path: root/target/hexagon/idef-parser/parser-helpers.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'target/hexagon/idef-parser/parser-helpers.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/target/hexagon/idef-parser/parser-helpers.c b/target/hexagon/idef-parser/parser-helpers.c
index 3025040640..bdbb8b6a5f 100644
--- a/target/hexagon/idef-parser/parser-helpers.c
+++ b/target/hexagon/idef-parser/parser-helpers.c
@@ -398,25 +398,10 @@ HexValue gen_imm_qemu_tmp(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
return rvalue;
-void gen_rvalue_free(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *rvalue)
- if (rvalue->type == TEMP && !rvalue->is_manual) {
- const char *bit_suffix = (rvalue->bit_width == 64) ? "i64" : "i32";
- OUT(c, locp, "tcg_temp_free_", bit_suffix, "(", rvalue, ");\n");
- }
-static void gen_rvalue_free_manual(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *rvalue)
- rvalue->is_manual = false;
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, rvalue);
HexValue rvalue_materialize(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *rvalue)
if (rvalue->type == IMMEDIATE) {
HexValue res = gen_tmp_value_from_imm(c, locp, rvalue);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, rvalue);
return res;
return *rvalue;
@@ -445,7 +430,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_extend(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *rvalue)
const char *sign_suffix = is_unsigned ? "u" : "";
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_ext", sign_suffix,
"_i32_i64(", &res, ", ", rvalue, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, rvalue);
return res;
@@ -460,7 +444,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_truncate(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *rvalue)
if (rvalue->bit_width == 64) {
HexValue res = gen_tmp(c, locp, 32, rvalue->signedness);
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_trunc_i64_tl(", &res, ", ", rvalue, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, rvalue);
return res;
@@ -587,11 +570,6 @@ HexValue gen_bin_cmp(Context *c,
fprintf(stderr, "Error in evalutating immediateness!");
- /* Free operands */
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op1_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op2_m);
return res;
@@ -627,8 +605,6 @@ static void gen_simple_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
"(", res, ", ", op1, ", ", op2, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, op1);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, op2);
static void gen_sub_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
@@ -658,8 +634,6 @@ static void gen_sub_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
"(", res, ", ", op1, ", ", op2, ");\n");
} break;
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, op1);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, op2);
static void gen_asl_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
@@ -711,10 +685,7 @@ static void gen_asl_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_movcond_i", &bit_width);
OUT(c, locp, "(TCG_COND_GEU, ", res, ", ", &op2_m, ", ", &edge);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &zero, ", ", res, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &edge);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op1_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op2_m);
static void gen_asr_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
@@ -769,11 +740,7 @@ static void gen_asr_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_movcond_i", &bit_width);
OUT(c, locp, "(TCG_COND_GEU, ", res, ", ", &op2_m, ", ", &edge);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &tmp, ", ", res, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &edge);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op1_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op2_m);
static void gen_lsr_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
@@ -815,10 +782,7 @@ static void gen_lsr_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_movcond_i", &bit_width);
OUT(c, locp, "(TCG_COND_GEU, ", res, ", ", &op2_m, ", ", &edge);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &zero, ", ", res, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &edge);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op1_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op2_m);
@@ -847,9 +811,6 @@ static void gen_andl_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
tmp2 = gen_bin_cmp(c, locp, TCG_COND_NE, op2, &zero);
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_and_", bit_suffix,
"(", res, ", ", &tmp1, ", ", &tmp2, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free_manual(c, locp, &zero);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp1);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp2);
@@ -892,8 +853,6 @@ static void gen_minmax_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, unsigned bit_width,
OUT(c, locp, res, ", ", op1, ", ", &op2_m, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op1_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op2_m);
/* Code generation functions */
@@ -1055,7 +1014,6 @@ HexValue gen_cast_op(Context *c,
&res, ", ", src, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, src);
return res;
@@ -1115,8 +1073,6 @@ static HexValue gen_extend_imm_width_op(Context *c,
if (need_guarding) {
OUT(c, locp, "}\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
} else {
@@ -1141,8 +1097,6 @@ static HexValue gen_extend_imm_width_op(Context *c,
", 0);\n");
OUT(c, locp, "}\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
@@ -1182,7 +1136,6 @@ static HexValue gen_extend_tcg_width_op(Context *c,
&mask, ", ", &mask, ", ", &shift, ");\n");
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_and_i", &dst_width, "(",
&res, ", ", value, ", ", &mask, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &mask);
} else {
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_shl_i", &dst_width, "(",
&res, ", ", value, ", ", &shift, ");\n");
@@ -1194,10 +1147,6 @@ static HexValue gen_extend_tcg_width_op(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, &src_width_m, ", ", &zero, ", ", &zero, ", ", &res,
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &src_width_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &shift);
return res;
@@ -1316,9 +1265,6 @@ void gen_rdeposit_op(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &width_m, ", ", &zero, ", ", &res, ", ", dst,
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, width);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &res);
void gen_deposit_op(Context *c,
@@ -1352,8 +1298,6 @@ void gen_deposit_op(Context *c,
value_m = rvalue_materialize(c, locp, &value_m);
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_deposit_i", &bit_width, "(", dst, ", ", dst, ", ");
OUT(c, locp, &value_m, ", ", index, " * ", &width, ", ", &width, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, index);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &value_m);
HexValue gen_rextract_op(Context *c,
@@ -1366,7 +1310,6 @@ HexValue gen_rextract_op(Context *c,
HexValue res = gen_tmp(c, locp, bit_width, UNSIGNED);
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_extract_i", &bit_width, "(", &res);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", src, ", ", &begin, ", ", &width, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, src);
return res;
@@ -1399,12 +1342,8 @@ HexValue gen_extract_op(Context *c,
const char *sign_suffix = (extract->signedness == UNSIGNED) ? "u" : "";
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_ext", sign_suffix, "_i32_i64(",
&tmp, ", ", &res, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &res);
res = tmp;
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, src);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, index);
return res;
@@ -1422,8 +1361,6 @@ void gen_write_reg(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *reg, HexValue *value)
"ctx_log_reg_write(ctx, ", &reg->reg.id,
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, reg);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &value_m);
void gen_assign(Context *c,
@@ -1458,8 +1395,6 @@ void gen_assign(Context *c,
const char *imm_suffix = (value_m.type == IMMEDIATE) ? "i" : "";
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_mov", imm_suffix, "_i", &bit_width,
"(", dst, ", ", &value_m, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &value_m);
HexValue gen_convround(Context *c,
@@ -1484,12 +1419,6 @@ HexValue gen_convround(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &and, ", ", &mask, ", ");
OUT(c, locp, &src_p1, ", ", &src_m, ");\n");
- /* Free src but use the original `is_manual` value */
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, src);
- /* Free the rest of the values */
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &src_p1);
return res;
@@ -1515,9 +1444,6 @@ static HexValue gen_convround_n_b(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_add_i64(", &res);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &res, ", ", &tmp_64, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp_64);
return res;
@@ -1540,10 +1466,6 @@ static HexValue gen_convround_n_c(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_add_i64(", &res);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &res, ", ", &tmp_64, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &one);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp_64);
return res;
@@ -1614,18 +1536,6 @@ HexValue gen_convround_n(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_shr_i64(", &res);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &res, ", ", &n_64, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &src_casted);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &pos_casted);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &r1);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &r2);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &r3);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &cond);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &cond_64);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &mask);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &n_64);
res = gen_rvalue_truncate(c, locp, &res);
return res;
@@ -1671,10 +1581,6 @@ HexValue gen_round(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, "(TCG_COND_EQ, ", &res, ", ", &b, ", ", &zero);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &a, ", ", &sum, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free_manual(c, locp, &a);
- gen_rvalue_free_manual(c, locp, &b);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &sum);
return res;
@@ -1700,9 +1606,6 @@ void gen_circ_op(Context *c,
", ",
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &cs, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &increment_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, modifier);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &cs);
HexValue gen_locnt_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *src)
@@ -1718,7 +1621,6 @@ HexValue gen_locnt_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *src)
&res, ", ", &src_m, ");\n");
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_clzi_i", bit_suffix, "(", &res, ", ", &res, ", ");
OUT(c, locp, bit_suffix, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &src_m);
return res;
@@ -1732,7 +1634,6 @@ HexValue gen_ctpop_op(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *src)
src_m = rvalue_materialize(c, locp, &src_m);
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_ctpop_i", bit_suffix,
"(", &res, ", ", &src_m, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &src_m);
return res;
@@ -1751,8 +1652,6 @@ HexValue gen_rotl(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *src, HexValue *width)
amount = rvalue_materialize(c, locp, &amount);
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_rotl_", suffix, "(",
&res, ", ", src, ", ", &amount, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, src);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &amount);
return res;
@@ -1777,10 +1676,6 @@ HexValue gen_carry_from_add(Context *c,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_add2_i64(", &res, ", ", &cf, ", ", &res, ", ", &cf);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &op2_m, ", ", &zero, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op1_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op2_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &op3_m);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &res);
return cf;
@@ -1845,7 +1740,6 @@ void gen_inst_code(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp)
} else {
- free_variables(c, locp);
fprintf(c->enabled_file, "%s\n", c->inst.name->str);
@@ -1875,10 +1769,7 @@ void gen_pred_assign(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *left_pred,
OUT(c, locp, "gen_log_pred_write(ctx, ", pred_id, ", ", left_pred,
OUT(c, locp, "ctx_log_pred_write(ctx, ", pred_id, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, left_pred);
- /* Free temporary value */
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &r);
void gen_cancel(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp)
@@ -1928,8 +1819,6 @@ void gen_load(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *width,
OUT(c, locp, "(TCGv) ");
OUT(c, locp, dst, ", ", ea, ", ctx->mem_idx);\n");
- /* If the var in EA was truncated it is now a tmp HexValue, so free it. */
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, ea);
void gen_store(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *width, HexValue *ea,
@@ -1943,9 +1832,6 @@ void gen_store(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *width, HexValue *ea,
src_m = rvalue_materialize(c, locp, &src_m);
OUT(c, locp, "gen_store", &mem_width, "(cpu_env, ", ea, ", ", &src_m);
OUT(c, locp, ", insn->slot);\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &src_m);
- /* If the var in ea was truncated it is now a tmp HexValue, so free it. */
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, ea);
void gen_sethalf(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexCast *sh, HexValue *n,
@@ -1982,11 +1868,6 @@ void gen_setbits(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *hi, HexValue *lo,
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_deposit_i32(", dst, ", ", dst,
", ", &tmp, ", ");
OUT(c, locp, lo, ", ", &len, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &tmp);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, hi);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, lo);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
unsigned gen_if_cond(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *cond)
@@ -1999,7 +1880,6 @@ unsigned gen_if_cond(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *cond)
bit_suffix = (cond->bit_width == 64) ? "i64" : "i32";
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_brcondi_", bit_suffix, "(TCG_COND_EQ, ", cond,
", 0, if_label_", &c->inst.if_count, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, cond);
return c->inst.if_count++;
@@ -2090,7 +1970,6 @@ static inline HexValue gen_rvalue_simple_unary(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp,
res = gen_tmp(c, locp, bit_width, value->signedness);
OUT(c, locp, tcg_code, "_i", &bit_width, "(", &res, ", ", value,
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
@@ -2116,7 +1995,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_notl(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *value)
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_movcond_i", &bit_width);
OUT(c, locp, "(TCG_COND_EQ, ", &res, ", ", value, ", ", &zero);
OUT(c, locp, ", ", &one, ", ", &zero, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
@@ -2147,7 +2025,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_sat(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexSat *sat,
OUT(c, locp, &ovfl, ", ", &res, ", ", value, ", ", &width->imm.value,
OUT(c, locp, "gen_set_usr_field_if(USR_OVF,", &ovfl, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
@@ -2162,9 +2039,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_fscr(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *value)
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_concat_i32_i64(",
&key, ", ", &frame_key, ", ", &frame_key, ");\n");
OUT(c, locp, "tcg_gen_xor_i64(", &res, ", ", value, ", ", &key, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &key);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, &frame_key);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
@@ -2186,7 +2060,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_brev(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *value)
res = gen_tmp(c, locp, value->bit_width, value->signedness);
*value = rvalue_materialize(c, locp, value);
OUT(c, locp, "gen_helper_fbrev(", &res, ", ", value, ");\n");
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, value);
return res;
@@ -2198,7 +2071,6 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_ternary(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *cond,
unsigned bit_width = (is_64bit) ? 64 : 32;
HexValue zero = gen_constant(c, locp, "0", bit_width, UNSIGNED);
HexValue res = gen_tmp(c, locp, bit_width, UNSIGNED);
- Ternary *ternary = NULL;
if (is_64bit) {
*cond = gen_rvalue_extend(c, locp, cond);
@@ -2216,13 +2088,8 @@ HexValue gen_rvalue_ternary(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp, HexValue *cond,
OUT(c, locp, ", ", true_branch, ", ", false_branch, ");\n");
assert(c->ternary->len > 0);
- ternary = &g_array_index(c->ternary, Ternary, c->ternary->len - 1);
- gen_rvalue_free_manual(c, locp, &ternary->cond);
g_array_remove_index(c->ternary, c->ternary->len - 1);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, cond);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, true_branch);
- gen_rvalue_free(c, locp, false_branch);
return res;
@@ -2301,15 +2168,6 @@ void track_string(Context *c, GString *s)
g_array_append_val(c->inst.strings, s);
-void free_variables(Context *c, YYLTYPE *locp)
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < c->inst.allocated->len; ++i) {
- Var *var = &g_array_index(c->inst.allocated, Var, i);
- const char *suffix = var->bit_width == 64 ? "i64" : "i32";
- OUT(c, locp, "tcg_temp_free_", suffix, "(", var->name->str, ");\n");
- }
void free_instruction(Context *c)