path: root/tools/depends/native/ldid/Makefile
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-12-29tools/depends: make the hash file an order only prerequisiteLukas Rusak
this fixes an issue when rebuilding the dependencies that if a target is already built it doesn't get rebuilt ref: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Prerequisite-Types.html
2022-02-07[depends] add tarball hash checkingwsnipex
2020-10-07[tools/depends] Bump ldid to 2.1.2-b462a92Sylvain CECCHETTO
This version add support to iOS 14 devices. See https://github.com/sbingner/ldid/pull/2
2020-02-27[ios] set minimum ios version to 11.0 and cleanup dependenciesphunkyfish
2019-05-28[depends] remove superfluous -native directory postfixRechi