TVectorVariable<IBaseInterface, false, ETVT_Float>
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVector)(_In_reads_(4) const float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVector)(_Out_writes_(4) float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVectorArray)(_In_reads_(Count*4) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVectorArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*4) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TVector4Variable<IBaseInterface>::SetFloatVector(const float *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- DirtyVariable();
- Data.pVector[0] = ((CEffectVector4*) pData)[0];
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TVector4Variable<IBaseInterface>::GetFloatVector(float *pData)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- memcpy(pData, Data.pVector, pType->NumericType.Columns * SType::c_ScalarSize);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TVector4Variable<IBaseInterface>::SetFloatVectorArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- DirtyVariable();
- // ensure we don't write over the padding at the end of the vector array
- memcpy(Data.pVector + Offset, pData,
- std::min<size_t>(Count * sizeof(CEffectVector4), pType->TotalSize - (Offset * sizeof(CEffectVector4))));
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TVector4Variable<IBaseInterface>::GetFloatVectorArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pData, pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize()))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- // ensure we don't read past the end of the vector array
- memcpy(pData, Data.pVector + Offset,
- std::min<size_t>(Count * sizeof(CEffectVector4), pType->TotalSize - (Offset * sizeof(CEffectVector4))));
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable (TMatrixVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-struct TMatrixVariable : public TNumericVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrix)(_In_reads_(16) const float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrix)(_Out_writes_(16) float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixArray)(_In_reads_(Count*16) const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*16) float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixPointerArray)(_In_reads_(Count*16) const float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixPointerArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*16) float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTranspose)(_In_reads_(16) const float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTranspose)(_Out_writes_(16) float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposeArray)(_In_reads_(Count*16) const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposeArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*16) float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(_In_reads_(Count*16) const float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*16) float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) override;
-#pragma warning (push)
-#pragma warning (disable : 6101)
-template<bool Transpose>
-static void SetMatrixTransposeHelper(_In_ const SType *pType, _Out_writes_bytes_(64) uint8_t *pDestData, _In_reads_(16) const float* pMatrix)
- uint32_t registers, entries;
- if (Transpose)
- {
- // row major
- registers = pType->NumericType.Rows;
- entries = pType->NumericType.Columns;
- }
- else
- {
- // column major
- registers = pType->NumericType.Columns;
- entries = pType->NumericType.Rows;
- }
- _Analysis_assume_( registers <= 4 );
- _Analysis_assume_( entries <= 4 );
- for (size_t i = 0; i < registers; ++ i)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < entries; ++ j)
- {
-#pragma prefast(suppress:__WARNING_UNRELATED_LOOP_TERMINATION, "regs / entries <= 4")
- ((float*)pDestData)[j] = ((float*)pMatrix)[j * 4 + i];
- }
- pDestData += SType::c_RegisterSize;
- }
-template<bool Transpose>
-static void GetMatrixTransposeHelper(_In_ const SType *pType, _In_reads_bytes_(64) uint8_t *pSrcData, _Out_writes_(16) float* pMatrix)
- uint32_t registers, entries;
- if (Transpose)
- {
- // row major
- registers = pType->NumericType.Rows;
- entries = pType->NumericType.Columns;
- }
- else
- {
- // column major
- registers = pType->NumericType.Columns;
- entries = pType->NumericType.Rows;
- }
- _Analysis_assume_( registers <= 4 );
- _Analysis_assume_( entries <= 4 );
- for (size_t i = 0; i < registers; ++ i)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < entries; ++ j)
- {
- ((float*)pMatrix)[j * 4 + i] = ((float*)pSrcData)[j];
- }
- pSrcData += SType::c_RegisterSize;
- }
-template<bool Transpose, bool IsSetting, bool ExtraIndirection>
-HRESULT DoMatrixArrayInternal(_In_ const SType *pType, _In_ uint32_t TotalUnpackedSize,
- _Out_ uint8_t *pEffectData,
- void *pMatrixData,
- _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count, _In_z_ LPCSTR pFuncName)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pMatrixData, pType, TotalUnpackedSize))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- if ((pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor && Transpose) || (!pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor && !Transpose))
- {
- // fast path
- uint32_t dataSize;
- if (Transpose)
- {
- dataSize = ((pType->NumericType.Columns - 1) * 4 + pType->NumericType.Rows) * SType::c_ScalarSize;
- }
- else
- {
- dataSize = ((pType->NumericType.Rows - 1) * 4 + pType->NumericType.Columns) * SType::c_ScalarSize;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- CEffectMatrix *pMatrix;
- if (ExtraIndirection)
- {
- pMatrix = ((CEffectMatrix **)pMatrixData)[i];
- if (!pMatrix)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pMatrix = ((CEffectMatrix *)pMatrixData) + i;
- }
- if (IsSetting)
- {
- memcpy(pEffectData + pType->Stride * (i + Offset), pMatrix, dataSize);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(pMatrix, pEffectData + pType->Stride * (i + Offset), dataSize);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // slow path
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- CEffectMatrix *pMatrix;
- if (ExtraIndirection)
- {
- pMatrix = ((CEffectMatrix **)pMatrixData)[i];
- if (!pMatrix)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pMatrix = ((CEffectMatrix *)pMatrixData) + i;
- }
- if (IsSetting)
- {
- SetMatrixTransposeHelper<Transpose>(pType, pEffectData + pType->Stride * (i + Offset), (float*) pMatrix);
- }
- else
- {
- GetMatrixTransposeHelper<Transpose>(pType, pEffectData + pType->Stride * (i + Offset), (float*) pMatrix);
- }
- }
- }
- return hr;
-#pragma warning (pop)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetMatrix(const float *pData)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<false, true, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), 0, 1, pFuncName);
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetMatrix(float *pData)
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<false, false, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, pData, 0, 1, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetMatrixArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<false, true, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetMatrixArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<false, false, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, pData, Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetMatrixPointerArray(const float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixPointerArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<false, true, true>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float**>(ppData), Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixPointerArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetMatrixPointerArray(float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<false, false, true>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, ppData, Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixPointerArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetMatrixTranspose(const float *pData)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<true, true, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), 0, 1, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetMatrixTranspose(float *pData)
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<true, false, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, pData, 0, 1, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetMatrixTransposeArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<true, true, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetMatrixTransposeArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<true, false, false>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, pData, Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::SetMatrixTransposePointerArray(const float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposePointerArray";
- if (IsAnnotation) return AnnotationInvalidSetCall(pFuncName);
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<true, true, true>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float**>(ppData), Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposePointerArray");
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetMatrixTransposePointerArray(float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return DoMatrixArrayInternal<true, false, true>(pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(),
- Data.pNumeric, ppData, Offset, Count, "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposePointerArray");
-// Optimize commonly used fast paths
-// (non-annotations only!)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-struct TMatrix4x4Variable : public TMatrixVariable<IBaseInterface, false>
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrix)(_In_reads_(16) const float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrix)(_Out_writes_(16) float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixArray)(_In_reads_(16*Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixArray)(_Out_writes_(16*Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTranspose)(_In_reads_(16) const float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTranspose)(_Out_writes_(16) float *pData) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposeArray)(_In_reads_(16*Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposeArray)(_Out_writes_(16*Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-inline static void Matrix4x4TransposeHelper(_In_reads_bytes_(64) const void *pSrc, _Out_writes_bytes_(64) void *pDst)
- uint8_t *pDestData = (uint8_t*)pDst;
- uint32_t *pMatrix = (uint32_t*)pSrc;
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[0 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 0];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[0 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 0];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[0 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 0];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[0 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 0];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[1 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 1];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[1 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 1];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[1 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 1];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[1 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 1];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[2 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 2];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[2 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 2];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[2 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 2];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[2 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 2];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[3 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 3];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[3 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 3];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[3 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 3];
- ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[3 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 3];
-inline static void Matrix4x4Copy(_In_reads_bytes_(64) const void *pSrc, _Out_writes_bytes_(64) void *pDst)
-#if 1
- // In tests, this path ended up generating faster code both on x86 and x64
- // T1 - Matrix4x4Copy - this path
- // T2 - Matrix4x4Transpose
- // T1: 1.88 T2: 1.92 - with 32 bit copies
- // T1: 1.85 T2: 1.80 - with 64 bit copies
- uint64_t *pDestData = (uint64_t*)pDst;
- uint64_t *pMatrix = (uint64_t*)pSrc;
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 0];
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 1];
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 2];
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 3];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 0];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 1];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 2];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 3];
- uint32_t *pDestData = (uint32_t*)pDst;
- uint32_t *pMatrix = (uint32_t*)pSrc;
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 0];
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 1];
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 2];
- pDestData[0 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[0 * 4 + 3];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 0];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 1];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 2];
- pDestData[1 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[1 * 4 + 3];
- pDestData[2 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 0];
- pDestData[2 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 1];
- pDestData[2 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 2];
- pDestData[2 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[2 * 4 + 3];
- pDestData[3 * 4 + 0] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 0];
- pDestData[3 * 4 + 1] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 1];
- pDestData[3 * 4 + 2] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 2];
- pDestData[3 * 4 + 3] = pMatrix[3 * 4 + 3];
-// Note that branches in this code is based on template parameters and will be compiled out
-#pragma warning (push)
-#pragma warning (disable : 6101)
-template<bool IsColumnMajor, bool Transpose, bool IsSetting>
-inline HRESULT DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal(_In_ uint8_t *pEffectData,
- _When_(IsSetting, _In_reads_bytes_(64 * Count))
- _When_(!IsSetting, _Out_writes_bytes_(64 * Count))
- void *pMatrixData,
- _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , _In_ const SType *pType, _In_ uint32_t TotalUnpackedSize, _In_z_ LPCSTR pFuncName
- )
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma warning( suppress : 6001 )
- if (!AreBoundsValid(Offset, Count, pMatrixData, pType, TotalUnpackedSize))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName);
- }
- assert(pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor == IsColumnMajor && pType->Stride == (4 * SType::c_RegisterSize));
- if ((IsColumnMajor && Transpose) || (!IsColumnMajor && !Transpose))
- {
- // fast path
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- CEffectMatrix *pMatrix = ((CEffectMatrix *)pMatrixData) + i;
- if (IsSetting)
- {
- Matrix4x4Copy(pMatrix, pEffectData + 4 * SType::c_RegisterSize * (i + Offset));
- }
- else
- {
- Matrix4x4Copy(pEffectData + 4 * SType::c_RegisterSize * (i + Offset), pMatrix);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // slow path
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- CEffectMatrix *pMatrix = ((CEffectMatrix *)pMatrixData) + i;
- if (IsSetting)
- {
- Matrix4x4TransposeHelper((float*) pMatrix, pEffectData + 4 * SType::c_RegisterSize * (i + Offset));
- }
- else
- {
- Matrix4x4TransposeHelper(pEffectData + 4 * SType::c_RegisterSize * (i + Offset), (float*) pMatrix);
- }
- }
- }
- return hr;
-#pragma warning (pop)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::SetMatrix(const float *pData)
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, false, true>(Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), 0, 1
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::GetMatrix(float *pData)
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, false, false>(Data.pNumeric, pData, 0, 1
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::SetMatrixArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, false, true>(Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), Offset, Count
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::GetMatrixArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, false, false>(Data.pNumeric, pData, Offset, Count
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::SetMatrixTranspose(const float *pData)
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, true, true>(Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), 0, 1
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::GetMatrixTranspose(float *pData)
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, true, false>(Data.pNumeric, pData, 0, 1
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::SetMatrixTransposeArray(const float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- DirtyVariable();
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, true, true>(Data.pNumeric, const_cast<float*>(pData), Offset, Count
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray");
- );
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsColumnMajor>
-HRESULT TMatrix4x4Variable<IBaseInterface, IsColumnMajor>::GetMatrixTransposeArray(float *pData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- return DoMatrix4x4ArrayInternal<IsColumnMajor, true, false>(Data.pNumeric, pData, Offset, Count
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- , pType, GetTotalUnpackedSize(), "ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray");
- );
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-// Useful object macro to check bounds and parameters
-#define CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, Pointer) \
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
- uint32_t elements = IsArray() ? pType->Elements : 1; \
- \
- if ((Offset + Count < Offset) || (elements < Offset + Count)) \
- { \
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid range specified", pFuncName); \
- } \
-#define CHECK_OBJECT_SCALAR_BOUNDS(Index, Pointer) \
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
- uint32_t elements = IsArray() ? pType->Elements : 1; \
- \
- if (Index >= elements) \
- { \
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index specified", pFuncName); \
- } \
-#define CHECK_SCALAR_BOUNDS(Index) \
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
- uint32_t elements = IsArray() ? pType->Elements : 1; \
- \
- if (Index >= elements) \
-{ \
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid index specified", pFuncName); \
-} \
-#else // _DEBUG
-#define CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, Pointer) \
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
-#define CHECK_OBJECT_SCALAR_BOUNDS(Index, Pointer) \
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
-#define CHECK_SCALAR_BOUNDS(Index) \
- HRESULT hr = S_OK; \
-#endif // _DEBUG
-// ID3DX11EffectStringVariable (TStringVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-struct TStringVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetString)(_Outptr_result_z_ LPCSTR *ppString) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetStringArray)( _Out_writes_(Count) LPCSTR *ppStrings, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count ) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-HRESULT TStringVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetString(LPCSTR *ppString)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectStringVariable::GetString";
- if (GetTopLevelEntity()->pEffect->IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Effect has been Optimize()'ed; all string/reflection data has been deleted", pFuncName);
- }
- assert(Data.pString != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pString != 0);
- *ppString = Data.pString->pString;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface, bool IsAnnotation>
-#pragma warning(suppress : 6054)
-HRESULT TStringVariable<IBaseInterface, IsAnnotation>::GetStringArray( LPCSTR *ppStrings, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppStrings);
- if (GetTopLevelEntity()->pEffect->IsOptimized())
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Effect has been Optimize()'ed; all string/reflection data has been deleted", pFuncName);
- }
- assert(Data.pString != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pString != 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- ppStrings[i] = (Data.pString + Offset + i)->pString;
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable (TClassInstanceVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TClassInstanceVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetClassInstance)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ClassInstance **ppClassInstance) override;
-template<typename IBaseClassInstance>
-HRESULT TClassInstanceVariable<IBaseClassInstance>::GetClassInstance(_Outptr_ ID3D11ClassInstance** ppClassInstance)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable::GetClassInstance";
- assert( pMemberData != 0 && pMemberData->Data.pD3DClassInstance != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_( pMemberData != 0 && pMemberData->Data.pD3DClassInstance != 0);
- *ppClassInstance = pMemberData->Data.pD3DClassInstance;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppClassInstance);
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectInterfaceeVariable (TInterfaceVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TInterfaceVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(SetClassInstance)(_In_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable *pEffectClassInstance) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetClassInstance)(_Outptr_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable **ppEffectClassInstance) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TInterfaceVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetClassInstance(_In_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable *pEffectClassInstance)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::SetClassInstance";
- // Note that we don't check if the types are compatible. The debug layer will complain if it is.
- // IsValid() will not catch type mismatches.
- SClassInstanceGlobalVariable* pCI = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pEffectClassInstance;
- Data.pInterface->pClassInstance = pCI;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TInterfaceVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetClassInstance(_Outptr_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable **ppEffectClassInstance)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::GetClassInstance";
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- VERIFYPARAMETER(ppEffectClassInstance);
- *ppEffectClassInstance = Data.pInterface->pClassInstance;
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable (TShaderResourceVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TShaderResourceVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(SetResource)(_In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetResource)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetResourceArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetResourceArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-static LPCSTR GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(_In_ EObjectType ObjectType)
- switch (ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_Buffer:
- return "Buffer";
- case EOT_Texture:
- return "texture";
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- return "Texture1D";
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- return "Texture2DMS";
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- return "Texture2D";
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- return "Texture3D";
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- return "TextureCube";
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- return "TextureCubeArray";
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- return "RWTexture1D";
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- return "RWTexture2D";
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- return "RWTexture3D";
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- return "RWBuffer";
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- return "ByteAddressBuffer";
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- return "RWByteAddressBuffer";
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- return "StructuredBuffe";
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- return "RWStructuredBuffer";
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- return "RWStructuredBufferAlloc";
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- return "RWStructuredBufferConsume";
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- return "AppendStructuredBuffer";
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- return "ConsumeStructuredBuffer";
- }
- return "<unknown texture format>";
-static LPCSTR GetResourceDimensionNameFromEnum(_In_ D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION ResourceDimension)
- switch (ResourceDimension)
- {
- return "Buffer";
- return "Texture1D";
- return "Texture2D";
- return "Texture3D";
- }
- return "<unknown texture format>";
-static LPCSTR GetSRVDimensionNameFromEnum(_In_ D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION ViewDimension)
- switch (ViewDimension)
- {
- return "Buffer";
- return "Texture1D";
- return "Texture1DArray";
- return "Texture2D";
- return "Texture2DArray";
- return "Texture2DMS";
- return "Texture2DMSArray";
- return "Texture3D";
- return "TextureCube";
- }
- return "<unknown texture format>";
-static LPCSTR GetUAVDimensionNameFromEnum(_In_ D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION ViewDimension)
- switch (ViewDimension)
- {
- return "Buffer";
- return "RWTexture1D";
- return "RWTexture1DArray";
- return "RWTexture2D";
- return "RWTexture2DArray";
- return "RWTexture3D";
- }
- return "<unknown texture format>";
-static LPCSTR GetRTVDimensionNameFromEnum(_In_ D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION ViewDimension)
- switch (ViewDimension)
- {
- return "Buffer";
- return "Texture1D";
- return "Texture1DArray";
- return "Texture2D";
- return "Texture2DArray";
- return "Texture2DMS";
- return "Texture2DMSArray";
- return "Texture3D";
- }
- return "<unknown texture format>";
-static LPCSTR GetDSVDimensionNameFromEnum(_In_ D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION ViewDimension)
- switch (ViewDimension)
- {
- return "Texture1D";
- return "Texture1DArray";
- return "Texture2D";
- return "Texture2DArray";
- return "Texture2DMS";
- return "Texture2DMSArray";
- }
- return "<unknown texture format>";
-static HRESULT ValidateTextureType(_In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pView, _In_ EObjectType ObjectType, _In_z_ LPCSTR pFuncName)
- if (nullptr != pView)
- {
- pView->GetDesc(&desc);
- switch (ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_Texture:
- if (desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFER && desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFEREX)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_Buffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFER && desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFEREX)
- break;
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFEREX && (desc.BufferEx.Flags & D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG_RAW))
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, ByteAddressBuffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- else
- {
- ID3D11Buffer* pBuffer = nullptr;
- pView->GetResource( (ID3D11Resource**)&pBuffer );
- assert( pBuffer != nullptr );
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC BufDesc;
- pBuffer->GetDesc( &BufDesc );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pBuffer );
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, StructuredBuffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- else
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EOT_Texture1D:
- case EOT_Texture1DArray:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D ||
- desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1DARRAY)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture2D:
- case EOT_Texture2DArray:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D ||
- desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture2DMS:
- case EOT_Texture2DMSArray:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS ||
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_Texture3D:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_TextureCube:
- case EOT_TextureCubeArray:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURECUBE ||
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFEREX && (desc.BufferEx.Flags & D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG_RAW))
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_StructuredBuffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFEREX || desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
- {
- ID3D11Buffer* pBuffer = nullptr;
- pView->GetResource( (ID3D11Resource**)&pBuffer );
- assert( pBuffer != nullptr );
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC BufDesc;
- pBuffer->GetDesc( &BufDesc );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pBuffer );
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, non-structured Buffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0); // internal error, should never get here
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, %s provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType), GetSRVDimensionNameFromEnum(desc.ViewDimension));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- return S_OK;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderResourceVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetResource(ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResource";
- VH(ValidateTextureType(pResource, pType->ObjectType, pFuncName));
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- SAFE_ADDREF(pResource);
- SAFE_RELEASE(Data.pShaderResource->pShaderResource);
- Data.pShaderResource->pShaderResource = pResource;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderResourceVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetResource(ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResource";
- assert(Data.pShaderResource != 0 && Data.pShaderResource->pShaderResource != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pShaderResource != 0 && Data.pShaderResource->pShaderResource != 0);
- *ppResource = Data.pShaderResource->pShaderResource;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppResource);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderResourceVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetResourceArray(ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- VH(ValidateTextureType(ppResources[i], pType->ObjectType, pFuncName));
- }
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- SShaderResource *pResourceBlock = Data.pShaderResource + Offset + i;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pResourceBlock->pShaderResource);
- pResourceBlock->pShaderResource = ppResources[i];
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderResourceVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetResourceArray(ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- ppResources[i] = (Data.pShaderResource + Offset + i)->pShaderResource;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable (TUnorderedAccessViewVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TUnorderedAccessViewVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(SetUnorderedAccessView)(_In_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView *pResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetUnorderedAccessView)(_Outptr_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetUnorderedAccessViewArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetUnorderedAccessViewArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-static HRESULT ValidateTextureType(_In_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView *pView, _In_ EObjectType ObjectType, _In_z_ LPCSTR pFuncName)
- if (nullptr != pView)
- {
- pView->GetDesc(&desc);
- switch (ObjectType)
- {
- case EOT_RWBuffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
- break;
- if (desc.Buffer.Flags & D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG_RAW)
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, RWByteAddressBuffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- else
- {
- ID3D11Buffer* pBuffer = nullptr;
- pView->GetResource( (ID3D11Resource**)&pBuffer );
- assert( pBuffer != nullptr );
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC BufDesc;
- pBuffer->GetDesc( &BufDesc );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pBuffer );
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, an RWStructuredBuffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- else
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture1D:
- case EOT_RWTexture1DArray:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D ||
- desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1DARRAY)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture2D:
- case EOT_RWTexture2DArray:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D ||
- desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_RWTexture3D:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D)
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_BUFFER && (desc.Buffer.Flags & D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG_RAW))
- return S_OK;
- break;
- case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension == D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
- {
- ID3D11Buffer* pBuffer = nullptr;
- pView->GetResource( (ID3D11Resource**)&pBuffer );
- assert( pBuffer != nullptr );
- D3D11_BUFFER_DESC BufDesc;
- pBuffer->GetDesc( &BufDesc );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pBuffer );
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, non-structured Buffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- }
- break;
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc:
- case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume:
- if (desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
- break;
- if (desc.Buffer.Flags & D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG_COUNTER)
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, non-Counter buffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- break;
- case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer:
- case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer:
- if (desc.ViewDimension != D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
- break;
- if (desc.Buffer.Flags & D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG_APPEND)
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, non-Append buffer provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0); // internal error, should never get here
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- DPF(0, "%s: Resource type mismatch; %s expected, %s provided.", pFuncName, GetTextureTypeNameFromEnum(ObjectType), GetUAVDimensionNameFromEnum(desc.ViewDimension));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- return S_OK;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TUnorderedAccessViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetUnorderedAccessView(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView *pResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessView";
- VH(ValidateTextureType(pResource, pType->ObjectType, pFuncName));
- // UAV variables don't need to be dirtied.
- SAFE_ADDREF(pResource);
- SAFE_RELEASE(Data.pUnorderedAccessView->pUnorderedAccessView);
- Data.pUnorderedAccessView->pUnorderedAccessView = pResource;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TUnorderedAccessViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetUnorderedAccessView(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessView";
- assert(Data.pUnorderedAccessView != 0 && Data.pUnorderedAccessView->pUnorderedAccessView != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pUnorderedAccessView != 0 && Data.pUnorderedAccessView->pUnorderedAccessView != 0);
- *ppResource = Data.pUnorderedAccessView->pUnorderedAccessView;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppResource);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TUnorderedAccessViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- VH(ValidateTextureType(ppResources[i], pType->ObjectType, pFuncName));
- }
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- SUnorderedAccessView *pResourceBlock = Data.pUnorderedAccessView + Offset + i;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pResourceBlock->pUnorderedAccessView);
- pResourceBlock->pUnorderedAccessView = ppResources[i];
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TUnorderedAccessViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetUnorderedAccessViewArray(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessViewArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- ppResources[i] = (Data.pUnorderedAccessView + Offset + i)->pUnorderedAccessView;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable (TRenderTargetViewVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TRenderTargetViewVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(SetRenderTarget)(_In_ ID3D11RenderTargetView *pResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetRenderTarget)(_Outptr_ ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetRenderTargetArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetRenderTargetArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRenderTargetViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetRenderTarget(ID3D11RenderTargetView *pResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetVariable::SetRenderTarget";
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- SAFE_ADDREF(pResource);
- SAFE_RELEASE(Data.pRenderTargetView->pRenderTargetView);
- Data.pRenderTargetView->pRenderTargetView = pResource;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRenderTargetViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetRenderTarget(ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert(Data.pRenderTargetView->pRenderTargetView != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pRenderTargetView->pRenderTargetView != 0);
- *ppResource = Data.pRenderTargetView->pRenderTargetView;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppResource);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRenderTargetViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetRenderTargetArray(ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetVariable::SetRenderTargetArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- SRenderTargetView *pResourceBlock = Data.pRenderTargetView + Offset + i;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pResourceBlock->pRenderTargetView);
- pResourceBlock->pRenderTargetView = ppResources[i];
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRenderTargetViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetRenderTargetArray(ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetVariable::GetRenderTargetArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- ppResources[i] = (Data.pRenderTargetView + Offset + i)->pRenderTargetView;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable (TDepthStencilViewVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TDepthStencilViewVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencil)(_In_ ID3D11DepthStencilView *pResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencil)(_Outptr_ ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResource) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencilArray)(_In_reads_(Count) ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencilArray)(_Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetDepthStencil(ID3D11DepthStencilView *pResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3D11DepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencil";
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- SAFE_ADDREF(pResource);
- SAFE_RELEASE(Data.pDepthStencilView->pDepthStencilView);
- Data.pDepthStencilView->pDepthStencilView = pResource;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetDepthStencil(ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResource)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3D11DepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencil";
- assert(Data.pDepthStencilView->pDepthStencilView != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pDepthStencilView->pDepthStencilView != 0);
- *ppResource = Data.pDepthStencilView->pDepthStencilView;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppResource);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetDepthStencilArray(ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3D11DepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
- // Texture variables don't need to be dirtied.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- SDepthStencilView *pResourceBlock = Data.pDepthStencilView + Offset + i;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pResourceBlock->pDepthStencilView);
- pResourceBlock->pDepthStencilView = ppResources[i];
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilViewVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetDepthStencilArray(ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3D11DepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray";
- CHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS(Offset, Count, ppResources);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++ i)
- {
- ppResources[i] = (Data.pDepthStencilView + Offset + i)->pDepthStencilView;
- SAFE_ADDREF(ppResources[i]);
- }
- return hr;
-// ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable (TShaderVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TShaderVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetShaderDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11HullShader **ppHS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShader)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetInputSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetOutputSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc)(_In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)();
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetShaderDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc";
- hr = Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetShaderDesc(pDesc, false);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetVertexShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetVertexShader(ppVS) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetGeometryShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetGeometryShader(ppGS) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetPixelShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetPixelShader(ppPS) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetHullShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11HullShader **ppHS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetHullShader";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetHullShader(ppHS) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetDomainShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetDomainShader";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetDomainShader(ppDS) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetComputeShader(uint32_t ShaderIndex, ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetComputeShader";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetComputeShader(ppCS) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetInputSignatureElementDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetSignatureElementDesc(SShaderBlock::ST_Input, Element, pDesc) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetSignatureElementDesc(SShaderBlock::ST_Output, Element, pDesc) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc(uint32_t ShaderIndex, uint32_t Element, D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc";
- VH( Data.pShader[ShaderIndex].GetSignatureElementDesc(SShaderBlock::ST_PatchConstant, Element, pDesc) );
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-bool TShaderVariable<IBaseInterface>::IsValid()
- uint32_t numElements = IsArray()? pType->Elements : 1;
- bool valid = true;
- while( numElements > 0 && ( valid = Data.pShader[ numElements-1 ].IsValid ) )
- numElements--;
- return valid;
-// ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable (TBlendVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TBlendVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetBlendState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11BlendState **ppState) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetBlendState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11BlendState *pState) override;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetBlendState)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_BLEND_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TBlendVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetBlendState(uint32_t Index, ID3D11BlendState **ppState)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState";
- assert(Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject != 0);
- *ppState = Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppState);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TBlendVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetBlendState(uint32_t Index, ID3D11BlendState *pState)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectBlendState::SetBlendState";
- if( !Data.pBlend[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- // Save original state object in case we UndoSet
- assert( pMemberData[Index].Type == MDT_BlendState );
- VB( pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState == nullptr );
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState = Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject;
- Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject = nullptr;
- Data.pBlend[Index].IsUserManaged = true;
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( pState );
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject );
- Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject = pState;
- Data.pBlend[Index].IsValid = true;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TBlendVariable<IBaseInterface>::UndoSetBlendState(uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectBlendState::UndoSetBlendState";
- if( !Data.pBlend[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- // Revert to original state object
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject );
- Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject = pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState;
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedBlendState = nullptr;
- Data.pBlend[Index].IsUserManaged = false;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TBlendVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetBackingStore(uint32_t Index, D3D11_BLEND_DESC *pBlendDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::GetBackingStore";
- if( Data.pBlend[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- if( Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject )
- {
- Data.pBlend[Index].pBlendObject->GetDesc( pBlendDesc );
- }
- else
- {
- *pBlendDesc = CD3D11_BLEND_DESC( D3D11_DEFAULT );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SBlendBlock *pBlock = Data.pBlend + Index;
- if (pBlock->ApplyAssignments(GetTopLevelEntity()->pEffect))
- {
- pBlock->pAssignments[0].LastRecomputedTime = 0; // Force a recreate of this block the next time ApplyRenderStateBlock is called
- }
- memcpy( pBlendDesc, &pBlock->BackingStore, sizeof(D3D11_BLEND_DESC) );
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-bool TBlendVariable<IBaseInterface>::IsValid()
- uint32_t numElements = IsArray()? pType->Elements : 1;
- bool valid = true;
- while( numElements > 0 && ( valid = Data.pBlend[ numElements-1 ].IsValid ) )
- numElements--;
- return valid;
-// ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable (TDepthStencilVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TDepthStencilVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencilState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11DepthStencilState **ppState) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencilState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11DepthStencilState *pState) override;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetDepthStencilState)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetDepthStencilState(uint32_t Index, ID3D11DepthStencilState **ppState)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState";
- assert(Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject != 0);
- *ppState = Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppState);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetDepthStencilState(uint32_t Index, ID3D11DepthStencilState *pState)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilState::SetDepthStencilState";
- if( !Data.pDepthStencil[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- // Save original state object in case we UndoSet
- assert( pMemberData[Index].Type == MDT_DepthStencilState );
- VB( pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState == nullptr );
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState = Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject;
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject = nullptr;
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].IsUserManaged = true;
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( pState );
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject );
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject = pState;
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].IsValid = true;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilVariable<IBaseInterface>::UndoSetDepthStencilState(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilState::UndoSetDepthStencilState";
- if( !Data.pDepthStencil[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- // Revert to original state object
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject );
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject = pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState;
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedDepthStencilState = nullptr;
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].IsUserManaged = false;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TDepthStencilVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetBackingStore(uint32_t Index, D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC *pDepthStencilDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetBackingStore";
- CHECK_OBJECT_SCALAR_BOUNDS(Index, pDepthStencilDesc);
- if( Data.pDepthStencil[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- if( Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject )
- {
- Data.pDepthStencil[Index].pDSObject->GetDesc( pDepthStencilDesc );
- }
- else
- {
- *pDepthStencilDesc = CD3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC( D3D11_DEFAULT );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SDepthStencilBlock *pBlock = Data.pDepthStencil + Index;
- if (pBlock->ApplyAssignments(GetTopLevelEntity()->pEffect))
- {
- pBlock->pAssignments[0].LastRecomputedTime = 0; // Force a recreate of this block the next time ApplyRenderStateBlock is called
- }
- memcpy(pDepthStencilDesc, &pBlock->BackingStore, sizeof(D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC));
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-bool TDepthStencilVariable<IBaseInterface>::IsValid()
- uint32_t numElements = IsArray()? pType->Elements : 1;
- bool valid = true;
- while( numElements > 0 && ( valid = Data.pDepthStencil[ numElements-1 ].IsValid ) )
- numElements--;
- return valid;
-// ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable (TRasterizerVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TRasterizerVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetRasterizerState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11RasterizerState **ppState) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetRasterizerState)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11RasterizerState *pState) override;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetRasterizerState)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC *pDesc) override;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)() override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRasterizerVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetRasterizerState(uint32_t Index, ID3D11RasterizerState **ppState)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState";
- assert(Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject != 0);
- *ppState = Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppState);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRasterizerVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetRasterizerState(uint32_t Index, ID3D11RasterizerState *pState)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRasterizerState::SetRasterizerState";
- if( !Data.pRasterizer[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- // Save original state object in case we UndoSet
- assert( pMemberData[Index].Type == MDT_RasterizerState );
- VB( pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState == nullptr );
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState = Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject;
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject = nullptr;
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].IsUserManaged = true;
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( pState );
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject );
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject = pState;
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].IsValid = true;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRasterizerVariable<IBaseInterface>::UndoSetRasterizerState(uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRasterizerState::UndoSetRasterizerState";
- if( !Data.pRasterizer[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- // Revert to original state object
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject );
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject = pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState;
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedRasterizerState = nullptr;
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].IsUserManaged = false;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TRasterizerVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetBackingStore(uint32_t Index, D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC *pRasterizerDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::GetBackingStore";
- CHECK_OBJECT_SCALAR_BOUNDS(Index, pRasterizerDesc);
- if( Data.pRasterizer[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- if( Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject )
- {
- Data.pRasterizer[Index].pRasterizerObject->GetDesc( pRasterizerDesc );
- }
- else
- {
- *pRasterizerDesc = CD3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC( D3D11_DEFAULT );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SRasterizerBlock *pBlock = Data.pRasterizer + Index;
- if (pBlock->ApplyAssignments(GetTopLevelEntity()->pEffect))
- {
- pBlock->pAssignments[0].LastRecomputedTime = 0; // Force a recreate of this block the next time ApplyRenderStateBlock is called
- }
- memcpy(pRasterizerDesc, &pBlock->BackingStore, sizeof(D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC));
- }
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-bool TRasterizerVariable<IBaseInterface>::IsValid()
- uint32_t numElements = IsArray()? pType->Elements : 1;
- bool valid = true;
- while( numElements > 0 && ( valid = Data.pRasterizer[ numElements-1 ].IsValid ) )
- numElements--;
- return valid;
-// ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable (TSamplerVariable implementation)
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TSamplerVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD(GetSampler)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11SamplerState **ppSampler) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetSampler)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11SamplerState *pSampler) override;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetSampler)(_In_ uint32_t Index) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(_In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC *pDesc) override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TSamplerVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetSampler(uint32_t Index, ID3D11SamplerState **ppSampler)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler";
- _Analysis_assume_( Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject != 0 );
- *ppSampler = Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject;
- SAFE_ADDREF(*ppSampler);
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TSamplerVariable<IBaseInterface>::SetSampler(uint32_t Index, ID3D11SamplerState *pSampler)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectSamplerState::SetSampler";
- // Replace all references to the old shader block with this one
- GetEffect()->ReplaceSamplerReference(&Data.pSampler[Index], pSampler);
- if( !Data.pSampler[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- // Save original state object in case we UndoSet
- assert( pMemberData[Index].Type == MDT_SamplerState );
- VB( pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState == nullptr );
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState = Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject;
- Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject = nullptr;
- Data.pSampler[Index].IsUserManaged = true;
- }
- SAFE_ADDREF( pSampler );
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject );
- Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject = pSampler;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TSamplerVariable<IBaseInterface>::UndoSetSampler(_In_ uint32_t Index)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectSamplerState::UndoSetSampler";
- if( !Data.pSampler[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- // Replace all references to the old shader block with this one
- GetEffect()->ReplaceSamplerReference(&Data.pSampler[Index], pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState);
- // Revert to original state object
- SAFE_RELEASE( Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject );
- Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject = pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState;
- pMemberData[Index].Data.pD3DEffectsManagedSamplerState = nullptr;
- Data.pSampler[Index].IsUserManaged = false;
- return hr;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-HRESULT TSamplerVariable<IBaseInterface>::GetBackingStore(uint32_t Index, D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC *pDesc)
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::GetBackingStore";
- if( Data.pSampler[Index].IsUserManaged )
- {
- if( Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject )
- {
- Data.pSampler[Index].pD3DObject->GetDesc( pDesc );
- }
- else
- {
- *pDesc = CD3D11_SAMPLER_DESC( D3D11_DEFAULT );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SSamplerBlock *pBlock = Data.pSampler + Index;
- if (pBlock->ApplyAssignments(GetTopLevelEntity()->pEffect))
- {
- pBlock->pAssignments[0].LastRecomputedTime = 0; // Force a recreate of this block the next time ApplyRenderStateBlock is called
- }
- memcpy(pDesc, &pBlock->BackingStore.SamplerDesc, sizeof(D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC));
- }
- return hr;
-// TUncastableVariable
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-struct TUncastableVariable : public IBaseInterface
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable*, AsScalar)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable*, AsVector)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable*, AsMatrix)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectStringVariable*, AsString)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable*, AsClassInstance)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable*, AsInterface)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable*, AsShaderResource)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable*, AsUnorderedAccessView)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable*, AsRenderTargetView)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable*, AsDepthStencilView)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, AsConstantBuffer)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable*, AsShader)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable*, AsBlend)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable*, AsDepthStencil)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable*, AsRasterizer)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable*, AsSampler)() override;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsScalar()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsScalar";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidScalarVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsVector()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsVector";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidVectorVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsMatrix()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsMatrix";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidMatrixVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectStringVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsString()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsString";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidStringVariable;
-template<typename IBaseClassInstance>
-ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseClassInstance>::AsClassInstance()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsClassInstance";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidClassInstanceVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsInterface()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsInterface";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidInterfaceVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsShaderResource()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShaderResource";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidShaderResourceVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsUnorderedAccessView()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsUnorderedAccessView";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsRenderTargetView()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidRenderTargetViewVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsDepthStencilView()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidDepthStencilViewVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsConstantBuffer()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidConstantBuffer;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsShader()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShader";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidShaderVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsBlend()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsBlend";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidBlendVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsDepthStencil()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidDepthStencilVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsRasterizer()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRasterizer";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidRasterizerVariable;
-template<typename IBaseInterface>
-ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable * TUncastableVariable<IBaseInterface>::AsSampler()
- static LPCSTR pFuncName = "ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsSampler";
- DPF(0, "%s: Invalid typecast", pFuncName);
- return &g_InvalidSamplerVariable;
-// Macros to instantiate the myriad templates
-// generates a global variable, annotation, global variable member, and annotation member of each struct type
-#define GenerateReflectionClasses(Type, BaseInterface) \
-struct S##Type##GlobalVariable : public T##Type##Variable<TGlobalVariable<BaseInterface>, false> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##GlobalVariable, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable); }; \
-struct S##Type##Annotation : public T##Type##Variable<TAnnotation<BaseInterface>, true> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##Annotation, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable);}; \
-struct S##Type##GlobalVariableMember : public T##Type##Variable<TVariable<TMember<BaseInterface> >, false> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##GlobalVariableMember, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable); }; \
-struct S##Type##AnnotationMember : public T##Type##Variable<TVariable<TMember<BaseInterface> >, true> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##AnnotationMember, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-#define GenerateVectorReflectionClasses(Type, BaseType, BaseInterface) \
-struct S##Type##GlobalVariable : public TVectorVariable<TGlobalVariable<BaseInterface>, false, BaseType> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##GlobalVariable, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable); }; \
-struct S##Type##Annotation : public TVectorVariable<TAnnotation<BaseInterface>, true, BaseType> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##Annotation, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable);}; \
-struct S##Type##GlobalVariableMember : public TVectorVariable<TVariable<TMember<BaseInterface> >, false, BaseType> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##GlobalVariableMember, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable);}; \
-struct S##Type##AnnotationMember : public TVectorVariable<TVariable<TMember<BaseInterface> >, true, BaseType> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##AnnotationMember, BaseInterface, ID3DX11EffectVariable);};
-#define GenerateReflectionGlobalOnlyClasses(Type) \
-struct S##Type##GlobalVariable : public T##Type##Variable<TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11Effect##Type##Variable> > { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##GlobalVariable, ID3DX11Effect##Type##Variable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); }; \
-struct S##Type##GlobalVariableMember : public T##Type##Variable<TVariable<TMember<ID3DX11Effect##Type##Variable> > > { IUNKNOWN_IMP(S##Type##GlobalVariableMember, ID3DX11Effect##Type##Variable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); }; \
-GenerateReflectionClasses(Numeric, ID3DX11EffectVariable);
-GenerateReflectionClasses(FloatScalar, ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable);
-GenerateReflectionClasses(IntScalar, ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable);
-GenerateReflectionClasses(BoolScalar, ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable);
-GenerateVectorReflectionClasses(FloatVector, ETVT_Float, ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable);
-GenerateVectorReflectionClasses(BoolVector, ETVT_Bool, ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable);
-GenerateVectorReflectionClasses(IntVector, ETVT_Int, ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable);
-GenerateReflectionClasses(Matrix, ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable);
-GenerateReflectionClasses(String, ID3DX11EffectStringVariable);
-// Optimized matrix classes
-struct SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariable : public TMatrix4x4Variable<TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable>, true> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariable, ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-struct SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariable : public TMatrix4x4Variable<TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable>, false> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariable, ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-struct SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariableMember : public TMatrix4x4Variable<TVariable<TMember<ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable> >, true> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(SMatrix4x4ColumnMajorGlobalVariableMember, ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-struct SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariableMember : public TMatrix4x4Variable<TVariable<TMember<ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable> >, false> { IUNKNOWN_IMP(SMatrix4x4RowMajorGlobalVariableMember, ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-// Optimized vector classes
-struct SFloatVector4GlobalVariable : public TVector4Variable<TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable> > { IUNKNOWN_IMP(SFloatVector4GlobalVariable, ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-struct SFloatVector4GlobalVariableMember : public TVector4Variable<TVariable<TMember<ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable> > > { IUNKNOWN_IMP(SFloatVector4GlobalVariableMember, ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable); };
-// These 3 classes should never be used directly
-// The "base" global variable struct (all global variables should be the same size in bytes,
-// but we pick this as the default).
-struct SGlobalVariable : public TGlobalVariable<ID3DX11EffectVariable>
-// The "base" annotation struct (all annotations should be the same size in bytes,
-// but we pick this as the default).
-struct SAnnotation : public TAnnotation<ID3DX11EffectVariable>
-// The "base" variable member struct (all annotation/global variable members should be the
-// same size in bytes, but we pick this as the default).
-struct SMember : public TVariable<TMember<ID3DX11EffectVariable> >
-// creates a new variable of the appropriate polymorphic type where pVar was
-HRESULT PlacementNewVariable(_In_ void *pVar, _In_ SType *pType, _In_ bool IsAnnotation);
-SMember * CreateNewMember(_In_ SType *pType, _In_ bool IsAnnotation);
-#pragma warning(pop)
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-# Effects for Direct3D 11 (FX11)
-## Release History
-## August 17, 2022 (11.28)
-* CMake and MSBuild project updates
-## May 23, 2022 (11.27)
-* Add VS 2022 projects, retired VS 2017 projects
-* Update build switches for SDL recommendations
-* CMake project cleanup, added CMakePresets.json
-## December 2, 2021
-* Minor project cleanup
-## February 7, 2021
-* Added CMake project
-* Removed Windows Vista support
-* No code changes
-## June 1, 2020
-* Minor update to VS 2019 project
-* Retired VS 2015 projects
-* No code changes
-### April 26, 2019 (11.26)
-* Added VS 2019 desktop projects
-* VS 2017 updated for Windows 10 October 2018 Update SDK (17763)
-* Minor code cleanup
-### July 12, 2018 (11.25)
-* Added ``D3DX11DebugMute`` function
-* Minor project and code cleanup
-### May 31, 2018 (11.24)
-* VS 2017 updated for Windows 10 April 2018 Update SDK (17134)
-### May 11, 2018 (11.23)
-* Retired VS 2013 projects
-* Code cleanup
-### February 27, 2018 (11.22)
-* Minor code update
-### November 2, 2017 (11.21)
-* VS 2017 updated for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK (16299)
-### October 13, 2017 (11.20)
-* Updated for VS 2017 update 15.1 - 15.3 and Windows 10 SDK (15063)
-### March 10, 2017 (11.19)
-* Add VS 2017 projects
-* Minor code cleanup
-### September 15, 2016 (11.18)
-* Minor code cleanup
-### August 2, 2016 (11.17)
-* Updated for VS 2015 Update 3 and Windows 10 SDK (14393)
-* Added 'D' suffix to debug libraries per request
-### April 26, 2016 (11.16)
-* Retired VS 2012 projects
-* Minor code and project file cleanup
-### November 30, 2015 (11.15)
-* Updated for VS 2015 Update 1 and Windows 10 SDK (10586)
-### July 29, 2015 (11.14)
-* Updated for VS 2015 and Windows 10 SDK RTM
-* Retired VS 2010 projects
-### June 17, 2015 (11.13)
-* Fix for Get/SetFloatVectorArray with an offset
-### April 14, 2015 (11.12)
-* More updates for VS 2015
-### November 24, 2014 (11.11)
-* Updates for Visual Studio 2015 Technical Preview
-### July 15, 2014 (11.10)
-* Minor code review fixes
-### January 24, 2014 (11.09)
-* VS 2010 projects now require Windows 8.1 SDK
-* Added pragma for needed libs to public header
-* Minor code cleanup
-### October 21, 2013 (11.08)
-* Updated for Visual Studio 2013 and Windows 8.1 SDK RTM
-### July 16, 2013 (11.07)
-* Added VS 2013 Preview project files
-* Cleaned up project files
-* Fixed a number of /analyze issues
-### June 13, 2013 (11.06)
-* Added ``GetMatrixPointerArray``, ``GetMatrixTransposePointerArray``, ``SetMatrixPointerArray``, ``SetMatrixTransposePointerArray`` methods
-* Reverted back to ``BOOL`` in some cases because sizeof(bool)==1, sizeof(BOOL)==4
-* Some code-cleanup: minor SAL fix, removed bad assert, and added use of override keyword
-### February 22, 2013 (11.05)
-* Cleaned up some warning level 4 warnings
-### November 6, 2012 (11.04)
-* Added ``IUnknown`` as a base class for all Effects 11 interfaces to simplify use in managed interop sceanrios, although the lifetime for these objects is still based on the lifetime of the parent ID3DX11Effect object. Therefore reference counting is ignored for these interfaces.
- + ID3DX11EffectType, ID3DX11EffectVariable and derived classes, ID3DX11EffectPass, ID3DX11EffectTechnique, and ID3DX11EffectGroup
-### October 24, 2012 (11.03)
-* Removed the dependency on the D3DX11 headers, so FX11 no longer requires the legacy DirectX SDK to build.
-* It does require the d3dcompiler.h header from either the Windows 8.0 SDK or from the legacy DirectX SDK
-* Removed references to D3D10 constants and interfaces
-* Deleted the d3dx11dbg.cpp and d3dx11dbg.h files
-* Deleted the ``D3DX11_EFFECT_PASS`` flags which were never implemented
-* General C++ code cleanups (nullptr, C++ style casting, stdint.h types, Safer CRT, etc.) which are compatible with Visual C++ 2010 and 2012
-* SAL2 annotation and /analyze cleanup
-* Added population of Direct3D debug names for object naming support in PIX and the SDK debug layer
-* Added additional optional parameter to D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory to provide a debug name
-* Added ``D3DX11CreateEffectFromFile``,``D3DX11CompileEffectFromMemory``, and ``D3DX11CompileEffectFromFile``
-### June 2010 (11.02)
-The DirectX SDK (June 2010) included an update with some minor additional bug fixes. This also included the Effects 11-based sample DynamicShaderLinkageFX11. This is the last version to support Visual Studio 2008. The source code is located in ``Samples\C++\Effects11``.
-### February 2010 (11.01)
-An update was shipped with the DirectX SDK (February 2010). This fixed a problem with the library which prevented it from working correctly on 9.x and 10.x feature levels. This is the last version to support Visual Studio 2005. The source code is located in ``Samples\C++\Effects11``.
-### August 2009 (11.00)
-The initial release of Effects 11 (FX11) was in the DirectX SDK (August 2009). The source code is located in ``Utilities\Source\Effects11``. This is essentially the Effects 10 (FX10) system ported to Direct3D 11.0 with support for effects pools removed and support for groups added.
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/IUnknownImp.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/IUnknownImp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed3be4111f..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/IUnknownImp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// File: IUnknownImp.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects Helper for COM interop
-// Lifetime for most Effects objects is based on the the lifetime of the master
-// effect, so the reference count is not used.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#define IUNKNOWN_IMP(Class, Interface, BaseInterface) \
- \
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, _COM_Outptr_ LPVOID *ppv) override \
-{ \
- if( !ppv ) \
- return E_INVALIDARG; \
- \
- *ppv = nullptr; \
- if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown)) \
- { \
- *ppv = (IUnknown*)((Interface*)this); \
- } \
- else if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_##Interface)) \
- { \
- *ppv = (Interface *)this; \
- } \
- else if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_##BaseInterface)) \
- { \
- *ppv = (BaseInterface *)this; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- return E_NOINTERFACE; \
- } \
- \
- return S_OK; \
-} \
- \
-{ \
- return 1; \
-} \
- \
-{ \
- return 0; \
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/LICENSE b/lib/win32/Effects11/LICENSE
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Microsoft Corp
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
-software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
-without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
-merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
-or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/README.md b/lib/win32/Effects11/README.md
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-![DirectX Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/Microsoft/FX11/Dx_logo.GIF)
-# Effects for Direct3D 11 (FX11)
-Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-**August 17, 2022**
-Effects for Direct3D 11 (FX11) is a management runtime for authoring HLSL shaders, render state, and runtime variables together.
-This code is designed to build with Visual Studio 2019 (16.11 or later) or Visual Studio 2022. Use of the Windows 10 May 2020 Update SDK ([19041](https://walbourn.github.io/windows-10-may-2020-update-sdk/)) or later is required.
-These components are designed to work without requiring any content from the legacy DirectX SDK. For details, see [Where is the DirectX SDK?](https://aka.ms/dxsdk).
-*This project is 'archived'. It is still available for use for legacy projects or when using older developer education materials, but use of it for new projects is not recommended.*
-## Disclaimer
-Effects 11 is being provided as a porting aid for older code that makes use of the Effects 10 (FX10) API or Effects 9 (FX9)
-API in the deprecated D3DX9 library. See [Microsoft Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d11/d3d11-graphics-programming-guide-effects-differences) for a list of differences compared to the Effects 10 (FX10) library.
-The Effects 11 library is for use in Win32 desktop applications. FX11 requires the D3DCompiler API be available at runtime
-to provide shader reflection functionality, and this API is not deployable for Windows Store apps on Windows 8.0, Windows RT,
-or Windows phone 8.0.
-The fx_5_0 profile support in the HLSL compiler is deprecated, and does not fully support DirectX 11.1 HLSL features
-such as minimum precision types. It is supported in the Windows 8.1 SDK version of the HLSL compiler (FXC.EXE) and
-D3DCompile API (46), is supported but generates a deprecation warning with D3DCompile API (47). The fx profiles
-are not supported by the DXIL (DXC.EXE) compiler.
-## Documentation
-Documentation is available on the [GitHub wiki](https://github.com/Microsoft/FX11/wiki).
-## Notices
-All content and source code for this package are subject to the terms of the [MIT License](https://github.com/microsoft/FX11/blob/main/LICENSE).
-## Support
-For questions, consider using [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/d3dx) with the *d3dx* tag.
-## Contributing
-This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
-## Trademarks
-This project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft trademarks or logos is subject to and must follow [Microsoft's Trademark & Brand Guidelines](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/trademarks/usage/general). Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship. Any use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party's policies.
-## Credits
-The Effects library for Direct3D 9 (FX9) was the work of Loren McQuade with contributions from Relja Markovic.
-The Effects library for Direct3D 10 (FX10) was the work of John Rapp and Kutta Srinivasan as a rewrite of the FX9 library with contributions from Anuj Gosalia, Kev Gee, Sam Glassenberg, Relja Markovic, and Ian McIntyre.
-The Effects library for Direct3D 11 (FX11) is the work of Ian McIntyre based on FX10 with contributions from Michael Oneppo and Chuck Walbourn.
-## Samples
-* Direct3D Tutorial 11-14
-* BasicHLSLFX11, DynamicShaderLinkageFX11, FixedFuncEMUFX11, InstancingFX11
-These are hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/walbourn/directx-sdk-samples)
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-## Security
-Microsoft takes the security of our software products and services seriously, which includes all source code repositories managed through our GitHub organizations, which include [Microsoft](https://github.com/Microsoft), [Azure](https://github.com/Azure), [DotNet](https://github.com/dotnet), [AspNet](https://github.com/aspnet), [Xamarin](https://github.com/xamarin), and [our GitHub organizations](https://opensource.microsoft.com/).
-If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in any Microsoft-owned repository that meets [Microsoft's definition of a security vulnerability](https://aka.ms/opensource/security/definition), please report it to us as described below.
-## Reporting Security Issues
-**Please do not report security vulnerabilities through public GitHub issues.**
-Instead, please report them to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) at [https://msrc.microsoft.com/create-report](https://aka.ms/opensource/security/create-report).
-If you prefer to submit without logging in, send email to [secure@microsoft.com](mailto:secure@microsoft.com). If possible, encrypt your message with our PGP key; please download it from the [Microsoft Security Response Center PGP Key page](https://aka.ms/opensource/security/pgpkey).
-You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Additional information can be found at [microsoft.com/msrc](https://aka.ms/opensource/security/msrc).
-Please include the requested information listed below (as much as you can provide) to help us better understand the nature and scope of the possible issue:
- * Type of issue (e.g. buffer overflow, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, etc.)
- * Full paths of source file(s) related to the manifestation of the issue
- * The location of the affected source code (tag/branch/commit or direct URL)
- * Any special configuration required to reproduce the issue
- * Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue
- * Proof-of-concept or exploit code (if possible)
- * Impact of the issue, including how an attacker might exploit the issue
-This information will help us triage your report more quickly.
-If you are reporting for a bug bounty, more complete reports can contribute to a higher bounty award. Please visit our [Microsoft Bug Bounty Program](https://aka.ms/opensource/security/bounty) page for more details about our active programs.
-## Preferred Languages
-We prefer all communications to be in English.
-## Policy
-Microsoft follows the principle of [Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure](https://aka.ms/opensource/security/cvd).
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/d3dxGlobal.cpp b/lib/win32/Effects11/d3dxGlobal.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e22e48b3a..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/d3dxGlobal.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-// File: d3dxGlobal.cpp
-// Direct3D 11 Effects implementation for helper data structures
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#include "pchfx.h"
-#include <intsafe.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-namespace D3DX11Core
-// CMemoryStream - A class to simplify reading binary data
-CMemoryStream::CMemoryStream() noexcept :
- m_pData(nullptr),
- m_cbData(0),
- m_readPtr(0)
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::SetData(const void *pData, size_t size)
- m_pData = (uint8_t*) pData;
- m_cbData = size;
- m_readPtr = 0;
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::ReadAtOffset(size_t offset, size_t size, void **ppData)
- if (offset >= m_cbData)
- return E_FAIL;
- m_readPtr = offset;
- return Read(ppData, size);
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::ReadAtOffset(size_t offset, LPCSTR *ppString)
- if (offset >= m_cbData)
- return E_FAIL;
- m_readPtr = offset;
- return Read(ppString);
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::Read(void **ppData, size_t size)
- size_t temp = m_readPtr + size;
- if (temp < m_readPtr || temp > m_cbData)
- return E_FAIL;
- *ppData = m_pData + m_readPtr;
- m_readPtr = temp;
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::Read(uint32_t *pDword)
- uint32_t *pTempDword;
- hr = Read((void**) &pTempDword, sizeof(uint32_t));
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return E_FAIL;
- *pDword = *pTempDword;
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::Read(LPCSTR *ppString)
- size_t iChar=m_readPtr;
- for(; m_pData[iChar]; iChar++)
- {
- if (iChar > m_cbData)
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- *ppString = (LPCSTR) (m_pData + m_readPtr);
- m_readPtr = iChar;
- return S_OK;
-size_t CMemoryStream::GetPosition()
- return m_readPtr;
-HRESULT CMemoryStream::Seek(_In_ size_t offset)
- if (offset > m_cbData)
- return E_FAIL;
- m_readPtr = offset;
- return S_OK;
-// CDataBlock - used to dynamically build up the effect file in memory
-CDataBlock::CDataBlock() noexcept :
- m_size(0),
- m_maxSize(0),
- m_pData(nullptr),
- m_pNext(nullptr),
- m_IsAligned(false)
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pNext);
-void CDataBlock::EnableAlignment()
- m_IsAligned = true;
-HRESULT CDataBlock::AddData(const void *pvNewData, uint32_t bufferSize, CDataBlock **ppBlock)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- uint32_t bytesToCopy;
- const uint8_t *pNewData = (const uint8_t*) pvNewData;
- if (m_maxSize == 0)
- {
- // This is a brand new DataBlock, fill it up
- m_maxSize = std::max<uint32_t>(8192, bufferSize);
- VN( m_pData = new uint8_t[m_maxSize] );
- }
- assert(m_pData == AlignToPowerOf2(m_pData, c_DataAlignment));
- bytesToCopy = std::min(m_maxSize - m_size, bufferSize);
- memcpy(m_pData + m_size, pNewData, bytesToCopy);
- pNewData += bytesToCopy;
- if (m_IsAligned)
- {
- assert(m_size == AlignToPowerOf2(m_size, c_DataAlignment));
- m_size += AlignToPowerOf2(bytesToCopy, c_DataAlignment);
- }
- else
- {
- m_size += bytesToCopy;
- }
- bufferSize -= bytesToCopy;
- *ppBlock = this;
- if (bufferSize != 0)
- {
- assert(nullptr == m_pNext); // make sure we're not overwriting anything
- // Couldn't fit all data into this block, spill over into next
- VN( m_pNext = new CDataBlock() );
- if (m_IsAligned)
- {
- m_pNext->EnableAlignment();
- }
- VH( m_pNext->AddData(pNewData, bufferSize, ppBlock) );
- }
- return hr;
-void* CDataBlock::Allocate(uint32_t bufferSize, CDataBlock **ppBlock)
- void *pRetValue;
- uint32_t temp = m_size + bufferSize;
- if (temp < m_size)
- return nullptr;
- *ppBlock = this;
- if (m_maxSize == 0)
- {
- // This is a brand new DataBlock, fill it up
- m_maxSize = std::max<uint32_t>(8192, bufferSize);
- m_pData = new uint8_t[m_maxSize];
- if (!m_pData)
- return nullptr;
- memset(m_pData, 0xDD, m_maxSize);
- }
- else if (temp > m_maxSize)
- {
- assert(nullptr == m_pNext); // make sure we're not overwriting anything
- // Couldn't fit data into this block, spill over into next
- m_pNext = new CDataBlock();
- if (!m_pNext)
- return nullptr;
- if (m_IsAligned)
- {
- m_pNext->EnableAlignment();
- }
- return m_pNext->Allocate(bufferSize, ppBlock);
- }
- assert(m_pData == AlignToPowerOf2(m_pData, c_DataAlignment));
- pRetValue = m_pData + m_size;
- if (m_IsAligned)
- {
- assert(m_size == AlignToPowerOf2(m_size, c_DataAlignment));
- m_size = AlignToPowerOf2(temp, c_DataAlignment);
- }
- else
- {
- m_size = temp;
- }
- return pRetValue;
-CDataBlockStore::CDataBlockStore() noexcept :
- m_pFirst(nullptr),
- m_pLast(nullptr),
- m_Size(0),
- m_Offset(0),
- m_IsAligned(false)
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- m_cAllocations = 0;
- // Can't just do SAFE_DELETE(m_pFirst) since it blows the stack when deleting long chains of data
- CDataBlock* pData = m_pFirst;
- while(pData)
- {
- CDataBlock* pCurrent = pData;
- pData = pData->m_pNext;
- pCurrent->m_pNext = nullptr;
- delete pCurrent;
- }
- // m_pLast will be deleted automatically
-void CDataBlockStore::EnableAlignment()
- m_IsAligned = true;
-HRESULT CDataBlockStore::AddString(LPCSTR pString, uint32_t *pOffset)
- size_t strSize = strlen(pString) + 1;
- assert( strSize <= 0xffffffff );
- return AddData(pString, (uint32_t)strSize, pOffset);
-HRESULT CDataBlockStore::AddData(const void *pNewData, uint32_t bufferSize, uint32_t *pCurOffset)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (bufferSize == 0)
- {
- if (pCurOffset)
- {
- *pCurOffset = 0;
- }
- goto lExit;
- }
- if (!m_pFirst)
- {
- VN( m_pFirst = new CDataBlock() );
- if (m_IsAligned)
- {
- m_pFirst->EnableAlignment();
- }
- m_pLast = m_pFirst;
- }
- if (pCurOffset)
- *pCurOffset = m_Size + m_Offset;
- VH( m_pLast->AddData(pNewData, bufferSize, &m_pLast) );
- m_Size += bufferSize;
- return hr;
-void* CDataBlockStore::Allocate(_In_ uint32_t bufferSize)
- void *pRetValue = nullptr;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- m_cAllocations++;
- if (!m_pFirst)
- {
- m_pFirst = new CDataBlock();
- if (!m_pFirst)
- return nullptr;
- if (m_IsAligned)
- {
- m_pFirst->EnableAlignment();
- }
- m_pLast = m_pFirst;
- }
- if (FAILED(UIntAdd(m_Size, bufferSize, &m_Size)))
- return nullptr;
- pRetValue = m_pLast->Allocate(bufferSize, &m_pLast);
- if (!pRetValue)
- return nullptr;
- return pRetValue;
-uint32_t CDataBlockStore::GetSize()
- return m_Size;
-static bool s_mute = false;
-bool D3DX11DebugMute(bool mute)
- bool previous = s_mute;
- s_mute = mute;
- return previous;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-void __cdecl D3DXDebugPrintf(UINT lvl, LPCSTR szFormat, ...)
- if (s_mute)
- return;
- char strA[4096] = {};
- char strB[4096] = {};
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, szFormat);
- vsprintf_s(strA, sizeof(strA), szFormat, ap);
- strA[4095] = '\0';
- va_end(ap);
- sprintf_s(strB, sizeof(strB), "Effects11: %s\r\n", strA);
- strB[4095] = '\0';
- OutputDebugStringA(strB);
-#endif // _DEBUG
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/inc/d3dx11effect.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/inc/d3dx11effect.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a17da1ff..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/inc/d3dx11effect.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1212 +0,0 @@
-// File: D3DX11Effect.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effect Types & APIs Header
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#define D3DX11_EFFECTS_VERSION 1128
-#if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE)
-#include <d3d11_x.h>
-#define NO_D3D11_DEBUG_NAME
-#include <d3d11_1.h>
-#include <d3d11shader.h>
-#pragma comment( lib, "d3dcompiler.lib" )
-#pragma comment( lib, "dxguid.lib" )
-#include <stdint.h>
-// File contents:
-// 1) Stateblock enums, structs, interfaces, flat APIs
-// 2) Effect enums, structs, interfaces, flat APIs
-#define D3DX11_BYTES_FROM_BITS(x) (((x) + 7) / 8)
-#endif // D3DX11_BYTES_FROM_BITS
-#define D3DERR_INVALIDCALL MAKE_HRESULT( 1, 0x876, 2156 )
- uint8_t VS;
- uint8_t HS;
- uint8_t DS;
- uint8_t GS;
- uint8_t PS;
- uint8_t PSUnorderedAccessViews;
- uint8_t CS;
- uint8_t CSUnorderedAccessViews;
- uint8_t IAIndexBuffer;
- uint8_t IAInputLayout;
- uint8_t IAPrimitiveTopology;
- uint8_t OMRenderTargets;
- uint8_t OMDepthStencilState;
- uint8_t OMBlendState;
- uint8_t RSViewports;
- uint8_t RSScissorRects;
- uint8_t RSRasterizerState;
- uint8_t SOBuffers;
- uint8_t Predication;
-// D3DX11_EFFECT flags:
-// -------------------------------------
-// These flags are passed in when creating an effect, and affect
-// the runtime effect behavior:
-// (Currently none)
-// These flags are set by the effect runtime:
-// This effect has been optimized. Reflection functions that rely on
-// names/semantics/strings should fail. This is set when Optimize() is
-// called, but CEffect::IsOptimized() should be used to test for this.
-// This effect is a clone of another effect. Single CBs will never be
-// updated when internal variable values are changed.
-// This flag is not set when the D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE_FORCE_NONSINGLE flag
-// is used in cloning.
-#define D3DX11_EFFECT_OPTIMIZED (1 << 21)
-#define D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE (1 << 22)
-// Mask of valid D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT flags for D3DX11CreateEffect*
-// ----------------------------
-// These flags describe an effect variable (global or annotation),
-// and are returned in D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC::Flags.
-// Indicates that this is an annotation on a technique, pass, or global
-// variable. Otherwise, this is a global variable. Annotations cannot
-// be shared.
-// Indicates that the variable has been explicitly bound using the
-// register keyword.
-// D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE flags:
-// ----------------------------
-// These flags modify the effect cloning process and are passed into Clone.
-// Ignore all "single" qualifiers on cbuffers. All cbuffers will have their
-// own ID3D11Buffer's created in the cloned effect.
-// ID3DX11EffectType //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectType::GetDesc()
- LPCSTR TypeName; // Name of the type
- // (e.g. "float4" or "MyStruct")
- D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS Class; // (e.g. scalar, vector, object, etc.)
- D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE Type; // (e.g. float, texture, vertexshader, etc.)
- uint32_t Elements; // Number of elements in this type
- // (0 if not an array)
- uint32_t Members; // Number of members
- // (0 if not a structure)
- uint32_t Rows; // Number of rows in this type
- // (0 if not a numeric primitive)
- uint32_t Columns; // Number of columns in this type
- // (0 if not a numeric primitive)
- uint32_t PackedSize; // Number of bytes required to represent
- // this data type, when tightly packed
- uint32_t UnpackedSize; // Number of bytes occupied by this data
- // type, when laid out in a constant buffer
- uint32_t Stride; // Number of bytes to seek between elements,
- // when laid out in a constant buffer
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectType ID3DX11EffectType;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectType *LPD3D11EFFECTTYPE;
-// {4250D721-D5E5-491F-B62B-587C43186285}
- 0x4250d721, 0xd5e5, 0x491f, 0xb6, 0x2b, 0x58, 0x7c, 0x43, 0x18, 0x62, 0x85);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectType
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectType, IUnknown)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectType
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetMemberTypeBySemantic)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberName)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(LPCSTR, GetMemberSemantic)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectVariable //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc()
- LPCSTR Name; // Name of this variable, annotation,
- // or structure member
- LPCSTR Semantic; // Semantic string of this variable
- // or structure member (nullptr for
- // annotations or if not present)
- uint32_t Flags; // D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_* flags
- uint32_t Annotations; // Number of annotations on this variable
- // (always 0 for annotations)
- uint32_t BufferOffset; // Offset into containing cbuffer or tbuffer
- // (always 0 for annotations or variables
- // not in constant buffers)
- uint32_t ExplicitBindPoint; // Used if the variable has been explicitly bound
- // using the register keyword. Check Flags for
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectVariable ID3DX11EffectVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTVARIABLE;
-// {036A777D-B56E-4B25-B313-CC3DDAB71873}
- 0x036a777d, 0xb56e, 0x4b25, 0xb3, 0x13, 0xcc, 0x3d, 0xda, 0xb7, 0x18, 0x73);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectVariable
-// Forward defines
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectStringVariable ID3DX11EffectStringVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable;
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectVariable, IUnknown)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectType*, GetType)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetMemberBySemantic)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetElement)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetParentConstantBuffer)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable*, AsScalar)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable*, AsVector)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable*, AsMatrix)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectStringVariable*, AsString)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable*, AsClassInstance)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable*, AsInterface)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable*, AsShaderResource)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable*, AsUnorderedAccessView)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable*, AsRenderTargetView)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable*, AsDepthStencilView)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, AsConstantBuffer)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable*, AsShader)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable*, AsBlend)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable*, AsDepthStencil)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable*, AsRasterizer)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable*, AsSampler)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetRawValue)(THIS_ _In_reads_bytes_(ByteCount) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t ByteOffset, _In_ uint32_t ByteCount) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetRawValue)(THIS_ _Out_writes_bytes_(ByteCount) void *pData, _In_ uint32_t ByteOffset, _In_ uint32_t ByteCount) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTSCALARVARIABLE;
-// {921EF2E5-A65D-4E92-9FC6-4E9CC09A4ADE}
- 0x921ef2e5, 0xa65d, 0x4e92, 0x9f, 0xc6, 0x4e, 0x9c, 0xc0, 0x9a, 0x4a, 0xde);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(THIS_ _In_ const float Value) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloat)(THIS_ _Out_ float *pValue) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetInt)(THIS_ _In_ const int Value) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetInt)(THIS_ _Out_ int *pValue) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetBool)(THIS_ _In_ const bool Value) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBool)(THIS_ _Out_ bool *pValue) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTVECTORVARIABLE;
-// {5E785D4A-D87B-48D8-B6E6-0F8CA7E7467A}
- 0x5e785d4a, 0xd87b, 0x48d8, 0xb6, 0xe6, 0x0f, 0x8c, 0xa7, 0xe7, 0x46, 0x7a);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolVector) (THIS_ _In_reads_(4) const bool *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntVector) (THIS_ _In_reads_(4) const int *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVector)(THIS_ _In_reads_(4) const float *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolVector) (THIS_ _Out_writes_(4) bool *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntVector) (THIS_ _Out_writes_(4) int *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVector)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(4) float *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetBoolVectorArray) (THIS_ _In_reads_(Count*4) const bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetIntVectorArray) (THIS_ _In_reads_(Count*4) const int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetFloatVectorArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count*4) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBoolVectorArray) (THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count*4) bool *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetIntVectorArray) (THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count*4) int *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetFloatVectorArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count*4) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTMATRIXVARIABLE;
-// {E1096CF4-C027-419A-8D86-D29173DC803E}
- 0xe1096cf4, 0xc027, 0x419a, 0x8d, 0x86, 0xd2, 0x91, 0x73, 0xdc, 0x80, 0x3e);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrix)(THIS_ _In_reads_(16) const float *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrix)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(16) float *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count*16) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count*16) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixPointerArray)(_In_reads_(Count*16) const float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixPointerArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*16) float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTranspose)(THIS_ _In_reads_(16) const float *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTranspose)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(16) float *pData) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposeArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count*16) const float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposeArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count*16) float *pData, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(_In_reads_(Count*16) const float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(_Out_writes_(Count*16) float **ppData, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectStringVariable ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectStringVariable ID3DX11EffectStringVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectStringVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTSTRINGVARIABLE;
-// {F355C818-01BE-4653-A7CC-60FFFEDDC76D}
- 0xf355c818, 0x01be, 0x4653, 0xa7, 0xcc, 0x60, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xdd, 0xc7, 0x6d);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectStringVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectStringVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectStringVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetString)(THIS_ _Outptr_result_z_ LPCSTR *ppString) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetStringArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) LPCSTR *ppStrings, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable ////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTCLASSINSTANCEVARIABLE;
-// {926A8053-2A39-4DB4-9BDE-CF649ADEBDC1}
- 0x926a8053, 0x2a39, 0x4db4, 0x9b, 0xde, 0xcf, 0x64, 0x9a, 0xde, 0xbd, 0xc1);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetClassInstance)(_Outptr_ ID3D11ClassInstance** ppClassInstance) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable ////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTINTERFACEVARIABLE;
-// {516C8CD8-1C80-40A4-B19B-0688792F11A5}
- 0x516c8cd8, 0x1c80, 0x40a4, 0xb1, 0x9b, 0x06, 0x88, 0x79, 0x2f, 0x11, 0xa5);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetClassInstance)(_In_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable *pEffectClassInstance) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetClassInstance)(_Outptr_ ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable **ppEffectClassInstance) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable ////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTSHADERRESOURCEVARIABLE;
-// {350DB233-BBE0-485C-9BFE-C0026B844F89}
- 0x350db233, 0xbbe0, 0x485c, 0x9b, 0xfe, 0xc0, 0x02, 0x6b, 0x84, 0x4f, 0x89);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetResource)(THIS_ _In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetResource)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetResourceArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetResourceArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable ////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTUNORDEREDACCESSVIEWVARIABLE;
-// {79B4AC8C-870A-47D2-B05A-8BD5CC3EE6C9}
- 0x79b4ac8c, 0x870a, 0x47d2, 0xb0, 0x5a, 0x8b, 0xd5, 0xcc, 0x3e, 0xe6, 0xc9);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetUnorderedAccessView)(THIS_ _In_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView *pResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetUnorderedAccessView)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetUnorderedAccessViewArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetUnorderedAccessViewArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11UnorderedAccessView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable //////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTRENDERTARGETVIEWVARIABLE;
-// {D5066909-F40C-43F8-9DB5-057C2A208552}
- 0xd5066909, 0xf40c, 0x43f8, 0x9d, 0xb5, 0x05, 0x7c, 0x2a, 0x20, 0x85, 0x52);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetRenderTarget)(THIS_ _In_ ID3D11RenderTargetView *pResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetRenderTarget)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetRenderTargetArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetRenderTargetArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11RenderTargetView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable //////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTDEPTHSTENCILVIEWVARIABLE;
-// {33C648AC-2E9E-4A2E-9CD6-DE31ACC5B347}
- 0x33c648ac, 0x2e9e, 0x4a2e, 0x9c, 0xd6, 0xde, 0x31, 0xac, 0xc5, 0xb3, 0x47);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencil)(THIS_ _In_ ID3D11DepthStencilView *pResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencil)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResource) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencilArray)(THIS_ _In_reads_(Count) ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencilArray)(THIS_ _Out_writes_(Count) ID3D11DepthStencilView **ppResources, _In_ uint32_t Offset, _In_ uint32_t Count) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer *LPD3D11EFFECTCONSTANTBUFFER;
-// {2CB6C733-82D2-4000-B3DA-6219D9A99BF2}
- 0x2cb6c733, 0x82d2, 0x4000, 0xb3, 0xda, 0x62, 0x19, 0xd9, 0xa9, 0x9b, 0xf2);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer
- STDMETHOD(SetConstantBuffer)(THIS_ _In_ ID3D11Buffer *pConstantBuffer) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetConstantBuffer)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetConstantBuffer)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11Buffer **ppConstantBuffer) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetTextureBuffer)(THIS_ _In_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pTextureBuffer) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetTextureBuffer)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetTextureBuffer)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **ppTextureBuffer) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable ////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc()
- const uint8_t *pInputSignature; // Passed into CreateInputLayout,
- // valid on VS and GS only
- bool IsInline; // Is this an anonymous shader variable
- // resulting from an inline shader assignment?
- // -- The following fields are not valid after Optimize() --
- const uint8_t *pBytecode; // Shader bytecode
- uint32_t BytecodeLength;
- LPCSTR SODecls[D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT]; // Stream out declaration string (for GS with SO)
- uint32_t RasterizedStream;
- uint32_t NumInputSignatureEntries; // Number of entries in the input signature
- uint32_t NumOutputSignatureEntries; // Number of entries in the output signature
- uint32_t NumPatchConstantSignatureEntries; // Number of entries in the patch constant signature
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTSHADERVARIABLE;
-// {7508B344-020A-4EC7-9118-62CDD36C88D7}
- 0x7508b344, 0x020a, 0x4ec7, 0x91, 0x18, 0x62, 0xcd, 0xd3, 0x6c, 0x88, 0xd7);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetShaderDesc)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Out_ D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShader)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11VertexShader **ppVS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShader)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11GeometryShader **ppGS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShader)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader **ppPS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShader)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11HullShader **ppHS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShader)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11DomainShader **ppDS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShader)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _Outptr_ ID3D11ComputeShader **ppCS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetInputSignatureElementDesc)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetOutputSignatureElementDesc)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t ShaderIndex, _In_ uint32_t Element, _Out_ D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTBLENDVARIABLE;
-// {D664F4D7-3B81-4805-B277-C1DF58C39F53}
- 0xd664f4d7, 0x3b81, 0x4805, 0xb2, 0x77, 0xc1, 0xdf, 0x58, 0xc3, 0x9f, 0x53);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetBlendState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11BlendState **ppState) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetBlendState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11BlendState *pState) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetBlendState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_BLEND_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable //////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTDEPTHSTENCILVARIABLE;
-// {69B5751B-61A5-48E5-BD41-D93988111563}
- 0x69b5751b, 0x61a5, 0x48e5, 0xbd, 0x41, 0xd9, 0x39, 0x88, 0x11, 0x15, 0x63);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetDepthStencilState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11DepthStencilState **ppState) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetDepthStencilState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11DepthStencilState *pState) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetDepthStencilState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable ////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTRASTERIZERVARIABLE;
-// {53A262F6-5F74-4151-A132-E3DD19A62C9D}
- 0x53a262f6, 0x5f74, 0x4151, 0xa1, 0x32, 0xe3, 0xdd, 0x19, 0xa6, 0x2c, 0x9d);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetRasterizerState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11RasterizerState **ppState) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetRasterizerState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11RasterizerState *pState) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetRasterizerState)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable ///////////////////////////////////////////////
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable *LPD3D11EFFECTSAMPLERVARIABLE;
-// {C6402E55-1095-4D95-8931-F92660513DD9}
- 0xc6402e55, 0x1095, 0x4d95, 0x89, 0x31, 0xf9, 0x26, 0x60, 0x51, 0x3d, 0xd9);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable, ID3DX11EffectVariable)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectVariable
- // ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable
- STDMETHOD(GetSampler)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Outptr_ ID3D11SamplerState **ppSampler) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(SetSampler)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _In_ ID3D11SamplerState *pSampler) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(UndoSetSampler)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetBackingStore)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index, _Out_ D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectPass //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDesc()
-struct D3DX11_PASS_DESC
- LPCSTR Name; // Name of this pass (nullptr if not anonymous)
- uint32_t Annotations; // Number of annotations on this pass
- uint8_t *pIAInputSignature; // Signature from VS or GS (if there is no VS)
- // or nullptr if neither exists
- size_t IAInputSignatureSize; // Singature size in bytes
- uint32_t StencilRef; // Specified in SetDepthStencilState()
- uint32_t SampleMask; // Specified in SetBlendState()
- FLOAT BlendFactor[4]; // Specified in SetBlendState()
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectPass::Get**ShaderDesc()
- ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable *pShaderVariable; // The variable that this shader came from.
- // If this is an inline shader assignment,
- // the returned interface will be an
- // anonymous shader variable, which is
- // not retrievable any other way. It's
- // name in the variable description will
- // be "$Anonymous".
- // If there is no assignment of this type in
- // the pass block, pShaderVariable != nullptr,
- // but pShaderVariable->IsValid() == false.
- uint32_t ShaderIndex; // The element of pShaderVariable (if an array)
- // or 0 if not applicable
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectPass ID3DX11EffectPass;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectPass *LPD3D11EFFECTPASS;
-// {3437CEC4-4AC1-4D87-8916-F4BD5A41380C}
- 0x3437cec4, 0x4ac1, 0x4d87, 0x89, 0x16, 0xf4, 0xbd, 0x5a, 0x41, 0x38, 0x0c);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectPass
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectPass, IUnknown)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectPass
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetVertexShaderDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetGeometryShaderDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetPixelShaderDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetHullShaderDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetDomainShaderDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetComputeShaderDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(Apply)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Flags, _In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(ComputeStateBlockMask)(THIS_ _Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectTechnique /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetDesc()
- LPCSTR Name; // Name of this technique (nullptr if not anonymous)
- uint32_t Passes; // Number of passes contained within
- uint32_t Annotations; // Number of annotations on this technique
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectTechnique ID3DX11EffectTechnique;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectTechnique *LPD3D11EFFECTTECHNIQUE;
-// {51198831-1F1D-4F47-BD76-41CB0835B1DE}
- 0x51198831, 0x1f1d, 0x4f47, 0xbd, 0x76, 0x41, 0xcb, 0x08, 0x35, 0xb1, 0xde);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectTechnique
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique, IUnknown)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectTechnique
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectPass*, GetPassByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectPass*, GetPassByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(ComputeStateBlockMask)(THIS_ _Inout_ D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK *pStateBlockMask) PURE;
-// ID3DX11EffectTechnique /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetDesc()
-struct D3DX11_GROUP_DESC
- LPCSTR Name; // Name of this group (only nullptr if global)
- uint32_t Techniques; // Number of techniques contained within
- uint32_t Annotations; // Number of annotations on this group
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectGroup ID3DX11EffectGroup;
-typedef interface ID3DX11EffectGroup *LPD3D11EFFECTGROUP;
-// {03074acf-97de-485f-b201-cb775264afd6}
- 0x03074acf, 0x97de, 0x485f, 0xb2, 0x01, 0xcb, 0x77, 0x52, 0x64, 0xaf, 0xd6);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11EffectGroup
-DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DX11EffectGroup, IUnknown)
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11EffectGroup
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetAnnotationByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
-// ID3DX11Effect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Retrieved by ID3DX11Effect::GetDesc()
-struct D3DX11_EFFECT_DESC
- uint32_t ConstantBuffers; // Number of constant buffers in this effect
- uint32_t GlobalVariables; // Number of global variables in this effect
- uint32_t InterfaceVariables; // Number of global interfaces in this effect
- uint32_t Techniques; // Number of techniques in this effect
- uint32_t Groups; // Number of groups in this effect
-typedef interface ID3DX11Effect ID3DX11Effect;
-typedef interface ID3DX11Effect *LPD3D11EFFECT;
-// {FA61CA24-E4BA-4262-9DB8-B132E8CAE319}
- 0xfa61ca24, 0xe4ba, 0x4262, 0x9d, 0xb8, 0xb1, 0x32, 0xe8, 0xca, 0xe3, 0x19);
-#define INTERFACE ID3DX11Effect
- // IUnknown
- // ID3DX11Effect
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsValid)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(GetDevice)(THIS_ _Outptr_ ID3D11Device** ppDevice) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetConstantBufferByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer*, GetConstantBufferByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetVariableByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetVariableByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectVariable*, GetVariableBySemantic)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Semantic) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectGroup*, GetGroupByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectGroup*, GetGroupByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByIndex)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Index) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3DX11EffectTechnique*, GetTechniqueByName)(THIS_ _In_z_ LPCSTR Name) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ID3D11ClassLinkage*, GetClassLinkage)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(CloneEffect)(THIS_ _In_ uint32_t Flags, _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect** ppClonedEffect ) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(bool, IsOptimized)(THIS) PURE;
-// APIs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif //__cplusplus
-// D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory
-// Creates an effect instance from a compiled effect in memory
-// Parameters:
-// [in]
-// pData
-// Blob of compiled effect data
-// DataLength
-// Length of the data blob
-// FXFlags
-// Flags pertaining to Effect creation
-// pDevice
-// Pointer to the D3D11 device on which to create Effect resources
-// srcName [optional]
-// ASCII string to use for debug object naming
-// [out]
-// ppEffect
-// Address of the newly created Effect interface
-HRESULT WINAPI D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(DataLength) LPCVOID pData,
- _In_ SIZE_T DataLength,
- _In_ UINT FXFlags,
- _In_ ID3D11Device *pDevice,
- _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect,
- _In_opt_z_ LPCSTR srcName = nullptr );
-// D3DX11CreateEffectFromFile
-// Creates an effect instance from a compiled effect data file
-// Parameters:
-// [in]
-// pFileName
-// Compiled effect file
-// FXFlags
-// Flags pertaining to Effect creation
-// pDevice
-// Pointer to the D3D11 device on which to create Effect resources
-// [out]
-// ppEffect
-// Address of the newly created Effect interface
-HRESULT WINAPI D3DX11CreateEffectFromFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR pFileName,
- _In_ UINT FXFlags,
- _In_ ID3D11Device *pDevice,
- _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect );
-// D3DX11CompileEffectFromMemory
-// Complies an effect shader source file in memory and then creates an effect instance
-// Parameters:
-// [in]
-// pData
-// Pointer to FX shader as an ASCII string
-// DataLength
-// Length of the FX shader ASCII string
-// srcName [optional]
-// ASCII string to use for debug object naming
-// pDefines [optional]
-// A NULL-terminated array of shader macros
-// pInclude [optional]
-// A pointer to an include interface
-// HLSLFlags
-// HLSL compile options (see D3DCOMPILE flags)
-// FXFlags
-// Flags pertaining to Effect compilation (see D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT flags)
-// pDevice
-// Pointer to the D3D11 device on which to create Effect resources
-// [out]
-// ppEffect
-// Address of the newly created Effect interface
-HRESULT D3DX11CompileEffectFromMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(DataLength) LPCVOID pData,
- _In_ SIZE_T DataLength,
- _In_opt_z_ LPCSTR srcName,
- _In_opt_ const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *pDefines,
- _In_opt_ ID3DInclude *pInclude,
- _In_ UINT HLSLFlags,
- _In_ UINT FXFlags,
- _In_ ID3D11Device *pDevice,
- _Out_ ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect,
- _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ ID3DBlob **ppErrors );
-// D3DX11CompileEffectFromFile
-// Complies an effect shader source file and then creates an effect instance
-// Parameters:
-// [in]
-// pFileName
-// FX shader source file
-// pDefines [optional]
-// A NULL-terminated array of shader macros
-// pInclude [optional]
-// A pointer to an include interface
-// HLSLFlags
-// HLSL compile options (see D3DCOMPILE flags)
-// FXFlags
-// Flags pertaining to Effect compilation (see D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT flags)
-// pDevice
-// Pointer to the D3D11 device on which to create Effect resources
-// [out]
-// ppEffect
-// Address of the newly created Effect interface
-HRESULT D3DX11CompileEffectFromFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR pFileName,
- _In_opt_ const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *pDefines,
- _In_opt_ ID3DInclude *pInclude,
- _In_ UINT HLSLFlags,
- _In_ UINT FXFlags,
- _In_ ID3D11Device *pDevice,
- _Out_ ID3DX11Effect **ppEffect,
- _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ ID3DBlob **ppErrors );
-// D3DX11DebugMute
-// Controls the output of diagnostic information in DEBUG builds. No effect
-// in RELEASE builds.
-// Returns the previous state so you can do temporary suppression like:
-// bool oldmute = D3DX11DebugMute(true);
-// ...
-// D3DX11DebugMute(oldmute);
-bool D3DX11DebugMute(bool mute);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif //__cplusplus
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/inc/d3dxGlobal.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/inc/d3dxGlobal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2018c1951b..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/inc/d3dxGlobal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1290 +0,0 @@
-// File: D3DXGlobal.h
-// Direct3D 11 Effects helper defines and data structures
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-namespace D3DX11Debug
- // Helper sets a D3D resource name string (used by PIX and debug layer leak reporting).
- inline void SetDebugObjectName(_In_ ID3D11DeviceChild* resource, _In_z_ const char *name )
- {
- #if !defined(NO_D3D11_DEBUG_NAME) && ( defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PROFILE) )
- resource->SetPrivateData( WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName, static_cast<UINT>(strlen(name)), name );
- #else
- #endif
- }
- template<UINT TNameLength>
- inline void SetDebugObjectName(_In_ ID3D11DeviceChild* resource, _In_z_ const char (&name)[TNameLength])
- {
- #if !defined(NO_D3D11_DEBUG_NAME) && ( defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PROFILE) )
- resource->SetPrivateData(WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName, TNameLength - 1, name);
- #else
- #endif
- }
-using namespace D3DX11Debug;
-#define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if (p) { (p)->Release(); (p) = nullptr; } }
-#define SAFE_ADDREF(p) { if (p) { (p)->AddRef(); } }
-#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { delete [](p); p = nullptr; }
-#define SAFE_DELETE(p) { delete (p); p = nullptr; }
-#define __BREAK_ON_FAIL { __debugbreak(); }
-#define __BREAK_ON_FAIL
-#define VA(x, action) { hr = (x); if (FAILED(hr)) { action; __BREAK_ON_FAIL; return hr; } }
-#define VNA(x,action) { if (!(x)) { action; __BREAK_ON_FAIL; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto lExit; } }
-#define VBA(x,action) { if (!(x)) { action; __BREAK_ON_FAIL; hr = E_FAIL; goto lExit; } }
-#define VHA(x,action) { hr = (x); if (FAILED(hr)) { action; __BREAK_ON_FAIL; goto lExit; } }
-#define V(x) { VA (x, 0) }
-#define VN(x) { VNA(x, 0) }
-#define VB(x) { VBA(x, 0) }
-#define VH(x) { VHA(x, 0) }
-#define VBD(x,str) { VBA(x, DPF(1,str)) }
-#define VHD(x,str) { VHA(x, DPF(1,str)) }
-#define VEASSERT(x) { hr = (x); if (FAILED(hr)) { __BREAK_ON_FAIL; assert(!#x); goto lExit; } }
-#define VNASSERT(x) { if (!(x)) { __BREAK_ON_FAIL; assert(!#x); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto lExit; } }
-#define D3DX11FLTASSIGN(a,b) { *reinterpret_cast< UINT32* >(&(a)) = *reinterpret_cast< UINT32* >(&(b)); }
-// Preferred data alignment -- must be a power of 2!
-static const uint32_t c_DataAlignment = sizeof(UINT_PTR);
-inline uint32_t AlignToPowerOf2(uint32_t Value, uint32_t Alignment)
- assert((Alignment & (Alignment - 1)) == 0);
- // to align to 2^N, add 2^N - 1 and AND with all but lowest N bits set
- _Analysis_assume_(Alignment > 0 && Value < MAXDWORD - Alignment);
- return (Value + Alignment - 1) & (~(Alignment - 1));
-inline void * AlignToPowerOf2(void *pValue, UINT_PTR Alignment)
- assert((Alignment & (Alignment - 1)) == 0);
- // to align to 2^N, add 2^N - 1 and AND with all but lowest N bits set
- return (void *)(((UINT_PTR)pValue + Alignment - 1) & (~((UINT_PTR)Alignment - 1)));
-namespace D3DX11Core
-// CMemoryStream - A class to simplify reading binary data
-class CMemoryStream
- uint8_t *m_pData;
- size_t m_cbData;
- size_t m_readPtr;
- HRESULT SetData(_In_reads_bytes_(size) const void *pData, _In_ size_t size);
- HRESULT Read(_Out_ uint32_t *pUint);
- HRESULT Read(_Outptr_result_buffer_(size) void **ppData, _In_ size_t size);
- HRESULT Read(_Outptr_ LPCSTR *ppString);
- HRESULT ReadAtOffset(_In_ size_t offset, _In_ size_t size, _Outptr_result_buffer_(size) void **ppData);
- HRESULT ReadAtOffset(_In_ size_t offset, _Outptr_result_z_ LPCSTR *ppString);
- size_t GetPosition();
- HRESULT Seek(_In_ size_t offset);
- CMemoryStream() noexcept;
- ~CMemoryStream();
-#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(_M_X64) && !defined(_M_ARM64)
-namespace D3DX11Debug
-// This variable indicates how many ticks to go before rolling over
-// all of the timer variables in the FX system.
-// It is read from the system registry in debug builds; in retail the high bit is simply tested.
-_declspec(selectany) unsigned int g_TimerRolloverCount = 0x80000000;
-#endif // _DEBUG && !_M_X64
-// CEffectVector - A vector implementation
-template<class T> class CEffectVector
-#if _DEBUG
- T *m_pCastData; // makes debugging easier to have a casted version of the data
-#endif // _DEBUG
- uint8_t *m_pData;
- uint32_t m_MaxSize;
- uint32_t m_CurSize;
- HRESULT Grow()
- {
- return Reserve(m_CurSize + 1);
- }
- HRESULT Reserve(_In_ uint32_t DesiredSize)
- {
- if (DesiredSize > m_MaxSize)
- {
- uint8_t *pNewData;
- uint32_t newSize = std::max(m_MaxSize * 2, DesiredSize);
- if (newSize < 16)
- newSize = 16;
- if ((newSize < m_MaxSize) || (newSize < m_CurSize) || (newSize >= UINT_MAX / sizeof(T)))
- {
- m_hLastError = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- return m_hLastError;
- }
- pNewData = new uint8_t[newSize * sizeof(T)];
- if (pNewData == nullptr)
- {
- m_hLastError = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- return m_hLastError;
- }
- if (m_pData)
- {
- memcpy(pNewData, m_pData, m_CurSize * sizeof(T));
- delete []m_pData;
- }
- m_pData = pNewData;
- m_MaxSize = newSize;
- }
-#if _DEBUG
- m_pCastData = (T*) m_pData;
-#endif // _DEBUG
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT m_hLastError;
- CEffectVector<T>() noexcept :
-#if _DEBUG
- m_pCastData(nullptr),
- m_pData(nullptr),
- m_CurSize(0),
- m_MaxSize(0),
- m_hLastError(S_OK)
- {
- }
- ~CEffectVector<T>()
- {
- Clear();
- }
- // cleanly swaps two vectors -- useful for when you want
- // to reallocate a vector and copy data over, then swap them back
- void SwapVector(_Out_ CEffectVector<T> &vOther)
- {
- uint8_t tempData[sizeof(*this)];
- memcpy(tempData, this, sizeof(*this));
- memcpy(this, &vOther, sizeof(*this));
- memcpy(&vOther, tempData, sizeof(*this));
- }
- HRESULT CopyFrom(_In_ const CEffectVector<T> &vOther)
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- Clear();
- VN( m_pData = new uint8_t[vOther.m_MaxSize * sizeof(T)] );
- m_CurSize = vOther.m_CurSize;
- m_MaxSize = vOther.m_MaxSize;
- m_hLastError = vOther.m_hLastError;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CurSize; ++ i)
- {
- ((T*)m_pData)[i] = ((T*)vOther.m_pData)[i];
- }
-#if _DEBUG
- m_pCastData = (T*) m_pData;
-#endif // _DEBUG
- return hr;
- }
- void Clear()
- {
- Empty();
- m_MaxSize = 0;
-#if _DEBUG
- m_pCastData = nullptr;
-#endif // _DEBUG
- }
- void ClearWithoutDestructor()
- {
- m_CurSize = 0;
- m_hLastError = S_OK;
- m_MaxSize = 0;
-#if _DEBUG
- m_pCastData = nullptr;
-#endif // _DEBUG
- }
- void Empty()
- {
- // manually invoke destructor on all elements
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CurSize; ++ i)
- {
- ((T*)m_pData + i)->~T();
- }
- m_CurSize = 0;
- m_hLastError = S_OK;
- }
- T* Add()
- {
- if (FAILED(Grow()))
- return nullptr;
- // placement new
- return new((T*)m_pData + (m_CurSize ++)) T;
- }
- T* AddRange(_In_ uint32_t count)
- {
- if (m_CurSize + count < m_CurSize)
- {
- m_hLastError = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- return nullptr;
- }
- if (FAILED(Reserve(m_CurSize + count)))
- return nullptr;
- T *pData = (T*)m_pData + m_CurSize;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++ i)
- {
- new(pData + i) T;
- }
- m_CurSize += count;
- return pData;
- }
- HRESULT Add(_In_ const T& var)
- {
- if (FAILED(Grow()))
- return m_hLastError;
- memcpy((T*)m_pData + m_CurSize, &var, sizeof(T));
- m_CurSize++;
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT AddRange(_In_reads_(count) const T *pVar, _In_ uint32_t count)
- {
- if (m_CurSize + count < m_CurSize)
- {
- m_hLastError = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- return m_hLastError;
- }
- if (FAILED(Reserve(m_CurSize + count)))
- return m_hLastError;
- memcpy((T*)m_pData + m_CurSize, pVar, count * sizeof(T));
- m_CurSize += count;
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT Insert(_In_ const T& var, _In_ uint32_t index)
- {
- assert(index < m_CurSize);
- if (FAILED(Grow()))
- return m_hLastError;
- memmove((T*)m_pData + index + 1, (T*)m_pData + index, (m_CurSize - index) * sizeof(T));
- memcpy((T*)m_pData + index, &var, sizeof(T));
- m_CurSize++;
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT InsertRange(_In_reads_(count) const T *pVar, _In_ uint32_t index, _In_ uint32_t count)
- {
- assert(index < m_CurSize);
- if (m_CurSize + count < m_CurSize)
- {
- m_hLastError = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- return m_hLastError;
- }
- if (FAILED(Reserve(m_CurSize + count)))
- return m_hLastError;
- memmove((T*)m_pData + index + count, (T*)m_pData + index, (m_CurSize - index) * sizeof(T));
- memcpy((T*)m_pData + index, pVar, count * sizeof(T));
- m_CurSize += count;
- return S_OK;
- }
- inline T& operator[](_In_ size_t index)
- {
- assert(index < m_CurSize);
- return ((T*)m_pData)[index];
- }
- // Deletes element at index and shifts all other values down
- void Delete(_In_ uint32_t index)
- {
- assert(index < m_CurSize);
- -- m_CurSize;
- memmove((T*)m_pData + index, (T*)m_pData + index + 1, (m_CurSize - index) * sizeof(T));
- }
- // Deletes element at index and moves the last element into its place
- void QuickDelete(_In_ uint32_t index)
- {
- assert(index < m_CurSize);
- -- m_CurSize;
- memcpy((T*)m_pData + index, (T*)m_pData + m_CurSize, sizeof(T));
- }
- inline uint32_t GetSize() const
- {
- return m_CurSize;
- }
- inline T* GetData() const
- {
- return (T*)m_pData;
- }
- uint32_t FindIndexOf(_In_ const void *pEntry) const
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CurSize; ++ i)
- {
- if (((T*)m_pData + i) == pEntry)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- void Sort(int (__cdecl *pfnCompare)(const void *pElem1, const void *pElem2))
- {
- qsort(m_pData, m_CurSize, sizeof(T), pfnCompare);
- }
-// CEffectVectorOwner - implements a vector of ptrs to objects. The vector owns the objects.
-template<class T> class CEffectVectorOwner : public CEffectVector<T*>
- ~CEffectVectorOwner<T>()
- {
- Clear();
- for (size_t i=0; i<m_CurSize; i++)
- SAFE_DELETE(((T**)m_pData)[i]);
- }
- void Clear()
- {
- Empty();
- m_MaxSize = 0;
- }
- void Empty()
- {
- // manually invoke destructor on all elements
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_CurSize; ++ i)
- {
- SAFE_DELETE(((T**)m_pData)[i]);
- }
- m_CurSize = 0;
- m_hLastError = S_OK;
- }
- void Delete(_In_ uint32_t index)
- {
- assert(index < m_CurSize);
- SAFE_DELETE(((T**)m_pData)[index]);
- CEffectVector<T*>::Delete(index);
- }
-// Checked uint32_t, uint64_t
-// Use CheckedNumber only with uint32_t and uint64_t
-template <class T, T MaxValue> class CheckedNumber
- T m_Value;
- bool m_bValid;
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue>() noexcept :
- m_Value(0),
- m_bValid(true)
- {
- }
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue>(const T &value) : m_Value(value), m_bValid(true)
- {
- }
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue>(const CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &value) : m_bValid(value.m_bValid), m_Value(value.m_Value)
- {
- }
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &operator+(const CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &other)
- {
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> Res(*this);
- return Res+=other;
- }
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &operator+=(const CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &other)
- {
- if (!other.m_bValid)
- {
- m_bValid = false;
- }
- else
- {
- m_Value += other.m_Value;
- if (m_Value < other.m_Value)
- m_bValid = false;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &operator*(const CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &other)
- {
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> Res(*this);
- return Res*=other;
- }
- CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &operator*=(const CheckedNumber<T, MaxValue> &other)
- {
- if (!other.m_bValid)
- {
- m_bValid = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (other.m_Value != 0)
- {
- if (m_Value > MaxValue / other.m_Value)
- {
- m_bValid = false;
- }
- }
- m_Value *= other.m_Value;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- HRESULT GetValue(_Out_ T *pValue)
- {
- if (!m_bValid)
- {
- *pValue = uint32_t(-1);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- *pValue = m_Value;
- return S_OK;
- }
-typedef CheckedNumber<uint32_t, _UI32_MAX> CCheckedDword;
-typedef CheckedNumber<uint64_t, _UI64_MAX> CCheckedDword64;
-// Data Block Store - A linked list of allocations
-class CDataBlock
- uint32_t m_size;
- uint32_t m_maxSize;
- uint8_t *m_pData;
- CDataBlock *m_pNext;
- bool m_IsAligned; // Whether or not to align the data to c_DataAlignment
- // AddData appends an existing use buffer to the data block
- HRESULT AddData(_In_reads_bytes_(bufferSize) const void *pNewData, _In_ uint32_t bufferSize, _Outptr_ CDataBlock **ppBlock);
- // Allocate reserves bufferSize bytes of contiguous memory and returns a pointer to the user
- _Success_(return != nullptr)
- void* Allocate(_In_ uint32_t bufferSize, _Outptr_ CDataBlock **ppBlock);
- void EnableAlignment();
- CDataBlock() noexcept;
- ~CDataBlock();
- friend class CDataBlockStore;
-class CDataBlockStore
- CDataBlock *m_pFirst;
- CDataBlock *m_pLast;
- uint32_t m_Size;
- uint32_t m_Offset; // m_Offset gets added to offsets returned from AddData & AddString. Use this to set a global for the entire string block
- bool m_IsAligned; // Whether or not to align the data to c_DataAlignment
-#if _DEBUG
- uint32_t m_cAllocations;
- HRESULT AddString(_In_z_ LPCSTR pString, _Inout_ uint32_t *pOffset);
- // Writes a null-terminated string to buffer
- HRESULT AddData(_In_reads_bytes_(bufferSize) const void *pNewData, _In_ uint32_t bufferSize, _Inout_ uint32_t *pOffset);
- // Writes data block to buffer
- // Memory allocator support
- void* Allocate(_In_ uint32_t bufferSize);
- uint32_t GetSize();
- void EnableAlignment();
- CDataBlockStore() noexcept;
- ~CDataBlockStore();
-// Custom allocator that uses CDataBlockStore
-// The trick is that we never free, so we don't have to keep as much state around
-// Use PRIVATENEW in CEffectLoader
-inline void* __cdecl operator new(_In_ size_t s, _In_ CDataBlockStore &pAllocator)
-#ifdef _M_X64
- assert( s <= 0xffffffff );
- return pAllocator.Allocate( (uint32_t)s );
-inline void __cdecl operator delete(_In_opt_ void* p, _In_ CDataBlockStore &pAllocator)
-// Hash table
-#define HASH_MIX(a,b,c) \
-{ \
- a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>13); \
- b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<8); \
- c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>13); \
- a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>12); \
- b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<16); \
- c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>5); \
- a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>3); \
- b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<10); \
- c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>15); \
-static uint32_t ComputeHash(_In_reads_bytes_(cbToHash) const uint8_t *pb, _In_ uint32_t cbToHash)
- uint32_t cbLeft = cbToHash;
- uint32_t a;
- uint32_t b;
- a = b = 0x9e3779b9; // the golden ratio; an arbitrary value
- uint32_t c = 0;
- while (cbLeft >= 12)
- {
- const uint32_t *pdw = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(pb);
- a += pdw[0];
- b += pdw[1];
- c += pdw[2];
- HASH_MIX(a,b,c);
- pb += 12;
- cbLeft -= 12;
- }
- c += cbToHash;
- switch(cbLeft) // all the case statements fall through
- {
- case 11: c+=((uint32_t) pb[10] << 24);
- case 10: c+=((uint32_t) pb[9] << 16);
- case 9 : c+=((uint32_t) pb[8] << 8);
- // the first byte of c is reserved for the length
- case 8 : b+=((uint32_t) pb[7] << 24);
- case 7 : b+=((uint32_t) pb[6] << 16);
- case 6 : b+=((uint32_t) pb[5] << 8);
- case 5 : b+=pb[4];
- case 4 : a+=((uint32_t) pb[3] << 24);
- case 3 : a+=((uint32_t) pb[2] << 16);
- case 2 : a+=((uint32_t) pb[1] << 8);
- case 1 : a+=pb[0];
- }
- HASH_MIX(a,b,c);
- return c;
-static uint32_t ComputeHashLower(_In_reads_bytes_(cbToHash) const uint8_t *pb, _In_ uint32_t cbToHash)
- uint32_t cbLeft = cbToHash;
- uint32_t a;
- uint32_t b;
- a = b = 0x9e3779b9; // the golden ratio; an arbitrary value
- uint32_t c = 0;
- while (cbLeft >= 12)
- {
- uint8_t pbT[12];
- for( size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
- pbT[i] = (uint8_t)tolower(pb[i]);
- uint32_t *pdw = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(pbT);
- a += pdw[0];
- b += pdw[1];
- c += pdw[2];
- HASH_MIX(a,b,c);
- pb += 12;
- cbLeft -= 12;
- }
- c += cbToHash;
- uint8_t pbT[12];
- for( size_t i = 0; i < cbLeft; i++ )
- pbT[i] = (uint8_t)tolower(pb[i]);
- switch(cbLeft) // all the case statements fall through
- {
- case 11: c+=((uint32_t) pbT[10] << 24);
- case 10: c+=((uint32_t) pbT[9] << 16);
- case 9 : c+=((uint32_t) pbT[8] << 8);
- // the first byte of c is reserved for the length
- case 8 : b+=((uint32_t) pbT[7] << 24);
- case 7 : b+=((uint32_t) pbT[6] << 16);
- case 6 : b+=((uint32_t) pbT[5] << 8);
- case 5 : b+=pbT[4];
- case 4 : a+=((uint32_t) pbT[3] << 24);
- case 3 : a+=((uint32_t) pbT[2] << 16);
- case 2 : a+=((uint32_t) pbT[1] << 8);
- case 1 : a+=pbT[0];
- }
- HASH_MIX(a,b,c);
- return c;
-static uint32_t ComputeHash(_In_z_ LPCSTR pString)
- return ComputeHash(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(pString), (uint32_t)strlen(pString));
-// 1) these numbers are prime
-// 2) each is slightly less than double the last
-// 4) each is roughly in between two powers of 2;
-// (2^n hash table sizes are VERY BAD; they effectively truncate your
-// precision down to the n least significant bits of the hash)
-static const uint32_t c_PrimeSizes[] =
- 11,
- 23,
- 53,
- 97,
- 193,
- 389,
- 769,
- 1543,
- 3079,
- 6151,
- 12289,
- 24593,
- 49157,
- 98317,
- 196613,
- 393241,
- 786433,
- 1572869,
- 3145739,
- 6291469,
- 12582917,
- 25165843,
- 50331653,
- 100663319,
- 201326611,
- 402653189,
- 805306457,
- 1610612741,
-template<typename T, bool (*pfnIsEqual)(const T &Data1, const T &Data2)>
-class CEffectHashTable
- struct SHashEntry
- {
- uint32_t Hash;
- T Data;
- SHashEntry *pNext;
- };
- // Array of hash entries
- SHashEntry **m_rgpHashEntries;
- uint32_t m_NumHashSlots;
- uint32_t m_NumEntries;
- bool m_bOwnHashEntryArray;
- class CIterator
- {
- friend class CEffectHashTable;
- protected:
- SHashEntry **ppHashSlot;
- SHashEntry *pHashEntry;
- public:
- T GetData()
- {
- assert(pHashEntry != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pHashEntry != 0);
- return pHashEntry->Data;
- }
- uint32_t GetHash()
- {
- assert(pHashEntry != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pHashEntry != 0);
- return pHashEntry->Hash;
- }
- };
- CEffectHashTable() noexcept :
- m_rgpHashEntries(nullptr),
- m_NumHashSlots(0),
- m_NumEntries(0),
- m_bOwnHashEntryArray(false)
- {
- }
- HRESULT Initialize(_In_ const CEffectHashTable *pOther)
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SHashEntry **rgpNewHashEntries = nullptr;
- uint32_t valuesMigrated = 0;
- uint32_t actualSize;
- Cleanup();
- actualSize = pOther->m_NumHashSlots;
- VN( rgpNewHashEntries = new SHashEntry*[actualSize] );
- ZeroMemory(rgpNewHashEntries, sizeof(SHashEntry*) * actualSize);
- // Expensive operation: rebuild the hash table
- CIterator iter, nextIter;
- pOther->GetFirstEntry(&iter);
- while (!pOther->PastEnd(&iter))
- {
- uint32_t index = iter.GetHash() % actualSize;
- // we need to advance to the next element
- // before we seize control of this element and move
- // it to the new table
- nextIter = iter;
- pOther->GetNextEntry(&nextIter);
- // seize this hash entry, migrate it to the new table
- SHashEntry *pNewEntry;
- VN( pNewEntry = new SHashEntry );
- pNewEntry->pNext = rgpNewHashEntries[index];
- pNewEntry->Data = iter.pHashEntry->Data;
- pNewEntry->Hash = iter.pHashEntry->Hash;
- rgpNewHashEntries[index] = pNewEntry;
- iter = nextIter;
- ++ valuesMigrated;
- }
- assert(valuesMigrated == pOther->m_NumEntries);
- m_rgpHashEntries = rgpNewHashEntries;
- m_NumHashSlots = actualSize;
- m_NumEntries = pOther->m_NumEntries;
- m_bOwnHashEntryArray = true;
- rgpNewHashEntries = nullptr;
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( rgpNewHashEntries );
- return hr;
- }
- void CleanArray()
- {
- if (m_bOwnHashEntryArray)
- {
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_rgpHashEntries);
- m_bOwnHashEntryArray = false;
- }
- }
- void Cleanup()
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_NumHashSlots; ++ i)
- {
- SHashEntry *pCurrentEntry = m_rgpHashEntries[i];
- SHashEntry *pTempEntry;
- while (nullptr != pCurrentEntry)
- {
- pTempEntry = pCurrentEntry->pNext;
- SAFE_DELETE(pCurrentEntry);
- pCurrentEntry = pTempEntry;
- -- m_NumEntries;
- }
- }
- CleanArray();
- m_NumHashSlots = 0;
- assert(m_NumEntries == 0);
- }
- ~CEffectHashTable()
- {
- Cleanup();
- }
- static uint32_t GetNextHashTableSize(_In_ uint32_t DesiredSize)
- {
- // figure out the next logical size to use
- for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(c_PrimeSizes); ++i )
- {
- if (c_PrimeSizes[i] >= DesiredSize)
- {
- return c_PrimeSizes[i];
- }
- }
- return DesiredSize;
- }
- // O(n) function
- // Grows to the next suitable size (based off of the prime number table)
- // DesiredSize is merely a suggestion
- HRESULT Grow(_In_ uint32_t DesiredSize,
- _In_ uint32_t ProvidedArraySize = 0,
- _In_reads_opt_(ProvidedArraySize) void** ProvidedArray = nullptr,
- _In_ bool OwnProvidedArray = false)
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SHashEntry **rgpNewHashEntries = nullptr;
- uint32_t valuesMigrated = 0;
- uint32_t actualSize;
- VB( DesiredSize > m_NumHashSlots );
- actualSize = GetNextHashTableSize(DesiredSize);
- if (ProvidedArray &&
- ProvidedArraySize >= actualSize)
- {
- rgpNewHashEntries = reinterpret_cast<SHashEntry**>(ProvidedArray);
- }
- else
- {
- OwnProvidedArray = true;
- VN( rgpNewHashEntries = new SHashEntry*[actualSize] );
- }
- ZeroMemory(rgpNewHashEntries, sizeof(SHashEntry*) * actualSize);
- // Expensive operation: rebuild the hash table
- CIterator iter, nextIter;
- GetFirstEntry(&iter);
- while (!PastEnd(&iter))
- {
- uint32_t index = iter.GetHash() % actualSize;
- // we need to advance to the next element
- // before we seize control of this element and move
- // it to the new table
- nextIter = iter;
- GetNextEntry(&nextIter);
- // seize this hash entry, migrate it to the new table
- iter.pHashEntry->pNext = rgpNewHashEntries[index];
- rgpNewHashEntries[index] = iter.pHashEntry;
- iter = nextIter;
- ++ valuesMigrated;
- }
- assert(valuesMigrated == m_NumEntries);
- CleanArray();
- m_rgpHashEntries = rgpNewHashEntries;
- m_NumHashSlots = actualSize;
- m_bOwnHashEntryArray = OwnProvidedArray;
- return hr;
- }
- HRESULT AutoGrow()
- {
- // arbitrary heuristic -- grow if 1:1
- if (m_NumEntries >= m_NumHashSlots)
- {
- // grows this hash table so that it is roughly 50% full
- return Grow(m_NumEntries * 2 + 1);
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
-#if _DEBUG
- void PrintHashTableStats()
- {
- if (m_NumHashSlots == 0)
- {
- DPF(0, "Uninitialized hash table!");
- return;
- }
- float variance = 0.0f;
- float mean = (float)m_NumEntries / (float)m_NumHashSlots;
- uint32_t unusedSlots = 0;
- DPF(0, "Hash table slots: %d, Entries in table: %d", m_NumHashSlots, m_NumEntries);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_NumHashSlots; ++ i)
- {
- uint32_t entries = 0;
- SHashEntry *pCurrentEntry = m_rgpHashEntries[i];
- while (nullptr != pCurrentEntry)
- {
- SHashEntry *pCurrentEntry2 = m_rgpHashEntries[i];
- // check other hash entries in this slot for hash collisions or duplications
- while (pCurrentEntry2 != pCurrentEntry)
- {
- if (pCurrentEntry->Hash == pCurrentEntry2->Hash)
- {
- if (pfnIsEqual(pCurrentEntry->Data, pCurrentEntry2->Data))
- {
- assert(0);
- DPF(0, "Duplicate entry (identical hash, identical data) found!");
- }
- else
- {
- DPF(0, "Hash collision (hash: %d)", pCurrentEntry->Hash);
- }
- }
- pCurrentEntry2 = pCurrentEntry2->pNext;
- }
- pCurrentEntry = pCurrentEntry->pNext;
- ++ entries;
- }
- if (0 == entries)
- {
- ++ unusedSlots;
- }
- // mean must be greater than 0 at this point
- variance += (float)entries * (float)entries / mean;
- }
- variance /= std::max(1.0f, (m_NumHashSlots - 1));
- variance -= (mean * mean);
- DPF(0, "Mean number of entries per slot: %f, Standard deviation: %f, Unused slots; %d", mean, variance, unusedSlots);
- }
-#endif // _DEBUG
- // S_OK if element is found, E_FAIL otherwise
- HRESULT FindValueWithHash(_In_ T Data, _In_ uint32_t Hash, _Out_ CIterator *pIterator)
- {
- assert(m_NumHashSlots > 0);
- uint32_t index = Hash % m_NumHashSlots;
- SHashEntry *pEntry = m_rgpHashEntries[index];
- while (nullptr != pEntry)
- {
- if (Hash == pEntry->Hash && pfnIsEqual(pEntry->Data, Data))
- {
- pIterator->ppHashSlot = m_rgpHashEntries + index;
- pIterator->pHashEntry = pEntry;
- return S_OK;
- }
- pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
- }
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // S_OK if element is found, E_FAIL otherwise
- HRESULT FindFirstMatchingValue(_In_ uint32_t Hash, _Out_ CIterator *pIterator)
- {
- assert(m_NumHashSlots > 0);
- uint32_t index = Hash % m_NumHashSlots;
- SHashEntry *pEntry = m_rgpHashEntries[index];
- while (nullptr != pEntry)
- {
- if (Hash == pEntry->Hash)
- {
- pIterator->ppHashSlot = m_rgpHashEntries + index;
- pIterator->pHashEntry = pEntry;
- return S_OK;
- }
- pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
- }
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Adds data at the specified hash slot without checking for existence
- HRESULT AddValueWithHash(_In_ T Data, _In_ uint32_t Hash)
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert(m_NumHashSlots > 0);
- SHashEntry *pHashEntry;
- uint32_t index = Hash % m_NumHashSlots;
- VN( pHashEntry = new SHashEntry );
- pHashEntry->pNext = m_rgpHashEntries[index];
- pHashEntry->Data = Data;
- pHashEntry->Hash = Hash;
- m_rgpHashEntries[index] = pHashEntry;
- ++ m_NumEntries;
- return hr;
- }
- // Iterator code:
- //
- // CMyHashTable::CIterator myIt;
- // for (myTable.GetFirstEntry(&myIt); !myTable.PastEnd(&myIt); myTable.GetNextEntry(&myIt)
- // { myTable.GetData(&myIt); }
- void GetFirstEntry(_Out_ CIterator *pIterator)
- {
- SHashEntry **ppEnd = m_rgpHashEntries + m_NumHashSlots;
- pIterator->ppHashSlot = m_rgpHashEntries;
- while (pIterator->ppHashSlot < ppEnd)
- {
- if (nullptr != *(pIterator->ppHashSlot))
- {
- pIterator->pHashEntry = *(pIterator->ppHashSlot);
- return;
- }
- ++ pIterator->ppHashSlot;
- }
- }
- bool PastEnd(_Inout_ CIterator *pIterator)
- {
- SHashEntry **ppEnd = m_rgpHashEntries + m_NumHashSlots;
- assert(pIterator->ppHashSlot >= m_rgpHashEntries && pIterator->ppHashSlot <= ppEnd);
- return (pIterator->ppHashSlot == ppEnd);
- }
- void GetNextEntry(_Inout_ CIterator *pIterator)
- {
- SHashEntry **ppEnd = m_rgpHashEntries + m_NumHashSlots;
- assert(pIterator->ppHashSlot >= m_rgpHashEntries && pIterator->ppHashSlot <= ppEnd);
- assert(pIterator->pHashEntry != 0);
- _Analysis_assume_(pIterator->pHashEntry != 0);
- pIterator->pHashEntry = pIterator->pHashEntry->pNext;
- if (nullptr != pIterator->pHashEntry)
- {
- return;
- }
- ++ pIterator->ppHashSlot;
- while (pIterator->ppHashSlot < ppEnd)
- {
- pIterator->pHashEntry = *(pIterator->ppHashSlot);
- if (nullptr != pIterator->pHashEntry)
- {
- return;
- }
- ++ pIterator->ppHashSlot;
- }
- // hit the end of the list, ppHashSlot == ppEnd
- }
- void RemoveEntry(_Inout_ CIterator *pIterator)
- {
- SHashEntry *pTemp;
- SHashEntry **ppPrev;
- SHashEntry **ppEnd = m_rgpHashEntries + m_NumHashSlots;
- assert(pIterator && !PastEnd(pIterator));
- ppPrev = pIterator->ppHashSlot;
- pTemp = *ppPrev;
- while (pTemp)
- {
- if (pTemp == pIterator->pHashEntry)
- {
- *ppPrev = pTemp->pNext;
- pIterator->ppHashSlot = ppEnd;
- delete pTemp;
- return;
- }
- ppPrev = &pTemp->pNext;
- pTemp = pTemp->pNext;
- }
- // Should never get here
- assert(0);
- }
-// Allocates the hash slots on the regular heap (since the
-// hash table can grow), but all hash entries are allocated on
-// a private heap
-template<typename T, bool (*pfnIsEqual)(const T &Data1, const T &Data2)>
-class CEffectHashTableWithPrivateHeap : public CEffectHashTable<T, pfnIsEqual>
- CDataBlockStore *m_pPrivateHeap;
- CEffectHashTableWithPrivateHeap() noexcept :
- m_pPrivateHeap(nullptr)
- {
- }
- void Cleanup()
- {
- CleanArray();
- m_NumHashSlots = 0;
- m_NumEntries = 0;
- }
- ~CEffectHashTableWithPrivateHeap()
- {
- Cleanup();
- }
- // Call this only once
- void SetPrivateHeap(_In_ CDataBlockStore *pPrivateHeap)
- {
- assert(nullptr == m_pPrivateHeap);
- m_pPrivateHeap = pPrivateHeap;
- }
- // Adds data at the specified hash slot without checking for existence
- HRESULT AddValueWithHash(_In_ T Data, _In_ uint32_t Hash)
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert(m_pPrivateHeap);
- _Analysis_assume_(m_pPrivateHeap);
- assert(m_NumHashSlots > 0);
- SHashEntry *pHashEntry;
- uint32_t index = Hash % m_NumHashSlots;
- VN( pHashEntry = new(*m_pPrivateHeap) SHashEntry );
- pHashEntry->pNext = m_rgpHashEntries[index];
- pHashEntry->Data = Data;
- pHashEntry->Hash = Hash;
- m_rgpHashEntries[index] = pHashEntry;
- ++ m_NumEntries;
- return hr;
- }
diff --git a/lib/win32/Effects11/pchfx.h b/lib/win32/Effects11/pchfx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9436a1a93f..0000000000
--- a/lib/win32/Effects11/pchfx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// File: pchfx.h
-// Direct3D 11 shader effects precompiled header
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568
-#pragma once
-#pragma warning(disable : 4102 4127 4201 4505 4616 4706 6326)
-#ifndef NOMINMAX
-#define NOMINMAX
-#include <algorithm>
-#if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE)
-#include <d3d11_x.h>
-#include <D3DCompiler_x.h>
-#define NO_D3D11_DEBUG_NAME
-#include <d3d11_1.h>
-#include <D3DCompiler.h>
-#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8
-#define _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 0x0602
-#include "INITGUID.h"
-#include "d3dx11effect.h"
-#define UNUSED -1
-#define offsetof_fx( a, b ) (uint32_t)offsetof( a, b )
-#include "d3dxGlobal.h"
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "Effect.h"
-#include "EffectStateBase11.h"
-#include "EffectLoad.h"
diff --git a/tools/depends/target/effects11/01-win-debugpostfix.patch b/tools/depends/target/effects11/01-win-debugpostfix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b10d6e96fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/depends/target/effects11/01-win-debugpostfix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
diff --git a/tools/depends/target/effects11/EFFECTS11-VERSION b/tools/depends/target/effects11/EFFECTS11-VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a20e4907a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/depends/target/effects11/EFFECTS11-VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@