path: root/bip-0327/
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authorkallewoof <>2023-03-27 18:40:32 +0900
committerGitHub <>2023-03-27 18:40:32 +0900
commit67a42fe828fc43077c76985c6133adaf11b20cc6 (patch)
tree98c2275d2098a619e4ec524ed35bc217c7c0b1b8 /bip-0327/
parenta8a0191978b451aa3a8acd8a94f3197ff2fe16e5 (diff)
parent87394eaeb436d02e0a68b38a1e94bc526d50056e (diff)
Merge pull request #1372 from jonasnick/musig2-squashed
Add BIP MuSig2
Diffstat (limited to 'bip-0327/')
1 files changed, 880 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bip-0327/ b/bip-0327/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf6e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bip-0327/
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+# BIP327 reference implementation
+# WARNING: This implementation is for demonstration purposes only and _not_ to
+# be used in production environments. The code is vulnerable to timing attacks,
+# for example.
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, NewType, NamedTuple
+import hashlib
+import secrets
+import time
+# The following helper functions were copied from the BIP-340 reference implementation:
+# Points are tuples of X and Y coordinates and the point at infinity is
+# represented by the None keyword.
+G = (0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798, 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8)
+Point = Tuple[int, int]
+# This implementation can be sped up by storing the midstate after hashing
+# tag_hash instead of rehashing it all the time.
+def tagged_hash(tag: str, msg: bytes) -> bytes:
+ tag_hash = hashlib.sha256(tag.encode()).digest()
+ return hashlib.sha256(tag_hash + tag_hash + msg).digest()
+def is_infinite(P: Optional[Point]) -> bool:
+ return P is None
+def x(P: Point) -> int:
+ assert not is_infinite(P)
+ return P[0]
+def y(P: Point) -> int:
+ assert not is_infinite(P)
+ return P[1]
+def point_add(P1: Optional[Point], P2: Optional[Point]) -> Optional[Point]:
+ if P1 is None:
+ return P2
+ if P2 is None:
+ return P1
+ if (x(P1) == x(P2)) and (y(P1) != y(P2)):
+ return None
+ if P1 == P2:
+ lam = (3 * x(P1) * x(P1) * pow(2 * y(P1), p - 2, p)) % p
+ else:
+ lam = ((y(P2) - y(P1)) * pow(x(P2) - x(P1), p - 2, p)) % p
+ x3 = (lam * lam - x(P1) - x(P2)) % p
+ return (x3, (lam * (x(P1) - x3) - y(P1)) % p)
+def point_mul(P: Optional[Point], n: int) -> Optional[Point]:
+ R = None
+ for i in range(256):
+ if (n >> i) & 1:
+ R = point_add(R, P)
+ P = point_add(P, P)
+ return R
+def bytes_from_int(x: int) -> bytes:
+ return x.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big")
+def lift_x(b: bytes) -> Optional[Point]:
+ x = int_from_bytes(b)
+ if x >= p:
+ return None
+ y_sq = (pow(x, 3, p) + 7) % p
+ y = pow(y_sq, (p + 1) // 4, p)
+ if pow(y, 2, p) != y_sq:
+ return None
+ return (x, y if y & 1 == 0 else p-y)
+def int_from_bytes(b: bytes) -> int:
+ return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
+def has_even_y(P: Point) -> bool:
+ assert not is_infinite(P)
+ return y(P) % 2 == 0
+def schnorr_verify(msg: bytes, pubkey: bytes, sig: bytes) -> bool:
+ if len(msg) != 32:
+ raise ValueError('The message must be a 32-byte array.')
+ if len(pubkey) != 32:
+ raise ValueError('The public key must be a 32-byte array.')
+ if len(sig) != 64:
+ raise ValueError('The signature must be a 64-byte array.')
+ P = lift_x(pubkey)
+ r = int_from_bytes(sig[0:32])
+ s = int_from_bytes(sig[32:64])
+ if (P is None) or (r >= p) or (s >= n):
+ return False
+ e = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", sig[0:32] + pubkey + msg)) % n
+ R = point_add(point_mul(G, s), point_mul(P, n - e))
+ if (R is None) or (not has_even_y(R)) or (x(R) != r):
+ return False
+ return True
+# End of helper functions copied from BIP-340 reference implementation.
+PlainPk = NewType('PlainPk', bytes)
+XonlyPk = NewType('XonlyPk', bytes)
+# There are two types of exceptions that can be raised by this implementation:
+# - ValueError for indicating that an input doesn't conform to some function
+# precondition (e.g. an input array is the wrong length, a serialized
+# representation doesn't have the correct format).
+# - InvalidContributionError for indicating that a signer (or the
+# aggregator) is misbehaving in the protocol.
+# Assertions are used to (1) satisfy the type-checking system, and (2) check for
+# inconvenient events that can't happen except with negligible probability (e.g.
+# output of a hash function is 0) and can't be manually triggered by any
+# signer.
+# This exception is raised if a party (signer or nonce aggregator) sends invalid
+# values. Actual implementations should not crash when receiving invalid
+# contributions. Instead, they should hold the offending party accountable.
+class InvalidContributionError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, signer, contrib):
+ self.signer = signer
+ # contrib is one of "pubkey", "pubnonce", "aggnonce", or "psig".
+ self.contrib = contrib
+infinity = None
+def xbytes(P: Point) -> bytes:
+ return bytes_from_int(x(P))
+def cbytes(P: Point) -> bytes:
+ a = b'\x02' if has_even_y(P) else b'\x03'
+ return a + xbytes(P)
+def cbytes_ext(P: Optional[Point]) -> bytes:
+ if is_infinite(P):
+ return (0).to_bytes(33, byteorder='big')
+ assert P is not None
+ return cbytes(P)
+def point_negate(P: Optional[Point]) -> Optional[Point]:
+ if P is None:
+ return P
+ return (x(P), p - y(P))
+def cpoint(x: bytes) -> Point:
+ if len(x) != 33:
+ raise ValueError('x is not a valid compressed point.')
+ P = lift_x(x[1:33])
+ if P is None:
+ raise ValueError('x is not a valid compressed point.')
+ if x[0] == 2:
+ return P
+ elif x[0] == 3:
+ P = point_negate(P)
+ assert P is not None
+ return P
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('x is not a valid compressed point.')
+def cpoint_ext(x: bytes) -> Optional[Point]:
+ if x == (0).to_bytes(33, 'big'):
+ return None
+ else:
+ return cpoint(x)
+# Return the plain public key corresponding to a given secret key
+def individual_pk(seckey: bytes) -> PlainPk:
+ d0 = int_from_bytes(seckey)
+ if not (1 <= d0 <= n - 1):
+ raise ValueError('The secret key must be an integer in the range 1..n-1.')
+ P = point_mul(G, d0)
+ assert P is not None
+ return PlainPk(cbytes(P))
+def key_sort(pubkeys: List[PlainPk]) -> List[PlainPk]:
+ pubkeys.sort()
+ return pubkeys
+KeyAggContext = NamedTuple('KeyAggContext', [('Q', Point),
+ ('gacc', int),
+ ('tacc', int)])
+def get_xonly_pk(keyagg_ctx: KeyAggContext) -> XonlyPk:
+ Q, _, _ = keyagg_ctx
+ return XonlyPk(xbytes(Q))
+def key_agg(pubkeys: List[PlainPk]) -> KeyAggContext:
+ pk2 = get_second_key(pubkeys)
+ u = len(pubkeys)
+ Q = infinity
+ for i in range(u):
+ try:
+ P_i = cpoint(pubkeys[i])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidContributionError(i, "pubkey")
+ a_i = key_agg_coeff_internal(pubkeys, pubkeys[i], pk2)
+ Q = point_add(Q, point_mul(P_i, a_i))
+ # Q is not the point at infinity except with negligible probability.
+ assert(Q is not None)
+ gacc = 1
+ tacc = 0
+ return KeyAggContext(Q, gacc, tacc)
+def hash_keys(pubkeys: List[PlainPk]) -> bytes:
+ return tagged_hash('KeyAgg list', b''.join(pubkeys))
+def get_second_key(pubkeys: List[PlainPk]) -> PlainPk:
+ u = len(pubkeys)
+ for j in range(1, u):
+ if pubkeys[j] != pubkeys[0]:
+ return pubkeys[j]
+ return PlainPk(b'\x00'*33)
+def key_agg_coeff(pubkeys: List[PlainPk], pk_: PlainPk) -> int:
+ pk2 = get_second_key(pubkeys)
+ return key_agg_coeff_internal(pubkeys, pk_, pk2)
+def key_agg_coeff_internal(pubkeys: List[PlainPk], pk_: PlainPk, pk2: PlainPk) -> int:
+ L = hash_keys(pubkeys)
+ if pk_ == pk2:
+ return 1
+ return int_from_bytes(tagged_hash('KeyAgg coefficient', L + pk_)) % n
+def apply_tweak(keyagg_ctx: KeyAggContext, tweak: bytes, is_xonly: bool) -> KeyAggContext:
+ if len(tweak) != 32:
+ raise ValueError('The tweak must be a 32-byte array.')
+ Q, gacc, tacc = keyagg_ctx
+ if is_xonly and not has_even_y(Q):
+ g = n - 1
+ else:
+ g = 1
+ t = int_from_bytes(tweak)
+ if t >= n:
+ raise ValueError('The tweak must be less than n.')
+ Q_ = point_add(point_mul(Q, g), point_mul(G, t))
+ if Q_ is None:
+ raise ValueError('The result of tweaking cannot be infinity.')
+ gacc_ = g * gacc % n
+ tacc_ = (t + g * tacc) % n
+ return KeyAggContext(Q_, gacc_, tacc_)
+def bytes_xor(a: bytes, b: bytes) -> bytes:
+ return bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b))
+def nonce_hash(rand: bytes, pk: PlainPk, aggpk: XonlyPk, i: int, msg_prefixed: bytes, extra_in: bytes) -> int:
+ buf = b''
+ buf += rand
+ buf += len(pk).to_bytes(1, 'big')
+ buf += pk
+ buf += len(aggpk).to_bytes(1, 'big')
+ buf += aggpk
+ buf += msg_prefixed
+ buf += len(extra_in).to_bytes(4, 'big')
+ buf += extra_in
+ buf += i.to_bytes(1, 'big')
+ return int_from_bytes(tagged_hash('MuSig/nonce', buf))
+def nonce_gen_internal(rand_: bytes, sk: Optional[bytes], pk: PlainPk, aggpk: Optional[XonlyPk], msg: Optional[bytes], extra_in: Optional[bytes]) -> Tuple[bytearray, bytes]:
+ if sk is not None:
+ rand = bytes_xor(sk, tagged_hash('MuSig/aux', rand_))
+ else:
+ rand = rand_
+ if aggpk is None:
+ aggpk = XonlyPk(b'')
+ if msg is None:
+ msg_prefixed = b'\x00'
+ else:
+ msg_prefixed = b'\x01'
+ msg_prefixed += len(msg).to_bytes(8, 'big')
+ msg_prefixed += msg
+ if extra_in is None:
+ extra_in = b''
+ k_1 = nonce_hash(rand, pk, aggpk, 0, msg_prefixed, extra_in) % n
+ k_2 = nonce_hash(rand, pk, aggpk, 1, msg_prefixed, extra_in) % n
+ # k_1 == 0 or k_2 == 0 cannot occur except with negligible probability.
+ assert k_1 != 0
+ assert k_2 != 0
+ R_s1 = point_mul(G, k_1)
+ R_s2 = point_mul(G, k_2)
+ assert R_s1 is not None
+ assert R_s2 is not None
+ pubnonce = cbytes(R_s1) + cbytes(R_s2)
+ secnonce = bytearray(bytes_from_int(k_1) + bytes_from_int(k_2) + pk)
+ return secnonce, pubnonce
+def nonce_gen(sk: Optional[bytes], pk: PlainPk, aggpk: Optional[XonlyPk], msg: Optional[bytes], extra_in: Optional[bytes]) -> Tuple[bytearray, bytes]:
+ if sk is not None and len(sk) != 32:
+ raise ValueError('The optional byte array sk must have length 32.')
+ if aggpk is not None and len(aggpk) != 32:
+ raise ValueError('The optional byte array aggpk must have length 32.')
+ rand_ = secrets.token_bytes(32)
+ return nonce_gen_internal(rand_, sk, pk, aggpk, msg, extra_in)
+def nonce_agg(pubnonces: List[bytes]) -> bytes:
+ u = len(pubnonces)
+ aggnonce = b''
+ for j in (1, 2):
+ R_j = infinity
+ for i in range(u):
+ try:
+ R_ij = cpoint(pubnonces[i][(j-1)*33:j*33])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidContributionError(i, "pubnonce")
+ R_j = point_add(R_j, R_ij)
+ aggnonce += cbytes_ext(R_j)
+ return aggnonce
+SessionContext = NamedTuple('SessionContext', [('aggnonce', bytes),
+ ('pubkeys', List[PlainPk]),
+ ('tweaks', List[bytes]),
+ ('is_xonly', List[bool]),
+ ('msg', bytes)])
+def key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys: List[PlainPk], tweaks: List[bytes], is_xonly: List[bool]):
+ if len(tweaks) != len(is_xonly):
+ raise ValueError('The `tweaks` and `is_xonly` arrays must have the same length.')
+ keyagg_ctx = key_agg(pubkeys)
+ v = len(tweaks)
+ for i in range(v):
+ keyagg_ctx = apply_tweak(keyagg_ctx, tweaks[i], is_xonly[i])
+ return keyagg_ctx
+def get_session_values(session_ctx: SessionContext) -> Tuple[Point, int, int, int, Point, int]:
+ (aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg) = session_ctx
+ Q, gacc, tacc = key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly)
+ b = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash('MuSig/noncecoef', aggnonce + xbytes(Q) + msg)) % n
+ try:
+ R_1 = cpoint_ext(aggnonce[0:33])
+ R_2 = cpoint_ext(aggnonce[33:66])
+ except ValueError:
+ # Nonce aggregator sent invalid nonces
+ raise InvalidContributionError(None, "aggnonce")
+ R_ = point_add(R_1, point_mul(R_2, b))
+ R = R_ if not is_infinite(R_) else G
+ assert R is not None
+ e = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash('BIP0340/challenge', xbytes(R) + xbytes(Q) + msg)) % n
+ return (Q, gacc, tacc, b, R, e)
+def get_session_key_agg_coeff(session_ctx: SessionContext, P: Point) -> int:
+ (_, pubkeys, _, _, _) = session_ctx
+ pk = PlainPk(cbytes(P))
+ if pk not in pubkeys:
+ raise ValueError('The signer\'s pubkey must be included in the list of pubkeys.')
+ return key_agg_coeff(pubkeys, pk)
+def sign(secnonce: bytearray, sk: bytes, session_ctx: SessionContext) -> bytes:
+ (Q, gacc, _, b, R, e) = get_session_values(session_ctx)
+ k_1_ = int_from_bytes(secnonce[0:32])
+ k_2_ = int_from_bytes(secnonce[32:64])
+ # Overwrite the secnonce argument with zeros such that subsequent calls of
+ # sign with the same secnonce raise a ValueError.
+ secnonce[:64] = bytearray(b'\x00'*64)
+ if not 0 < k_1_ < n:
+ raise ValueError('first secnonce value is out of range.')
+ if not 0 < k_2_ < n:
+ raise ValueError('second secnonce value is out of range.')
+ k_1 = k_1_ if has_even_y(R) else n - k_1_
+ k_2 = k_2_ if has_even_y(R) else n - k_2_
+ d_ = int_from_bytes(sk)
+ if not 0 < d_ < n:
+ raise ValueError('secret key value is out of range.')
+ P = point_mul(G, d_)
+ assert P is not None
+ pk = cbytes(P)
+ if not pk == secnonce[64:97]:
+ raise ValueError('Public key does not match nonce_gen argument')
+ a = get_session_key_agg_coeff(session_ctx, P)
+ g = 1 if has_even_y(Q) else n - 1
+ d = g * gacc * d_ % n
+ s = (k_1 + b * k_2 + e * a * d) % n
+ psig = bytes_from_int(s)
+ R_s1 = point_mul(G, k_1_)
+ R_s2 = point_mul(G, k_2_)
+ assert R_s1 is not None
+ assert R_s2 is not None
+ pubnonce = cbytes(R_s1) + cbytes(R_s2)
+ # Optional correctness check. The result of signing should pass signature verification.
+ assert partial_sig_verify_internal(psig, pubnonce, pk, session_ctx)
+ return psig
+def det_nonce_hash(sk_: bytes, aggothernonce: bytes, aggpk: bytes, msg: bytes, i: int) -> int:
+ buf = b''
+ buf += sk_
+ buf += aggothernonce
+ buf += aggpk
+ buf += len(msg).to_bytes(8, 'big')
+ buf += msg
+ buf += i.to_bytes(1, 'big')
+ return int_from_bytes(tagged_hash('MuSig/deterministic/nonce', buf))
+def deterministic_sign(sk: bytes, aggothernonce: bytes, pubkeys: List[PlainPk], tweaks: List[bytes], is_xonly: List[bool], msg: bytes, rand: Optional[bytes]) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
+ if rand is not None:
+ sk_ = bytes_xor(sk, tagged_hash('MuSig/aux', rand))
+ else:
+ sk_ = sk
+ aggpk = get_xonly_pk(key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly))
+ k_1 = det_nonce_hash(sk_, aggothernonce, aggpk, msg, 0) % n
+ k_2 = det_nonce_hash(sk_, aggothernonce, aggpk, msg, 1) % n
+ # k_1 == 0 or k_2 == 0 cannot occur except with negligible probability.
+ assert k_1 != 0
+ assert k_2 != 0
+ R_s1 = point_mul(G, k_1)
+ R_s2 = point_mul(G, k_2)
+ assert R_s1 is not None
+ assert R_s2 is not None
+ pubnonce = cbytes(R_s1) + cbytes(R_s2)
+ secnonce = bytearray(bytes_from_int(k_1) + bytes_from_int(k_2) + individual_pk(sk))
+ try:
+ aggnonce = nonce_agg([pubnonce, aggothernonce])
+ except Exception:
+ raise InvalidContributionError(None, "aggothernonce")
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ psig = sign(secnonce, sk, session_ctx)
+ return (pubnonce, psig)
+def partial_sig_verify(psig: bytes, pubnonces: List[bytes], pubkeys: List[PlainPk], tweaks: List[bytes], is_xonly: List[bool], msg: bytes, i: int) -> bool:
+ if len(pubnonces) != len(pubkeys):
+ raise ValueError('The `pubnonces` and `pubkeys` arrays must have the same length.')
+ if len(tweaks) != len(is_xonly):
+ raise ValueError('The `tweaks` and `is_xonly` arrays must have the same length.')
+ aggnonce = nonce_agg(pubnonces)
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ return partial_sig_verify_internal(psig, pubnonces[i], pubkeys[i], session_ctx)
+def partial_sig_verify_internal(psig: bytes, pubnonce: bytes, pk: bytes, session_ctx: SessionContext) -> bool:
+ (Q, gacc, _, b, R, e) = get_session_values(session_ctx)
+ s = int_from_bytes(psig)
+ if s >= n:
+ return False
+ R_s1 = cpoint(pubnonce[0:33])
+ R_s2 = cpoint(pubnonce[33:66])
+ Re_s_ = point_add(R_s1, point_mul(R_s2, b))
+ Re_s = Re_s_ if has_even_y(R) else point_negate(Re_s_)
+ P = cpoint(pk)
+ if P is None:
+ return False
+ a = get_session_key_agg_coeff(session_ctx, P)
+ g = 1 if has_even_y(Q) else n - 1
+ g_ = g * gacc % n
+ return point_mul(G, s) == point_add(Re_s, point_mul(P, e * a * g_ % n))
+def partial_sig_agg(psigs: List[bytes], session_ctx: SessionContext) -> bytes:
+ (Q, _, tacc, _, R, e) = get_session_values(session_ctx)
+ s = 0
+ u = len(psigs)
+ for i in range(u):
+ s_i = int_from_bytes(psigs[i])
+ if s_i >= n:
+ raise InvalidContributionError(i, "psig")
+ s = (s + s_i) % n
+ g = 1 if has_even_y(Q) else n - 1
+ s = (s + e * g * tacc) % n
+ return xbytes(R) + bytes_from_int(s)
+# The following code is only used for testing.
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+def fromhex_all(l):
+ return [bytes.fromhex(l_i) for l_i in l]
+# Check that calling `try_fn` raises a `exception`. If `exception` is raised,
+# examine it with `except_fn`.
+def assert_raises(exception, try_fn, except_fn):
+ raised = False
+ try:
+ try_fn()
+ except exception as e:
+ raised = True
+ assert(except_fn(e))
+ except BaseException:
+ raise AssertionError("Wrong exception raised in a test.")
+ if not raised:
+ raise AssertionError("Exception was _not_ raised in a test where it was required.")
+def get_error_details(test_case):
+ error = test_case["error"]
+ if error["type"] == "invalid_contribution":
+ exception = InvalidContributionError
+ if "contrib" in error:
+ except_fn = lambda e: e.signer == error["signer"] and e.contrib == error["contrib"]
+ else:
+ except_fn = lambda e: e.signer == error["signer"]
+ elif error["type"] == "value":
+ exception = ValueError
+ except_fn = lambda e: str(e) == error["message"]
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid error type: {error['type']}")
+ return exception, except_fn
+def test_key_sort_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'key_sort_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
+ X_sorted = fromhex_all(test_data["sorted_pubkeys"])
+ assert key_sort(X) == X_sorted
+def test_key_agg_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'key_agg_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
+ T = fromhex_all(test_data["tweaks"])
+ valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
+ error_test_cases = test_data["error_test_cases"]
+ for test_case in valid_test_cases:
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ expected = bytes.fromhex(test_case["expected"])
+ assert get_xonly_pk(key_agg(pubkeys)) == expected
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ tweaks = [T[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ assert_raises(exception, lambda: key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly), except_fn)
+def test_nonce_gen_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'nonce_gen_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ for test_case in test_data["test_cases"]:
+ def get_value(key) -> bytes:
+ return bytes.fromhex(test_case[key])
+ def get_value_maybe(key) -> Optional[bytes]:
+ if test_case[key] is not None:
+ return get_value(key)
+ else:
+ return None
+ rand_ = get_value("rand_")
+ sk = get_value_maybe("sk")
+ pk = PlainPk(get_value("pk"))
+ aggpk = get_value_maybe("aggpk")
+ if aggpk is not None:
+ aggpk = XonlyPk(aggpk)
+ msg = get_value_maybe("msg")
+ extra_in = get_value_maybe("extra_in")
+ expected_secnonce = get_value("expected_secnonce")
+ expected_pubnonce = get_value("expected_pubnonce")
+ assert nonce_gen_internal(rand_, sk, pk, aggpk, msg, extra_in) == (expected_secnonce, expected_pubnonce)
+def test_nonce_agg_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'nonce_agg_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ pnonce = fromhex_all(test_data["pnonces"])
+ valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
+ error_test_cases = test_data["error_test_cases"]
+ for test_case in valid_test_cases:
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["pnonce_indices"]]
+ expected = bytes.fromhex(test_case["expected"])
+ assert nonce_agg(pubnonces) == expected
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["pnonce_indices"]]
+ assert_raises(exception, lambda: nonce_agg(pubnonces), except_fn)
+def test_sign_verify_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'sign_verify_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ sk = bytes.fromhex(test_data["sk"])
+ X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
+ # The public key corresponding to sk is at index 0
+ assert X[0] == individual_pk(sk)
+ secnonces = fromhex_all(test_data["secnonces"])
+ pnonce = fromhex_all(test_data["pnonces"])
+ # The public nonce corresponding to secnonces[0] is at index 0
+ k_1 = int_from_bytes(secnonces[0][0:32])
+ k_2 = int_from_bytes(secnonces[0][32:64])
+ R_s1 = point_mul(G, k_1)
+ R_s2 = point_mul(G, k_2)
+ assert R_s1 is not None and R_s2 is not None
+ assert pnonce[0] == cbytes(R_s1) + cbytes(R_s2)
+ aggnonces = fromhex_all(test_data["aggnonces"])
+ # The aggregate of the first three elements of pnonce is at index 0
+ assert(aggnonces[0] == nonce_agg([pnonce[0], pnonce[1], pnonce[2]]))
+ msgs = fromhex_all(test_data["msgs"])
+ valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
+ sign_error_test_cases = test_data["sign_error_test_cases"]
+ verify_fail_test_cases = test_data["verify_fail_test_cases"]
+ verify_error_test_cases = test_data["verify_error_test_cases"]
+ for test_case in valid_test_cases:
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ aggnonce = aggnonces[test_case["aggnonce_index"]]
+ # Make sure that pubnonces and aggnonce in the test vector are
+ # consistent
+ assert nonce_agg(pubnonces) == aggnonce
+ msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ expected = bytes.fromhex(test_case["expected"])
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, [], [], msg)
+ # WARNING: An actual implementation should _not_ copy the secnonce.
+ # Reusing the secnonce, as we do here for testing purposes, can leak the
+ # secret key.
+ secnonce_tmp = bytearray(secnonces[0])
+ assert sign(secnonce_tmp, sk, session_ctx) == expected
+ assert partial_sig_verify(expected, pubnonces, pubkeys, [], [], msg, signer_index)
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(sign_error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ aggnonce = aggnonces[test_case["aggnonce_index"]]
+ msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
+ secnonce = bytearray(secnonces[test_case["secnonce_index"]])
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, [], [], msg)
+ assert_raises(exception, lambda: sign(secnonce, sk, session_ctx), except_fn)
+ for test_case in verify_fail_test_cases:
+ sig = bytes.fromhex(test_case["sig"])
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ assert not partial_sig_verify(sig, pubnonces, pubkeys, [], [], msg, signer_index)
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(verify_error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ sig = bytes.fromhex(test_case["sig"])
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ assert_raises(exception, lambda: partial_sig_verify(sig, pubnonces, pubkeys, [], [], msg, signer_index), except_fn)
+def test_tweak_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'tweak_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ sk = bytes.fromhex(test_data["sk"])
+ X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
+ # The public key corresponding to sk is at index 0
+ assert X[0] == individual_pk(sk)
+ secnonce = bytearray(bytes.fromhex(test_data["secnonce"]))
+ pnonce = fromhex_all(test_data["pnonces"])
+ # The public nonce corresponding to secnonce is at index 0
+ k_1 = int_from_bytes(secnonce[0:32])
+ k_2 = int_from_bytes(secnonce[32:64])
+ R_s1 = point_mul(G, k_1)
+ R_s2 = point_mul(G, k_2)
+ assert R_s1 is not None and R_s2 is not None
+ assert pnonce[0] == cbytes(R_s1) + cbytes(R_s2)
+ aggnonce = bytes.fromhex(test_data["aggnonce"])
+ # The aggnonce is the aggregate of the first three elements of pnonce
+ assert(aggnonce == nonce_agg([pnonce[0], pnonce[1], pnonce[2]]))
+ tweak = fromhex_all(test_data["tweaks"])
+ msg = bytes.fromhex(test_data["msg"])
+ valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
+ error_test_cases = test_data["error_test_cases"]
+ for test_case in valid_test_cases:
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ tweaks = [tweak[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ expected = bytes.fromhex(test_case["expected"])
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ secnonce_tmp = bytearray(secnonce)
+ # WARNING: An actual implementation should _not_ copy the secnonce.
+ # Reusing the secnonce, as we do here for testing purposes, can leak the
+ # secret key.
+ assert sign(secnonce_tmp, sk, session_ctx) == expected
+ assert partial_sig_verify(expected, pubnonces, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, signer_index)
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ tweaks = [tweak[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ assert_raises(exception, lambda: sign(secnonce, sk, session_ctx), except_fn)
+def test_det_sign_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'det_sign_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ sk = bytes.fromhex(test_data["sk"])
+ X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
+ # The public key corresponding to sk is at index 0
+ assert X[0] == individual_pk(sk)
+ msgs = fromhex_all(test_data["msgs"])
+ valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
+ error_test_cases = test_data["error_test_cases"]
+ for test_case in valid_test_cases:
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ aggothernonce = bytes.fromhex(test_case["aggothernonce"])
+ tweaks = fromhex_all(test_case["tweaks"])
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ rand = bytes.fromhex(test_case["rand"]) if test_case["rand"] is not None else None
+ expected = fromhex_all(test_case["expected"])
+ pubnonce, psig = deterministic_sign(sk, aggothernonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, rand)
+ assert pubnonce == expected[0]
+ assert psig == expected[1]
+ pubnonces = [aggothernonce, pubnonce]
+ aggnonce = nonce_agg(pubnonces)
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ assert partial_sig_verify_internal(psig, pubnonce, pubkeys[signer_index], session_ctx)
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ aggothernonce = bytes.fromhex(test_case["aggothernonce"])
+ tweaks = fromhex_all(test_case["tweaks"])
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
+ signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
+ rand = bytes.fromhex(test_case["rand"]) if test_case["rand"] is not None else None
+ try_fn = lambda: deterministic_sign(sk, aggothernonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, rand)
+ assert_raises(exception, try_fn, except_fn)
+def test_sig_agg_vectors() -> None:
+ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'sig_agg_vectors.json')) as f:
+ test_data = json.load(f)
+ X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
+ # These nonces are only required if the tested API takes the individual
+ # nonces and not the aggregate nonce.
+ pnonce = fromhex_all(test_data["pnonces"])
+ tweak = fromhex_all(test_data["tweaks"])
+ psig = fromhex_all(test_data["psigs"])
+ msg = bytes.fromhex(test_data["msg"])
+ valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
+ error_test_cases = test_data["error_test_cases"]
+ for test_case in valid_test_cases:
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ aggnonce = bytes.fromhex(test_case["aggnonce"])
+ assert aggnonce == nonce_agg(pubnonces)
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ tweaks = [tweak[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ psigs = [psig[i] for i in test_case["psig_indices"]]
+ expected = bytes.fromhex(test_case["expected"])
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ sig = partial_sig_agg(psigs, session_ctx)
+ assert sig == expected
+ aggpk = get_xonly_pk(key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly))
+ assert schnorr_verify(msg, aggpk, sig)
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(error_test_cases):
+ exception, except_fn = get_error_details(test_case)
+ pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
+ aggnonce = nonce_agg(pubnonces)
+ pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
+ tweaks = [tweak[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
+ is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
+ psigs = [psig[i] for i in test_case["psig_indices"]]
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ assert_raises(exception, lambda: partial_sig_agg(psigs, session_ctx), except_fn)
+def test_sign_and_verify_random(iters: int) -> None:
+ for i in range(iters):
+ sk_1 = secrets.token_bytes(32)
+ sk_2 = secrets.token_bytes(32)
+ pk_1 = individual_pk(sk_1)
+ pk_2 = individual_pk(sk_2)
+ pubkeys = [pk_1, pk_2]
+ # In this example, the message and aggregate pubkey are known
+ # before nonce generation, so they can be passed into the nonce
+ # generation function as a defense-in-depth measure to protect
+ # against nonce reuse.
+ #
+ # If these values are not known when nonce_gen is called, empty
+ # byte arrays can be passed in for the corresponding arguments
+ # instead.
+ msg = secrets.token_bytes(32)
+ v = secrets.randbelow(4)
+ tweaks = [secrets.token_bytes(32) for _ in range(v)]
+ is_xonly = [secrets.choice([False, True]) for _ in range(v)]
+ aggpk = get_xonly_pk(key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly))
+ # Use a non-repeating counter for extra_in
+ secnonce_1, pubnonce_1 = nonce_gen(sk_1, pk_1, aggpk, msg, i.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
+ # On even iterations use regular signing algorithm for signer 2,
+ # otherwise use deterministic signing algorithm
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ # Use a clock for extra_in
+ t = time.clock_gettime_ns(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
+ secnonce_2, pubnonce_2 = nonce_gen(sk_2, pk_2, aggpk, msg, t.to_bytes(8, 'big'))
+ else:
+ aggothernonce = nonce_agg([pubnonce_1])
+ rand = secrets.token_bytes(32)
+ pubnonce_2, psig_2 = deterministic_sign(sk_2, aggothernonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, rand)
+ pubnonces = [pubnonce_1, pubnonce_2]
+ aggnonce = nonce_agg(pubnonces)
+ session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
+ psig_1 = sign(secnonce_1, sk_1, session_ctx)
+ assert partial_sig_verify(psig_1, pubnonces, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, 0)
+ # An exception is thrown if secnonce_1 is accidentally reused
+ assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: sign(secnonce_1, sk_1, session_ctx), lambda e: True)
+ # Wrong signer index
+ assert not partial_sig_verify(psig_1, pubnonces, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, 1)
+ # Wrong message
+ assert not partial_sig_verify(psig_1, pubnonces, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, secrets.token_bytes(32), 0)
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ psig_2 = sign(secnonce_2, sk_2, session_ctx)
+ assert partial_sig_verify(psig_2, pubnonces, pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly, msg, 1)
+ sig = partial_sig_agg([psig_1, psig_2], session_ctx)
+ assert schnorr_verify(msg, aggpk, sig)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_key_sort_vectors()
+ test_key_agg_vectors()
+ test_nonce_gen_vectors()
+ test_nonce_agg_vectors()
+ test_sign_verify_vectors()
+ test_tweak_vectors()
+ test_det_sign_vectors()
+ test_sig_agg_vectors()
+ test_sign_and_verify_random(6)