path: root/bip-0078.mediawiki
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authornicolas.dorier <>2020-06-17 22:26:03 +0900
committernicolas.dorier <>2020-06-18 00:12:29 +0900
commit3485af708ce5a485d30cd8f60efe0004e9b4566c (patch)
tree0efd54bfcdd240446db1329140218df3b8b7e0f3 /bip-0078.mediawiki
parentea7562fc9055227adb129ba0144556e3be050d77 (diff)
Add reference implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'bip-0078.mediawiki')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bip-0078.mediawiki b/bip-0078.mediawiki
index ddde613..70adf1c 100644
--- a/bip-0078.mediawiki
+++ b/bip-0078.mediawiki
@@ -381,6 +381,238 @@ Without payjoin, the maximum amount of money that could be lost by a compromised
With payjoin, the maximum amount of money that can be lost is equal to two payments.
+==Reference sender's implementation==
+Here is pseudo code of a sender implementation.
+<code>RequestPayjoin</code> takes the bip21 URI of the payment, the wallet and the <code>signedPSBT</code>.
+The <code>signedPSBT</code> represents a PSBT which has been fully signed, but not yet finalized.
+We then prepare <code>originalPSBT</code> from the <code>signedPSBT</code> via the <code>CreateOriginalPSBT</code> function and get back the <code>proposal</code>.
+While we verify the <code>proposal</code>, we also import into it informations about our own inputs and outputs from the <code>signedPSBT</code>.
+At the end of this <code>RequestPayjoin</code>, the proposal is verified and ready to be signed.
+We logged the different PSBT involved, and show the result in our [[#test-vectors|test vectors]].
+public async Task<PSBT> RequestPayjoin(
+ BIP21Uri bip21,
+ Wallet wallet,
+ PSBT signedPSBT,
+ PayjoinClientParameters optionalParameters)
+ Log("signed PSBT" + signedPSBT);
+ var endpoint = bip21.ExtractPayjointEndpoint();
+ if (signedPSBT.IsAllFinalized())
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("The original PSBT should not be finalized.");
+ ScriptPubKeyType inputScriptType = wallet.ScriptPubKeyType();
+ PSBTOutput feePSBTOutput = null;
+ if (optionalParameters.AdditionalFeeOutputIndex != null && optionalParameters.MaxAdditionalFeeContribution != null)
+ feePSBTOutput = signedPSBT.Outputs[optionalParameters.AdditionalFeeOutputIndex];
+ decimal originalFee = signedPSBT.GetFee();
+ PSBT originalPSBT = CreateOriginalPSBT(signedPSBT);
+ Transaction originalGlobalTx = signedPSBT.GetGlobalTransaction();
+ TxOut feeOutput = feePSBTOutput == null ? null : originalGlobalTx.Outputs[feePSBTOutput.Index];
+ var ourInputs = new Queue<(TxIn OriginalTxIn, PSBTInput SignedPSBTInput)>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < originalGlobalTx.Inputs.Count; i++)
+ {
+ ourInputs.Enqueue((originalGlobalTx.Inputs[i], signedPSBT.Inputs[i]));
+ }
+ var ourOutputs = new Queue<(TxOut OriginalTxOut, PSBTOutput SignedPSBTOutput)>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < originalGlobalTx.Outputs.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (signedPSBT.Outputs[i].ScriptPubKey != bip21.Address.ScriptPubKey)
+ ourOutputs.Enqueue((originalGlobalTx.Outputs[i], signedPSBT.Outputs[i]));
+ }
+ endpoint = ApplyOptionalParameters(endpoint, optionalParameters);
+ Log("original PSBT" + originalPSBT);
+ PSBT proposal = await SendOriginalTransaction(endpoint, originalPSBT, cancellationToken);
+ Log("payjoin proposal" + proposal);
+ // Checking that the PSBT of the receiver is clean
+ if (proposal.GlobalXPubs.Any())
+ {
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("GlobalXPubs should not be included in the receiver's PSBT");
+ }
+ ////////////
+ if (proposal.CheckSanity() is List<PSBTError> errors && errors.Count > 0)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException($"The proposal PSBT is not insance ({errors[0]})");
+ var proposalGlobalTx = proposal.GetGlobalTransaction();
+ // Verify that the transaction version, and nLockTime are unchanged.
+ if (proposalGlobalTx.Version != originalGlobalTx.Version)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException($"The proposal PSBT changed the transaction version");
+ if (proposalGlobalTx.LockTime != originalGlobalTx.LockTime)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException($"The proposal PSBT changed the nLocktime");
+ HashSet<Sequence> sequences = new HashSet<Sequence>();
+ // For each inputs in the proposal:
+ foreach (PSBTInput proposedPSBTInput in proposal.Inputs)
+ {
+ if (proposedPSBTInput.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added keypaths to an input");
+ if (proposedPSBTInput.PartialSigs.Count != 0)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added partial signatures to an input");
+ PSBTInput proposedTxIn = proposalGlobalTx.Inputs.FindIndexedInput(proposedPSBTInput.PrevOut).TxIn;
+ bool isOurInput = ourInputs.Count > 0 && ourInputs.Peek().OriginalTxIn.PrevOut == proposedPSBTInput.PrevOut;
+ // If it is one of our input
+ if (isOurInput)
+ {
+ OutPoint inputPrevout = ourPrevouts.Dequeue();
+ TxIn originalTxin = originalGlobalTx.Inputs.FromOutpoint(inputPrevout);
+ PSBTInput originalPSBTInput = originalPSBT.Inputs.FromOutpoint(inputPrevout);
+ // Verify that sequence is unchanged.
+ if (input.OriginalTxIn.Sequence != proposedTxIn.Sequence)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The proposedTxIn modified the sequence of one of our inputs")
+ // Verify the PSBT input is not finalized
+ if (proposedPSBTInput.IsFinalized())
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver finalized one of our inputs");
+ // Verify that <code>non_witness_utxo</code> and <code>witness_utxo</code> are not specified.
+ if (proposedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo != null || proposedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo != null)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added non_witness_utxo or witness_utxo to one of our inputs");
+ sequences.Add(proposedTxIn.Sequence);
+ // Fill up the info from the original PSBT input so we can sign and get fees.
+ proposedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo = input.SignedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo;
+ proposedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo = input.SignedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo;
+ // We fill up information we had on the signed PSBT, so we can sign it.
+ foreach (var hdKey in input.SignedPSBTInput.HDKeyPaths)
+ proposedPSBTInput.HDKeyPaths.Add(hdKey.Key, hdKey.Value);
+ proposedPSBTInput.RedeemScript = signedPSBTInput.RedeemScript;
+ proposedPSBTInput.RedeemScript = input.SignedPSBTInput.RedeemScript;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Verify the PSBT input is finalized
+ if (!proposedPSBTInput.IsFinalized())
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver did not finalized one of their input");
+ // Verify that non_witness_utxo or witness_utxo are filled in.
+ if (proposedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo == null && proposedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo == null)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver did not specify non_witness_utxo or witness_utxo for one of their inputs");
+ sequences.Add(proposedTxIn.Sequence);
+ // Verify that the payjoin proposal did not introduced mixed input's type.
+ if (inputScriptType != proposedPSBTInput.GetInputScriptPubKeyType())
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("Mixed input type detected in the proposal");
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that all of sender's inputs from the original PSBT are in the proposal.
+ if (ourInputs.Count != 0)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("Some of our inputs are not included in the proposal");
+ // Verify that the payjoin proposal did not introduced mixed input's sequence.
+ if (sequences.Count != 1)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("Mixed sequence detected in the proposal");
+ // For each outputs in the proposal:
+ foreach (PSBTOutput proposedPSBTOutput in proposal.Outputs)
+ {
+ // Verify that no keypaths is in the PSBT output
+ if (proposedPSBTOutput.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added keypaths to an output");
+ bool isOurOutput = ourOutputs.Count > 0 && ourOutputs.Peek().OriginalTxOut.ScriptPubKey == proposedPSBTOutput.ScriptPubKey;
+ if (isOurOutput)
+ {
+ var output = ourOutputs.Dequeue();
+ if (output.OriginalTxOut == feeOutput)
+ {
+ var actualContribution = feeOutput.Value - proposedPSBTOutput.Value;
+ // The amount that was substracted from the output's value is less or equal to maxadditionalfeecontribution
+ if (actualContribution > optionalParameters.MaxAdditionalFeeContribution)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The actual contribution is more than maxadditionalfeecontribution");
+ decimal newFee = proposal.GetFee();
+ decimal additionalFee = newFee - originalFee;
+ // Make sure the actual contribution is only paying fee
+ if (actualContribution > additionalFee)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The actual contribution is not only paying fee");
+ // Make sure the actual contribution is only paying for fee incurred by additional inputs
+ int additionalInputsCount = proposalGlobalTx.Inputs.Count - originalGlobalTx.Inputs.Count;
+ if (actualContribution > originalFeeRate * GetVirtualSize(inputScriptType) * additionalInputsCount)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The actual contribution is not only paying for additional inputs");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (output.OriginalTxOut.Value != proposedPSBTOutput.Value)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver changed one of our outputs");
+ }
+ // We fill up information we had on the signed PSBT, so we can sign it.
+ foreach (var hdKey in output.SignedPSBTOutput.HDKeyPaths)
+ proposedPSBTOutput.HDKeyPaths.Add(hdKey.Key, hdKey.Value);
+ proposedPSBTOutput.RedeemScript = output.SignedPSBTOutput.RedeemScript;
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that all of sender's outputs from the original PSBT are in the proposal.
+ if (ourOutputs.Count != 0)
+ throw new PayjoinSenderException("Some of our outputs are not included in the proposal");
+ // After signing this proposal, we should check if minfeerate is respected.
+ Log("payjoin proposal filled with sender's information" + proposal);
+ return proposal;
+int GetVirtualSize(ScriptPubKeyType? scriptPubKeyType)
+ switch (scriptPubKeyType)
+ {
+ case ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy:
+ return 148;
+ case ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit:
+ return 68;
+ case ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH:
+ return 91;
+ default:
+ return 110;
+ }
+// Finalized the signedPSBT and remove confidential information
+PSBT CreateOriginalPSBT(PSBT signedPSBT)
+ var original = signedPSBT.Clone();
+ original = original.Finalize();
+ foreach (var input in original.Inputs)
+ {
+ input.HDKeyPaths.Clear();
+ input.PartialSigs.Clear();
+ input.Unknown.Clear();
+ }
+ foreach (var output in original.Outputs)
+ {
+ output.Unknown.Clear();
+ output.HDKeyPaths.Clear();
+ }
+ original.GlobalXPubs.Clear();
+ return original;
+==<span id="test-vectors"></span>Test vectors==
+A successful exchange with:
+{| class="wikitable"
+!Orginal PSBT Fee rate
+|2 sat/vbyte
+<code>signed PSBT</code>
+<code>original PSBT</code>
+<code>payjoin proposal</code>
+<code>payjoin proposal filled with sender's information</code>
* [[|BlueWallet]] is in the process of implementing the protocol.