path: root/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs
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authorHaskell Guy <haskell.guy@localhost>2020-05-26 13:07:50 +0200
committerHaskell Guy <haskell.guy@localhost>2020-05-26 13:37:29 +0200
commit41cde99ec6189dbecca6803a5aa4f6f18142e8ba (patch)
tree7a0ceab0d516b8c3b7b49313100ae50c97e875c3 /src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs b/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d804e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ssb/Peer/BoxStream.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Box Stream.
+-- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide
+-- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide
+module Ssb.Peer.BoxStream where
+import Protolude hiding ( Identity )
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
+import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft
+ , mapRight
+ )
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
+import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as Serialize
+import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP
+import Ssb.Aux
+import qualified Ssb.Identity as SSB
+import qualified Ssb.Peer.SecretHandshake as SH
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Auth as NaclAuth
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as Nacl
+import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.ScalarMult
+ as Nacl
+import Pipes
+import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
+-- | HeaderLength is the length of a Box Stream header in bytes
+headerLength :: Int
+headerLength = 34
+-- | MaxBodyLength is the maximum Box Stream body length in bytes
+maxBodyLength :: Int
+maxBodyLength = 4096
+data Header = Header
+ { bodyLength :: Word16
+ , authTag :: AuthTag
+ } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance Serialize.Serialize Header
+-- | GoodBye is the message signalling the end of the Box Stream
+goodByeHeader :: Header
+goodByeHeader = Header
+ { bodyLength = 0
+ , authTag = AuthTag $ BS.pack $ replicate authTagLength 0
+ }
+newHeader :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Either Text Header
+newHeader authTag body = do
+ let bodyLength = BS.length body
+ if bodyLength >= maxLength
+ then Left "body size too big"
+ else return $ Header { bodyLength = fromIntegral bodyLength
+ , authTag = AuthTag authTag
+ }
+ where maxLength = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)
+data Message = Message
+ { header :: Header
+ , body :: ByteString
+ }
+encryptMessage :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text ByteString
+encryptMessage key nonce buf = do
+ let (authTag, ebody) = Nacl.secretboxDetached key bodyNonce buf
+ header <- newHeader authTag ebody
+ let eheader = Nacl.secretbox key headerNonce $ Serialize.encode header
+ return $ eheader <> ebody
+ where
+ headerNonce = nonce
+ bodyNonce = increment nonce
+-- | A breakdown of the message alignment would be nice
+-- | Problem is the body size is variable
+-- | TODO: deduplicate
+-- | TODO: safe take, safe tail
+-- TODO: handle goodbye
+-- TODO: Properly describe the function w/ Nonce update
+-- The decryption / update functions should return the nonce after
+-- evaluation. This increases the difficulty for describing in the language.
+-- Current work around is to model the behaviour outside the function.
+decryptHeader :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text Header
+decryptHeader key nonce buf = do
+ let eheader = BS.take headerLength buf
+ headerBuf <- withErr (errHeader eheader)
+ $ Nacl.secretboxOpen key nonce eheader
+ decodeByteString headerBuf :: Either Text Header
+ where errHeader h = "could not decrypt header: " <> (show h :: Text)
+decryptMessage :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text ByteString
+decryptMessage key nonce buf = do
+ header <- decryptHeader key nonce buf
+ let rest = BS.drop headerLength buf
+ ebody <- withErr "message body is smaller than messages body length"
+ $ takeMay (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header) rest
+ withErr (errBody ebody) $ Nacl.secretboxOpenDetached
+ key
+ (increment nonce)
+ (extractAuthTag $ authTag header)
+ ebody
+ where errBody b = "could not decrypt body: " <> (show b :: Text)
+goodBye :: ConnState -> ByteString
+goodBye state = Nacl.secretbox (key state) (nonce state) $ encodeByteString goodByeHeader
+-- | clientToServerKey is the key for client to server stream encryption.
+clientToServerKey :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Key
+clientToServerKey sharedSecrets = do
+ secretB <- withErr errMissingB $ SH.secretB sharedSecrets
+ let layer1 = SHA256.hash $ SHA256.hash
+ ( SH.network sharedSecrets
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretab sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretaB sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretAb sharedSecrets)
+ )
+ let layer2 = SHA256.hash $ layer1 <> SSB.extractPublicKey secretB
+ maybeToRight errKey $ Nacl.decode layer2
+ where
+ errMissingB = "missing shared secret B"
+ errKey = "badly formatted sodium secret box key"
+-- | serverToClientKey is the key for server to client stream encryption.
+serverToClientKey :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Key
+serverToClientKey sharedSecrets = do
+ secretA <- withErr errMissingA $ SH.secretA sharedSecrets
+ let layer1 = SHA256.hash
+ (SHA256.hash
+ ( SH.network sharedSecrets
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretab sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretaB sharedSecrets)
+ <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretAb sharedSecrets)
+ )
+ )
+ let layer2 = SHA256.hash (layer1 <> SSB.extractPublicKey secretA)
+ maybeToRight errKey $ Nacl.decode layer2
+ where
+ errMissingA = "missing shared secret A"
+ errKey = "badly formatted sodium secret box key"
+clientToServerNonce :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Nonce
+clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets = do
+ secretb <- withErr errMissing $ SH.secretb sharedSecrets
+ key <- withErr errBadNet $ Nacl.decode $ SH.network sharedSecrets
+ let auth = NaclAuth.auth key (SSB.extractPublicKey secretb)
+ let noncebuf = BS.take 24 $ Nacl.encode auth
+ withErr errMsg $ Nacl.decode noncebuf
+ where
+ errBadNet = "badly formatted network id"
+ errMissing = "missing shared secret a"
+ errMsg = "badly formatted sodium nonce"
+serverToClientNonce :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Nonce
+serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets = do
+ a <- withErr errMissing $ SH.secreta sharedSecrets
+ key <- withErr errBadNet $ Nacl.decode $ SH.network sharedSecrets
+ let auth = NaclAuth.auth key (SSB.extractPublicKey a)
+ let noncebuf = BS.take 24 $ Nacl.encode auth
+ withErr errMsg $ Nacl.decode noncebuf
+ where
+ errMissing = "missing shared secret a"
+ errBadNet = "badly formatted network id"
+ errHMAC = "badly formatted HMAC"
+ errMsg = "badly formatted sodium nonce"
+-- The documentation's Client / Server key and nonce terminology is replaced
+-- with local/remote fields to simplify implmenentation.
+data ConnState = ConnState {
+ key :: Nacl.Key
+ , nonce :: Nacl.Nonce
+ , remoteKey :: Nacl.Key
+ , remoteNonce :: Nacl.Nonce
+ , buffer :: ByteString
+ , socket :: TCP.Socket
+ }
+newtype Conn = Conn ((TMVar ConnState),(TMVar ConnState))
+inc :: (Word64, Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64, Word64)
+inc (w1, w2, w3) | w3 /= maxBound = (w1, w2, w3 + 1)
+ | w2 /= maxBound = (w1, w2 + 1, 0)
+ | w1 /= maxBound = (w1 + 1, 0, 0)
+ | otherwise = (0, 0, 0)
+-- TODO : finish me
+increment :: Nacl.Nonce -> Nacl.Nonce
+increment arg =
+ fromMaybe undefined
+ $ Nacl.decode
+ $ Serialize.encode w1'
+ <> Serialize.encode w2'
+ <> Serialize.encode w3'
+ where
+ noncebuf = Nacl.encode arg
+ (b1, e3) = BS.splitAt 16 noncebuf
+ (e1, e2) = BS.splitAt 8 b1
+ w3 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e3 :: Word64
+ w2 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e2 :: Word64
+ w1 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e1 :: Word64
+ (w1', w2', w3') = inc (w1, w2, w3)
+-- | TODO: update me for handling multiple encryptions
+newConnState :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text ConnState
+newConnState socket sharedSecrets =
+ ConnState
+ <$> clientToServerKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> serverToClientKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> Right ""
+ <*> Right socket
+newServerConnState :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text ConnState
+newServerConnState socket sharedSecrets =
+ ConnState
+ <$> serverToClientKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> clientToServerKey sharedSecrets
+ <*> clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets
+ <*> Right ""
+ <*> Right socket
+-- TODO: Fix underlying network functions
+-- Send never seems to fail.
+send :: ConnState -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ())
+send state buf = runExceptT (TCP.send (socket state) buf)
+read :: ConnState -> Int -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
+read state 0 = return Nothing
+read state bytes = do
+ buf <- TCP.recv (socket state) bytes
+ case buf of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just buf ->
+ if BS.length buf == bytes
+ then return $ Just buf
+ else fmap (buf <>) <$> read state (bytes - BS.length buf)
+-- TODO: Keep connection terminology tied to peer and local.
+-- Using network terminology such as 'server' can be confusing in other when
+-- functions are used in other contexts.
+connectClient :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> IO (Either Text Conn)
+connectClient socket sharedSecrets = do
+ let state = newConnState socket sharedSecrets
+ case state of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right state -> do
+ rstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ wstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ return . return $ Conn (rstate, wstate)
+connectServer :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> IO (Either Text Conn)
+connectServer socket sharedSecrets = do
+ let state = newServerConnState socket sharedSecrets
+ case state of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right state -> do
+ rstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ wstate <- newTMVarIO state
+ return . return $ Conn (rstate, wstate)
+disconnect :: ConnState -> IO (Either Text ())
+disconnect connState = send connState $ goodBye connState
+-- TODO: Find out how to avoid these stair cases
+ :: ConnState -> Int -> IO (ConnState, Either Text (Maybe ByteString))
+readStream' connState bytes = if BS.length (buffer connState) >= bytes
+ then do
+ let (buf, rem) = BS.splitAt bytes (buffer connState)
+ let connState' = connState { buffer = rem }
+ return (connState', Right (Just buf))
+ else do
+ buf <- withErr errNoHeader <$> read connState headerLength
+ let header' = buf >>= decryptHeader key' nonce'
+ if header' == Right goodByeHeader
+ -- TODO: Error if not enough bytes available
+ then return (connState, return Nothing)
+ else do
+ let bodyLength' = bodyLength <$> (buf >>= decryptHeader key' nonce')
+ case bodyLength' of
+ Left err -> return $ (connState, Left err)
+ Right bodyLength' -> do
+ ePayload <- (withErr errNoBody)
+ <$> read connState (fromIntegral bodyLength')
+ case ePayload of
+ Left err -> return $ (connState, Left err)
+ Right payload ->
+ case
+ decryptMessage key'
+ nonce'
+ (fromRight undefined buf <> payload)
+ of
+ Left err -> return (connState, Left err)
+ Right payload -> readStream'
+ (updateNonce . appendBuffer payload $ connState)
+ bytes
+ where
+ errNoHeader = "could not read header"
+ errNoBody = "could not read body"
+ key' = remoteKey connState
+ nonce' = remoteNonce connState
+ updateNonce connState =
+ connState { remoteNonce = (increment . increment) (remoteNonce connState) }
+ appendBuffer buf connState = connState { buffer = buffer connState <> buf }
+readStream :: Conn -> Int -> IO (Either Text (Maybe ByteString))
+readStream (Conn (mVar, _)) bytes = do
+ state <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar
+ (state', ret) <- readStream' state bytes
+ atomically $ putTMVar mVar state'
+ return ret
+sendStream' :: ConnState -> ByteString -> IO (ConnState, Either Text ())
+sendStream' connState msg = do
+ let eMsg = encryptMessage key' nonce' msg
+ case eMsg of
+ Left err -> return (connState, Left err)
+ Right buf -> do
+ ret <- send connState buf
+ return (updateNonce connState, ret)
+ where
+ key' = key connState
+ nonce' = nonce connState
+ updateNonce connState =
+ connState { nonce = (increment . increment) (nonce connState) }
+sendStream :: Conn -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ())
+sendStream (Conn (_, mVar)) buf = do
+ state <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar
+ (state', ret) <- sendStream' state buf
+ atomically $ putTMVar mVar state'
+ return ret
+-- | authTagLength is the AuthTag size in bytes
+authTagLength = 16
+newtype AuthTag = AuthTag ByteString
+ deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
+instance Serialize.Serialize AuthTag where
+ get = AuthTag <$> Serialize.getByteString authTagLength
+ put (AuthTag buf) = Serialize.putByteString buf
+extractAuthTag :: AuthTag -> ByteString
+extractAuthTag (AuthTag buf) = buf
+-- | Aux functions
+takeMay :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
+takeMay l arg = if BS.length arg <= l then return $ BS.take l arg else Nothing