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authorPieter Wuille <pieter@wuille.net>2024-07-10 11:08:42 -0400
committerPieter Wuille <pieter@wuille.net>2024-07-25 10:16:40 -0400
commit97d98718b005adc0bdf513d724874601d8aa13ad (patch)
parentd5918dc3c6d9480c8a5e295db0f4d4892b0138f6 (diff)
clusterlin: add LinearizationChunking class
It encapsulates a given linearization in chunked form, permitting arbitrary subsets of transactions to be removed from the linearization. Its purpose is adding the Intersect function, which is a crucial operation that will be used in a further commit to make Linearize improve existing linearizations.
2 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cluster_linearize.h b/src/cluster_linearize.h
index f689e7e33a..4238295630 100644
--- a/src/cluster_linearize.h
+++ b/src/cluster_linearize.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <random.h>
+#include <span.h>
#include <util/feefrac.h>
#include <util/vecdeque.h>
@@ -256,6 +257,114 @@ std::vector<FeeFrac> ChunkLinearization(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, Span<
return ret;
+/** Data structure encapsulating the chunking of a linearization, permitting removal of subsets. */
+template<typename SetType>
+class LinearizationChunking
+ /** The depgraph this linearization is for. */
+ const DepGraph<SetType>& m_depgraph;
+ /** The linearization we started from. */
+ Span<const ClusterIndex> m_linearization;
+ /** Chunk sets and their feerates, of what remains of the linearization. */
+ std::vector<SetInfo<SetType>> m_chunks;
+ /** Which transactions remain in the linearization. */
+ SetType m_todo;
+ /** Fill the m_chunks variable. */
+ void BuildChunks() noexcept
+ {
+ // Caller must clear m_chunks.
+ Assume(m_chunks.empty());
+ // Iterate over the entries in m_linearization. This is effectively the same
+ // algorithm as ChunkLinearization, but supports skipping parts of the linearization and
+ // keeps track of the sets themselves instead of just their feerates.
+ for (auto idx : m_linearization) {
+ if (!m_todo[idx]) continue;
+ // Start with an initial chunk containing just element idx.
+ SetInfo add(m_depgraph, idx);
+ // Absorb existing final chunks into add while they have lower feerate.
+ while (!m_chunks.empty() && add.feerate >> m_chunks.back().feerate) {
+ add |= m_chunks.back();
+ m_chunks.pop_back();
+ }
+ // Remember new chunk.
+ m_chunks.push_back(std::move(add));
+ }
+ }
+ /** Initialize a LinearizationSubset object for a given length of linearization. */
+ explicit LinearizationChunking(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph LIFETIMEBOUND, Span<const ClusterIndex> lin LIFETIMEBOUND) noexcept :
+ m_depgraph(depgraph), m_linearization(lin)
+ {
+ // Mark everything in lin as todo still.
+ for (auto i : m_linearization) m_todo.Set(i);
+ // Compute the initial chunking.
+ m_chunks.reserve(depgraph.TxCount());
+ BuildChunks();
+ }
+ /** Determine how many chunks remain in the linearization. */
+ ClusterIndex NumChunksLeft() const noexcept { return m_chunks.size(); }
+ /** Access a chunk. Chunk 0 is the highest-feerate prefix of what remains. */
+ const SetInfo<SetType>& GetChunk(ClusterIndex n) const noexcept
+ {
+ Assume(n < m_chunks.size());
+ return m_chunks[n];
+ }
+ /** Remove some subset of transactions from the linearization. */
+ void MarkDone(SetType subset) noexcept
+ {
+ Assume(subset.Any());
+ Assume(subset.IsSubsetOf(m_todo));
+ m_todo -= subset;
+ // Rechunk what remains of m_linearization.
+ m_chunks.clear();
+ BuildChunks();
+ }
+ /** Find the shortest intersection between subset and the prefixes of remaining chunks
+ * of the linearization that has a feerate not below subset's.
+ *
+ * This is a crucial operation in guaranteeing improvements to linearizations. If subset has
+ * a feerate not below GetChunk(0)'s, then moving Intersect(subset) to the front of (what
+ * remains of) the linearization is guaranteed not to make it worse at any point.
+ *
+ * See https://delvingbitcoin.org/t/introduction-to-cluster-linearization/1032 for background.
+ */
+ SetInfo<SetType> Intersect(const SetInfo<SetType>& subset) const noexcept
+ {
+ Assume(subset.transactions.IsSubsetOf(m_todo));
+ SetInfo<SetType> accumulator;
+ // Iterate over all chunks of the remaining linearization.
+ for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
+ // Find what (if any) intersection the chunk has with subset.
+ const SetType to_add = GetChunk(i).transactions & subset.transactions;
+ if (to_add.Any()) {
+ // If adding that to accumulator makes us hit all of subset, we are done as no
+ // shorter intersection with higher/equal feerate exists.
+ accumulator.transactions |= to_add;
+ if (accumulator.transactions == subset.transactions) break;
+ // Otherwise update the accumulator feerate.
+ accumulator.feerate += m_depgraph.FeeRate(to_add);
+ // If that does result in something better, or something with the same feerate but
+ // smaller, return that. Even if a longer, higher-feerate intersection exists, it
+ // does not hurt to return the shorter one (the remainder of the longer intersection
+ // will generally be found in the next call to Intersect, but even if not, it is not
+ // required for the improvement guarantee this function makes).
+ if (!(accumulator.feerate << subset.feerate)) return accumulator;
+ }
+ }
+ return subset;
+ }
/** Class encapsulating the state needed to find the best remaining ancestor set.
* It is initialized for an entire DepGraph, and parts of the graph can be dropped by calling
diff --git a/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp b/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
index 6157291364..5c8b9f5905 100644
--- a/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
+++ b/src/test/fuzz/cluster_linearize.cpp
@@ -484,6 +484,123 @@ FUZZ_TARGET(clusterlin_search_finder)
+ // Verify the behavior of LinearizationChunking.
+ // Retrieve a depgraph from the fuzz input.
+ SpanReader reader(buffer);
+ DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph;
+ try {
+ reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
+ } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {}
+ // Retrieve a topologically-valid subset of depgraph.
+ auto todo = TestBitSet::Fill(depgraph.TxCount());
+ auto subset = SetInfo(depgraph, ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader));
+ // Retrieve a valid linearization for depgraph.
+ auto linearization = ReadLinearization(depgraph, reader);
+ // Construct a LinearizationChunking object, initially for the whole linearization.
+ LinearizationChunking chunking(depgraph, linearization);
+ // Incrementally remove transactions from the chunking object, and check various properties at
+ // every step.
+ while (todo.Any()) {
+ assert(chunking.NumChunksLeft() > 0);
+ // Construct linearization with just todo.
+ std::vector<ClusterIndex> linearization_left;
+ for (auto i : linearization) {
+ if (todo[i]) linearization_left.push_back(i);
+ }
+ // Compute the chunking for linearization_left.
+ auto chunking_left = ChunkLinearization(depgraph, linearization_left);
+ // Verify that it matches the feerates of the chunks of chunking.
+ assert(chunking.NumChunksLeft() == chunking_left.size());
+ for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < chunking.NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
+ assert(chunking.GetChunk(i).feerate == chunking_left[i]);
+ }
+ // Check consistency of chunking.
+ TestBitSet combined;
+ for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < chunking.NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
+ const auto& chunk_info = chunking.GetChunk(i);
+ // Chunks must be non-empty.
+ assert(chunk_info.transactions.Any());
+ // Chunk feerates must be monotonically non-increasing.
+ if (i > 0) assert(!(chunk_info.feerate >> chunking.GetChunk(i - 1).feerate));
+ // Chunks must be a subset of what is left of the linearization.
+ assert(chunk_info.transactions.IsSubsetOf(todo));
+ // Chunks' claimed feerates must match their transactions' aggregate feerate.
+ assert(depgraph.FeeRate(chunk_info.transactions) == chunk_info.feerate);
+ // Chunks must be the highest-feerate remaining prefix.
+ SetInfo<TestBitSet> accumulator, best;
+ for (auto j : linearization) {
+ if (todo[j] && !combined[j]) {
+ accumulator |= SetInfo(depgraph, j);
+ if (best.feerate.IsEmpty() || accumulator.feerate > best.feerate) {
+ best = accumulator;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(best.transactions == chunk_info.transactions);
+ assert(best.feerate == chunk_info.feerate);
+ // Chunks cannot overlap.
+ assert(!chunk_info.transactions.Overlaps(combined));
+ combined |= chunk_info.transactions;
+ // Chunks must be topological.
+ for (auto idx : chunk_info.transactions) {
+ assert((depgraph.Ancestors(idx) & todo).IsSubsetOf(combined));
+ }
+ }
+ assert(combined == todo);
+ // Verify the expected properties of LinearizationChunking::Intersect:
+ auto intersect = chunking.Intersect(subset);
+ // - Intersecting again doesn't change the result.
+ assert(chunking.Intersect(intersect) == intersect);
+ // - The intersection is topological.
+ TestBitSet intersect_anc;
+ for (auto idx : intersect.transactions) {
+ intersect_anc |= (depgraph.Ancestors(idx) & todo);
+ }
+ assert(intersect.transactions == intersect_anc);
+ // - The claimed intersection feerate matches its transactions.
+ assert(intersect.feerate == depgraph.FeeRate(intersect.transactions));
+ // - The intersection may only be empty if its input is empty.
+ assert(intersect.transactions.Any() == subset.transactions.Any());
+ // - The intersection feerate must be as high as the input.
+ assert(intersect.feerate >= subset.feerate);
+ // - No non-empty intersection between the intersection and a prefix of the chunks of the
+ // remainder of the linearization may be better than the intersection.
+ TestBitSet prefix;
+ for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < chunking.NumChunksLeft(); ++i) {
+ prefix |= chunking.GetChunk(i).transactions;
+ auto reintersect = SetInfo(depgraph, prefix & intersect.transactions);
+ if (!reintersect.feerate.IsEmpty()) {
+ assert(reintersect.feerate <= intersect.feerate);
+ }
+ }
+ // Find a subset to remove from linearization.
+ auto done = ReadTopologicalSet(depgraph, todo, reader);
+ if (done.None()) {
+ // We need to remove a non-empty subset, so fall back to the unlinearized ancestors of
+ // the first transaction in todo if done is empty.
+ done = depgraph.Ancestors(todo.First()) & todo;
+ }
+ todo -= done;
+ chunking.MarkDone(done);
+ subset = SetInfo(depgraph, subset.transactions - done);
+ }
+ assert(chunking.NumChunksLeft() == 0);
// Verify the behavior of Linearize().