path: root/syncapi/storage/interface.go
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diff --git a/syncapi/storage/interface.go b/syncapi/storage/interface.go
index bd9504db..7d637643 100644
--- a/syncapi/storage/interface.go
+++ b/syncapi/storage/interface.go
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ type Database interface {
// GetEventsInRange retrieves all of the events on a given ordering using the
// given extremities and limit.
GetEventsInRange(ctx context.Context, from, to *types.PaginationToken, roomID string, limit int, backwardOrdering bool) (events []types.StreamEvent, err error)
- // EventPositionInTopology returns the depth of the given event.
- EventPositionInTopology(ctx context.Context, eventID string) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ // EventPositionInTopology returns the depth and stream position of the given event.
+ EventPositionInTopology(ctx context.Context, eventID string) (depth types.StreamPosition, stream types.StreamPosition, err error)
// EventsAtTopologicalPosition returns all of the events matching a given
// position in the topology of a given room.
EventsAtTopologicalPosition(ctx context.Context, roomID string, pos types.StreamPosition) ([]types.StreamEvent, error)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ type Database interface {
// extremities we know of for a given room.
BackwardExtremitiesForRoom(ctx context.Context, roomID string) (backwardExtremities []string, err error)
// MaxTopologicalPosition returns the highest topological position for a given room.
- MaxTopologicalPosition(ctx context.Context, roomID string) (types.StreamPosition, error)
+ MaxTopologicalPosition(ctx context.Context, roomID string) (depth types.StreamPosition, stream types.StreamPosition, err error)
// StreamEventsToEvents converts streamEvent to Event. If device is non-nil and
// matches the streamevent.transactionID device then the transaction ID gets
// added to the unsigned section of the output event.