path: root/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def
index b79646fc2..4d7f84840 100644
--- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def
+++ b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def
@@ -94,13 +94,14 @@
'false schema': "'boolean schema is false'",
$ref: "'can\\\'t resolve reference {{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}'",
additionalItems: "'should NOT have more than {{=$schema.length}} items'",
- additionalProperties: "'should NOT have additional properties'",
+ additionalProperties: "'{{? it.opts._errorDataPathProperty }}is an invalid additional property{{??}}should NOT have additional properties{{?}}'",
anyOf: "'should match some schema in anyOf'",
const: "'should be equal to constant'",
contains: "'should contain a valid item'",
dependencies: "'should have {{? $deps.length == 1 }}property {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps[0]) }}{{??}}properties {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps.join(\", \")) }}{{?}} when property {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($property) }} is present'",
'enum': "'should be equal to one of the allowed values'",
format: "'should match format \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'",
+ 'if': "'should match \"' + {{=$ifClause}} + '\" schema'",
_limit: "'should be {{=$opStr}} {{#def.appendSchema}}",
_exclusiveLimit: "'{{=$exclusiveKeyword}} should be boolean'",
_limitItems: "'should NOT have {{?$keyword=='maxItems'}}more{{??}}less{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} items'",
@@ -110,7 +111,6 @@
not: "'should NOT be valid'",
oneOf: "'should match exactly one schema in oneOf'",
pattern: "'should match pattern \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'",
- patternGroups: "'should NOT have {{=$moreOrLess}} than {{=$limit}} properties matching pattern \"{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($pgProperty)}}\"'",
propertyNames: "'property name \\'{{=$invalidName}}\\' is invalid'",
required: "'{{? it.opts._errorDataPathProperty }}is a required property{{??}}should have required property \\'{{=$missingProperty}}\\'{{?}}'",
type: "'should be {{? $typeIsArray }}{{= $typeSchema.join(\",\") }}{{??}}{{=$typeSchema}}{{?}}'",
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
dependencies: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
'enum': "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
format: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}",
+ 'if': "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
_limit: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
_exclusiveLimit: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
_limitItems: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
@@ -146,7 +147,6 @@
not: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
oneOf: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
pattern: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}",
- patternGroups: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
propertyNames: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
required: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
type: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
@@ -167,11 +167,12 @@
additionalItems: "{ limit: {{=$schema.length}} }",
additionalProperties: "{ additionalProperty: '{{=$additionalProperty}}' }",
anyOf: "{}",
- const: "{}",
+ const: "{ allowedValue: schema{{=$lvl}} }",
contains: "{}",
dependencies: "{ property: '{{= it.util.escapeQuotes($property) }}', missingProperty: '{{=$missingProperty}}', depsCount: {{=$deps.length}}, deps: '{{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps.length==1 ? $deps[0] : $deps.join(\", \")) }}' }",
'enum': "{ allowedValues: schema{{=$lvl}} }",
format: "{ format: {{#def.schemaValueQS}} }",
+ 'if': "{ failingKeyword: {{=$ifClause}} }",
_limit: "{ comparison: {{=$opExpr}}, limit: {{=$schemaValue}}, exclusive: {{=$exclusive}} }",
_exclusiveLimit: "{}",
_limitItems: "{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
@@ -179,9 +180,8 @@
_limitProperties:"{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
multipleOf: "{ multipleOf: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
not: "{}",
- oneOf: "{}",
+ oneOf: "{ passingSchemas: {{=$passingSchemas}} }",
pattern: "{ pattern: {{#def.schemaValueQS}} }",
- patternGroups: "{ reason: '{{=$reason}}', limit: {{=$limit}}, pattern: '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($pgProperty)}}' }",
propertyNames: "{ propertyName: '{{=$invalidName}}' }",
required: "{ missingProperty: '{{=$missingProperty}}' }",
type: "{ type: '{{? $typeIsArray }}{{= $typeSchema.join(\",\") }}{{??}}{{=$typeSchema}}{{?}}' }",