path: root/addons/webinterface.default/lang/_strings/en.json
blob: d4dafef0c52051c6e2007299ddc508406997628a (plain)
{"domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en"},"Nothing playing":["Nothing playing"],"Deselect all":["Deselect all"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Sort":["Sort"],"Select a filter":["Select a filter"],"Select an option":["Select an option"],"filter":["filter"],"Add filter":["Add filter"],"Which player to start with":["Which player to start with"],"Ignore terms such as 'The' and 'A' when sorting lists":["Ignore terms such as 'The' and 'A' when sorting lists"],"When listing artists should we only see artists with albums or all artists found. Warning: turning this off can impact performance with large libraries":["When listing artists should we only see artists with albums or all artists found. Warning: turning this off can impact performance with large libraries"],"is the default":["is the default"],"The hostname used for websockets connection. Set to 'auto' to use the current hostname.":["The hostname used for websockets connection. Set to 'auto' to use the current hostname."],"How often do I poll for updates from Kodi (Only applies when websockets inactive)":["How often do I poll for updates from Kodi (Only applies when websockets inactive)"],"Enable support for reverse proxy.":["Enable support for reverse proxy."],"Web settings saved.":["Web settings saved."],"Just a sec...":["Just a sec..."],"Unable to communicate with Kodi in a long time. I think it's dead Jim!":["Unable to communicate with Kodi in a long time. I think it's dead Jim!"],"Video library scan started":["Video library scan started"],"Video library scan complete":["Video library scan complete"],"Audio library scan started":["Audio library scan started"],"Audio library scan complete":["Audio library scan complete"],"Kodi has quit":["Kodi has quit"],"Sections":["Sections"],"Back":["Back"],"Loading folder...":["Loading folder..."],"Show more":["Show more"],"to Kodi":["to Kodi"],"Playlist refreshed":["Playlist refreshed"],"Kodi":["Kodi"],"Local":["Local"],"Playlists":["Playlists"],"Existing playlists":["Existing playlists"],"Empty playlist, you should probably add something to it?":["Empty playlist, you should probably add something to it?"],"Create a new list":["Create a new list"],"Add to playlist":["Add to playlist"],"Added to your playlist":["Added to your playlist"],"Give your playlist a name":["Give your playlist a name"],"Recently added":["Recently added"],"Recently played":["Recently played"],"Season":["Season"],"Episode":["Episode"],"Play":["Play"],"Queue":["Queue"],"View on IMDb":["View on IMDb"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Download":["Download"],"complete":["complete"],"Synopsis":["Synopsis"],"Full cast":["Full cast"],"Websockets closed":["Websockets closed"],"Websockets host":["Websockets host"],"Websockets port":["Websockets port"],"Default player":["Default player"],"Ignore article":["Ignore article"],"Album artists only":["Album artists only"],"Poll interval":["Poll interval"],"Reverse proxy support":["Reverse proxy support"],"Language":["Language"],"Preferred language":["Preferred language"],"Ignore articles (terms such as \"The\" and \"A\") when sorting lists":["Ignore articles (terms such as \"The\" and \"A\") when sorting lists"],"sec":["sec"],"Your browser doesn't support websockets! Get with the times and update your browser.":["Your browser doesn't support websockets! Get with the times and update your browser."],"Failed to connect to websockets":["Failed to connect to websockets, so I am falling back to polling for updates. Which makes things slower and uses more resources. Please ensure you have 'Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi' ENABLED in the Kodi settings (System > Services > Remote control). You may also get this if you are using proxies or accessing via an IP address when localhost will suffice. If websockets normally works, you might just need to refresh your browser."],"Video":["Video"],"Audio":["Audio"],"Cast":["Cast"],"Director":["Director","Directors"],"Writer":["Writer","Writers"],"Subtitle":["Subtitle","Subtitles"],"Result":["Result","Results"],"Loading things...":["Loading things..."],"Scan video library":["Scan video library"],"Scan audio library":["Scan audio library"],"About Chorus":["About Chorus"],"Recent":["Recent"],"Artists":["Artists"],"Albums":["Albums"],"Recent movies":["Recent movies"],"All movies":["All movies"],"Recent episodes":["Recent episodes"],"All TV shows":["All TV shows"],"Web settings":["Web settings"],"Kodi settings":["Kodi settings"],"Now Playing Playlists":["Now Playing Playlists"],"Switch between Kodi and local playback via the tabs. You can toggle visibility with the arrow in the top right":["Switch between Kodi and local playback via the tabs. 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Use at own risk."],"Saved Kodi settings":["Saved Kodi settings"],"General":["General"],"Advanced setting level is recommended for those who know what they are doing.":["Advanced setting level is recommended for those who know what they are doing."],"Kodi settings level":["Kodi settings level"],"Remove":["Remove"],"cast":["cast"],"Add-ons":["Add-ons"],"Web interface":["Web interface"],"Readme":["Readme"],"Changelog":["Changelog"],"Translations":["Translations"],"Help topics":["Help topics"],"Overview":["Overview"],"Lab":["Lab"],"version":["version"],"Remote control":["Remote control"],"Remote control is set up correctly":["Remote control is set up correctly"],"About":["About"],"Local audio":["Local audio"],"Status report":["Status report"],"in":["in"],"Focus playlist on playing":["Focus playlist on playing"],"Automatically scroll the playlist to the current playing item. This happens whenever the playing item is changed":["Automatically scroll the playlist to the current playing item. 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You can also remove, re-order and add new items."],"Main Nav":["Main Nav"],"Add a new playlist":["Add a new playlist"],"Keyboard":["Keyboard"],"Music":["Music"],"Digital radio":["Digital radio"],"Movies":["Movies"],"TV shows":["TV shows"],"TV":["TV"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Thumbs up":["Thumbs up"],"Settings":["Settings"],"Help":["Help"],"Disable Thumbs Up":["Disable Thumbs Up"],"Remove the thumbs up button from media. Note: you may also want to remove the menu item from the %1$s":["Remove the thumbs up button from media. Note: you may also want to remove the menu item from the %1$s"],"You need to 'Allow remote control' for Kodi. You can do that":["You need to 'Allow remote control' for Kodi. 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See the %1$s for more information."],"Add-ons help page":["Add-ons help page"],"No %1$s found":["No %1$s found"],"results":["results"],"EPG data":["EPG data"],"PVR":["PVR"],"Recordings":["Recordings"],"Channel recording toggled":["Channel recording toggled"],"TV Channels":["TV Channels"],"Radio Stations":["Radio Stations"],"Record":["Record"],"Toggle timer":["Toggle timer"],"Now":["Now"],"Rename playlist":["Rename playlist"],"album":["album"],"Videos":["Videos"],"Lost connection to Kodi":["Lost connection to Kodi"],"Attempt to reconnect":["Attempt to reconnect"],"Attempting reconnect":["Attempting reconnect"],"Top Songs":["Top Songs"],"Top Albums":["Top Albums"],"Toggle select all":["Toggle select all"],"More like this":["More like this"],"music videos":["music videos"],"Related music videos from YouTube":["Related music videos from YouTube"],"Lost websocket connection":["Lost websocket connection"],"Attempting websockets reconnect":["Attempting websockets reconnect"],"This should be the play path for the trailer. 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