Download C-Pluff
Source code distribution
You can download the source code distribution here. It is currently known to compile on Linux with GCC and MinGW (for Windows cross-compilation).
- cpluff-0.1.3.tar.gz (736 KiB, Apr 6 2007, PGP signature)
- cpluff-0.1.2.tar.gz (720 KiB, Mar 28 2007, PGP signature)
- cpluff-0.1.1.tar.gz (680 KiB, Mar 18 2007, PGP signature)
- cpluff-0.1.0.tar.gz (600 KiB, Mar 8 2007, PGP signature)
The change log and the roadmap are available separately.
Precompiled binaries
Here are the binary distributions currently available. If you would like to have precompiled binaries for some other platform, you can ask for it on the users mailing list and we will see if that can be arranged.
Debian GNU/Linux
Precompiled binaries are currently available for the i386 architecture. C-Pluff is divided into three separate binary packages and the debianized source package:
- cpluff
- the debianized source package
- libcpluff0
- the runtime library and locale data
- cpluff-loader
- C-Pluff Loader, a generic plug-in loader
- libcpluff0-dev
- the development library, header files, documentation, example source code and C-Pluff Console
To be able to install the packages, add the following source specification into /etc/apt/sources.list.
deb stable cpluff deb-src stable cpluff
You can replace "stable" with "testing", "sarge" or "etch". Currently there is only one set of binaries which can be used with any of the listed Debian releases (not tested with unstable or experimental). The second line is needed only if you want to download the debianized source package.
Then run "aptitude update" as root and install selected packages using "aptitude install <package>" (or the interactive user interface). The source package is downloaded by running "apt-get source cpluff".
APT checks signatures since Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch). The C-Pluff distribution has been signed with my PGP key. If you verify the key and choose to trust me as a software provider (yeah, right ;), you can install the key as a trusted APT key by downloading it and using the command "apt-key add gpg_johannes_lehtinen.asc".
MinGW cross-compilation on Debian GNU/Linux
Precompiled binaries are available also for MinGW cross-compilation environment on Debian GNU/Linux. Binaries (and sources) for third party dependencies are also provided. These can be used on Debian GNU/Linux to cross-compile C-Pluff based applications for Windows. The Windows binary distribution (see below) is based on these binaries.
- cpluff-mingw
- C-Pluff runtime library, binaries and other material
- cpluff-examples-mingw
- C-Pluff example application binaries
- expat-mingw
- Expat XML parser library runtime library and headers
- libltdl-mingw
- GNU Libtool libltdl runtime library and headers
- gettext-runtime-mingw
- GNU Gettext runtime binaries and headers
To be able to install the packages, add the following source specification into /etc/apt/sources.list. Notice, although these packages are placed in the i386 section, they are actually architecture independent as they target the host platform, i586-mingw32msvc.
deb stable cpluff 3rdparty deb-src stable cpluff 3rdparty
Microsoft Windows
These precompiled binaries are for Microsoft Windows. Download one or more zip files and extract them to the same location. The following describes the ZIP file naming conventions.
- C-Pluff runtime library, binaries and other material together with third party binary dependencies (this is a union of the following two packages, so you only need this one or the next two packages)
- C-Pluff runtime library, binaries and other material
- third party binary dependencies
- C-Pluff example application binaries
Download selected packages here.
- C-Pluff 0.1.3 (Apr 6 2007)
- (1768 KiB, PGP signature)
- (700 KiB, PGP signature)
- (1076 KiB, PGP signature)
- (336 KiB, PGP signature)