path: root/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs
index 4245542..5247a6e 100644
--- a/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/SecretHandshake.hs
@@ -284,16 +284,16 @@ decodeClientAuthMessage state buf = do
$ SecretBox.secretboxOpen key nonce buf
-- TODO: Make the client auth message length a constant
- msg3 <- if (BS.length msg3 == 96)
- then (return msg3)
- else (Left badMessageLength)
+ msg3 <- if BS.length msg3 == 96
+ then return msg3
+ else Left badMessageLength
let detachedSignatureA = BS.take 64 msg3
clientLongTermPubKey <- naclDecode "client Long Term Public Key"
$ BS.drop 64 msg3
let msg =
(network :: ByteString)
- <> (extractPublicKey serverPublicKey)
+ <> extractPublicKey serverPublicKey
<> SHA256.hash (Nacl.encode sharedSecretab)
if Sign.signVerifyDetached
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ newDetachedSignatureB network detachedSignatureA clientPublicKey sharedSecretab
let msg =
(network :: ByteString)
<> detachedSignatureA
- <> (extractPublicKey clientPublicKey)
+ <> extractPublicKey clientPublicKey
<> SHA256.hash (Nacl.encode sharedSecretab)
return $ Sign.signDetached key msg
@@ -484,8 +484,7 @@ encode state msg = case msg of
key <-
maybeToEither badKeyMsg
$ Nacl.decode
- $ SHA256.hash
- $ ((network :: ByteString)
+ $ SHA256.hash ((network :: ByteString)
<> Nacl.encode ssab
<> Nacl.encode ssaB
<> Nacl.encode ssAb)
@@ -498,71 +497,71 @@ encode state msg = case msg of
-- TODO: Process secretAb
process :: ConnState -> Message -> IO (Either Text (ConnState, Maybe Message))
process state (ClientHello hmac cliEphPubKey network) = do
- stateUpdate <- return $ do
- srvLTPrivKey <- must "server Private Key"
- $ serverPrivateKey state
- srvEphPrivKey <- must "server ephemeral Private Key"
- $ serverEphemeralPrivKey state
- ssab <- calcSharedSecretab srvEphPrivKey cliEphPubKey
- -- TODO: srvLTPubKey should be curved Process sk_to_curve25519
- ssaB <- serverCalcSharedSecretaB srvLTPrivKey cliEphPubKey
- return $ state { connState = AwaitingClientAuthentication
- , clientEphemeralPubKey = Just cliEphPubKey
- , serverHMAC = Just hmac
- , sharedSecretab = Just ssab
- , sharedSecretaB = Just ssaB
- }
+ let stateUpdate = do
+ srvLTPrivKey <- must "server Private Key"
+ $ serverPrivateKey state
+ srvEphPrivKey <- must "server ephemeral Private Key"
+ $ serverEphemeralPrivKey state
+ ssab <- calcSharedSecretab srvEphPrivKey cliEphPubKey
+ -- TODO: srvLTPubKey should be curved Process sk_to_curve25519
+ ssaB <- serverCalcSharedSecretaB srvLTPrivKey cliEphPubKey
+ return $ state { connState = AwaitingClientAuthentication
+ , clientEphemeralPubKey = Just cliEphPubKey
+ , serverHMAC = Just hmac
+ , sharedSecretab = Just ssab
+ , sharedSecretaB = Just ssaB
+ }
return $ stateUpdate >>= \state' -> case newServerHello state' of
- Right msg' -> return $ (state', Just msg')
+ Right msg' -> return (state', Just msg')
Left err -> Left err
process state (ServerHello hmac ephPubKey network) = do
- stateUpdate <- return $ do
- cliLTPrivKey <- must "client Private Key" $ clientPrivateKey state
- cliEphPrivKey <- must "ephemeral client Private Key"
- $ clientEphemeralPrivKey state
- srvLTPubKey <- must "server Public Key" $ serverPublicKey state
- ssab <- calcSharedSecretab cliEphPrivKey ephPubKey
- ssaB <- clientCalcSharedSecretaB cliEphPrivKey srvLTPubKey
- ssAb <- calcSharedSecretAb cliLTPrivKey ephPubKey
- return $ state { connState = AwaitingServerAccept
- , serverHMAC = Just hmac
- , serverEphemeralPubKey = Just ephPubKey
- , sharedSecretab = Just ssab
- , sharedSecretaB = Just ssaB
- , sharedSecretAb = Just ssAb
- }
+ let stateUpdate = do
+ cliLTPrivKey <- must "client Private Key" $ clientPrivateKey state
+ cliEphPrivKey <- must "ephemeral client Private Key"
+ $ clientEphemeralPrivKey state
+ srvLTPubKey <- must "server Public Key" $ serverPublicKey state
+ ssab <- calcSharedSecretab cliEphPrivKey ephPubKey
+ ssaB <- clientCalcSharedSecretaB cliEphPrivKey srvLTPubKey
+ ssAb <- calcSharedSecretAb cliLTPrivKey ephPubKey
+ return $ state { connState = AwaitingServerAccept
+ , serverHMAC = Just hmac
+ , serverEphemeralPubKey = Just ephPubKey
+ , sharedSecretab = Just ssab
+ , sharedSecretaB = Just ssaB
+ , sharedSecretAb = Just ssAb
+ }
return $ stateUpdate >>= \state' -> case newClientAuthMessage state' of
- Right msg' -> return $ (state', Just msg')
+ Right msg' -> return (state', Just msg')
Left err -> Left err
process state (ClientAuthMessage detachedSignatureA clientLongTermPubKey) = do
- stateUpdate <- return $ do
- let network = networkID state
- srvPrivKey <- must "server private key"
- $ serverPrivateKey state
- srvEphPrivKey <- must "server Long Term ephemeral private key"
- $ serverEphemeralPrivKey state
- sharedSecretAb <- serverCalcSharedSecretAb srvEphPrivKey clientLongTermPubKey
- sharedSecretab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
- detachedSignatureB <- newDetachedSignatureB
- network
- detachedSignatureA
- clientLongTermPubKey
- sharedSecretab
- srvPrivKey
- return $ state { connState = HandshakeComplete
- , detachedSignatureA = Just detachedSignatureA
- , detachedSignatureB = Just detachedSignatureB
- , clientPublicKey = Just clientLongTermPubKey
- , sharedSecretAb = Just sharedSecretAb
- }
+ let stateUpdate = do
+ let network = networkID state
+ srvPrivKey <- must "server private key"
+ $ serverPrivateKey state
+ srvEphPrivKey <- must "server Long Term ephemeral private key"
+ $ serverEphemeralPrivKey state
+ sharedSecretAb <- serverCalcSharedSecretAb srvEphPrivKey clientLongTermPubKey
+ sharedSecretab <- must "shared secret ab" $ sharedSecretab state
+ detachedSignatureB <- newDetachedSignatureB
+ network
+ detachedSignatureA
+ clientLongTermPubKey
+ sharedSecretab
+ srvPrivKey
+ return $ state { connState = HandshakeComplete
+ , detachedSignatureA = Just detachedSignatureA
+ , detachedSignatureB = Just detachedSignatureB
+ , clientPublicKey = Just clientLongTermPubKey
+ , sharedSecretAb = Just sharedSecretAb
+ }
return $ stateUpdate >>= \state' -> case newServerAccept state' of
Right msg' -> return $ (state', Just msg')
Left err -> Left err
@@ -691,5 +690,3 @@ welcomeHandshake send recv network serverID = do
case connState state' of
HandshakeComplete -> return $ Right state'
_ -> loop state'