
Send Over HTTP

Share a file with someone on your local network using QR Code.

Inspired by the android app Share Via HTTP.


  • Files are shared directly over the local network. An internet connection is not required.
  • Others can receive the file without installing any special applications.


  • Others may be able to see the file as the file transfer is not encrypted.
  • Some networks, at bars and cafes, will block connecting to others.


send-over-http --help
# Usage send-over-http <options> [target]
#   target: file or directory to share (default: .)
# Options:
#   -address string
#       network address to accept connections (
#   -net string
#       network type to listen on (tcp, tcp4, tcp6) (default "tcp")

Build Requirements

How to Install

You can install the project using Golang's standard install process from the projects root directory.

go install ./cmd/send-over-http

Or you can build the command into the project's root directory.

go build ./cmd/send-over-http