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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qt/locale/bitcoin_mt.ts')
-rw-r--r-- | src/qt/locale/bitcoin_mt.ts | 1073 |
1 files changed, 1073 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_mt.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_mt.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f0f684d73 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_mt.ts @@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@ +<TS version="2.1" language="mt"> +<context> + <name>AddressBookPage</name> + <message> + <source>Right-click to edit address or label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ikklikkja bil-lemin tal-maws biex teditja l-indirizz jew it-tikketta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Create a new address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Oħloq indirizz ġdid</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&New</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Ġdid</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ikkopja l-indirizz magħżul bħalissa fil-clipboard tas-sistema</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Copy</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopja</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>C&lose</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Qrib</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ħassar l-indirizz magħżul bħalissa mil-lista</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enter address or label to search</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Daħħal l-indirizz jew it-tikketta biex tfittex</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Esporta d-dejta fit-tab kurrenti għal fajl</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Export</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Esportazzjoni</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Delete</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Ħassar</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Choose the address to send coins to</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħżel l-indirizz fejn tibgħat il-muniti</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Choose the address to receive coins with</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħżel l-indirizz fejn tirċievi l-muniti</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>C&hoose</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħżel</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Sending addresses</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tibgħat indirizzi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Receiving addresses</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Riċeviment indirizzi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dawn huma l-indirizzi Bitcoin tiegħek biex tibgħat il-ħlasijiet. Dejjem iċċekkja l-ammont u l-indirizz li tirċievi qabel ma tibgħat muniti.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses. +Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dawn huma l-indirizzi Bitcoin tiegħek biex tirċievi ħlasijiet. Uża l-buttuna 'Oħloq indirizz riċevitur ġdid' fit-tab tar-riċeviment biex toħloq indirizzi ġodda. +L-iffirmar huwa possibbli biss b'indirizzi tat-tip 'legacy'.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Copy Address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Kopja l-Indirizz</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Copy &Label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kopja & Tikketta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Edit</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Editja</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Export Address List</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Lista ta' Indirizzi ta' Esportazzjoni</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Comma separated file</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the CSV file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Fajl separat bil-virgola</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Exporting Failed</source> + <translation type="unfinished">L-esportazzjoni falliet</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>AddressTableModel</name> + <message> + <source>Label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tikketta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Indirizz</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(no label)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(l-ebda tikketta)</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>AskPassphraseDialog</name> + <message> + <source>Passphrase Dialog</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Passphrase Djalogu</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enter passphrase</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Daħħal passphrase</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>New passphrase</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Passphrase ġdida</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Repeat new passphrase</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Irrepeti passphrase ġdida</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show passphrase</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri passphrase</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Encrypt wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kriptaġġ kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Din l-operazzjoni teħtieġ passphrase tal-kartiera tiegħek biex tiftaħ il-kartiera.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Unlock wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nisfruttaw il-kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Change passphrase</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ibdel passphrase</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Confirm wallet encryption</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ikkonferma l-kriptaġġ tal-kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Twissija: Jekk tikkodifika l-kartiera tiegħek u titlef il-passphrase tiegħek, int se <b>TILEF IL-BITCOINS KOLLHA TIEGĦEK!</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Int żgur li tixtieq tikkodifika l-kartiera tiegħek?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet encrypted</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera encrypted</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enter the new passphrase for the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>ten or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Daħħal il-passphrase l-ġdida għall-kartiera. <br/>Jekk jogħġbok uża passphrase <b>ta' għaxar karattri jew aktar każwali, jew<b> tmien kelmiet jew aktar</b>.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Daħħal il-passphrase l-antika u l-passphrase ġdida għall-kartiera.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ftakar li l-kriptaġġ tal-kartiera tiegħek ma jistax jipproteġi bis-sħiħ il-bitcoins tiegħek milli jinsterqu minn malware li jinfetta l-kompjuter tiegħek.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet to be encrypted</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera għandha tiġi encrypted</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Your wallet is about to be encrypted. </source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-kartiera tiegħek waslet biex tiġi encrypted.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Your wallet is now encrypted. </source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-kartiera tiegħek issa hija kriptata.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">IMPORTANTI: Kwalunkwe backups preċedenti li għamilt tal-fajl tal-kartiera tiegħek għandhom jiġu sostitwiti bil-fajl tal-kartiera iġġenerat ġdid u kriptat. Għal raġunijiet ta' sigurtà, backups preċedenti tal-fajl tal-kartiera mhux kriptat se jsiru inutli hekk kif tibda tuża l-kartiera l-ġdida u kriptata.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet encryption failed</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-kriptaġġ tal-kartiera falla</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-kriptaġġ tal-kartiera falla minħabba żball intern. Il-kartiera tiegħek ma kinitx encrypted.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The supplied passphrases do not match.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-passphrases fornuti ma jaqblux.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet unlock failed</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-ftuħ tal-kartiera falla</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-passphrase mdaħħla għad-deċifrar tal-kartiera ma kinitx korretta.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption is incorrect. It contains a null character (ie - a zero byte). If the passphrase was set with a version of this software prior to 25.0, please try again with only the characters up to — but not including — the first null character. If this is successful, please set a new passphrase to avoid this issue in the future.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-passphrase mdaħħla għad-decryption tal-kartiera mhix korretta. Fiha karattru null (jiġifieri - byte żero). Jekk il-passphrase ġiet issettjata b'verżjoni ta' dan is-software qabel 25.0, jekk jogħġbok erġa' pprova bil-karattri biss sa — iżda mhux inkluż — l-ewwel karattru null. Jekk dan jirnexxi, jekk jogħġbok waqqaf passphrase ġdida biex tevita din il-kwistjoni fil-futur.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-passphrase tal-kartiera nbidlet b'suċċess.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Passphrase change failed</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-bidla fil-passphrase falliet</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>The old passphrase entered for the wallet decryption is incorrect. It contains a null character (ie - a zero byte). If the passphrase was set with a version of this software prior to 25.0, please try again with only the characters up to — but not including — the first null character.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-passphrase l-antika mdaħħla għad-decryption tal-kartiera mhix korretta. Fiha karattru null (jiġifieri - byte żero). Jekk il-passphrase ġiet issettjata b'verżjoni ta' dan is-software qabel 25.0, jekk jogħġbok erġa' pprova bil-karattri biss sa — iżda mhux inkluż — l-ewwel karattru null.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Twissija: Iċ-ċavetta Caps Lock hija mixgħula!</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>BanTableModel</name> + <message> + <source>Banned Until</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ipprojbit Sa</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>BitcoinApplication</name> + <message> + <source>Settings file %1 might be corrupt or invalid.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-fajl tas-settings %1jista' jkun korrott jew invalidu.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Runaway exception</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Eċċezzjoni maħruba</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>A fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Sar żball fatali. %1ma tistax tkompli b'mod sigur u se tieqaf.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Internal error</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball intern</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>QObject</name> + <message> + <source>Do you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Trid tirrisettja s-settings għal valuri awtomatiċi, jew taborta mingħajr ma tagħmel bidliet?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>A fatal error occurred. Check that settings file is writable, or try running with -nosettings.</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file could not be written. Prompts user to check that we have the ability to write to the file. Explains that the user has the option of running without a settings file.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Sar żball fatali. Iċċekkja li l-fajl tas-settings jista' jinkiteb, jew ipprova taħdem b'-nosettings.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball:%1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>%1 didn't yet exit safely…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%1għadu ma ħariġx b'mod sikur...</translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n second(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n minute(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n hour(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n day(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n week(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n year(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>BitcoinGUI</name> + <message> + <source>&Overview</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Ħarsa ġenerali</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show general overview of wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri ħarsa ġenerali ġenerali tal-kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Transactions</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Transazzjonijiet</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Browse transaction history</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Fittex l-istorja tat-tranżazzjonijiet</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>E&xit</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ħruġ</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Quit application</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Nieqaf applikazzjoni</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show information about %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri informazzjoni dwar%1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>About &Qt</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Dwar &Qt</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show information about Qt</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri informazzjoni dwar Qt</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Modify configuration options for %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Immodifika l-għażliet tal-konfigurazzjoni għal%1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Create a new wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Oħloq kartiera ġdida</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Minimize</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Imminimizza</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Network activity disabled.</source> + <extracomment>A substring of the tooltip.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Attività tan-netwerk diżattivata.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Proxy is <b>enabled</b>: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Proxy huwa <b>attivat</b>:%1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Send coins to a Bitcoin address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ibgħat muniti f'indirizz Bitcoin</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Backup wallet to another location</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera backup għal post ieħor</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ibdel il-passphrase użata għall-kriptaġġ tal-kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Send</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Ibgħat</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Receive</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Irċievi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Options…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Għażliet...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Encrypt Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Encrypt Wallet...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kriptaġġ iċ-ċwievet privati li jappartjenu għall-kartiera tiegħek</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Backup Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Billetera de respaldo…</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Change Passphrase…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Ibdel il-passphrase...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Sign &message…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iffirma &messaġġ...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iffirma messaġġi bl-indirizzi Bitcoin tiegħek biex tipprova li inti stess</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Verify message…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Ivverifika l-messaġġ...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ivverifika l-messaġġi biex tiżgura li ġew iffirmati b'indirizzi Bitcoin speċifikati</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Load PSBT from file…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Tagħbija PSBT mill-fajl...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open &URI…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iftaħ &URI...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħlaq Kartiera...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Create Wallet…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Oħloq Kartiera...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close All Wallets…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħlaq il-Kartieri Kollha...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&File</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Fajl</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Help</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Għajnuna</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Syncing Headers (%1%)…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tissinkronizza l-headers (%1%)...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Synchronizing with network…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Sinkronizzazzjoni man-netwerk...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Indexing blocks on disk…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Indiċjar ta' blokki fuq disk...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Processing blocks on disk…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ipproċessa blokki fuq disk...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Connecting to peers…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Konnessjoni ma' sħabhom...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Itlob ħlasijiet (jiġġenera kodiċijiet QR u bitcoin: URIs)</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show the list of used sending addresses and labels</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri l-lista tal-indirizzi u t-tikketti li jintbagħtu użati</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show the list of used receiving addresses and labels</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri l-lista ta' indirizzi u tikketti riċevituri użati</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Command-line options</source> + <translation type="unfinished">& Għażliet tal-linja tal-kmand</translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform>Blokk(i) ipproċessat%n tal-istorja tat-tranżazzjonijiet.</numerusform> + <numerusform>Blokk(i) ipproċessat%n tal-istorja tat-tranżazzjonijiet.</numerusform> + <numerusform>Blokk(i) ipproċessat%n tal-istorja tat-tranżazzjonijiet.</numerusform> + <numerusform>Blokk(i) ipproċessat%ntal-istorja tat-tranżazzjonijiet.</numerusform> + </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>%1 behind</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%1wara</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Catching up…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ilaħħqu...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Last received block was generated %1 ago.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">L-aħħar blokk riċevut ġie ġġenerat %1ilu.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Transactions after this will not yet be visible.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transazzjonijiet wara dan għadhom mhux se jkunu viżibbli.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Warning</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Twissija</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Information</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Informazzjoni</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Up to date</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Aġġornat</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Load Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tagħbija Transazzjoni Bitcoin iffirmata parzjalment</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Load PSBT from &clipboard…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tagħbija PSBT minn &clipboard...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Load Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction from clipboard</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tagħbija Transazzjoni Bitcoin iffirmata parzjalment mill-clipboard</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Node window</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tieqa tan-node</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open node debugging and diagnostic console</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iftaħ node debugging u console dijanjostika</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Sending addresses</source> + <translation type="unfinished">& Tibgħat indirizzi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Receiving addresses</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Riċeviment indirizzi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open a bitcoin: URI</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iftaħ bitcoin: URI</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open Wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iftaħ Kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open a wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Iftaħ kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħlaq il-kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Restore Wallet…</source> + <extracomment>Name of the menu item that restores wallet from a backup file.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Irrestawra l-Kartiera...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Restore a wallet from a backup file</source> + <extracomment>Status tip for Restore Wallet menu item</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Irrestawra kartiera minn fajl backup</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close all wallets</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħlaq il-kartieri kollha</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Mask values</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Valuri tal-maskra</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Mask the values in the Overview tab</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Maskra l-valuri fit-tab Ħarsa ġenerali</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>default wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">kartiera default</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>No wallets available</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ebda kartieri disponibbli</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet Data</source> + <extracomment>Name of the wallet data file format.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Dejta tal-Kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Load Wallet Backup</source> + <extracomment>The title for Restore Wallet File Windows</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Tagħbija Backup tal-Kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Restore Wallet</source> + <extracomment>Title of pop-up window shown when the user is attempting to restore a wallet.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Irrestawra Kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet Name</source> + <extracomment>Label of the input field where the name of the wallet is entered.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Isem tal-Kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Window</source> + <translation type="unfinished">& Tieqa</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Main Window</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tieqa Prinċipali</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>%1 client</source> + <translation type="unfinished">%1klijent</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>&Hide</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Aħbi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>S&how</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri</translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.</source> + <extracomment>A substring of the tooltip.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform>%nkonnessjoni(jiet) attiva(i) man-netwerk Bitcoin.</numerusform> + <numerusform>%nkonnessjoni(jiet) attiva(i) man-netwerk Bitcoin.</numerusform> + <numerusform>%nkonnessjoni(jiet) attiva(i) man-netwerk Bitcoin.</numerusform> + <numerusform>%nkonnessjoni(jiet) attiva(i) man-netwerk Bitcoin.</numerusform> + </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Click for more actions.</source> + <extracomment>A substring of the tooltip. "More actions" are available via the context menu.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Ikklikkja għal aktar azzjonijiet.</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Show Peers tab</source> + <extracomment>A context menu item. The "Peers tab" is an element of the "Node window".</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Uri tab Peers</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Disable network activity</source> + <extracomment>A context menu item.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Iddiżattiva l-attività tan-netwerk</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Enable network activity</source> + <extracomment>A context menu item. The network activity was disabled previously.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Ippermetti l-attività tan-netwerk</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Pre-syncing Headers (%1%)…</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Intestaturi ta' qabel is-sinkronizzazzjoni (%1%)...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball:%1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Warning: %1</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Twissija:%1</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Date: %1 +</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Data:%1 +</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Amount: %1 +</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ammont:%1 +</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet: %1 +</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera:%1 +</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Type: %1 +</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tip:%1 +</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Label: %1 +</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tikketta:%1 +</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Address: %1 +</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Indirizz:%1 +</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Sent transaction</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transazzjoni mibgħuta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Incoming transaction</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Transazzjoni deħlin</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>HD key generation is <b>enabled</b></source> + <translation type="unfinished">Il-ġenerazzjoni taċ-ċavetta HD hija <b>attivata</b></translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>HD key generation is <b>disabled</b></source> + <translation type="unfinished">HD key ġenerazzjoni hija<b>b'diżabilità</b></translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Private key <b>disabled</b></source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ċavetta privata<b>b'diżabilità</b></translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b></source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera hija<b>encrypted</b>u bħalissa<b>jinfetaħ</b></translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b></source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera hija<b>encrypted</b>u bħalissa<b>msakkra</b></translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Original message:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Messaġġ oriġinali:</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>UnitDisplayStatusBarControl</name> + <message> + <source>Unit to show amounts in. Click to select another unit.</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Unità biex turi l-ammonti pulzieri Ikklikkja biex tagħżel unità oħra.</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>CoinControlDialog</name> + <message> + <source>Coin Selection</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Għażla tal-Muniti</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Quantity:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kwantità:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Amount:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ammont:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Fee:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tariffa:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>After Fee:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Wara Ħlas:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Change:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Bidla:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(no label)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(l-ebda tikketta)</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>OpenWalletActivity</name> + <message> + <source>default wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">kartiera default</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Open Wallet</source> + <extracomment>Title of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Iftaħ Kartiera</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>RestoreWalletActivity</name> + <message> + <source>Restore Wallet</source> + <extracomment>Title of progress window which is displayed when wallets are being restored.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Irrestawra Kartiera</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>WalletController</name> + <message> + <source>Close wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħlaq il-kartiera</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close all wallets</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Agħlaq il-kartieri kollha</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>CreateWalletDialog</name> + <message> + <source>Wallet Name</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Isem tal-Kartiera</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>Intro</name> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>%n GB of space available</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>(of %n GB needed)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>(%n GB needed for full chain)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)</source> + <extracomment>Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>OptionsDialog</name> + <message> + <source>&Window</source> + <translation type="unfinished">& Tieqa</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>PeerTableModel</name> + <message> + <source>Address</source> + <extracomment>Title of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Indirizz</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>RPCConsole</name> + <message> + <source>Node window</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tieqa tan-node</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>ReceiveRequestDialog</name> + <message> + <source>Amount:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ammont:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kartiera:</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>RecentRequestsTableModel</name> + <message> + <source>Label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tikketta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(no label)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(l-ebda tikketta)</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>SendCoinsDialog</name> + <message> + <source>Quantity:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Kwantità:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Amount:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Ammont:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Fee:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tariffa:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>After Fee:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Wara Ħlas:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Change:</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Bidla:</translation> + </message> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(no label)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(l-ebda tikketta)</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>TransactionDesc</name> + <message numerus="yes"> + <source>matures in %n more block(s)</source> + <translation type="unfinished"> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + <numerusform /> + </translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>TransactionTableModel</name> + <message> + <source>Label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tikketta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>(no label)</source> + <translation type="unfinished">(l-ebda tikketta)</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>TransactionView</name> + <message> + <source>Comma separated file</source> + <extracomment>Expanded name of the CSV file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Fajl separat bil-virgola</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Label</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Tikketta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Address</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Indirizz</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Exporting Failed</source> + <translation type="unfinished">L-esportazzjoni falliet</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>WalletFrame</name> + <message> + <source>Create a new wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Oħloq kartiera ġdida</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Error</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Żball</translation> + </message> + </context> +<context> + <name>WalletModel</name> + <message> + <source>default wallet</source> + <translation type="unfinished">kartiera default</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>WalletView</name> + <message> + <source>&Export</source> + <translation type="unfinished">&Esportazzjoni</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source> + <translation type="unfinished">Esporta d-dejta fit-tab kurrenti għal fajl</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Wallet Data</source> + <extracomment>Name of the wallet data file format.</extracomment> + <translation type="unfinished">Dejta tal-Kartiera</translation> + </message> + </context> +</TS>
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