path: root/src/wallet/spend.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/wallet/spend.cpp')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/wallet/spend.cpp b/src/wallet/spend.cpp
index 95fec6e96c..6bd9563eae 100644
--- a/src/wallet/spend.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/spend.cpp
@@ -510,15 +510,20 @@ std::vector<OutputGroup> GroupOutputs(const CWallet& wallet, const std::vector<C
return groups_out;
+// Returns true if the result contains an error and the message is not empty
+static bool HasErrorMsg(const util::Result<SelectionResult>& res) { return !util::ErrorString(res).empty(); }
util::Result<SelectionResult> AttemptSelection(const CWallet& wallet, const CAmount& nTargetValue, const CoinEligibilityFilter& eligibility_filter, const CoinsResult& available_coins,
const CoinSelectionParams& coin_selection_params, bool allow_mixed_output_types)
// Run coin selection on each OutputType and compute the Waste Metric
std::vector<SelectionResult> results;
for (const auto& it : available_coins.coins) {
- if (auto result{ChooseSelectionResult(wallet, nTargetValue, eligibility_filter, it.second, coin_selection_params)}) {
- results.push_back(*result);
- }
+ auto result{ChooseSelectionResult(wallet, nTargetValue, eligibility_filter, it.second, coin_selection_params)};
+ // If any specific error message appears here, then something particularly wrong happened.
+ if (HasErrorMsg(result)) return result; // So let's return the specific error.
+ // Append the favorable result.
+ if (result) results.push_back(*result);
// If we have at least one solution for funding the transaction without mixing, choose the minimum one according to waste metric
// and return the result
@@ -528,9 +533,7 @@ util::Result<SelectionResult> AttemptSelection(const CWallet& wallet, const CAmo
// over all available coins, which would allow mixing.
// If TypesCount() <= 1, there is nothing to mix.
if (allow_mixed_output_types && available_coins.TypesCount() > 1) {
- if (auto result{ChooseSelectionResult(wallet, nTargetValue, eligibility_filter, available_coins.All(), coin_selection_params)}) {
- return result;
- }
+ return ChooseSelectionResult(wallet, nTargetValue, eligibility_filter, available_coins.All(), coin_selection_params);
// Either mixing is not allowed and we couldn't find a solution from any single OutputType, or mixing was allowed and we still couldn't
// find a solution using all available coins
@@ -571,7 +574,8 @@ util::Result<SelectionResult> ChooseSelectionResult(const CWallet& wallet, const
if (eligible_results.empty()) {
- return util::Error();
+ return util::Error{_("The inputs size exceeds the maximum weight. "
+ "Please try sending a smaller amount or manually consolidating your wallet's UTXOs")};
// Choose the result with the least waste
@@ -588,7 +592,10 @@ util::Result<SelectionResult> SelectCoins(const CWallet& wallet, CoinsResult& av
CAmount selection_target = nTargetValue - pre_set_inputs.total_amount;
// Return if automatic coin selection is disabled, and we don't cover the selection target
- if (!coin_control.m_allow_other_inputs && selection_target > 0) return util::Error();
+ if (!coin_control.m_allow_other_inputs && selection_target > 0) {
+ return util::Error{_("The preselected coins total amount does not cover the transaction target. "
+ "Please allow other inputs to be automatically selected or include more coins manually")};
+ }
// Return if we can cover the target only with the preset inputs
if (selection_target <= 0) {
@@ -681,13 +688,23 @@ util::Result<SelectionResult> AutomaticCoinSelection(const CWallet& wallet, Coin
- // Walk-through the filters until the solution gets found
+ // Walk-through the filters until the solution gets found.
+ // If no solution is found, return the first detailed error (if any).
+ // future: add "error level" so the worst one can be picked instead.
+ std::vector<util::Result<SelectionResult>> res_detailed_errors;
for (const auto& select_filter : ordered_filters) {
if (auto res{AttemptSelection(wallet, value_to_select, select_filter.filter, available_coins,
- coin_selection_params, select_filter.allow_mixed_output_types)}) return res;
+ coin_selection_params, select_filter.allow_mixed_output_types)}) {
+ return res; // result found
+ } else {
+ // If any specific error message appears here, then something particularly wrong might have happened.
+ // Save the error and continue the selection process. So if no solutions gets found, we can return
+ // the detailed error to the upper layers.
+ if (HasErrorMsg(res)) res_detailed_errors.emplace_back(res);
+ }
// Coin Selection failed.
- return util::Result<SelectionResult>(util::Error());
+ return res_detailed_errors.empty() ? util::Result<SelectionResult>(util::Error()) : res_detailed_errors.front();
return res;
@@ -916,7 +933,9 @@ static util::Result<CreatedTransactionResult> CreateTransactionInternal(
// Choose coins to use
auto select_coins_res = SelectCoins(wallet, available_coins, preset_inputs, /*nTargetValue=*/selection_target, coin_control, coin_selection_params);
if (!select_coins_res) {
- return util::Error{_("Insufficient funds")};
+ // 'SelectCoins' either returns a specific error message or, if empty, means a general "Insufficient funds".
+ const bilingual_str& err = util::ErrorString(select_coins_res);
+ return util::Error{err.empty() ?_("Insufficient funds") : err};
const SelectionResult& result = *select_coins_res;
TRACE5(coin_selection, selected_coins, wallet.GetName().c_str(), GetAlgorithmName(result.GetAlgo()).c_str(), result.GetTarget(), result.GetWaste(), result.GetSelectedValue());