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diff --git a/bip-0078.mediawiki b/bip-0078.mediawiki
index 90aa94f..5048d4a 100644
--- a/bip-0078.mediawiki
+++ b/bip-0078.mediawiki
@@ -366,8 +366,6 @@ Because payjoin is mixing the inputs of the sender and receiver, this heuristic
When Alice pays Bob, if Alice is using P2SH but Bob's deposit address is P2WPKH, the heuristic would assume that the P2SH output is the change address of Alice.
This is now however a broken assumption, as the payjoin receiver has the freedom to mislead analytics by purposefully changing the invoice's address in the payjoin transaction.
-Alternatively, if the original address of Bob is P2WPKH and Alice's address is also P2WPKH, Bob can change the receiving address in the payjoin to P2SH. The heuristic would wrongfully identify the payjoin's receiving address as the change address of the transaction.
See [[#output-substitution|payment output substitution]].
* Change identification from round change amount