diff options
6 files changed, 238 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile.bench.include b/src/Makefile.bench.include
index 0a3f9df463..f1e4e706a1 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.bench.include
+++ b/src/Makefile.bench.include
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ bench_bench_bitcoin_SOURCES = \
bench/examples.cpp \
bench/gcs_filter.cpp \
bench/hashpadding.cpp \
+ bench/load_external.cpp \
bench/lockedpool.cpp \
bench/logging.cpp \
bench/mempool_eviction.cpp \
diff --git a/src/bench/load_external.cpp b/src/bench/load_external.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be01b2a483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bench/load_external.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <bench/bench.h>
+#include <bench/data.h>
+#include <chainparams.h>
+#include <test/util/setup_common.h>
+#include <validation.h>
+ * The LoadExternalBlockFile() function is used during -reindex and -loadblock.
+ *
+ * Create a test file that's similar to a datadir/blocks/blk?????.dat file,
+ * It contains around 134 copies of the same block (typical size of real block files).
+ * For each block in the file, LoadExternalBlockFile() won't find its parent,
+ * and so will skip the block. (In the real system, it will re-read the block
+ * from disk later when it encounters its parent.)
+ *
+ * This benchmark measures the performance of deserializing the block (or just
+ * its header, beginning with PR 16981).
+ */
+static void LoadExternalBlockFile(benchmark::Bench& bench)
+ const auto testing_setup{MakeNoLogFileContext<const TestingSetup>(CBaseChainParams::MAIN)};
+ // Create a single block as in the blocks files (magic bytes, block size,
+ // block data) as a stream object.
+ const fs::path blkfile{testing_setup.get()->m_path_root / "blk.dat"};
+ CDataStream ss(SER_DISK, 0);
+ auto params{testing_setup->m_node.chainman->GetParams()};
+ ss << params.MessageStart();
+ ss << static_cast<uint32_t>(benchmark::data::block413567.size());
+ // We can't use the streaming serialization (ss << benchmark::data::block413567)
+ // because that first writes a compact size.
+ ss.write(MakeByteSpan(benchmark::data::block413567));
+ // Create the test file.
+ {
+ // "wb+" is "binary, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC".
+ FILE* file{fsbridge::fopen(blkfile, "wb+")};
+ // Make the test block file about 128 MB in length.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < node::MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE / ss.size(); ++i) {
+ if (fwrite(ss.data(), 1, ss.size(), file) != ss.size()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("write to test file failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ Chainstate& chainstate{testing_setup->m_node.chainman->ActiveChainstate()};
+ std::multimap<uint256, FlatFilePos> blocks_with_unknown_parent;
+ FlatFilePos pos;
+ bench.run([&] {
+ // "rb" is "binary, O_RDONLY", positioned to the start of the file.
+ // The file will be closed by LoadExternalBlockFile().
+ FILE* file{fsbridge::fopen(blkfile, "rb")};
+ chainstate.LoadExternalBlockFile(file, &pos, &blocks_with_unknown_parent);
+ });
+ fs::remove(blkfile);
+BENCHMARK(LoadExternalBlockFile, benchmark::PriorityLevel::HIGH);
diff --git a/src/streams.h b/src/streams.h
index 0178df1c49..84b12f65aa 100644
--- a/src/streams.h
+++ b/src/streams.h
@@ -612,7 +612,6 @@ private:
uint64_t nRewind; //!< how many bytes we guarantee to rewind
std::vector<std::byte> vchBuf; //!< the buffer
//! read data from the source to fill the buffer
bool Fill() {
unsigned int pos = nSrcPos % vchBuf.size();
@@ -630,6 +629,28 @@ protected:
return true;
+ //! Advance the stream's read pointer (m_read_pos) by up to 'length' bytes,
+ //! filling the buffer from the file so that at least one byte is available.
+ //! Return a pointer to the available buffer data and the number of bytes
+ //! (which may be less than the requested length) that may be accessed
+ //! beginning at that pointer.
+ std::pair<std::byte*, size_t> AdvanceStream(size_t length)
+ {
+ assert(m_read_pos <= nSrcPos);
+ if (m_read_pos + length > nReadLimit) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Attempt to position past buffer limit");
+ }
+ // If there are no bytes available, read from the file.
+ if (m_read_pos == nSrcPos && length > 0) Fill();
+ size_t buffer_offset{static_cast<size_t>(m_read_pos % vchBuf.size())};
+ size_t buffer_available{static_cast<size_t>(vchBuf.size() - buffer_offset)};
+ size_t bytes_until_source_pos{static_cast<size_t>(nSrcPos - m_read_pos)};
+ size_t advance{std::min({length, buffer_available, bytes_until_source_pos})};
+ m_read_pos += advance;
+ return std::make_pair(&vchBuf[buffer_offset], advance);
+ }
CBufferedFile(FILE* fileIn, uint64_t nBufSize, uint64_t nRewindIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn)
: nType(nTypeIn), nVersion(nVersionIn), nSrcPos(0), m_read_pos(0), nReadLimit(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()), nRewind(nRewindIn), vchBuf(nBufSize, std::byte{0})
@@ -667,24 +688,21 @@ public:
//! read a number of bytes
void read(Span<std::byte> dst)
- if (dst.size() + m_read_pos > nReadLimit) {
- throw std::ios_base::failure("Read attempted past buffer limit");
- }
while (dst.size() > 0) {
- if (m_read_pos == nSrcPos)
- Fill();
- unsigned int pos = m_read_pos % vchBuf.size();
- size_t nNow = dst.size();
- if (nNow + pos > vchBuf.size())
- nNow = vchBuf.size() - pos;
- if (nNow + m_read_pos > nSrcPos)
- nNow = nSrcPos - m_read_pos;
- memcpy(dst.data(), &vchBuf[pos], nNow);
- m_read_pos += nNow;
- dst = dst.subspan(nNow);
+ auto [buffer_pointer, length]{AdvanceStream(dst.size())};
+ memcpy(dst.data(), buffer_pointer, length);
+ dst = dst.subspan(length);
+ //! Move the read position ahead in the stream to the given position.
+ //! Use SetPos() to back up in the stream, not SkipTo().
+ void SkipTo(const uint64_t file_pos)
+ {
+ assert(file_pos >= m_read_pos);
+ while (m_read_pos < file_pos) AdvanceStream(file_pos - m_read_pos);
+ }
//! return the current reading position
uint64_t GetPos() const {
return m_read_pos;
diff --git a/src/test/streams_tests.cpp b/src/test/streams_tests.cpp
index 0925e2e9ee..b1b262eade 100644
--- a/src/test/streams_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/streams_tests.cpp
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(streams_buffered_file)
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
- "Read attempted past buffer limit") != nullptr);
+ "Attempt to position past buffer limit") != nullptr);
// The default argument removes the limit completely.
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(streams_buffered_file)
// But we should now be positioned at least as far back as allowed
// by the rewind window (relative to our farthest read position, 40).
- BOOST_CHECK(bf.GetPos() <= 30);
+ BOOST_CHECK(bf.GetPos() <= 30U);
// We can explicitly close the file, or the destructor will do it.
@@ -330,6 +330,55 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(streams_buffered_file)
+ fs::path streams_test_filename = m_args.GetDataDirBase() / "streams_test_tmp";
+ FILE* file = fsbridge::fopen(streams_test_filename, "w+b");
+ // The value at each offset is the byte offset (e.g. byte 1 in the file has the value 0x01).
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 40; ++j) {
+ fwrite(&j, 1, 1, file);
+ }
+ rewind(file);
+ // The buffer is 25 bytes, allow rewinding 10 bytes.
+ CBufferedFile bf(file, 25, 10, 222, 333);
+ uint8_t i;
+ // This is like bf >> (7-byte-variable), in that it will cause data
+ // to be read from the file into memory, but it's not copied to us.
+ bf.SkipTo(7);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bf.GetPos(), 7U);
+ bf >> i;
+ // The bytes in the buffer up to offset 7 are valid and can be read.
+ BOOST_CHECK(bf.SetPos(0));
+ bf >> i;
+ bf >> i;
+ bf.SkipTo(11);
+ bf >> i;
+ // SkipTo() honors the transfer limit; we can't position beyond the limit.
+ bf.SetLimit(13);
+ try {
+ bf.SkipTo(14);
+ BOOST_CHECK(false);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ BOOST_CHECK(strstr(e.what(), "Attempt to position past buffer limit") != nullptr);
+ }
+ // We can position exactly to the transfer limit.
+ bf.SkipTo(13);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bf.GetPos(), 13U);
+ bf.fclose();
+ fs::remove(streams_test_filename);
// Make this test deterministic.
@@ -361,7 +410,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(streams_buffered_file_rand)
// sizes; the boundaries of the objects can interact arbitrarily
// with the CBufferFile's internal buffer. These first three
// cases simulate objects of various sizes (1, 2, 5 bytes).
- switch (InsecureRandRange(5)) {
+ switch (InsecureRandRange(6)) {
case 0: {
uint8_t a[1];
if (currentPos + 1 > fileSize)
@@ -399,6 +448,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(streams_buffered_file_rand)
case 3: {
+ // SkipTo is similar to the "read" cases above, except
+ // we don't receive the data.
+ size_t skip_length{static_cast<size_t>(InsecureRandRange(5))};
+ if (currentPos + skip_length > fileSize) continue;
+ bf.SetLimit(currentPos + skip_length);
+ bf.SkipTo(currentPos + skip_length);
+ currentPos += skip_length;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4: {
// Find a byte value (that is at or ahead of the current position).
size_t find = currentPos + InsecureRandRange(8);
if (find >= fileSize)
@@ -415,7 +474,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(streams_buffered_file_rand)
- case 4: {
+ case 5: {
size_t requestPos = InsecureRandRange(maxPos + 4);
bool okay = bf.SetPos(requestPos);
// The new position may differ from the requested position
diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp
index debdc2ae74..4692626545 100644
--- a/src/validation.cpp
+++ b/src/validation.cpp
@@ -4389,6 +4389,8 @@ void Chainstate::LoadExternalBlockFile(
try {
// This takes over fileIn and calls fclose() on it in the CBufferedFile destructor
+ // nRewind indicates where to resume scanning in case something goes wrong,
+ // such as a block fails to deserialize.
uint64_t nRewind = blkdat.GetPos();
while (!blkdat.eof()) {
if (ShutdownRequested()) return;
@@ -4412,28 +4414,30 @@ void Chainstate::LoadExternalBlockFile(
} catch (const std::exception&) {
// no valid block header found; don't complain
+ // (this happens at the end of every blk.dat file)
try {
- // read block
- uint64_t nBlockPos = blkdat.GetPos();
+ // read block header
+ const uint64_t nBlockPos{blkdat.GetPos()};
if (dbp)
dbp->nPos = nBlockPos;
blkdat.SetLimit(nBlockPos + nSize);
- std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock = std::make_shared<CBlock>();
- CBlock& block = *pblock;
- blkdat >> block;
- nRewind = blkdat.GetPos();
- uint256 hash = block.GetHash();
+ CBlockHeader header;
+ blkdat >> header;
+ const uint256 hash{header.GetHash()};
+ // Skip the rest of this block (this may read from disk into memory); position to the marker before the
+ // next block, but it's still possible to rewind to the start of the current block (without a disk read).
+ nRewind = nBlockPos + nSize;
+ blkdat.SkipTo(nRewind);
// detect out of order blocks, and store them for later
- if (hash != params.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && !m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(block.hashPrevBlock)) {
+ if (hash != params.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && !m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(header.hashPrevBlock)) {
LogPrint(BCLog::REINDEX, "%s: Out of order block %s, parent %s not known\n", __func__, hash.ToString(),
- block.hashPrevBlock.ToString());
+ header.hashPrevBlock.ToString());
if (dbp && blocks_with_unknown_parent) {
- blocks_with_unknown_parent->emplace(block.hashPrevBlock, *dbp);
+ blocks_with_unknown_parent->emplace(header.hashPrevBlock, *dbp);
@@ -4441,13 +4445,19 @@ void Chainstate::LoadExternalBlockFile(
// process in case the block isn't known yet
const CBlockIndex* pindex = m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(hash);
if (!pindex || (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == 0) {
- BlockValidationState state;
- if (AcceptBlock(pblock, state, nullptr, true, dbp, nullptr, true)) {
- nLoaded++;
- }
- if (state.IsError()) {
- break;
- }
+ // This block can be processed immediately; rewind to its start, read and deserialize it.
+ blkdat.SetPos(nBlockPos);
+ std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock{std::make_shared<CBlock>()};
+ blkdat >> *pblock;
+ nRewind = blkdat.GetPos();
+ BlockValidationState state;
+ if (AcceptBlock(pblock, state, nullptr, true, dbp, nullptr, true)) {
+ nLoaded++;
+ }
+ if (state.IsError()) {
+ break;
+ }
} else if (hash != params.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && pindex->nHeight % 1000 == 0) {
LogPrint(BCLog::REINDEX, "Block Import: already had block %s at height %d\n", hash.ToString(), pindex->nHeight);
diff --git a/test/functional/feature_reindex.py b/test/functional/feature_reindex.py
index 44040f426f..0f6a8fd0d2 100755
--- a/test/functional/feature_reindex.py
+++ b/test/functional/feature_reindex.py
@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
- Start a single node and generate 3 blocks.
- Stop the node and restart it with -reindex. Verify that the node has reindexed up to block 3.
- Stop the node and restart it with -reindex-chainstate. Verify that the node has reindexed up to block 3.
+- Verify that out-of-order blocks are correctly processed, see LoadExternalBlockFile()
+import os
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.p2p import MAGIC_BYTES
from test_framework.util import assert_equal
@@ -27,11 +30,58 @@ class ReindexTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), blockcount) # start_node is blocking on reindex
+ # Check that blocks can be processed out of order
+ def out_of_order(self):
+ # The previous test created 12 blocks
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 12)
+ self.stop_nodes()
+ # In this test environment, blocks will always be in order (since
+ # we're generating them rather than getting them from peers), so to
+ # test out-of-order handling, swap blocks 1 and 2 on disk.
+ blk0 = os.path.join(self.nodes[0].datadir, self.nodes[0].chain, 'blocks', 'blk00000.dat')
+ with open(blk0, 'r+b') as bf:
+ # Read at least the first few blocks (including genesis)
+ b = bf.read(2000)
+ # Find the offsets of blocks 2, 3, and 4 (the first 3 blocks beyond genesis)
+ # by searching for the regtest marker bytes (see pchMessageStart).
+ def find_block(b, start):
+ return b.find(MAGIC_BYTES["regtest"], start)+4
+ genesis_start = find_block(b, 0)
+ assert_equal(genesis_start, 4)
+ b2_start = find_block(b, genesis_start)
+ b3_start = find_block(b, b2_start)
+ b4_start = find_block(b, b3_start)
+ # Blocks 2 and 3 should be the same size.
+ assert_equal(b3_start-b2_start, b4_start-b3_start)
+ # Swap the second and third blocks (don't disturb the genesis block).
+ bf.seek(b2_start)
+ bf.write(b[b3_start:b4_start])
+ bf.write(b[b2_start:b3_start])
+ # The reindexing code should detect and accommodate out of order blocks.
+ with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log([
+ 'LoadExternalBlockFile: Out of order block',
+ 'LoadExternalBlockFile: Processing out of order child',
+ ]):
+ extra_args = [["-reindex"]]
+ self.start_nodes(extra_args)
+ # All blocks should be accepted and processed.
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 12)
def run_test(self):
+ self.out_of_order()
if __name__ == '__main__':