path: root/src/cluster_linearize.h
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1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cluster_linearize.h b/src/cluster_linearize.h
index 03ee894ae3..39b6881544 100644
--- a/src/cluster_linearize.h
+++ b/src/cluster_linearize.h
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
@@ -176,6 +178,9 @@ struct SetInfo
/** Their combined fee and size. */
FeeFrac feerate;
+ /** Construct a SetInfo for the empty set. */
+ SetInfo() noexcept = default;
/** Construct a SetInfo for a specified set and feerate. */
SetInfo(const SetType& txn, const FeeFrac& fr) noexcept : transactions(txn), feerate(fr) {}
@@ -183,6 +188,13 @@ struct SetInfo
explicit SetInfo(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, const SetType& txn) noexcept :
transactions(txn), feerate(depgraph.FeeRate(txn)) {}
+ /** Construct a new SetInfo equal to this, with more transactions added (which may overlap
+ * with the existing transactions in the SetInfo). */
+ [[nodiscard]] SetInfo Add(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, const SetType& txn) const noexcept
+ {
+ return {transactions | txn, feerate + depgraph.FeeRate(txn - transactions)};
+ }
/** Permit equality testing. */
friend bool operator==(const SetInfo&, const SetInfo&) noexcept = default;
@@ -283,6 +295,165 @@ public:
+/** Class encapsulating the state needed to perform search for good candidate sets.
+ *
+ * It is initialized for an entire DepGraph, and parts of the graph can be dropped by calling
+ * MarkDone().
+ *
+ * As long as any part of the graph remains, FindCandidateSet() can be called to perform a search
+ * over the set of topologically-valid subsets of that remainder, with a limit on how many
+ * combinations are tried.
+ */
+template<typename SetType>
+class SearchCandidateFinder
+ /** Internal dependency graph for the cluster. */
+ const DepGraph<SetType>& m_depgraph;
+ /** Which transactions are left to do (sorted indices). */
+ SetType m_todo;
+ /** Construct a candidate finder for a graph.
+ *
+ * @param[in] depgraph Dependency graph for the to-be-linearized cluster.
+ *
+ * Complexity: O(1).
+ */
+ SearchCandidateFinder(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph LIFETIMEBOUND) noexcept :
+ m_depgraph(depgraph),
+ m_todo(SetType::Fill(depgraph.TxCount())) {}
+ /** Check whether any unlinearized transactions remain. */
+ bool AllDone() const noexcept
+ {
+ return m_todo.None();
+ }
+ /** Find a high-feerate topologically-valid subset of what remains of the cluster.
+ * Requires !AllDone().
+ *
+ * @param[in] max_iterations The maximum number of optimization steps that will be performed.
+ * @param[in] best A set/feerate pair with an already-known good candidate. This may
+ * be empty.
+ * @return A pair of:
+ * - The best (highest feerate, smallest size as tiebreaker)
+ * topologically valid subset (and its feerate) that was
+ * encountered during search. It will be at least as good as the
+ * best passed in (if not empty).
+ * - The number of optimization steps that were performed. This will
+ * be <= max_iterations. If strictly < max_iterations, the
+ * returned subset is optimal.
+ *
+ * Complexity: O(N * min(max_iterations, 2^N)) where N=depgraph.TxCount().
+ */
+ std::pair<SetInfo<SetType>, uint64_t> FindCandidateSet(uint64_t max_iterations, SetInfo<SetType> best) noexcept
+ {
+ Assume(!AllDone());
+ /** Type for work queue items. */
+ struct WorkItem
+ {
+ /** Set of transactions definitely included (and its feerate). This must be a subset
+ * of m_todo, and be topologically valid (includes all in-m_todo ancestors of
+ * itself). */
+ SetInfo<SetType> inc;
+ /** Set of undecided transactions. This must be a subset of m_todo, and have no overlap
+ * with inc. The set (inc | und) must be topologically valid. */
+ SetType und;
+ /** Construct a new work item. */
+ WorkItem(SetInfo<SetType>&& i, SetType&& u) noexcept :
+ inc(std::move(i)), und(std::move(u)) {}
+ };
+ /** The queue of work items. */
+ std::vector<WorkItem> queue;
+ // Create an initial entry with m_todo as undecided. Also use it as best if not provided,
+ // so that during the work processing loop below, and during the add_fn/split_fn calls, we
+ // do not need to deal with the best=empty case.
+ if (best.feerate.IsEmpty()) best = SetInfo(m_depgraph, m_todo);
+ queue.emplace_back(SetInfo<SetType>{}, SetType{m_todo});
+ /** Local copy of the iteration limit. */
+ uint64_t iterations_left = max_iterations;
+ /** Internal function to add an item to the queue of elements to explore if there are any
+ * transactions left to split on, and to update best.
+ *
+ * - inc: the "inc" value for the new work item (must be topological).
+ * - und: the "und" value for the new work item ((inc | und) must be topological).
+ */
+ auto add_fn = [&](SetInfo<SetType> inc, SetType und) noexcept {
+ if (!inc.feerate.IsEmpty()) {
+ // If inc's feerate is better than best's, remember it as our new best.
+ if (inc.feerate > best.feerate) {
+ best = inc;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Assume(inc.transactions.None());
+ }
+ // Make sure there are undecided transactions left to split on.
+ if (und.None()) return;
+ // Actually construct a new work item on the queue.
+ queue.emplace_back(std::move(inc), std::move(und));
+ };
+ /** Internal process function. It takes an existing work item, and splits it in two: one
+ * with a particular transaction (and its ancestors) included, and one with that
+ * transaction (and its descendants) excluded. */
+ auto split_fn = [&](WorkItem&& elem) noexcept {
+ // Any queue element must have undecided transactions left, otherwise there is nothing
+ // to explore anymore.
+ Assume(elem.und.Any());
+ // The included and undecided set are all subsets of m_todo.
+ Assume(elem.inc.transactions.IsSubsetOf(m_todo) && elem.und.IsSubsetOf(m_todo));
+ // Included transactions cannot be undecided.
+ Assume(!elem.inc.transactions.Overlaps(elem.und));
+ // Pick the first undecided transaction as the one to split on.
+ const ClusterIndex split = elem.und.First();
+ // Add a work item corresponding to exclusion of the split transaction.
+ const auto& desc = m_depgraph.Descendants(split);
+ add_fn(/*inc=*/elem.inc,
+ /*und=*/elem.und - desc);
+ // Add a work item corresponding to inclusion of the split transaction.
+ const auto anc = m_depgraph.Ancestors(split) & m_todo;
+ add_fn(/*inc=*/elem.inc.Add(m_depgraph, anc),
+ /*und=*/elem.und - anc);
+ // Account for the performed split.
+ --iterations_left;
+ };
+ // Work processing loop.
+ while (!queue.empty()) {
+ if (!iterations_left) break;
+ auto elem = queue.back();
+ queue.pop_back();
+ split_fn(std::move(elem));
+ }
+ // Return the found best set and the number of iterations performed.
+ return {std::move(best), max_iterations - iterations_left};
+ }
+ /** Remove a subset of transactions from the cluster being linearized.
+ *
+ * Complexity: O(N) where N=done.Count().
+ */
+ void MarkDone(const SetType& done) noexcept
+ {
+ Assume(done.Any());
+ Assume(done.IsSubsetOf(m_todo));
+ m_todo -= done;
+ }
} // namespace cluster_linearize