path: root/youtube_dl
diff options
authorRemita Amine <remitamine@gmail.com>2020-01-05 16:32:43 +0100
committerRemita Amine <remitamine@gmail.com>2020-01-05 16:33:21 +0100
commit44b434e4e3c4e64b25363bec1a3ededb7f667d72 (patch)
tree0311d1792664041d4e3d26e603dcabbdfcacdfe0 /youtube_dl
parent484637a9ccede2967a709d2026d29d7b61560e43 (diff)
[vice] improve extraction(closes #23631)
Diffstat (limited to 'youtube_dl')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py b/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py
index 8fdfd743d..e37499512 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py
+++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py
@@ -1,35 +1,50 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
-import time
+import functools
import hashlib
import json
import random
+import re
+import time
from .adobepass import AdobePassIE
-from .youtube import YoutubeIE
from .common import InfoExtractor
+from .youtube import YoutubeIE
from ..compat import (
from ..utils import (
+ clean_html,
+ OnDemandPagedList,
-class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
+class ViceBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
+ def _call_api(self, resource, resource_key, resource_id, locale, fields, args=''):
+ return self._download_json(
+ 'https://video.vice.com/api/v1/graphql', resource_id, query={
+ 'query': '''{
+ %s(locale: "%s", %s: "%s"%s) {
+ %s
+ }
+}''' % (resource, locale, resource_key, resource_id, args, fields),
+ })['data'][resource]
+class ViceIE(ViceBaseIE, AdobePassIE):
IE_NAME = 'vice'
- _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:video|vms)\.vice|(?:www\.)?viceland)\.com/(?P<locale>[^/]+)/(?:video/[^/]+|embed)/(?P<id>[\da-f]+)'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:video|vms)\.vice|(?:www\.)?vice(?:land|tv))\.com/(?P<locale>[^/]+)/(?:video/[^/]+|embed)/(?P<id>[\da-f]{24})'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/pet-cremator/58c69e38a55424f1227dc3f7',
'info_dict': {
- 'id': '5e647f0125e145c9aef2069412c0cbde',
+ 'id': '58c69e38a55424f1227dc3f7',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': '10 Questions You Always Wanted To Ask: Pet Cremator',
'description': 'md5:fe856caacf61fe0e74fab15ce2b07ca5',
@@ -43,17 +58,16 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
# m3u8 download
'skip_download': True,
- 'add_ie': ['UplynkPreplay'],
}, {
# geo restricted to US
'url': 'https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/the-signal-from-tolva/5816510690b70e6c5fd39a56',
'info_dict': {
- 'id': '930c0ad1f47141cc955087eecaddb0e2',
+ 'id': '5816510690b70e6c5fd39a56',
'ext': 'mp4',
- 'uploader': 'waypoint',
+ 'uploader': 'vice',
'title': 'The Signal From Tölva',
'description': 'md5:3927e3c79f9e8094606a2b3c5b5e55d5',
- 'uploader_id': '57f7d621e05ca860fa9ccaf9',
+ 'uploader_id': '57a204088cb727dec794c67b',
'timestamp': 1477941983,
'upload_date': '20161031',
@@ -61,15 +75,14 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
# m3u8 download
'skip_download': True,
- 'add_ie': ['UplynkPreplay'],
}, {
'url': 'https://video.vice.com/alps/video/ulfs-wien-beruchtigste-grafitti-crew-part-1/581b12b60a0e1f4c0fb6ea2f',
'info_dict': {
'id': '581b12b60a0e1f4c0fb6ea2f',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'ULFs - Wien berüchtigste Grafitti Crew - Part 1',
- 'description': '<p>Zwischen Hinterzimmer-Tattoos und U-Bahnschächten erzählen uns die Ulfs, wie es ist, "süchtig nach Sachbeschädigung" zu sein.</p>',
- 'uploader': 'VICE',
+ 'description': 'Zwischen Hinterzimmer-Tattoos und U-Bahnschächten erzählen uns die Ulfs, wie es ist, "süchtig nach Sachbeschädigung" zu sein.',
+ 'uploader': 'vice',
'uploader_id': '57a204088cb727dec794c67b',
'timestamp': 1485368119,
'upload_date': '20170125',
@@ -78,9 +91,7 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
'params': {
# AES-encrypted m3u8
'skip_download': True,
- 'proxy': '',
- 'add_ie': ['UplynkPreplay'],
}, {
'url': 'https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/pizza-show-trailer/56d8c9a54d286ed92f7f30e4',
'only_matching': True,
@@ -98,7 +109,7 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
def _extract_urls(webpage):
return re.findall(
- r'<iframe\b[^>]+\bsrc=["\']((?:https?:)?//video\.vice\.com/[^/]+/embed/[\da-f]+)',
+ r'<iframe\b[^>]+\bsrc=["\']((?:https?:)?//video\.vice\.com/[^/]+/embed/[\da-f]{24})',
@@ -109,31 +120,16 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
def _real_extract(self, url):
locale, video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
- webpage = self._download_webpage(
- 'https://video.vice.com/%s/embed/%s' % (locale, video_id),
- video_id)
- video = self._parse_json(
- self._search_regex(
- r'PREFETCH_DATA\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;\s*\n', webpage,
- 'app state'), video_id)['video']
- video_id = video.get('vms_id') or video.get('id') or video_id
- title = video['title']
- is_locked = video.get('locked')
+ video = self._call_api('videos', 'id', video_id, locale, '''body
+ locked
+ rating
+ thumbnail_url
+ title''')[0]
+ title = video['title'].strip()
rating = video.get('rating')
- thumbnail = video.get('thumbnail_url')
- duration = int_or_none(video.get('duration'))
- series = try_get(
- video, lambda x: x['episode']['season']['show']['title'],
- compat_str)
- episode_number = try_get(
- video, lambda x: x['episode']['episode_number'])
- season_number = try_get(
- video, lambda x: x['episode']['season']['season_number'])
- uploader = None
query = {}
- if is_locked:
+ if video.get('locked'):
resource = self._get_mvpd_resource(
'VICELAND', title, video_id, rating)
query['tvetoken'] = self._extract_mvpd_auth(
@@ -148,12 +144,9 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
'exp': exp,
'sign': hashlib.sha512(('%s:GET:%d' % (video_id, exp)).encode()).hexdigest(),
- '_ad_blocked': None,
- '_ad_unit': '',
- '_debug': '',
+ 'skipadstitching': 1,
'platform': 'desktop',
'rn': random.randint(10000, 100000),
- 'fbprebidtoken': '',
@@ -169,85 +162,94 @@ class ViceIE(AdobePassIE):
video_data = preplay['video']
- base = video_data['base']
- uplynk_preplay_url = preplay['preplayURL']
- episode = video_data.get('episode', {})
- channel = video_data.get('channel', {})
+ formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
+ preplay['playURL'], video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native')
+ self._sort_formats(formats)
+ episode = video_data.get('episode') or {}
+ channel = video_data.get('channel') or {}
+ season = video_data.get('season') or {}
subtitles = {}
- cc_url = preplay.get('ccURL')
- if cc_url:
- subtitles['en'] = [{
+ for subtitle in preplay.get('subtitleURLs', []):
+ cc_url = subtitle.get('url')
+ if not cc_url:
+ continue
+ language_code = try_get(subtitle, lambda x: x['languages'][0]['language_code'], compat_str) or 'en'
+ subtitles.setdefault(language_code, []).append({
'url': cc_url,
- }]
+ })
return {
- '_type': 'url_transparent',
- 'url': uplynk_preplay_url,
+ 'formats': formats,
'id': video_id,
'title': title,
- 'description': base.get('body') or base.get('display_body'),
- 'thumbnail': thumbnail,
- 'duration': int_or_none(video_data.get('video_duration')) or duration,
+ 'description': clean_html(video.get('body')),
+ 'thumbnail': video.get('thumbnail_url'),
+ 'duration': int_or_none(video_data.get('video_duration')),
'timestamp': int_or_none(video_data.get('created_at'), 1000),
- 'age_limit': parse_age_limit(video_data.get('video_rating')),
- 'series': video_data.get('show_title') or series,
- 'episode_number': int_or_none(episode.get('episode_number') or episode_number),
+ 'age_limit': parse_age_limit(video_data.get('video_rating') or rating),
+ 'series': try_get(video_data, lambda x: x['show']['base']['display_title'], compat_str),
+ 'episode_number': int_or_none(episode.get('episode_number')),
'episode_id': str_or_none(episode.get('id') or video_data.get('episode_id')),
- 'season_number': int_or_none(season_number),
- 'season_id': str_or_none(episode.get('season_id')),
- 'uploader': channel.get('base', {}).get('title') or channel.get('name') or uploader,
+ 'season_number': int_or_none(season.get('season_number')),
+ 'season_id': str_or_none(season.get('id') or video_data.get('season_id')),
+ 'uploader': channel.get('name'),
'uploader_id': str_or_none(channel.get('id')),
'subtitles': subtitles,
- 'ie_key': 'UplynkPreplay',
-class ViceShowIE(InfoExtractor):
+class ViceShowIE(ViceBaseIE):
IE_NAME = 'vice:show'
- _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:.+?\.)?vice\.com/(?:[^/]+/)?show/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
- _TEST = {
- 'url': 'https://munchies.vice.com/en/show/fuck-thats-delicious-2',
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:video\.vice|(?:www\.)?vice(?:land|tv))\.com/(?P<locale>[^/]+)/show/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
+ _PAGE_SIZE = 25
+ _TESTS = [{
+ 'url': 'https://video.vice.com/en_us/show/fck-thats-delicious',
'info_dict': {
- 'id': 'fuck-thats-delicious-2',
- 'title': "Fuck, That's Delicious",
- 'description': 'Follow the culinary adventures of rapper Action Bronson during his ongoing world tour.',
+ 'id': '57a2040c8cb727dec794c901',
+ 'title': 'F*ck, That’s Delicious',
+ 'description': 'The life and eating habits of rap’s greatest bon vivant, Action Bronson.',
- 'playlist_count': 17,
- }
+ 'playlist_mincount': 64,
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'https://www.vicetv.com/en_us/show/fck-thats-delicious',
+ 'only_matching': True,
+ }]
- def _real_extract(self, url):
- show_id = self._match_id(url)
- webpage = self._download_webpage(url, show_id)
+ def _fetch_page(self, locale, show_id, page):
+ videos = self._call_api('videos', 'show_id', show_id, locale, '''body
+ id
+ url''', ', page: %d, per_page: %d' % (page + 1, self._PAGE_SIZE))
+ for video in videos:
+ yield self.url_result(
+ video['url'], ViceIE.ie_key(), video.get('id'))
- entries = [
- self.url_result(video_url, ViceIE.ie_key())
- for video_url, _ in re.findall(
- r'<h2[^>]+class="article-title"[^>]+data-id="\d+"[^>]*>\s*<a[^>]+href="(%s.*?)"'
- % ViceIE._VALID_URL, webpage)]
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ locale, display_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
+ show = self._call_api('shows', 'slug', display_id, locale, '''dek
+ id
+ title''')[0]
+ show_id = show['id']
- title = self._search_regex(
- r'<title>(.+?)</title>', webpage, 'title', default=None)
- if title:
- title = re.sub(r'(.+)\s*\|\s*.+$', r'\1', title).strip()
- description = self._html_search_meta(
- 'description', webpage, 'description')
+ entries = OnDemandPagedList(
+ functools.partial(self._fetch_page, locale, show_id),
+ self._PAGE_SIZE)
- return self.playlist_result(entries, show_id, title, description)
+ return self.playlist_result(
+ entries, show_id, show.get('title'), show.get('dek'))
-class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
+class ViceArticleIE(ViceBaseIE):
IE_NAME = 'vice:article'
- _VALID_URL = r'https://www\.vice\.com/[^/]+/article/(?P<id>[^?#]+)'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https://(?:www\.)?vice\.com/(?P<locale>[^/]+)/article/(?:[0-9a-z]{6}/)?(?P<id>[^?#]+)'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/on-set-with-the-woman-making-mormon-porn-in-utah',
'info_dict': {
- 'id': '41eae2a47b174a1398357cec55f1f6fc',
+ 'id': '58dc0a3dee202d2a0ccfcbd8',
'ext': 'mp4',
- 'title': 'Mormon War on Porn ',
- 'description': 'md5:6394a8398506581d0346b9ab89093fef',
+ 'title': 'Mormon War on Porn',
+ 'description': 'md5:1c5d91fe25fa8aa304f9def118b92dbf',
'uploader': 'vice',
'uploader_id': '57a204088cb727dec794c67b',
'timestamp': 1491883129,
@@ -258,10 +260,10 @@ class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
# AES-encrypted m3u8
'skip_download': True,
- 'add_ie': ['UplynkPreplay'],
+ 'add_ie': [ViceIE.ie_key()],
}, {
'url': 'https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/how-to-hack-a-car',
- 'md5': '7fe8ebc4fa3323efafc127b82bd821d9',
+ 'md5': '13010ee0bc694ea87ec40724397c2349',
'info_dict': {
'id': '3jstaBeXgAs',
'ext': 'mp4',
@@ -271,15 +273,15 @@ class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
'uploader_id': 'MotherboardTV',
'upload_date': '20140529',
- 'add_ie': ['Youtube'],
+ 'add_ie': [YoutubeIE.ie_key()],
}, {
'url': 'https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/znm9dx/karley-sciortino-slutever-reloaded',
'md5': 'a7ecf64ee4fa19b916c16f4b56184ae2',
'info_dict': {
- 'id': 'e2ed435eb67e43efb66e6ef9a6930a88',
+ 'id': '57f41d3556a0a80f54726060',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': "Making The World's First Male Sex Doll",
- 'description': 'md5:916078ef0e032d76343116208b6cc2c4',
+ 'description': 'md5:19b00b215b99961cf869c40fbe9df755',
'uploader': 'vice',
'uploader_id': '57a204088cb727dec794c67b',
'timestamp': 1476919911,
@@ -288,6 +290,7 @@ class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
+ 'format': 'bestvideo',
'add_ie': [ViceIE.ie_key()],
}, {
@@ -299,14 +302,11 @@ class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
def _real_extract(self, url):
- display_id = self._match_id(url)
- webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
+ locale, display_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
- prefetch_data = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
- r'__APP_STATE\s*=\s*({.+?})(?:\s*\|\|\s*{}\s*)?;\s*\n',
- webpage, 'app state'), display_id)['pageData']
- body = prefetch_data['body']
+ article = self._call_api('articles', 'slug', display_id, locale, '''body
+ embed_code''')[0]
+ body = article['body']
def _url_res(video_url, ie_key):
return {
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
'ie_key': ie_key,
- vice_url = ViceIE._extract_url(webpage)
+ vice_url = ViceIE._extract_url(body)
if vice_url:
return _url_res(vice_url, ViceIE.ie_key())
@@ -332,6 +332,6 @@ class ViceArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
video_url = self._html_search_regex(
- prefetch_data['embed_code'], 'video URL')
+ article['embed_code'], 'video URL')
return _url_res(video_url, ViceIE.ie_key())