path: root/src/minisketch/doc/log2_factorial.sage
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/minisketch/doc/log2_factorial.sage')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/minisketch/doc/log2_factorial.sage b/src/minisketch/doc/log2_factorial.sage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afc6d66c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/minisketch/doc/log2_factorial.sage
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import bisect
+INT_BITS = 64
+F = RealField(100) # overkill
+def BestOverApproxInvLog2(mulof, maxd):
+ """
+ Compute denominator of an approximation of 1/log(2).
+ Specifically, find the value of d (<= maxd, and a multiple of mulof)
+ such that ceil(d/log(2))/d is the best approximation of 1/log(2).
+ """
+ dist=1
+ best=0
+ # Precomputed denominators that lead to good approximations of 1/log(2)
+ for d in [1, 2, 9, 70, 131, 192, 445, 1588, 4319, 11369, 18419, 25469, 287209, 836158, 3057423, 8336111, 21950910, 35565709, 49180508, 161156323, 273132138, 385107953, 882191721]:
+ kd = lcm(mulof, d)
+ if kd <= maxd:
+ n = ceil(kd / log(2))
+ dis = F((n / kd) - 1 / log(2))
+ if dis < dist:
+ dist = dis
+ best = kd
+ return best
+LOG2_TABLE = []
+A = 0
+B = 0
+C = 0
+D = 0
+K = 0
+def Setup(k):
+ global LOG2_TABLE, A, B, C, D, K
+ K = k
+ LOG2_TABLE = []
+ for i in range(2 ** TABLE_BITS):
+ LOG2_TABLE.append(int(floor(F(K * log(1 + i / 2**TABLE_BITS, 2)))))
+ # Maximum for (2*x+1)*LogK2(x)
+ max_T = (2^(INPUT_BITS + 1) - 1) * (INPUT_BITS*K - 1)
+ # Maximum for A
+ max_A = (2^INT_BITS - 1) // max_T
+ D = BestOverApproxInvLog2(2 * K, max_A * 2 * K)
+ A = D // (2 * K)
+ B = int(ceil(F(D/log(2))))
+ C = int(floor(F(D*log(2*pi,2)/2)))
+def LogK2(n):
+ assert(n >= 1 and n < (1 << INPUT_BITS))
+ bits = Integer(n).nbits()
+ return K * (bits - 1) + LOG2_TABLE[((n << (INPUT_BITS - bits)) >> (INPUT_BITS - TABLE_BITS - 1)) - 2**TABLE_BITS]
+def Log2Fact(n):
+ # Use formula (A*(2*x+1)*LogK2(x) - B*x + C) / D
+ return (A*(2*n+1)*LogK2(n) - B*n + C) // D + (n < 3)
+RES = [int(F(log(factorial(i),2))) for i in range(EXACT_FPBITS * 10)]
+best_worst_ratio = 0
+for K in range(1, 10000):
+ Setup(K)
+ assert(LogK2(1) == 0)
+ assert(LogK2(2) == K)
+ assert(LogK2(4) == 2 * K)
+ good = True
+ worst_ratio = 1
+ for i in range(1, EXACT_FPBITS * 10):
+ exact = RES[i]
+ approx = Log2Fact(i)
+ if not (approx <= exact and ((approx == exact) or (approx >= EXACT_FPBITS and exact >= EXACT_FPBITS))):
+ good = False
+ break
+ if worst_ratio * exact > approx:
+ worst_ratio = approx / exact
+ if good and worst_ratio > best_worst_ratio:
+ best_worst_ratio = worst_ratio
+ print("Formula: (%i*(2*x+1)*floor(%i*log2(x)) - %i*x + %i) / %i; log(max_ratio)=%f" % (A, K, B, C, D, RR(-log(worst_ratio))))
+ print("LOG2K_TABLE: %r" % LOG2_TABLE)