path: root/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
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authorPieter Wuille <pieter@wuille.net>2024-05-08 18:09:34 -0400
committerPieter Wuille <pieter@wuille.net>2024-07-25 10:16:37 -0400
commit2a41f151afb82466486402e250327e22319c754e (patch)
treefc65f41470299b87d12a1352d39d65f75181afd7 /src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
parent4828079db327bf2aeaed744843a415d1654e8796 (diff)
clusterlin: add SearchCandidateFinder class
Similar to AncestorCandidateFinder, this encapsulates the state needed for finding good candidate sets using a search algorithm.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp b/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
index 880fcb79aa..931862b12d 100644
--- a/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
+++ b/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,127 @@ using namespace cluster_linearize;
namespace {
+/** A simple finder class for candidate sets.
+ *
+ * This class matches SearchCandidateFinder in interface and behavior, though with fewer
+ * optimizations.
+ */
+template<typename SetType>
+class SimpleCandidateFinder
+ /** Internal dependency graph. */
+ const DepGraph<SetType>& m_depgraph;
+ /** Which transaction are left to include. */
+ SetType m_todo;
+ /** Construct an SimpleCandidateFinder for a given graph. */
+ SimpleCandidateFinder(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph LIFETIMEBOUND) noexcept :
+ m_depgraph(depgraph), m_todo{SetType::Fill(depgraph.TxCount())} {}
+ /** Remove a set of transactions from the set of to-be-linearized ones. */
+ void MarkDone(SetType select) noexcept { m_todo -= select; }
+ /** Determine whether unlinearized transactions remain. */
+ bool AllDone() const noexcept { return m_todo.None(); }
+ /** Find a candidate set using at most max_iterations iterations, and the number of iterations
+ * actually performed. If that number is less than max_iterations, then the result is optimal.
+ *
+ * Complexity: O(N * M), where M is the number of connected topological subsets of the cluster.
+ * That number is bounded by M <= 2^(N-1).
+ */
+ std::pair<SetInfo<SetType>, uint64_t> FindCandidateSet(uint64_t max_iterations) const noexcept
+ {
+ uint64_t iterations_left = max_iterations;
+ // Queue of work units. Each consists of:
+ // - inc: set of transactions definitely included
+ // - und: set of transactions that can be added to inc still
+ std::vector<std::pair<SetType, SetType>> queue;
+ // Initially we have just one queue element, with the entire graph in und.
+ queue.emplace_back(SetType{}, m_todo);
+ // Best solution so far.
+ SetInfo best(m_depgraph, m_todo);
+ // Process the queue.
+ while (!queue.empty() && iterations_left) {
+ --iterations_left;
+ // Pop top element of the queue.
+ auto [inc, und] = queue.back();
+ queue.pop_back();
+ // Look for a transaction to consider adding/removing.
+ bool inc_none = inc.None();
+ for (auto split : und) {
+ // If inc is empty, consider any split transaction. Otherwise only consider
+ // transactions that share ancestry with inc so far (which means only connected
+ // sets will be considered).
+ if (inc_none || inc.Overlaps(m_depgraph.Ancestors(split))) {
+ // Add a queue entry with split included.
+ SetInfo new_inc(m_depgraph, inc | (m_todo & m_depgraph.Ancestors(split)));
+ queue.emplace_back(new_inc.transactions, und - new_inc.transactions);
+ // Add a queue entry with split excluded.
+ queue.emplace_back(inc, und - m_depgraph.Descendants(split));
+ // Update statistics to account for the candidate new_inc.
+ if (new_inc.feerate > best.feerate) best = new_inc;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {std::move(best), max_iterations - iterations_left};
+ }
+/** A very simple finder class for optimal candidate sets, which tries every subset.
+ *
+ * It is even simpler than SimpleCandidateFinder, and is primarily included here to test the
+ * correctness of SimpleCandidateFinder, which is then used to test the correctness of
+ * SearchCandidateFinder.
+ */
+template<typename SetType>
+class ExhaustiveCandidateFinder
+ /** Internal dependency graph. */
+ const DepGraph<SetType>& m_depgraph;
+ /** Which transaction are left to include. */
+ SetType m_todo;
+ /** Construct an ExhaustiveCandidateFinder for a given graph. */
+ ExhaustiveCandidateFinder(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph LIFETIMEBOUND) noexcept :
+ m_depgraph(depgraph), m_todo{SetType::Fill(depgraph.TxCount())} {}
+ /** Remove a set of transactions from the set of to-be-linearized ones. */
+ void MarkDone(SetType select) noexcept { m_todo -= select; }
+ /** Determine whether unlinearized transactions remain. */
+ bool AllDone() const noexcept { return m_todo.None(); }
+ /** Find the optimal remaining candidate set.
+ *
+ * Complexity: O(N * 2^N).
+ */
+ SetInfo<SetType> FindCandidateSet() const noexcept
+ {
+ // Best solution so far.
+ SetInfo<SetType> best{m_todo, m_depgraph.FeeRate(m_todo)};
+ // The number of combinations to try.
+ uint64_t limit = (uint64_t{1} << m_todo.Count()) - 1;
+ // Try the transitive closure of every non-empty subset of m_todo.
+ for (uint64_t x = 1; x < limit; ++x) {
+ // If bit number b is set in x, then the remaining ancestors of the b'th remaining
+ // transaction in m_todo are included.
+ SetType txn;
+ auto x_shifted{x};
+ for (auto i : m_todo) {
+ if (x_shifted & 1) txn |= m_depgraph.Ancestors(i);
+ x_shifted >>= 1;
+ }
+ SetInfo cur(m_depgraph, txn & m_todo);
+ if (cur.feerate > best.feerate) best = cur;
+ }
+ return best;
+ }
/** Given a dependency graph, and a todo set, read a topological subset of todo from reader. */
template<typename SetType>
SetType ReadTopologicalSet(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, const SetType& todo, SpanReader& reader)
@@ -157,3 +278,103 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(clusterlin_ancestor_finder)
+static constexpr auto MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS = 300000;
+ // Verify that SearchCandidateFinder works as expected by sanity checking the results
+ // and comparing with the results from SimpleCandidateFinder, ExhaustiveCandidateFinder, and
+ // AncestorCandidateFinder.
+ // Retrieve a depgraph from the fuzz input.
+ SpanReader reader(buffer);
+ DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
+ try {
+ reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
+ } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
+ // Instantiate ALL the candidate finders.
+ SearchCandidateFinder src_finder(depgraph);
+ SimpleCandidateFinder smp_finder(depgraph);
+ ExhaustiveCandidateFinder exh_finder(depgraph);
+ AncestorCandidateFinder anc_finder(depgraph);
+ auto todo = TestBitSet::Fill(depgraph.TxCount());
+ while (todo.Any()) {
+ assert(!src_finder.AllDone());
+ assert(!smp_finder.AllDone());
+ assert(!exh_finder.AllDone());
+ assert(!anc_finder.AllDone());
+ // For each iteration, read an iteration count limit from the fuzz input.
+ uint64_t max_iterations = 1;
+ try {
+ reader >> VARINT(max_iterations);
+ } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
+ max_iterations &= 0xfffff;
+ // Read an initial subset from the fuzz input.
+ SetInfo init_best(depgraph, ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader));
+ // Call the search finder's FindCandidateSet for what remains of the graph.
+ auto [found, iterations_done] = src_finder.FindCandidateSet(max_iterations, init_best);
+ // Sanity check the result.
+ assert(iterations_done <= max_iterations);
+ assert(found.transactions.Any());
+ assert(found.transactions.IsSubsetOf(todo));
+ assert(depgraph.FeeRate(found.transactions) == found.feerate);
+ if (!init_best.feerate.IsEmpty()) assert(found.feerate >= init_best.feerate);
+ // Check that it is topologically valid.
+ for (auto i : found.transactions) {
+ assert(found.transactions.IsSupersetOf(depgraph.Ancestors(i) & todo));
+ }
+ // At most 2^N-1 iterations can be required: the number of non-empty subsets a graph with N
+ // transactions has.
+ assert(iterations_done <= ((uint64_t{1} << todo.Count()) - 1));
+ // Perform quality checks only if SearchCandidateFinder claims an optimal result.
+ if (iterations_done < max_iterations) {
+ // Compare with SimpleCandidateFinder.
+ auto [simple, simple_iters] = smp_finder.FindCandidateSet(MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS);
+ assert(found.feerate >= simple.feerate);
+ if (simple_iters < MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS) {
+ assert(found.feerate == simple.feerate);
+ }
+ // Compare with AncestorCandidateFinder;
+ auto anc = anc_finder.FindCandidateSet();
+ assert(found.feerate >= anc.feerate);
+ // Compare with ExhaustiveCandidateFinder. This quickly gets computationally expensive
+ // for large clusters (O(2^n)), so only do it for sufficiently small ones.
+ if (todo.Count() <= 12) {
+ auto exhaustive = exh_finder.FindCandidateSet();
+ assert(exhaustive.feerate == found.feerate);
+ // Also compare ExhaustiveCandidateFinder with SimpleCandidateFinder (this is
+ // primarily a test for SimpleCandidateFinder's correctness).
+ assert(exhaustive.feerate >= simple.feerate);
+ if (simple_iters < MAX_SIMPLE_ITERATIONS) {
+ assert(exhaustive.feerate == simple.feerate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find a topologically valid subset of transactions to remove from the graph.
+ auto del_set = ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader);
+ // If we did not find anything, use found itself, because we should remove something.
+ if (del_set.None()) del_set = found.transactions;
+ todo -= del_set;
+ src_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
+ smp_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
+ exh_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
+ anc_finder.MarkDone(del_set);
+ }
+ assert(src_finder.AllDone());
+ assert(smp_finder.AllDone());
+ assert(exh_finder.AllDone());
+ assert(anc_finder.AllDone());