C-Pluff source code repository


Subversion is a free revision control system with many available free clients and tools. C-Pluff source code, documentation and web site material is stored in a Subversion repository. The repository with all the material and history dating back to the origins of C-Pluff is available here. This is a live repository being updated in real time as new changes are committed. The source code in the trunk is work in progress. For released versions, see the tag directory.

Subversion DAV interface

The Subversion DAV interface for the repository can be accessed at the following URL.


This interface is intended for Subversion aware tools (see the next section for a browsable interface). Check the Wikipedia page for Subversion for a list of available clients and other tools.

Browsable interface and RSS feeds

A browsable interface is also available based on WebSVN. This provides an easy way to browse versioned material, change logs and differences between versions. It also provides RSS feeds which can be used to subscribe to source code changes.