path: root/bip-0352/
diff options
authorjosibake <>2024-01-15 12:05:08 +0100
committerjosibake <>2024-05-08 18:14:55 +0200
commit33a99a1a17a569493cbf009bcd5458939c153f54 (patch)
treef6717c3b69f2fc6a341be5917beef88bd58f4feb /bip-0352/
parent96f4e5a4c4cd2e5ba4e74212077b858a3b047f31 (diff)
Add with test vectors
* contains the silent payment specific code * for doing the EC operations * contains code for encoding/decoding bech32(m) addresses * contains some helper code, not specific to silent payments * send_and_receive_test_vectors.json contains the wallet unit test vectors Co-Authored-By: S3RK <> Co-Authored-By: Oghenovo Usiwoma <> Co-authored-by: S.Blagogee <>
Diffstat (limited to 'bip-0352/')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bip-0352/ b/bip-0352/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c98dac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bip-0352/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# For running the test vectors, run this script:
+# ./ send_and_receive_test_vectors.json
+import hashlib
+import json
+from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, cast
+from sys import argv, exit
+from functools import reduce
+from itertools import permutations
+# local files
+from bech32m import convertbits, bech32_encode, decode, Encoding
+from secp256k1 import ECKey, ECPubKey, TaggedHash, NUMS_H
+from bitcoin_utils import (
+ deser_txid,
+ from_hex,
+ hash160,
+ is_p2pkh,
+ is_p2sh,
+ is_p2wpkh,
+ is_p2tr,
+ ser_uint32,
+ COutPoint,
+ CTxInWitness,
+ VinInfo,
+ )
+def get_pubkey_from_input(vin: VinInfo) -> ECPubKey:
+ if is_p2pkh(vin.prevout):
+ # skip the first 3 op_codes and grab the 20 byte hash
+ # from the scriptPubKey
+ spk_hash = vin.prevout[3:3 + 20]
+ for i in range(len(vin.scriptSig), 0, -1):
+ if i - 33 >= 0:
+ # starting from the back, we move over the scriptSig with a 33 byte
+ # window (to match a compressed pubkey). we hash this and check if it matches
+ # the 20 byte has from the scriptPubKey. for standard scriptSigs, this will match
+ # right away because the pubkey is the last item in the scriptSig.
+ # if its a non-standard (malleated) scriptSig, we will still find the pubkey if its
+ # a compressed pubkey.
+ #
+ # note: this is an incredibly inefficient implementation, for demonstration purposes only.
+ pubkey_bytes = vin.scriptSig[i - 33:i]
+ pubkey_hash = hash160(pubkey_bytes)
+ if pubkey_hash == spk_hash:
+ pubkey = ECPubKey().set(pubkey_bytes)
+ if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed):
+ return pubkey
+ if is_p2sh(vin.prevout):
+ redeem_script = vin.scriptSig[1:]
+ if is_p2wpkh(redeem_script):
+ pubkey = ECPubKey().set(vin.txinwitness.scriptWitness.stack[-1])
+ if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed):
+ return pubkey
+ if is_p2wpkh(vin.prevout):
+ txin = vin.txinwitness
+ pubkey = ECPubKey().set(txin.scriptWitness.stack[-1])
+ if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed):
+ return pubkey
+ if is_p2tr(vin.prevout):
+ witnessStack = vin.txinwitness.scriptWitness.stack
+ if (len(witnessStack) >= 1):
+ if (len(witnessStack) > 1 and witnessStack[-1][0] == 0x50):
+ # Last item is annex
+ witnessStack.pop()
+ if (len(witnessStack) > 1):
+ # Script-path spend
+ control_block = witnessStack[-1]
+ # control block is <control byte> <32 byte internal key> and 0 or more <32 byte hash>
+ internal_key = control_block[1:33]
+ if (internal_key == NUMS_H.to_bytes(32, 'big')):
+ # Skip if NUMS_H
+ return ECPubKey()
+ pubkey = ECPubKey().set(vin.prevout[2:])
+ if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed):
+ return pubkey
+ return ECPubKey()
+def get_input_hash(outpoints: List[COutPoint], sum_input_pubkeys: ECPubKey) -> bytes:
+ lowest_outpoint = sorted(outpoints, key=lambda outpoint: outpoint.serialize())[0]
+ return TaggedHash("BIP0352/Inputs", lowest_outpoint.serialize() + cast(bytes, sum_input_pubkeys.get_bytes(False)))
+def encode_silent_payment_address(B_scan: ECPubKey, B_m: ECPubKey, hrp: str = "tsp", version: int = 0) -> str:
+ data = convertbits(cast(bytes, B_scan.get_bytes(False)) + cast(bytes, B_m.get_bytes(False)), 8, 5)
+ return bech32_encode(hrp, [version] + cast(List[int], data), Encoding.BECH32M)
+def generate_label(b_scan: ECKey, m: int) -> bytes:
+ return TaggedHash("BIP0352/Label", b_scan.get_bytes() + ser_uint32(m))
+def create_labeled_silent_payment_address(b_scan: ECKey, B_spend: ECPubKey, m: int, hrp: str = "tsp", version: int = 0) -> str:
+ G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey()
+ B_scan = b_scan.get_pubkey()
+ B_m = B_spend + generate_label(b_scan, m) * G
+ labeled_address = encode_silent_payment_address(B_scan, B_m, hrp, version)
+ return labeled_address
+def decode_silent_payment_address(address: str, hrp: str = "tsp") -> Tuple[ECPubKey, ECPubKey]:
+ _, data = decode(hrp, address)
+ if data is None:
+ return ECPubKey(), ECPubKey()
+ B_scan = ECPubKey().set(data[:33])
+ B_spend = ECPubKey().set(data[33:])
+ return B_scan, B_spend
+def create_outputs(input_priv_keys: List[Tuple[ECKey, bool]], input_hash: bytes, recipients: List[str], hrp="tsp") -> List[str]:
+ G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey()
+ negated_keys = []
+ for key, is_xonly in input_priv_keys:
+ k = ECKey().set(key.get_bytes())
+ if is_xonly and k.get_pubkey().get_y() % 2 != 0:
+ k.negate()
+ negated_keys.append(k)
+ a_sum = sum(negated_keys)
+ silent_payment_groups: Dict[ECPubKey, List[ECPubKey]] = {}
+ for recipient in recipients:
+ B_scan, B_m = decode_silent_payment_address(recipient, hrp=hrp)
+ if B_scan in silent_payment_groups:
+ silent_payment_groups[B_scan].append(B_m)
+ else:
+ silent_payment_groups[B_scan] = [B_m]
+ outputs = []
+ for B_scan, B_m_values in silent_payment_groups.items():
+ ecdh_shared_secret = input_hash * a_sum * B_scan
+ k = 0
+ for B_m in B_m_values:
+ t_k = TaggedHash("BIP0352/SharedSecret", ecdh_shared_secret.get_bytes(False) + ser_uint32(k))
+ P_km = B_m + t_k * G
+ outputs.append(P_km.get_bytes().hex())
+ k += 1
+ return list(set(outputs))
+def scanning(b_scan: ECKey, B_spend: ECPubKey, A_sum: ECPubKey, input_hash: bytes, outputs_to_check: List[ECPubKey], labels: Dict[str, str] = {}) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
+ G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey()
+ ecdh_shared_secret = input_hash * b_scan * A_sum
+ k = 0
+ wallet = []
+ while True:
+ t_k = TaggedHash("BIP0352/SharedSecret", ecdh_shared_secret.get_bytes(False) + ser_uint32(k))
+ P_k = B_spend + t_k * G
+ for output in outputs_to_check:
+ if P_k == output:
+ wallet.append({"pub_key": P_k.get_bytes().hex(), "priv_key_tweak": t_k.hex()})
+ outputs_to_check.remove(output)
+ k += 1
+ break
+ elif labels:
+ m_G_sub = output - P_k
+ if m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex() in labels:
+ P_km = P_k + m_G_sub
+ wallet.append({
+ "pub_key": P_km.get_bytes().hex(),
+ "priv_key_tweak": (ECKey().set(t_k).add(
+ bytes.fromhex(labels[m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex()])
+ )).get_bytes().hex(),
+ })
+ outputs_to_check.remove(output)
+ k += 1
+ break
+ else:
+ output.negate()
+ m_G_sub = output - P_k
+ if m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex() in labels:
+ P_km = P_k + m_G_sub
+ wallet.append({
+ "pub_key": P_km.get_bytes().hex(),
+ "priv_key_tweak": (ECKey().set(t_k).add(
+ bytes.fromhex(labels[m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex()])
+ )).get_bytes().hex(),
+ })
+ outputs_to_check.remove(output)
+ k += 1
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ return wallet
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(argv) != 2 or argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'):
+ print("Usage: ./ send_and_receive_test_vectors.json")
+ exit(0)
+ with open(argv[1], "r") as f:
+ test_data = json.loads(
+ # G , needed for generating the labels "database"
+ G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey()
+ for case in test_data:
+ print(case["comment"])
+ # Test sending
+ for sending_test in case["sending"]:
+ given = sending_test["given"]
+ expected = sending_test["expected"]
+ vins = [
+ VinInfo(
+ outpoint=COutPoint(hash=deser_txid(input["txid"]), n=input["vout"]),
+ scriptSig=bytes.fromhex(input["scriptSig"]),
+ txinwitness=CTxInWitness().deserialize(from_hex(input["txinwitness"])),
+ prevout=bytes.fromhex(input["prevout"]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]),
+ private_key=ECKey().set(bytes.fromhex(input["private_key"])),
+ )
+ for input in given["vin"]
+ ]
+ # Conver the tuples to lists so they can be easily compared to the json list of lists from the given test vectors
+ input_priv_keys = []
+ input_pub_keys = []
+ for vin in vins:
+ pubkey = get_pubkey_from_input(vin)
+ if not pubkey.valid:
+ continue
+ input_priv_keys.append((
+ vin.private_key,
+ is_p2tr(vin.prevout),
+ ))
+ input_pub_keys.append(pubkey)
+ sending_outputs = []
+ if (len(input_pub_keys) > 0):
+ A_sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, input_pub_keys)
+ input_hash = get_input_hash([vin.outpoint for vin in vins], A_sum)
+ sending_outputs = create_outputs(input_priv_keys, input_hash, given["recipients"], hrp="sp")
+ # Note: order doesn't matter for creating/finding the outputs. However, different orderings of the recipient addresses
+ # will produce different generated outputs if sending to multiple silent payment addresses belonging to the
+ # same sender but with different labels. Because of this, expected["outputs"] contains all possible valid output sets,
+ # based on all possible permutations of recipient address orderings. Must match exactly one of the possible output sets.
+ assert(any(set(sending_outputs) == set(lst) for lst in expected["outputs"])), "Sending test failed"
+ else:
+ assert(sending_outputs == expected["outputs"][0] == []), "Sending test failed"
+ # Test receiving
+ msg = hashlib.sha256(b"message").digest()
+ aux = hashlib.sha256(b"random auxiliary data").digest()
+ for receiving_test in case["receiving"]:
+ given = receiving_test["given"]
+ expected = receiving_test["expected"]
+ outputs_to_check = [
+ ECPubKey().set(bytes.fromhex(p)) for p in given["outputs"]
+ ]
+ vins = [
+ VinInfo(
+ outpoint=COutPoint(hash=deser_txid(input["txid"]), n=input["vout"]),
+ scriptSig=bytes.fromhex(input["scriptSig"]),
+ txinwitness=CTxInWitness().deserialize(from_hex(input["txinwitness"])),
+ prevout=bytes.fromhex(input["prevout"]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]),
+ )
+ for input in given["vin"]
+ ]
+ # Check that the given inputs for the receiving test match what was generated during the sending test
+ receiving_addresses = []
+ b_scan = ECKey().set(bytes.fromhex(given["key_material"]["scan_priv_key"]))
+ b_spend = ECKey().set(
+ bytes.fromhex(given["key_material"]["spend_priv_key"])
+ )
+ B_scan = b_scan.get_pubkey()
+ B_spend = b_spend.get_pubkey()
+ receiving_addresses.append(
+ encode_silent_payment_address(B_scan, B_spend, hrp="sp")
+ )
+ if given["labels"]:
+ for label in given["labels"]:
+ receiving_addresses.append(
+ create_labeled_silent_payment_address(
+ b_scan, B_spend, m=label, hrp="sp"
+ )
+ )
+ # Check that the silent payment addresses match for the given BIP32 seed and labels dictionary
+ assert (receiving_addresses == expected["addresses"]), "Receiving addresses don't match"
+ input_pub_keys = []
+ for vin in vins:
+ pubkey = get_pubkey_from_input(vin)
+ if not pubkey.valid:
+ continue
+ input_pub_keys.append(pubkey)
+ add_to_wallet = []
+ if (len(input_pub_keys) > 0):
+ A_sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, input_pub_keys)
+ input_hash = get_input_hash([vin.outpoint for vin in vins], A_sum)
+ pre_computed_labels = {
+ (generate_label(b_scan, label) * G).get_bytes(False).hex(): generate_label(b_scan, label).hex()
+ for label in given["labels"]
+ }
+ add_to_wallet = scanning(
+ b_scan=b_scan,
+ B_spend=B_spend,
+ A_sum=A_sum,
+ input_hash=input_hash,
+ outputs_to_check=outputs_to_check,
+ labels=pre_computed_labels,
+ )
+ # Check that the private key is correct for the found output public key
+ for output in add_to_wallet:
+ pub_key = ECPubKey().set(bytes.fromhex(output["pub_key"]))
+ full_private_key = b_spend.add(bytes.fromhex(output["priv_key_tweak"]))
+ if full_private_key.get_pubkey().get_y() % 2 != 0:
+ full_private_key.negate()
+ sig = full_private_key.sign_schnorr(msg, aux)
+ assert pub_key.verify_schnorr(sig, msg), f"Invalid signature for {pub_key}"
+ output["signature"] = sig.hex()
+ # Note: order doesn't matter for creating/finding the outputs. However, different orderings of the recipient addresses
+ # will produce different generated outputs if sending to multiple silent payment addresses belonging to the
+ # same sender but with different labels. Because of this, expected["outputs"] contains all possible valid output sets,
+ # based on all possible permutations of recipient address orderings. Must match exactly one of the possible found output
+ # sets in expected["outputs"]
+ generated_set = {frozenset(d.items()) for d in add_to_wallet}
+ expected_set = {frozenset(d.items()) for d in expected["outputs"]}
+ assert generated_set == expected_set, "Receive test failed"
+ print("All tests passed")