AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-29[cnn] Improve regexes and fix testSergey M․
2014-12-29Merge pull request #4543 from akretz/cnn_fixSergey M.
2014-12-29[xxxymovies] new ectractorpeugeot
2014-12-29[hellporno] simplifypeugeot
2014-12-29[bbccouk] Switch to new JSON playlist format (Closes #4588)Sergey M․
2014-12-29[archiveorg] Add test, simplify and modernizeSergey M․
2014-12-29Merge pull request #4590 from derrotebaron/masterSergey M.
2014-12-28[archiveorg] most metadata fields are optionalJohannes Knoedtel
2014-12-28[arte.tv] Fix typoSergey M․
2014-12-28[arte.tv:+7] Make quality optional (Closes #4583)Sergey M․
2014-12-27Merge branch 'peugeot-alphaporno'Sergey M․
2014-12-27[alphaporno] ImproveSergey M․
2014-12-26Merge branch 'alphaporno' of https://github.com/peugeot/youtube-dl into peuge...Sergey M․
2014-12-26Merge branch 'peugeot-eroprofile'Sergey M․
2014-12-26[eroprofile] SimplifySergey M․
2014-12-26Merge branch 'eroprofile' of https://github.com/peugeot/youtube-dl into peuge...Sergey M․
2014-12-26expect_info_dict actual-expected argument consistencySergey M․
2014-12-26[eroprofile] new extractorpeugeot
2014-12-26[alphaporno] new extractorpeugeot
2014-12-26[hellporno] new extractorpeugeot
2014-12-26[sunporno] ModernizeSergey M․
2014-12-26Merge pull request #4568 from peugeot/sunpornoSergey M.
2014-12-26[sunporno] fix durationpeugeot
2014-12-25Credit @MaxReimann for teletask (#4533)Sergey M․
2014-12-25Merge branch 'MaxReimann-teletask'Sergey M․
2014-12-25[teletask] SimplifySergey M․
2014-12-25Merge branch 'teletask' of https://github.com/MaxReimann/youtube-dl into MaxR...Sergey M․
2014-12-25[sohu] Modernize and extract all formats and more metadata (Closes #4409, clo...Sergey M․
2014-12-24[gameone] Extract duration as floatSergey M․
2014-12-24Merge pull request #4553 from tobidope/gameoneSergey M.
2014-12-23[gameone] This fix resolves issue #4552Tobias Bell
2014-12-23[smotri] Skip broken testsSergey M․
2014-12-22[sportdeutschland] Fix extraction (fixes #4544)Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-22[cnn] Add support for articles with videos (fixes #4541)Adrian Kretz
2014-12-22[adobetv] Add extractor (Closes #4536)Sergey M․
2014-12-21Don't write the description file if info_dict['description'] is None (#3166)Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-22[crunchyroll] Add .fr domain (#4537)Sergey M․
2014-12-21[extractor/common] Update docstring: replace FileDownloader with YoutubeDLJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[dbtv] Make sure the 'id' field is a stringJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[telecinco] Rename 'episode' group to 'id' in the _VALID_URL regexJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[internetvideoarchive] Update test's duration fieldJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[rtp] Fix test's id fieldJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[tmz] Fix test's thumbnail fieldJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[nerdcubed] Style fixesJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[yahoo] Update extraction processJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[yahoo] Replace two testsJaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[yahoo] Improve video id detection (fixes #4521)Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz
2014-12-21[teletask] Add new extractorMaxReimann
2014-12-21fix test and remove lengthy descriptionMaxReimann
2014-12-21Add extractor for teletaskMaxReimann