AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-13[tv2hu] Fix invalid escape sequence on Py3.6Yen Chi Hsuan
2017-04-12improve coding styleRemita Amine
2017-04-12[tv2hu] improve extractionRemita Amine
2017-04-12[tv2hu] Add new extractorVukkk
2017-04-12Credit @SkiTheSlicer for Verizon adobe pass support (#12721)Remita Amine
2017-04-12[generic] exclude urls with xml ext from valid video urls(closes #10768)(clos...Remita Amine
2017-04-12[adobepass] improve comcast and verison login code(closes #10803)Remita Amine
2017-04-12[adobepass] Add Verizon support (#10803)Daniel Twardowski
2017-04-11[youtube] improve m3u8 format extractionRemita Amine
2017-04-12[afreecatv] Fix extraction for videos with different key layout (closes #12718)Sergey M․
2017-04-11[youtube] Remove explicit preference for audio-only and video-only formatsSergey M․
2017-04-11[canalplus] Bypass geo restrictionSergey M․
2017-04-11release 2017.04.112017.04.11Sergey M․
2017-04-11[ChangeLog] ActualizeSergey M․
2017-04-11[afreecatv] Fix extraction (closes #12706)Sergey M․
2017-04-11[generic] Add support for <object> youtube embeds (closes #12637)John Hawkinson
2017-04-11[test_download] Fix testing playlists with single video and add commentsSergey M․
2017-04-10[bbccouk] Treat bitrate as audio+video bitrate in media selectorSergey M․
2017-04-10[bbccouk] Skip unrecognized formats in media selector (#12701)Sergey M․
2017-04-10[bbccouk] Add support for https protocol in media selector (closes #12701)Sergey M․
2017-04-10[curiositystream] fix extraction(closes #12638)Remita Amine
2017-04-09[adn] update subtitle decryption keyRemita Amine
2017-04-09[chaturbate] Fix extraction (closes #12665)Sergey M․
2017-04-09release 2017.04.092017.04.09Sergey M․
2017-04-08[ChangeLog] ActualizeSergey M․
2017-04-08[canvas] Add IE_DESC (closes #12478)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[vrt] Add IE_DESC (closes #12477)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[vier] Add IE_DESCmidas02
2017-04-08[medici] Add extractor (closes #3406)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[rbmaradio] Add support for redbullradio.com URLsSteven Maude
2017-04-08[npo:live] Improve (closes #12555)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[npo:live] Add support for default urlAldo Gunsing
2017-04-08[mixcloud] Fix view count extraction and modernizeSergey M․
2017-04-08[mixcloud:playlist] Relax title extraction and fix description extraction (cl...Sergey M․
2017-04-08[mixcloud:playlist] Fix title extractionKfir Breger
2017-04-08[thesun] Extract playlists (closes #11298, closes #12674)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[TheSun] Add new extractorEntropy
2017-04-08[ceskateleveize:porady] Add extractor (closes #7411, closes #12645)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[ceskateleveize] Improve extraction and remove URL replacement hacksSergey M․
2017-04-08[kaltura] Cleanup regexes from redundant escapingSergey M․
2017-04-08[kaltura] Add support for iframe embedsJohn Hawkinson
2017-04-08[wshh] Extract html5 entries and delegate to generic extractor (closes #12676)Sergey M․
2017-04-08[airmozilla] Fix extraction (closes #12670)Yen Chi Hsuan
2017-04-08[test_download] Remove unused importSergey M․
2017-04-08[test_subtitles] Fix raiplay testSergey M․
2017-04-08[raiplay] Extract subtitlesSergey M․
2017-04-08[test_download] Match info dicts against tests before matching info fileSergey M․
2017-04-08[test_download] typo in commentJohn Hawkinson
2017-04-08[test_download] Improve diagnostic on wrong 'id'John Hawkinson
2017-04-06[xfileshare] Add support for vidlo.us (closes #12660)Sergey M․