diff options
23 files changed, 1136 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md b/doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md
index b3c4239b73..96ab4112e2 100644
--- a/doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md
+++ b/doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ their in-mempool descendants (together, "original transactions") if, in addition
other consensus and policy rules, each of the following conditions are met:
1. The directly conflicting transactions all signal replaceability explicitly. A transaction is
- signaling replaceability if any of its inputs have an nSequence number less than (0xffffffff - 1).
+ signaling BIP125 replaceability if any of its inputs have an nSequence number less than (0xffffffff - 1).
+ A transaction also signals replaceibility if its nVersion field is set to 3.
*Rationale*: See [BIP125
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index e452b42533..3e8870c828 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
node/validation_cache_args.h \
noui.h \
outputtype.h \
+ policy/v3_policy.h \
policy/feerate.h \
policy/fees.h \
policy/fees_args.h \
@@ -441,6 +442,7 @@ libbitcoin_node_a_SOURCES = \
node/utxo_snapshot.cpp \
node/validation_cache_args.cpp \
noui.cpp \
+ policy/v3_policy.cpp \
policy/fees.cpp \
policy/fees_args.cpp \
policy/packages.cpp \
@@ -702,6 +704,7 @@ libbitcoin_common_a_SOURCES = \
netbase.cpp \
net_permissions.cpp \
outputtype.cpp \
+ policy/v3_policy.cpp \
policy/feerate.cpp \
policy/policy.cpp \
protocol.cpp \
@@ -960,6 +963,7 @@ libbitcoinkernel_la_SOURCES = \
node/blockstorage.cpp \
node/chainstate.cpp \
node/utxo_snapshot.cpp \
+ policy/v3_policy.cpp \
policy/feerate.cpp \
policy/packages.cpp \
policy/policy.cpp \
diff --git a/src/policy/rbf.cpp b/src/policy/rbf.cpp
index 76ab2b1a96..f0830d8f22 100644
--- a/src/policy/rbf.cpp
+++ b/src/policy/rbf.cpp
@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ std::optional<std::string> HasNoNewUnconfirmed(const CTransaction& tx,
std::optional<std::string> EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint(const CTxMemPool::setEntries& ancestors,
- const std::set<uint256>& direct_conflicts,
+ const std::set<Txid>& direct_conflicts,
const uint256& txid)
for (CTxMemPool::txiter ancestorIt : ancestors) {
- const uint256& hashAncestor = ancestorIt->GetTx().GetHash();
+ const Txid& hashAncestor = ancestorIt->GetTx().GetHash();
if (direct_conflicts.count(hashAncestor)) {
return strprintf("%s spends conflicting transaction %s",
diff --git a/src/policy/rbf.h b/src/policy/rbf.h
index fff9828482..5a33ed64a3 100644
--- a/src/policy/rbf.h
+++ b/src/policy/rbf.h
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ std::optional<std::string> HasNoNewUnconfirmed(const CTransaction& tx, const CTx
* @returns error message if the sets intersect, std::nullopt if they are disjoint.
std::optional<std::string> EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint(const CTxMemPool::setEntries& ancestors,
- const std::set<uint256>& direct_conflicts,
+ const std::set<Txid>& direct_conflicts,
const uint256& txid);
/** Check that the feerate of the replacement transaction(s) is higher than the feerate of each
diff --git a/src/policy/v3_policy.cpp b/src/policy/v3_policy.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..158881aeb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/policy/v3_policy.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <policy/v3_policy.h>
+#include <coins.h>
+#include <consensus/amount.h>
+#include <logging.h>
+#include <tinyformat.h>
+#include <util/check.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <vector>
+/** Helper for PackageV3Checks: Returns a vector containing the indices of transactions (within
+ * package) that are direct parents of ptx. */
+std::vector<size_t> FindInPackageParents(const Package& package, const CTransactionRef& ptx)
+ std::vector<size_t> in_package_parents;
+ std::set<Txid> possible_parents;
+ for (auto &input : ptx->vin) {
+ possible_parents.insert(input.prevout.hash);
+ }
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < package.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& tx = package.at(i);
+ // We assume the package is sorted, so that we don't need to continue
+ // looking past the transaction itself.
+ if (&(*tx) == &(*ptx)) break;
+ if (possible_parents.count(tx->GetHash())) {
+ in_package_parents.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return in_package_parents;
+/** Helper for PackageV3Checks, storing info for a mempool or package parent. */
+struct ParentInfo {
+ /** Txid used to identify this parent by prevout */
+ const Txid& m_txid;
+ /** Wtxid used for debug string */
+ const Wtxid& m_wtxid;
+ /** nVersion used to check inheritance of v3 and non-v3 */
+ decltype(CTransaction::nVersion) m_version;
+ /** If parent is in mempool, whether it has any descendants in mempool. */
+ bool m_has_mempool_descendant;
+ ParentInfo() = delete;
+ ParentInfo(const Txid& txid, const Wtxid& wtxid, decltype(CTransaction::nVersion) version, bool has_mempool_descendant) :
+ m_txid{txid}, m_wtxid{wtxid}, m_version{version},
+ m_has_mempool_descendant{has_mempool_descendant}
+ {}
+std::optional<std::string> PackageV3Checks(const CTransactionRef& ptx, int64_t vsize,
+ const Package& package,
+ const CTxMemPool::setEntries& mempool_ancestors)
+ // This function is specialized for these limits, and must be reimplemented if they ever change.
+ static_assert(V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT == 2);
+ static_assert(V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT == 2);
+ const auto in_package_parents{FindInPackageParents(package, ptx)};
+ // Now we have all ancestors, so we can start checking v3 rules.
+ if (ptx->nVersion == 3) {
+ if (mempool_ancestors.size() + in_package_parents.size() + 1 > V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT) {
+ return strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would have too many ancestors",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ const bool has_parent{mempool_ancestors.size() + in_package_parents.size() > 0};
+ if (has_parent) {
+ // A v3 child cannot be too large.
+ if (vsize > V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE) {
+ return strprintf("v3 child tx %s (wtxid=%s) is too big: %u > %u virtual bytes",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ vsize, V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE);
+ }
+ const auto parent_info = [&] {
+ if (mempool_ancestors.size() > 0) {
+ // There's a parent in the mempool.
+ auto& mempool_parent = *mempool_ancestors.begin();
+ Assume(mempool_parent->GetCountWithDescendants() == 1);
+ return ParentInfo{mempool_parent->GetTx().GetHash(),
+ mempool_parent->GetTx().GetWitnessHash(),
+ mempool_parent->GetTx().nVersion,
+ /*has_mempool_descendant=*/mempool_parent->GetCountWithDescendants() > 1};
+ } else {
+ // Ancestor must be in the package. Find it.
+ auto& parent_index = in_package_parents.front();
+ auto& package_parent = package.at(parent_index);
+ return ParentInfo{package_parent->GetHash(),
+ package_parent->GetWitnessHash(),
+ package_parent->nVersion,
+ /*has_mempool_descendant=*/false};
+ }
+ }();
+ // If there is a parent, it must have the right version.
+ if (parent_info.m_version != 3) {
+ return strprintf("v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ parent_info.m_txid.ToString(), parent_info.m_wtxid.ToString());
+ }
+ for (const auto& package_tx : package) {
+ // Skip same tx.
+ if (&(*package_tx) == &(*ptx)) continue;
+ for (auto& input : package_tx->vin) {
+ // Fail if we find another tx with the same parent. We don't check whether the
+ // sibling is to-be-replaced (done in SingleV3Checks) because these transactions
+ // are within the same package.
+ if (input.prevout.hash == parent_info.m_txid) {
+ return strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would exceed descendant count limit",
+ parent_info.m_txid.ToString(),
+ parent_info.m_wtxid.ToString());
+ }
+ // This tx can't have both a parent and an in-package child.
+ if (input.prevout.hash == ptx->GetHash()) {
+ return strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would have too many ancestors",
+ package_tx->GetHash().ToString(), package_tx->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // It shouldn't be possible to have any mempool siblings at this point. SingleV3Checks
+ // catches mempool siblings. Also, if the package consists of connected transactions,
+ // any tx having a mempool ancestor would mean the package exceeds ancestor limits.
+ if (!Assume(!parent_info.m_has_mempool_descendant)) {
+ return strprintf("tx %u would exceed descendant count limit", parent_info.m_wtxid.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Non-v3 transactions cannot have v3 parents.
+ for (auto it : mempool_ancestors) {
+ if (it->GetTx().nVersion == 3) {
+ return strprintf("non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ it->GetSharedTx()->GetHash().ToString(), it->GetSharedTx()->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& index: in_package_parents) {
+ if (package.at(index)->nVersion == 3) {
+ return strprintf("non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(),
+ ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ package.at(index)->GetHash().ToString(),
+ package.at(index)->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+std::optional<std::string> SingleV3Checks(const CTransactionRef& ptx,
+ const CTxMemPool::setEntries& mempool_ancestors,
+ const std::set<Txid>& direct_conflicts,
+ int64_t vsize)
+ // Check v3 and non-v3 inheritance.
+ for (const auto& entry : mempool_ancestors) {
+ if (ptx->nVersion != 3 && entry->GetTx().nVersion == 3) {
+ return strprintf("non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ entry->GetSharedTx()->GetHash().ToString(), entry->GetSharedTx()->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ } else if (ptx->nVersion == 3 && entry->GetTx().nVersion != 3) {
+ return strprintf("v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ entry->GetSharedTx()->GetHash().ToString(), entry->GetSharedTx()->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ // This function is specialized for these limits, and must be reimplemented if they ever change.
+ static_assert(V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT == 2);
+ static_assert(V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT == 2);
+ // The rest of the rules only apply to transactions with nVersion=3.
+ if (ptx->nVersion != 3) return std::nullopt;
+ // Check that V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT would not be violated, including both in-package and in-mempool.
+ if (mempool_ancestors.size() + 1 > V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT) {
+ return strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would have too many ancestors",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ // Remaining checks only pertain to transactions with unconfirmed ancestors.
+ if (mempool_ancestors.size() > 0) {
+ // If this transaction spends V3 parents, it cannot be too large.
+ if (vsize > V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE) {
+ return strprintf("v3 child tx %s (wtxid=%s) is too big: %u > %u virtual bytes",
+ ptx->GetHash().ToString(), ptx->GetWitnessHash().ToString(), vsize, V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE);
+ }
+ // Check the descendant counts of in-mempool ancestors.
+ const auto& parent_entry = *mempool_ancestors.begin();
+ // If there are any ancestors, this is the only child allowed. The parent cannot have any
+ // other descendants. We handle the possibility of multiple children as that case is
+ // possible through a reorg.
+ const auto& children = parent_entry->GetMemPoolChildrenConst();
+ // Don't double-count a transaction that is going to be replaced. This logic assumes that
+ // any descendant of the V3 transaction is a direct child, which makes sense because a V3
+ // transaction can only have 1 descendant.
+ const bool child_will_be_replaced = !children.empty() &&
+ std::any_of(children.cbegin(), children.cend(),
+ [&direct_conflicts](const CTxMemPoolEntry& child){return direct_conflicts.count(child.GetTx().GetHash()) > 0;});
+ if (parent_entry->GetCountWithDescendants() + 1 > V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT && !child_will_be_replaced) {
+ return strprintf("tx %u (wtxid=%s) would exceed descendant count limit",
+ parent_entry->GetSharedTx()->GetHash().ToString(),
+ parent_entry->GetSharedTx()->GetWitnessHash().ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
diff --git a/src/policy/v3_policy.h b/src/policy/v3_policy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e871915e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/policy/v3_policy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <consensus/amount.h>
+#include <policy/packages.h>
+#include <policy/policy.h>
+#include <primitives/transaction.h>
+#include <txmempool.h>
+#include <util/result.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+// This module enforces rules for transactions with nVersion=3 ("v3 transactions") which help make
+// RBF abilities more robust.
+// v3 only allows 1 parent and 1 child when unconfirmed.
+/** Maximum number of transactions including an unconfirmed tx and its descendants. */
+static constexpr unsigned int V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT{2};
+/** Maximum number of transactions including a V3 tx and all its mempool ancestors. */
+static constexpr unsigned int V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT{2};
+/** Maximum sigop-adjusted virtual size of a tx which spends from an unconfirmed v3 transaction. */
+static constexpr int64_t V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE{1000};
+// These limits are within the default ancestor/descendant limits.
+/** Must be called for every transaction, even if not v3. Not strictly necessary for transactions
+ * accepted through AcceptMultipleTransactions.
+ *
+ * Checks the following rules:
+ * 1. A v3 tx must only have v3 unconfirmed ancestors.
+ * 2. A non-v3 tx must only have non-v3 unconfirmed ancestors.
+ * 3. A v3's ancestor set, including itself, must be within V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT.
+ * 4. A v3's descendant set, including itself, must be within V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT.
+ * 5. If a v3 tx has any unconfirmed ancestors, the tx's sigop-adjusted vsize must be within
+ *
+ *
+ * @param[in] mempool_ancestors The in-mempool ancestors of ptx.
+ * @param[in] direct_conflicts In-mempool transactions this tx conflicts with. These conflicts
+ * are used to more accurately calculate the resulting descendant
+ * count of in-mempool ancestors.
+ * @param[in] vsize The sigop-adjusted virtual size of ptx.
+ *
+ * @returns debug string if an error occurs, std::nullopt otherwise.
+ */
+std::optional<std::string> SingleV3Checks(const CTransactionRef& ptx,
+ const CTxMemPool::setEntries& mempool_ancestors,
+ const std::set<Txid>& direct_conflicts,
+ int64_t vsize);
+/** Must be called for every transaction that is submitted within a package, even if not v3.
+ *
+ * For each transaction in a package:
+ * If it's not a v3 transaction, verify it has no direct v3 parents in the mempool or the package.
+ * If it is a v3 transaction, verify that any direct parents in the mempool or the package are v3.
+ * If such a parent exists, verify that parent has no other children in the package or the mempool,
+ * and that the transaction itself has no children in the package.
+ *
+ * If any v3 violations in the package exist, this test will fail for one of them:
+ * - if a v3 transaction T has a parent in the mempool and a child in the package, then PV3C(T) will fail
+ * - if a v3 transaction T has a parent in the package and a child in the package, then PV3C(T) will fail
+ * - if a v3 transaction T and a v3 (sibling) transaction U have some parent in the mempool,
+ * then PV3C(T) and PV3C(U) will fail
+ * - if a v3 transaction T and a v3 (sibling) transaction U have some parent in the package,
+ * then PV3C(T) and PV3C(U) will fail
+ * - if a v3 transaction T has a parent P and a grandparent G in the package, then
+ * PV3C(P) will fail (though PV3C(G) and PV3C(T) might succeed).
+ *
+ * @returns debug string if an error occurs, std::nullopt otherwise.
+ * */
+std::optional<std::string> PackageV3Checks(const CTransactionRef& ptx, int64_t vsize,
+ const Package& package,
+ const CTxMemPool::setEntries& mempool_ancestors);
diff --git a/src/rpc/mempool.cpp b/src/rpc/mempool.cpp
index 04d2e68939..c1753a1f6e 100644
--- a/src/rpc/mempool.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/mempool.cpp
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ static RPCHelpMan testmempoolaccept()
result_inner.pushKV("txid", tx->GetHash().GetHex());
result_inner.pushKV("wtxid", tx->GetWitnessHash().GetHex());
if (package_result.m_state.GetResult() == PackageValidationResult::PCKG_POLICY) {
- result_inner.pushKV("package-error", package_result.m_state.GetRejectReason());
+ result_inner.pushKV("package-error", package_result.m_state.ToString());
auto it = package_result.m_tx_results.find(tx->GetWitnessHash());
if (exit_early || it == package_result.m_tx_results.end()) {
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ static RPCHelpMan submitpackage()
case PackageValidationResult::PCKG_TX:
// Package-wide error we want to return, but we also want to return individual responses
- package_msg = package_result.m_state.GetRejectReason();
+ package_msg = package_result.m_state.ToString();
CHECK_NONFATAL(package_result.m_tx_results.size() == txns.size() ||
diff --git a/src/test/fuzz/package_eval.cpp b/src/test/fuzz/package_eval.cpp
index 5a08d0ff44..9e658e0ced 100644
--- a/src/test/fuzz/package_eval.cpp
+++ b/src/test/fuzz/package_eval.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <node/context.h>
#include <node/mempool_args.h>
#include <node/miner.h>
+#include <policy/v3_policy.h>
#include <test/fuzz/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
#include <test/fuzz/fuzz.h>
#include <test/fuzz/util.h>
@@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ CTxMemPool MakeMempool(FuzzedDataProvider& fuzzed_data_provider, const NodeConte
mempool_opts.limits.descendant_size_vbytes = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<unsigned>(0, 202) * 1'000;
mempool_opts.max_size_bytes = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<unsigned>(0, 200) * 1'000'000;
mempool_opts.expiry = std::chrono::hours{fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<unsigned>(0, 999)};
- nBytesPerSigOp = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<unsigned>(1, 999);
+ // Only interested in 2 cases: sigop cost 0 or when single legacy sigop cost is >> 1KvB
+ nBytesPerSigOp = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<unsigned>(0, 1) * 10'000;
mempool_opts.check_ratio = 1;
mempool_opts.require_standard = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool();
@@ -171,11 +173,11 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_package_eval, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
// Create transaction to add to the mempool
const CTransactionRef tx = [&] {
CMutableTransaction tx_mut;
- tx_mut.nVersion = CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION;
+ tx_mut.nVersion = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool() ? 3 : CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION;
tx_mut.nLockTime = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool() ? 0 : fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint32_t>();
// Last tx will sweep all outpoints in package
const auto num_in = last_tx ? package_outpoints.size() : fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int>(1, mempool_outpoints.size());
- const auto num_out = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int>(1, mempool_outpoints.size() * 2);
+ auto num_out = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int>(1, mempool_outpoints.size() * 2);
auto& outpoints = last_tx ? package_outpoints : mempool_outpoints;
@@ -211,17 +213,24 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_package_eval, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
- // Refer to a non-existant input
+ // Refer to a non-existent input
if (fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool()) {
+ // Make a p2pk output to make sigops adjusted vsize to violate v3, potentially, which is never spent
+ if (last_tx && amount_in > 1000 && fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool()) {
+ tx_mut.vout.emplace_back(1000, CScript() << std::vector<unsigned char>(33, 0x02) << OP_CHECKSIG);
+ // Don't add any other outputs.
+ num_out = 1;
+ amount_in -= 1000;
+ }
const auto amount_fee = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<CAmount>(0, amount_in);
const auto amount_out = (amount_in - amount_fee) / num_out;
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; ++i) {
tx_mut.vout.emplace_back(amount_out, P2WSH_EMPTY);
- // TODO vary transaction sizes to catch size-related issues
auto tx = MakeTransactionRef(tx_mut);
// Restore previously removed outpoints, except in-package outpoints
if (!last_tx) {
@@ -261,7 +270,6 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_package_eval, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
std::set<CTransactionRef> added;
auto txr = std::make_shared<TransactionsDelta>(added);
- const bool bypass_limits = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool();
// When there are multiple transactions in the package, we call ProcessNewPackage(txs, test_accept=false)
// and AcceptToMemoryPool(txs.back(), test_accept=true). When there is only 1 transaction, we might flip it
@@ -271,17 +279,20 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_package_eval, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
const auto result_package = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main,
return ProcessNewPackage(chainstate, tx_pool, txs, /*test_accept=*/single_submit));
- const auto res = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return AcceptToMemoryPool(chainstate, txs.back(), GetTime(), bypass_limits, /*test_accept=*/!single_submit));
- const bool accepted = res.m_result_type == MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::VALID;
+ // Always set bypass_limits to false because it is not supported in ProcessNewPackage and
+ // can be a source of divergence.
+ const auto res = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return AcceptToMemoryPool(chainstate, txs.back(), GetTime(),
+ /*bypass_limits=*/false, /*test_accept=*/!single_submit));
+ const bool passed = res.m_result_type == MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::VALID;
// There is only 1 transaction in the package. We did a test-package-accept and a ATMP
if (single_submit) {
- Assert(accepted != added.empty());
- Assert(accepted == res.m_state.IsValid());
- if (accepted) {
+ Assert(passed != added.empty());
+ Assert(passed == res.m_state.IsValid());
+ if (passed) {
Assert(added.size() == 1);
Assert(txs.back() == *added.begin());
@@ -295,6 +306,8 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_package_eval, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
// This is empty if it fails early checks, or "full" if transactions are looked at deeper
Assert(result_package.m_tx_results.size() == txs.size() || result_package.m_tx_results.empty());
+ CheckMempoolV3Invariants(tx_pool);
diff --git a/src/test/fuzz/tx_pool.cpp b/src/test/fuzz/tx_pool.cpp
index 8c0b0d7029..b44b528b6f 100644
--- a/src/test/fuzz/tx_pool.cpp
+++ b/src/test/fuzz/tx_pool.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <node/context.h>
#include <node/mempool_args.h>
#include <node/miner.h>
+#include <policy/v3_policy.h>
#include <test/fuzz/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
#include <test/fuzz/fuzz.h>
#include <test/fuzz/util.h>
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_pool_standard, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
// Create transaction to add to the mempool
const CTransactionRef tx = [&] {
CMutableTransaction tx_mut;
- tx_mut.nVersion = CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION;
+ tx_mut.nVersion = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool() ? 3 : CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION;
tx_mut.nLockTime = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool() ? 0 : fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint32_t>();
const auto num_in = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int>(1, outpoints_rbf.size());
const auto num_out = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int>(1, outpoints_rbf.size() * 2);
@@ -313,6 +314,7 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_pool_standard, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
if (accepted) {
Assert(added.size() == 1); // For now, no package acceptance
Assert(tx == *added.begin());
+ CheckMempoolV3Invariants(tx_pool);
} else {
// Do not consider rejected transaction removed
@@ -405,6 +407,9 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(tx_pool, .init = initialize_tx_pool)
const bool accepted = res.m_result_type == MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::VALID;
if (accepted) {
+ // Only check fees if accepted and not bypass_limits, otherwise it's not guaranteed that
+ // trimming has happened for this tx and previous iterations.
+ CheckMempoolV3Invariants(tx_pool);
Finish(fuzzed_data_provider, tx_pool, chainstate);
diff --git a/src/test/rbf_tests.cpp b/src/test/rbf_tests.cpp
index fb6a3614c0..e6c135eed9 100644
--- a/src/test/rbf_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/rbf_tests.cpp
@@ -135,8 +135,6 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(rbf_helper_functions, TestChain100Setup)
// Tests for EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint
BOOST_CHECK(EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint(empty_set, {tx1->GetHash()}, unused_txid) == std::nullopt);
BOOST_CHECK(EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint(set_12_normal, {tx3->GetHash()}, unused_txid) == std::nullopt);
- // EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint uses txids, not wtxids.
- BOOST_CHECK(EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint({entry2}, {tx2->GetWitnessHash()}, unused_txid) == std::nullopt);
BOOST_CHECK(EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint({entry2}, {tx2->GetHash()}, unused_txid).has_value());
BOOST_CHECK(EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint(set_12_normal, {tx1->GetHash()}, unused_txid).has_value());
BOOST_CHECK(EntriesAndTxidsDisjoint(set_12_normal, {tx2->GetHash()}, unused_txid).has_value());
diff --git a/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp b/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp
index d1cb2531aa..e6cf64611e 100644
--- a/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_IsStandard)
t.nVersion = 0;
CheckIsNotStandard(t, "version");
- t.nVersion = 3;
+ t.nVersion = TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION + 1;
CheckIsNotStandard(t, "version");
// Allowed nVersion
diff --git a/src/test/txvalidation_tests.cpp b/src/test/txvalidation_tests.cpp
index ecf0889711..98d5e892f9 100644
--- a/src/test/txvalidation_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/txvalidation_tests.cpp
@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <key_io.h>
+#include <policy/v3_policy.h>
#include <policy/packages.h>
#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
+#include <random.h>
#include <script/script.h>
#include <test/util/setup_common.h>
+#include <test/util/txmempool.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
@@ -48,4 +51,290 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(tx_mempool_reject_coinbase, TestChain100Setup)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result.m_state.GetRejectReason(), "coinbase");
BOOST_CHECK(result.m_state.GetResult() == TxValidationResult::TX_CONSENSUS);
+// Generate a number of random, nonexistent outpoints.
+static inline std::vector<COutPoint> random_outpoints(size_t num_outpoints) {
+ std::vector<COutPoint> outpoints;
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < num_outpoints; ++i) {
+ outpoints.emplace_back(Txid::FromUint256(GetRandHash()), 0);
+ }
+ return outpoints;
+static inline std::vector<CPubKey> random_keys(size_t num_keys) {
+ std::vector<CPubKey> keys;
+ keys.reserve(num_keys);
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < num_keys; ++i) {
+ CKey key;
+ key.MakeNewKey(true);
+ keys.emplace_back(key.GetPubKey());
+ }
+ return keys;
+// Creates a placeholder tx (not valid) with 25 outputs. Specify the nVersion and the inputs.
+static inline CTransactionRef make_tx(const std::vector<COutPoint>& inputs, int32_t version)
+ CMutableTransaction mtx = CMutableTransaction{};
+ mtx.nVersion = version;
+ mtx.vin.resize(inputs.size());
+ mtx.vout.resize(25);
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
+ mtx.vin[i].prevout = inputs[i];
+ }
+ for (auto i{0}; i < 25; ++i) {
+ mtx.vout[i].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_TRUE;
+ mtx.vout[i].nValue = 10000;
+ }
+ return MakeTransactionRef(mtx);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(version3_tests, RegTestingSetup)
+ // Test V3 policy helper functions
+ CTxMemPool& pool = *Assert(m_node.mempool);
+ LOCK2(cs_main, pool.cs);
+ TestMemPoolEntryHelper entry;
+ std::set<Txid> empty_conflicts_set;
+ CTxMemPool::setEntries empty_ancestors;
+ auto mempool_tx_v3 = make_tx(random_outpoints(1), /*version=*/3);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.FromTx(mempool_tx_v3));
+ auto mempool_tx_v2 = make_tx(random_outpoints(1), /*version=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.FromTx(mempool_tx_v2));
+ // Default values.
+ CTxMemPool::Limits m_limits{};
+ // Cannot spend from an unconfirmed v3 transaction unless this tx is also v3.
+ {
+ // mempool_tx_v3
+ // ^
+ // tx_v2_from_v3
+ auto tx_v2_from_v3 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/2);
+ auto ancestors_v2_from_v3{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v2_from_v3), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ tx_v2_from_v3->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v2_from_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ mempool_tx_v3->GetHash().ToString(), mempool_tx_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v2_from_v3, *ancestors_v2_from_v3, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v2_from_v3)) == expected_error_str);
+ Package package_v3_v2{mempool_tx_v3, tx_v2_from_v3};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v2_from_v3, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v2_from_v3), package_v3_v2, empty_ancestors), expected_error_str);
+ // mempool_tx_v3 mempool_tx_v2
+ // ^ ^
+ // tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3
+ auto tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{mempool_tx_v2->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/2);
+ auto ancestors_v2_from_both{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str_2{strprintf("non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ mempool_tx_v3->GetHash().ToString(), mempool_tx_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3, *ancestors_v2_from_both, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3))
+ == expected_error_str_2);
+ Package package_v3_v2_v2{mempool_tx_v3, mempool_tx_v2, tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v2_from_v2_and_v3), package_v3_v2_v2, empty_ancestors), expected_error_str_2);
+ }
+ // V3 cannot spend from an unconfirmed non-v3 transaction.
+ {
+ // mempool_tx_v2
+ // ^
+ // tx_v3_from_v2
+ auto tx_v3_from_v2 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v2->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/3);
+ auto ancestors_v3_from_v2{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_from_v2), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ tx_v3_from_v2->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v3_from_v2->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ mempool_tx_v2->GetHash().ToString(), mempool_tx_v2->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_from_v2, *ancestors_v3_from_v2, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_from_v2)) == expected_error_str);
+ Package package_v2_v3{mempool_tx_v2, tx_v3_from_v2};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_from_v2, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_from_v2), package_v2_v3, empty_ancestors), expected_error_str);
+ // mempool_tx_v3 mempool_tx_v2
+ // ^ ^
+ // tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3
+ auto tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{mempool_tx_v2->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/3);
+ auto ancestors_v3_from_both{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str_2{strprintf("v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s) cannot spend from non-v3 tx %s (wtxid=%s)",
+ tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ mempool_tx_v2->GetHash().ToString(), mempool_tx_v2->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3, *ancestors_v3_from_both, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3))
+ == expected_error_str_2);
+ // tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3 also violates V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT.
+ const auto expected_error_str_3{strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would have too many ancestors",
+ tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ Package package_v3_v2_v3{mempool_tx_v3, mempool_tx_v2, tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_from_v2_and_v3), package_v3_v2_v3, empty_ancestors), expected_error_str_3);
+ }
+ // V3 from V3 is ok, and non-V3 from non-V3 is ok.
+ {
+ // mempool_tx_v3
+ // ^
+ // tx_v3_from_v3
+ auto tx_v3_from_v3 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/3);
+ auto ancestors_v3{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_from_v3), m_limits)};
+ BOOST_CHECK(SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_from_v3, *ancestors_v3, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_from_v3))
+ == std::nullopt);
+ Package package_v3_v3{mempool_tx_v3, tx_v3_from_v3};
+ BOOST_CHECK(PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_from_v3, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_from_v3), package_v3_v3, empty_ancestors) == std::nullopt);
+ // mempool_tx_v2
+ // ^
+ // tx_v2_from_v2
+ auto tx_v2_from_v2 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v2->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/2);
+ auto ancestors_v2{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v2_from_v2), m_limits)};
+ BOOST_CHECK(SingleV3Checks(tx_v2_from_v2, *ancestors_v2, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v2_from_v2))
+ == std::nullopt);
+ Package package_v2_v2{mempool_tx_v2, tx_v2_from_v2};
+ BOOST_CHECK(PackageV3Checks(tx_v2_from_v2, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v2_from_v2), package_v2_v2, empty_ancestors) == std::nullopt);
+ }
+ // Tx spending v3 cannot have too many mempool ancestors
+ // Configuration where the tx has multiple direct parents.
+ {
+ Package package_multi_parents;
+ std::vector<COutPoint> mempool_outpoints;
+ mempool_outpoints.emplace_back(mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0);
+ package_multi_parents.emplace_back(mempool_tx_v3);
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < 2; ++i) {
+ auto mempool_tx = make_tx(random_outpoints(i + 1), /*version=*/3);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.FromTx(mempool_tx));
+ mempool_outpoints.emplace_back(mempool_tx->GetHash(), 0);
+ package_multi_parents.emplace_back(mempool_tx);
+ }
+ auto tx_v3_multi_parent = make_tx(mempool_outpoints, /*version=*/3);
+ package_multi_parents.emplace_back(tx_v3_multi_parent);
+ auto ancestors{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_multi_parent), m_limits)};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ancestors->size(), 3);
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would have too many ancestors",
+ tx_v3_multi_parent->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v3_multi_parent->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_multi_parent, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_multi_parent)),
+ expected_error_str);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_multi_parent, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_multi_parent), package_multi_parents, empty_ancestors),
+ expected_error_str);
+ }
+ // Configuration where the tx is in a multi-generation chain.
+ {
+ Package package_multi_gen;
+ CTransactionRef middle_tx;
+ auto last_outpoint{random_outpoints(1)[0]};
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < 2; ++i) {
+ auto mempool_tx = make_tx({last_outpoint}, /*version=*/3);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.FromTx(mempool_tx));
+ last_outpoint = COutPoint{mempool_tx->GetHash(), 0};
+ package_multi_gen.emplace_back(mempool_tx);
+ if (i == 1) middle_tx = mempool_tx;
+ }
+ auto tx_v3_multi_gen = make_tx({last_outpoint}, /*version=*/3);
+ package_multi_gen.emplace_back(tx_v3_multi_gen);
+ auto ancestors{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_multi_gen), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would have too many ancestors",
+ tx_v3_multi_gen->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v3_multi_gen->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_multi_gen, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_multi_gen)),
+ expected_error_str);
+ // Middle tx is what triggers a failure for the grandchild:
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(middle_tx, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*middle_tx), package_multi_gen, empty_ancestors), expected_error_str);
+ BOOST_CHECK(PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_multi_gen, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_multi_gen), package_multi_gen, empty_ancestors) == std::nullopt);
+ }
+ // Tx spending v3 cannot be too large in virtual size.
+ auto many_inputs{random_outpoints(100)};
+ many_inputs.emplace_back(mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0);
+ {
+ auto tx_v3_child_big = make_tx(many_inputs, /*version=*/3);
+ const auto vsize{GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_child_big)};
+ auto ancestors{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_child_big), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("v3 child tx %s (wtxid=%s) is too big: %u > %u virtual bytes",
+ tx_v3_child_big->GetHash().ToString(), tx_v3_child_big->GetWitnessHash().ToString(), vsize, V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE)};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_child_big, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_child_big)),
+ expected_error_str);
+ Package package_child_big{mempool_tx_v3, tx_v3_child_big};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_child_big, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_child_big), package_child_big, empty_ancestors),
+ expected_error_str);
+ }
+ // Tx spending v3 cannot have too many sigops.
+ // This child has 10 P2WSH multisig inputs.
+ auto multisig_outpoints{random_outpoints(10)};
+ multisig_outpoints.emplace_back(mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0);
+ auto keys{random_keys(2)};
+ CScript script_multisig;
+ script_multisig << OP_1;
+ for (const auto& key : keys) {
+ script_multisig << ToByteVector(key);
+ }
+ script_multisig << OP_2 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG;
+ {
+ CMutableTransaction mtx_many_sigops = CMutableTransaction{};
+ mtx_many_sigops.nVersion = 3;
+ for (const auto& outpoint : multisig_outpoints) {
+ mtx_many_sigops.vin.emplace_back(outpoint);
+ mtx_many_sigops.vin.back().scriptWitness.stack.emplace_back(script_multisig.begin(), script_multisig.end());
+ }
+ mtx_many_sigops.vout.resize(1);
+ mtx_many_sigops.vout.back().scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_TRUE;
+ mtx_many_sigops.vout.back().nValue = 10000;
+ auto tx_many_sigops{MakeTransactionRef(mtx_many_sigops)};
+ auto ancestors{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_many_sigops), m_limits)};
+ // legacy uses fAccurate = false, and the maximum number of multisig keys is used
+ const int64_t total_sigops{static_cast<int64_t>(tx_many_sigops->vin.size()) * static_cast<int64_t>(script_multisig.GetSigOpCount(/*fAccurate=*/false))};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(total_sigops, tx_many_sigops->vin.size() * MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG);
+ const int64_t bip141_vsize{GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_many_sigops)};
+ // Weight limit is not reached...
+ BOOST_CHECK(SingleV3Checks(tx_many_sigops, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set, bip141_vsize) == std::nullopt);
+ // ...but sigop limit is.
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("v3 child tx %s (wtxid=%s) is too big: %u > %u virtual bytes",
+ tx_many_sigops->GetHash().ToString(), tx_many_sigops->GetWitnessHash().ToString(),
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*SingleV3Checks(tx_many_sigops, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set,
+ GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_many_sigops, /*nSigOpCost=*/total_sigops, /*bytes_per_sigop=*/ DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP)),
+ expected_error_str);
+ Package package_child_sigops{mempool_tx_v3, tx_many_sigops};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_many_sigops, total_sigops * DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP / WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR, package_child_sigops, empty_ancestors),
+ expected_error_str);
+ }
+ // Parent + child with v3 in the mempool. Child is allowed as long as it is under V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE.
+ auto tx_mempool_v3_child = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 0}}, /*version=*/3);
+ {
+ BOOST_CHECK(GetTransactionWeight(*tx_mempool_v3_child) <= V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE * WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR);
+ auto ancestors{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_mempool_v3_child), m_limits)};
+ BOOST_CHECK(SingleV3Checks(tx_mempool_v3_child, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_mempool_v3_child)) == std::nullopt);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.FromTx(tx_mempool_v3_child));
+ Package package_v3_1p1c{mempool_tx_v3, tx_mempool_v3_child};
+ BOOST_CHECK(PackageV3Checks(tx_mempool_v3_child, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_mempool_v3_child), package_v3_1p1c, empty_ancestors) == std::nullopt);
+ }
+ // A v3 transaction cannot have more than 1 descendant.
+ // Configuration where tx has multiple direct children.
+ {
+ auto tx_v3_child2 = make_tx({COutPoint{mempool_tx_v3->GetHash(), 1}}, /*version=*/3);
+ auto ancestors{pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry.FromTx(tx_v3_child2), m_limits)};
+ const auto expected_error_str{strprintf("tx %s (wtxid=%s) would exceed descendant count limit",
+ mempool_tx_v3->GetHash().ToString(), mempool_tx_v3->GetWitnessHash().ToString())};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_child2, *ancestors, empty_conflicts_set, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_child2)),
+ expected_error_str);
+ // If replacing the child, make sure there is no double-counting.
+ BOOST_CHECK(SingleV3Checks(tx_v3_child2, *ancestors, {tx_mempool_v3_child->GetHash()}, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_child2))
+ == std::nullopt);
+ Package package_v3_1p2c{mempool_tx_v3, tx_mempool_v3_child, tx_v3_child2};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*PackageV3Checks(tx_v3_child2, GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx_v3_child2), package_v3_1p2c, empty_ancestors),
+ expected_error_str);
+ }
+ // Configuration where tx has multiple generations of descendants is not tested because that is
+ // equivalent to the tx with multiple generations of ancestors.
diff --git a/src/test/util/txmempool.cpp b/src/test/util/txmempool.cpp
index 379c3c9329..3b4161ddd3 100644
--- a/src/test/util/txmempool.cpp
+++ b/src/test/util/txmempool.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <node/context.h>
#include <node/mempool_args.h>
+#include <policy/v3_policy.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <util/check.h>
#include <util/time.h>
@@ -116,3 +117,28 @@ std::optional<std::string> CheckPackageMempoolAcceptResult(const Package& txns,
return std::nullopt;
+void CheckMempoolV3Invariants(const CTxMemPool& tx_pool)
+ LOCK(tx_pool.cs);
+ for (const auto& tx_info : tx_pool.infoAll()) {
+ const auto& entry = *Assert(tx_pool.GetEntry(tx_info.tx->GetHash()));
+ if (tx_info.tx->nVersion == 3) {
+ // Check that special v3 ancestor/descendant limits and rules are always respected
+ Assert(entry.GetCountWithDescendants() <= V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT);
+ Assert(entry.GetCountWithAncestors() <= V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT);
+ // If this transaction has at least 1 ancestor, it's a "child" and has restricted weight.
+ if (entry.GetCountWithAncestors() > 1) {
+ Assert(entry.GetTxSize() <= V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE);
+ // All v3 transactions must only have v3 unconfirmed parents.
+ const auto& parents = entry.GetMemPoolParentsConst();
+ Assert(parents.begin()->get().GetSharedTx()->nVersion == 3);
+ }
+ } else if (entry.GetCountWithAncestors() > 1) {
+ // All non-v3 transactions must only have non-v3 unconfirmed parents.
+ for (const auto& parent : entry.GetMemPoolParentsConst()) {
+ Assert(parent.get().GetSharedTx()->nVersion != 3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/util/txmempool.h b/src/test/util/txmempool.h
index a866d1ce74..b3022af7df 100644
--- a/src/test/util/txmempool.h
+++ b/src/test/util/txmempool.h
@@ -46,4 +46,14 @@ std::optional<std::string> CheckPackageMempoolAcceptResult(const Package& txns,
const PackageMempoolAcceptResult& result,
bool expect_valid,
const CTxMemPool* mempool);
+/** For every transaction in tx_pool, check v3 invariants:
+ * - a v3 tx's ancestor count must be within V3_ANCESTOR_LIMIT
+ * - a v3 tx's descendant count must be within V3_DESCENDANT_LIMIT
+ * - if a v3 tx has ancestors, its sigop-adjusted vsize must be within V3_CHILD_MAX_VSIZE
+ * - any non-v3 tx must only have non-v3 parents
+ * - any v3 tx must only have v3 parents
+ * */
+void CheckMempoolV3Invariants(const CTxMemPool& tx_pool);
diff --git a/src/txmempool.cpp b/src/txmempool.cpp
index 57a86549d9..de340f6b6d 100644
--- a/src/txmempool.cpp
+++ b/src/txmempool.cpp
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void CTxMemPool::addUnchecked(const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, setEntries &setAnces
cachedInnerUsage += entry.DynamicMemoryUsage();
const CTransaction& tx = newit->GetTx();
- std::set<uint256> setParentTransactions;
+ std::set<Txid> setParentTransactions;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); i++) {
mapNextTx.insert(std::make_pair(&tx.vin[i].prevout, &tx));
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ std::optional<CTxMemPool::txiter> CTxMemPool::GetIter(const uint256& txid) const
return std::nullopt;
-CTxMemPool::setEntries CTxMemPool::GetIterSet(const std::set<uint256>& hashes) const
+CTxMemPool::setEntries CTxMemPool::GetIterSet(const std::set<Txid>& hashes) const
CTxMemPool::setEntries ret;
for (const auto& h : hashes) {
diff --git a/src/txmempool.h b/src/txmempool.h
index ca842632da..b98355c65f 100644
--- a/src/txmempool.h
+++ b/src/txmempool.h
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ public:
/** Translate a set of hashes into a set of pool iterators to avoid repeated lookups.
* Does not require that all of the hashes correspond to actual transactions in the mempool,
* only returns the ones that exist. */
- setEntries GetIterSet(const std::set<uint256>& hashes) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs);
+ setEntries GetIterSet(const std::set<Txid>& hashes) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs);
/** Translate a list of hashes into a list of mempool iterators to avoid repeated lookups.
* The nth element in txids becomes the nth element in the returned vector. If any of the txids
diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp
index caa4ff3115..0552bde665 100644
--- a/src/validation.cpp
+++ b/src/validation.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <logging/timer.h>
#include <node/blockstorage.h>
#include <node/utxo_snapshot.h>
+#include <policy/v3_policy.h>
#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <policy/rbf.h>
#include <policy/settings.h>
@@ -333,7 +334,9 @@ void Chainstate::MaybeUpdateMempoolForReorg(
// Also updates valid entries' cached LockPoints if needed.
// If false, the tx is still valid and its lockpoints are updated.
// If true, the tx would be invalid in the next block; remove this entry and all of its descendants.
- const auto filter_final_and_mature = [this](CTxMemPool::txiter it)
+ // Note that v3 rules are not applied here, so reorgs may cause violations of v3 inheritance or
+ // topology restrictions.
+ const auto filter_final_and_mature = [&](CTxMemPool::txiter it)
EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_mempool->cs, ::cs_main) {
@@ -583,7 +586,7 @@ private:
struct Workspace {
explicit Workspace(const CTransactionRef& ptx) : m_ptx(ptx), m_hash(ptx->GetHash()) {}
/** Txids of mempool transactions that this transaction directly conflicts with. */
- std::set<uint256> m_conflicts;
+ std::set<Txid> m_conflicts;
/** Iterators to mempool entries that this transaction directly conflicts with. */
CTxMemPool::setEntries m_iters_conflicting;
/** Iterators to all mempool entries that would be replaced by this transaction, including
@@ -761,9 +764,12 @@ bool MemPoolAccept::PreChecks(ATMPArgs& args, Workspace& ws)
// check all unconfirmed ancestors; otherwise an opt-in ancestor
// might be replaced, causing removal of this descendant.
- // If replaceability signaling is ignored due to node setting,
- // replacement is always allowed.
- if (!m_pool.m_full_rbf && !SignalsOptInRBF(*ptxConflicting)) {
+ // All V3 transactions are considered replaceable.
+ //
+ // Replaceability signaling of the original transactions may be
+ // ignored due to node setting.
+ const bool allow_rbf{m_pool.m_full_rbf || SignalsOptInRBF(*ptxConflicting) || ptxConflicting->nVersion == 3};
+ if (!allow_rbf) {
return state.Invalid(TxValidationResult::TX_MEMPOOL_POLICY, "txn-mempool-conflict");
@@ -865,7 +871,8 @@ bool MemPoolAccept::PreChecks(ATMPArgs& args, Workspace& ws)
// while a tx could be package CPFP'd when entering the mempool, we do not have a DoS-resistant
// method of ensuring the tx remains bumped. For example, the fee-bumping child could disappear
// due to a replacement.
- if (!bypass_limits && ws.m_modified_fees < m_pool.m_min_relay_feerate.GetFee(ws.m_vsize)) {
+ // The only exception is v3 transactions.
+ if (!bypass_limits && ws.m_ptx->nVersion != 3 && ws.m_modified_fees < m_pool.m_min_relay_feerate.GetFee(ws.m_vsize)) {
// Even though this is a fee-related failure, this result is TX_MEMPOOL_POLICY, not
// TX_RECONSIDERABLE, because it cannot be bypassed using package validation.
return state.Invalid(TxValidationResult::TX_MEMPOOL_POLICY, "min relay fee not met",
@@ -947,6 +954,9 @@ bool MemPoolAccept::PreChecks(ATMPArgs& args, Workspace& ws)
ws.m_ancestors = *ancestors;
+ if (const auto err_string{SingleV3Checks(ws.m_ptx, ws.m_ancestors, ws.m_conflicts, ws.m_vsize)}) {
+ return state.Invalid(TxValidationResult::TX_MEMPOOL_POLICY, "v3-rule-violation", *err_string);
+ }
// A transaction that spends outputs that would be replaced by it is invalid. Now
// that we have the set of all ancestors we can detect this
@@ -1307,6 +1317,15 @@ PackageMempoolAcceptResult MemPoolAccept::AcceptMultipleTransactions(const std::
+ // At this point we have all in-mempool ancestors, and we know every transaction's vsize.
+ // Run the v3 checks on the package.
+ for (Workspace& ws : workspaces) {
+ if (auto err{PackageV3Checks(ws.m_ptx, ws.m_vsize, txns, ws.m_ancestors)}) {
+ package_state.Invalid(PackageValidationResult::PCKG_POLICY, "v3-violation", err.value());
+ return PackageMempoolAcceptResult(package_state, {});
+ }
+ }
// Transactions must meet two minimum feerates: the mempool minimum fee and min relay fee.
// For transactions consisting of exactly one child and its parents, it suffices to use the
// package feerate (total modified fees / total virtual size) to check this requirement.
diff --git a/test/functional/feature_bip68_sequence.py b/test/functional/feature_bip68_sequence.py
index 894afffc79..8768d4040d 100755
--- a/test/functional/feature_bip68_sequence.py
+++ b/test/functional/feature_bip68_sequence.py
@@ -408,10 +408,8 @@ class BIP68Test(BitcoinTestFramework):
# Use self.nodes[1] to test that version 2 transactions are standard.
def test_version2_relay(self):
mini_wallet = MiniWallet(self.nodes[1])
- mini_wallet.rescan_utxos()
- tx = mini_wallet.create_self_transfer()["tx"]
- tx.nVersion = 2
- mini_wallet.sendrawtransaction(from_node=self.nodes[1], tx_hex=tx.serialize().hex())
+ mini_wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=self.nodes[1], version=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_accept_v3.py b/test/functional/mempool_accept_v3.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ca599a9993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/mempool_accept_v3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+from test_framework.messages import (
+from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.util import (
+ assert_equal,
+ assert_greater_than,
+ assert_greater_than_or_equal,
+ assert_raises_rpc_error,
+from test_framework.wallet import (
+ MiniWallet,
+def cleanup(extra_args=None):
+ def decorator(func):
+ def wrapper(self):
+ try:
+ if extra_args is not None:
+ self.restart_node(0, extra_args=extra_args)
+ func(self)
+ finally:
+ # Clear mempool again after test
+ self.generate(self.nodes[0], 1)
+ if extra_args is not None:
+ self.restart_node(0)
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+class MempoolAcceptV3(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def set_test_params(self):
+ self.num_nodes = 1
+ self.extra_args = [["-acceptnonstdtxn=1"]]
+ self.setup_clean_chain = True
+ def check_mempool(self, txids):
+ """Assert exact contents of the node's mempool (by txid)."""
+ mempool_contents = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()
+ assert_equal(len(txids), len(mempool_contents))
+ assert all([txid in txids for txid in mempool_contents])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-datacarriersize=1000", "-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_acceptance(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test a child of a v3 transaction cannot be more than 1000vB")
+ tx_v3_parent_normal = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3)
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"]])
+ tx_v3_child_heavy = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent_normal["new_utxo"],
+ target_weight=4004,
+ version=3
+ )
+ assert_greater_than_or_equal(tx_v3_child_heavy["tx"].get_vsize(), 1000)
+ expected_error_child_heavy = f"v3-rule-violation, v3 child tx {tx_v3_child_heavy['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_child_heavy['wtxid']}) is too big"
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, expected_error_child_heavy, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_heavy["hex"])
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"]])
+ # tx has no descendants
+ assert_equal(node.getmempoolentry(tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"])["descendantcount"], 1)
+ self.log.info("Test that, during replacements, only the new transaction counts for v3 descendant limit")
+ tx_v3_child_almost_heavy = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE,
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent_normal["new_utxo"],
+ target_weight=3987,
+ version=3
+ )
+ assert_greater_than_or_equal(1000, tx_v3_child_almost_heavy["tx"].get_vsize())
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"], tx_v3_child_almost_heavy["txid"]])
+ assert_equal(node.getmempoolentry(tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"])["descendantcount"], 2)
+ tx_v3_child_almost_heavy_rbf = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE * 2,
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent_normal["new_utxo"],
+ target_weight=3500,
+ version=3
+ )
+ assert_greater_than_or_equal(tx_v3_child_almost_heavy["tx"].get_vsize() + tx_v3_child_almost_heavy_rbf["tx"].get_vsize(), 1000)
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"], tx_v3_child_almost_heavy_rbf["txid"]])
+ assert_equal(node.getmempoolentry(tx_v3_parent_normal["txid"])["descendantcount"], 2)
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_replacement(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test v3 transactions may be replaced by v3 transactions")
+ utxo_v3_bip125 = self.wallet.get_utxo()
+ tx_v3_bip125 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE,
+ utxo_to_spend=utxo_v3_bip125,
+ sequence=MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE,
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_bip125["txid"]])
+ tx_v3_bip125_rbf = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE * 2,
+ utxo_to_spend=utxo_v3_bip125,
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_bip125_rbf["txid"]])
+ self.log.info("Test v3 transactions may be replaced by V2 transactions")
+ tx_v3_bip125_rbf_v2 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE * 3,
+ utxo_to_spend=utxo_v3_bip125,
+ version=2
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_bip125_rbf_v2["txid"]])
+ self.log.info("Test that replacements cannot cause violation of inherited v3")
+ utxo_v3_parent = self.wallet.get_utxo()
+ tx_v3_parent = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE,
+ utxo_to_spend=utxo_v3_parent,
+ version=3
+ )
+ tx_v3_child = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE,
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxo"],
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_bip125_rbf_v2["txid"], tx_v3_parent["txid"], tx_v3_child["txid"]])
+ tx_v3_child_rbf_v2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE * 2,
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxo"],
+ version=2
+ )
+ expected_error_v2_v3 = f"v3-rule-violation, non-v3 tx {tx_v3_child_rbf_v2['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_child_rbf_v2['wtxid']}) cannot spend from v3 tx {tx_v3_parent['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_parent['wtxid']})"
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, expected_error_v2_v3, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_rbf_v2["hex"])
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_bip125_rbf_v2["txid"], tx_v3_parent["txid"], tx_v3_child["txid"]])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_bip125(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test v3 transactions that don't signal BIP125 are replaceable")
+ assert_equal(node.getmempoolinfo()["fullrbf"], False)
+ utxo_v3_no_bip125 = self.wallet.get_utxo()
+ tx_v3_no_bip125 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE,
+ utxo_to_spend=utxo_v3_no_bip125,
+ sequence=MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE + 1,
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_no_bip125["txid"]])
+ assert not node.getmempoolentry(tx_v3_no_bip125["txid"])["bip125-replaceable"]
+ tx_v3_no_bip125_rbf = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE * 2,
+ utxo_to_spend=utxo_v3_no_bip125,
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_no_bip125_rbf["txid"]])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-datacarriersize=40000", "-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_reorg(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test that, during a reorg, v3 rules are not enforced")
+ tx_v2_block = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=2)
+ tx_v3_block = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3)
+ tx_v3_block2 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3)
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_block["txid"], tx_v2_block["txid"], tx_v3_block2["txid"]])
+ block = self.generate(node, 1)
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ tx_v2_from_v3 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_block["new_utxo"], version=2)
+ tx_v3_from_v2 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, utxo_to_spend=tx_v2_block["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ tx_v3_child_large = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_block2["new_utxo"], target_weight=5000, version=3)
+ assert_greater_than(node.getmempoolentry(tx_v3_child_large["txid"])["vsize"], 1000)
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v2_from_v3["txid"], tx_v3_from_v2["txid"], tx_v3_child_large["txid"]])
+ node.invalidateblock(block[0])
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_block["txid"], tx_v2_block["txid"], tx_v3_block2["txid"], tx_v2_from_v3["txid"], tx_v3_from_v2["txid"], tx_v3_child_large["txid"]])
+ # This is needed because generate() will create the exact same block again.
+ node.reconsiderblock(block[0])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-limitdescendantsize=10", "-datacarriersize=40000", "-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_nondefault_package_limits(self):
+ """
+ Max standard tx size + v3 rules imply the ancestor/descendant rules (at their default
+ values), but those checks must not be skipped. Ensure both sets of checks are done by
+ changing the ancestor/descendant limit configurations.
+ """
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test that a decreased limitdescendantsize also applies to v3 child")
+ tx_v3_parent_large1 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, target_weight=99900, version=3)
+ tx_v3_child_large1 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent_large1["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ # Child is within v3 limits, but parent's descendant limit is exceeded
+ assert_greater_than(1000, tx_v3_child_large1["tx"].get_vsize())
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, f"too-long-mempool-chain, exceeds descendant size limit for tx {tx_v3_parent_large1['txid']}", node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_large1["hex"])
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent_large1["txid"]])
+ assert_equal(node.getmempoolentry(tx_v3_parent_large1["txid"])["descendantcount"], 1)
+ self.generate(node, 1)
+ self.log.info("Test that a decreased limitancestorsize also applies to v3 parent")
+ self.restart_node(0, extra_args=["-limitancestorsize=10", "-datacarriersize=40000", "-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ tx_v3_parent_large2 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, target_weight=99900, version=3)
+ tx_v3_child_large2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent_large2["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ # Child is within v3 limits
+ assert_greater_than_or_equal(1000, tx_v3_child_large2["tx"].get_vsize())
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, f"too-long-mempool-chain, exceeds ancestor size limit", node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_large2["hex"])
+ self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent_large2["txid"]])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-datacarriersize=1000", "-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_ancestors_package(self):
+ self.log.info("Test that v3 ancestor limits are checked within the package")
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ tx_v3_parent_normal = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
+ fee_rate=0,
+ target_weight=4004,
+ version=3
+ )
+ tx_v3_parent_2_normal = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
+ fee_rate=0,
+ target_weight=4004,
+ version=3
+ )
+ tx_v3_child_multiparent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(
+ utxos_to_spend=[tx_v3_parent_normal["new_utxo"], tx_v3_parent_2_normal["new_utxo"]],
+ fee_per_output=10000,
+ version=3
+ )
+ tx_v3_child_heavy = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(
+ utxos_to_spend=[tx_v3_parent_normal["new_utxo"]],
+ target_weight=4004,
+ fee_per_output=10000,
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ result = node.submitpackage([tx_v3_parent_normal["hex"], tx_v3_parent_2_normal["hex"], tx_v3_child_multiparent["hex"]])
+ assert_equal(result['package_msg'], f"v3-violation, tx {tx_v3_child_multiparent['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_child_multiparent['wtxid']}) would have too many ancestors")
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ result = node.submitpackage([tx_v3_parent_normal["hex"], tx_v3_child_heavy["hex"]])
+ # tx_v3_child_heavy is heavy based on weight, not sigops.
+ assert_equal(result['package_msg'], f"v3-violation, v3 child tx {tx_v3_child_heavy['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_child_heavy['wtxid']}) is too big: {tx_v3_child_heavy['tx'].get_vsize()} > 1000 virtual bytes")
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ tx_v3_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(version=3)
+ tx_v3_child = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ tx_v3_grandchild = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_child["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ result = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_parent["hex"], tx_v3_child["hex"], tx_v3_grandchild["hex"]])
+ assert all([txresult["package-error"] == f"v3-violation, tx {tx_v3_grandchild['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_grandchild['wtxid']}) would have too many ancestors" for txresult in result])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_ancestors_package_and_mempool(self):
+ """
+ A v3 transaction in a package cannot have 2 v3 parents.
+ Test that if we have a transaction graph A -> B -> C, where A, B, C are
+ all v3 transactions, that we cannot use submitpackage to get the
+ transactions all into the mempool.
+ Verify, in particular, that if A is already in the mempool, then
+ submitpackage(B, C) will fail.
+ """
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test that v3 ancestor limits include transactions within the package and all in-mempool ancestors")
+ # This is our transaction "A":
+ tx_in_mempool = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3)
+ # Verify that A is in the mempool
+ self.check_mempool([tx_in_mempool["txid"]])
+ # tx_0fee_parent is our transaction "B"; just create it.
+ tx_0fee_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_in_mempool["new_utxo"], fee=0, fee_rate=0, version=3)
+ # tx_child_violator is our transaction "C"; create it:
+ tx_child_violator = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=[tx_0fee_parent["new_utxo"]], version=3)
+ # submitpackage(B, C) should fail
+ result = node.submitpackage([tx_0fee_parent["hex"], tx_child_violator["hex"]])
+ assert_equal(result['package_msg'], f"v3-violation, tx {tx_child_violator['txid']} (wtxid={tx_child_violator['wtxid']}) would have too many ancestors")
+ self.check_mempool([tx_in_mempool["txid"]])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_mempool_sibling(self):
+ self.log.info("Test that v3 transaction cannot have mempool siblings")
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ # Add a parent + child to mempool
+ tx_mempool_parent = self.wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(
+ from_node=node,
+ utxos_to_spend=[self.wallet.get_utxo()],
+ num_outputs=2,
+ version=3
+ )
+ tx_mempool_sibling = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
+ from_node=node,
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_mempool_parent["new_utxos"][0],
+ version=3
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([tx_mempool_parent["txid"], tx_mempool_sibling["txid"]])
+ tx_has_mempool_sibling = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
+ utxo_to_spend=tx_mempool_parent["new_utxos"][1],
+ version=3
+ )
+ expected_error_mempool_sibling = f"v3-rule-violation, tx {tx_mempool_parent['txid']} (wtxid={tx_mempool_parent['wtxid']}) would exceed descendant count limit"
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, expected_error_mempool_sibling, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_has_mempool_sibling["hex"])
+ tx_has_mempool_uncle = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_has_mempool_sibling["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ # Also fails with another non-related transaction via testmempoolaccept
+ tx_unrelated = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(version=3)
+ result_test_unrelated = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_has_mempool_sibling["hex"], tx_unrelated["hex"]])
+ assert_equal(result_test_unrelated[0]["reject-reason"], "v3-rule-violation")
+ result_test_1p1c = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_has_mempool_sibling["hex"], tx_has_mempool_uncle["hex"]])
+ assert_equal(result_test_1p1c[0]["reject-reason"], "v3-rule-violation")
+ # Also fails with a child via submitpackage
+ result_submitpackage = node.submitpackage([tx_has_mempool_sibling["hex"], tx_has_mempool_uncle["hex"]])
+ assert_equal(result_submitpackage["tx-results"][tx_has_mempool_sibling['wtxid']]['error'], expected_error_mempool_sibling)
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-datacarriersize=1000", "-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_package_inheritance(self):
+ self.log.info("Test that v3 inheritance is checked within package")
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ tx_v3_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
+ fee_rate=0,
+ target_weight=4004,
+ version=3
+ )
+ tx_v2_child = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(
+ utxos_to_spend=[tx_v3_parent["new_utxo"]],
+ fee_per_output=10000,
+ version=2
+ )
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ result = node.submitpackage([tx_v3_parent["hex"], tx_v2_child["hex"]])
+ assert_equal(result['package_msg'], f"v3-violation, non-v3 tx {tx_v2_child['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v2_child['wtxid']}) cannot spend from v3 tx {tx_v3_parent['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_parent['wtxid']})")
+ self.check_mempool([])
+ @cleanup(extra_args=["-acceptnonstdtxn=1"])
+ def test_v3_in_testmempoolaccept(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test that v3 inheritance is accurately assessed in testmempoolaccept")
+ tx_v2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(version=2)
+ tx_v2_from_v2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v2["new_utxo"], version=2)
+ tx_v3_from_v2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v2["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ tx_v3 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(version=3)
+ tx_v2_from_v3 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3["new_utxo"], version=2)
+ tx_v3_from_v3 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3["new_utxo"], version=3)
+ # testmempoolaccept paths don't require child-with-parents topology. Ensure that topology
+ # assumptions aren't made in inheritance checks.
+ test_accept_v2_and_v3 = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v2["hex"], tx_v3["hex"]])
+ assert all([result["allowed"] for result in test_accept_v2_and_v3])
+ test_accept_v3_from_v2 = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v2["hex"], tx_v3_from_v2["hex"]])
+ expected_error_v3_from_v2 = f"v3-violation, v3 tx {tx_v3_from_v2['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_from_v2['wtxid']}) cannot spend from non-v3 tx {tx_v2['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v2['wtxid']})"
+ assert all([result["package-error"] == expected_error_v3_from_v2 for result in test_accept_v3_from_v2])
+ test_accept_v2_from_v3 = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3["hex"], tx_v2_from_v3["hex"]])
+ expected_error_v2_from_v3 = f"v3-violation, non-v3 tx {tx_v2_from_v3['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v2_from_v3['wtxid']}) cannot spend from v3 tx {tx_v3['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3['wtxid']})"
+ assert all([result["package-error"] == expected_error_v2_from_v3 for result in test_accept_v2_from_v3])
+ test_accept_pairs = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v2["hex"], tx_v3["hex"], tx_v2_from_v2["hex"], tx_v3_from_v3["hex"]])
+ assert all([result["allowed"] for result in test_accept_pairs])
+ self.log.info("Test that descendant violations are caught in testmempoolaccept")
+ tx_v3_independent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(version=3)
+ tx_v3_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(num_outputs=2, version=3)
+ tx_v3_child_1 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][0], version=3)
+ tx_v3_child_2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][1], version=3)
+ test_accept_2children = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_parent["hex"], tx_v3_child_1["hex"], tx_v3_child_2["hex"]])
+ expected_error_2children = f"v3-violation, tx {tx_v3_parent['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_parent['wtxid']}) would exceed descendant count limit"
+ assert all([result["package-error"] == expected_error_2children for result in test_accept_2children])
+ # Extra v3 transaction does not get incorrectly marked as extra descendant
+ test_accept_1child_with_exra = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_parent["hex"], tx_v3_child_1["hex"], tx_v3_independent["hex"]])
+ assert all([result["allowed"] for result in test_accept_1child_with_exra])
+ # Extra v3 transaction does not make us ignore the extra descendant
+ test_accept_2children_with_exra = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_parent["hex"], tx_v3_child_1["hex"], tx_v3_child_2["hex"], tx_v3_independent["hex"]])
+ expected_error_extra = f"v3-violation, tx {tx_v3_parent['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_parent['wtxid']}) would exceed descendant count limit"
+ assert all([result["package-error"] == expected_error_extra for result in test_accept_2children_with_exra])
+ # Same result if the parent is already in mempool
+ node.sendrawtransaction(tx_v3_parent["hex"])
+ test_accept_2children_with_in_mempool_parent = node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_child_1["hex"], tx_v3_child_2["hex"]])
+ assert all([result["package-error"] == expected_error_extra for result in test_accept_2children_with_in_mempool_parent])
+ def run_test(self):
+ self.log.info("Generate blocks to create UTXOs")
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.wallet = MiniWallet(node)
+ self.generate(self.wallet, 110)
+ self.test_v3_acceptance()
+ self.test_v3_replacement()
+ self.test_v3_bip125()
+ self.test_v3_reorg()
+ self.test_nondefault_package_limits()
+ self.test_v3_ancestors_package()
+ self.test_v3_ancestors_package_and_mempool()
+ self.test_mempool_sibling()
+ self.test_v3_package_inheritance()
+ self.test_v3_in_testmempoolaccept()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ MempoolAcceptV3().main()
diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_package_limits.py b/test/functional/mempool_package_limits.py
index 81451bf2a5..2a64597511 100755
--- a/test/functional/mempool_package_limits.py
+++ b/test/functional/mempool_package_limits.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def check_package_limits(func):
testres_error_expected = node.testmempoolaccept(rawtxs=package_hex)
assert_equal(len(testres_error_expected), len(package_hex))
for txres in testres_error_expected:
- assert_equal(txres["package-error"], "package-mempool-limits")
+ assert "package-mempool-limits" in txres["package-error"]
# Clear mempool and check that the package passes now
self.generate(node, 1)
diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_sigoplimit.py b/test/functional/mempool_sigoplimit.py
index 2e7850fb40..384423e5f5 100755
--- a/test/functional/mempool_sigoplimit.py
+++ b/test/functional/mempool_sigoplimit.py
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ class BytesPerSigOpTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# But together, it's exceeding limits in the *package* context. If sigops adjusted vsize wasn't being checked
# here, it would get further in validation and give too-long-mempool-chain error instead.
packet_test = self.nodes[0].testmempoolaccept([tx_parent.serialize().hex(), tx_child.serialize().hex()])
- assert_equal([x["package-error"] for x in packet_test], ["package-mempool-limits", "package-mempool-limits"])
+ expected_package_error = f"package-mempool-limits, package size {2*20*5000} exceeds ancestor size limit [limit: 101000]"
+ assert_equal([x["package-error"] for x in packet_test], [expected_package_error] * 2)
# When we actually try to submit, the parent makes it into the mempool, but the child would exceed ancestor vsize limits
res = self.nodes[0].submitpackage([tx_parent.serialize().hex(), tx_child.serialize().hex()])
diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/wallet.py b/test/functional/test_framework/wallet.py
index 53c8e1b0cc..470ed08ed4 100644
--- a/test/functional/test_framework/wallet.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_framework/wallet.py
@@ -286,11 +286,12 @@ class MiniWallet:
utxos_to_spend: Optional[list[dict]] = None,
+ version=2,
- confirmed_only=False
+ confirmed_only=False,
Create and return a transaction that spends the given UTXOs and creates a
@@ -313,6 +314,7 @@ class MiniWallet:
tx = CTransaction()
tx.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxo_to_spend['txid'], 16), utxo_to_spend['vout']), nSequence=seq) for utxo_to_spend, seq in zip(utxos_to_spend, sequence)]
tx.vout = [CTxOut(amount_per_output, bytearray(self._scriptPubKey)) for _ in range(num_outputs)]
+ tx.nVersion = version
tx.nLockTime = locktime
@@ -337,14 +339,15 @@ class MiniWallet:
"tx": tx,
- def create_self_transfer(self, *,
+ def create_self_transfer(
+ self,
+ *,
- locktime=0,
- sequence=0,
- confirmed_only=False
+ confirmed_only=False,
+ **kwargs,
"""Create and return a tx with the specified fee. If fee is 0, use fee_rate, where the resulting fee may be exact or at most one satoshi higher than needed."""
utxo_to_spend = utxo_to_spend or self.get_utxo(confirmed_only=confirmed_only)
@@ -360,7 +363,12 @@ class MiniWallet:
send_value = utxo_to_spend["value"] - (fee or (fee_rate * vsize / 1000))
# create tx
- tx = self.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=[utxo_to_spend], locktime=locktime, sequence=sequence, amount_per_output=int(COIN * send_value), target_weight=target_weight)
+ tx = self.create_self_transfer_multi(
+ utxos_to_spend=[utxo_to_spend],
+ amount_per_output=int(COIN * send_value),
+ target_weight=target_weight,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
if not target_weight:
assert_equal(tx["tx"].get_vsize(), vsize)
tx["new_utxo"] = tx.pop("new_utxos")[0]
diff --git a/test/functional/test_runner.py b/test/functional/test_runner.py
index d037ccf6dd..e438a60edc 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_runner.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_runner.py
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ BASE_SCRIPTS = [
+ 'mempool_accept_v3.py',
'wallet_txn_doublespend.py --legacy-wallet',
'wallet_multisig_descriptor_psbt.py --descriptors',
'wallet_txn_doublespend.py --descriptors',