Mirror free and open-source projects you like with minimal effort.
Use this project as a service to keep a local or hosted copy of the projects source code or their assets.
This project is in pre-alpha and under active development. Expect rapid and breaking changes.
Planned improvements and known bugs are listed on the project's todo branch.
The following applications are required on your system.
- Golang >= 1.22.4
- git
- rsync
Verify the project and its assets using the GPG Key included in the project.
gpg --import GPG-KEY
git commit verify-commit HEAD
To verify the projects vendored dependencies:
go mod verify
Building and Installation
You can create a package using the Slackbuild script provided with the project.
cd contrib/slackbuild
sudo sh *.SlackBuild
Other Unix-like systems
Standard practice is to install under /usr/local/sbin
go build ./cmd/...
sudo mv mirror /usr/local/sbin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/mirror
You will then need to integrate it into your system's service management to your liking.
Configuration is provided via TOML file format.
Refer to the following example. Mirror will mirror each project at a random interval between 1 and 24 hours.
# The minimum time to wait before mirroring.
min_interval = "1h"
# The maximum time to wait before mirroring.
max_interval = "24h"
method = "rsync"
from = "rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/slackware/slackware64-current"
to = "/mirror/slackware/slackware64-current"
method = "git"
from = "https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl"
to = "/srv/git/slackcoder/youtube-dl"
description = "Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites"
method = "github-assets"
from = "https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl"
to = "/mirror/youtube-dl"
Configuration may also be split across files in a directory. By default loads configuration from /etc/mirror/mirror.toml and the /etc/mirror/conf.d directory.