diff options
authorglozow <gloriajzhao@gmail.com>2022-08-11 09:58:39 +0100
committerMurch <murch@murch.one>2023-04-06 15:15:34 -0400
commit3f3f2d59ea2946a7b7cc8cb0222fb602d62645d0 (patch)
parent59afcc83548ea67a863dac7b75d000bc8f6a7023 (diff)
[unit test] GatherClusters and MiniMiner unit tests
Co-authored-by: Murch <murch@murch.one> Co-authored-by: theStack <sebastian.falbesoner@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: furszy <matiasfurszyfer@protonmail.com>
2 files changed, 478 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile.test.include b/src/Makefile.test.include
index d6992640ff..3e9d6ad9e3 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.test.include
+++ b/src/Makefile.test.include
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS =\
test/merkle_tests.cpp \
test/merkleblock_tests.cpp \
test/miner_tests.cpp \
+ test/miniminer_tests.cpp \
test/miniscript_tests.cpp \
test/minisketch_tests.cpp \
test/multisig_tests.cpp \
diff --git a/src/test/miniminer_tests.cpp b/src/test/miniminer_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f4a5fbe74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/miniminer_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <node/mini_miner.h>
+#include <txmempool.h>
+#include <util/system.h>
+#include <util/time.h>
+#include <test/util/setup_common.h>
+#include <test/util/txmempool.h>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <optional>
+#include <vector>
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(miniminer_tests, TestingSetup)
+static inline CTransactionRef make_tx(const std::vector<COutPoint>& inputs, size_t num_outputs)
+ CMutableTransaction tx = CMutableTransaction();
+ tx.vin.resize(inputs.size());
+ tx.vout.resize(num_outputs);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
+ tx.vin[i].prevout = inputs[i];
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_outputs; ++i) {
+ tx.vout[i].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_11 << OP_EQUAL;
+ // The actual input and output values of these transactions don't really
+ // matter, since all accounting will use the entries' cached fees.
+ tx.vout[i].nValue = COIN;
+ }
+ return MakeTransactionRef(tx);
+static inline bool sanity_check(const std::vector<CTransactionRef>& transactions,
+ const std::map<COutPoint, CAmount>& bumpfees)
+ // No negative bumpfees.
+ for (const auto& [outpoint, fee] : bumpfees) {
+ if (fee < 0) return false;
+ if (fee == 0) continue;
+ auto outpoint_ = outpoint; // structured bindings can't be captured in C++17, so we need to use a variable
+ const bool found = std::any_of(transactions.cbegin(), transactions.cend(), [&](const auto& tx) {
+ return outpoint_.hash == tx->GetHash() && outpoint_.n < tx->vout.size();
+ });
+ if (!found) return false;
+ }
+ for (const auto& tx : transactions) {
+ // If tx has multiple outputs, they must all have the same bumpfee (if they exist).
+ if (tx->vout.size() > 1) {
+ std::set<CAmount> distinct_bumpfees;
+ for (size_t i{0}; i < tx->vout.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto bumpfee = bumpfees.find(COutPoint{tx->GetHash(), static_cast<uint32_t>(i)});
+ if (bumpfee != bumpfees.end()) distinct_bumpfees.insert(bumpfee->second);
+ }
+ if (distinct_bumpfees.size() > 1) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename Key, typename Value>
+Value Find(const std::map<Key, Value>& map, const Key& key)
+ auto it = map.find(key);
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(it != map.end(), strprintf("Cannot find %s", key.ToString()));
+ return it->second;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(miniminer_1p1c, TestChain100Setup)
+ CTxMemPool& pool = *Assert(m_node.mempool);
+ LOCK2(::cs_main, pool.cs);
+ TestMemPoolEntryHelper entry;
+ const CAmount low_fee{CENT/2000};
+ const CAmount normal_fee{CENT/200};
+ const CAmount high_fee{CENT/10};
+ // Create a parent tx1 and child tx2 with normal fees:
+ const auto tx1 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[0]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(normal_fee).FromTx(tx1));
+ const auto tx2 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(normal_fee).FromTx(tx2));
+ // Create a low-feerate parent tx3 and high-feerate child tx4 (cpfp)
+ const auto tx3 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[1]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(low_fee).FromTx(tx3));
+ const auto tx4 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(high_fee).FromTx(tx4));
+ // Create a parent tx5 and child tx6 where both have low fees
+ const auto tx5 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[2]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(low_fee).FromTx(tx5));
+ const auto tx6 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(low_fee).FromTx(tx6));
+ // Make tx6's modified fee much higher than its base fee. This should cause it to pass
+ // the fee-related checks despite being low-feerate.
+ pool.PrioritiseTransaction(tx6->GetHash(), CENT/100);
+ // Create a high-feerate parent tx7, low-feerate child tx8
+ const auto tx7 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[3]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(high_fee).FromTx(tx7));
+ const auto tx8 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(low_fee).FromTx(tx8));
+ std::vector<COutPoint> all_unspent_outpoints({
+ COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx2->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx6->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0}
+ });
+ for (const auto& outpoint : all_unspent_outpoints) BOOST_CHECK(!pool.isSpent(outpoint));
+ std::vector<COutPoint> all_spent_outpoints({
+ COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0}
+ });
+ for (const auto& outpoint : all_spent_outpoints) BOOST_CHECK(pool.GetConflictTx(outpoint) != nullptr);
+ std::vector<COutPoint> all_parent_outputs({
+ COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 1}
+ });
+ std::vector<CTransactionRef> all_transactions{tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5, tx6, tx7, tx8};
+ struct TxDimensions {
+ size_t vsize; CAmount mod_fee; CFeeRate feerate;
+ };
+ std::map<uint256, TxDimensions> tx_dims;
+ for (const auto& tx : all_transactions) {
+ const auto it = pool.GetIter(tx->GetHash()).value();
+ tx_dims.emplace(tx->GetHash(), TxDimensions{it->GetTxSize(), it->GetModifiedFee(),
+ CFeeRate(it->GetModifiedFee(), it->GetTxSize())});
+ }
+ const std::vector<CFeeRate> various_normal_feerates({CFeeRate(0), CFeeRate(500), CFeeRate(999),
+ CFeeRate(1000), CFeeRate(2000), CFeeRate(2500),
+ CFeeRate(3333), CFeeRate(7800), CFeeRate(11199),
+ CFeeRate(23330), CFeeRate(50000), CFeeRate(5*CENT)});
+ // All nonexistent entries have a bumpfee of zero, regardless of feerate
+ std::vector<COutPoint> nonexistent_outpoints({ COutPoint{GetRandHash(), 0}, COutPoint{GetRandHash(), 3} });
+ for (const auto& outpoint : nonexistent_outpoints) BOOST_CHECK(!pool.isSpent(outpoint));
+ for (const auto& feerate : various_normal_feerates) {
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner(pool, nonexistent_outpoints);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees = mini_miner.CalculateBumpFees(feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK(sanity_check(all_transactions, bump_fees));
+ BOOST_CHECK(bump_fees.size() == nonexistent_outpoints.size());
+ for (const auto& outpoint: nonexistent_outpoints) {
+ auto it = bump_fees.find(outpoint);
+ BOOST_CHECK(it != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->second, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Gather bump fees for all available UTXOs.
+ for (const auto& target_feerate : various_normal_feerates) {
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner(pool, all_unspent_outpoints);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees = mini_miner.CalculateBumpFees(target_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK(sanity_check(all_transactions, bump_fees));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bump_fees.size(), all_unspent_outpoints.size());
+ // Check tx1 bumpfee: no other bumper.
+ const TxDimensions& tx1_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx1->GetHash())->second;
+ CAmount bumpfee1 = Find(bump_fees, COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 1});
+ if (target_feerate <= tx1_dimensions.feerate) {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bumpfee1, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Difference is fee to bump tx1 from current to target feerate.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bumpfee1, target_feerate.GetFee(tx1_dimensions.vsize) - tx1_dimensions.mod_fee);
+ }
+ // Check tx3 bumpfee: assisted by tx4.
+ const TxDimensions& tx3_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx3->GetHash())->second;
+ const TxDimensions& tx4_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx4->GetHash())->second;
+ const CFeeRate tx3_feerate = CFeeRate(tx3_dimensions.mod_fee + tx4_dimensions.mod_fee, tx3_dimensions.vsize + tx4_dimensions.vsize);
+ CAmount bumpfee3 = Find(bump_fees, COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 1});
+ if (target_feerate <= tx3_feerate) {
+ // As long as target feerate is below tx4's ancestor feerate, there is no bump fee.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bumpfee3, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Difference is fee to bump tx3 from current to target feerate, without tx4.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bumpfee3, target_feerate.GetFee(tx3_dimensions.vsize) - tx3_dimensions.mod_fee);
+ }
+ // If tx6’s modified fees are sufficient for tx5 and tx6 to be picked
+ // into the block, our prospective new transaction would not need to
+ // bump tx5 when using tx5’s second output. If however even tx6’s
+ // modified fee (which essentially indicates "effective feerate") is
+ // not sufficient to bump tx5, using the second output of tx5 would
+ // require our transaction to bump tx5 from scratch since we evaluate
+ // transaction packages per ancestor sets and do not consider multiple
+ // children’s fees.
+ const TxDimensions& tx5_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx5->GetHash())->second;
+ const TxDimensions& tx6_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx6->GetHash())->second;
+ const CFeeRate tx5_feerate = CFeeRate(tx5_dimensions.mod_fee + tx6_dimensions.mod_fee, tx5_dimensions.vsize + tx6_dimensions.vsize);
+ CAmount bumpfee5 = Find(bump_fees, COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 1});
+ if (target_feerate <= tx5_feerate) {
+ // As long as target feerate is below tx6's ancestor feerate, there is no bump fee.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bumpfee5, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Difference is fee to bump tx5 from current to target feerate, without tx6.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bumpfee5, target_feerate.GetFee(tx5_dimensions.vsize) - tx5_dimensions.mod_fee);
+ }
+ }
+ // Spent outpoints should usually not be requested as they would not be
+ // considered available. However, when they are explicitly requested, we
+ // can calculate their bumpfee to facilitate RBF-replacements
+ for (const auto& target_feerate : various_normal_feerates) {
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner_all_spent(pool, all_spent_outpoints);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner_all_spent.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees_all_spent = mini_miner_all_spent.CalculateBumpFees(target_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner_all_spent.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bump_fees_all_spent.size(), all_spent_outpoints.size());
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner_all_parents(pool, all_parent_outputs);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner_all_parents.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees_all_parents = mini_miner_all_parents.CalculateBumpFees(target_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner_all_parents.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bump_fees_all_parents.size(), all_parent_outputs.size());
+ for (auto& bump_fees : {bump_fees_all_parents, bump_fees_all_spent}) {
+ // For all_parents case, both outputs from the parent should have the same bump fee,
+ // even though only one of them is in a to-be-replaced transaction.
+ BOOST_CHECK(sanity_check(all_transactions, bump_fees));
+ // Check tx1 bumpfee: no other bumper.
+ const TxDimensions& tx1_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx1->GetHash())->second;
+ CAmount it1_spent = Find(bump_fees, COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 0});
+ if (target_feerate <= tx1_dimensions.feerate) {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1_spent, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Difference is fee to bump tx1 from current to target feerate.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1_spent, target_feerate.GetFee(tx1_dimensions.vsize) - tx1_dimensions.mod_fee);
+ }
+ // Check tx3 bumpfee: no other bumper, because tx4 is to-be-replaced.
+ const TxDimensions& tx3_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx3->GetHash())->second;
+ const CFeeRate tx3_feerate_unbumped = tx3_dimensions.feerate;
+ auto it3_spent = Find(bump_fees, COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 0});
+ if (target_feerate <= tx3_feerate_unbumped) {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it3_spent, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Difference is fee to bump tx3 from current to target feerate, without tx4.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it3_spent, target_feerate.GetFee(tx3_dimensions.vsize) - tx3_dimensions.mod_fee);
+ }
+ // Check tx5 bumpfee: no other bumper, because tx6 is to-be-replaced.
+ const TxDimensions& tx5_dimensions = tx_dims.find(tx5->GetHash())->second;
+ const CFeeRate tx5_feerate_unbumped = tx5_dimensions.feerate;
+ auto it5_spent = Find(bump_fees, COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 0});
+ if (target_feerate <= tx5_feerate_unbumped) {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it5_spent, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Difference is fee to bump tx5 from current to target feerate, without tx6.
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it5_spent, target_feerate.GetFee(tx5_dimensions.vsize) - tx5_dimensions.mod_fee);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(miniminer_overlap, TestChain100Setup)
+ CTxMemPool& pool = *Assert(m_node.mempool);
+ LOCK2(::cs_main, pool.cs);
+ TestMemPoolEntryHelper entry;
+ const CAmount low_fee{CENT/2000};
+ const CAmount med_fee{CENT/200};
+ const CAmount high_fee{CENT/10};
+ // Create 3 parents of different feerates, and 1 child spending from all 3.
+ const auto tx1 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[0]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(low_fee).FromTx(tx1));
+ const auto tx2 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[1]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(med_fee).FromTx(tx2));
+ const auto tx3 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[2]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(high_fee).FromTx(tx3));
+ const auto tx4 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{tx2->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/3);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(high_fee).FromTx(tx4));
+ // Create 1 grandparent and 1 parent, then 2 children.
+ const auto tx5 = make_tx({COutPoint{m_coinbase_txns[3]->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(high_fee).FromTx(tx5));
+ const auto tx6 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/3);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(low_fee).FromTx(tx6));
+ const auto tx7 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx6->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(med_fee).FromTx(tx7));
+ const auto tx8 = make_tx({COutPoint{tx6->GetHash(), 1}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(high_fee).FromTx(tx8));
+ std::vector<CTransactionRef> all_transactions{tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5, tx6, tx7, tx8};
+ std::vector<int64_t> tx_vsizes;
+ tx_vsizes.reserve(all_transactions.size());
+ for (const auto& tx : all_transactions) tx_vsizes.push_back(GetVirtualTransactionSize(*tx));
+ std::vector<COutPoint> all_unspent_outpoints({
+ COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx2->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx3->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 2},
+ COutPoint{tx5->GetHash(), 1},
+ COutPoint{tx6->GetHash(), 2},
+ COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0},
+ COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0}
+ });
+ for (const auto& outpoint : all_unspent_outpoints) BOOST_CHECK(!pool.isSpent(outpoint));
+ const auto tx3_feerate = CFeeRate(high_fee, tx_vsizes[2]);
+ const auto tx4_feerate = CFeeRate(high_fee, tx_vsizes[3]);
+ // tx4's feerate is lower than tx3's. same fee, different weight.
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx3_feerate > tx4_feerate);
+ const auto tx4_anc_feerate = CFeeRate(low_fee + med_fee + high_fee, tx_vsizes[0] + tx_vsizes[1] + tx_vsizes[3]);
+ const auto tx5_feerate = CFeeRate(high_fee, tx_vsizes[4]);
+ const auto tx7_anc_feerate = CFeeRate(low_fee + med_fee, tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[6]);
+ const auto tx8_anc_feerate = CFeeRate(low_fee + high_fee, tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[7]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx5_feerate > tx7_anc_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx5_feerate > tx8_anc_feerate);
+ // Extremely high feerate: everybody's bumpfee is from their full ancestor set.
+ {
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner(pool, all_unspent_outpoints);
+ const CFeeRate very_high_feerate(COIN);
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx4_anc_feerate < very_high_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees = mini_miner.CalculateBumpFees(very_high_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bump_fees.size(), all_unspent_outpoints.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK(sanity_check(all_transactions, bump_fees));
+ const auto tx1_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx1->GetHash(), 1});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx1_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx1_bumpfee->second, very_high_feerate.GetFee(tx_vsizes[0]) - low_fee);
+ const auto tx4_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx4_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx4_bumpfee->second,
+ very_high_feerate.GetFee(tx_vsizes[0] + tx_vsizes[1] + tx_vsizes[2] + tx_vsizes[3]) - (low_fee + med_fee + high_fee + high_fee));
+ const auto tx7_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx7_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx7_bumpfee->second,
+ very_high_feerate.GetFee(tx_vsizes[4] + tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[6]) - (high_fee + low_fee + med_fee));
+ const auto tx8_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx8_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx8_bumpfee->second,
+ very_high_feerate.GetFee(tx_vsizes[4] + tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[7]) - (high_fee + low_fee + high_fee));
+ // Total fees: if spending multiple outputs from tx4 don't double-count fees.
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner_total_tx4(pool, {COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{tx4->GetHash(), 1}});
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner_total_tx4.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ const auto tx4_bump_fee = mini_miner_total_tx4.CalculateTotalBumpFees(very_high_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner_total_tx4.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx4_bump_fee.has_value());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx4_bump_fee.value(),
+ very_high_feerate.GetFee(tx_vsizes[0] + tx_vsizes[1] + tx_vsizes[2] + tx_vsizes[3]) - (low_fee + med_fee + high_fee + high_fee));
+ // Total fees: if spending both tx7 and tx8, don't double-count fees.
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner_tx7_tx8(pool, {COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0}});
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner_tx7_tx8.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ const auto tx7_tx8_bumpfee = mini_miner_tx7_tx8.CalculateTotalBumpFees(very_high_feerate);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner_tx7_tx8.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx7_tx8_bumpfee.has_value());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx7_tx8_bumpfee.value(),
+ very_high_feerate.GetFee(tx_vsizes[4] + tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[6] + tx_vsizes[7]) - (high_fee + low_fee + med_fee + high_fee));
+ }
+ // Feerate just below tx5: tx7 and tx8 have different bump fees.
+ {
+ const auto just_below_tx5 = CFeeRate(tx5_feerate.GetFeePerK() - 5);
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner(pool, all_unspent_outpoints);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees = mini_miner.CalculateBumpFees(just_below_tx5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bump_fees.size(), all_unspent_outpoints.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK(sanity_check(all_transactions, bump_fees));
+ const auto tx7_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx7_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx7_bumpfee->second, just_below_tx5.GetFee(tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[6]) - (low_fee + med_fee));
+ const auto tx8_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx8_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx8_bumpfee->second, just_below_tx5.GetFee(tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[7]) - (low_fee + high_fee));
+ // Total fees: if spending both tx7 and tx8, don't double-count fees.
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner_tx7_tx8(pool, {COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0}, COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0}});
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner_tx7_tx8.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ const auto tx7_tx8_bumpfee = mini_miner_tx7_tx8.CalculateTotalBumpFees(just_below_tx5);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner_tx7_tx8.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx7_tx8_bumpfee.has_value());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx7_tx8_bumpfee.value(), just_below_tx5.GetFee(tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[6]) - (low_fee + med_fee));
+ }
+ // Feerate between tx7 and tx8's ancestor feerates: don't need to bump tx6 because tx8 already does.
+ {
+ const auto just_above_tx7 = CFeeRate(med_fee + 10, tx_vsizes[6]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(just_above_tx7 <= CFeeRate(low_fee + high_fee, tx_vsizes[5] + tx_vsizes[7]));
+ node::MiniMiner mini_miner(pool, all_unspent_outpoints);
+ BOOST_CHECK(mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ auto bump_fees = mini_miner.CalculateBumpFees(just_above_tx7);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!mini_miner.IsReadyToCalculate());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bump_fees.size(), all_unspent_outpoints.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK(sanity_check(all_transactions, bump_fees));
+ const auto tx7_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx7->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx7_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx7_bumpfee->second, just_above_tx7.GetFee(tx_vsizes[6]) - (med_fee));
+ const auto tx8_bumpfee = bump_fees.find(COutPoint{tx8->GetHash(), 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx8_bumpfee != bump_fees.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tx8_bumpfee->second, 0);
+ }
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(calculate_cluster, TestChain100Setup)
+ CTxMemPool& pool = *Assert(m_node.mempool);
+ LOCK2(cs_main, pool.cs);
+ // Add chain of size 500
+ TestMemPoolEntryHelper entry;
+ std::vector<uint256> chain_txids;
+ auto& lasttx = m_coinbase_txns[0];
+ for (auto i{0}; i < 500; ++i) {
+ const auto tx = make_tx({COutPoint{lasttx->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(CENT).FromTx(tx));
+ chain_txids.push_back(tx->GetHash());
+ lasttx = tx;
+ }
+ const auto cluster_500tx = pool.GatherClusters({lasttx->GetHash()});
+ CTxMemPool::setEntries cluster_500tx_set{cluster_500tx.begin(), cluster_500tx.end()};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cluster_500tx.size(), cluster_500tx_set.size());
+ const auto vec_iters_500 = pool.GetIterVec(chain_txids);
+ for (const auto& iter : vec_iters_500) BOOST_CHECK(cluster_500tx_set.count(iter));
+ // GatherClusters stops at 500 transactions.
+ const auto tx_501 = make_tx({COutPoint{lasttx->GetHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(CENT).FromTx(tx_501));
+ const auto cluster_501 = pool.GatherClusters({tx_501->GetHash()});
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cluster_501.size(), 0);
+ // Zig Zag cluster:
+ // txp0 txp1 txp2 ... txp48 txp49
+ // \ / \ / \ \ /
+ // txc0 txc1 txc2 ... txc48
+ // Note that each transaction's ancestor size is 1 or 3, and each descendant size is 1, 2 or 3.
+ // However, all of these transactions are in the same cluster.
+ std::vector<uint256> zigzag_txids;
+ for (auto p{0}; p < 50; ++p) {
+ const auto txp = make_tx({COutPoint{GetRandHash(), 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/2);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(CENT).FromTx(txp));
+ zigzag_txids.push_back(txp->GetHash());
+ }
+ for (auto c{0}; c < 49; ++c) {
+ const auto txc = make_tx({COutPoint{zigzag_txids[c], 1}, COutPoint{zigzag_txids[c+1], 0}}, /*num_outputs=*/1);
+ pool.addUnchecked(entry.Fee(CENT).FromTx(txc));
+ zigzag_txids.push_back(txc->GetHash());
+ }
+ const auto vec_iters_zigzag = pool.GetIterVec(zigzag_txids);
+ // It doesn't matter which tx we calculate cluster for, everybody is in it.
+ const std::vector<size_t> indeces{0, 22, 72, zigzag_txids.size() - 1};
+ for (const auto index : indeces) {
+ const auto cluster = pool.GatherClusters({zigzag_txids[index]});
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cluster.size(), zigzag_txids.size());
+ CTxMemPool::setEntries clusterset{cluster.begin(), cluster.end()};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cluster.size(), clusterset.size());
+ for (const auto& iter : vec_iters_zigzag) BOOST_CHECK(clusterset.count(iter));
+ }