AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-01Take advantage of changes in recent Go versions (#3361)HEADmain0x1a8510f2
2024-04-30Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.21.0 to 0.23.0 (#3365)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-09Version 0.13.7 (#3349)Till
2024-04-09Don't attempt to send transactions if Dendrite is shutting down (#3356)Till
2024-04-08Return correct Content-Type for unrecognized requests (#3355)Till
2024-03-28Fix spaces over federation (#3347)Till
2024-03-22Add getting/deleting single event report (#3344)Till
2024-03-22Reuse existing NATS connection (#3345)Till
2024-03-22Add `/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports` endpoint (#3342)Till
2024-03-22Bump github.com/docker/docker from 24.0.7+incompatible to 24.0.9+incompatible...dependabot[bot]
2024-03-22Bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.30.0 to 1.33.0 (#3339)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-21Add event reporting (#3340)Till
2024-03-21Update golangci config (#3343)Till
2024-03-05Query rooms with ACLs instead of all rooms (#3338)Till
2024-02-29[Helm] Update Postgres image to 16.2.0, update readmehelm-dendrite-0.14.0Till Faelligen
2024-02-29[helm] Update postgresql chart to 14.2.3 (#3292)Varac
2024-02-29Use port number instead of name for k8s service port (#3256)Alexandre Oliveira
2024-02-29chore(helm): use empty/nil storageClass for helm-docs (#3245)helm-dendrite-0.13.8WrenIX
2024-02-28fix(helm): change strategy to Recreate (#3325)WrenIX
2024-02-28Bump nokogiri from 1.14.3 to 1.16.2 in /docs (#3319)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-28FAQ.md: jetstream needs to be backed up too. (#3327)Anton Molyboha
2024-02-28Make usage of relays optional, avoid DB roundtrips (#3337)Till
2024-02-28Cache ACLs regexes (#3336)Till
2024-02-21Speed up start up time by batch querying ACL events (#3334)Till
2024-02-20Limit filter to `limit/2` for before/after events on `/context` (#3332)Till
2024-02-19Remove unused `token` (#3331)Till
2024-02-13Fix `/createRoom` and `/invite` containing displayname/avatarURL of inviter (...Till
2024-02-08Update all the CI actions (#3323)Till
2024-02-07Disable Element Web tests, only run csapi and federation testsTill Faelligen
2024-02-03Modernize appservice paths and authentication (#3316)Tulir Asokan
2024-01-29Fix x86 tests (#3317)Till
2024-01-26Version 0.13.6 (#3315)v0.13.6helm-dendrite-0.13.7Till
2024-01-25Move `/joined_members` back to the clientapi/roomserver (#3312)Till
2024-01-25Allow + in MIDs as per MSC4009 (#3313)Matthew Strapp
2024-01-25Only fetch events once for all rooms (#3311)Joakim Recht
2024-01-24Update sentry reporting (#3305)Till
2024-01-20Optimize `PrevEventIDs` when getting thousands of backwards extremeties (#3308)Till
2024-01-20Don't send device list updates upon registration (#3307)Till
2024-01-17Add login fallback (#3302)Till
2024-01-15Update GMSL (#3303)Till
2024-01-10Bump github.com/quic-go/quic-go from 0.37.4 to 0.37.7 (#3300)dependabot[bot]
2024-01-10Add CORP header to `/download` and `/thumbnail` (#3299)Till
2024-01-09Handle empty from in /messages as per MSC3567 (#3298)devonh
2024-01-09Return `M_INVALID_PARAM` instead of `M_BAD_JSON` when setting aliases (#3297)Till
2024-01-08Fix notary keys requests for all keys (#3296)Till
2023-12-30Fix panic if unable to assign a state key NID (#3294)Till
2023-12-19Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 (#3290)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-19Use `AckExplicitPolicy` instead of `AckAllPolicy` (#3288)Till
2023-12-12Also pin Pinecone and Yggdrasil demoTill Faelligen
2023-12-12Version 0.13.5 (#3285)v0.13.5helm-dendrite-0.13.6Till